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January 27th, 2012, 10:49 AM
The chest looks different from the Halo Wars Mark IV.

Uh. Look at my post above yours.

January 27th, 2012, 11:24 AM
Uh. Look at my post above yours.
I know, it wasn't directed at you. I was adding to the fact that the blueprint doesn't look exactly like the Halo Wars one.

January 27th, 2012, 11:30 AM
kay, maybe it isn't.

January 27th, 2012, 01:53 PM
For shits and giggles, an old HUD I drew back in, say 2005, that might have some neat ideas:

http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a31/plasbianx/Halo HUDs/FoFHUD.jpg

1. Motion Tracker
2. Shield
3. Health
4. Power
5. Grenades (one on the left is a Needle grenade...I made this before I knew about Needle Grenades in CE)
6. Weapon Meter (Weapon + Ammo type)
7. Secondary Weapon
8. Ammunition Meter (diagonal allows use of odd-numbered magazine sizes and good aesthetics simultaneously)
9. Total rounds remainig
10. Cross-hair (and status indicators)

January 27th, 2012, 05:32 PM
That's pretty cool looking, but mighty obstructive

January 29th, 2012, 01:23 AM
It's not to any usable scale. I drew it on a really tiny pad and just squished all the elements in. Then I made a visor outline just to pull it together. I believe Plas was working on this HUD a while back.

How's this for a mock-up?


The Spartan figure would get dimmer as shields drain and flash red with "Warning!" written inside when shields are depleted. For low armour (health), I'd have those blue outlines turn red (can this even be done?). You have the percentages to tell you exactly where you are.

I'd also place a compass at the bottom, but actually doing it in the mock-up is a bit over my capabilities right now.

January 29th, 2012, 01:42 AM
im getting a metroid prime-ey feel from that hud. i like it

January 29th, 2012, 01:42 AM
Funny story about that...I've never played a single Metroid game.

January 29th, 2012, 01:49 AM
Funny story about that...I've never played a single Metroid game.


January 29th, 2012, 01:53 AM
Not out of spite or dislike, I just wasn't raised on Nintendo. I wasn't raised on consoles at all, straight up PC.

Also, FFFFFFUU, miscalculated left side visor slope position.

January 29th, 2012, 02:26 AM
Go grab dolphin and get some Metroid Prime in your system. It'll be good for you.

t3h m00kz
January 29th, 2012, 05:25 AM
that's yar har diddly, good sir!!! gosh

January 29th, 2012, 03:11 PM
what's that

yeah, over there

it can't


(5 big images)

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10778064/misc/spec/haloce 2012-01-29 15-56-05-36.png

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10778064/misc/spec/haloce 2012-01-29 15-54-52-20.png

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10778064/misc/spec/haloce 2012-01-29 15-55-07-07.png

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10778064/misc/spec/haloce 2012-01-29 15-56-12-01.png

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10778064/misc/spec/haloce 2012-01-29 15-56-44-87.png

January 29th, 2012, 03:13 PM

Full of nuggety FUCK.

Thats so awesome. Although it looks odd on that original Halo texture pile :3

January 29th, 2012, 03:33 PM
Sorry 343 Industries.
We don't need you anymore.

January 29th, 2012, 04:17 PM
Holy fuck, that thing is absolutely gorgeous! Does that mean that the next map to be released after this one (which is a50, right?) will be a map with vehicles on it?

January 29th, 2012, 04:27 PM
All my babies

Elite Killa
January 29th, 2012, 04:34 PM


January 29th, 2012, 05:41 PM
Totally bonkers. In a good way.

For some odd reason, it's reminding me of the bell on H2_Zanzibar. I think it's the normals. Damn, does it look good or does it look good?

January 29th, 2012, 05:48 PM
:') Its so beautiful. I want to stick my dick in its tail pipe.

January 29th, 2012, 05:56 PM
oh lag made a video too


January 29th, 2012, 06:14 PM
Very nice.

January 29th, 2012, 06:59 PM
Holy Jesus.

January 29th, 2012, 07:05 PM
Oh god.

Took a look at Halo 4's warthog, and it doesn't even come close to the sexiness this has achieved. Congrats guys!

January 29th, 2012, 07:33 PM
Tone down the shinniess, theres no way metal could ever be that shinny in real life when not directly in the sun light (at least when it is beat up as the texture points towards). Otherwise, awesome work.

January 29th, 2012, 08:17 PM
Oh god.

Took a look at Halo 4's warthog, and it doesn't even come close to the sexiness this has achieved. Congrats guys!
Considering we don't know what Halo 4's Warthog looks like, you're comparing it to nothing. :P

The Forza Hog is NOT the Halo 4 Warthog.

Looks nice and has that trademark CMT shine. There still a lot that could be improved though. For instance, it still looks like Dano hasn't entirely made it awesome yet to the same standard as everything else, but then again, this is probably just the bar minimum so we can see it in-game. Listen to Higuy elsewise.

January 29th, 2012, 08:24 PM
I think the shiny should stay. Take away the shiny [cubemap] and it feels like Unreal Tournament rather than Halo. The shiny gives it some visual flare.

Also, that green is the same colour and shiny that you should make the Chief. It's green, it's iridescent, it fits the description perfectly.

E: To clarify, I am not talking about the light reflections. That can be toned down a little bit. I hope the rest of the game turns out looking that good.

January 29th, 2012, 09:12 PM
Considering we don't know what Halo 4's Warthog looks like, you're comparing it to nothing. :P

The Forza Hog is NOT the Halo 4 Warthog.

Looks nice and has that trademark CMT shine. There still a lot that could be improved though. For instance, it still looks like Dano hasn't entirely made it awesome yet to the same standard as everything else, but then again, this is probably just the bar minimum so we can see it in-game. Listen to Higuy elsewise.

I thought someone confirmed that they made the Forza hog design is being used for Halo 4.

January 29th, 2012, 09:15 PM
Well, it is the 2554 FAV Warthog.
And Halo 4 is to take place quite a while after Halo 3.

Can someone confirm this?

January 29th, 2012, 09:26 PM
Long enough that he gets a new set of armour that looks like total shit.

January 29th, 2012, 10:38 PM
That warthog does look damn good, but I really have to ask, did SPV3 have a director yell cut in the middle of the game so that a group of underpaid lackeys could come in and polish the shit out of everything? I mean everything is so damn shiny its ridiculous. I understand that you want to show off the abilities of OS with the specular and normal mapping, but in the process every asset you have shown so far now has a double coat of wax that has been buffed to a mirror finish, and it seems a bit out of place :\

January 29th, 2012, 11:07 PM
I hope CMT rebuilds the original Halo maps with the new models/skins so we can use them on regular servers.

January 30th, 2012, 06:27 AM
I think that'd be a step too far on the EULA, even from people actively helping to develop engine modifications :p

January 30th, 2012, 08:57 AM
theoretically, if we can somehow fool the map-checksum-thing, we could make the whole map hi-res (anniversary style) and still be able to play on stock servers.

January 30th, 2012, 09:00 AM
The EULA stopped being relevant when Microsoft abandoned the Halo PC community.

January 30th, 2012, 07:36 PM
Everything except E was not "through their own fault" though.

Sorry, by "they" I meant Microsoft and company, not the community.

I swear this is the last one:

January 30th, 2012, 08:05 PM
Sorry, by "they" I meant Microsoft and company, not the community.

I swear this is the last one:
Not bad.

What I like: Almost invisible visor outline near the top, simple to understand ammo/grenade counters, shield/health setup.

What could be improved: Slightly sharper (I think the blur around everything could be reduced), motion tracker looks better as a perfect circle (IMO), and the motion tracker range should be a bit more visible (make the 15m a bit larger).

All around, I think it's a vast improvement over what we've been seeing for a while. Good work.

January 30th, 2012, 08:53 PM
EE: I don't suppose there's a way to make the HUD bob a la Crysis 2, is there? It makes a difference, because certain HUDs don't look good if they can't bob around while others look bad if they do bob around.
well, there is a way, but its not fun. you have to make the hud part of the player model and first person weapon models so they can move with the animations.

i think the metroid maps do this

January 30th, 2012, 09:01 PM
So, basically a giant LCD that has no physical connection to the gun and displays more than just the bullets in your magazine?

January 30th, 2012, 09:44 PM
essentially, yeah. you have to play around with functions too. the standard halo hud is already linked to the weapon, but if you want the ammo display to be on an actual piece of geometry, you need to use an "out" (like, A-out, B-out, etc...) function in the .weapon tag to feed the ammo variable into the shader for the meter. only weapon related stuff would be displayed on the weapon's model

then the player's health and shield needs to be a piece of geometry on the biped's model, because i dont think theres any way to use one of those out functions to link a biped's health to a weapon model. i dont think you can do this at all with the motion tracker. theres a lot of hard coded stuff going on with that thing.

all in all, id say its really not worth the work. with a cool HUD concept like that, id want to use it in an engine where you can do more fun stuff like have the brightness of the lines react to environmental brightness or something.

i find it funny that i still clearly remember this stuff after not touching halo for 3+ years.

E: im pretty sure the 3d hud stuff wont work for grenades either.

January 30th, 2012, 10:01 PM

Then we'll just have to keep it simple for Halo's sake. :p

If I was going to make a HUD for, say, a Crysis 2 Halo mod, I would definitely not follow the traditional Halo formula. Instead, I would have all ammo meters be on the gun somewhere (ticker on the SMG and Spiker, LCD on AR and BR, holograms on the carbine and plasma weapons, needles on the needler, etc). All you'd get on the HUD is a count of how many magazines you have left for your currently equipped weapon and something showing you how many of the equipped grenade you are carrying. And no weapon icons at all. Only a shield meter, map/compas combo, and a grid for your armour displaying integrity.

If you couldn't tell, my favourite information systems are those that incorporate themselves into the game world. The timer in Metro 2033, the lights on Isaac Clark's rig, the sound of breathing in Red Orchestra. That kind of stuff. If it has to have a HUD, it should look like the inside of a helmet and not something plastered there to remind me that it's a game.

January 30th, 2012, 10:08 PM
^i could not agree more. im actually looking into buying a cheap programmable circuit board to make a metro 2033 style watch, because that thing is so damn cool.

