View Full Version : I'm Jewish and I'm Prou-

September 30th, 2011, 11:32 PM
Hello, Modacity. It’s time that I admit I am Jewish. I have kept this secret for a long time, but I must come clean. I cannot keep lying to you, because that means I am lying to myself. I must also admit that I am of the Jewish faith so that I can tell you about my Hanukkah. It may have been the worst eight days of my life.

Day One: Day one seemed to go normally, except when I called my girlfriend Jessica, she did not answer. Confused, I asked my brother Jack if he knew anything that might be happening with her. He did not clearly answer me, just shrugged and mumbled some shit.

Day Two: When Jessica came over, she seemed to be ignoring me a lot. I kept trying to talk to her, but she acted like I did not even exist. "Come on, Jessica," I pleaded. "What's wrong?" She whipped around and glared at me. "God, Jeremy! Why won't you give me any space!" That hurt more than any physical pain I could imagine.

Day Three: I could really tell something was amiss, so I asked everyone I knew about it. At first they did not respond, but eventually my mother tearfully admitted something to me. “It’s your brother,” she said. “He’s been sleeping with Jessica.” I shook my head, in the warm comfort of my denial. "No way," I claimed. "Jack would never do something like that." "It's true," said my mother. "Oh, God, I'm so sorry, Jeremy." I went to my room without a word.

Day Four: I had to absorb this knowledge overnight before I could confront Jack. On day 4 I finally did. "Why did you sleep with Jessica!?" I demanded. "Who told you!?" "Mom did." Jack sighed. "Oh, man, I begged her not to tell anyone else." I ignored his pathetic excuse. "How could you, Jack? You're my brother!" As he opened his mouth, I got so pissed off at his fucking face and that huge, stereotypical Jewish nose, that I slammed my fist straight into it. Jack fell backwards screaming, then kicked my stomach, knocking the wind out of me. We came to blows, beating at each other until my dad managed to separate us.

Day Five: Jack and I still refused to speak to each other. Jessica called me twice, but I ignored that cheating whore!

Day Six: This day remains imprinted in my memory. I sat down and talked with Jessica. "Why would you do this to me?" I asked. "I don't know, Jeremy. I-I love him!" I could not handle this. It was as if my arm had a mind of its own. It snapped up and slapped my hand across her face. Jessica looked at me in shock, then ran away. I actually cried that night.

Day Seven: I remained in my room for most of the seventh day of Hanukkah, not speaking to anyone, contemplating what to do.

Day Eight: On the eighth day, I finally figured out how to solve the problem. After waking up, I laid in bed until everybody else was up. I stood and grabbed the switchblade from my dresser. Placing it in my pocket, I went downstairs. There I saw Jack next to the Hanukkah candles. "Hey," I said quietly. Finally, I really spoke to him. "Jack, we shouldn't keep this grudge up over Hanukkah. Come on. We need to make our peace." Jack nodded soberly. I looked over at the candle. "Come on. Let's light the candle, Jack." We lifted the match to the eighth candle, and just as the flame lit, I pulled out my switchblade and stabbed hi-

September 30th, 2011, 11:39 PM
Copy-paste, or original? Not terrible. Would have made a good bit a few years ago.

t3h m00kz
September 30th, 2011, 11:42 PM
what's sad is I actually get the joke.

I wonder who else will

September 30th, 2011, 11:42 PM
Copy-paste, or original? Not terrible. Would have made a good bit a few years ago.

Sadly a pathetic copy-paste. Saw it posted on my favorite football forum and couldn't resist spreading it around a little.

October 1st, 2011, 12:53 AM
So you're part of the group that celebrates slicing and dicing the dicks of infants?

yes I know this is about candle jack but I couldn't resist the troll

October 1st, 2011, 01:06 AM
So you're part of the group that celebrates slicing and dicing the dicks of infants?

yes I know this is about candle jack but I couldn't resist the troll
Well I am actually circumcised, and I would probably have my son circumcised...

