November 19th, 2011, 06:45 AM
so yeah i've had an issue for a while now where my PC would freeze epicly when playing games.
some more 'reliably' than others.
skyrim for example would freeze about 5 minutes in every time, and games like RAGE make it never freeze at all.
i tried a few things, downclocking my RAM, over/underclocking my gpu etc etc.
nothing worked.
then i decided to hit the OC genie button on my mobo, (automatic overclocking tool which works really well actually) which overclocks my cpu.
i've no had a single freeze since.
only downside is, it dles at 60 degrees, and tops out under load at 90 degrees (in skyrim, haven't checked other games)
mobo: P55-GD65 mobo
processor: I7 860
GPU: GTX 295
RAM: 4x 2GB DDR3 clocked at 1333 with 1.75 volts (can't actually change the voltage)
all stuffed into a giant Coolermaster case with more airflow than a goddamn jetengine.
my CPU only has a 'plain' intel cooler fan though, i'm probably going to look into getting a better cpu fan, but it's not really something i'd like to do right now.
will 90 degrees (max) hurt shit?
so far it's been running very stable, but i don't like risking actually damaging shit.
(also any suggestions for fixing my damn freezing problem would also help)
some more 'reliably' than others.
skyrim for example would freeze about 5 minutes in every time, and games like RAGE make it never freeze at all.
i tried a few things, downclocking my RAM, over/underclocking my gpu etc etc.
nothing worked.
then i decided to hit the OC genie button on my mobo, (automatic overclocking tool which works really well actually) which overclocks my cpu.
i've no had a single freeze since.
only downside is, it dles at 60 degrees, and tops out under load at 90 degrees (in skyrim, haven't checked other games)
mobo: P55-GD65 mobo
processor: I7 860
GPU: GTX 295
RAM: 4x 2GB DDR3 clocked at 1333 with 1.75 volts (can't actually change the voltage)
all stuffed into a giant Coolermaster case with more airflow than a goddamn jetengine.
my CPU only has a 'plain' intel cooler fan though, i'm probably going to look into getting a better cpu fan, but it's not really something i'd like to do right now.
will 90 degrees (max) hurt shit?
so far it's been running very stable, but i don't like risking actually damaging shit.
(also any suggestions for fixing my damn freezing problem would also help)