View Full Version : [WIP/L4D2] Currently Untitled (HD IMAGES)

October 16th, 2011, 10:07 PM
Some of you may remember me, Ive been gone for a while but I'm back and I've moved to Source.

I'm not much of a gamer these days, however that doesn't mean I don't like designing. This map has been in progress since May(2011) and I've been putting literally every ounce of spare time into this level. The map about to be shown is 1 map out of 5, which will make a campaign. This particular map shown is actually heavily inspired by a plaza in my hometown. The plaza holds a "maze" type feel, along with the feeling of freedom. Every single store is accessable, however I may have went too far with that, for you can access the the attics and rooftops of this giant plaza as well. I'm not gonna explain right now as to why it would give you the feeling of a "maze" but overtime after more updates I'm sure you'll put two and two together! The campaign will have MANY unique features you will not find in any other campaigns, such as:

- Getting down to the darker side of the game when possible.. meaning there will be some scary scenes set up.

- Fight through a Grocery store that has been brutaly torn apart by the infected, cut through an abandond sugar mill and a lot more!

- Play as the first survivors, with dialogue and scenes to tie into the original L4D1 storyline

- Experience high end detail and visuals that will make you wanting more, meaning none of the environments are going to be Static, there will be a lot of movement and intresting obsicles to keep the player intrested in the campaign, and want to play it more then once. The maps will have multiple trails/paths to keep you occupied.

Anyway, here I present the 2nd map in the campaign, The Town Mall, which is still being heavily worked on:

Let me know if you have any lighting suggestions. The first map in the campaign starts off at dawn so it will probably start at dawn, and end at dusk. I was thinking of maybe adding an precipitation environment that kinda acts like the beggining of hard rain, with some distant thunder and drizzles. Let me know if you have ideas, I'm always keeping my eyes open!

Anyway.. I'm getting to the really hard part on development. This map you see in the pictures is just a small preview of how big the actual map is.. which is now turning into a problem because it's really hard to fill up a huge parking lot with props and objects without killing the fps. I'm gonna have to do some crazy
optimizing, but with one person working on a campaign, it's gonna take some amount of time! Expect more pictures and even videos coming in the near future.
^ heres a picture that was taken at the earlier stages of the map when i first added lighting, hopefully you get an idea of what the map will be like.

Been working on some more interiors..http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/7501/left4dead2market4.jpg
And another, http://img829.imageshack.us/img829/626/left4deadmarket5.jpg

if anyone is willing to give me pointers on the postprocess_controller, let me know. Let me know what you all think of the map.

October 17th, 2011, 06:12 AM
Not sure how far along the map is from completion by the screenshots but I'll test it out w/ you. I can say that too much open area is usually a bad thing, and too much closed in space is also bad. There needs to be a good balance.

October 17th, 2011, 06:23 AM
Right, well this map right here is the map of the campaign, im trying to squeeze in a lot of action into this plaza, and since the parking lot has been filled up considerably since the pictures, it still seems to need some more. However the player is not required to be roaming in the parking lot, considering you need to "turn on the power" in the plaza, by finding the switch, the map also has two tanks right now, which will deffinetly help keep players inside or more towards the side of the building, considering the lot is filled with cars, but i havent yet to test the two tanks with the alarm that goes off, so i'll have to see once i get to the nav editing.

October 18th, 2011, 11:09 PM
Small update: been working on the military's outpost blocking the entrence to the plaza.http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/5424/left4dead2market5.jpg

March 3rd, 2012, 09:13 AM