So yes.

October 1st, 2011, 02:06 AM
Oh, a circumcision thread? Cool.

ITT: retards attempt to defend the despicable act of genital mutilation inflicted on them by their retarded parents.

t3h m00kz
October 1st, 2011, 02:18 AM
Foreskin requires maintenance and a sense of personal hygiene.

I am neutral. But at least there's the option for circumcision later down the line if said person desires such a body mod.

Wait why are we having this discussion? I think I can legitimately blame the jewish faith without sounding like a racist fuck.

October 1st, 2011, 02:26 AM
Well I am actually circumcised, and I would probably have my son circumcised...

So yes.
Your poor son and his poor future GFs (http://www.sexasnatureintendedit.com/) :saddowns:

October 1st, 2011, 03:14 AM
Oh, a circumcision thread? Cool.

ITT: retards attempt to defend the despicable act of genital mutilation inflicted on them by their retarded parents.
Thanks n00b. Your immediate writing off of someone based on their family's traditions and culture shows how intelligent and sophisticated you are, rather than that you were bullied in school so you act belligerently towards people you know nothing about on the internet so you can feel better about yourself.

I thought us gingers were supposed to stick together.

Your poor son and his poor future GFs (http://www.sexasnatureintendedit.com/) :saddowns:
Propaganda! Lol probably not, that was actually an interesting read. It would probably be my spouse's decision anyways, so it's really not something I am too interested in. I was more posting to keep the humor up.

October 1st, 2011, 03:49 AM
Your spouse? Why not let the child decide himself when he's an adult? His body. Also, I don't think your wife is going to turn to you after a baby girl is born to ask you if her genitalia should be mutilated by female circ :saddowns:.


October 1st, 2011, 04:05 AM
Your spouse? Why not let the child decide himself when he's an adult? His body. Also, I don't think your wife is going to turn to you after a baby girl is born to ask you if her genitalia should be mutilated by female circ :saddowns:.

Yeah but female circ isn't a tradition in the Western world. You have a point that it is objectively pretty messed up, but from the view of anthropology it's really interesting. Both I mean. It's an interesting thing in our culture, and, based on the reaction in this thread, is apparently more controversial than I would have figured. I honestly don't have a negative or positive opinion of it. It just is to me.

Also I'm curious if that whale circumcision is true lol.

October 1st, 2011, 04:45 AM
Hey, you're the one that's going to have to look at it every time you change his diapers.

October 1st, 2011, 04:45 AM
I wonder if the divers were seamen...

Or if it was a sperm whale...

Why isn't anyone jumping at these? Com'on modacity, where are your jokes?

Hey, you're the one that's going to have to look at it every time you change his diapers.
Where's the flaccid.gif emote when you need it

October 1st, 2011, 04:59 AM
I wonder if the divers were seamen...

Or if it was a sperm whale...

Why isn't anyone jumping at these? Com'on modacity, where are your jokes?

Where's the flaccid.gif emote when you need it
"Seamen plus seapeople equals seaciety".

October 1st, 2011, 05:16 AM
Stop it! You'll make aquaman come...on land

October 1st, 2011, 05:20 AM
Aquaman is circumcised. For speed.

October 1st, 2011, 07:38 AM
i knew where this was going the second i asw the thread-title.

i need to get off the internet -.-

October 1st, 2011, 09:31 AM
Okay so I've learnt 3 things from this thread;
Your name is Jeremy
You have a circumcised penis
Your a ginger

I'm more shocked that your name is Jeremy, its the only one I've actually thought of before...You see more of a Jack or a Tim

October 1st, 2011, 09:33 AM
You see more of a candle Jack or a Tim
fixed that for y-

October 1st, 2011, 11:29 AM
You see more of a Jack or a Shaun

October 1st, 2011, 11:48 AM
Actually none of those things are my name. Its called a rouse. actually it was bad editing

August 6th, 2012, 12:01 AM
Bumping this thread

I'm honestly considering becoming Jewish

Not because I believe in a deity or anything

Just because Moses is by far the most badass character in all of monotheism

Dude murdered an Egyptian for the fun of it

And had a staff that could turn into a fucking Hydra

Thoughts? Input?

