View Full Version : [APP] Ambiguous Alpha v2.50
August 30th, 2011, 04:15 PM
Ambiguous Alpha v2.50
Ambiguous is a non-funded poorly coded(for now) application, for the use of modifying tag data inside of the (NOT)Popular game of halo 2 vista. As Ambiguous is now it is not at its full potential and is missing a lot of the features planned for the future.
Okay now that that lame part is done i can get to the real thing. Basically as says above this is just a application like any other made before. But this is the first one that i know of for h2v that modifies real time.
Task List.
Locating and identify the in game map structure
Create a class to read and load the data
Creating a Working and efficient meta editor 97%
Creating a stable GUI..... 92%
Tag Extraction To H2EK Compatible Tags 8%
Figure out a awesome name with a sick icon
Other stuff as i think of it.
Loading Tag name data 100%
Please Report any bugs that you think i am not currently aware of, Note I may already know about some bugs. As this is a Alpha release so, they will probably be fixed in due time.
Download (
Note: This is a protected application which means it is harder to decompile, I will however release the source in the future after it is a finished application.
Update 1: Aug/31/2011.
Fixed The Duplicate tag error, Faster Loading, Sizable Gui
Update 2: Aug/31/2011.
Tag Name Loading feature.
How to use it.
The New Cache Feature is a way to load tag names
To make a cache file of your map just do the following.
-First: Click on the "Cache" button near the "Load" Button
-Second: Choose Wether to Create one cache file for a single map, or a entire folder of maps
-Third: Profit?
Update 3: Sep/2/2011.
New Gui, More Stable, and stuff
Update 4: Sep/11/2011
Tag Loading improved.
Extra features include (Godmod, 3rd person, stillcam, Flymode,gamespeed modifier)
Update 6: Oct/28/2011
TAG LOADING 100% Improved
Note: Delete your Cache and Map Cache folder before using this version
Update 7 : Oct/30/2011
Washed the code up, and rinsed off all the soap suds
Added Hotkeys to the extra's
Added a cool link label to the status bar
update 8 : Dec/01/2011
Added some new extra features and fixed hotkeys
cleaned up the code
Credits (To Who those who deserve it.)
To all the people who made the plugins for Gravmind which i used :neckbeard:
Kantanomo, Original Creator of Ambiguous.
Kornman00, For helping me figure out something that i couldn't piece together.
Shock120, whys dat fag in here?
Patrcikssk6, Processmemory class
Thats all i can think of right now and i have to leave now anyways...
August 30th, 2011, 04:20 PM
Shock120, whys dat fag in here?no u
August 30th, 2011, 05:39 PM
Been looking forward to this, I hope you can continue making progress with it.
Kirby mentioned that it crashes (or H2V crashes, haven't check it yet) due to the live check built into D3D9.DLL, the same DLL we've been talking about what with HUD and vehicle modification. If the version we have (of the DLL) could be improved it would go hand in hand with this app as well.
Also, he said everything is labeled as HEX so its tricky knowing what to edit, but I respect this is an alpha build.
Keep it up!
August 30th, 2011, 06:18 PM
Kirby mentioned that it crashes (or H2V crashes, haven't check it yet) due to the live check built into D3D9.DLL, the same DLL we've been talking about what with HUD and vehicle modification. If the version we have (of the DLL) could be improved it would go hand in hand with this app as well.
I stated that it MAY crash because of hooking into that place as d3d9, as its not stated either way in the first post. My crash was from randomly changing tags to idk what lol (because everything is labeled as hex, and all types of tags show up in the referance list)
August 30th, 2011, 08:13 PM
Okay. I just tested it out on Valhalla. I changed the sky settings and a few models with ease. Also changed the fog color, density and the sun was gone for awhile then I changed its angle. I tried changing some weapons but it was difficult to tell which was which (I could recompile with just one weapon).
So improvements that I would appreciate:
-Better labels, like weapon names and such.
-The scroll bar; this may seem small but improved scrolling is always a plus from a usability standpoint. Right now if you drag scroll the tag display does not follow until you let go at which point you may have skipped too far.
-Could you make it so the app can be maximized and/or drag-able (the edges)?
This will be way more effective then Cheat Engine for real time map editing. TY for the hard work.
August 30th, 2011, 09:53 PM
Like i have said this is still just a Alpha, i am consistantly updating and adding new things to keep it going. And this app makes no hooks to anything it just modifies memory.
