View Full Version : Game music that affected you emotionally
September 12th, 2011, 07:00 PM
Was thinking about this earlier today. I'm curious what video game music actually draws an emotional reaction from people. And I'm not talking like, your favorite adrenaline pumping action music. I mean the music that really made you FEEL something. Those insecure in their sexuality need not reply
For me 3 come to mind immediately
I know, Zero dying is almost a cliche at this point. But X5 was only his second death (3 doesn't really count), and this was out of all of them the one that really felt final.
I remember how shocked I was when I first saw the opening cutscene to the Maw. Seeing the Pillar of Autumn fallen so far, yet still defiantly intact was heart breaking.
Standing on the edge of the artifact temple, I looked up at the Chozo statues as rain drops fell onto my visor. At that moment I felt truly immersed in the game world, and in awe of the beauty and majesty of it. It's the most powerful thing I ever remember experiencing from a video game, or any other art form for that matter.
September 12th, 2011, 07:09 PM
By far one of the best games on the PS2 along with The Unsung War and Shattered Skies, one of the very best game series to date. Assault Horizon stands to carry on this game's legacy.
The arrival at the Avalon Dam at Mund Valley signaled the final confrontation with you and your former partner and wing man. A person who stood at your side for the majority of the war, but was disgusted and twisted by the steps taken by the involved countries. Pushed to join a terrorist organization, "A World With No Boundaries" You both faced off in one of the most intense dogfights in the series. The fate of the world hang in the balance as an ICBM armed with several MIRV warheads ascended into the sky, capable of striking every major capital on the planet. Failure was not an option. The breathing in this song is Cipher (main character whom you play as.) It very much added to the intensity of the battle.
Music eschewing in the final duel between you and a close friend. The dogfight was intense as his aircraft was armed with a Tactical Laser System, ECM Pods, and Multi-Purpose Burst Missiles.
The Final run of the collector stronghold, with the fate of humanity and our destiny in Shepards hands, failure was absolutely out of the question.
Mass Effect by far gave me the most enjoyable and fulfilling game play experience of its time. It stands right next to Ace Combat and Halo as my favorites for a compelling and immerse story.
EDIT: I agree with Pooky on all his songs. Particularly the Artifact Temple. That entire sequence was just humbling and awe inspiring.
t3h m00kz
September 12th, 2011, 07:23 PM
September 12th, 2011, 07:52 PM
Only time I've ever been brought to tears from a song.
Even though I was only about 6 or 7 when I heard this, and even though I was an off-the-walls ADD kid, when I heard this was the first time I ever stopped and let myself be engulfed in something. And it felt good.
September 12th, 2011, 08:08 PM
well by affect emotionally, im going to pick out the music i would use for a real life sound track that iv never forgotten over time:
this is a big fucking list. used links instead of youtube tags for obvious reasons
Zelda TP: Faron woods theme (
This theme drew me right into the foggy forest environment, especially that part with the lantern. every time iv explored forests in real life, this is one of the themes that comes to mind
Zelda TP: Lake Hylia (
back in my young years of 8th grade, it was incredible to look out on lake hylia in this game, and this music only made it better.
Zelda OoT: forest temple (
i feel like this one is more of a love of the entire atmosphere of the temple than just the music itself, but this song definitely is what drew me into the mysteriousness of it all. also, twisted corridors. to date, i have never seen another game do that.
Metroid Prime: Phendrana drifts (
metroid prime was my first metroid game, and i just played it for the first time last year around this time. iv seen a few snow worlds in videogames, but very few have impressed me as much as phendrana drifts did. between the fact that they pulled it off with 2001's technology and the fact that its still beautiful to look at today, it definitlty remains my favorite snow world to date. the music itself captures the still atmosphere of an ice covered world, but at the same time conveys that very real danger of the enemies there. great piece all in all.
Paper mario: crystal palace (
This one is cool for a couple of reasons. you know youre on the last normal level, youre on the furthest edge of the map, and youre trying to figure out how the hell the moving floors work. this song embodies that curiosity of the whole place. also, the battle theme with the crystal king gets an honorable mention.
