View Full Version : Bungie employee makes citizen's arrest.
August 12th, 2011, 01:33 PM
Jeff Fletcher, an IT guy from Halo creators Bungie, pulled into the parking lot of a US Bank branch in Skyway, Seattle last week. He then saw two guys start shooting each other. What happens next is awesome.
Kotaku (
August 12th, 2011, 01:38 PM
Well played.
August 12th, 2011, 01:49 PM
Yes great effort and well done, he has some balls and skills to pull it off and I admire that - but it could have ended so so ugly.
Also he pulled into a US bank parking lot, with a loaded gun and was he planning?
August 12th, 2011, 01:52 PM
he has a permit to carry concealed, im sure he just carries the gun around with him.
August 12th, 2011, 02:08 PM
he has a permit to carry concealed, im sure he just carries the gun around with him.
This. He's also from Bungie. The fact that he carries a concealed weapon AND handcuffs doesn't remotely surprise me at all.
August 12th, 2011, 02:10 PM
I still find it mad people can carry a weapon. What happens if someone saw it (someone) and FREAKED out. That said he was lucky it didnt end bad, he guy already shot someone.
August 12th, 2011, 02:38 PM
You forget this is America, everyone and their grandmother own a firearm.
August 12th, 2011, 02:43 PM
I still find it mad people can carry a weapon. What happens if someone saw it (someone) and FREAKED out. That said he was lucky it didnt end bad, he guy already shot someone.
Then the police come when they are called, check credentials, and then let it alone while explaining it to the one freaking out since there is no law breaking.
Ninja'd by Teek. Fun sentiment, but there are actually a lot of people who freak out seeing a gun in the USA. One of the results of the ongoing neutering of the country.
August 12th, 2011, 02:59 PM
Yes great effort and well done, he has some balls and skills to pull it off and I admire that - but it could have ended so so ugly.
Also he pulled into a US bank parking lot, with a loaded gun and was he planning?
What's he supposed to do? Drop all his firearms out the window on the road before he pulls in? It's against federal law to enter a federally protected building with a firearm, not the parking lot. If he was like all other law abiding permit carriers, he was planning to pull in, secure his firearm out of sight, and make a deposit. Instead, shots fired in his vicinity with a man down and he was under a different set of rules.
I still find it mad people can carry a weapon. What happens if someone saw it (someone) and FREAKED out. That said he was lucky it didnt end bad, he guy already shot someone.
This is the problem with your country (and to some extent continent). Weapons don't hurt people; people and people with weapons hurt people. Britain may have some of the strictest firearm policies in the world, but it still has one of the highest violent crime rates per capita in the world. People who are going to break the law will do so even if there's a sticker on the door saying no firearms allowed inside. I personally find it mad that people can legally man multi-tonne ballistic missiles at 71% competency through testing to commute in their every day lives, but no one seems to have a problem with it. You can easily kill someone with a car, so why let people use them if they can't operate them with 100% accurate knowledge of the laws pertaining to them? Even so, after these violent riots what does your prime minister want to ban? Social media? Wouldn't do a thing as people would just do what they've always done the last 800 years of riots and revolutions: shout and point. Cutting out everyone's tongues and chopping off fingers would actually be something that would prevent people from plotting violence effectively. Wonder why that hasn't been considered....
In America, if you carry concealed with a permit, you have responsibilities you must take care of to keep yourself and others safe. To get a permit, you don't just fill out a sheet of paper and get a card handed to you like at the library; there's about 8 hours of training and a shooting competency test you must go through and pass (varies by state). It's not that every madman carries a gun with them, it's that we're ready for when some madman tries to pull some sort of shit putting us in danger. If you have a permit and you break a law, you're just as guilty if you don't have the permit and guilty of more things in some cases.
The Bungie guy didn't have to do anything, but he did. In doing so, he showed responsible actions in line with the law.
Ah, looks like he was going to an ATM after hours. Watch the video for a better perspective on what happened.