August 31st, 2011, 12:34 AM
Besides the obvious duplicates of each weap and proj tag, it looks nice.
I'll be waiting to see how this turns out.
August 31st, 2011, 03:23 PM
BTW a reason that this app loads slowly is because of how h2v does not specify how many tags it has it is always set to be 15065 which is just the max tag limit.
August 31st, 2011, 04:06 PM
Maybe you should change your iteration method then. I would reverse how H2V iterates through the tags first to see if what you are saying is really the case (which you have probably done by now :P).
Otherwise I would iterate and then check validity before loading the data (?).
August 31st, 2011, 04:12 PM
i Did look into it quiet extensively actually and it is in fact the correct placement but H2V just sets it to 15065. Gravmind also does it the same way as i do just more efficient because i haven't "Cleaned" my code yet.
Edit... Oh yeah i know who else needs to go in the credits...
August 31st, 2011, 04:17 PM
i Did look into it quiet extensively actually and it is in fact the correct placement but H2V just sets it to 15065. Gravmind also does it the same way as i do just more efficient because i haven't "Cleaned" my code yet.
Edit... Oh yeah i know who else needs to go in the credits...
Haha thanks :P I started the app and recognized that message from somewhere...
August 31st, 2011, 04:19 PM
No problem....
Next update will have the duplicate entry fix, Faster Load time, and No more memory leaks.
August 31st, 2011, 04:35 PM
I am in the process of rewriting my memory class. Are you coding in C#?
I don't know which memory class you are using but I can guarantee you the new one is faster, a lot more stable and offers a lot more features you might be interested in.
August 31st, 2011, 05:16 PM
Yes this is in C#, And im using the process memory class that you gave Rainman along time ago. I've been studying it and have been adding new stuff as i need to but.... Its still not that good lol.
August 31st, 2011, 06:54 PM
New Update.
August 31st, 2011, 09:15 PM
New Update Read First post for what was updated/Added.
September 1st, 2011, 08:32 AM
Dope MC shader swaps in Ambiguous:
E3652900 = elite orange hands?
E7092CA4 = banshee purple
E85E2DF9 = flashy tech trash
For these pics I used the first shader E3652900:
Outskirts T
Outskirts updown
September 1st, 2011, 12:29 PM
Nice one kills, Next update will hopefully include Bitmask's not to be confused with bitmaps Aswell as fixing tag path's inside of Idents.
September 1st, 2011, 06:02 PM
Excellent, I was thinking about making a simple guide for a noobs but I figured I could wait until your app develops more.
September 1st, 2011, 10:38 PM
Progress update.
Next update will not include bitmask's as i was feeling a little lazy, but i am remaking the gui for stability and performance.(i love putting in unneeded words to make it sound "fancy")
September 2nd, 2011, 02:06 AM
dude kills that's pretty sick actually, think you can make him have flames on the side of his arms :o
September 2nd, 2011, 02:59 AM
He has that orange on the inside of his arms and in the dark it glows. I touched up each pic with Photoshop just a bit.
I was testing Ambiguous as host today, no crash issues. I just opened the app, loaded the map. Then I changed Shader 0 for the MC FirstPerson, MC FP Body and the MC ThirdPerson render_models under mode. I changed each shader to E3652900. For the helmet there where many outstanding options. Decals could be removed.
If Kant can make a way to save and load the changes then you could have a customizable Spartan, visually speaking.
Because you can see what tags are actively loaded (not just from the currently running map, or custom map but also from the resource maps in use) I noticed that when you are playing in LAN mode there are two scenarios loaded, one for MP and one for SP. That just reinforces my understanding of why and how certain tags would work locally. When playing online there is only one scenario which is loaded in MP mode.
The application does not support Campaign Maps or Main Menu maps at this time.
September 2nd, 2011, 02:28 PM
Releasing a new update within the hour.
ughhh... Getting the secondary magic in memory is like getting a baby out of a tigers mouth.
mem.ReadInt(mem.ReadInt(mem.Pointer(true, 0x479e70, 0x13c4008)) + 8) - (mem.Pointer(true, 0x479e70, 0x13c4000) + mem.ReadInt(true, 0x47cd7c));
September 2nd, 2011, 05:59 PM
I just tried the Realtime -> Create Cache -> Folder option.
Problem is, it will only let you search Program Files. Its needs the option to search the entire computer.
