View Full Version : Windows 8

September 13th, 2011, 11:57 PM
Windows 8 Milestone 3 (build 8102) was demonstrated at the Microsoft Build conference this afternoon, and it was released to the public tonight. Anyone can download it at http://dev.windows.com

If you do download it, IT DOES NOT WORK IN VMWARE! You need to install it on either bare metal hardware or in VirtualBox!

UPDATE: VMWARE JUST RELEASED WORKSTATION 8! This is the only version of VMware that runs Windows 8!

A word of warning: Depression, and in some cases extreme thought of suicide, are ensured to follow! Proceed with extreme caution!

Now for my first impressions...

I've been fairly skeptical of the operating system since Microsoft first showed off the new Metro UI exclaiming that "this is Windows 8!" a few months ago. I was concerned at the time that the Metro UI would be replacing the desktop, and that it would be a radical change that would cripple productivity and users who are used to the traditional windows concept. Microsoft assured everyone that the same classic legacy desktop would still be there, so that settled down the concern until recently.

Today, Microsoft demonstrated Windows 8 in depth for the first time. As expected, most of the focus was on the new Metro UI integration and touchscreen compatibility. They demonstrated how well the operating system works on a tablet device and how easy it is for developers to create HTML5 "apps" and publish them to the Microsoft Marketplace. In general, the Metro UI performs exactly as you would expect: like a tablet OS. However, in Microsoft's endeavor to bring Windows to tablets, they've lost total focus of the desktop experience.

When I installed Windows 8, the installation was no different from what we've experienced for Windows Vista and Windows 7. Immediately after installation, you are presented the Out of the Box Experience (OOBE) revamped in the Metro UI style. Nothing at this stage is very different except for the appearance of it all. You still get to name your PC, set up Windows security settings, and create your first local user account. After that, you are logged into the user account you just created and you are presented with the new Start screen.

The start screen is what Windows 8 revolves around. It is no longer based around the Windows desktop. We can still go back to the desktop, but it's now considered an "app" (literally). There's really not much to say about the appearance of the start screen, other than the fact the green background makes me cringe every time it pops up. You can browse the internet from here or download HTML5 apps for Twitter or Facebook, but since I was more interested in the actual operating system, I decided to launch the desktop app.

Immediately, the desktop flies in from the left side of the screen, and it looks and feels exactly like Windows 7. There is one major difference, however: the start menu. It's gone; replaced by the reduced functionality Metro start screen. This was the first radical change I've noticed, since the start menu has been the center of Windows since Windows 95. Now, the start "menu" is full screen, blocking out everything in the background. The start screen is incredibly under unfriendly as well, since switching between the desktop and the start screen must be done by moving your mouse to the far left of the screen, holding it there for a second, and then clicking on the desktop "tile" that pops up. If you are at the main start screen, you can also click back on the desktop tile to switch back. That's Microsoft's new definition of task switching. You cannot click in any blank space or press the escape key to return to the non-fullscreen area you were previously. I feel like Windows has training wheels on. (You can still Alt-Tab from inside of the metro UI, which is probably the most useful resource for power users at this point in Windows 8.)

Due to the uselessness of this new dysfunctional start screen, I immediately created shortcuts on my desktop for the most important start menu items: the user profile root, My Computer, My Network, Downloads, Documents, and Control Panel. Even with these shortcuts on my desktop, I found myself repeatedly clicking the start button and getting lost in the dreaded start screen.

Windows Explorer now has the ribbon added to it. I'm actually glad they added this to Explorer to make it more user friendly, but to me it's another pain in the ass. Like in Office, the ribbon can be collapsed. However, even when collapsed it's still taking up about 30 pixels of unnecessary window height for something that I will never use. I haven't missed the lack of the toolbar, and frankly I was never disappointed to see it default to being hidden, especially since you could always get it back by either unhiding it or by pressing the alt key. With the ribbon, there is no option to hide it completely at all. I hate this. Aside from the addition of the ribbon to Windows Explorer, Windows now natively supports mounting ISO images as virtual disc drives. Additionally, desktop wallpaper and the taskbar finally span multiple monitors (only 10 years late guys)!

It wasn't too long before UAC began bothering me. UAC behavior is the same as in Windows 7, but I like it out of my way completely. So, this prompted me to go to the classic control panel and mess with the user accounts. I opened the classic control panel from the shortcut on my desktop I had created earlier, and it was the same as the control panel in Windows 7. I click on user accounts, and at this point I realize the integration with the Metro start screen is a lot more than what's comfortable for me. In the classic user accounts screen, you have a link that says "make changes to my account in the Settings App", which when clicked brings you to the full-screen Metro control panel to manage user accounts. I find it extremely sad (and annoying) that Microsoft is breaking down its traditional components of Windows into these bullshit "apps" now.