August 6th, 2012, 12:08 AM

Joking aside, nope, real thoughts. Well, other than the penis mutilation bit. But if you're down with that, have yourself a balls with Judaism!

August 6th, 2012, 12:10 AM

Joking aside, nope, real thoughts. Well, other than the penis mutilation bit. But if you're down with that, have yourself a balls with Judaism!
Thing is I don't know where any are here in Oregon, and I'm not sure they would like my habit of wearing Venom/Megadeth shirts.

August 6th, 2012, 12:55 AM
why do you feel like taking up religion?

are you missing something in life?

also, bacon.

August 6th, 2012, 01:03 AM
it's one thing to be born into ignorance.
it's another thing entirely to choose it.

August 6th, 2012, 01:34 AM
this thread

ps i know that the post is super old but holy shit noob, please tell me more about your highly emotionalised opinion of something based entirely off of what i would assume is hearsay

August 6th, 2012, 01:37 AM
circumcision's fucking stupid ross.

Just because we accept it as a society doesn't mean it's not genital mutilation of the person who has NO say in it.
especially in women.

August 6th, 2012, 01:41 AM
funny, it never gives me any problems????

there is zero credible scientific basis to argue against male circumcision. granted that being a thing done at birth may not be entirely ideal, but i don't often hear people whining about how they didn't have a choice. usually those who do either had it done wrong or are straight up just trying to fit in.

it is not inherently harmful.


tell me how you feel about parents having their toddlers' ears pierced

August 6th, 2012, 01:59 AM
hey ross.

if i started a religion that made me cut off my children's nose, would you be down with that?
fuck off, you don't cut kids, it's that fucking simple.

if your religion sais you should, it's a fat load of crap.
if you really want to force the issue, let the kid decide himself.

hey boy, guess what, because you're a jew, you're supposed to cut off that skin on your dick, how about it?


toddler ear-piercing is also fucking demented.

August 6th, 2012, 02:05 AM
why do you feel like taking up religion?

are you missing something in life?

also, bacon.
Nah, I'm just tired of being on the outside of the group that really controls the world ;)

It was more of a joke. I've been listening to this song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICKaVAbACek) a lot lately, which got me interested in the story of Moses. Everything else about the religion seems weird to me, especially since I'm basically an atheist. But Moses was really one badass fucker.

August 6th, 2012, 02:07 AM
hey ross.

if i started a religion that made me cut off my children's nose, would you be down with that?
fuck off, you don't cut kids, it's that fucking simple.

if your religion sais you should, it's a fat load of crap.
if you really want to force the issue, let the kid decide himself.

hey boy, guess what, because you're a jew, you're supposed to cut off that skin on your dick, how about it?


toddler ear-piercing is also fucking demented.
who says that it only ever happens because of religion, and how is it in any way comparable to cutting off a nose, which actually has an important function?

August 6th, 2012, 02:33 AM
who says that it only ever happens because of religion, and how is it in any way comparable to cutting off a nose, which actually has an important function?

Many men report less pleasure after having their foreskin removed. That's a pretty significant change to them. Hell, some of them have it put back on if you can believe it.

August 6th, 2012, 02:35 AM
many men also purport to have been anally probed by aliens, it doesn't make me any more likely to believe that i have been too

e: also what wonderous device are they using to quantify such an unbelieveably subjective matter as sexual pleasure, and what are they doing to ensure consistency in a field where there is guaranteed to be very little of such

e: furthermore, what (if anything) is being done to counter potential placebo effect

August 6th, 2012, 02:36 AM
and how is it in any way comparable to cutting off a nose, which actually has an important function?
Holy shit, that was one of the more ignorant posts I've seen in a while (well, aside from your earlier posts). Are you really that fucking thick headed (no pun intended) to think that foreskin has no important function? I guess if you're a virgin it wouldn't be that important to have something that is of use in sex. Gee ross, do you believe female circumcision is all fine and dandy too?