September 2nd, 2011, 06:15 PM
I just tried the Realtime -> Create Cache -> Folder option.
Problem is, it will only let you search Program Files. Its needs the option to search the entire computer.
ill fix
September 2nd, 2011, 10:21 PM
Hey killz, what 3rd person app are you using? All the ones i have haven't worked since the last few gfwl updates.
Could you upload yours?
edit: kant way to apply to SmG and almost fail XD... under the name Ambiguous.
September 3rd, 2011, 01:31 AM
As I told cloud that wasn't me.
I am not home ATM so no updates this weekend
September 3rd, 2011, 02:24 AM
Its not available for public consumption.
September 3rd, 2011, 05:17 PM
Its not available for public consumption.
I will either add a features menu to ambiguous. Or create a new app Entirely
Or supersniper has one he made
it takes five Fuckin minutes to load this page from my cabin. And 10 more to type this
September 3rd, 2011, 09:03 PM
Its not available for public consumption.
what about p2p consumption?
September 5th, 2011, 02:52 PM
Next update will have.
A Extra's menu for stuff like 3rd person and etc.
September 8th, 2011, 07:49 PM
Updates Will not be as frequent, as school has started. But i will still be updating it. I will try my hardest to get a update in by tomorrow night.
September 11th, 2011, 06:04 PM
Oh look a update!
September 12th, 2011, 02:35 AM
Nice extra features!
Testing notes:
-Could you give the new camera controls some short-cut keys? Like some of the F keys such as F5-F7 for example. You could even copy the short-cut keys used in the Multi-Mod.
-The fly mode either does not work or there is something I am missing there.
-I noticed the MapCache directory is new. BTW, you left Midship in there. Not sure if that was an oversight.
-Last, the Cache directory has a small issue, it adds maps that are not labeled as .map. Like say I renamed a map to:, it is still added. This is a minor issue and will probably not effect most people, but if you had two maps and say one was named and the second was named then I believe your app would write the first then overwrite the first with the second similarly named map file's generated Cache.
September 15th, 2011, 12:16 AM
The new update is smexy. I'll be testing for bugs that resinball didn't find later this week.
September 15th, 2011, 06:36 PM
Flymode = Hold down space.
September 23rd, 2011, 03:56 PM
Next Update will include.
Clones to help test things.
October 23rd, 2011, 08:58 PM
update, super fast loading times :D.
October 24th, 2011, 02:23 AM
Cool, Alpha 1.9 made me :(
EDIT: Good stuff in 2.2 and much faster as you said. Major improvement that.
I used the Create Directory Structure option to extract all the folders inside of and, with the copies removed that left an extra 151 new folders inside of my tag folder.
Hopefully some day you can find out how to include tag extraction and real-time saves.
October 24th, 2011, 03:49 PM
i totally forgot about that feature....
October 26th, 2011, 07:03 PM
Next Update will include.
Clones to help test things.
Oh noez D:
key shortcuts for the camera view would be nice (numpad?)
Seems a lot faster from what I've seen, other than that I didn't notice anything different.
October 26th, 2011, 08:33 PM
:iamafag: well there actually was a big change in the code, i am only using one type of cache file. It also automatically creates the cache file, its funny because before this was all memory based. Then i found out i need to read the memory only once to do it all :D. So even though its RTH it still reads the map files to get the data needed because its faster.
its basically
RawMetaOffset - RealTimeAddressModifier
and the RealTimeAdressModifier is the Maps "Secondary Magic" + "Map Base"
mem.ReadInt(mem.ReadInt(mem.Pointer(true, 0x479e70, 0x13c4008)) + 8) - (mem.Pointer(true, 0x479e70, 0x13c4000) + mem.ReadInt(true, 0x47cd7c))
@Ryx I guess i can add Hotkeys :D
TBH i thought this would get a lot more attention, because i remember when everyone was trolling me. When ever i even said i was gonna do this at all.
October 26th, 2011, 09:38 PM
I blame it on the death of the game, because this is still Alpha and it's waaaaaay better than any h1pc rte. If tag extraction and savestates end up working, this is on level with esch.
Actually, the meta editor already is, it's just the gui.
October 27th, 2011, 05:41 AM
Haters too busy hatin' to release shit. Gnome sayin?
This new release is great Kant, no longer do I need to pre-load a custom map. Plus it now loads a map immediately, compared to the 45-second delay of the original alphas.