Secret of mana: Into the thick of it (forest theme) (
this is definitly the coolest forest iv seen in a super nintendo game. the graphics were beautiful, and the music worked with the foggy overlay on the foreground to really give this mysterious feel to the place.
these two kind of go together. play this game with angela as your main character and youll see why. i cant say much more without giving away kind of shocking plot elements, but then again i suspect nobody here has any plans of playing this game any time soon.
Secret of mana 2 (seiken densetsu 3): witchmakers (
this really set the stage for a peaceful snowy kingdom. its also an ironically peaceful reminder of how youre kind of a fugitive in your own home (if you play angela). it made me feel that way at least.
Secret of mana 2: another winter (
also this theme is what i hear in my head when i run around in the snow at night. in terms of the game itself, it has the same instruments and sound of witchmakers, but with a more exploitative theme.
Secret of mana 2: powell (first forest theme) (
i didnt like this theme at first, but it grew on me pretty quickly. i feel like it went perfectly with the feeling of exploration and new beginning after the dramatic opening sequence all of the characters go through.
spoiler contains plot details:
if youve played the game with angela as a main character, you know her mother basically tries to sacrifice her for the good of the entire kingdom. thats like a hardcore betrayal of a mother child relationship that really affected me personally, which is why i reference a lot of SoM2 songs in an emotional way like that
Conkers bad fur day: rock solid (
this was my first experience with any sort of electronic music, and frankly, for an n64 game, it still kicks ass today. if i hadnt played conkers bad fur day, id think this song was actual club music. also, one of the bass drops manages to hit the resonant frequency of my subwoofer, so shit rattles like crazy. i love it.
Golden sun: saturos battle theme (
aside from paper mario and pokemon, golden sun was my first real rpg. between the tension of actually having to fight this asshole (because recall, the last time you fought him he kicked your ass so hard the game had to leap forward 3 years) and worrying about the lighthouse and what was going to happen to your friends, it was a pretty intense battle. also, this theme just kicks ass in general.
Golden sun 2: garoh theme (
im sure arteen knows what im talking about when i say the effect of walking into garoh for the first time was incredible. the sky went from day to night as you climbed further and further toward garoh, and this ominous, yet somewhat calming sounding theme is playing the whole time.
Halo 2: in amber clad (
this part of halo 2 just kicked ass entirely. the landscape is beautiful and sniping from the highground was such an empowering feeling.
Halo 3: behold a pale horse (also the halo 1 version of this) (
sooper intense vehicle battles.
Tales of phantasia: moria gallery (its the a fucking gallery, ok? not a mineshaft. fuck your translation) (
aside from this being awesome dungeon crawling music, if you come back to the morlia gallery in the future (second part of the game), there is another 11 floors for a total of 21. after you hit 10, the tone and pitch of the music drop a little bit with every floor you descend, to the point where around floor 14 or 15 youre like "i like this version of the song more" and at 21 youre like "this is no longer music".
Assassins creed 2: venice combat (
this is my battle theme. irl.
farcry 2: into the illness (
this song really gives you the feeling that youre stuck in this deathtrap wasteland of a savana. i remember being stuck out in the desert with a rusted ak47, a pistol, and my machete just walking with my blurry view while this song was playing. made me feel like there was no way out.
Final Fantasy IV: red wings (opening scene theme) (
this scene was awesome. seeing those 5 airships flying in the v pattern over the landscape and then watching cecil deal with the two enemies made me feel like i was there.
Fable: Witchwood theme (
this is one of my favorite songs ever. its got that hinting goofy feel to it like the rest of the game, but at the same time it really captures the idea of being in a forest with magical creatures and stuff. white balverine fight. awesome.
I wanted to add pretty much the entirety of the ODST sound track, but this one really does it the most:
Halo 3 ODST: neon night (
the soundtracks for all of the "streets" sections of the game gave the game this noirey feeling while being futuristic at the same time. the level of immersion is pretty hard to match.
and thats it for now. im sure theres more though.
i like forest themes vOv
also pretty much the entirety of the mafia 2 sound track. im talking about the radio. hearing the popular songs and the radio plays from the 1940s and 50s really immersed me into that game.