Despite the good ol' desktop still being there, it's still not the same. The deep integration Microsoft has going on with the new Metro start screen is handicapping this operating system. Their current method of handling full-screen metro "apps" that are launched from the desktop makes switching between tasks astronomically more difficult. It appears their end goal is to completely eliminate the entire concept of running an application inside a window. On their current track, the next version of "Windows" is likely to be called "Tiles".

Creating a second user account is even more painful. You are immediately forced into the fullscreen app for managing user accounts. When you click on "add a user", you are asked to specify a Windows Live ID for the user account. You have the option to create a Windows Live ID on this screen, but there is no visible option or prompt to create a local account. To actually create a local account, you need to click on the "more about logon options" link below the "create a new Windows Live ID" link, which attempts to encourage you to sign up for a Live ID. At that point, you finally have the option of refusing and creating only a local account instead.

The new welcome screen has a nice wallpaper and clock, but it's pretty useless...and it's probably the LEAST desktop friendly screen in Windows 8. If you have multiple user accounts, the user accounts no longer sit on top of the welcome screen. Instead, they sit under the wallpaper image and clock. You need to near the bottom of the welcome screen and drag the image UP off the screen to expose the user accounts underneath. I thought the whole goal of this new UI and making life more difficult for the average PC user was to make Windows more accessible for novice users...but I fail to see how hiding an important screen in a cryptic fashion behind a pretty picture is "user friendly".

As of now, my initial impression of Windows 8 makes me want to cry. I feel like I need to re-learn everything I know about how to navigate Windows. This operating system throws out fundamental concepts that have been the core of Windows since Windows 1.0. I don't understand how Microsoft expects users to accept this piece of shit they are handing us on a silver platter. I don't understand how people are praising Windows 8 for its tablet support, but are ignoring all aspects of functionality. This is a disaster of a preview. Unless Microsoft is willing to turn their act around and actually shift focus back to improving the desktop, I simply cannot see myself "upgrading" to Windows 8, when overall the experience is the biggest downgrade in the history of Windows.

t3h m00kz
September 14th, 2011, 12:05 AM
I can't say I'm fond of the look of the new UI but I haven't messed with it yet, so I can't be one to judge.

September 14th, 2011, 12:08 AM
I don't understand Windows 8 at all. I really don't. I've come up with lists of ideas to make Windows easy and intuitive, none of this is it. I don't want my fucking desktop to be a goddamn smart phone.

t3h m00kz
September 14th, 2011, 12:51 AM
After installing and screwing around with Ubuntu, I've determined that all windows needs is clean, build-in workspaces. That's it.

... And maybe a software center or something, app store style with user-made apps and ratings.

This phone stuff is logical for a tablet or a tablet PC like the TX2000, but for regular PC stuff, who would use this? Photo management? Windows + R, z:/! Images/. Doesn't get much easier than that. Then again, a lot of people don't know how to computer, so they're probably trying to appeal to a bigger crowd... I'm glad to see the retro desktop is still in, I just hope the phone UI doesn't hog resources.

September 14th, 2011, 01:56 AM
I'm downloading it now, going to throw it in VirtualBox and play with it. Likely won't ever buy a copy, seems like every second OS from MS is sucking.

XP - Good
Vista - Shit
7 - Good
8 - Shit

Rainbow Dash
September 14th, 2011, 01:59 AM
Vista was excellent though???

t3h m00kz
September 14th, 2011, 02:03 AM

people like this will now be able to use windows

September 14th, 2011, 02:45 AM
Actually the irony of it all is that this new UI makes less sense and has a steeper learning curve than the traditional windows everyone already knows how to use.

I'll explain more on this later in a follow-up post covering Windows 8 Day 2.

t3h m00kz
September 14th, 2011, 02:54 AM
Well to be fair, that may not be the case for people who have never computered before. When you look at Windows 7 after living, eating and shitting in the woods your entire life and all you see is a bunch of icons on the task bar, how is the user going to know what's up? Perhaps they're trying to appeal to those people. Those poor, sad, unfortunate people.

To me this looks like an operating system with huge, clunky, robotic training wheels that the average windows user would never want.

September 14th, 2011, 03:09 AM
But the thing is, we're at the point now where the biggest age group of people learning to use computers is from ages 3-18. We don't need to be designing interfaces for people who are 80 years old and have never used a computer in their life (and don't need to). I was under the impression from my observation of friends and other students that we have at least a basic understanding of how to use computers. It's actually extremely simple, and the interface has everything laid out in front of you.

This new UI Microsoft is introducing is actually rather cryptic and confusing. I only understand it because I've seen several demo videos of it already, but if I didn't know anything, how would I know how to access hidden menus, or switch between tasks? In that case, having a taskbar and windows is actually much, much simpler than having hidden controls that change with each "app" you are in. The thing that bothers me MOST about the UI is that I have a pretty good understanding of how the UI should behave from experience with touchscreen operating systems, but with a mouse and keyboard, this behaves differently. On a tablet, the metro UI is less clunky and is easier to use. However, Microsoft has been trying to push it forward on desktops claiming it's easy to use and just as great with a keyboard and mouse as it is with a touchscreen, but that couldn't be farther from the truth.

