View Full Version : So what am I about to get myself into....
November 20th, 2011, 08:28 PM
Hey guys, I'm about to buy H2V (got a free giftcard, though it would be cool to have Halo 2's campaign on my PC) and I want to know some good things to know. For example, tips regarding the map editor and how the multiplayer menus work (since I've heard there are a few quirks to move past). How easy is it to develop a map with H2V? Is the multiplayer code better enough than that of HCE?
November 20th, 2011, 10:18 PM
Your mostly stuck at BSP level. You can create stuff like custom weapons, but you need to first create gbxmodels in HCE, then run them through a program. If you want custom vehicles or HUDs... your gonna have to either use a main menu mod, or a dll hack; Same with everyone who wants to play your map with these things. Online code is a giant leap backwards from halo 1. In H2V, CLIENTS decide everything, not the host... So, instead of H1 where only host, a single person, can easily cheat, its everyone BUT the host gets to easily cheat...
If your into scripting, that multiplayer issue comes into effect again.. Scripts only run on hosts, and since clients have such high control, a few actions will be undone, or even bug up. You can still do good scripting, it just has its issues due to the clients (certain commands can move clients, others cant. scripts about death.. just create fake bodies around, that only clients can see, etc)
Effects, and destroyable vehicles seem to be the only improvements over netcode. Effects will always sync, and the fact vehicles health is synced by default, everything else is a massive leap backwards.
Anyways, if your gonna make H2V maps, its best you know enough about HCE map making to apply that knowledge to H2V, as I wouldn't recommend H2V map making to a beginner (Scripting is ok for beginners since its mostly the same as HCE, but you gotta overlook online issues, etc)
November 20th, 2011, 10:20 PM
buy it! buy it! and hit me up and we'll play some games on mp
November 21st, 2011, 01:41 AM
How does the game play compared to HCE in terms of Lag and hit registration?
November 21st, 2011, 02:00 AM
If it plays anything like halo 2 xbox its much better than halo pc netcode in that regard. You don't have to lead, at all really, unless its a really bad host.
Online code is a giant leap backwards from halo 1. In H2V, CLIENTS decide everything, not the host... So, instead of H1 where only host, a single person, can easily cheat, its everyone BUT the host gets to easily cheat...
Anyone who played H2X already knew this, which is why I continue to wonder why everyone is so socked and butthurt over it.
November 21st, 2011, 02:28 AM
Because you have people cheating rampantly in Halo 2? It doesn't help that you can plug in a controller and tape down the D-pad to get aim assist bonuses.
November 21st, 2011, 04:50 AM
Most of the tools you would need if you decide to use the H2EK: (
November 21st, 2011, 06:19 AM
Because you have people cheating rampantly in Halo 2? It doesn't help that you can plug in a controller and tape down the D-pad to get aim assist bonuses.
Cheating was a huge problem in h2x as well, but people didn't cry about it, they just quit and tried again.
It wasn't just modding either, there was standbying, superbouncing, flag bouncing (before it was fixed), double shots, bxr, and dozens of other game breaking problems that were easily exploited.
The controller thing is hilarious though. But is it really a problem against someone good with a keyboard and mouse? I doubt it.
November 21st, 2011, 09:14 AM
How does the game play compared to HCE in terms of Lag and hit registration?
The like 5 online tests I did (yes, I don't play any game online except to run tests on tags and scripts) those stupid "changing server" whatever stuff... It suddenly stops the whole game, lags you up, and then half the people in the server where kicked while it was trying to pick someone else to be host.... and when you join inprogress games, your just left to sit there until the end of the game.. you cant even go back and rejoin the round if your kicked. Hit registration doesn't really matter since any client can yell out what they want to see happen, including stuff like "ima shooting 500 scorpion shells a second", and the server doesn't question it in the slighest, it just bends over and takes it.
Anyone who played H2X already knew this, which is why I continue to wonder why everyone is so socked and butthurt over it.
Well some of us never played H2X (why would people buy the same game over and over again?... the only selling point of H2V, is trying to break into HEK so you can attempt to make your own maps while working around the blocks.) And when netcode takes a giant leap backwards, of course people will be upset. People should be looking forward, not backwards.
November 21st, 2011, 04:34 PM
I don't know how you can say the net-code is worse when you do not have to lead your shots like in CE, to me CE is a broken game. Leading is not a skill, its learning how to play something incorrectly, no-one at Bungie intended for that kind of gameplay.
And its not surprising that were experiencing those lag issues when playing a hosted game, try a dedicated server and that whole searching for new host thing is not an issue. If a player leaves then yes, the game needs to find a new host, this should be pretty obvious.
You do not have to worry about hackers on MonstrMoose servers as we ban them and have tools to recognize such hack apps/clans/players.
November 21st, 2011, 04:45 PM
JackalStomper, there are reasons I never got into H2X multiplayer. Cheating is one of them.
November 22nd, 2011, 10:02 AM
Now I've noticed there are a lot of issues and fixes regarding H2V and Windows 7. What should I know beforehand about those?
November 22nd, 2011, 10:54 AM
Once you realize the game kinda lags everytime someone joins or leaves a match you just might stop playing.
November 22nd, 2011, 05:27 PM
Once you realize the game kinda lags everytime someone joins or leaves a match you just might stop playing.
That's only join lag, and it's for a second. Close the game if it messes up your *1* perfect shot.
h2v has parties, good netcode. Win7 is hit and miss, some works, some doesn't. However, there are a few methods which are publicly available and easy to do yourself.
And as for the cheating, there are better sightjackers than ce, and the game is so old there are hardly any left.
i wonder why console games don't give the power they give clients in h2v? seems like it could save a lot of lag, and less cheaters on consoles.
@leorimo; yeah, well you recommend ce? then you realize the game is /constantly/ lagging.
November 22nd, 2011, 06:25 PM
H2V is such a simple game and the one answer i have to say about getting it is, why not.
November 23rd, 2011, 01:21 PM
Now I've noticed there are a lot of issues and fixes regarding H2V and Windows 7. What should I know beforehand about those?no one knows the true root cause, not even GFWL, and because it's unsupported there will be no official patch. Just look at the sticked thread and try those solutions if you do have a problem.
November 28th, 2011, 10:42 AM
That's only join lag, and it's for a second. Close the game if it messes up your *1* perfect shot.
h2v has parties, good netcode. Win7 is hit and miss, some works, some doesn't. However, there are a few methods which are publicly available and easy to do yourself.
And as for the cheating, there are better sightjackers than ce, and the game is so old there are hardly any left.
i wonder why console games don't give the power they give clients in h2v? seems like it could save a lot of lag, and less cheaters on consoles.
@leorimo; yeah, well you recommend ce? then you realize the game is /constantly/ lagging.
It surely is a problem with a game that only has like what 10 servers max last time I saw that had alot of people. So people constantly join and leave, so it constantly lags, Halo 2 Xbox seriously didnt have this porblem, even on XBL. So yeah it kinda fucked my whole online experience.
I still wish I could get AI working in h2v, would make my mods actually worth finishing >_____>
November 28th, 2011, 12:01 PM
I still wish I could get AI working in h2v, would make my mods actually worth finishing >_____>
November 28th, 2011, 02:04 PM
It's upsetting when the place you have a Giftcard to doesn't have what you're looking for. Here's hoping I get this game after Christmas. Playing it on Xbox though right now; still easily one of my favorite games of all time, maybe because it was the first Halo I actually played.
November 29th, 2011, 01:15 PM
Thanks alot for this...
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