NSFW (http://www.sexasnatureintendedit.com/) (well, the main page is, but links on the page aren't).

Seriously, who the fuck is sane and thinks it's okay to fucking cut off any part of their natural body? Especially that of a newborn baby with no say in the matter?

August 6th, 2012, 02:41 AM
just from reading off the url name i can surely tell i am being linked to an unbiased, scientific site full of actual empirical study and not emotional spin.

oh, wait.

there has not been any genuine, undisputable proof. so far what there has been is a shit-ton of controversy, spin, and pseudo-science on both sides. plainly i know less about my own fucking body than someone who doesn't actually have any personal experience of what they're railing so hard against... and you call me ignorant.

August 6th, 2012, 02:43 AM
ps female circumcision is not a particularly good parallel, as it does have some very noticeable negative effects, as opposed to a load of unproven conjecture

e/ also anyone who honestly believes a foreskin is in any way critical to sex is fucking delusional and needs to stop swallowing sensationalist bullshit so readily

funny how when it's something people like, they link to reputed scientific sources, the moment it's not then it's all STOPMUTILATION.COM and FORESKINSAREFREEDOM.ORG

i mean if stopping mutilation of ~natural human bodies~ is so close to your heart, then stop cutting your hair, stop shaving, stop cutting your nails, avoid tanning, avoid any surgery whatsoever, never visit the dentist, where does this bullshit end? like i said, i don't exactly give my okay to having kids circumcised at birth because later they might regret it (though from what i can tell this seems largely based on either fucked procedures causing problems, or foreskin envy, or just general social pressure), but making a huge fucking song and dance about evil genital mutilation? lmao, get real

August 6th, 2012, 03:13 AM
due to my blood disorder, i had to have my spleen removed in order to survive. I guess I should feel bad about that???

August 6th, 2012, 05:37 AM
Not as much as having to live in Alaska. WTF? We're not talking about diseases, disorders, or basic fucking hygiene (ross, out of what hole in your brain did you pull the idea of cutting your hair/nails, which are in constant growth, the same as circumcision, which doesn't even grow back? Tattoos would have been at least a better fallacy). We're talking about permanent body modification, especially of that on newborn babies. If you're an adult, do what the fuck ever to your body. It's yours after all. But this nonsense of violating the body of a newborn should be unacceptable. It's irreversible. No one should have any life altering bullshit done to them without their consent, or before the age of which they can actually reason what is getting done to them.

August 6th, 2012, 06:24 AM
Nah, I'm just tired of being on the outside of the group that really controls the world ;)

It was more of a joke. I've been listening to this song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICKaVAbACek) a lot lately, which got me interested in the story of Moses. Everything else about the religion seems weird to me, especially since I'm basically an atheist. But Moses was really one badass fucker.
wasn't moses the guy that was going to slit his kids throat because voices in his head told him?

what an idol.

August 6th, 2012, 06:29 AM
WTF? We're not talking about diseases, disorders, or basic fucking hygiene
we may as well! i'm not losing any sleep over the fact i no longer have the anatomical equivalent of a fucking agar-jelly plate attached to my dick!