September 14th, 2011, 09:14 AM
pretty much unusable unless your using a touchscreen device.

September 14th, 2011, 10:25 AM
I've read that Microsoft is still making sure the mouse and keyboard work just as well as touch screen for the UI. I have no clue how they will do this. The only two things I dislike about this so far is that the traditional desktop is an app and that you have to bring up the large ass Start screen for apps and take a while to remember where that app you want to use is placed. The Metro UI should be an app that launches other apps like Mosaic that is being designed for Windows 7: http://mosaicproject.codeplex.com/

September 14th, 2011, 10:28 AM
My honest opinion on Windows 8 is that they tried to over simplify it to compete with OSX. OSX is apparently "simpler to use" than Windows and I think Microsoft wanted to try and break into the dumb-fuck computer user market. Unfortunately it takes more than a shitty UI to do that, so they kinda really failed hard. I'm sure that they'll fix some of it in a service pack, but we'll likely be stuck with Windows 7 until Windows 9 isn't terrible.

September 14th, 2011, 10:37 AM
Still rockin' XP in Classic '98 mode. Looks like another OS I'll skip.

September 14th, 2011, 11:12 AM
I've been using Mac since Tiger came out and I still don't understand how OSX is more simple to the average user to use. Explain to me how hitting Command+O to open open a file or folder is quicker or easier than just hitting the enter button. Microsoft needs to stop trying to beat Apple at something Apple already does a bad job of and just keep things less simplified. I installed Windows 7 on a random laptop for my mom to use and she got the hang of it within a week despite not having any previous experience with using computers. I fear for what would happen to the Mac if she was to try using OSX.

September 14th, 2011, 11:26 AM
I have a feeling that these earlier milestones are geared more towards getting the OS set up to run on mobile devices well enough. If they ignore traditional desktop use like this, it will indeed be horrible. I was horribly frightened when I learned the desktop was considered an app now.

September 14th, 2011, 11:32 AM
This is going to fail so hard. MS needs to learn to focus on making their existing products even better than trying to compete against every competitor product. There is nothing logical about their approach to W8, just seems like they want everyone to compete with every other product out there with one OS.

September 14th, 2011, 12:50 PM
Fuck Microsoft, here's how to get the start menu back:


(But if you do this you're cheating because obviously the Metro UI isn't good enough for you!)

September 14th, 2011, 01:42 PM
Hahaha this is terrible.

September 14th, 2011, 01:53 PM
i wonder if they're going to offer windows 8 downgrade-cds again, like they did with vista.

September 14th, 2011, 02:39 PM
so i keep hearing that the future of computing is mobile devices, so it follows that microsoft would gear windows 8 to mobile platforms (and gaming, which also makes sense). so basically microsoft is just giving desktop users the finger in exchange for money from people who grew up on smart phones and tablets.

good fucking job microsoft, you took one of the main reasons i use your shit over apple shit and turned into an apple clone yourself. oh well, at least it still supports gaming, right?

September 14th, 2011, 03:45 PM
at least it still supports gaming, right?
Yeah, Xbox Live on Windows.

Rainbow Dash
September 14th, 2011, 03:55 PM
installing it on my tablet pc now, gonna check back later to see if it lives up to this tablet integration shit microsoft is pushing (probably not)

September 14th, 2011, 04:11 PM
Maybe they'll cut the price of the OS in half from Windows 7. That would probably make it worth it.

Rainbow Dash
September 14th, 2011, 07:24 PM
Alright the metroui is really really shitty, but otherwise, I'm not really seeing the big deal here. Once that's disabled you're pretty much left with typical windows 7, with a few enhancements (such as the spellchecker).

Not really impressive either, and I'm missing this whole taking full advantage of tablet capabilities thing they were flaunting around, but it's by no means bad, it's just, idk.

The only really negative thing besides the metroui that it's done, is overwrite the grub2 loader that ubuntu uses for dual booting.

September 14th, 2011, 07:43 PM
good fucking job microsoft, you took one of the main reasons i use your shit over apple shit and turned into an apple clone yourself. oh well, at least it still supports gaming, right?
Microsoft isn't cloning Apple with Windows 8....Apple is still leading the way because they haven't replaced the desktop. Their mobile phone/tablet market is completely separate from their desktops and laptops.

