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View Full Version : Please give me feedback on my mod (PLEASE READ BEFORE REPLYING)

November 27th, 2011, 06:57 PM
I know I've been getting snippy lately. So I think I can handle getting constructive criticism on my modifications. I think the reason why you didn't reply to any of my 'Covenant Campaign' mods is because I didn't expect any criticism. But I did receive criticism when I told you I was meta swapping. But I will try my BEST to take the criticism you give me.

I locked my 'Covenant Campaign' thread because I posted it for the wrong reason. This time, I want to learn how I can make my Halo PC mod better. Also, don't blurt out that I need to stop meta swapping and do 'dependency swapping' because I need to make sure my mods comes out right. Don't worry, most of my mods did not break and I used an alternative solution if I make a mistake. Trust me, I have a solution to one of the problems with meta swapping. But the other problems you have, I can live with.

I need you to give me feedback on how you like my modifications and how I can fix the issues with them. I will first start off with my 'Pillar of Autumn' modification so you can tell me what you think of them.


Please, do not mention anything about dependency swapping because I have a solution to one of the problems with meta swapping. Just tell me what you think about my mod.

November 27th, 2011, 07:28 PM
I gave you criticism before and you all shot it down due to "Spark Edit being crap" or "this is how I want my map, I'm not changing anything".

Now, I'll say it again, but a bit more direct this time. Your mod is very simple, something that everybody here could do and probably has done before (myself included). I don't want to sound rude, but you just switched a few metas around, five minutes worth of modding. If you want your mod to stand out in any way, definitely go and do more stuff to make it different and interesting. Change the weapons around, make characters behave differently (which you CAN do in HHT if you have the right plugins). Just do something that will make people think "Hey, this looks kind of cool, I think I might take it for a spin".

November 27th, 2011, 07:30 PM
I gave you criticism before and you all shot it down due to "Spark Edit being crap" or "this is how I want my map, I'm not changing anything".

Now, I'll say it again, but a bit more direct this time. Your mod is very simple, something that everybody here could do and probably has done before (myself included). I don't want to sound rude, but you just switched a few metas around, five minutes worth of modding. If you want your mod to stand out in any way, definitely go and do more stuff to make it different and interesting. Change the weapons around, make characters behave differently (which you CAN do in HHT if you have the right plugins). Just do something that will make people think "Hey, this looks kind of cool, I think I might take it for a spin".

Good suggestion. I have ALL the plugins on HMT.

What exactly do you want me to do? How should the AI behave?

November 27th, 2011, 08:46 PM
Please, keep all your mod stuff to ONE thread.

November 27th, 2011, 09:21 PM
I'm starting to gravitate toward's Muki's line of thought (hot) but knowing the HCE base you can never be sure, so even though I was giving you the newbie benefit of the doubt when you first started posting, judging by your response to our earlier suggestions, it's time to lay it down.

Your mod is incredibly unimpressive. The meta swapping you're doing requires zero effort and even less creativity; nobody here is going to bother commenting on a mod so simple and unoriginal it'd be considered too basic for an introductory HMT tutorial. It's difficult to give you proper feedback because 1. you've done almost nothing beyond a few model switches, making it difficult to judge the scope and direction of your mod and 2. anything - and I mean pretty much anything - that would make it worth our while is impossible to do with HMT/HHT/SparkEdit alone.

Working under the assumption that all you want is the H1 campaign while playing as the Covenant - why is an Elite captaining a human ship (stocked with human vehicles) talking to a human AI? Why are the first-person arms still that of a Spartan? Why are you handed a Pistol? Why are there Assault Rifles lying next to the dead Grunt corpses? Why are the enemy Spartans holding Plasma Rifles? Why are the Grunts on the bridge lacking their color designations? Why does the human AI's voice (which mysteriously appears in your head) reference "Covenant, on the landing above us," when they're clearly just Marines?

If the answer is "because I can't do that in Halo PC," you're only making yourself look worse. A mod that people will comment on and pay attention to has to do something unique and exciting, and meta swapping (or even dependency swapping the same things in HCE) is about as far away from "unique and exciting" as you can get. Impressive things take work, and if you're unwilling to put in the work to learn the kinds of tools that will allow you to realize a more complete and polished vision than gurnts are now mareens lol, you won't earn any sympathy or respect from anybody but the youngest Halomaps kiddies.

November 27th, 2011, 10:17 PM
I'm starting to gravitate toward's Muki's line of thought (hot) but knowing the HCE base you can never be sure, so even though I was giving you the newbie benefit of the doubt when you first started posting, judging by your response to our earlier suggestions, it's time to lay it down.

Your mod is incredibly unimpressive. The meta swapping you're doing requires zero effort and even less creativity; nobody here is going to bother commenting on a mod so simple and unoriginal it'd be considered too basic for an introductory HMT tutorial. It's difficult to give you proper feedback because 1. you've done almost nothing beyond a few model switches, making it difficult to judge the scope and direction of your mod and 2. anything - and I mean pretty much anything - that would make it worth our while is impossible to do with HMT/HHT/SparkEdit alone.