E: oh shit i forgot red dead. basically, between the songs with lyrics and the songs that play while youre exploring and fighting, i never once consciously realized i was playing a game. it all just felt natural. i mean, after i got that wheel system down. also, my first cougar attack was terrifying as fuck.
September 12th, 2011, 08:37 PM
All the Mass Effect music whenever someone was giving a speech before going into some kind of lolawesome amazing epic final battle sequence.
Oh Mass Effect, you're so awesome.
September 12th, 2011, 10:01 PM
The one minute mark to the one minute-fifty mark: (
September 12th, 2011, 10:09 PM
I wouldn't say it has "affected me emotinally" (except maybe Zero from ace combat: the belkan war), but I do enjoy the soundtracks from Star Control 2, Halo and Ace Combat.
September 12th, 2011, 10:12 PM
See my above post Nutty.
September 12th, 2011, 10:12 PM
September 12th, 2011, 10:52 PM
Definately the part in Twilight Princess where Midna is dying and you have to rush her to Hyrule Castle
September 12th, 2011, 10:56 PM
Dear Esther.
September 12th, 2011, 11:35 PM
When I first heard this playing the instant you walk into the clock tower. I felt something mysterious, an emotion of both sadness and hope. There's nothing else in this world that makes me experience such a feeling.
At the end of Persona 3, when the main character was about to die. Aegis stood by his side and this song started playing. Even after he died, she vowed to continue protecting him and decided that was her reason to continue living. :'(
Another one from P3 is The Poem for Everyone's Souls is a definite favorite of mine. Being in the velvet room with this tune instantly put me in a trance.
The last one I'd like to share is also from P3 (I promise this will be the last). Every time I hear this song, I can imagine myself riding a bicycle down a valley in an autumn sunset. With the leaves gently falling to the grand as the wind softly pushing against me.
September 12th, 2011, 11:59 PM
Persona is an amazing series, with great music all around. Persona 4's Backside of The TV is a favorite of mine.
t3h m00kz
September 13th, 2011, 12:03 AM
shit how could I have forgotten this one
Favorite credit roll in any video game ever.
September 13th, 2011, 01:01 AM
First track i ever headbanged (i think that's the word?) too. So awesome. Played it at a party once :realsmug:
September 13th, 2011, 01:14 AM
You don't even know how scared shitless this made me. When you're 8 years old, all alone on a map with your scavengers fighting these super weapon fighting machines gone mad that can just fucking pop up on you out of the middle of nowhere. The sound they make is the sound of the devil, I swear. I still get shivers, and that mission still bothers me to think about. I have a hard time bringing myself to play it when I replay the game.
Check out the rest of the soundtrack. Sort of industrial vibe to it, but each track puts all kinds of images in your head. I've also never heard a more fitting soundtrack to a game, ever. Only Halo comes close.
September 13th, 2011, 03:03 AM
pretty much everything from MGS.
Possibly one of the most amazing tracks in the whole Halo franchise.
I have some others too. I'll edit them in later.
September 13th, 2011, 10:52 AM
Most of you lot were probably too young to enjoy the original MGS on the Playstation and only saw the "remake" on Gamecube.
This was one of the finest moments in video gaming history.
Metal Gear Solid's "Enclosure".
If only for this one scene.
September 13th, 2011, 10:55 AM
After not playing Deus Ex for a number of years, I randomly stumbled upon this song:
Made me nostalgia. Hard.
September 13th, 2011, 11:20 AM
I don't know if I'd go as far as use the word "emotional", but the Tristram track from the original Diablo is probably the best (IMO) piece of music I've ever heard in a video game.
Rainbow Dash
September 13th, 2011, 12:39 PM
September 13th, 2011, 06:41 PM
Most of you lot were probably too young to enjoy the original MGS on the Playstation and only saw the "remake" on Gamecube.