September 14th, 2011, 10:40 PM
There's no good reason to integrate the mobile and desktop platforms. The desktops will always have more power and the mobile devices will always be focused on being lightweight and well.. mobile. Also, Apple has the money game down. You have 3 different devices (Mac, iPad, iPod/Phone) all which have their own software written for them based on the screen size and internal guts. With one OS theres no good reason to get a second or third device. Especially where the tablet and the desktop will both be gimped because the OS is shoehorned to fit both.

September 14th, 2011, 10:42 PM
Desktop should be the default, Metro should be the app. I think MS should have simply modeled a new standard theme around the Zune software interface (Aero is fugly), but left the placement and functionality identical to Windows 7. That would be awesome.

September 14th, 2011, 11:02 PM
Microsoft isn't cloning Apple with Windows 8....Apple is still leading the way because they haven't replaced the desktop. Their mobile phone/tablet market is completely separate from their desktops and laptops.
i was referring to the proprietary "NEED A WINDOWS LIVE ACCOUNT (almost)" thing for making user accounts, and the fact that it seems like its geared more toward mobile devices than the traditional desktop.

for example: metro is the base system, desktop is the app. in an operating system marketed for desktops (at some point in the future when its not in beta).

September 15th, 2011, 12:10 AM
I'm amazed at how many of you are actually shocked by the metro design. Have you guys seriously been living under that much of a rock? They've been talking for months about this.

September 15th, 2011, 12:19 AM
Yes, they have been talking about it. Generally when a company talk about a new product they show it in the best light possible, for example, Windows 8 on tablets and touch-capable devices.

On a desktop it's crap, that's what we're talking about. And we're not shocked by the design, we're shocked at how horrible it is for desktop users.

September 15th, 2011, 12:30 AM
I'm amazed at how many of you are actually shocked by the metro design. Have you guys seriously been living under that much of a rock? They've been talking for months about this.

Shocked not by Metro, but by how far they've gone to try and make it the standard. Metro is actually a style, according to Microsoft before Windows Phone 7's release. It's not just the name of a UI. They could have taken the standard desktop and styled it in the same vein as Metro to make it mesh with Zune and even the MetroUI touch interface, but they should not have tried to push the touch interface on the desktop as hard as they are.

Personally, I love the style. I don't like how they are pushing the touch UI for desktop use, though. It should be something only activated by default on mobile products.

tl;dr: they should have made Metro a selectable theme and a massive widget rather than the standard shell.

September 15th, 2011, 12:31 AM
Yes, they have been talking about it. Generally when a company talk about a new product they show it in the best light possible, for example, Windows 8 on tablets and touch-capable devices.

On a desktop it's crap, that's what we're talking about. And we're not shocked by the design, we're shocked at how horrible it is for desktop users.
Yeah, exactly. I don't have a problem with Microsoft bringing their Windows to tablets. I want to be able to buy a small tablet that isn't totally useless for anything but web browsing. The Metro UI works wonderfully on tablets if you want it to only do the simple tasks tablet operating systems can do today. However, they are also forcing the Metro UI into the desktop environment, which just will not work.

September 15th, 2011, 08:24 AM
This isn't even a public beta release version. It's just a milestone set to attract mobile developers. Save your panic for beta 1 or RC1.

September 15th, 2011, 01:42 PM
IE10 won't support plugins, including flash

September 15th, 2011, 02:03 PM
This isn't even a public beta release version. It's just a milestone set to attract mobile developers. Save your panic for beta 1 or RC1.
It doesn't matter. You can't excuse Microsoft's misdirection with Windows 8 just by saying it's too early. Microsoft has shown their colors with this release. They have made it clear to the public in all their demos and in this public release that this is the direction they want to take Windows. If they didn't think their focus was clear enough, they wouldn't have released this version. So yes, we should panic. If we were to wait until Beta 1, it would be too late. When Microsoft products hit the beta stage, they are essentially feature-complete. From that point, they just work out minor UI and stability bugs, but everything in a beta is in the final version.

IE10 won't support plugins, including flash
That's the metro version only, for the sake of keeping it simple. IE10 desktop version will still support all plugins.

September 15th, 2011, 02:06 PM
Just finished installing the Preview. I'm in awe at how clunky and unusable it is on the PC platform. Touch is definitely needed to work this OS.

September 15th, 2011, 02:35 PM
If you have a PC, just stay with Windows 7. It's that simple really and probably their intended approach :P

September 15th, 2011, 02:55 PM
Yeah. Windows 8 is just Windows 7 all mishmashed up with stupid widgets that make your life incredibly hard. Switching between windows is easy as using the Alt-Tab key but I've never figured out how to quit applications fully.

September 15th, 2011, 06:15 PM
IE10 won't support plugins, including flash

That's OK. I already uninstalled IE10. (Remove Windows features in control panel for anyone wondering)

September 15th, 2011, 06:47 PM
if this is intended for mobile while 7 is for desktops, why do they call it windows 8 as if its the next iteration of windows? why not something more descriptive like "windows mobile" or something.