January 31st, 2012, 02:50 AM
theoretically, if we can somehow fool the map-checksum-thing, we could make the whole map hi-res (anniversary style) and still be able to play on stock servers.
I thought this had already been figured out through Open Sauce. I remember reading something about lifting or significantly increasing the restrictions on that sort of thing.

January 31st, 2012, 02:52 AM

January 31st, 2012, 08:59 PM
As you may or may not remember, the last time we updated, we said:

...our plan is to release A50 in its entirety - Brutes, new BSPs, and all - around late January/early February.

Internal issues and misfortunes have forced us remove part of that statement. Our new BSPs are not ready and a few of our updated art assets are not done – and we do not foresee them being done within the next few weeks. We could delay the mod again, indefinitely, until those things are implemented. Or, we could sack them and push towards coming in at least somewhat close to our scheduled release.

After careful deliberation, we've decided to go ahead and, for the first time in a few years, release relatively on-time.

Barring catastrophic failure or some other immediate emergency, The CMT SPv3 version of The Truth & Reconciliation will be released on Friday, February 24th.

Operating on a map-by-map release structure means that we can continue to add to and refine SPv3 between each release; consequently, rather than try and continually hammer away on the same map for months and months, we feel it'd be better to release more frequently and retroactively update older releases as new assets are made and gameplay elements improve. We're not treating A50 as "unfinished" - we're making it as best we can with what we have - but we're absolutely planning on revisiting and further revamping it down the line. Some models will not be as high-res as others and we won’t have all the gameplay additions that we had hoped to include, but we feel that this is preferable to keeping you guys waiting potentially forever for things that may or may not ever meet our initial goals. We cannot say for sure which features will make the cut and which will not - a much needeed upgrade to our aging Battle Rifle (http://img830.imageshack.us/img830/4831/specops2.jpg) and an up-resing of the stock BSP are on the way, whereas new Grunt and Pelican models might not make it - but anything that doesn't make the cut by release will certainly be used later on.

In the meantime, feel free to satiate yourself with a batch of fresh screenshots taken from a near-final version of the map, and remember to check back on the 24th!!!

(Head to the Halomods thread (http://www.halomods.com/ips/index.php?/topic/437-official-update-13112-release-date-inside/) for more screenshots!)


January 31st, 2012, 09:27 PM

The MC looks great. AR looks awesome. I'm glad to see that the BR is getting updated, it does look a little dated compared to the new content.

January 31st, 2012, 10:14 PM
Awesome, so excited to play this! I'm glad you're all actually releasing something! (Which does seem impossible, I know).

January 31st, 2012, 11:42 PM
Most excellent work. The Hunter Cannon simply amazed me.
But, I hate to sound negative, but I bet this months pay that SOMETHING will happen to delay the release :saddowns:

January 31st, 2012, 11:55 PM
IIRC there's not going to be any updated CMT multiplayer maps with all this new OS stuff is there?

If there are some new multiplayer maps in the pipeline we can offer the services of my Lancers Edge servers and jcaps Modacity servers to host stuff. Both servers can be configured to allow for users to upload new files via FTP and stop/restart the server from a web-based control panel. Granted, jcaps servers are running on a better Internet pipe than mine but I'm more likely to respond to questions/server support in a timely fashion.

Let me know.

Also, a suggestion for the ODST models: Make the helmet lights mount to a rail-system like the Ops-Core FAST helmets. Makes more sense than proprietary hard-mounts and adds more tacticool factor.

February 1st, 2012, 12:31 AM
Also, a suggestion for the ODST models: Make the helmet lights mount to a rail-system like the Ops-Core FAST helmets. Makes more sense than proprietary hard-mounts and adds more tacticool factor.

That would definitely look cool, but I'm not so sure teh_lag will go back and edit the helmet just for that.

February 1st, 2012, 01:59 AM
It's amazing how a bit of modifications and quality work can bring out the best of things. Good job CMT!

February 1st, 2012, 03:15 AM
regarding multiplayer, Me and Dane have been discussing making a (few?) HD Multiplayer map(s).

February 1st, 2012, 03:44 AM
regarding multiplayer, Me and Dane have been discussing making a (few?) HD Multiplayer map(s).
Classic or custom?

February 1st, 2012, 08:03 AM
IIRC there's not going to be any updated CMT multiplayer maps with all this new OS stuff is there?

If there are some new multiplayer maps in the pipeline we can offer the services of my Lancers Edge servers and jcaps Modacity servers to host stuff. Both servers can be configured to allow for users to upload new files via FTP and stop/restart the server from a web-based control panel. Granted, jcaps servers are running on a better Internet pipe than mine but I'm more likely to respond to questions/server support in a timely fashion.

Let me know.

Also, a suggestion for the ODST models: Make the helmet lights mount to a rail-system like the Ops-Core FAST helmets. Makes more sense than proprietary hard-mounts and adds more tacticool factor.

Protip: tacticool was never cool in Halo. Ever.

February 1st, 2012, 08:12 AM
Rails don't make things tacti-cool.

February 1st, 2012, 12:40 PM
Classic or custom?

Hopefully classic.

Rails don't make things tacti-cool.

This. Tacticool is was putting an ACOG scope on a short range SMG, heh.

February 1st, 2012, 12:45 PM
This. Tacticool is was putting an ACOG scope on a short range SMG, heh.
That was obviously there so you could zoom in and see the enemy's pores while already being in their face, obviously.

February 1st, 2012, 01:04 PM
Just saying, you don't want tacti-cool in Halo. The rails on the shotgun and all are fine.

February 1st, 2012, 01:38 PM
Just saying, you don't want tacti-cool in Halo. The rails on the shotgun and all are fine.
I want as much tacti-cool as possible. Tacticool spoons. Tacticool knives. tacticool dogs. Tacticool anime. Any and everything possible I want to be tacticool.

My logic is infallible.

February 1st, 2012, 02:06 PM
Alright guys, it was just a suggestion followed by a comment. Don't overdo it now or we'll all get infractions.

February 1st, 2012, 04:09 PM
I'm not talking about rails of the conventional sense:

Something like that makes much more sense for mounting things on a helmet than using proprietary hard mounts, like I said already.

@neuro: If you guys make some HD multiplayer maps using OS (please include MTV), just let me know. It would probably be easiest if you guys include an installer for the noob clients out there so they can connect to the OS-running servers.

February 1st, 2012, 04:11 PM
I know that. But really, that's a tiny detail that makes little sense to fuss over when A.) the ODSTs are going to die in thirty seconds (yay Marine AI) and B.) it's not on the Chief's helmet. I'd rather they spend time making the stuff I'm going to use and pay attention to look good than redo the ODST's head to add a side mount.

February 1st, 2012, 04:12 PM
Yeah well, just a suggestion to make the mod better! It's all in the details after-all.

February 1st, 2012, 04:35 PM
Well, better get working on the environment then, haha.

February 1st, 2012, 04:39 PM
Seriously. Environments first from here on out, preferably. Get environments polished and looking as good as the 'hog, then start on other stuff.

February 1st, 2012, 10:30 PM
Noticing the up-to-date screenshots still have ugly-hud :|

February 1st, 2012, 11:11 PM
Freelancer, shut it. We won't be using your servers, especially after how last time you held it over our heads we "owed you" for it.
MP is up in the air as always, I have finally figured out how to perfect the destroyable vehicles though, with effects and respawning and no exceptions. It still has to be tested of course. MP will REQUIRE OS IF we do it.
I hate the HUD too, but we need something for release. Other options are being worked on. There's some very cool and unique stuff going on.
Environments are being worked on, unfortunately theres no OS shaders for BSPs.

February 1st, 2012, 11:43 PM
I say OS required for the whole thing. It's so stupid easy to install, any CE player who knows enough to download custom maps and install them can do it. Hell, make an installer that just installs both the campaign and OS at once. Tada, no more issues of people not knowing how to install OpenSauce.

February 1st, 2012, 11:45 PM
I say OS required for the whole thing. It's so stupid easy to install, any CE player who knows enough to download custom maps and install them can do it. Hell, make an installer that just installs both the campaign and OS at once. Tada, no more issues of people not knowing how to install OpenSauce.
Including the d3d9.dll and a text file saying "put this in your halo directory" would do the trick.

glad to hear you guys are having progress, I think sometimes people get a little too caught up in the "but you said you'd do ____", just enjoy making the mod.

February 2nd, 2012, 04:43 AM
Freelancer, shut it. We won't be using your servers, especially after how last time you held it over our heads we "owed you" for it.
What the FUCK are you talking about? Would you please explain this whole situation to me please? It seems to be your biggest hostility against me yet I have no recollection what-so-ever of whatever incident you're talking about at all. I've never tried to tender profit from my Halo CE servers, I only run them to provide some decent servers for the community.

Seriously, what the fuck are you on about? I don't recall EVER actually hosting CE servers for CMT. Ever. The only thing I ever hosted for you guys was a mirror of SPV1 on Haloimpulse, which I stayed up ALL NIGHT to upload on on release day since you guys were behind schedule and couldn't get it to me until the next day.

February 2nd, 2012, 07:25 AM
@neuro: If you guys make some HD multiplayer maps using OS (please include MTV), just let me know. It would probably be easiest if you guys include an installer for the noob clients out there so they can connect to the OS-running servers.

i've never played around with Multi team vehicles, we'd have to try it out, see if it plays fun.

but yeah i really doubt we'd have a non-OS-enabled version of the map, so an OS installer would propably be dumped in the zipfile it'll get distributed in.

February 2nd, 2012, 06:33 PM
Check your PMs Freelancer

February 2nd, 2012, 07:57 PM
Check your PMs Freelancer

I'm on no ones side, but if you brought up something that involved PM's in the first place, why would you bring them in a public forum? Stirring up hostality like that is going to make this thread go to the dumps. If it's personal between you guys, then keep it private. I just want to enjoy the positivity in this thread.

February 3rd, 2012, 12:12 AM
I just want to enjoy the positivity in this thread.

Then I suggest for you not to dwell on it. It's been handled.

February 3rd, 2012, 02:09 AM
Then I suggest for you not to dwell on it. It's been handled.

Ok Amit.

February 4th, 2012, 07:22 PM
I decided to poke my head in these forums after probably a good year or so of inactivity and it's nice to see stuff still chugging along on this mod!