Working under the assumption that all you want is the H1 campaign while playing as the Covenant - why is an Elite captaining a human ship (stocked with human vehicles) talking to a human AI? Why are the first-person arms still that of a Spartan? Why are you handed a Pistol? Why are there Assault Rifles lying next to the dead Grunt corpses? Why are the enemy Spartans holding Plasma Rifles? Why are the Grunts on the bridge lacking their color designations? Why does the human AI's voice (which mysteriously appears in your head) reference "Covenant, on the landing above us," when they're clearly just Marines?

If the answer is "because I can't do that in Halo PC," you're only making yourself look worse. A mod that people will comment on and pay attention to has to do something unique and exciting, and meta swapping (or even dependency swapping the same things in HCE) is about as far away from "unique and exciting" as you can get. Impressive things take work, and if you're unwilling to put in the work to learn the kinds of tools that will allow you to realize a more complete and polished vision than gurnts are now mareens lol, you won't earn any sympathy or respect from anybody but the youngest Halomaps kiddies.

So are you saying that this mod (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwdA5NJ9GY8) is also unimpressive? Even though it has the same characteristics as my mod?

This is the one of the posts I start questioning. You expect my mods to be perfect. Here is some of your questions I'm going to answer:

Q: Why is an elite captaining a human ship (stocked with human vehicles) talking to a human AI?
A: Because Captain Obvious, there's no way I can make the ship look like a Covenant ship unless I PMI some bitmaps and completely break the map. I would have to find the right bitmaps otherwise I would have a human ship that's purple and lava-ish on the inside. Plus, do you think there's a Covenant AI in Halo 1? I left Cortana alone because what covenant character am I supposed to replace her with?

Q: Why are the first person arms still that of a Spartan?
A: Because there's no first person arms of a grunt, dumbass.

Q: Why are you handed a pistol?
A: This, I don't blame you. I wield a pistol so I can kill enemies better.

Q: Why are there assault rifles lying next to the dead grunt corpses?
A: Because I didn't replace the assault rifle with the plasma rifle.

Q: Why are the enemy spartans holding plasma rifles?
A: So if I want a plasma rifle, I can get one.

Q: Why are the grunts on the bridge lacking their color designation?
A: They're probably grunt ultras, dumbnut.

Q: Why does the human AI's voice reference "Covenant, on the landing above us" when they're clearly just marines.
A: Because you fucking dumbass, how the HELL am I supposed to edit the dialogue? Do you expect me to hire over 5-10 voice actors to re-do the level's dialogue? If the answer is yes, then you have some problems.

People who give me THIS type of criticism gets me extremely butthurt. Also, these mods are not original. They were never MADE to be original. I cannot change the first person model of the spartan, I cannot change the dialogue, and I cannot change the bitmaps so the pillar of autumn is a Covenant ship.

That's the problem with you people, you guys expect this mod to be perfect. Not everybody's perfect. I'm not good at making a decent mod. THAT'S why I don't want to go on CE. CE is made up of people who can make extremely good mods, I'm not one of them. I could only make PC mods.

November 27th, 2011, 10:43 PM
oh wow don't get so mad bro

You see, the modder's level of talent and ability doesn't automatically skew the quality of his end product; it'd be as if you baked an ugly cake that tastes like goat feces and, when people tell you that it's ugly and tastes like goat feces, you respond by saying "well sorry I'm just not good at baking cakes!" They're still going to leave the bakery in disgust and tell their friends to never go there. If you're a five-year-old baking his first cake, people may hide that fact, tousle your hair, and tell you "good job" because you're learning and they expect you to improve; were you displaying such an attitude (as you seemed to initially), our response would be similar.

But when you choose to ignore the suggestions that would help you improve - using new tools, fixing inconsistencies like the one's I've highlighted above, etc. - it comes across as lazy; you're giving us the impression that you don't want to improve because it's hard. That's the kind of thing that will earn you precisely 0 sympathy.

If you want to earn the community's respect, you have to show that you're willing to do hard things to make your mods better. That's just the way life works after elementary school.

E: and yeah, the mod in that video you posted looks pretty eh

t3h m00kz
November 27th, 2011, 10:46 PM
"That's the problem with you people, you guys expect this mod to be perfect. Not everybody's perfect. I'm not good at making a decent mod."

Yet you force your shit sandwich down everybody's throat and ask for comments on how it tastes.

Get better and maybe you'll get some respect.

November 27th, 2011, 11:04 PM
it's not even a mod, all you did was swap a couple damn bsps. this isn't even "playing the campaign as a covenant" it's "play the halo 1 campaign with an elite costume on"

your mod sucks, no one is interested, you don't know how to take critism because everything said above is how the whole community feels right now and you tossed it aside saying that it's basically "too hard"

so just pack up your precious mod and leave if you aren't willing to listen to what we have to say.

November 27th, 2011, 11:10 PM
Marcus, for god's sake make one thread and leave it alone. You are spamming up the forums to an unrighteous level.

If you want crit, we have tons. If you want to hear what you want to hear, go record yourself talking about how great you are and listen to it over and over again. I'm tired of the way you talk to the other members of our forum. Learn some manners next time you post you child.
IDC if I get infracted somebody had to say it

November 27th, 2011, 11:40 PM
How old is this kid?

November 28th, 2011, 04:27 AM
Somewhere between 12 and 14 probably :P

November 28th, 2011, 04:41 AM
marcus, did you come from halomaps?

also: this brings back memories from when we were still hex-editing offsets in mapfiles when IronForge posted his giant per-map XML lists of all the offsets for everything.