September 15th, 2011, 06:50 PM
if this is intended for mobile while 7 is for desktops, why do they call it windows 8 as if its the next iteration of windows? why not something more descriptive like "windows mobile" or something.

Because they already have Windows Mobile 7. But they want it to be associated with the tablet market. Microsoft can't come up with any clever names.

September 15th, 2011, 11:36 PM
It doesn't matter. You can't excuse Microsoft's misdirection with Windows 8 just by saying it's too early. Microsoft has shown their colors with this release. They have made it clear to the public in all their demos and in this public release that this is the direction they want to take Windows. If they didn't think their focus was clear enough, they wouldn't have released this version. So yes, we should panic. If we were to wait until Beta 1, it would be too late. When Microsoft products hit the beta stage, they are essentially feature-complete. From that point, they just work out minor UI and stability bugs, but everything in a beta is in the final version.

That's the metro version only, for the sake of keeping it simple. IE10 desktop version will still support all plugins.

Yes I can because this is not the direction; it's a direction for a new platform. This is a milestone geared specifically towards one user base so they may begin preproduction. This is going to be a huge step out into the mobile market and it's a place that they haven't really been before. There is still no indication as to what versions will be available for retail and with that said, it's not like they're going to ignore anyone complaining about a lack of desktop features. As the own article you cited suggests, they're just components currently hidden through registry manipulation. They haven't been cut or demolished, but are just in a state where they're able to convey the possibility of what Metro can do. The store, for instance, wasn't at this stage and was not included. Microsoft is partnered with too many productivity groups to throw them out like you're suggesting. Even educational institutions would greatly suffer if this, and this alone, where the final version of Win8.

I think it's really important that they're calling this a milestone preview where traditionally they have stuck to the alpha/beta/RC moniker for desktop deployments.

September 16th, 2011, 01:31 PM
I want to wait and see what the business versions of the OS look like. This actually looks quite good for use with kinect... but I cant ever imagine myself using that ui everyday.

September 16th, 2011, 02:23 PM
if this is intended for mobile while 7 is for desktops, why do they call it windows 8 as if its the next iteration of windows? why not something more descriptive like "windows mobile" or something.
Same thing I thought. Many people also think that they are forced to upgrade because 8 comes after 7 so this might be a marketing strategy as well. I would have preferred something like Windows Cloud. Windows Portable and Mobile are already taken.

September 16th, 2011, 02:29 PM
That doesn't explain changes to explorer that only benefit a desktop environment.

September 16th, 2011, 04:51 PM
You could subdivide the average Windows user into 3 groups:

1. Users at work
2. Users at home
3. Advanced Users

@1. Many companies haven't even made the switch to Vista/7 because their systems like SAP were designed to work on 2000/XP. If anything, they would consider upgrading to Win7.

@2. Windows 8 is targeted towards this group: A group that uses a computer to go online, check E-Mails and Facebook and uses Skype occasionally. These people are already overwhelmed by simple tasks like understanding the Windows folder hierarchy system and for their tasks, they don't have to understand them in the first place. It's easier for them to just press 1 button and go to Facebook, Skype or check mails.

@3. Advanced users like us want more control over the system. We have no benefit in upgrading to Windows 8.

The average Joe belongs to group #2 and prefers the trade off of having a less complicated environment but less control.

btw writing posts while watching your avatar is confusing :S

February 18th, 2012, 03:17 AM
How to kill a brand



Honestly, I don't understand why they don't just call it "Microsoft TILES." Talk about disassociating yourself with what your customers are familiar with. Do they really think this is going to help their product at all? It seems they are trying to eliminate all history of the "Windows" we're all comfortable with. To me, the changes they are making (not just the logo I'm talking about) are going to hugely backfire. Why? Well, look at the backlash of Windows Vista over something as stupid as UAC. It disrupted users' workflow, they hated it, therefore they hated Windows Vista.

That may be a shitty example, but here's an even better one I think everyone can relate to. Everyone is familiar with the Internet Explorer logo - the "e". The "e" has been symbolic of "the Internet" since it was introduced mid-life of Windows 95. Anyone knows, even those who are computer illeterate, that clicking on the e will get you to the internet. If you change the icon, suddenly there is a disassociation of the program and anyone who doesn't know better can't find it anymore. You've essentially taken the Internet away from them. Now apply that to the Windows logo.

Another example is if you install Firefox or Chrome instead of IE - an environment that looks different, but performs mostly the same thing. If you install Firefox or Chrome on someone's computer who is used to IE, no matter how much you try and emphasize its features and benefits, they will demand their e back. This is the general consensus you should expect with the changes in Windows 8.

I think the project lead or whoever is in charge doesn't have a clue in fucking hell what they are doing. Windows 8 is turning out to be a colossal fuckup and waste of time, and it's getting worse by the day. All of the company's executives and leads need to be fired or forced to resign. The direction (or lack of) they have taken these past 10 years has been a disgrace to the entire company and their biggest brand.