(ross, out of what hole in your brain did you pull the idea of cutting your hair/nails, which are in constant growth, the same as circumcision, which doesn't even grow back?
granted, it was a really stupid comparison - but only as bad as some of the others coming up in this thread

We're talking about permanent body modification, especially of that on newborn babies. If you're an adult, do what the fuck ever to your body. It's yours after all. But this nonsense of violating the body of a newborn should be unacceptable. It's irreversible. No one should have any life altering bullshit done to them without their consent, or before the age of which they can actually reason what is getting done to them.
what age is that, pray tell? when do we draw the metaphorical line in the sand when it comes to not only this, but all manners of other permanent things people get done before they are honestly mature enough to know what the fuck? okay, so granted it sure won't be 'at birth' or even for some time after, but it's a valid question if you're going to try the 'THEY CAN'T UNDERSTAND IT AND DECIDE RESPONSIBLY' angle. fuck, most adults can't even make responsible permanent decisions.

you have yet to back up any of your other arguments, probably because they are all completely unproven and largely based upon rationalisations by either people who would not know or who have some sort of crisis over a bit of skin no longer being attached to them. i suppose i can understand it on some level, but personally i find it offensive to be called ignorant in the same paragraph someone who is presumably not circumcised turns around and vomits forth a sea of bullshit about its 'negative effects'.

painful? i wouldn't know. i was a self-contained chemical reactor that turned milk into shit, vomit, and yelling at the time. it could have been the most painful thing on earth for all i have cared ever since my first recollectible thought on the matter, because i never 'felt' it.

less sensation? highly subjective, difficult or impossible to measure scientifically, and severely prone to placebo effect. no wonder people love this argument so much, it's so fucking vague and unscientific that it's just as impossible to prove as it is to disprove. without going into too much detail, i'll say this: if it does cause any lost sensation, then i'm not really finding myself missing it. it must be a fucking miniscule amount. more likely this is simply an imagined rationalisation rather than an actual, quantifiable thing.

permanent? only matters if you're someone who cares, i personally don't, and as i said i have a few opinions on why people would suddenly angst over it and they mostly relate to social pressure and envy, or simply a bad experience because their parents hired a shit surgeon.

i'm by no means saying everyone should get one, but there are no actual proven disadvantages other than someone suddenly having a change of heart after finding out what happened. in other words, being perfectly fine with their dick until whatever age they saw another guy's at the urinal, or went through sex ed. your point about the lack of choice is the only legitimate one you or anyone else has brought up so far, and it's one i'm sort of on the fence about since i can only speak from my perspective of being happy with what i (don't, in this case) have. trying to bring up any medical or pseudo-scientific argument whatsoever is a complete crock which is commonly seen in any bitter two-party debate. none of it is properly proven. it is not a valid argument, period.

August 6th, 2012, 06:57 AM
getting a bit worried about ya ross, your posting erratically and using an unusually large amount of strawmen lately.

August 6th, 2012, 07:10 AM
Is it true that its common to be circumcised in USA (for non-religious reasons)?

August 6th, 2012, 07:23 AM
i know people that have had it because when they had an erection the foreskin was too tight for them, so they had it removed.
but that was when they where a consenting adult.

August 6th, 2012, 07:46 AM
getting a bit worried about ya ross, your posting erratically and using an unusually large amount of strawmen lately.
the part where i went completely overboard about the ~natural human body~ thing, yes, but what else there qualifies? the responsibility thing is a legitimate question if people want to introduce that argument. the rest was in response to the 'genital mutilation' bullshit people have been arguing - yet oddly enough the same people who call it that seem totally down with piercings and whatnot, which is really no more or less 'mutilation' in the first place. there could be the argument made that they simply don't like the lack of choice, but if that is the case, there is no call at all for words like 'mutilation' being thrown around flippantly, and nor is there any for a wall of propaganda statements based on assumptions, hearsay, and fake science.

the only appropriate thing to argue here is the choice aspect of it being done, and as i have said like three or four times now, even i'm not sure how i feel about parents just getting it done, because not everyone will be happy about it for one reason or another.

i am not making strawmen when it comes to pointing out what a load of shit the other arguments are. unlike female circumcision which does have bad side effects, as long as it's done properly, male circumcision does not. there is a school of thought (currently supported by the who, as in the un department and not the band) that it reduces the risk of aids. some people think it reduces the risk of cancer. i am not taking either of those as fact until they are proven, and there has been a long history of shit being made up to justify it, but at least it isn't pure bullshit like the arguments against on medical grounds, all of which are either completely unfounded, under doubt, or deliberately so vague as to be unprovable.

as i said, i find it mighty telling that the moment something like this comes up, links start appearing with pretty obviously biased urls, let alone content. people would do well to pay a little less attention to provocatively-named activism sites and a little more to either people with personal experience, or best yet, what science says, not emotion.