This was one of the finest moments in video gaming history.
Just how old do you think most of us are? :raise:
September 13th, 2011, 06:47 PM
Just how old do you think most of us are? :raise:
Under 20, Considering the original MGS first arrived on the PSX in 1998 and the trend of most peoples perception is "old games suck new games better", I'd be surprised if many people here actually played MGS1.
September 13th, 2011, 06:54 PM
If I had had a console at the time I might have played it back in the day, but I would barely have been 8 or 9. My real gaming experience started a few years later, aside from the old classics like Mario and whatnot.
September 13th, 2011, 07:35 PM
If I had had a console at the time I might have played it back in the day, but I would barely have been 8 or 9. My real gaming experience started a few years later, aside from the old classics like Mario and whatnot.
you can get emulators on the PC to play it, or better yet, Get the PC version, easy to find on Ebay.
September 13th, 2011, 07:39 PM
Under 20, Considering the original MGS first arrived on the PSX in 1998 and the trend of most peoples perception is "old games suck new games better"
what the fuck forum have you been coming to :ugh:
September 13th, 2011, 08:28 PM
2nd one creeped me out when I was little :ohdear:
September 13th, 2011, 08:43 PM
Under 20, Considering the original MGS first arrived on the PSX in 1998 and the trend of most peoples perception is "old games suck new games better", I'd be surprised if many people here actually played MGS1.
Turning 21 on Christmas...I think a good portion of us here are actually 20+, with a smaller portion being under 20. That said, I haven't played a single MGS game. Was never really interested. Not saying anything bad about it, it's just an unknown to me.
@Pooky: lolololoololol
September 14th, 2011, 12:03 AM
2nd one creeped me out when I was little :ohdear:
That is creepy. And speaking of creepy
Not gonna lie, I was geniunely scared playing through Dark Aether for the first time
Whenever I play Mega Man 3 it usually takes me a long time to get past the title screen because I just wanna listen to the music
t3h m00kz
September 14th, 2011, 12:12 AM
When I first booted up Dynasty Warriors Online after it got released in America and heard some mixes of my favorite tracks, I shat bricks.
September 14th, 2011, 01:18 AM
First time I heard this, I knew something scary was going to happen. And then, I encountered the flood. Nothing made the flood more scary than this theme. I wish they put it into halo 2 and 3. It still gives me the creeps today.
September 14th, 2011, 01:29 AM
I honestly don't think Marty and Michael could have done a better job for the Flood theme. Way back then, they were genuinely terrifying.
September 14th, 2011, 01:32 AM
September 14th, 2011, 03:17 PM
The Doma theme sends chills up my spine every single time. I wish the Castle had been a more important part of that game.
September 14th, 2011, 04:25 PM
absolutely this^. i mean, there was that dream sequence (that i was never able to complete for some reason), but that could hardly be considered important.
E: also, the figaro castle theme was pretty great. and i guess the final battle music with the 4 tiers of enemies leading up to kefka. that was like 20 minutes long. in a super nintendo game. that alone is pretty impressive.
September 14th, 2011, 04:30 PM
Under 20, Considering the original MGS first arrived on the PSX in 1998 and the trend of most peoples perception is "old games suck new games better", I'd be surprised if many people here actually played MGS1.
maybe most people outside of this forum. my trend is literally the opposite. most of my favorite games are snes games, and thats not just nostalgia either, because i never had an snes growing up. iv played all of them in the past 3 or 4 years.
E:derp double post
E2: @mech: the creepiest shit in rayman 2 was that part when youre sliding down the slope away from that monster, and the whole time theres that pointy teeth mouth screen overlay. that was the most terrifying shit.
September 18th, 2011, 12:55 PM
September 18th, 2011, 02:04 PM
Yes yes yes yes yes
God this music gave me chills so hard
September 18th, 2011, 04:24 PM
Pretty much everything from the Riven soundtrack scared the shit out of me. I can't tell you how many time I must've turned around, thinking someone was coming up behind me. Both in the game and in real life.
God I love MYST.