The thing that disturbs me most is their logic. They want to emphasize that Windows is...windows. Yet, at the same time, it's basically "let's make it clear that the logo is actually a window even though we don't use windows anymore! :iamafag:"

And given the color pallette of Windows 8, at this rate the recommended system requirements to run Windows 8 will be a display supporting 256 colors. One step forward, ten steps back.

February 18th, 2012, 05:15 AM
Mirrors my views. I was going to post about the logo and UI changes, but I couldn't handle processing that amount of retardedness in my head, let alone write about it.

February 18th, 2012, 05:49 AM
Oh look, another OS I'm going to skip.

February 18th, 2012, 05:54 AM
I'm indifferent about it, but...it kinda reminds of the Greece flag...which doesn't help W8 at all.

February 18th, 2012, 06:01 AM
Oh look, another OS I'm going to skip.

February 18th, 2012, 11:26 AM
Boycott Windows 8.

February 18th, 2012, 11:28 AM
Ive been saying this all along. They have focused too much effort into mobile and havent improved the 'desktop' version enough. Which is why I am totally not interested it Windows 8.

February 18th, 2012, 02:26 PM
Has anyone actually seen the consumer build yet? It actually looks rather clean and interesting:


February 18th, 2012, 03:26 PM
My god that's ugly and convoluted. Back to basic colours now? Aero looks much better than that.

February 18th, 2012, 04:33 PM
Lol dude, you can change it. Have you not messed with the developer preview? Aero looks/acts the exact same. They just had them on some fugly settings in those screen shots.

February 18th, 2012, 04:52 PM
Aero is ugly as sin.

The Metro interface itself is actually fine, but it's utter garbage on a desktop. The style is solid, but I think they should have taken more design cues from the Zune client software and less from Windows Phone 7. That would have injected some personality into it all without breaking the design language.

Also, they should have at least retained the four-colour nature of the logo, especially since tiles are multi-coloured and because multiple colours implies multiple, different windows on the desktop--this is just stupid.

February 18th, 2012, 05:44 PM
Has anyone actually seen the consumer build yet? It actually looks rather clean and interesting:

You know when your graphics card fucks up and you get those awful low res colours - well those screenshots look like that.

February 18th, 2012, 09:31 PM
Lol dude, you can change it. Have you not messed with the developer preview? Aero looks/acts the exact same. They just had them on some fugly settings in those screen shots.
This is the piss poor excuse I keep hearing, and it's a a load of bullshit.

You're literally forced into metro with every fucking click. You can't launch a program without being forced into metro. You can't shut down or log off Windows without being forced into metro. You can't even change a god damn motherfucking setting in the control panel without being forced into a full screen control panel that's more gimped than a quadruple amputee [wow rude].

Also, considering their justification of the new logo with the "we need to represent Windows with a window" crap, they should have just made the logo a giant shit because it symbolizes their product better.

February 18th, 2012, 10:06 PM
Also, considering their justification of the new logo with the "we need to represent Windows with a window" crap, they should have just made the logo a giant shit because it symbolizes their product better.

hard pwnage beign delivered in this thread

February 18th, 2012, 11:02 PM
It actually looks rather clean and interesting

Same thing was said about the Skyrim UI for PC.

Then people tried using it.


February 18th, 2012, 11:13 PM
Ugh that looks awful. Will not be buying. W9 where are you?

Why do need to update already anyways? Windows 7 is just about perfect.

February 18th, 2012, 11:37 PM
Are you kidding me. My god you guys. These are beta builds. Look how much it changed from the developer preview to the consumer preview. Who said anything was final? Especially considering there are already newer builds out past the consumer preview. You guys are being ridiculous. And if you don't think the metro design isn't functional. I disagree 100% I've had it for daily use on my laptop. Works great, it's fast and snappy. Things are much easier to get to. Of all people, the crew of Modacity was not the group I figured would be so judgmental about change.

Also what makes you think Windows 9 will be different? Like they're going to take a step backwards? Not likely. You best just start using OSX or Linux now.

Edit: Or stick with Windows 7 until it dies. Much like XP.

February 18th, 2012, 11:38 PM
This is one of the best comments I've seen yet:

I think it’s very appropriate to have 4 Blue Screens of Death coming right toward you. Pretty much captures my Windows experience, anyway.

And the most ironic thing about it is that the Windows 8 BSOD is just about the same color as the logo!


February 18th, 2012, 11:47 PM
Head's up, the logo colour changes depending on your system's colour scheme. That crappy blue is not necessarily the colour.

For the record, I don't hate Windows 8. I hate that they want me to use their obviously touch-oriented interface with a mouse and keyboard. How is hovering over the lower left corner of my screen to get to the Start menu forward-thinking at all? How is making the traditional desktop the app and Metro the base logical for desktop users?