August 12th, 2011, 03:01 PM
"to carry a long gun you do not have to have a license to carry as long as you are not prohibited from owning a firearm. To carry a handgun openly or concealed in the state of Georgia (other than on your property or inside your home, car, or your place of business), you must have a Georgia Weapons Carry License (or the older Georgia Firearm License) issued under code 16-11-129 (§ion=129). To carry a knife designed for offense with a blade over 5 inches you must have a Georgia Weapons Carry License (or the older Georgia Firearm License) issued under code 16-11-129 (§ion=129)."
Short version here in Georgia.
August 12th, 2011, 03:18 PM
Pretty neat, especially since it's a Bungie emloyee.
August 12th, 2011, 04:26 PM
If you support concealed carry laws you are insane, well cya.
August 12th, 2011, 04:33 PM
I don't give a shit if I'm not an admin anymore, can we not turn this into yet another firearm law pissing match thread?
August 12th, 2011, 07:31 PM
I still find it mad people can carry a weapon. What happens if someone saw it (someone) and FREAKED out. That said he was lucky it didnt end bad, he guy already shot someone.
This is America and we have these things called rights here.
August 12th, 2011, 08:16 PM
I support legally carrying concealed weapons. Why? Because of the situation the Bungie employee found himself in. Every single country on the planet is filled with various criminals who are illegally carrying weapons. For the safety of the people (like CN3089), we need people with a clear head who can make intelligent decisions to carry firearms.
Say whatever you want, but because that Bungie employee was allowed to legally carry a firearm, a criminal is now in jail and another man's life was saved.
I thought that a community filled with FPS fanatics would have a little more sympathy towards guns.
August 12th, 2011, 10:21 PM
You forget this is America, everyone and their grandmother own a firearm.
lol, I have had my own personal gun since 14
Also I have only a curiosity to why he would carry handcuffs for no reason. I'm not saying it's bad just it's kinda odd.
August 12th, 2011, 10:23 PM
I'm not even joking. I've seen old women toting shotguns in Aiken, SC.
August 12th, 2011, 10:45 PM
lol, I have had my own personal gun since 14
Also I have only a curiosity to why he would carry handcuffs for no reason. I'm not saying it's bad just it's kinda odd.
Umm, it was part of his carry? Carry permits aren't just so you can shoot at whatever, they're so you can defend yourself. When I'm on the farm, I carry zip ties (think cable bundling) in my holster. If need be, I'll hog tie someone up with them to keep them down. It'd be more difficult than a pair of cuffs, but you can keep a large amount of them on you and use them in the field for whatever. You can't exactly legally shoot someone when they're running away from you after subduing them and it's better than sitting on someone.
August 13th, 2011, 09:25 AM
He said he carried the handcuffs because they were his father's, who was a policeman. There's nothing weird about that, at all.
August 13th, 2011, 09:39 AM
I carry an M16A2 around all day. Nothing wrong with that... I carried a M16A4 around for a few weeks a few months ago, and before that I carried an M4... just a normal day for me.
Amerika Fuck Yearrrr
(Working on my M9 qualifications... but meh)
August 13th, 2011, 10:14 AM
Woah, relax everyone, I was just saying to me, it seems weird. I'm just not used to it.
Then again, I lived in a place where you could leave your front door unlocked and not worry about anything.
August 13th, 2011, 12:29 PM
Woah, relax everyone, I was just saying to me, it seems weird. I'm just not used to it.
Then again, I lived in a place where you could leave your front door unlocked and not worry about anything.
igloos don't have front doors :v:
August 13th, 2011, 01:13 PM
oh shit ^ :lmao:
August 14th, 2011, 01:52 PM
Woah, relax everyone, I was just saying to me, it seems weird. I'm just not used to it.
Then again, I lived in a place where you could leave your front door unlocked and not worry about anything.
You mean that place that just had all those riots and shit? Um... k....
August 14th, 2011, 03:11 PM
I want to America about 2 months ago, more precisely, Chicago. I couldn't even leave the trunk open with it being undersupervised because people were telling me I would have my shit stolen. I was over at my fathers friends house and he had locks on the inside AND outside (Both locked at all times unless going out or in). He was living near downtown too, so its not like he was in a bad neighborhood (I can vouch for that as I saw other parts that looked like you would be mugged at any minute) . Haha.