September 18th, 2011, 05:38 PM
It's a real shame episdoe I and III of Xenosaga never made it to europe :(
September 18th, 2011, 06:54 PM
Under 20, Considering the original MGS first arrived on the PSX in 1998 and the trend of most peoples perception is "old games suck new games better", I'd be surprised if many people here actually played MGS1.
i loved mgs on the playsation. definitely one of my favorite games ever.
September 18th, 2011, 07:52 PM
Mass Effect by far gave me the most enjoyable and fulfilling game play experience of its time. It stands right next to Ace Combat and Halo as my favorites for a compelling and immerse story.
This makes me want to replay through 1 and 2 so bad.... it's not quite time though. D:
September 19th, 2011, 08:18 PM
Here we are:
^ Even though FF7's soundtrack has that 8bit shit to it, its arguably one of the most emotional soundtracks, especially when you tie it in with its beautiful storyline.
^ MW2 may have had shit gameplay in my opinion, but that song is amazing imo, and really feels like it could be a theme for the US Army Rangers somehow, lol.
and lastly, but one of my favorites,
Don't prefer the singing, more so instrumental... It really does speak for Mirrors Edge, and really gives of that vibe of curiosity, action, and hope that the game does.
September 19th, 2011, 09:03 PM
Here we are:
Don't prefer the singing, more so instrumental... It really does speak for Mirrors Edge, and really gives of that vibe of curiosity, action, and hope that the game does.
I completely forgot about this one, it just screams curiosity and hope. This song still gives me chills to this day.
September 19th, 2011, 09:15 PM
Ahhhh yes I love the Mirror's Edge one
September 20th, 2011, 08:23 AM
September 20th, 2011, 05:54 PM
At first I wasn't sure why you put this one on there. Then I went and replayed Gamma's story from Sonic Adventure.
Holy shit, that has to be one of the saddest endings in all of gaming :saddowns:
September 20th, 2011, 07:52 PM
Oh FF6, your my one true love.
January 31st, 2012, 01:08 AM
I feel like reviving this thread.
I remember this mission well. A giant rail-gun that was meant to be used as an anti-NEO device turned into a horrifying weapon of war. The entirety of Ace Combat 6, you fought to get your country and your beautiful capital back. Near the end you assumed you did, until it came under attack by this monstrosity. The song reflects the souls of the soldiers who want nothing more than to close the chapter on this war and return to true peace.
"And so did The End To All Things unhinge its monstrous maw and bellow forth its mighty roar of desolation and horror, consuming The Golden Kingdom in holocaust. The Chandelier which hung over the faltering world of Man by a thinner thread than would exist alongside security awaited the chance to fall, defying The Angels who danced with haste toward their enemy . . . and the sacrificial fires of liberation"
January 31st, 2012, 01:47 AM
i missed this post before, but the music of bad company 2 is one of the bigger reasons i love it so much. the full orchestra doing the music is so awesome. the part from 2:14 on, especially 3:49. entering servers and hearing that always gets me fired up. its a strangely unique feel to have that kind of music for a shooter like bad company, and its just awesome. hopefully theres a bad company 3 that follows this same trend.
coincidentally, music just happens to be one of the things i dont enjoy about battlefield 3...
January 31st, 2012, 01:53 AM
I enjoyed the Jazz styling in Bad Company. Frankly, I'd love to have a Bad Company 3.
January 31st, 2012, 06:30 PM
Can't believe I forgot this one
February 3rd, 2012, 12:04 PM
Mass Effect - Vigil. Song doesn't mean anything without the prothean AI vigil scene. Also pretty sombre menu music.
A lot of ones already mentioned are pretty good too.
February 21st, 2012, 03:52 PM
How could I forget these classics?
When playing the 4th level of Zombies ate my neighbors.
And of course the Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow Champion battle theme.
Both are my most favorite themes of all time.
April 18th, 2012, 11:54 PM
Say what you will about the game, but this song genuinely made me feel heart broken at the state of Earth.