Don't get me wrong, I like Metro for what it is. I just feel like they are pushing it where they shouldn't and I feel like they didn't try hard enough to set up a design language for themselves. It's too clean, too clinical. Boring. The animations alone don't cut it. It could use some of those subtle, flowery patterns and animations found in the Zune software (on the Zune HD and the Windows client). They should have done the same for Windows Phone 7 (which I support and use, by the way, because it's awesome); this isn't just unique to Windows 8.

February 19th, 2012, 12:12 AM
This is one of the best comments I've seen yet:

And the most ironic thing about it is that the Windows 8 BSOD is just about the same color as the logo!

LOL thats not really the BSOD screen, is it?

February 19th, 2012, 12:21 AM
Yeah, it is, actually.

February 19th, 2012, 12:38 AM
oh god :lmao:

February 19th, 2012, 12:55 AM
Tried it because I thought it would be cool. Looked nice, started fast, then wham. I got stuck trying to find the control panel and get back out. :'(

Go back to the windows we love, I'm not going from windows 7 to 8. XP Supremacy!

Also, that BSOD. If that's for real I'm going to shoot myself. Not only is it not helpful, but it makes me feel like a 5 year old.

and dafuq is with this keyboard?

February 19th, 2012, 12:57 AM
I think it's better than the crazy numbers and nonsense that the blue screen used to be.

February 19th, 2012, 01:36 AM
At least with the new bluescreen they have the option to make a face that is giving you the finger for installing the operating system.

February 19th, 2012, 01:38 AM
Those crazy numbers and nonsense are there to help you understand what just happened to your computer.

February 19th, 2012, 01:39 AM
Tried it because I thought it would be cool. Looked nice, started fast, then wham. I got stuck trying to find the control panel and get back out. :'(

Go back to the windows we love, I'm not going from windows 7 to 8. XP Supremacy!

Also, that BSOD. If that's for real I'm going to shoot myself. Not only is it not helpful, but it makes me feel like a 5 year old.

and dafuq is with this keyboard?

Keyboard is for thumb input if you're holding the tablet in landscape. It actually works pretty well.

t3h m00kz
February 19th, 2012, 01:59 AM

dear god

February 19th, 2012, 02:02 AM
Vista was excellent though???

People don't realize that Windows Vista became good after service pack 1. It gained such a bad reputation that no one wanted it or even try it out.

February 19th, 2012, 02:18 AM
Keyboard is for thumb input if you're holding the tablet in landscape. It actually works pretty well.
I think he was referring the lack of QWERTY?

If not then yeah, it's for typing with your thumbs (hands on each side of a touch-device).

February 19th, 2012, 02:24 AM
Those crazy numbers and nonsense are there to help you understand what just happened to your computer.

Yes, I understand that. But for the common person it could be very worry some. You're thinking like a tech person and not a common everyday person.

February 19th, 2012, 02:48 AM
The BSOD screen is bullshit. The numbers and technical info the prior lue screns provided could actually help a user troubleshoot a problem. At least it still gives the text error (like HAL_INITIALIZATION_FAILED), but for most other errors, that doesn't mean shit. Without the hex error codes and dlls or drivers that CAUSED the crash, you can't even take the first step to fix it. If your system boots, at least you can check the system logs, but if windows fails to boot, you're FUCKED!

What really bugs me is that they THINK it's important to improve this screen. This is a kernel error screen. It's not suposed to be user friendly, because 99.999% of users will never see it, and if they do see it, they STILL won't understand shit about it. It also makes me wonder just how often they expect people to see the screen! <insert windows instability joke here>

February 19th, 2012, 03:13 AM
Lmfao. If someone gets BSOD at boot (like it has happened to me multiple times until I could find the problem) They are completely FUCKED like jcap says. Whatre they trying to do here with this OS? It seems theyre overthinking it by x999999 to make it user friendly. So user friendly that its user unfriendly. Good job microsoft.

t3h m00kz
February 19th, 2012, 03:45 AM
I haven't tried the OS out yet. once I boot into Ubuntu again I'll load it up into my VB and see what's up...

hopes aren't high though.

t3h m00kz
February 19th, 2012, 07:20 AM
booted it up in my vb.

first impressions:


they literally took Windows 7 and replaced the start menu with some fugly fucking Xbox 360 UI built for controlers and motion controls, not mouse and keyboard.. I guess lists of programs are too good of a fucking idea!!

After I finally find the app list after clicking around and discovering the list is under "Search"? All fucking alphabetized. That means you have all of your system tools (Calc, Defrag, Task manager) all cluttered in with your games, web browsers and everything else. it's a fustercluck.

February 19th, 2012, 12:21 PM
Lol, do remember that that was build 8102 (pre-beta), the screenshots I showed were from build 8222, and the Windows 8 Consumer preview will be build 8250 (beta).