Here in Canada on the other hand, there are things that happen yes... but I leave the front door open, the back door, and sometimes the windows in the living room open for fresh air. When ventiliating the car after I clean it, I leave all the windows open.
Do I feel insecure when doing so? No.
August 14th, 2011, 03:18 PM
Woah, relax everyone, I was just saying to me, it seems weird. I'm just not used to it.
Then again, I lived in a place where you could leave your front door unlocked and not worry about anything.
E: god dammit nero
August 14th, 2011, 03:25 PM
I want to America about 2 months ago, more precisely, Chicago. I couldn't even leave the trunk open with it being undersupervised because people were telling me I would have my shit stolen. I was over at my fathers friends house and he had locks on the inside AND outside (Both locked at all times unless going out or in). He was living near downtown too, so its not like he was in a bad neighborhood (I can vouch for that as I saw other parts that looked like you would be mugged at any minute) . Haha.
Here in Canada on the other hand, there are things that happen yes... but I leave the front door open, the back door, and sometimes the windows in the living room open for fresh air. When ventiliating the car after I clean it, I leave all the windows open.
Do I feel insecure when doing so? No.
Yeah, thats a city though. I don't lock my doors. No biggie where I live.
August 14th, 2011, 03:27 PM
Uh 85% of the people I know leave some kind of door open to their house. Not to mention 2 neighbors have keys to our house.
Then again this topic is not about keys :X
August 14th, 2011, 03:52 PM
ITT american propaganda.
Rainbow Dash
August 14th, 2011, 04:33 PM
Uh 85% of the people I know leave some kind of door open to their house. Not to mention 2 neighbors have keys to our house.
Then again this topic is not about keys :X
Or about countries far superior to the USA.
August 14th, 2011, 06:32 PM
I still find it mad people can carry a weapon. What happens if someone saw it (someone) and FREAKED out. That said he was lucky it didnt end bad, he guy already shot someone.
From what I've read (since I'm not in the U.S. nor do I visit often), most concealed carry permits require you to make sure your firearm is actually well concealed on your person. If it's showing or obviously "pressing" against your clothing you need to change your clothing to something more suitable while carrying. Open carry permits let you carry with the firearm visible.
People shouldn't freak out at the mere sight of a firearm on someone, especially in states where people should be educated enough to know that such permits exist. Except in America, education isn't really what it should be most of the time when it comes to firearms.
August 14th, 2011, 08:38 PM
Woah, relax everyone, I was just saying to me, it seems weird. I'm just not used to it.
Then again, I lived in a place where you could leave your front door unlocked and not worry about anything.
Canada kept their doors open and Michael Moore walked right in. Me, I keep my doors locked for crazy ex-girlfriends.
From what I've read (since I'm not in the U.S. nor do I visit often), most concealed carry permits require you to make sure your firearm is actually well concealed on your person. If it's showing or obviously "pressing" against your clothing you need to change your clothing to something more suitable while carrying. Open carry permits let you carry with the firearm visible.
People shouldn't freak out at the mere sight of a firearm on someone, especially in states where people should be educated enough to know that such permits exist. Except in America, education isn't really what it should be most of the time when it comes to firearms.
Never heard of an open carry permit. I know for TN and the 36ish states that reciprocate or recognize a TN carry permit that they make no distinction between open or conceal carry. Can't say this for every state, but I've not heard of a state that keeps you from openly carrying non-handgun firearms. That said, it seems kind of silly to keep you from wearing 'tight' clothing over your carry when you could openly carry something bigger. After all, if you're trying to conceal then it's in your best interest to keep your silhouette clean.
A closer look at the states that don't recognize my state's permit shows me that they're all coastal states (where the fuck is oregon?). I'm guessing there's something to that regarding the ocean.
August 14th, 2011, 09:37 PM
its our 2nd amendment right to open carry permit free. Do it 5/7 days a week usually
August 14th, 2011, 11:38 PM
its our 2nd amendment right to open carry permit free. Do it 5/7 days a week usually
just because youre allowed to, doesn't mean it's not the stupidest goddamn thing to ever have been conceived in human history.
August 15th, 2011, 01:05 AM
I think you should reread what you posted, neuro.
August 15th, 2011, 08:25 AM
I think you should reread what you posted, neuro.