November 1st, 2012, 04:22 AM
There's no game song that hits me in the feels like this piano and violin duo cover of Besaid Island does:
November 1st, 2012, 06:45 AM
I dunno if I posted in this thread before or what, but Human Revolution's soundtrack did a hell of a thing for me. And Away We Go especially, by far my favourite piece of music in the game. It's just so... inspiring. I dunno, I have wonderous visions of the future and am overcome by motivation whenever I hear it.
November 9th, 2012, 06:28 AM
I remember when I finished my first aoe 2 game and this played. It was utterly amazing, it filled me
with an overwhelming desire to lead my civilisation in battle and defeat the other teams.
November 17th, 2012, 05:31 PM
This mission was a long time coming, and so fucking satisfying. I always supported the Marigold and her fleet. Having the Emmeria fleet bombard the shoreline was always so fucking awesome.
November 29th, 2012, 03:53 AM
Is it okay if I post movie music I often listen to while gaming? Yes? No? Maybe? Good, because here's an ownage soundtrack:
The whole suite is excellent, but the recurring theme that first begins around 05:28 is superb 'hunting' music. I listen to it a lot while playing Silent Hunter (of course), but also World of Tanks and other games of the sort. I'll probably be listening to it a fair bit when Star Citizen hits, too... as well as growing out some sick facial hair... and insisting my entire crew refer to me as Herr Kaleun... er, yeah. Right. Well, the part around 11:20 or so (which begins with this theme, then segues into a really tense part) is great as well, and that part leads to probably my favourite piece of triumphant movie music from my favourite triumphant movie scene. 16:20 leads into it... every time I hear it pick up I just imagine this beat-up, half-sunk U-Boat slicing through the waves as it speeds for home. It's beautiful, and makes for really great music in similar situations ingame (like somehow surviving a close-run battle in WoT and then blazing across the map, unchallenged, to the enemy cap - or heading home after a close call with a destroyer in Silent Hunter).
Those two themes also describe my mood pretty well during an average shopping trip. The attacking one is me trying to weave my way between the throngs of old people and screaming kids to get what I need, and the returning home one is me making a fucking beeline for the first bus home.
December 1st, 2012, 02:38 PM
The Eldar themes from Dawn of War 2 are the best
December 1st, 2012, 03:26 PM
MP3 had a pretty damn good OST. Some of the more "emotionally" inspiring:
And Tears was an exceptional addition to the game, which someone put to some game footage/cutscenes:
February 24th, 2013, 04:09 PM
I was playing BC2 Vietnam last night and Operation Hastings was loading while this was playing:
It didn't affect me emotionally. Not yet, anyways. I just like how cheery the song is. I have a huge fetish for clean, bright guitar riffs. At first I assumed it was licensed music from musicians of the 60's like many other tracks in the game, but I'm having trouble finding the artist for this song. Is it an original piece created by DICE or is there an actual artist for it?
EDIT: Just found the details. The song is called Memphis Guitar Soul by Anders Lewen.
February 24th, 2013, 04:59 PM
The audio companies are listed in the credits. It's quite possibly stock music from
Edit: Nope. Beaten to it by Amit.
December 30th, 2013, 10:31 PM
The original never gave me emotions, but this remastered version for RuneScape 3 brought them out for me. It's not just nostalgia. Listen to it and you'll feel it, too.
If there was a single thing done perfectly in RS3, it's the music. I've never actually played it. Not really interested after the extensive changes to RS2, but at least it is a pleasure to know that Jagex knows what it's doing in the music department. Well, I guess they always did. Some of their revisions I wasn't too happy with, but this new live orchestral stuff is great.
Check out their official soundcloud:
I can't believe some people entered fucking half dubstep into a contest to be the official theme for RS3. Fools.
January 7th, 2014, 09:23 PM
some recent music i've fallen in love with.
btw this is a nice thread. forgot about it...
May 20th, 2014, 02:59 PM
I'm only 2 tracks in, but the newly Released Transistor's original soundtrack is doing something to me:
May 20th, 2014, 11:38 PM
It's not as dynamic as Bastion's OST, but there are some quality tunes in there.
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