August 6th, 2012, 07:55 AM
Your biased because you had it snipped. Myself, I don't really give a crap either way. There are worse things happening to children than having foreskin chopped off.

August 6th, 2012, 08:00 AM
how am i biased if there are allegedly oh-so-many men who wish they'd never had it done?

(i know you don't much give a shit; just pointing that out)

August 6th, 2012, 08:09 AM
ross, you're promoting CUTTING BITS OFF KIDS, and that's fucking psychotic, no matter the reasoning.

if people want to do that to themselves that's fine with me, some people want to amputate their legs, sure whatever, their own fucking legs.

also, i should just point out that circumcision is a tradition invented by desertfolk, to you know, prevent sang getting up in your business.
so ross..

still get that sand in your vagina regularly?

August 6th, 2012, 08:16 AM
i dont just mean this post mate, i mean everything you've posted lately makes me scratch my head and wonder how you, as articulate as you can be are posting.... far below your level.

August 6th, 2012, 08:48 AM
wasn't moses the guy that was going to slit his kids throat because voices in his head told him?

what an idol.
That was Abraham.

Come on man, if you're going to rail against religion at least know the characters.

August 6th, 2012, 08:59 AM
this thread is literally my ass

p.s. uncut subhumans enjoy your phimosis dick

August 6th, 2012, 09:02 AM
uncut sub?

bitch, there's literally LESS of you, that makes you the subhuman :V

August 6th, 2012, 09:12 AM
us circumcised men are the minority underdogs standing up against the tyranny of the phimosis-stricken majority who have to actually put effort in to clean their penises

August 6th, 2012, 09:12 AM
That was Abraham.

Come on man, if you're going to rail against religion at least know the characters.
sorry my bad.
i hate it when i get my fairy tales mixed up.
he's the guy the promised a magical land, the only thing they had to do was walk around in the desert for 40 years.... how'd that work out again?

But seeing as abraham is still the founder of the big 3 monotheistic religions, i believe my point still stands.

August 6th, 2012, 09:18 AM
ross, you're promoting CUTTING BITS OFF KIDS, and that's fucking psychotic, no matter the reasoning.
now the fifth time, i believe, i have had to say that i am not promoting circumcision at birth, i am merely stating that it is not a harmful thing in itself

so ross..

still get that sand in your vagina regularly?
hey man, you know how things can get in the ~outback~

i dont just mean this post mate, i mean everything you've posted lately makes me scratch my head and wonder how you, as articulate as you can be are posting.... far below your level.
it's almost as if i gave up wasting hours of my shitty boring life typing out long, carefully-reasoned responses that get ignored or blown off and decided that five-second inflammatory threadshitting and gross hyperbole is a much more fun (and somehow, more effective) means of getting my point across, through brute force and dull repetition if nothing else

this thread is literally my ass

p.s. uncut subhumans enjoy your phimosis dick
oh boy i was waiting for this

August 6th, 2012, 09:37 AM
now the fifth time, i believe, i have had to say that i am not promoting circumcision at birth, i am merely stating that it is not a harmful thing in itself

oh my bad then, i generally don't bother reading these massive quotewars.
like i've stated, in my opinion, what people want to do to themselves is their own fucking business, but having it done to you, or being forced into it is sheer barbarism.
there's nothing more to this whole debate than that tbh.
medical benefits seem sketchy at best, but i've not researched it really, so whatver.