February 23rd, 2012, 01:01 AM
Truth and Reconciliation is supposed to be in a little over 24 hours. Is this still true?

February 23rd, 2012, 01:03 AM

February 23rd, 2012, 01:57 AM
Impossible!?!? JUST WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM!?!?!?!?!?

Also I doubt it. Tune in next February etc.

February 23rd, 2012, 02:41 AM
Truth and Reconciliation is supposed to be in a little over 24 hours. Is this still true?

Barring the sudden, unexpected, and catastrophic 1. deletion of all SPv3 assets, map builds, and other data across several computers and/or 2. deaths of every person associated with the project, yes, this is still true

February 23rd, 2012, 02:42 AM
Barring the sudden, unexpected, and catastrophic 1. deletion of all SPv3 assets, map builds, and other data across several computers and/or 2. deaths of every person associated with the project, yes, this is still true

I am so excite

February 23rd, 2012, 04:15 AM
Barring the sudden, unexpected, and catastrophic 1. deletion of all SPv3 assets, map builds, and other data across several computers and/or 2. deaths of every person associated with the project, yes, this is still true
Hey, that happens a lot in this community.

Now you've gone and jinxed it. I'll be awaiting SPV3 releases sometime next year now. Good job.

Love De Lux
February 23rd, 2012, 05:04 AM
You guys made me install hce once again

February 23rd, 2012, 07:54 AM
I'll keep my eyes on the obituary section of the newspaper until the map is released. You know, just in case.

February 23rd, 2012, 12:49 PM
Well shit, I joined the team just in time to be jinxed and die. *hides inside for next day or so*

February 23rd, 2012, 01:43 PM
hey if you're doubtful here's some screens:

Thanks to SlappyThePirate and Siliconmaster, we've remodeled and revamped both the BSP and its lightmaps

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10778064/misc/screencaps/haloce 2012-02-22 21-39-46-66.png

...adding nice touches like ice pools with dynamic reflections

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10778064/misc/screencaps/haloce 2012-02-19 19-58-11-45.png

for reference, this is what a50 looked like a few months ago:


Oh and here's the new BR, courtesy of BobTheGreatII and Dano:

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10778064/misc/screencaps/haloce 2012-02-22 16-43-02-94.png

(Scope has since been changed to match ammo display's color, and overall shaders may change between now and tomorrow)

The BR's texture in this picture is only half-res, because: Some of the new features rely on OS scripting that breaks when we compile backwards-compatible, so we'll have to distribute two different maps with the release; a .map for everybody and an OS-only .yelo for OS users. For the .map, we have to cut down on texture res and such to keep under tagspace/map size limits, but the good part is that having the .yelo available means, for that build, we can ignore those limits, using as many super-hires textures and such as we want. Consider it another extra perk for hopping on the OS-wagon

(oh and if you're worried about us drowning in wannabe-tacticool, the red/silenced BR is an a50-only thing (maybe c10 too maybe) since it's sort of a stealth-ish mission)

February 23rd, 2012, 01:45 PM

BR looks impossibly awesome. Even at half res.

February 23rd, 2012, 01:48 PM
Oh dear, now I truly have no reason not to download this :iamafag:
But I'd hate to jinx (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/9/9d/124jynx.png/220px-124jynx.png) it :ohdear:

February 23rd, 2012, 01:54 PM
How big will the file be in terms of compression and actual map file? Compression part is what I'm most curious about.

February 23rd, 2012, 02:03 PM
As of last night, the .map itself is 390MB, 166MB compressed in a .rar

the .yelo is 392MB, 167MB compressed

February 23rd, 2012, 02:17 PM
Very nice. I was worried about it being too large. Can't believe it will have about a days worth of gameplay. That is very impressive. I can't wait to see how exactly you guys made the level that long with gameplay being original for each area. (Or so I hope). But seeing how much time and effort was put into this mod, I shouldn't be disappointed.

t3h m00kz
February 23rd, 2012, 02:26 PM
a third of a gig is pretty fucking huge, but that's not really anything that can be helped

February 23rd, 2012, 02:41 PM
a third of a gig is pretty fucking huge, but that's not really anything that can be helped

If you think about it, it's not that bad for 20+ hours of gameplay...

February 23rd, 2012, 02:59 PM
If you think about it, it's not that bad for 20+ hours of gameplay...
Its only one map...

February 23rd, 2012, 03:12 PM
Its only one map...And there are two files.
Two thirds of a gig seems pretty massive for just one mission.
I guess I'll have to look into a new HDD now.

February 23rd, 2012, 03:17 PM
If you think about it, it's not that bad for 20+ hours of gameplay...

This is only the level "Truth and Reconciliation". At average we were getting playthroughs of about an hour.

The file size is obviously all of the new tag sets and other bits and things that never existed in the original game. And remember. You have the choice of playing with either the .map or the .yelo. The .yelo will act just like a .map file but you must have OS installed (and I mean really, why wouldn't you?) in order to play it.

the .map version will be limited in some areas, most notable would be not having the VISR in .map but instead you would have the original flashlight. This is because Open Sauce allows us to do many new things that the original system couldn't do.

Installing Open Sauce is painless and opens up a world of new features. I highly recommend that you use it when you go to play this level for the full effect.

February 23rd, 2012, 03:18 PM
And there are two files.
Two thirds of a gig seems pretty massive for just one mission.
I guess I'll have to look into a new HDD now.
I am aware. I was stating that its a huge file. Sorry that didn't come across very well.

February 23rd, 2012, 04:10 PM
I assumed people would have atleast 250GB HDDs these days...Or even 500GB..That is why I said: "It doesn't seem that bad.."


February 23rd, 2012, 05:09 PM
I assumed people would have atleast 250GB HDDs these days...Or even 500GB..That is why I said: "It doesn't seem that bad.."

Don't worry, I have enough space for everyone.

4.12 TB free right now.

February 23rd, 2012, 05:43 PM
1. Format HDD as NTFS
2. Enable file compression on your maps folder
3. ???
4. Megabytes!

Though I have considered adding compression support to future .yelo maps...

February 23rd, 2012, 05:46 PM
Why, why will no one fix that HUD...

February 23rd, 2012, 06:32 PM
Who said nobody was fixing it? Hell, that's not even the same HUD we've been seeing, only the vitality area and motion tracker. The rest is Halo 2-ish.

February 23rd, 2012, 06:39 PM
I think a lot of it has come down to time constraints. We're working as hard as we can to please everyone (even those inside the team) so that we can have the best possible experience. Personally I like the HUD a lot, it's functional, clean, and looks like it fits. Obviously not everyone agrees.

We are always welcome to suggestions, but not really in to fighting over it. If you have an idea, feel free to submit it to someone on the team so we can look it over.

There's also a thread here that you can discuss it:

February 23rd, 2012, 07:06 PM
I love the new HUD but nobody gives a fuck about what I think.

February 23rd, 2012, 07:17 PM
I think the HUD is fine. It's simple and not in the way of the gameplay. Adding more to the HUD will just add more distractions.

February 23rd, 2012, 07:45 PM
Protip: this isn't a new HUD. It's made of pieces of old HUDs thrown together into something that works (better than the original SPv3 HUD). Hopefully, though, there will be a sleek, new HUD before the mod is completely finished. As it stands, the HUD wasn't a primary concern for this release; what is there works for now, and it's not as "lolhuge" as it used to be.


t3h m00kz
February 23rd, 2012, 07:51 PM
you can't "fix" liberties and decisions made by artists

If the hud had misaligned numbers and inconsitencies that'd be one thing

But just because you don't like it doesn't mean there's anything wrong

Learn the difference between bugs and design

February 23rd, 2012, 07:56 PM
Um...who was that directed at? I don't see anybody calling this one buggy. Everybody has been talking about the aesthetics...

February 23rd, 2012, 08:17 PM
Protip: this isn't a new HUD. It's made of pieces of old HUDs thrown together into something that works (better than the original SPv3 HUD). Hopefully, though, there will be a sleek, new HUD before the mod is completely finished. As it stands, the HUD wasn't a primary concern for this release; what is there works for now, and it's not as "lolhuge" as it used to be.

I am aware, but I like the way it looks. Its out of the way, and is clearly "Halo"

February 23rd, 2012, 08:25 PM
But it's also largely a rip from an official game. I don't really buy into the whole "CMT Way" thing, but come on, we can do better than just lifting Halo 2's HUD.

February 23rd, 2012, 08:40 PM
But it's also largely a rip from an official game. I don't really buy into the whole "CMT Way" thing, but come on, we can do better than just lifting Halo 2's HUD.
I don't really see that in it at all tbh.

February 23rd, 2012, 08:45 PM
The H2 resemblence was a complete accident, oddly enough

The objective was to remove the clunky and redundant bits of the initial draft (helmet icon, duplicate grenade icon, and ammo-in-clip counter specifically, with the backgrounds reshaped accordingly) and replace the glitchy all-purpose ammo meter with individualized meters for each gun. Turns out (and this was not realized until the thing was already done) that's pretty much like H2; go figure

It's not changing for tomorrow of course but future releases are definitely open to a replacement if we manage to come up with something that's widely considered to be a better option

February 23rd, 2012, 09:38 PM
But hey, until we do get something better, it works for now.

February 24th, 2012, 02:03 AM
It is not Friday the 24th...


February 24th, 2012, 02:10 AM
The content looks great, but the Blocky old covenant interior BSP kinda looks awkward compared to the scenery and tags used it it. It would be really sweet looking if someone could go in and make it look like a covenant ship from one of the newer halo games (just by refining the old geometry, not creating anything new). Would take a tremendous amount of time though. I think the new covenant stlye is a lot more complicated then any of the other styles in the halo universe.

February 24th, 2012, 02:35 AM
The content looks great, but the Blocky old covenant interior BSP kinda looks awkward compared to the scenery and tags used it it. It would be really sweet looking if someone could go in and make it look like a covenant ship from one of the newer halo games (just by refining the old geometry, not creating anything new). Would take a tremendous amount of time though. I think the new covenant stlye is a lot more complicated then any of the other styles in the halo universe.

Hopefully we'll have time for this in the future.

February 24th, 2012, 05:36 AM
Hopefully we'll have time for this in the future.

