View Full Version : Gaddafi captured
October 20th, 2011, 07:25 AM
Looks like Gaddafi has been captured.
I wonder how long he's going to live now.
E (
""We have confirmation, dead or alive, that he is in the hands of the National Transitional Council," security editor Sam Kiley said."The sources who have confirmed it to Sky are as authoritative as it can get outside the NTC."
There have been conflicting reports about Gaddafi's condition and how the alleged capture happened.
A senior government official was quoted by Reuters as saying the former leader had died of wounds suffered during his capture.
Middle Eastern news channel Al-Arabiya said his body was being taken to the city of Misratah."
October 20th, 2011, 10:51 AM
Pardon my ignorance, but who's Gaddafi?
October 20th, 2011, 11:14 AM
Pardon my ignorance, but who's Gaddafi?
Muammar Gaddafi was the leader of Libya.
There have been many claims of acts of crimes against Humanity and was the one who ordered the Lockerbie bombing.
In short he was the "new saddam".
Without being rude, what rock have you been hiding under?
The business going on in Libya has been getting louder ever since the Arab spring.
October 20th, 2011, 02:09 PM
This is a violation of his human rights! Amerikkka is supporting terrorists!
J/K good job Libyans. You overthrew your government! All (well mostly) by yourselves!!!!!!!!!!!
October 20th, 2011, 03:08 PM
Without being rude, what rock have you been hiding under?
The business going on in Libya has been getting louder ever since the Arab spring.
I never watch tv since we decided to not get cable here (bunch of university students renting a house, cable is just one extra thing that costs money that we don't need) so I don't get to watch the news, and I never really go on and check the news online either. I should probably fix that though since knowing what's going on in the world is a good thing.
Anyway, now that I know who he is, it's great that he's caught.
October 20th, 2011, 03:56 PM
I never watch tv since we decided to not get cable here (bunch of university students renting a house, cable is just one extra thing that costs money that we don't need) so I don't get to watch the news, and I never really go on and check the news online either. I should probably fix that though since knowing what's going on in the world is a good thing.
Anyway, now that I know who he is, it's great that he's caught.
Ah, I never really watch TV myself I just keep my self up to date on various news websites.
According to the updates, not only has he been captured he has also since died, apparently found in a sewer drain pipe after trying to escape being shot in both legs.
October 20th, 2011, 04:21 PM
Your kidding, you don't know who Gaddafi is?? You have to be trolling.
He was hiding out in a storm sewer after pretending to be a regular troop. They dragged him out as he pleaded for his life, then they executed him ( with bullets), shot in the temple I believe.
He got totally what he deserved, a women at work this evening said to me "but no one deserves to go through that no matter what they did" - yeah fuck that, he deserved everything, he was lucky he wasnt beheaded that would have been total satisfaction.
Pictures of him struggling/him dead lying on floor in the link:
S ( and now Gaddafi, both of their lives ended with them hiding in a small hole.
October 20th, 2011, 04:31 PM
He did not deserve anything but I don't expect someone like you to understand that.
If they decided to kill him though, it was the right thing and it is important that they did it.
October 20th, 2011, 04:35 PM
He did not deserve anything but I don't expect someone like you to understand that.
If they decided to kill him though, it was the right thing and it is important that they did it.
...We are talking about the same Gaddafi right, the one that was self imposed leader of Libya?
October 20th, 2011, 04:47 PM
I think Patrick is trying to point out if you want to make an example of others you must be the better person.
Acting like savage barbarians is not how you make your self the better person.
What's the point of going through the effort when you're so quick to go down to the same level you have such contempt for?
Shooting someone as soon as you capture them is savage and barbaric, sitting down with them for a final meal with them knowing what the outcome will be is far more civilized and holds far more impact.
TL:DR Don't sacrifice your humanity to bring down someone who never had it in the first place.
October 20th, 2011, 05:16 PM
Without being rude, what rock have you been hiding under?
A rock called "bills and a job" that also keeps me away from the vidya gaming I need to keep my sanity.
(I, too, am gay have no heard of this person)
October 20th, 2011, 05:24 PM
I mean Patrick is trying to point out if you want to make an example of others you must be the better person.
Acting like savage barbarians is not how you make your self the better person.
What's the point of going through the effort when you're so quick to go down to the same level you have such contempt for?
Shooting someone as soon as you capture them is savage and barbaric, sitting down with them for a final meal with them knowing what the outcome will be is far more civilized and holds far more impact.