August 6th, 2012, 09:40 AM
i'd kind of like to see a study into the actual reasons guys get hangups over it later in life; not just to see if it's really a genuine thing or a result of social pressure, but also to see why, if it is genuine.

i'm glad it was then and not now, at any rate, but yeah... as i said, i'm not really qualified to speak from the dissatisfied side of things

August 6th, 2012, 09:48 AM
The question is, are we arguing about the principle of having *permanently* disfiguring you without your permission....or are we arguing about the fact of having a, quite frankly, very strange bit of skin that acts unlike most of the skin on your body.

August 6th, 2012, 10:26 AM
...what the fuck kinda thread is this? I thought I had found a fellow brother-in-arms, but nope it was all a joke and a lie D:

I'm actually Jewish by the way. Raised by the customs, Sunday school, bagels, Bar Mitzvah, more bagels, Confirmation, yet more bagels. Bagels. And no, I'm not joking.

August 6th, 2012, 11:17 AM
man i would kill for a bagel right now


August 6th, 2012, 11:22 AM
bagels are jewis?

i thought they were a shape of bread?

August 6th, 2012, 02:16 PM
Not as much as having to live in Alaska.

Uncalled for...lol.

August 6th, 2012, 10:17 PM
circumcised men are better lovers prove me wrong

August 6th, 2012, 10:32 PM
circumcised men are better lovers prove me wrong
I like this guy

At the same time my first instinct is to ban him

August 6th, 2012, 11:33 PM
Well I've read that there are approximately 20,000 or soMeissner's corpuscles, which are nerves sensivitive to light touch, in the foreskin. I don't really care either way, if you like it, do it. But I do think it's wrong to force it on others. I for one like that I have the ability to go running through the forest completely nude with my heavily armored foreskinned penis to fend off any sticks, pine needles, or stray thorned branches, instead of letting my glans take the brunt of it.

August 6th, 2012, 11:38 PM
if you've never had a chick nibble on your foreskin, you've lived a terrible existence.

August 7th, 2012, 12:47 AM
I for one like that I have the ability to go running through the forest completely nude with my heavily armored foreskinned penis to fend off any sticks, pine needles, or stray thorned branches, instead of letting my glans take the brunt of it.
I actually laughed out loud

Turtle power (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLRBb8jf7PY)!

August 7th, 2012, 01:44 AM
I actually laughed out loud

Turtle power (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLRBb8jf7PY)!


August 7th, 2012, 01:51 AM
us circumcised men are the minority underdogs standing up against the tyranny of the phimosis-stricken majority who have to actually put effort in to clean their penises

Circumcised bitches need lube most of the time. I don't need to juggle with that shit when I can just use the foreskin to create the perfection balance between glide and friction. In fact, that's how I discovered masturbation. I didn't have fucking people or google to tell me how to do it. I discovered that shit on my own. That's special. Sometimes I still wonder how many others had without prior knowledge (e.g. internet) of how to do it.The point is that if I was circumcised, then I would never have discovered it on my own because the skin would be too tight to move causing pain. And I doubt most kids would think of using lube, too.


My exact reaction.

August 7th, 2012, 02:25 AM
if you've never had a chick nibble on your foreskin, you've lived a terrible existence.

August 7th, 2012, 02:28 AM
Circumcised bitches need lube most of the time.
no, not really

August 7th, 2012, 03:19 AM
Hello, Modacity. It’s time that I admit I am Homosexual. I have kept this secret for a long time, but I must come clean. I cannot keep lying to you, because that means I am lying to myself. I must also admit that I am of the gay faith so that I can tell you about my anal sex. It may have been the worst eight days of my life.

August 7th, 2012, 03:42 AM
It's only about pleasuring the ladies! Not yourself!

fifty shades
August 7th, 2012, 06:42 AM
Foreskin is better.

