View Full Version : Inserting sequential numbers into column?
August 22nd, 2011, 02:24 AM
So I've got 14666 lines like that, what I need is a way to insert numbers like *MESH_SMOOTHING 126,*MESH_SMOOTHING 127, etc. Was going to do it by hand but then I realised it was 14k lines. Anyone know of a text editor that insert numbers like that?(pspad doesn't seem to, google isn't helping).
(this is the .ase for my Prisoner remodel, btw. Couldn't get Blender .ase io to work to fix the smoothing(Sketchup just doesn't think about smoothing in a way UDK can understand), and fuck blender anyways)
August 22nd, 2011, 03:00 AM
why would you want to do that?
just take it into an 'actual' 3d application, hit one button, and export and be done with it.
what you're trying to do is insane and rediculous.
you're trying to get past a mountain by climbing over it, when there's a tunnel that goes straight trough it.
August 22nd, 2011, 03:09 AM
Don't have max or anything like that atm, and as mentioned sketchup>blender>.ase isn't working
August 22nd, 2011, 07:13 AM
does blender not have a different format?
FBX, or DAE (collada)
unreal supports both.
and even if it didn't, you could just someone who does have max installed (half the forum) to export it quickly for you.
August 22nd, 2011, 02:32 PM
More the import that's the problem, getting textures from sketchup to blender is tricky.
And yeah, if I didn't feel terrible about asking people for stuff I probably would've thought of that.
August 22nd, 2011, 09:10 PM
But you have shown you know what you are doing and that you always put in effort. Pretty sure most people on this forum would agree and be willing to help you out. I would, but alas I do *not* know what I am doing and I do not have Max. :haw:
August 23rd, 2011, 02:47 AM
Cagerrin, you should totally use this ( Imagine your structures in Cryengine 3 :o
August 23rd, 2011, 05:14 PM
Gods no, Playup has never worked properly. Also wouldn't touch Cryengine with a ten-foot pole. UDK is a helluva lot less of a bitch to use as far as I'm concerned.
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