View Full Version : [Gallery] Limited's Photography

September 17th, 2011, 11:42 AM
Hey chaps, this thread will house my photography, for those wondering I have a Canon 550D with 18mm-135mm lens.

I've transitioned to using tag, so the are smaller and do not engulf the screen, as per usual click for larger res (1000 by XX I use).

Update: 29th Sept 2011
So I've had the week off work, managed to pick a good week off as its a scorcher with the weather. Been on a few trips with the camera, more pictures will follow soon, need to resize and what not.

I'm starting to think what tripod I should purchase, I want to do HDR stuff where I need it to be completely stable, I've tried a few HDR's but they havent come out how I wanted to. My friend showed me his tripod on webcam and it seems like a good choice for me, I don't want a ball-head one, just a 3 way things. Needs to be light-ish and collapse small for easy traveling.

He has a CamLink TP Pro 24a

Jurassic Coast
[smshot]http://limited-development.net/photography/Beach1.jpg http://limited-development.net/photography/Beach2.jpg

My attempt at a long exposure (note, this was done with no tripod)




http://limited-development.net/photography/Bagga - HDR.jpg http://limited-development.net/photography/Bagga_Tor_HDR.jpg

17th Sept 2011

http://limited-development.net/photography/IMG_0017.JPG http://limited-development.net/photography/IMG_0017_crop.jpg


Flowers from my garden
http://halo.limited-development.net/Photographs/Flower.jpg http://halo.limited-development.net/Photographs/Flower 2.jpg

http://halo.limited-development.net/Photographs/sunflower.jpg http://halo.limited-development.net/Photographs/sunflower2.jpg


http://halo.limited-development.net/Photographs/Twiglet_HDR.jpg http://halo.limited-development.net/Photographs/Barn_HDR.jpg

Llama Juice
September 17th, 2011, 12:17 PM

That's nuts bro.

Also, super awesome stuff maaaan. That first flower is bad ass. What kind of flower is it?

(Never thought I'd be discussing flowers on a Halo modding forum.)

FLOWER EDIT: I guess it's not the first flower picture, it's the second. The first one in your "Garden" set.

September 17th, 2011, 12:47 PM
Hah, thats a 'passion flower' or the technical latin name passiflora. We have a bush of them, it was super windy here in my garden and I actually had to hold the stem with one hand and take the photo with hte other, it took 3 attempts. The other 2 I didnt upload have more of the petals in but also some of the stem and green leaves, which is why I picked this one.

Surprisingly the are all in total focus, which I'm pleased with.

September 17th, 2011, 12:49 PM
im really considering making that picture of your kitty my desktop background.

because im 300 miles away from my kitty so i cant take a similar photo :saddowns:

September 17th, 2011, 12:51 PM
Do you want a larger version? My camera shoots 5165x3431.

September 17th, 2011, 06:00 PM
Welcome to photography man, hopefully you get just as much enjoyment out of it as I do :o

Reaper Man
December 1st, 2011, 01:38 PM
You need to be more careful with your HDR images, HDR is meant to show a fuller dynamic range, not create tones that don't exist - like those halo glows you have going on.Compositionally, you're doing pretty well. Will critique in more depth when I'm not on my phone on a bus lol