August 7th, 2012, 09:03 AM
Circumcised bitches need lube most of the time.
lmao no

In fact, that's how I discovered masturbation.
uhh most normal human beings discover masturbation naturally because its a basic instinct

Foreskin is better.
fuck off you filthy uncut member of the establishment keeping me and my circumcised brothers down

Hello, Modacity. It’s time that I admit I am Homosexual. I have kept this secret for a long time, but I must come clean. I cannot keep lying to you, because that means I am lying to myself. I must also admit that I am of the gay faith so that I can tell you about my anal sex. It may have been the worst eight days of my life.
but are you gay...for anime???

August 7th, 2012, 09:21 AM
Foreskin is better.
interesting choice of topic to register an account for

August 7th, 2012, 09:25 AM
Dear god, I hope none of you are serious. xD

August 7th, 2012, 10:08 AM
.....this thread o.o

Rainbow Dash
August 7th, 2012, 12:04 PM
uncut sub?


August 7th, 2012, 12:11 PM
luhh most normal human beings discover masturbation naturally because its a basic instinct

Lol, you of all people should know that there is no such thing as "normal".

August 7th, 2012, 05:43 PM
Hi, I'm circumcised and don't really care that I don't have anywhere to hide skittles.

I hate skittles.

But seriously, don't give a damn about the whole circumcision thing. I saw a picture of an uncircumcised penis once and it just looked gross.

August 7th, 2012, 08:20 PM
All I know is, if I was circumcised, girls over here would be like "wtf your circumcised?" and it would be awkward.

August 7th, 2012, 08:26 PM
All I know is, if I was circumcised, girls over here would be like "wtf your circumcised?" and it would be awkward.
Everyone in MERICUH is circumcised

To the point where a friend of mine used to get called Snuffy in the wrestling showers because he was the only uncircumcised kid on the team.

August 7th, 2012, 08:35 PM
why were they looking at his penis anyway

further proof that wrestling is fake and gay!!!!!!!!

August 7th, 2012, 08:36 PM
Wrestling is totally gay

That's what makes it so fucking fun lol

August 7th, 2012, 09:50 PM
we should just turn this shit thread into a wrestling thread imo

August 7th, 2012, 09:57 PM
My favorite move was the cornbarrel, although the Spladel and the Konch were always handy because other heavyweights didn't suspect them.

August 7th, 2012, 10:05 PM
why were they looking at his penis anyway

Wow. So you are either into lesbian or softcore porn. Please tell me lesbian at the most...

August 7th, 2012, 10:08 PM
Wow. So you are either into lesbian or softcore porn. Please tell me lesbian at the most...
Hey man, sometimes you just gotta look at another dude's dick, see what you're being compared to.

August 7th, 2012, 10:15 PM
My favorite move was the cornbarrel, although the Spladel and the Konch were always handy because other heavyweights didn't suspect them.
not that wrestling thats the fake and gay wrestling

im talking REAL wrestling!!!!!!!


August 7th, 2012, 11:15 PM

August 10th, 2012, 02:31 PM
Hey look someone mentioned jews. Better post about dicks

August 10th, 2012, 07:51 PM
Hey look someone mentioned jews. Better post about dicks
Hey man, this thread was originally about candlejack. Not my fault where the conversa-

August 10th, 2012, 08:28 PM
did i step into a timewarp that took me to the year 2006

because even then that candlejack shit wasnt funny

August 10th, 2012, 08:55 PM
did i step into a timewarp that took me to the year 2006

because even then that candlejack shit wasnt funny
Fairly appropriate response

August 10th, 2012, 11:23 PM
Hey look someone mentioned jews. Better post about dicks
Hey now, nobody likes a spitter! Now be a good little girl and swallow it...

http://www.modacity.net/forums/images/customavatars/avatar898_49.gif (http://www.modacity.net/forums/member.php?898-ICEE)
that's it, gooood girl

August 11th, 2012, 03:11 AM
did i step into a timewarp that took me to the year 2006

because even then that candlejack shit wasnt funny
thank fuck someone posted this