Sorry to burst your little perfect bubble, but Gaddafi was not the last evil person in the world. You cannot reason with these people, you cannot ask them politely to surrender, you cannot get them to give up with a measily threat. This will help send a message out to the other people.
You will also realise it wasnt NATO that killed him (okay so he was injured, he may have died from them but thats a weak argument), it was the rebels, the Libyan people who were fed up. This is an outstanding victory for Libya.
Shooting someone as soon as you capture them? That is nothing compared to what Gaddafi did as a ruler. Dont be high and mighty, there was no way Gaddafi was going to stay alive, this is war on terror, its not a game.
Pbear, did you know who Saddam was before he was killed?
October 20th, 2011, 05:28 PM
IDK, Gaddafi had more crimes on his plate against Western nations that I wish he could have been tried for. Hi-Jacking airplanes, attacking American ships, shooting down planes etc. I get your point that its probably better (and cheaper!) this way, but his crimes were very extensive and I would have liked to see him humiliated by World courts.
October 20th, 2011, 05:36 PM
Sorry to burst your little perfect bubble, but Gaddafi was not the last evil person in the world. You cannot reason with these people, you cannot ask them politely to surrender, you cannot get them to give up with a measily threat. This will help send a message out to the other people.
I never said that, I said when he was captured he should remain captured not pulled at the limbs and paraded through streets in the barbaric way that he was.
You will also realise it wasnt NATO that killed him (okay so he was injured, he may have died from them but thats a weak argument), it was the rebels, the Libyan people who were fed up. This is an outstanding victory for Libya.
I am well aware of this, I was after all the one who posted this thread in the first place, the original link given stated it was the libyian people who killed him.
Shooting someone as soon as you capture them? That is nothing compared to what Gaddafi did as a ruler. Dont be high and mighty, there was no way Gaddafi was going to stay alive, this is war on terror, its not a game.
How is being decent and civil being high and mighty?
If you're incapable of such things then that is your problem not mine.
IDK, Gaddafi had more crimes on his plate against Western nations that I wish he could have been tried for. Hi-Jacking airplanes, attacking American ships, shooting down planes etc. I get your point that its probably better (and cheaper!) this way, but his crimes were very extensive and I would have liked to see him humiliated by World courts.
He should have been drawn before world courts and held accountable for his crimes, by being killed as soon as he was captured he has escaped that and taken the less painful, less humiliating way out.
October 20th, 2011, 05:51 PM
He should have been drawn before world courts and held accountable for his crimes, by being killed as soon as he was captured he has escaped that and taken the less painful, less humiliating way out.Less painful way out? But you were just saying you shouldnt be barbaric...You live by the sword, you die by the sword. He had political opponents murdered in the streets, filmed and broadcasted on TV, simply for making a stand - he eliminated free speech.
Yes that is my problem, an I am completely happy with it. Your the one with the issue. Also you are not well aware, considering the title of this thread still says captured. He was barely captured, it was a matter of minutes before he was killed.
In my eyes, he was as bad as Saddam - was I pleased with Saddams trial and execution? It didnt make a difference.
October 20th, 2011, 06:56 PM
Um, wayyyyy worse than Saddam. Saddam wan't even that bad. I mean the Brits and Americans have teamed up against way worse opponents than Saddam. I actually think he was a pretty good ruler except for the whole "gas the kurds" thing. Other than that he was just a tough dictator who knew how to keep the crazies out of power in his country. Gaddaffi (two f's?) killed people for no real reason. At least Saddam had a method to his madness.
Saddam's trial was ridiculous. They never should have held it in Iraq. It would have been way better to hold it in Qatar, where at least they had a government and a fairly balanced person ruling the country.
October 20th, 2011, 10:10 PM
TL:DR Don't sacrifice your humanity to bring down someone who never had it in the first place.
October 20th, 2011, 11:06 PM
Good riddance. And at least now time and money won't be spent feeding and housing his ass while awaiting charges of his crimes.
October 21st, 2011, 07:26 AM
I actually think he was a pretty good ruler except for the whole "gas the kurds" thing.
Saddam was almost exactly like Gaddafi minus a few sponsored attacks on the west. The only reason anyone gives him a little credit is because they hated Bush. It's a dumb reason, I know, but Gaddafi's capture/murder will be hailed as righteous and wonderful.
October 21st, 2011, 10:25 AM
warlord, right on the money :D
October 21st, 2011, 04:37 PM
warlord, right on the money :D
I lold.
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