October 27th, 2011, 03:43 PM
First off.... Whats ESCH??
Secondary, I know right kills i may actually be able to get rid of the cache entirely once i figure it out. I actually plan to make this for HCE/H1PC as well because its a challenge
October 28th, 2011, 05:40 PM
Well, there was one, and I googled and only found This ( But at the end he says "Kant and another individual" stopped him from finishing it :|
If you tell me what that's about I can send you an rte for Halo 1.
esch... was like.... the.... i don't even know how to say it.
edit has source code too.
October 28th, 2011, 08:14 PM
That is a long story........
but ill figure it out :D
October 30th, 2011, 04:04 PM
All the soap i used to clean up the code, is soaked in my hands.
October 30th, 2011, 06:01 PM
Idk if it's the new way you're loading it and stuff, but simple things like editing rate of fire on the BR crash halo2 sometimes
oh, and the stillcam crashes it too D:
October 30th, 2011, 06:35 PM
make sure u reload everytime you reload and i know about the still cam thing and am working on it.
November 10th, 2011, 02:22 AM
The hot-keys are handy but also activate when I don't need them to. Could you do one of the following:
1) Set the hot-keys to F1 through F6 (or however function keys it takes)
2) Make an option where you can enable/disable the use of hot-keys
An option to place the tags in a folder view would also be helpful.
November 10th, 2011, 11:14 AM
Yes i can, give me a day or two i gotta bunch of school work to catch up on first.
November 23rd, 2011, 03:57 PM
Would any1 be interested in using Ambiguous server sided?
November 23rd, 2011, 03:58 PM
Would any1 be interested in using Ambiguous server sided?Server sided forged maps. :3
November 23rd, 2011, 03:59 PM
Will make a Server Sided Edition in the "Beta" Release ;)
December 1st, 2011, 09:48 PM
New Update
December 1st, 2011, 10:04 PM
Oh yeah, how much cool shit can you pack into H2V's ass? Too explicit? Or not enough? :)
Can you give basic tips on how I should test the Co-op feature?
December 1st, 2011, 10:21 PM
okay FIRST you create a game.
SECOND you start it
then THIRD you turn it on :iamafag:
December 1st, 2011, 10:48 PM
Wait, wait, should I have my computer on first? And at what point do I submerge the computer in water?
December 1st, 2011, 11:09 PM
thats after you cover it in apple pie.
December 1st, 2011, 11:17 PM
thats after you cover it in apple pie.
in a red pickup truck?
December 2nd, 2011, 08:44 AM
Halo 2 Vista Multi-Player Campaign findings with Ambiguous
To Play an AI enabled map with another player:
-Setup a match alone and start the game, we have been using the MainMenu Mod to place our test map at Slot2.
-Use Ambiguous to turn on SP engine and Co-op spawns
-Kill yourself (in-game silly), then have another player join and play. After a time the game may crash, FOR THE HOST.
Compile Map as a Single Player map or as a Multi Player? MP I think, but SP has SP menu, save states and when compiled the map file is a little larger (~0.3MBs)
On a MP compiled map:
-The clients see the MP Elite Biped instead of the SP Elites Bipeds.
-In Ambiguous the AI enabled feature may cause a crash.
On a SP compiled map:
-Both players may need to start the match together.
-With all options enabled the client crashed on join.
-With all options enabled the host refuses to count down after death timer and thus refuses to respawn.
On a SP compiled map (Hex edit version):
-When I did get both players in game it was extremely laggy (on my lan, with a ping of 1).
-At one point one player could not see the other.
-I kept having issues with the players respawning on the same team and then the game ending, isn't there an option to avoid that? Or I guess I could try loading a solo gametype.
Ambiguous can be used to change the engine at the lobby, this was after I came back from a map in play, not sure if it will work beforehand.
It is possible that the scripts on my current test map are causing the crash issues. It would be best to test next with a very plain map that only features scripting related to making the AI appear and function.
Also, Shock120 is the expert when it comes to H2V Co-op experience, that is he should know if it does crash randomly or if there are specific reasons for it.
This version of the map requires the MainMenu Mod (at least for the host), I had to remove all the scenery and crates because something there was causing connection issues. Anyways this release is just meant to test the stability of a custom Co-op experience.
Because it uses the MMM the map file must be placed in your default map directory, not the custom directory.