PPF-o-matic anyone?

November 28th, 2011, 05:43 AM
marcus, did you come from halomaps?

also: this brings back memories from when we were still hex-editing offsets in mapfiles when IronForge posted his giant per-map XML lists of all the offsets for everything.

PPF-o-matic anyone?

ahh the memories...

wait a minute those days SUCKED.

November 28th, 2011, 05:56 AM
marcus, did you come from halomaps?

Halomaps is home to some of the most creative and best projects for Halo CE.

November 28th, 2011, 06:34 AM
Halomaps is home to some of the most creative and best projects for Halo CE.
Doesn't really say much when the majority of the CE community is imitative not innovative.

Hey Marcus.
On behalf of modacity:

November 28th, 2011, 07:17 AM
Halomaps is the home of two innovative decent projects:
- Project Lumoria: innovative in the sense that it creates a new SP campaign, storyline, BSPs, encounters, inclusion of e3 2000 style tags etc...
- The Flood Campaign (aka Inferi Redivivus): also adds entire new campaign levels based off the flood stories and also includes entirely new custom forerunner and covenant assets of high quality.

You people love to talk down about Halomaps, while it is the home of some of the most interesting projects in the Halo community. Sure some of the more "average" members may be/act childish, but the same can be said of this community if you look at all the hate going on. And either way that should be no reason to look down on a community as a whole.

November 28th, 2011, 07:26 AM
You people love to talk down about Halomaps, while it is the home of some of the most interesting projects in the Halo community. Sure some of the more "average" members may be/act childish, but the same can be said of this community if you look at all the hate going on. And either way that should be no reason to look down on a community as a whole.
Loving the sterotyping there L0dex.
I don't hate on Halomaps as a whole, I'm glad there's even an archive of the maps from the past releases.
Given that I said the CE community and not Halomaps you really did jump the fence a little there.

November 28th, 2011, 08:32 AM
It was possible to interpret it as being implied since your "negative" response towards the CE community was in reply to my "defense" of Halomaps. Just saying.

November 28th, 2011, 08:37 AM
Here's the thing about Halomaps: It kinda blows.

The users are annoying, Dennis isn't a very good mod, and the lack of intelligent conversation hurts physically.

That said, it is one of the only places where Halo OC is still being produced at a good level. Its too bad none of them ever do anything with it though since there are 1000 modelers and no skinners/unwrappers/taggers/anybody who can do anything but model.

November 28th, 2011, 09:04 AM
it's not even a mod, all you did was swap a couple damn bsps. this isn't even "playing the campaign as a covenant" it's "play the halo 1 campaign with an elite costume on"your mod sucks, no one is interested, you don't know how to take critism because everything said above is how the whole community feels right now and you tossed it aside saying that it's basically "too hard"so just pack up your precious mod and leave if you aren't willing to listen to what we have to say.Yes, it's a mod. What you posted was very rude and insulting. Wow, you guys are incredibily stupid.I CAN take criticism, but all you guys are worried about is what program I used and what game I am playing. I've seen mods like this one and do THEY get bashed? Also, they're not 'bsps', they're 'bipeds'. I only swapped bipeds because I want the mod to be original, like have the same graphics and skins as in Halo 1. Have you guys even swapped 'bipeds' before? Have you even done the mod I've done? Based on how you've been rudely bashing me, it seems that you haven't. Nobody is interested because I didn't put in the correct tags. You guys bitching and moaning because all I did was a 'biped' swap and used Halo PC instead of Halo Custom Edition is NOT going to help. I told you plenty of times that CE requires good mods and certain computer settings to be adjusted. You guys are worthless shitheads who have nothing better to do than to bash people JUST because they made a mod on Halo PC and only using meta swaps. Also, I wasn't playing as an elite, I was playing as a grunt. You guys are dumbasses and worthless idiots. I've seen other mods that has the same characteristics than this and people don't go around bashing that JUST because they did only ONE thing. You guys are idiots and are CE fantards.

November 28th, 2011, 09:05 AM
Unlike the people on this forum, people on halo maps get their shit done. The majority of CMT members associate themselves with halo maps, and avoid these forums like the plague. There are far more intelligent people there, and the community is much better organize and moderated than this shithole.

Edit: Marcus, your shit sucks because it is basic and takes little talent or time or dedication. It's nothing against you, as annoying as you are, because I can deal with annoying but talented. If you want people to respect you, do some actual modding. And before you bash my buddy Iffy here, I suggest you check out the work he has contributed over here www.halomods.com/cmt (http://www.halomods.com/cmt). We've been modding the campaign and it just goes to show you how severely how basic your work is. Your mod is no different than the mods done 10 years ago on xbox. Give it a rest.

November 28th, 2011, 09:19 AM
I've seen other mods like mine. THEY don't get bashed because of it. You guys are impulsive morons who cannot handle basic mods. I'm not good at creating 'actual mods'. I'm glad you told me to use HEK+ to fix Sapien, but bashing my 'basic' mods JUST because I did only a few things. Can you give me some examples of 'actual modding'? I've showed these mods to my friends on Xfire, they completely liked it. And guess what? They've modded CE as well. So what is the problem? What are some examples of 'actual modding'?

November 28th, 2011, 09:21 AM
You guys are dumbasses and worthless idiots. I've seen other mods that has the same characteristics than this and people don't go around bashing that JUST because they did only ONE thing. You guys are idiots and are CE fantards.
Hey bitchbag.
You may want to give some proof to your accusations as I'm reasonably sure an idiot couldn't do this:

Oh but wait, that's only one thing right?

Oh yeah, forgive me, that's crysis how about some Halo PC stuff?
Hey, is that a marine I see there?
And you play as a marine?! No wai!

Are you willing to listen to what some of us are suggesting or are you going to continue this little teenage tantrum and get no where?

November 28th, 2011, 09:25 AM
Look at this.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3RJzocTfh0

November 28th, 2011, 09:29 AM
I've seen other mods like mine. THEY don't get bashed because of it. You guys are impulsive morons who cannot handle basic mods. I'm not good at creating 'actual mods'. I'm glad you told me to use HEK+ to fix Sapien, but bashing my 'basic' mods JUST because I did only a few things. Can you give me some examples of 'actual modding'? I've showed these mods to my friends on Xfire, they completely liked it. And guess what? They've modded CE as well. So what is the problem? What are some examples of 'actual modding'?


I've never seen people make mods like yours and not get bashed. I'm ok with basic mods to learn, but it's not shit you post everywhere and then ignore a better way to do it. I didn't know jack shit about modding when I got started, if you put the time in you can easily make something far more worthwhile and a map with some edited values.

November 28th, 2011, 09:31 AM
Look at this.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3RJzocTfh0
Yes, we've seen already.
That mod was likely to have some CE work done, scaling up the animation rig, the model and likely the collision model and then exported back to Halo.
compared to what teams like CMT and Lumoria are doing that is relatively simple.
Before you ask why other people don't complain i'll leave you with this.
Simple minds are amused by simple things.

November 28th, 2011, 10:56 AM
You said you only changed the biped because you wanted it to be unique, this isn't unique.

I would have at least swapped the guns around so they fitted with what biped held them.

The problem with this 'mod' is its very basic, like previously said - and secondly its just extremely old, even 5 years ago we would have looked at it and said "meh thats boring and old".

5 years ago Locke and I made this, dynamically switching bipeds along with animations, this is Halo PC by the way.

November 28th, 2011, 11:44 AM
Halomaps is the home of two innovative decent projects:
- Project Lumoria: innovative in the sense that it creates a new SP campaign, storyline, BSPs, encounters, inclusion of e3 2000 style tags etc....
wait that's your mod...

wait oh fuck everyone is posting their own mods in here oh man


November 28th, 2011, 11:57 AM
wait that's your mod...

wait oh fuck everyone is posting their own mods in here oh man
We should rename this the troll and post mods thread.

November 28th, 2011, 12:25 PM
Haven't any of you noticed hes only doing this to piss us off yet?.. The irrefutable proof is when he made a topic just to bash HEK after we all told him to use HEK since it could do what he wanted.

Yes, it's a mod. What you posted was very rude and insulting. Wow, you guys are incredibily stupid. We wouldn't have to be rude if you didn't keep posting DEMANDING feedback. We did a good job of ignoring you the first while hoping you'd just go away, but you kept spamming the forum with your threads. And if people who can actually do things are stupid, then imagine how low people who only metaswap are lololololololololololololol

I've seen mods like this one and do THEY get bashed? Also, they're not 'bsps', they're 'bipeds'. I only swapped bipeds because I want the mod to be original, like have the same graphics and skins as in Halo 1. If they posted it here 50 times demanding feedback, then yes, yes they would be bashed. Any feedback you'd get for such a thing WOULD be what your getting. And its not an original campaign if its an exact duplicate.. you might want to look up the definition of the word original.

Have you guys even swapped 'bipeds' before?
Yes, most people have spend the 3 seconds of work to change globals.globals to any custom biped they've made. In fact, many of us have even made custom bipeds before.

Have you even done the mod I've done? Based on how you've been rudely bashing me, it seems that you haven't.
Exactly, we've gone above and beyond that simple crap.

Nobody is interested because I didn't put in the correct tags. You guys bitching and moaning because all I did was a 'biped' swap and used Halo PC instead of Halo Custom Edition is NOT going to help
I've given you examples countless times of solutions to your problems, its just that your too stuckup to deal with them.

I told you plenty of times that CE requires good mods and certain computer settings to be adjusted.
Thats not a requirement of HCE, but thanks for admitting how crappy your mod is lol. And oh well, on a few brands of computer you have to set the CPU down to one, and turn dual monitor off; This occurs on very few computers, your just trying to make excuses. It doesn't even matter since there are sapien mods that get around this, etc.

You guys are worthless shitheads who have nothing better to do than to bash people JUST because they made a mod on Halo PC and only using meta swaps. Also, I wasn't playing as an elite, I was playing as a grunt. You guys are dumbasses and worthless idiots. I've seen other mods that has the same characteristics than this and people don't go around bashing that JUST because they did only ONE thing. You guys are idiots and are CE fantards. lolololololololololol, we are worthless, when you come in here DEMANDING our opinions, and then cry that we have the wrong opinions because we don't praise you for being a retard lolololololololololololololol. We gave you plenty of leeway before it came to this, but you kept freaking spamming up the forums.


You're nothing but a troll, go back to 4chan.

Also, the people accusing him of being from halomaps, nope. He went there once after everyone here was ignoring him, and we ignored him there till he left. He only has two posts on halomaps (even contained to a single thread!), thats it. (And this is probably gonna convince him to troll there for a while, until dennis rages on him lol)

t3h m00kz
November 28th, 2011, 12:41 PM
marcus is great success


November 28th, 2011, 01:07 PM
Holy CRAP dude, you are so stubborn...!
I have something to show you my friend,
It's what your mod could be if, you know, you used CUSTOM EDITION.
This is months old, It's crap, I admit it, and it took me very little effort.
Thanks to Teh Lag for his Elites BTW :downs:
(sorry for quality and stuff, it was my first time in camtasia)

November 28th, 2011, 01:20 PM
wait that's your mod...

Indeed it is. Doesn't make my post any less valid...unless you want to challenge this...but then you'd stumble across the facts and realise you're just a jealous troll :-)

November 28th, 2011, 01:21 PM
I though Higuy was the lead dev for Lumoria?

t3h m00kz
November 28th, 2011, 02:42 PM
oh boy now this is just turning into a "MY COMMUNITY IS BETTER THAN YOURS" and "MY ACCOMPLISHMENTS MAKE ME BETTER THAN YOU" debate

November 28th, 2011, 02:44 PM
I though Higuy was the lead dev for Lumoria?

We both lead. I'm just dubbed "co-lead" since he first set up the TM team when they were MP-devoted, back in the days I wasn't part of the team :-)
Y'all can stop "attacking" me now :-)

November 28th, 2011, 02:45 PM
Indeed it is. Doesn't make my post any less valid...unless you want to challenge this...but then you'd stumble across the facts and realise you're just a jealous troll :-)

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8632965/reaction - Copy.png

you must be new here

t3h m00kz
November 28th, 2011, 02:49 PM
I laugh every time I see that picture. stop it.

November 28th, 2011, 02:57 PM
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8632965/reaction - Copy.png

November 28th, 2011, 03:14 PM

November 28th, 2011, 03:18 PM
Oh man look at this incredibly retarded debate.

To the OP: I hate to tell you this son, but please listen to the people on these forums. They may sound like jackasses and/or possible idiots to you, but they've been here for a quite a long time and probably know a thing or two about what makes a good mod. You should really invest your time into Halo: Custom Edition and learn how to utilize 3ds max to your efforts. You can easily take parts off the map "Truth and Reconciliation" to create your own BSP's that still simulate a similar opening to the POA's, but in Covenant form. Think about it. If you want some links to a few tutorials on modeling, HEK editing, and SP creation, let me know and I'll help you out.

To the the stupid debate going on about community's:

Throughout the last 3 or 4 years I've been here and Halomaps, I've noticed two things:

Modacity is a good place to learn.

Halomaps is a good place to create.

Now theres a few reasons to my retarded saying. Modacity has a ton of old people who have alot of experience with the HEK, HOWEVER, they have seemed to be less inclined to create new content and produce anything, while Halomaps is the complete opposite. They have ideas to create and want to expand, but alot of people over there don't have the experience and knowledge to do so compared to the older uses on Modacity... It's just multiple generations of users, and its always been this way as long as I've known. And if I were to choose one or the other, I would choose Halomaps, simply becuase I like fresh idea's. Not only this, Halomaps is practically the core for HCE development, while Modacity is basically a hangout with multiple other forums and types of topics to discuss that Halomaps simply does not have to offer.

November 28th, 2011, 03:23 PM

Modacity - Halo community current day

Halo Maps - Halo community 5 years ago.

November 28th, 2011, 03:25 PM
Everything that can be done in CE that is Halo related has been done. Unless we are talking about OS, which modifies the program, there is no where to go anymore. We've hit the ceiling. I'm sure there are other fun ways to use it though.

November 28th, 2011, 03:28 PM
No it's the other way around Limited. Modacity barely is in touch with HEK stuff compared to Halomaps and there's like zero projects of interest that have their "home" here.
Modacity has just become a hangout for people who like to complain about everything they hate.

Inb4 all caps rage

November 28th, 2011, 03:29 PM
Everything that can be done in CE that is Halo related has been done. Unless we are talking about OS, which modifies the program, there is no where to go anymore. We've hit the ceiling. I'm sure there are other fun ways to use it though.

Maybe, yes, but there are plenty of non-Halo related things that can also be done... for exmaple, look at the "Area" series of maps, and while pretty bad, they were popular, and more importantly, NOT HALO. Imagine if we had more creative things similar to that?


Modacity - Halo community current day

Halo Maps - Halo community 5 years ago.

Not really? There are still alot of smart people over there, but my post was more directed to the newer people who are just starting out. When I first started I heard h2vista.net was a horrible place, but I joined just for the fact that there were inspirational mappers there that I knew would be able to answer questions and show me in a good direction.

November 28th, 2011, 03:36 PM
properly syncing AI over netcode would bring me back to this game for a while. there is lots of fun to be had there.

t3h m00kz
November 28th, 2011, 03:36 PM
Modacity has just become a hangout for people who like to complain about everything they hate.

Lol, you say that while there's a thread in the halomaps forums called "Halo CEA: what a joke" or whatever. So you get the same thing over there. A bunch of snot-nosed brats who think they can hold a stick to the game developement industry while they're constantly trying to outdo one another with their "superior" assets because they want e-fame, rather than helping one another out.

Also, last I checked Kornman, the primary developer of Open Sauce, posts here and rarely over there, if at all. I wouldn't go as far as to say Modacity has nothing to be proud of.

also, have you checked our releases section recently? Sounds to me like you think nothing has come out of this place.

November 28th, 2011, 03:42 PM
properly syncing AI over netcode would bring me back to this game for a while. there is lots of fun to be had there.
take a vehicle, apply the biped's model and animations, objects_attach and objects_detach to an AI. when the vehicles detached, it's position will be synced to the client, etc.
projectiles; open the weapon, go to the bottom, uncheck the client side projectiles.. now only the host can decide on projectiles with that gun. When the AI shoots with it, the host will now tell the clients its been shot and where, etc.

November 28th, 2011, 03:46 PM
Also, last I checked Kornman, the primary developer of Open Sauce, posts here and rarely over there, if at all. I wouldn't go as far as to say Modacity has nothing to be proud of.

Sorry to burst your bubble but most of the time when something OS related comes up I've seen him talk about it over there ( E: AS WELL!!)

t3h m00kz
November 28th, 2011, 03:47 PM
well fuck.

November 28th, 2011, 04:07 PM
No it's the other way around Limited. Modacity barely is in touch with HEK stuff compared to Halomaps and there's like zero projects of interest that have their "home" here.
Modacity has just become a hangout for people who like to complain about everything they hate.

Inb4 all caps rage
I'm not surprised I have to explain my post to a HaloMaps regular poster...

I was saying exactly what you just said, Halo community was buzzing 5+ years ago, people were working on mods, discovering new things, current day here at Modacity its slown right down, people have moved onto different games, different engines and have actually moved on in their lives.

Halomaps is that community that happened 5 years ago, its the younger generation, people are working on mods, a new face to the modding scene. Its why theres a lot of noobish posts, people are still working out how to use the HEK.

The issue with Halomaps is the stubborness of idiots - Bobblehob for an instance. Hes a straight up idiot yet you cannot get him to listen, he simply doesnt see the light and instead sticks with his ignorant opinion, many of times have Sprinkle and I tried to reason with him without getting a good response.

November 28th, 2011, 04:10 PM
Also, last I checked Kornman, the primary developer of Open Sauce, posts here and rarely over there, if at all. I wouldn't go as far as to say Modacity has nothing to be proud of.

You realise CMT and probably OS's "home" is halomods right. The official CMT-only website?

I'm not surprised I have to explain my post to a HaloMaps regular poster...

The issue with Halomaps is the stubborness of idiots - Bobblehob for an instance. Hes a straight up idiot yet you cannot get him to listen, he simply doesnt see the light and instead sticks with his ignorant opinion, many of times have Sprinkle and I tried to reason with him without getting a good response.

You cannot hold an argument with someone without resorting to insulting their intelligence, albeit indirectly or by implying they are somehow magically inferior to you.

As for the "content" of your post, if you post so vague then it is normal that there are many ways to interpret a post of little words/explanation. I had my interpretation of it and the fault lies with your flawed communication skills. You would understand this if you ever had taken a course in communicational skills (I have, you clearly haven't, in a nutshell for your convenience: it is always best to post as much clear information as you can, so the chance of your post being misinterpreted is minimised).

November 28th, 2011, 04:18 PM
The issue with Halomaps is the stubborness of idiots - Bobblehob for an instance. Hes a straight up idiot yet you cannot get him to listen, he simply doesnt see the light and instead sticks with his ignorant opinion, many of times have Sprinkle and I tried to reason with him without getting a good response.

Oh really? Sprinkle was the person who originally called me an idiot, then told me I was even more of an idiot for responding in a hostile manner. I am in no way an idiot, especially not when Halo CE is concerned, you and Sprinkle just couldn't get over the fact that you were wrong and that I didn't agree with you, or admit anything.

November 28th, 2011, 04:25 PM
I want to see how this debate unfolds but lets not get personal guys!!!

November 28th, 2011, 04:25 PM
Oh really? Sprinkle was the person who originally called me an idiot, then told me I was even more of an idiot for responding in a hostile manner. I am in no way an idiot, especially not when Halo CE is concerned, you and Sprinkle just couldn't get over the fact that you were wrong and that I didn't agree with you, or admit anything.
Wait, didn't Marcus open this thread? I'm confused now :/

November 28th, 2011, 04:29 PM
You realise CMT and probably OS's "home" is halomods right. The official CMT-only website?

You cannot hold an argument with someone without resorting to insulting their intelligence, albeit indirectly or by implying they are somehow magically inferior to you.

As for the "content" of your post, if you post so vague then it is normal that there are many ways to interpret a post of little words/explanation. I had my interpretation of it and the fault lies with your flawed communication skills. You would understand this if you ever had taken a course in communicational skills (I have, you clearly haven't, in a nutshell for your convenience: it is always best to post as much clear information as you can, so the chance of your post being misinterpreted is minimised).

I'd like to introduce you to irony...

Keep your trash and your modacity friends where they belong, there you guys can nerd-rage amongst yourselves on how "superior" all of you are compared to us simple Neanderthalls at halomaps.

Damn kid, you take everything so cereal. That was actually a lighthearted joke, but your hostile attitude towards people and towards life will let you act like a fag I suppose. Nice job. Have fun remaining virgin 4ever

It's a shame Halo Maps isn't loading so I cant post the other messages you sent me.

I do find it funny how the people who tried to banish us from Halomaps with their 'Go back to Modacity' attitude, yet they are active members of these forums...also Lodex, do you really think I communicate in real life the same way I do on forums? I dont even communicate the same on AIM as I do in the forums (forums = I'm more hostile). I'm even friendly with e3po in our chats on AIM, even though people think I have a witchhunt against him (which I sorta do).

@Bobblehob, you jumped to a wrong conclusion, you got angry when we clearly pointed out your error (whilst trying to help the OP).

@Higuy, Halo community is always personal.

November 28th, 2011, 04:30 PM
How about you respond to the actual points made rather than making up PM's :-)
Oh but wait, you know you're wrong, so your tactic is to just ignore the points you cannot think up a decent response to! Well played Limited!

Inb4 moar angry fake PM's (possibly photoshopped??)

November 28th, 2011, 04:35 PM
@Bobblehob, you jumped to a wrong conclusion, you got angry when we clearly pointed out your error (whilst trying to help the OP).

I didn't jump to any conclusions, I posted and he told me I was an idiot and that I was wrong. What I said was right, but at that point It wasn't obvious that the guy wanted 3rd party programs, instead of using traditional modding techniques, and I assumed that he did want modding techniques considering it is a Halo CE modding forum.

I would go and copy the post if I could, but halomaps appears to be down at the moment.

November 28th, 2011, 04:38 PM
I feel like I'm missing something...

November 28th, 2011, 04:40 PM
It all happened on Halomaps.

November 28th, 2011, 04:40 PM
I feel like I'm missing something...
There was a thread on halomaps where someone was looking for a 3rd party program to increase the FOV in CE. But he didnt specify that he was looking for something 3rd party in the OP, so I posted that he should use Guerilla, and sprinkle and limited jumped all over me, and generally acted like assholes.

November 28th, 2011, 04:44 PM
I didn't jump to any conclusions, I posted and he told me I was an idiot and that I was wrong. What I said was right, but at that point It wasn't obvious that the guy wanted 3rd party programs, instead of using traditional modding techniques, and I assumed that he did want modding techniques considering it is a Halo CE modding forum.

I would go and copy the post if I could, but halomaps appears to be down at the moment.
In the original post he mentioned STL, so that was a clear indication that he wasnt thinking about HEK solutions, yet you seemed to continue to babble on (or Bobble on??) that HEK was the easiest and simpliest solution by editing the tags and compiling the maps - which clearly wouldnt work with the standard maps if you wanted to play with regular people. To be honest though Bobble that discussion was said and done and we don't really need to go into the specifics any more, unless of course you want to embarrass yourself even more.

How about you respond to the actual points made rather than making up PM's :-)
Oh but wait, you know you're wrong, so your tactic is to just ignore the points you cannot think up a decent response to! Well played Limited!

Inb4 moar angry fake PM's (possibly photoshopped??)Making up PM's? What on earth goes on in your head? Are you delusional or something? Once Halomaps loads back up I'll post raw screenshots if you desire me to. At least be a man and admit it rather than being a coward after the posts become public. You complain about my communication skills yet yours are appalling in PM's.

November 28th, 2011, 04:45 PM
I love these threads.

November 28th, 2011, 04:47 PM
Limited, this has happened before. People photoshop PM's, a dude named L28 did it before you. Man up please and instead of ignoring me absolutely owning your post just admit you were wrong :-)

November 28th, 2011, 04:51 PM
Halomaps is the home of two innovative decent projects:
- Project Lumoria: innovative in the sense that it creates a new SP campaign, storyline, BSPs, encounters, inclusion of e3 2000 style tags etc...
- The Flood Campaign (aka Inferi Redivivus): also adds entire new campaign levels based off the flood stories and also includes entirely new custom forerunner and covenant assets of high quality.

You people love to talk down about Halomaps, while it is the home of some of the most interesting projects in the Halo community. Sure some of the more "average" members may be/act childish, but the same can be said of this community if you look at all the hate going on. And either way that should be no reason to look down on a community as a whole.

Nothing to contribute here except that the maker of the second mod will want to change his name from the gibberish "Inferi Redivivus" to the correct "Inferi Revivi," or, if he is stubborn and wishes to use the word meaning reused, then "Inferi Redivivi." Latin Spider-Man out!

November 28th, 2011, 04:52 PM
In the original post he mentioned STL, so that was a clear indication that he wasnt thinking about HEK solutions, yet you seemed to continue to babble on (or Bobble on??) that HEK was the easiest and simpliest solution by editing the tags and compiling the maps - which clearly wouldnt work with the standard maps if you wanted to play with regular people. To be honest though Bobble that discussion was said and done and we don't really need to go into the specifics any more, unless of course you want to embarrass yourself even more.

You really need to drop the self-righteous attitude, He did not mention anything specific in the OP, the only thing he mentioned in the OP was that he was looking for a way to increase the FOV in Halo CE, that is it, nothing more. Also, later when it was mentioned that it wouldn't work when compiling stock MP maps, I offered another tag based solution, of editing already compiled maps that would bypass that particular issue, yet all I got from you and sprinkle was more insults and more arrogance.

November 28th, 2011, 04:54 PM
Limited is just hopeless, leave him be Bob before he starts saying you "PM'd" him :O

November 28th, 2011, 04:54 PM
There was a thread on halomaps where someone was looking for a 3rd party program to increase the FOV in CE. But he didnt specify that he was looking for something 3rd party in the OP, so I posted that he should use Guerilla, and sprinkle and limited jumped all over me, and generally acted like assholes.
Modacity Drama=/= Halomaps drama

Take it to the PMs?

Also, when do I get to be a moderator? I'm on all the time...

November 28th, 2011, 04:55 PM
Nothing to contribute here except that the maker of the second mod will want to change his name from the gibberish "Inferi Redivivus" to the correct "Inferi Revivi," or, if he is stubborn and wishes to use the word meaning reused, then "Inferi Redivivi." Latin Spider-Man out!
So you've had an account here since July 2008. And you first post, in November 2011, is a Latin grammar lesson?


November 28th, 2011, 04:56 PM
Modacity Drama=/= Halomaps drama

Take it to the PMs?

Also, when do I get to be a moderator? I'm on all the time...

I wouldn't have brought it up here if Limited didn't decide to call me out personally when referring to "idiots" on halomaps.

November 28th, 2011, 04:56 PM
Damn it guys, now he's going to lock this thread and start another one.

November 28th, 2011, 04:57 PM
Damn it guys, now he's going to lock this thread and start another one.
The azian guy next to me is giving me weird looks because I'm laughing so hard.

t3h m00kz
November 28th, 2011, 04:58 PM
You realise CMT and probably OS's "home" is halomods right. The official CMT-only website?

I don't see how that relates to what I said in any way

November 28th, 2011, 04:58 PM
this thread... (http://theoatmeal.com/comics/rollerblading_jesus)

In an attempt to get this back on track, assuming that marcus isn't just a troll (and if he is then he won pretty hardcore. You dipshits should be ashamed of yourselves. If I gave more than half a shit and was still staff I would have been handing out bans like candy for fighting over one of the most retarded, moot dramas to plague this community since ripping).

Marcus, the problem here is, you're asking for expansion and feedback on something that has been expanded on and done before countless times by any Halo fan for the past 7 years. My previous warning still stands. If you really want to expand on it, jump the HPC ship and go to HCE and the HEK. Otherwise, I don't think there's much else you're going to be able to do. You can't add any new content to a map, just move existing things around.

Try modding for yourself instead of seeking attention and approval with what you're doing. Feel free to ask us questions (in a single help thread, mind you) when attempting something, but don't post everything you think is fit for release. When you can create something on par with stock content, better, or if you innovate (by spending time to learn a programming language and work with OpenSauce), then post for review and criticism. Don't post half-baked hack-jobs that you whip up while learning.

November 28th, 2011, 04:59 PM
So you've had an account here since July 2008. And you first post, in November 2011, is a Latin grammar lesson?


As the lion stalks the gazelle in the plains. I will throw in my vote that Halo Maps is a terrible community though.

November 28th, 2011, 05:02 PM
I don't see how that relates to what I said in any way

I'm not surprised I have to explain it to a regular Modacity poster...

t3h m00kz
November 28th, 2011, 05:02 PM
As the lion stalks the gazelle in the plains




November 28th, 2011, 05:04 PM
this thread... (http://theoatmeal.com/comics/rollerblading_jesus)

In an attempt to get this back on track, assuming that marcus isn't just a troll (and if he is then he won pretty hardcore. You dipshits should be ashamed of yourselves. If I gave more than half a shit and was still staff I would have been handing out bans like candy for fighting over one of the most retarded, moot dramas to plague this community since ripping).

After this thread (http://www.modacity.net/forums/showthread.php?24097-Can-anyone-send-me-this-type-of-mod&p=601884&viewfull=1#post601884), i'm pretty sure he's just taking the piss.

November 28th, 2011, 05:05 PM
Vote TVTyrant for Moderator 2011

He has no life!

November 28th, 2011, 05:05 PM


I lol'd

November 28th, 2011, 05:26 PM
Vote TVTyrant for Moderator 2011

He has no life!TVTyrant for Moderator - He freaks the Asians out!

Okay onto a more serious topic, pbear, you know what a big pile of shit attracts? Yes, flies, lots of flies.

This is exactly what this thread has done, okay marcus maybe my metaphor is a little bit harsh but what I'm trying to say is that this thread has reached 9 pages with the majority of them being members (including myself) bickering about a load of nonsense.

You shouldnt need us to hold your hand marcus, you shouldn't need our approval on every aspect of your work. You shouldnt need to ask us to give you mods.

Lodex you complain and whine that my post was vague and that I didn't communicate myself across well - yet you decide to post an image that I have no idea wtf it means with no explanation.

I still have no idea why your saying the PMs are fake, are you embarrassed by your remarks?

November 28th, 2011, 05:27 PM