This. From what I understand CMT is planning on re-releasing this map along with the others in the future as the mod evolves and matures.

February 24th, 2012, 01:42 PM
When I was talking to Lag about it. It sounded like we were going to do releases all the way up to the final map and then re-release everything with all of the updated tags and what not.

February 24th, 2012, 01:47 PM
I can second that, that's what he told me, too. Actually, him and Ifafudafi both said that. Consider it a rolling release.

February 24th, 2012, 04:42 PM
25/02 here, where's the maps?

February 24th, 2012, 04:49 PM
It's only 6pm on Feb. 24th Eastern Time, I'm sure it will be out by midnight.

February 24th, 2012, 04:50 PM
Lag said 3-4 hours. That was about 2 hours ago.

February 24th, 2012, 05:52 PM

Custom Mapping Team, or CMT, is comprised of some of the Halo community's oldest, best, and brightest talent, brought together under the common goal of making the most complete, fresh, and entertaining campaign mod in the game's long and storied history. As the culmination of several years of work and experience, SPv3 is the most comprehensive modification of Halo 1's campaign yet, extensively revising and adding to the core gameplay while completely overhauling the visuals and audio.

This first release contains the level "The Truth and Reconciliation," or "a50." Future releases will continue to refine and build upon the groundwork laid here, with new additions and major enhancements retroactively applied after significant milestones. Make sure to regularly check the official forum at http://www.halomods.com/cmt for more information and updates on future releases, along with developer updates and exclusive media!

There are two different maps you can download - which one you want depends on whether or not you plan on installing Open Sauce.

The .map can be played with or without Open Sauce, but is missing several secondary visual and gameplay features that rely on OS scripting.

The .yelo can only be played with Open Sauce, but contains the complete experience. Specifically:


If you have any questions or issues, make sure you read the included CMT Manual first!


To install:

1. Extract the .map or .yelo from the .rar you downloaded.
2. Place the .map or .yelo in your Halo Custom Edition\maps folder.
3. If using the .yelo, make sure there is no .map with the same filename inside your Halo Custom Editon\maps folder.
4. Open the in-game console, type in "map_name a50", and hit Enter.

To uninstall, simply remove the .map or .yelo from your Halo Custom Edition\maps folder.

The latest Open Sauce installer can be found off the OS Google Code Page (http://code.google.com/p/open-sauce/). We highly recommend you install OS - the process incredibly simple and non-intrusive, and the benefits are immense. The only requirement is that you update a properly installed copy of Halo Custom Edition to 1.09 and do not use XFire while you are playing the game (seriously, even having the XFire process running can make Open Sauce crash, so make sure that you’ve completely ended the program!)



.Map version (Backwards compatible)
[Mediafire mirror] (http://www.mediafire.com/file/r7mr84knchbn87y/CMT SPV3 -The Truth and Reconciliation (Map - OpenSauce Optional).rar) [Halomaps.org mirror coming soon]

.Yelo version (Requires Open Sauce)
[Mediafire mirror] (http://www.mediafire.com/file/vc5yn4ffux1p4ms/CMT SPV3 -The Truth and Reconciliation (Yelo - OpenSauce Only).rar) [Halomaps.org mirror coming soon]

Again, if you're downloading the .yelo, make sure you DO NOT have an a50.map file inside your HCE/maps folder!



CMT SPv3 Team Members:
Teh Lag - Team Leader and HCE polymath
Masterz1337 - Co-Lead, gameplay balance, and encounter design
Ifafudafi - Co-Lead, gameplay balance, and effects

Arteen - Encounter & level design
Boba – Concept, 3D & texture art
BobtheGreatII - 3D art
ChokingVictim - Programming
Conscars - 2D art
Dano - 3D & texture art
Flyinrooster/Roostervier - 3D art
H3freak - HUD design
Kirby422 - Scripting, encounter & level design
NuggetWarmer - 3D art
ODX – Animation
Shadowspartan - Programming & Tools; Tag references
Siliconmaster – Lighting
SlappyThePirate – 3D art
Warsaw – Gameplay balance
Xalener - Sound design

Additional Contributors:
CtrlAltDestroy – Tag references
Hunter/MartynLeeBall – 3D art (Shotgun high-poly model; publicly released on Halomaps.org)
Neodos – Concept & 3D art
NeurologicalDisorder – 3D art (Warthog model; not present in this release)
Sin0w - Scripting, encounter & level design
Yoko/Mendicant Bias – 2D & 3D art

Kornner Studios & the Open-Sauce people:
Kornman00, TheFieryScythe, Choking Victim and Shadowspartan

We also would like to credit the people at Bungie Studios (past and present) for Halo 1, 2, 3, ODST and Reach, upon whom our mod relies so heavily!


Testing & Feedback:
Reaper Man


Lastly, we would also like to re-credit those who were credited for SPv2, as this project draws on their hard work even if they were not active CMT members for SPv3:

Teh Lag

Il Duce Primo
P0lar Bear
Scooby Doo
Wave of Lag

-Choking Victim


As always, an enourmous debt of gratitude is owed to Bungie, Microsoft and especially Gearbox Software for allowing this community exist, thrive and continue to do what we love for a game we love. Thanks for letting us stay around and thanks for giving us the tools to do this!

We also owe our friends at Modacity.net and Halomaps.org for being great platforms for this humble community to stand on.

The “Halo” franchise and all related IP is © 2001-2012 Microsoft Corporation/343 Industries.

February 24th, 2012, 05:56 PM
I never thought I'd live to see this happen...

February 24th, 2012, 06:05 PM
Will have sex with this when it's done downloading, but why no DarkHalo003 for emotional support? :(

February 24th, 2012, 06:10 PM

February 24th, 2012, 06:13 PM
Would anyone watch a livestream if I put one up?

February 24th, 2012, 06:16 PM
Hey, why is my name still on HUD design...I had nothing to do with this HUD...


February 24th, 2012, 06:21 PM
Hey, why is my name still on HUD design...I had nothing to do with this HUD...


I wish the guys liked my hud (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/37923267/HUD.html) instead of boxmcnugget :(

I think a more streamlined crysis ripoff hud sitting at the bottom of the screen would work better though, in terms of general visibility.

February 24th, 2012, 06:25 PM
Contributors to project: Everyone except TVTyrant


Anyways its unplayable on my machine at any setting. My PC is a POS so yeah, its not your fault. When my bro comes home this Spring I will play it on his machine.

February 24th, 2012, 06:34 PM
I wish the guys liked my hud (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/37923267/HUD.html) instead of boxmcnugget :(

I think a more streamlined crysis ripoff hud sitting at the bottom of the screen would work better though, in terms of general visibility.

I saw your HUD, and I like the ideas (except your motion tracker's perspective is backwards). I think a more UNSC-looking version could work really well; I think you've already heard that yours looks a bit too Covenant-themed. :p

However, a Crysis-like HUD would look bad without HUD-bob, in my opinion. I also think that if we wanted to get really creative, we could move ammo-remaining-in-magazine and battery information onto each gun itself, and simply have a magazine count instead of a "32 x 320" deal. That would be neat. If you want, we can talk about it over AIM. You know where to go for contact info.

February 24th, 2012, 06:56 PM
This stuff knocks the sox off of Anniversary. I haven't felt so happy about Halo 1 in two years.

Things I anticipate happily for the next release:
-New grunts!
-More weapons!
-Potentially more level segments!
-Is it possible for us to see a 3ds Max render of the Brutes?

Keep it up CMT, this stuff brings it all back to life.

February 24th, 2012, 07:13 PM
Wowwww! I can barely believe this is still Halo CE! Great Job! D:

February 24th, 2012, 07:47 PM
Played it. Beat it. General reaction:


Though to be fair, I think a lot of that has to do with the difficulty, which was way too easy for me on Normal. To any series veterans picking this up for the first time, I recommend starting on Heroic instead.

A good point is definitely the graphics. And this is coming from a person who normally gives no fucks about graphics. Hell, I turned most of the OS enhancements off.

VISR blew me away when I first turned it on. Far and away superior to ODST's version. That said, I feel like there's a little too much dependance on it. Seriously, the map is fucking dark. The original was too, but I never felt like it was impossible to see my enemies without changing everything to crayon-vision.

As for weapons, silencing the BR is a cool idea but the sound effects just make it feel really weak and ineffective. Same goes for the Needler. The hilarious destructiveness of the Halo 1 supercombine is the biggest thing that separates it from its successors, but I'm just not feeling it with this one.

Overall it was a neat level and I'm looking forward to playing more, especially vehicle sections.

February 24th, 2012, 07:55 PM
lol managed to help for like one or two builds before IRL shit got in the way. Fuck you 40+ hour work weeks.

February 24th, 2012, 07:57 PM
My shitty review;
I liked all weapons I used (and I used quite a lot :ohdear:)
Graphically, it's great, but the bloom is quite painful on my eyes (thanks for the option to turn it down)
But the AI... have the same problems they did in SPV1 and SPV2... GRENADES. PLEASE tone down the grenade throwing parameters, it's ridiculous.
I also liked the weapon drop outside the gravlift.
And; I find the partygun fucking hilarious :neckbeard:
Good job, but PLEASE fix the grenade throwing.

February 24th, 2012, 08:01 PM
Grenades is a tough one for us, it all had to be done by hand rather than converted, as HEK+ breaks the values (that's why spv1 had no grenade throwing) but we will be toning it down.

Also fun fact, the weapon drop capsules were the first textures Dano did for CMT when he joined. In fact, it was his test to see if he could make the cut for the team.

February 24th, 2012, 08:17 PM
For those interested in vehicles:


Once all the tags are done and up to the standard (or nearabouts) of the above, shit will be very cash.

t3h m00kz
February 24th, 2012, 08:18 PM
Um...who was that directed at? I don't see anybody calling this one buggy. Everybody has been talking about the aesthetics...


February 24th, 2012, 08:36 PM
Anyone else having trouble playing this? Can't even get it to work with/without OS, just simply crashes when trying to play it, and it dosent even recognized the .yelo map. I'm using the latest Open Sauce too.

February 24th, 2012, 08:40 PM
Speaking of grenades, the throwing arc seems really weird. What's up with that?

February 24th, 2012, 08:55 PM
Anyone else having trouble playing this? Can't even get it to work with/without OS, just simply crashes when trying to play it, and it dosent even recognized the .yelo map. I'm using the latest Open Sauce too.
do you have a50.map or whatever in your folder?

February 24th, 2012, 09:03 PM
Speaking of grenades, the throwing arc seems really weird. What's up with that?
They're stock.

February 24th, 2012, 09:17 PM
Anyone else having trouble playing this? Can't even get it to work with/without OS, just simply crashes when trying to play it, and it dosent even recognized the .yelo map. I'm using the latest Open Sauce too.

Uninstall OS before upgrading to what the map says to use.

Disable any programs that have overlays (overlclockers with fps counts, fraps, xfire etc)

Make sure nvidia/ati doesn't have any enhancements (namely anti aliasing, even if it doesn't work) for halo ce.exe.

Make sure Halo CE is installed to the default path of C:Programfucks (not sure if this is still relevent

February 24th, 2012, 09:22 PM
They're stock.

must be my fov or something :S

February 24th, 2012, 10:12 PM
Played it. Beat it. General reaction:


Though to be fair, I think a lot of that has to do with the difficulty, which was way too easy for me on Normal. To any series veterans picking this up for the first time, I recommend starting on Heroic instead.

A good point is definitely the graphics. And this is coming from a person who normally gives no fucks about graphics. Hell, I turned most of the OS enhancements off.

VISR blew me away when I first turned it on. Far and away superior to ODST's version. That said, I feel like there's a little too much dependance on it. Seriously, the map is fucking dark. The original was too, but I never felt like it was impossible to see my enemies without changing everything to crayon-vision.

As for weapons, silencing the BR is a cool idea but the sound effects just make it feel really weak and ineffective. Same goes for the Needler. The hilarious destructiveness of the Halo 1 supercombine is the biggest thing that separates it from its successors, but I'm just not feeling it with this one.

Overall it was a neat level and I'm looking forward to playing more, especially vehicle sections.

Yeah, we're working on difficulty. Although it's built for Normal and Heroic, it's even too easy on Heroic. The problem with playing it on Legendary, though, is that it's inconsistent; sometimes it's too easy, some times it's frustratingly painful. There are a lot of variables that influence that (Brutes vs. Elites is a big one), and we're going to be tweaking it.

February 24th, 2012, 10:27 PM
I just used the console command (map_name a50). Maybe you're using a UI to load it through campaign menu?

February 24th, 2012, 11:07 PM
Anyone else having trouble playing this? Can't even get it to work with/without OS, just simply crashes when trying to play it, and it dosent even recognized the .yelo map. I'm using the latest Open Sauce too.

Uninstall OS before upgrading to what the map says to use.

Disable any programs that have overlays (overlclockers with fps counts, fraps, xfire etc)

Make sure nvidia/ati doesn't have any enhancements (namely anti aliasing, even if it doesn't work) for halo ce.exe.

Make sure Halo CE is installed to the default path of C:Programfucks (not sure if this is still relevent

While we only accept bug reports via our Issues system on the project's site, it helps to post the exception information when saying 'CE crashes with OS' in the event of obvious problems (which aren't so obvious to avg joes...or guy).

February 24th, 2012, 11:43 PM
I think I'll pass on this download, I've gotten sick of playing a50 by now...

February 24th, 2012, 11:51 PM
Fun to take a look at all the effects of OS, but like hotrod said, ive played the campaign so many times that it couldent really keep my intrest.

February 25th, 2012, 12:57 AM
On that note though, it's still extremely worth a download and playthrough, even for those who have played that campaign to death, since CMT has done an excellent job and the mod is very fun.

February 25th, 2012, 02:02 AM
Alright, so I have a bit of a bug report post to make here.

1. Early in the level, in the second encounter, there is a bit of ghost geometry.


2. The 3p needler model has a couple texture errors, the glowing parts that are supposed to be in the base of the holes where the needles come from are not in the right place on the holes closer to the center of the model.


3. I noticed that there is some serious particle loss in larger encounters, especially the battle around the gravity lift.

That is all I noticed so far, but Ill look through it again and report anything else I can find.

February 25th, 2012, 03:24 AM
So after fighting my way to the covenant crusier interior, I suddenly found myself extremely bored. I guess it's just because, like so many people who linger around this community, we've played the Halo 1 campaign a million times. I find myself much more interested in content such as Lumoria, which brings custom single-player content to the table instead of the drab same-old.

I really like the new effects, but I found that without the VISOR enabled it was much to dark to see enemies during the first portion of the map. Which was really annoying because the best way to appreciate all the new effects is to play without the VISOR enabled.

(I was going to provide a Modacity file mirror, but my FTP information was apparently reset and jcap said he fixed it but didn't)

February 25th, 2012, 06:32 AM
So, uh, since you re-did the exterior BSP will you perhaps do similar to other levels?
You see, I recall reading somewhere (might've been halomaps) that you were making AotCR a forestey style... so, will you be modifying the BSP to make the ice a shallow pool of water?

t3h m00kz
February 25th, 2012, 08:58 AM
Alright, so I have a bit of a bug report post to make here.

1. Early in the level, in the second encounter, there is a bit of ghost geometry.


2. The 3p needler model has a couple texture errors, the glowing parts that are supposed to be in the base of the holes where the needles come from are not in the right place on the holes closer to the center of the model.


3. I noticed that there is some serious particle loss in larger encounters, especially the battle around the gravity lift.

That is all I noticed so far, but Ill look through it again and report anything else I can find.

petty issues that will not affect the outcome of this mod

played it and beat it. pretty cool stuff. though was pissed off that I had to remove all my dlls, particularly my version changer

February 25th, 2012, 10:43 AM
Why the hell do you people need version changer still?

February 25th, 2012, 10:55 AM
Why the hell do you people need version changer still?

So we can play versions with decent amount of players? 1.00 still has around 1000 players on a decent day, compared to the 100~ on 1.09. Even if they do pirate, its way more people to play with and much more variety.

February 25th, 2012, 11:49 AM
Question that I'm sure has been answered a million times:

Is CMT still incorporating new BSPs into SPv3?

Sorry if this has been addressed already.

And I want to give props to the designers of the AR and the SMG. I loved using both of those weapons vigorously throughout the level. The Brute Shot was also fun to use give the small amount of time I had to use it. The Brute Plasm Rifle is bar far the most visually appealing for me, though.

February 25th, 2012, 11:53 AM
So we can play versions with decent amount of players? 1.00 still has around 1000 players on a decent day, compared to the 100~ on 1.09. Even if they do pirate, its way more people to play with and much more variety.
I would post about an undocumented feature in OS that allows you to do this, but you haven't even posted your exception details yet, so I'm guessing getting OS to run, isn't that high on your todo list.

t3h m00kz
February 25th, 2012, 12:21 PM
So we can play versions with decent amount of players?

yeah this

February 25th, 2012, 12:28 PM
I would post about an undocumented feature in OS that allows you to do this, but you haven't even posted your exception details yet, so I'm guessing getting OS to run, isn't that high on your todo list.

1. I don't know how to access exception details straight from the game. Not only this, the game doesn't crash from startup. It would crash when loading the a50.map when I was using my anti-aliasing add-on, and when I took it off it would still only play on the defualt, regular, no OS version.

2. (from Halomaps)

I finally got the level to work, but only the regular version, unfortunately OS wont even work even though I've installed it and taken the suggestions into account that I was told both here and at modacity...

I'll let you guys know right now that while from the pictures utilizing OS that the game looks pretty awesome, but the regular content without it is down right bad looking in comparison. There is absolutely no shine or detail on the bipeds or weapons when there easily could be by using multipurpose maps. The map itself is also pretty much pitch dark - at least in the original a50 the sky allowed some light from the moon and you could see your surroundings. I noticed there was a more detailed exterior I believe, but I couldn't even see it due to the darkness of the lighting. It'd probably be more lit up with OS, but still. The team needs to accommodate both ends, not just one. I also for some reason had to disable my SMAA just for the level to work, so there was no anti-aliasing or anything which also brought down the view negatively.

Needless to say though, it did look alright for what it was once you got into the interior of the ship and could see alot of the objects more clearly. However, it's needless to say that the gameplay in this level is pretty much like the rest of what CMT has done in the past - thrown in new AI and weapons without even really taking the new stuff into account with the older encounters. While this has actually been more of a step up in other attempts, its still pretty much the same and there isn't much to actually draw the player in with anything new in the gameplay department. The gameplay needs something new, even if it is still reusing old bsps. It could easily be changed around to create new fresh encounters and keep the same objectives.

Anyway, I still recommend to anyone reading this to give it a go - its good for what it is and if you can get OS to work correctly you will probably have a more enjoyable experience.

Anyway to answer your question, it isn't. I personally dont have much use for it, and I'm not going to go play a mod that dosen't have mcuh to offer except graphics, and even those graphics aren't complete.

February 25th, 2012, 01:20 PM
Is there anyway to toggle the night-vision on the sniper rifle while VISR is enabled? It's pretty redundant. Regardless, the mod's pretty darn cool.

February 25th, 2012, 01:44 PM
I'm told I should install halo ce to play this.. Hmm. :-3

February 25th, 2012, 01:49 PM
IMO, multiplayer maps with these features and other cool things (multi-team vehicles, boarding) would be a lot better. It's something new that we haven't seen a million reiterations of.

I know this isn't what CMT is really about, and that multiplayer is an afterthought, but the campaign really is stale no matter how much you mod it. Especially when all of the encounters are in the exact same places with no real change.

I must admit, I enjoyed the improved Hunter AI.

February 25th, 2012, 01:51 PM
IMO, multiplayer maps with these features and other cool things (multi-team vehicles, boarding) would be a lot better. It's something new that we haven't seen a million reiterations of.

I know this isn't what CMT is really about, and that multiplayer is an afterthought, but the campaign really is stale no matter how much you mod it. Especially when all of the encounters are in the exact same places with no real change.

I must admit, I enjoyed the improved Hunter AI.


Either what Lancer suggested, or at least attempt a new, fully custom SP map. The original campaign has been played thousands of times, and this is the 3rd time that you guys are modding it. You'd think by now you'd be sick of it as well.

February 25th, 2012, 02:16 PM
I'd be playing CE again if CMT used this content to make a MP map.

February 25th, 2012, 02:22 PM
To answer some questions:

Plans are in motion to start adding new sections of single player and we're hoping to have the time to do so. We've heard you guys, and understand that it can be a little dull. Remember, Truth and Reconciliation was a test map in a sense. It was showing what Open Sauce could do, and also get opinions out of the masses.

Multiplayer is something that may be handled by a different sort of team. Right now we've talked about it, but we're focusing on the campaign first. I'm sure many of us are excited about the idea of some multiplayer maps, but that'll have to wait for a while.

We do read through what you guys say. After all, this is a mod for the community.

February 25th, 2012, 02:31 PM
Multiplayer is something that may be handled by a different sort of team. Right now we've talked about it, but we're focusing on the campaign first. I'm sure many of us are excited about the idea of some multiplayer maps, but that'll have to wait for a while.
From what I've read Kornman still has some work to do on Open Sauce (specifically server-related) to get a lot of the features you guys would want in multiplayer maps working right? So in a way it's good that you're waiting to finish SP before tackling multiplayer.

February 25th, 2012, 04:44 PM
Well, that is a pretty sound strategy even if it wasn't their intent. I've been out of the loop for so damn long I don't know what to do first lol. Ready these long ass posts, play the release build, or go back and evaluate the pre-release build. Meh, I'll get it sorted once I'm fully back online.

t3h m00kz
February 25th, 2012, 04:45 PM
I'd be playing CE again if CMT used this content to make a MP map.


February 25th, 2012, 06:37 PM
What the hell. I shot the flying flood captain with my sniper when it was trying to attack me and I got teleported back to the start where I saw a bunch of flood captains in a circle surrounding a paper faced captain...

February 25th, 2012, 06:40 PM
What the hell. I shot the flying flood captain with my sniper when it was trying to attack me and I got teleported back to the start where I saw a bunch of flood captains in a circle surrounding a paper faced captain...

February 25th, 2012, 07:03 PM

You have no clue how hard it is to explain it. I will try to post a video later.

February 25th, 2012, 07:38 PM
I tried playing it earlier and it seems to be stuck in slow motion. The fps is fine but it's like game_speed is set at 0.5, changing it in the menu does nothing.

February 25th, 2012, 07:42 PM
I've actually put to the team many times do just purely focus on multiplayer, but I'm wondering if maybe in the short term we should just make a custom SP map or something while korn still figures out server things behind os, I dunno.

Truly custom mp maps also means we can custom make everything, and have a BSP that matches the quality. Afterall, people stuck around with CE because of the custom MP maps, not any single player stuff, it was just a neat cool addition.

I'm a firm believer actually that the focus on single player stuff, by both our team and other teams is partially the reason that CE died down in activity, because we sucked up all the talent and got them working on things no one could see or play for months on end.

I do think though it is important for us to do SP and learn some things in a controlled linear environment, getting things we've learnt visually, animation, storage wise down.

If we were however to make a custom sp map, that would probably be just as good if not an even better option. We'd be able to get some really great looking levels and stuff going on, especially once new scenery stuff is inplace and all the tags are done. Plus I'm a audio dewd as of late so I could record some custom music and dialogue stuff.

February 25th, 2012, 09:19 PM
MP is always an option, and theres some stuff I would like to do in it too, but OS adoption is the most important thing right now. Last i checked, a little over 1/3rd of players are not using OS.

February 25th, 2012, 09:53 PM
Perhaps someone could contact whoever is in charge of the news ticker at the bottom of the server browser (Sawnose?) and have them recommend Open Sauce?

February 25th, 2012, 11:25 PM
Tried playing again, frame rate on my PC is so bad I think my eye are gonna bleed.

February 26th, 2012, 12:29 AM
.yelo version runs fine here, vsync capped at 60 fps.

My opinion in a nutshell: A pretty example of open sauce, but not much else.

It didn't hold my interest long, made it to the cruiser before I realized it was just the same single player map I've played dozens of times with new content pasted into it. The new content of course being inferior versions of their Halo sequel inspirations. SSDD

Many things change given time but it seems CMT isn't one of them.

February 26th, 2012, 12:32 AM
Played it on Legendary. Was definitely quite a bit more enjoyable than normal. The difficulty did spike weirdly at times, but then Halo did that to start with so whatever. A couple suggestions though

1. What the fuck is up with sword elites leaping across entire rooms to insta-kill you in the face? Do they have Commando Pro or something?

2. Seriously, give the Needler supercombine its splash damage back

3. Hunters are way too accurate with their weapons. By themselves they're difficult enough to dodge, with a group of enemies around them it becomes a war of attrition since their new melee anims mean you can't dance around them anymore either.

4. What happened to the Spiker melee? How come it no longer has the long windup with extreme damage it had in the MP maps? And why does it seem to reach only 2 inches in front of my face? It's a stabbing motion, it should reach way further than that.

FPS dropped a bit in massive encounters (hangar bay...) but it never went below 30 so I can live with that. Greatly looking forward to the rest of this Campaign, and I do think it blows away Anniversary.

February 26th, 2012, 03:51 AM
Personally I think the brutes should be added later in the campaign. It seems kinda sloppy having a mix of elites and brutes to me. Maybe because you never see them fighting together in any of the halo games, (I cant remember if you see them together in reach, I only played the SP one time). I think a good first appearence for them would be when you first see the control room in b40.

February 26th, 2012, 04:32 AM
Brutes are supposed to still be low-tier in the covenant ranking during the events of Halo 1, in terms of storyline you would be seeing them investigating the escape pods in a30 and guarding the hallways in a50. With structures like the map room, control room, and anything else of forerunner significance being guarded by elites. But who cares about that lol its a mod

February 26th, 2012, 05:29 AM
Personally I think the brutes should be added later in the campaign. It seems kinda sloppy having a mix of elites and brutes to me. Maybe because you never see them fighting together in any of the halo games, (I cant remember if you see them together in reach, I only played the SP one time). I think a good first appearence for them would be when you first see the control room in b40.

I actually think Brutes should be earlier in the campaign and get phased out entirely by the end of Two Betrayals, and here's why:

The Brutes right now are all kinds of screwed up. They are supposed to be individually easier than Elites, but there should be more of them (generally speaking, the rule for Brutes vs. Elites in all aspects except weapon damage is supposed to be around 3:1). It would then make sense for the player to encounter them sooner (a10, a30 would be almost all Brutes), and maybe introduce the more challenging Elites as either mini-bosses (not actual minibosses, but as one of those O_O enemies you get early on before they become the norm) or as guards for higher-profile objectives (i.e. The Brig, The Cartographer, Control Room). The reason I think they should be gone from the encounter list by Two Betrayals is because they don't have shields and they are thus more susceptible to Flood infection than Elites. After that point, they would be an incredibly easy fight for the now-experienced players anyways. I do agree that you should never ever see Brutes and Elites in the same encounter, and that's why the current Brute/Elite randomizer is not really something I enjoy.

In short, what Jackal Stomper said, except "lol it's a mod." That's a terrible way to think about things of this scale.


1. Yeah, some of us don't know why that was changed from stock, but we're working on it.

2. Yes, I agree. Also, it needs to be flashier, the new explosion effect is tame for what the weapon does.

3. You can dance around them, you just have to get really, really close. Sounds counter-intuitive, but once you figure it out it's not that bad. You should have seen it when they were still firing explosive fuel rod rounds...that was a nightmare.

4. The small melee range is something that was not noted in normal testing, though in hindsight, I also agree, so thanks. I think it wasn't really noted because the Spiker hardly ever shows up next to the Brute Plasma Rifles, Needlers, Carbines, and Brute Shots, and there's really no incentive to use it when there are better, more plentiful weapons around.

February 26th, 2012, 06:42 AM
Personally I think the brutes should be added later in the campaign. It seems kinda sloppy having a mix of elites and brutes to me. Maybe because you never see them fighting together in any of the halo games, (I cant remember if you see them together in reach, I only played the SP one time). I think a good first appearence for them would be when you first see the control room in b40.
That's something that always disappointed me in the Halo games.

4. The small melee range is something that was not noted in normal testing, though in hindsight, I also agree, so thanks. I think it wasn't really noted because the Spiker hardly ever shows up next to the Brute Plasma Rifles, Needlers, Carbines, and Brute Shots, and there's really no incentive to use it when there are better, more plentiful weapons around.
Sounds like the spiker need to be rebalanced. Every weapon should be useful.

February 26th, 2012, 08:10 AM
Even if all weapons are "balanced" and useful in their own way, it doesn't mean players will use them. ex: plasma pistol... You have to start forcing players to rethink the weapons they are using throughout the map. One way to do this is to limit the number of human ammo for a number of time, that way the player is eventually forced to use some weapon from the covenant arsenal (and even then the types of weapons he/she gets can be controled as well).

February 26th, 2012, 08:22 AM
I'm not sure what additional work some people the OS dedi needs. The only bug we've encountered was in the first release, and then patched in the first update.

'Sawnoose' is a Bungie employee, and Bungie has moved on. 343i seems to just be about the future. The future makes money. It'd be cool if they'd let me work on HaloCE/H2V but even if I volunteered to do it for free, as I've basically done for the past eight years, I don't think they'd go for it, even if we were neighbors. I can only hope that Corrinne Yu was interested in what the PC community has done because they're looking to do a PC port with an editing kit for Halo4. Deliver Hope?

February 26th, 2012, 11:01 AM
3. You can dance around them, you just have to get really, really close. Sounds counter-intuitive, but once you figure it out it's not that bad. You should have seen it when they were still firing explosive fuel rod rounds...that was a nightmare.

Yeah, I found that out when I went back and played it later. Also, I'm pretty sure I did encounter 1 hunter shooting explosive fuel rod rounds on my first legendary run. There was also one that shot some weird purple shit.

4. The small melee range is something that was not noted in normal testing, though in hindsight, I also agree, so thanks. I think it wasn't really noted because the Spiker hardly ever shows up next to the Brute Plasma Rifles, Needlers, Carbines, and Brute Shots, and there's really no incentive to use it when there are better, more plentiful weapons around.

That's the thing, the Spiker would be useful if it was a specialized melee weapon as its appearance implies. It, and the Brute Shot should have increased melee range and significantly increased melee damage. That would give me plenty of incentive to use them.

February 26th, 2012, 12:30 PM
3. Hunters are way too accurate with their weapons. By themselves they're difficult enough to dodge, with a group of enemies around them it becomes a war of attrition since their new melee anims mean you can't dance around them anymore either.
You should have seen the Hunters two months ago, they were honestly 5 times more difficult then compared to how they are now. Like Warsaw said, once you get used to the new behaviour of these Hunters they really aren't that bad to fight. I find it nice that they actually pose a threat to the player now instead of being able to be shot down with a single bullet in vanilla Halo 1.

February 26th, 2012, 01:41 PM
I'm not sure what additional work some people the OS dedi needs. The only bug we've encountered was in the first release, and then patched in the first update.
I just remember reading something that I thought was CMT related saying that part of the reason they were doing campaign first was because the multiplayer server code wasn't ready. It might not of been OS related.

I might be mixing it all up with a different mod/server app, maybe even a different game and a different mod team.

February 26th, 2012, 02:25 PM
Well, I've successfully added new networking code to CE but the changes would require OS to 'advertise' as yet another different version of the game (note: this is still using the 1.09 exes) to keep non-OS powered people from crashing on join and such. Basically, it would split the user base even more. Yes, I could make more stuff sync, but if there aren't many users in this theoretical 1.0.9.OS, what's the point? People continue to play on 1.00 servers because they have more pirate users.

There are also quite a few new scripting interfaces for stuff which can be used in MP-based scripts (though I just realized I haven't documented some of them on the wiki yet). They've only been minimally tested though.

February 26th, 2012, 02:33 PM
You should work on new AI. Right? RIGHT?!

t3h m00kz
February 26th, 2012, 03:06 PM
New networkin stuff you say?

Would fixing the shit hit detection be a hypothetical possibility, if I may ask?


February 26th, 2012, 03:49 PM
Hypothetically. But I would hypothetically never work on such a thing in OS. Not enough active (1.09) players means not worth my time.

February 26th, 2012, 05:31 PM
Well, I've successfully added new networking code to CE but the changes would require OS to 'advertise' as yet another different version of the game (note: this is still using the 1.09 exes) to keep non-OS powered people from crashing on join and such. Basically, it would split the user base even more. Yes, I could make more stuff sync, but if there aren't many users in this theoretical 1.0.9.OS, what's the point? People continue to play on 1.00 servers because they have more pirate users.

There are also quite a few new scripting interfaces for stuff which can be used in MP-based scripts (though I just realized I haven't documented some of them on the wiki yet). They've only been minimally tested though.
Multiplayer maps would require OS installed thought wouldn't they? If that's the case you might as well split the community into OS users and faggots non-os users.

Give those of us with brains who want the best experience possible, the best experience possible.

Plus, with all the good features (as you're seen from replies here) you would get an influx of people wanting to play the .yelo multiplayer maps. This would bring a lot of people into the 1.0.9.OS version-group.

Not to mention that it's theoretically possible to modify the dedicated server (even the OS dedicated server) to, forget, to check if a player has a unique CD key... Multiplayer shouldn't cater to pirates, catering to pirates should be an afterthought.

If you go about this the right way, and advertise it enough to the 1.00 crowd you could easily convince people to install 1.0.9.OS.

February 26th, 2012, 08:49 PM
Yeah, I found that out when I went back and played it later. Also, I'm pretty sure I did encounter 1 hunter shooting explosive fuel rod rounds on my first legendary run. There was also one that shot some weird purple shit.

There should be two black Hunters armed with shade cannons in the cargo bay. As for the explosives, having one on Legendary is normal, but can get extremely frustrating.

That's the thing, the Spiker would be useful if it was a specialized melee weapon as its appearance implies. It, and the Brute Shot should have increased melee range and significantly increased melee damage. That would give me plenty of incentive to use them.

I'm with you there. The Spiker should have mostly replaced the Brute Plasma Rifle and Needler as Brute weapons, but for some reason it didn't. I think the gun itself needs a little more punch as well.

I joined in on CMT late; my changes to this release essentially amount to making suggestions that they up the ammo caps on the weapons from the ultra low caps they had and making the Hunters playable...before they were unplayable.

February 26th, 2012, 09:31 PM
Ah okay, about the brutes then, I havent really considered there placement in Halo 1(considering there arent any). But a30 and a50 and such sounds like a great place for them aswell as having them in the silent cartographer. I forgot that the elites were the superior ones up until you killed regret. Ive been away from these games for a while. I think having the brutes conviniently placed would really show a care for the story line, atleast. I remember bungie saying they shouldve had brutes in Halo 1. Is there any other cutsom AI that have been put in the campaign to suit they're positions? Like the engineer for example.

Kornman, would OS allow for any typical function of engineers as seen in H3:ODST? I think thatd be a pretty cool feature to have in d20 where the flood are taking over the ship.

February 26th, 2012, 09:46 PM
I'm with you there. The Spiker should have mostly replaced the Brute Plasma Rifle and Needler as Brute weapons, but for some reason it didn't. I think the gun itself needs a little more punch as well.

The gun itself is fine I think. It does suck horribly against shielded Elites but it's good against everything else. I used it to hilarious effect against Jackals by shooting the floor beneath them and bouncing shots up behind their shields.

I joined in on CMT late; my changes to this release essentially amount to making suggestions that they up the ammo caps on the weapons from the ultra low caps they had and making the Hunters playable...before they were unplayable.

Speaking of caps, I think the Shotgun and AR could use a bit of a boost there.

February 26th, 2012, 11:09 PM
Lol, believe me, I know. Before we only got 300 SMG, 160 AR. o_O I suggested 15 reolads on the AR, but that the minimum had to be 320. I feel like we should be able to use any gun we choose for entire level within reason, just like in the regular game.

February 26th, 2012, 11:13 PM
15 clips for SMG, AR and BR sounds good.
Or if that's over-doing it, just keep the ammo capacity the same and have more dropped around.

February 26th, 2012, 11:14 PM
The other problem is that unlike in stock Halo, when you run over an ammo dump it doesn't seem to always restore you to full capacity.

February 27th, 2012, 06:03 AM
Multiplayer maps would require OS installed thought wouldn't they? If that's the case you might as well split the community into OS users and faggots non-os users.

Give those of us with brains who want the best experience possible, the best experience possible.

Plus, with all the good features (as you're seen from replies here) you would get an influx of people wanting to play the .yelo multiplayer maps. This would bring a lot of people into the 1.0.9.OS version-group.

Not to mention that it's theoretically possible to modify the dedicated server (even the OS dedicated server) to, forget, to check if a player has a unique CD key... Multiplayer shouldn't cater to pirates, catering to pirates should be an afterthought.

If you go about this the right way, and advertise it enough to the 1.00 crowd you could easily convince people to install 1.0.9.OS.
OS is amazing for single player projects but it just doesn't seem to belong for general multiplayer. The reason pubs don't play custom maps often is because the hassle of downloading them, people aren't going to be annoyed by downloading OS lol.

We can't get 10 fucking people from this site to play a game night do you really think we can get that many if messing with OS is involved.

February 27th, 2012, 07:33 AM
Listen to Rook, he has a chick in his avatar

February 27th, 2012, 11:55 AM
OS is amazing for single player projects but it just doesn't seem to belong for general multiplayer. The reason pubs don't play custom maps often is because the hassle of downloading them, people aren't going to be annoyed by downloading OS lol.

We can't get 10 fucking people from this site to play a game night do you really think we can get that many if messing with OS is involved.
Better question: can we get more than 10 people on this site to play Halo CE OS after the first gaming night? Many people seem more into CE now with OS on this site, so organizing one may even be easier than before with the new motivation. However, after the first gaming night it would probably never happen again.

February 27th, 2012, 05:09 PM
Include anti-aimbot messures and better netcode into OS multiplayer and I'm pretty sure the Halo CE 1.09 croud would move on to OS. The 1.00 player won't care anyway because they are just 12y old mexican pirates.

February 27th, 2012, 05:22 PM
If anyone left because of aimbots, I highly doubt they'd come back even if there was an "anti-ambot" measure in place. Especially if people in general aren't so quick to change over. Plus, stuff like that I wouldn't want to keep open source.

This community isn't in a state where I can justify the time spent reverse engineering this game and developing new code and extensions around said work. I'd much rather wait to see what 343i and Bungie have in store next for their respective IPs. One of them has got to be doing some PC work, or at least, some work that is of interest. I've done enough volunteer work with the closed source engine that is CE.

At the end of the day, I'm not the only one who can work on OS stuff. It's open source under the GPL, so people are free to develop their own modifications as long as they release the source to said changes. If those changes are up to snuff and tested, we'll even include them in the official release.

March 1st, 2012, 01:27 AM
I'd love to get some gamenights going again...

March 1st, 2012, 04:03 AM
I'd love to get some gamenights going again...
I'd host CMT/OS Exclusive servers 24/7 and give admin to a few people on this site that know how to gun gamenights. I'm sure jcap would be down for donating a server or two as well.

March 1st, 2012, 05:54 AM
I'd play. ^_^

March 1st, 2012, 08:41 AM
I would too, so long as you can accept a little trans-continental latency.

t3h m00kz
March 1st, 2012, 03:25 PM
Pubs don't play custom maps because if a player is joining a server with a custom map and it switches to another, the odds of the player having that map are extremely low. they stick to a server with stock maps because it's far more convenient than going and downloading the map the server just siwtched to. I personally think that's why 24/7 Snow Grove and ColdSnap servers get so much traffic -- the map doesn't rotate.

I think in order for people to want to go through the hassle of downloading OS, there would have to be:

> an outstanding multiplayer project that captures people's attention
> a lot of advertising of said project
> a convenient installation process

I bet a 24/7 one-map server using OS would get a reasonable amount of attention, but that's just me

March 1st, 2012, 03:57 PM
Just make the maps and OS installation into a bundle that is advertised to whomever the player may be, have the installer inject the maps into CE Maps folder so that all the player has to do is install and play. I guarantee that would get the attention of a lot more players.

March 1st, 2012, 06:09 PM
I'd totally play, too.

March 2nd, 2012, 08:30 PM
Just make the maps and OS installation into a bundle that is advertised to whomever the player may be, have the installer inject the maps into CE Maps folder so that all the player has to do is install and play. I guarantee that would get the attention of a lot more players.

This is honestly what I thought CMT was going to do.

March 2nd, 2012, 10:07 PM
If someone can't honestly follow a link (to the most up to date download) in the announcement thread or in the Readme.txt, then they're not worth helping to begin with (inb4 "lazy mexican" comments). It makes no sense to create a map-specific installer when the software itself can be, and is, updated.

If someone can't figure out how to put a map in their maps folder, then they shouldn't be using a computer in the first place.

The OS installer takes care of OS. It's a one shot deal. It's a one to many relationship, maps being the many. All map downloaders have to do is "Extract To..." with the archive file.

The only "complex" map installation is one which uses OS's mod-set feature, but only large scale, multi-map based, mods should use that functionality. Mod-sets were pretty much developed for the CMT-type modders (hell, it was done to help the should-CMT-use-OS debate back in '09 or '10). People who know what the fuck they're doing, and why they're doing it. It's part of the reason why I have left the public documentation out on mod-sets; people would abuse them. They'd either use them for a single fucking map (that's not a mod, that's just a map), or would use them with content that wasn't complete.

March 2nd, 2012, 10:35 PM
Someone amp up all the Halo 1 MP maps with OS, compile OS and Halo CE into a installer with the new maps.

Then Dennis on halomaps will take this installer and replace the Halo CE installer he has on halomaps with it. Done.

March 2nd, 2012, 10:37 PM
damn lazy mexincans


March 3rd, 2012, 01:36 AM
@Korn: I mean more for the final release of the whole thing rather than individual maps. No sense in doing it for individual maps.

March 3rd, 2012, 05:56 AM
If someone can't honestly follow a link (to the most up to date download) in the announcement thread or in the Readme.txt, then they're not worth helping to begin with (inb4 "lazy mexican" comments). It makes no sense to create a map-specific installer when the software itself can be, and is, updated.

If someone can't figure out how to put a map in their maps folder, then they shouldn't be using a computer in the first place.

The OS installer takes care of OS. It's a one shot deal. It's a one to many relationship, maps being the many. All map downloaders have to do is "Extract To..." with the archive file.

The only "complex" map installation is one which uses OS's mod-set feature, but only large scale, multi-map based, mods should use that functionality. Mod-sets were pretty much developed for the CMT-type modders (hell, it was done to help the should-CMT-use-OS debate back in '09 or '10). People who know what the fuck they're doing, and why they're doing it. It's part of the reason why I have left the public documentation out on mod-sets; people would abuse them. They'd either use them for a single fucking map (that's not a mod, that's just a map), or would use them with content that wasn't complete.
There's a reason H2MT made an installer that downloaded map updates and installed maps into the directory. People ARE lazy and stupid, there's no getting around it. If you want this to be played, make a client program that checks for OS updates for the user, and automatically downloads [new/updated] maps as they are released and places them in the maps folder.

Is that really a hard thing to do for a team of your talent? It makes it infinitely easier for the end-user, and the end-user is who you're making the maps for anyway.

March 3rd, 2012, 07:20 PM
Psst, Freelancer, let it drop. Kornman isn't the one you should be dinging over "is that really a hard thing to do for a team of your talent."

March 3rd, 2012, 09:05 PM
Just saying, there's a reason the H2MT maps were so successful. It's because they had a luncher that checked for update sand new maps before starting the game client.

Would be a great addition to SPV3 and OS integration into the game.

March 3rd, 2012, 09:52 PM
H2MT? Do you mean H2CE and our Direct2U? D2U wasn't the reason why our maps were so succesful.

CMT doesn't come out with maps frequently enough to warrant a downloader. OS only gets an update pushed out when there's a collection of bug fixes (and we notify the user at the mainmenu, without getting in their face). It's not worth our time and effort to develop a pre-launch downloader for OS and a specific map team for such a small community. Time would be better spent (if we were going to spend it in the first place) trying to improve compatability with the clusterfuck setups that people seem to have that either collide with OS or cause some really funky results.

CE is a blackbox. I'm tired of reverse engineering it with little ROI. I'm just spinning my wheels in the mud. I can work on newer things and actually get somewhere in the long run.

March 3rd, 2012, 10:42 PM
Yeah H2CE and D2U.

I'm talking about when multiplayer rolls around, since it seems the consensus is that no one really cares enough to play the campaign AGAIN.

March 3rd, 2012, 10:59 PM
Not if it's just a beefed up version of the original.

March 3rd, 2012, 11:34 PM
Not if it's just a beefed up version of the original.

I enjoyed playing H1A. I think its more that CMT's view on gameplay balance blows chunks.

March 3rd, 2012, 11:34 PM
Isnt it called CMT for a reason? Wheres the custom? Id like to see some custom SP maps rather then modded ones

March 3rd, 2012, 11:50 PM
^Hahahahaha...haha...ha....ha. (I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you...in irony)

I enjoyed playing H1A. I think its more that CMT's view on gameplay balance blows chunks.

I'm not one of them, but some are tired of Halo 1's campaign. I still think it's the best in the series. As for the gameplay balance, yeah, it hasn't changed since SPv1.

March 4th, 2012, 12:49 AM
Recreate Halo 3, ODST, and Reach completely with H1 assets. I've never played any of those other than the first level of Halo 3. Yes, I shamefully admit I've had to wiki the plot for those games and read the transcripts because I'm too poor to afford an xbox and all the BS that comes with it.

March 4th, 2012, 04:44 AM
^^Back a while ago I wanted to create a campaign based off Halo 2's plot but using HCE gameplay and weapons with some new things, such as a Carbine, for when you play as the Arbiter.
Might be cool to do something similar with Halo 3 onwards, but, it'll never happen.

March 4th, 2012, 01:30 PM
Redesign the biped physics and animation systems. Also redo all animations.

March 6th, 2012, 02:25 AM
Isnt it called CMT for a reason? Wheres the custom? Id like to see some custom SP maps rather then modded ones
You know it's quite annoying to always have this spat in our faces. CMT is CUSTOM map team, because at the time of the name change, we were the only HCE mod making our own Halo content while everyone else was ripping. Nevertheless, if you're expecting totally custom maps, you won't be disappointed.

March 6th, 2012, 03:32 AM

March 6th, 2012, 06:06 AM
You know it's quite annoying to always have this spat in our faces. CMT is CUSTOM map team, because at the time of the name change, we were the only HCE mod making our own Halo content while everyone else was ripping. Nevertheless, if you're expecting totally custom maps, you won't be disappointed.

I remember all of that and I was there, well I'm glad to hear we'll have some complete custom maps too hopefully. In a way I think 3 iterations of the Halo campaign is a little crazy, but in another way I don't because SPV2 was never finished and this is showing off Halo's new features. And all of the ideas you guys have for new guns in the SP is a little odd. The concept for them is good however it seems like someone is just getting lazy and copying and pasting existing models and fp animations for them (two models of plasma pistol, BR and Carbine, and probably more I didnt notice). These would all really shine if someone went along and made some new visual design for these weapons.

March 6th, 2012, 10:20 AM
Say, what ever did happen to the Brute Shot's EMP grenade?

March 6th, 2012, 12:53 PM
Say, what ever did happen to the Brute Shot's EMP grenade?

That was taken out many builds ago.

March 6th, 2012, 02:15 PM
Say, what ever did happen to the Brute Shot's EMP grenade?

Testers 1. never used it and 2. when it was explicitly pointed out to them, they found it to be utterly superfluous and unnecessary

March 6th, 2012, 08:37 PM
utterly superfluous and unnecessary

When has that ever stopped CMT from doing anything before? :haw:

March 6th, 2012, 10:47 PM
So much hate. I enjoyed it, and probably would have enjoyed it more if opensauce worked on my computer.

March 6th, 2012, 10:58 PM
Why was there a scoped SMG, and why couldn't I get up there to use it?

March 6th, 2012, 11:46 PM
Easter Egg. One of many.

March 7th, 2012, 12:42 AM
CMT ruulllllezzzzzzzzzzz

Also CMT rukes

-drubnk as fuibv auos-

March 7th, 2012, 12:51 AM
CMT ruulllllezzzzzzzzzzz

Also CMT rukes

-drubnk as fuibv auos-there's CMT's new slogan ;)

March 7th, 2012, 09:09 PM
Why was there a scoped SMG

Easter egg for fun and laughs

...and why couldn't I get up there to use it?

You can

March 7th, 2012, 10:11 PM
CMT ruulllllezzzzzzzzzzz

Also CMT rukes

-drubnk as fuibv auos-
That moment when you find posts you don't remember lol.

March 8th, 2012, 05:25 AM
Why was there a scoped SMG, and why couldn't I get up there to use it?

you can get to it. I don't know what the normal way is, I teleported. There's a lot of other secret weapons too.

March 8th, 2012, 01:21 PM
You know the funny part? I play-tested the damn thing and I still have no idea where most of these guns are.

March 8th, 2012, 01:49 PM
you can get to it. I don't know what the normal way is, I teleported. There's a lot of other secret weapons too.Apparently there are invisible ledges along the wall you can jump off to get up there, starting from somewhere off a rock on the right side of the alcove.

Anyway, any hint on finding the AR egg? I haven't found it anywhere.

March 8th, 2012, 01:55 PM
Just after the room where you let the marines through the large door, go through the corridor marked by the waypoint and go right to the locked door at the end of the corridor.

March 8th, 2012, 02:40 PM
With OS, a bunch of the rasterizer globals are 're-enabled' (http://code.google.com/p/open-sauce/source/browse/OpenSauce/Halo1/Halo1_CE/Rasterizer/Rasterizer.cpp#86). Some of them may be useful for finding the eggs. Or maybe not. Still, it's an undocumented 'feature' of OS so I figure I might as well plant the seed somewhere.

March 8th, 2012, 03:51 PM
Just after the room where you let the marines through the large door, go through the corridor marked by the waypoint and go right to the locked door at the end of the corridor.Well I asked for a hint and not for a spoiler... At least I won't have to jump at ceilings anymore :)

March 8th, 2012, 03:57 PM
The Seed is strong!