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View Full Version : H2V .ASS Exporter for Max 2012?

August 12th, 2011, 03:46 AM
I've searched the forums, and the magical internet, and have yet to find an answer. When I run the script in 2012 I get this error:

--No ""get"" function for undefined

And this piece of code is highlighted.

face_shader_index[f] = (findItem materialsobjs[j].material[matID])

TBH. I wish this plugin worked for Maya (Which I'm more familiar with, and my FBX imports to Max from Maya look terrible)

Also, I know everyone hates this game, and think I'd be better of with H:CE, but I'd like to do this for H2v

Thanks for the help.

August 12th, 2011, 08:24 AM
IMO you will have less problems if you stick with 3DS Max 8. Those scripts do not work with complex models or even basic models (sometimes) without spitting out errors.

Have you successfully exported and compiled a map using this script or is this your first attempt?

August 12th, 2011, 10:46 AM
I think it was said when H2V first came out that the script does not work on any version above 3ds Max 8. Sorry, get 3ds max 8 or make your own exporter I guess. vOv

August 12th, 2011, 06:57 PM
IMO you will have less problems if you stick with 3DS Max 8. Those scripts do not work with complex models or even basic models (sometimes) without spitting out errors.

Have you successfully exported and compiled a map using this script or is this your first attempt?

This is my first time attempting to export.

I think it was said when H2V first came out that the script does not work on any version above 3ds Max 8. Sorry, get 3ds max 8 or make your own exporter I guess. vOv

I'm using the BlueStreak exporter which I thought would work on anything 6+

November 23rd, 2011, 11:30 PM
I had that exact same problem, I don't remember the exact fix but it has to do with what you have selected in max as you run the script. try unselecting the b_levelroot or converting to editable poly. maske sure everything is linked to the root./

November 24th, 2011, 05:08 PM
Does anyone know if .ASS works with Max 9 or 10 (since both are so close to 8)?

November 25th, 2011, 02:54 PM
No, for H2V exportation to a .ass file; 3DS Max 8 is always the best choice.

I thought I did read about someone getting the plugin to work with a newer version but either they were talking about the script not the plugin or I dunno perhaps it is possible, if so hopefully they will chime in here.

November 25th, 2011, 06:06 PM
No, for H2V exportation to a .ass file; 3DS Max 8 is always the best choice.

I thought I did read about someone getting the plugin to work with a newer version but either they were talking about the script not the plugin or I dunno perhaps it is possible, if so hopefully they will chime in here.
Reason why I'm saying it'd be possible for 9 and maybe 10 is because there are little to no differences between the three; they still follow the traditional 3ds Max mold. 2011 and 2012 begin the weirdness.....