Edit: Also read in to the metro design. It's all Microsoft is going to do now. And in all fairness Windows 8 had that menu waaaayyyy before the Xbox got updated. It pulls more design from Zune/Windows Phone 7.

Edit Edit: Also the windows key on your keyboard is your friend now.

February 19th, 2012, 12:38 PM
The Metro UI on the Xbox is absolutely HORRIBLE for controllers, by the way. Where before it was a simple Up/Down to scroll through the categories and Left/Right to scroll within a category, now it's all over the place and SLOW. It's the worst dash update since they moved to NXE from the Blades system.


Don't get me wrong, I like Metro for what it is. I just feel like they are pushing it where they shouldn't and I feel like they didn't try hard enough to set up a design language for themselves. It's too clean, too clinical. Boring. The animations alone don't cut it. It could use some of those subtle, flowery patterns and animations found in the Zune software (on the Zune HD and the Windows client). They should have done the same for Windows Phone 7 (which I support and use, by the way, because it's awesome); this isn't just unique to Windows 8.

Actually when you get right down to it, why don't they just make "Zune OS" or "zOS" and drop Windows altogether (or use the Windows name for enterprise stuff). Sure, they might lose a lot of brand recognition, but they also drop some of that Windows baggage such as a reputation for insecurity or instability. Further more, consumers (not businesses) have shown they are willing to try something new if it's catchy enough. Just look at OSX.

February 19th, 2012, 03:03 PM
The Metro UI on the Xbox is absolutely HORRIBLE for controllers, by the way. Where before it was a simple Up/Down to scroll through the categories and Left/Right to scroll within a category, now it's all over the place and SLOW. It's the worst dash update since they moved to NXE from the Blades system.
Yesterday, I kept bumping into that FUCKING ADVERTISEMENT panel. I wear headphones while I play so it was like 'bloop-bloop-MUSIC BLAST!!!!!!!1111'. I payed for my goddamn XBL sub and yet there put up these goddamn ads. They should be toggable. Or at least the fucking sounds should be toggable.

All the more reason not to renew!

February 19th, 2012, 03:24 PM
I honestly can't fathom how they can get away with Xbox Live. It provides literally no service to me whatsoever. All it does is flip a switch in the game that lets me play online, but it's not like it's actually hosting the game's servers or the voice chat. Their "improvements" have only made my Xbox experience increasingly more frustrating. I shouldn't have to sit there for ten seconds after hitting the Guide button, waiting for the menu to load. Finally, If they want to put ads, then make voice and online play free for crying out loud. If it wasn't for online play, hardly anybody would bother buying XBL service.

And they want to integrate this shit into Windows...

February 19th, 2012, 03:38 PM
Good thing Bungie's next game won't be limited to the shit brick service that the Xbox uses! But hopefully I won't have to buy a PS3 to play it (ie, hopefully their next game will be for the PC)

t3h m00kz
February 19th, 2012, 04:14 PM
ps3's make made fucking awesome linux boxes from what I heard...

February 19th, 2012, 05:03 PM
Good thing Bungie's next game won't be limited to the shit brick service that the Xbox uses! But hopefully I won't have to buy a PS3 to play it (ie, hopefully their next game will be for the PC)

Good thing Activision is intelligent enough to know that platform exclusivity only harms sales. They LOVE multiplatform. :D

February 20th, 2012, 04:06 AM
I honestly can't fathom how they can get away with Xbox Live. It provides literally no service to me whatsoever. All it does is flip a switch in the game that lets me play online, but it's not like it's actually hosting the game's servers or the voice chat. Their "improvements" have only made my Xbox experience increasingly more frustrating. I shouldn't have to sit there for ten seconds after hitting the Guide button, waiting for the menu to load. Finally, If they want to put ads, then make voice and online play free for crying out loud. If it wasn't for online play, hardly anybody would bother buying XBL service.

And they want to integrate this shit into Windows...

there's a reason GFWL 'enabled' games are automatically a 100% guarantee to NOT be bought by me.
i will NEVER EVER give my money to a GFWL-game.

February 20th, 2012, 11:40 AM
I don't do so knowingly. I didn't know Fallout 3 was GFWL-enabled.

February 20th, 2012, 02:39 PM
There's a little logo on the box?

February 20th, 2012, 02:59 PM
Didn't buy retail, bought via Steam and since it was on sale for $7.50 I didn't take the time to peruse the page for details. Oops.

February 20th, 2012, 03:13 PM
Oh, well Steam doesn't show any of the engine/packages logos anyway I don't think.

February 20th, 2012, 04:18 PM
What the logo actually symbolizes:


Now I see how clever it is!

February 20th, 2012, 09:02 PM
But if you flip it the other way it looks like a lamp shade

I LOVE LAMP :downs: