View Full Version : Stone Rage - Indie Action Game

November 28th, 2011, 06:53 AM
Stone Rage - Indie Action MP Video Game!

Hey, guys I want to share an indie video game with you guys. Please let me know what you think of it. Please post suggestions, ideas, statements or anything. And do you like the concept/idea of the game?


We live in a society where most everything is provided for us, overly explained with a hand-holding approach to the point where even games tell you exactly where to go and how to do something. How was it a million years ago? How did the people of the Stone Age survive? How were they able, with naught but primitive weapons and bad ideas, to live, feed and procreate? How clever did they need to be when all the world was beset against them? What was the balance between thought, and violence? How did the outcasts live? How did tribes survive? What did they hunt? What hunted them?

Stone Rage™ is a multiplayer based action game set in the brutal prehistoric era in eastern Europe. Tribes move to the north and west as food and foliage become scarce, and inevitably, turf wars begin across the land. You, either alone or with a tribe will be faced, not only with the savage beasts and harsh environments, but also with the sporadic wars between roaming bands out for land, food, fire and blood. Stone Rage™ has many unique features, including the ability to play as prehistoric beasts, ranging from the slender gastornis to the bulky mammoth. While tribes of different creed and practice make and find new enemies and allies during every encounter, there are savage predators lurking in the shadows of their sleep and on the remains of their battlefields. Every map and landscape in Stone Rage™ is designed to leave open doors for every type of tactic or situation, so if something worked once, expect it to fail time and time again. A safe hiding spot could be invaded by a cave bear, or a saber-tooted tiger could rest upon your ranger's favorite vantage point. Random occurrences are commonplace, and no one match will be the same as another. Be it a new shaman's hut, a once fruitful plant picked bare or an entire cave revealed on the face of a canyon wall. Variations can either help or hurt you or your team, depending on the mode of the game. A fallen tree during a capture match could serve as a secret bridge, or the perfect spot for spear-thrower to align a shot, or the perfect place for a smilodon to prowl.


- Unique setting.
- Player tribes.
- Character customization, including warpaint, clothing, and weapon layouts.
- Playable animals from the Eocene and Pleistocene eras.
- Unlockable character content.
- Fantastic visuals
- Unrelentingly savage combat.

60 seconds of play

The intention of this chapter is not to entertain, therefore it's written quite shorthand and descriptive. It shall give the reader an idea and feeling of a typical game play situation to help imagine the synergy of the game's features.

Through her cover the player sees the approaching enemy. As she glimpses again for the nearing threat, suddenly a javelin strikes the tree beside her. That was close and she immediately gets a bit nervous. An enemy archer has targeted her. She quickly steers the camera around her to get an overview of the situation. She recognizes her team mates and their classes. There is an ally guard near her. She could try to take cover behind his shield and then safely approach the enemy to get in range for her destructive weapon she carries with her. She plays the warrior, she knows that she is comparative slow, so she has to be careful. From the corner of her eye she sees one of her ally archers using his ultimate. A disgusting but somehow satisfying sound indicates that the archer has hit his target. She quickly looks up and a splatter effect as well as the fact that the enemy lies flat on the ground tells her that her ally has hit the enemy archer who was targeting her and took her out of game for a while. That's her chance she realises.

Through a quick emote she tells the ally guard to wait for her and starts running towards his protecting shield. Projectiles from other enemy archers she weren't aware of raining down on her but she got through only with some slight injury. While orientating again she realizes an enemy scout running towards her and her ally. She knows the common tactic from the scouts to quickly surround the guards to get behind them and stab their unprotected back. But she also knows that a well timed hit from her big club can knock him out. She has to be careful now and hit the attack button at the right time and place without loosing the protection of the guards shield as she would be an easy prey for the enemy archers.

The scout runs quickly towards her and than when he tries to pass the guard she quickly steps aside hitting the attack button, so the slow club will hit the target. A crash sound and a satisfying splatter effect tells her that she has hit the mark. A quick pause and a highlight effect after the swinging animation of her club tells her that she can add another attack to a choreography chain to get extra damage and adrenalin. Luckily she hits the scout again and a even bigger splatter effect reveals to her that she finally killed him. It seems that he hadn't that much hitpoints already as he approached. A roar sound and slight shine around her character indicates that she has earned enough adrenalin to perform her ultimate. After a slight exhilaration she realises that she is completely unprotected from range attacks and that she is already quite near the enemy base.

She quickly gets cover again behind the ally guard before suffering too much damage through the enemy archers. Another guard with a shaman hiding behind him approaches. She gives the shaman a sign through an emote animation that she is injured and needs some healing. Both close up to her and the shaman quickly refills her hitpoints. A decent shine around the shamans character indicates that also his ultimate is ready. Now she realises that they are already very close to the enemy base. The shaman triggers his ultimate starting his ritual dance and suddenly the sky darkens, the wind blows and lightnings bath the scene in dreadful light. Also suddenly the two guards trigger their ultimate and charge into the enemy barracks breaking through the shields of the enemy guards knocking them down. A random lightning strikes an enemy warrior instantly killing him and she feels a bit spite.

This is her chance she realises. She quickly ran towards the jumped enemy to deal as much damage and devastation as possible. Within the crowds of the enemy soldiers while projectiles of her ally archer hail down on them she triggers her ultimate. A loud roar and a red shine indicates that. She knows as long as the shine lasts she deal twice as much damage but also suffer twice as much but luckily the ultimate of the shaman still lasts so she suffers only the half amount of damage and her hitpoints cant get below 1. In this exciting moment of action she rampages through the enemy forces. She chains hit after hit to a destructive choreography. But after the second chaining hit her character holds the club all over his head and pauses for a slight moment. This she knows, indicates that if she know performs her slow secondary attack she will deal a big amount of damage and this effect will be doubled if dealt to a stunned enemy.

More infos on:

http:// (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/stonerage)moddb.com/games/stone-rage (http://www.moddb.com/games/stone-rage)
http:// (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/stonerage)mountainwheel.com (http://www.mountainwheel.com)
http:// (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/stonerage)mountainwheel.com/forum (http://www.mountainwheel.com/forum)

November 28th, 2011, 05:33 PM
Thats quite a lot to read and before I go any further and read it - are you part of the mod?

November 29th, 2011, 01:09 PM
Well, I wanted to provide a bit information about this project. Yes, I'm :)

November 30th, 2011, 01:14 PM
Help Stone Rage win the 2011 Indie of the Year: http://www.moddb.com/games/stone-rage

If you have an account on moddb/indiedb then login please and vote. (Registered Votes are more worth)

Spread the word please :))

All the best,
Reok, SR Project Lead
www.mountainwheel.com (http://www.mountainwheel.com)
www.mountainwheel.com/forum (http://www.mountainwheel.com/forum)
www.moddb.com/games/stone-rage (http://www.moddb.com/games/stone-rage)