You're allowed to jump of a bridge and kill yourself.
Does this automatically mean you should do so at any given chance?
As I recall, some countries consider women as property by "rights of man", does this make it right?
August 15th, 2011, 08:36 AM
You're allowed to jump of a bridge and kill yourself.
Does this automatically mean you should do so at any given chance?
I think he was talking about Neuro's sentence structure.
...says the guy with a different mother tongue
just because youre allowed to, doesn't mean it's not the stupidest goddamn thing to ever have been conceived in human history.
ftfy...i think...double neglation?
August 15th, 2011, 08:38 AM
I think he was talking about Neuro's sentence structure.
...says the guy with a different mother tongue
I guess my brain automatically inserted the missing "not" there.
None the less, point is still valid.
August 15th, 2011, 08:41 AM
This thread.
What the fuck.
ATTN: non-Americans. umad?
August 15th, 2011, 09:01 AM
ATTN: Kornman. Umad still?
August 15th, 2011, 10:16 AM
Why would I be mad? My country has been free of your country's shit for centuries now.
August 15th, 2011, 10:18 AM
Why would I be mad? My country has been free of your country's shit for centuries now.
Yep and you went on to create your own shit.
August 15th, 2011, 11:31 AM
Before starting the wild fire I want to add that Britain is not part of Europe in any way.
Now go!
August 15th, 2011, 11:45 AM
Before starting the wild fire I want to add that Britain is not part of Europe in any way.
Now go!
Apart from when you guys go into financial crisis and Britain has to pay out using our money to help fix your problem, the tables turned and you probably wouldnt.
I don't want this to further on to a discussion about guns and the laws about them. We've had that topic before and it didn't end well.
What I would like to know, is whether or not the Bungie would was actually ready to shoot the guy if it turned ugly - and I don't mean "oh yea he had a gun and license so of course he was willing to", I mean at that present time.
People here that carry guns/knifes, do you carry them to kind of "scare off" other people if things got ugly? Or are you actually prepared to kill someone.
August 15th, 2011, 12:17 PM
I'm not particularly excited about the prospect but carrying automatically puts you in the position to accept that responsibility should it arise.
So my answer is yes, though I think I'd let two morons in the street kill each other and then call the cops.
August 15th, 2011, 12:28 PM
Apart from when you guys go into financial crisis and Britain has to pay out using our money to help fix your problem, the tables turned and you probably wouldnt.
We are the ones paying right now so stop with your hypothetical bullshit and stay on your island :allears:
August 15th, 2011, 02:10 PM
Consider it a favor when we saved your supply lines in WWII. Regardless, I have one question:
August 15th, 2011, 03:57 PM
As per my last post, I was talking about concealed and open care of handguns. IIRC you need different permits for concealed vs open carry, or you may just need a permit for concealed. All I really meant is that I knew there was some kind of difference in permitting vs concealed and open carry.
Hell, in Canada you can technically open carry any non-Restricted long gun. It just can't be loaded, and you can't have any ammunition for it on your person. That said, if you were to do this the cops would be instantly called by some unaware citizen and then you'd have to deal with overzealous cops that don't actually know the law properly.
August 15th, 2011, 04:35 PM
Yeah, I noticed that. What I was saying was that if there's a distinction between open and concealed carry, it's only in a small amount of places. Otherwise, the distinction is hand gun or long gun.
I'm not particularly excited about the prospect but carrying automatically puts you in the position to accept that responsibility should it arise.
So my answer is yes, though I think I'd let two morons in the street kill each other and then call the cops.
A permit isn't license to enforce the law. Unless you're in immediate danger, you can just as well let someone run amok until the law arrives. Doing otherwise is above and beyond your responsibilities and also opens yourself up to lawsuits if you screw up.
August 15th, 2011, 10:18 PM
You're allowed to jump of a bridge and kill yourself.
Does this automatically mean you should do so at any given chance?
Talk about hypocrisy :ohdear:
its our 2nd amendment right to open carry permit free. Do it 5/7 days a week usually
I'm not really a fan of open carry. I think it should be a right, but its practice seems really impractical to me. It more seems like looking for a fight to me than being prepared to defend yourself from an attack.