MainMenu Mod:
The Slot2 AI COOP Test MP map:
December 16th, 2011, 11:55 PM
The clones you mentioned, can they be added to Ambiguous? I could use that for team placement spawn-testing among other things.
February 28th, 2012, 11:22 PM Because some one likes me?
March 1st, 2012, 09:00 PM
The download link is not responding, so here is another: Ambiguous Alpha 2.5 (
March 2nd, 2012, 08:18 PM
Thanks Kills
March 4th, 2012, 10:00 AM
Might wanna fix it so it always find's halo2 no matter where it is v.v
Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Halo 2\maps\'.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
March 4th, 2012, 01:33 PM
it goes to where ever your halo2.exe is being run from so, that's not my fault there.
March 4th, 2012, 01:37 PM
it goes to where ever your halo2.exe is being run from so, that's not my fault there.
Have you tried reading the registry entry of where it's installed and using that?
March 4th, 2012, 02:45 PM
this is the best method, because the halo 2 folder can be copied and pasted anywere and still run, so my app goes to the folder path that the halo2.exe process originated from.
March 6th, 2012, 10:22 PM
Wait, is H2v portable?
Can you tweak shader values as you play? like specular exponents and surface types?
Someone please rehost on something that's not Monstrmoose, my internet goes through a linux proxy software (Squid) that breaks your site.
March 7th, 2012, 03:44 PM
let me up it quick and h2v can be put anywere in your pc as long as you put a cd key in i think
March 7th, 2012, 04:14 PM
Wait, is H2v portable?
Can you tweak shader values as you play? like specular exponents and surface types?
Someone please rehost on something that's not Monstrmoose, my internet goes through a linux proxy software (Squid) that breaks your site.
No you can't just copy it an reg files across computers.
March 7th, 2012, 05:47 PM
I mentioned clones as a cool feature, another would be the ability to fly the camera around, Johnny's Multi-Mod allows you to move the camera with the numpad keys. An FOV modifier would be sweet too.
Something else I noticed is that your still cam and Johnny's work in a different way, yours stays at my opening cinematic end-point while his still works as intended. Not a problem for most people but I'd like to use your app for Machinima.
You could integrate the latest version of the MMM as well, like as an extra feature next to your engine mode options. So the user would select it and then Zero's H2.5 Installer would pop up, here is the latest version (includes Shock's latest patch): ( which does not include any maps so it is very small.
Also, Zero's Installer has a few links such as: (, might be a handy link in your app as well so a user can find maps without hassle.
I had more ideas but they faded so I'll let you know if and when they return. ;)
EDIT: Keep the current tag high-lighted (under Tag Stuff) and a way to save Real Time modified fields would be sweet.
Thankx again for the work you've put into this project so far.
March 8th, 2012, 05:29 PM
Are you going to be able to write plugins to extract and modify the tags that Hired Gun blocked off from us?
Are we going to finally get some more shader templates?
March 8th, 2012, 06:09 PM
I thought ambiguous was supposed to be an RTE, but if any more stuff is added it's going to be bloated.
March 8th, 2012, 06:59 PM
Hardly, I'm asking him to make it feature rich; an H2V app that can expand every area of the game, this does not mean that the average user needs to use all of these features. Plus when the app is more complete we can include some type of help, tutorial or FAQ.
March 8th, 2012, 07:35 PM
Well it is supposed to be able to export tags, right now they come out at 0 bytes. But if we can get the shader templates from other mads (as well as devices like the zanzibar door) and save them into other maps that would be cool.
March 8th, 2012, 08:25 PM
You don't read the first post do you.
March 8th, 2012, 08:38 PM
isn't that what this:
Tag Extraction To H2EK Compatible Tags 8%
March 20th, 2012, 07:54 PM
Which means its not done, as in tag extraction is not yet working but he has made some progress.
I think I mentioned this before but another nice addition to the current selected tag staying highlighted would be for the displayed tags to be displayed alphabetically.
As it is now its a bit of a hassle because you have to search for every tag, for example say I wanted to edit both the models for the First and Third Person Master Chief. It takes more work then it should because one tag shows up somewhere near the top and the other near the bottom. If they were displayed in alphabetical order then they would appear right next to each other and that would save a lot of wasted time spent searching through all the model tags.
March 22nd, 2012, 07:26 AM
I am in the process of re coding the tag loader and some features for stability and cleaner code atm.
March 24th, 2012, 09:02 PM
Got bored of the old UI so I'm remaking it, totally not copying anything.
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