August 15th, 2011, 10:55 PM
Yep and you went on to create your own shit.
Do you actually ever have any idea what you are talking about at any time?
August 16th, 2011, 09:55 AM
Apart from when you guys go into financial crisis and Britain has to pay out using our money to help fix your problem, the tables turned and you probably wouldnt
last i checked Britain was fucked limited.
August 16th, 2011, 10:11 AM
Do you actually ever have any idea what you are talking about at any time?
Yes actually.
Remind me if you would be so kind, who was it that requested the last invasion of Iraq?
Talk about hypocrisy :ohdear:
Right, because dancing in a public area directly correlates to the carrying of a lethal weapon right?
August 16th, 2011, 05:48 PM
Yes actually.
Remind me if you would be so kind, who was it that requested the last invasion of Iraq?
Right, because dancing in a public area directly correlates to the carrying of a lethal weapon right?
Not the point. Your talk of using "discretion" with your rights is bullshit and you know it. In America its Paladin's right to own and carry a gun, and while it may not be my personal choice or point of view he certainly has the right to. You saying that he shouldnt is the exact opposite of what the (keyword) American constitution allows. The language is just as loose in the 2nd Amendment as the first.
last i checked Britain was fucked limited.
Last I checked we were all fucked.
August 16th, 2011, 05:57 PM
just because youre allowed to, doesn't mean it's not the stupidest goddamn thing to ever have been conceived in human history.
Try again.
That said, if you were to do this the cops would be instantly called by some unaware citizen and then you'd have to deal with overzealous cops that don't actually know the law properly.
Ive gotten a few weird looks from people at Starbucks before with my .40sw holstered. And been heckled before by hippies. All I say is, come at me bro....
August 16th, 2011, 06:50 PM
You're allowed to jump of a bridge and kill yourself.
Does this automatically mean you should do so at any given chance?
Actually it seems that most, if not all, states have made attempts to take your life have been made illegal so measures to restrict liberties can legally be placed on a person to try and keep them from doing so again.
As I recall, some countries consider women as property by "rights of man", does this make it right?
It does there. Even here in america, the bible thumpers should consider women more as property, but that doesn't seem to be happening for some reason.
Rainbow Dash
August 16th, 2011, 07:01 PM
August 16th, 2011, 07:45 PM
Actually it seems that most, if not all, states have made attempts to take your life illegal so measures to restrict liberties can be legally placed on a person to try and keep them from doing so again.
ftfy. l2proofread.
August 16th, 2011, 08:17 PM
Yes, lets state out of context meta statistics again.
ftfy. l2proofread.
control+x failure.
August 16th, 2011, 11:22 PM
What have you guys done to my thread? It was once about tru7h, carnage, bungie. Now's it's a fucking debate thread :mech3:
August 17th, 2011, 12:32 AM
What have you guys done to my thread? It was once about tru7h, carnage, bungie. Now's it's a fucking debate thread :mech3:
no, it's still AMERICA! FUCK YEAH!
August 18th, 2011, 05:18 PM
I'm not really a fan of open carry. I think it should be a right, but its practice seems really impractical to me. It more seems like looking for a fight to me than being prepared to defend yourself from an attack.
Surely its the complete opposite from what you said?
Imagine if you will, you are wondering down the street minding your own business. A mugger approaches you welding a knife. The scenario now goes 2 ways:
1. You gun is concealed, the mugger does NOT know its there and therefore continues his act of threatening you with the knife and escalating the situation when you whip out your gun.
2. You gun is in plain view, the mugger CAN see the gun and has to make a decision; to continue with the mugging knowing full-well that you have a gun and hes basically opening himself up to being shot; or he can stop the mugging and scarper off.
In my eyes open carry is going to reduce the amount of confrontations, your announcing to everyone you have a gun. There are no hidden surprises. Attackers don't act well when they are surprised, whipping out the gun could make it get very messy for either participant.
August 18th, 2011, 05:48 PM
Except that if everyone is running around with a gun, an attacker will very unlikely pull out a knife.
August 18th, 2011, 05:48 PM
carlos mencia had it right when he was on The Mens Room last week about flying; letting everyone on board carry a gun.
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