View Full Version : Live or no Live?

December 2nd, 2011, 11:15 PM
I have a situation at hand where I do not wish to pay up $50 for a wifi adapter for my xbox. I have two options here, I can get Xbox live and bring my Xbox set up into my room, or I can live without it and keep my Xbox in the bonus room.
However, as much as I enjoy my xbox in my room, I have friends who often come over to play games and it would be quite awkward to have them in my bed playing games, it is also too tedious to just transfer the Xbox each time someone comes and goes.

December 2nd, 2011, 11:21 PM
Better paying the $50 for the adapter than paying for LIVE.

December 2nd, 2011, 11:24 PM
If I buy the adapter then I'll be able to get live but then I'll still have to pay for live itself.

December 2nd, 2011, 11:28 PM
Or if you have a laptop and something like Windows 7 or XP, or even a desktop with a wireless card, you can tether your internet connection.

December 2nd, 2011, 11:30 PM
Or if you have a laptop and something like Windows 7 or XP, or even a desktop with a wireless card, you can tether your internet connection.

This requires some setup, but it works well.

December 3rd, 2011, 12:12 AM
Here's my recent experience with my xbox. After several years of leaving it in a box down in my basement, I lugged it up to my dorm to find that it had the RRoD. I promptly cooked it in a towel as a temporary fix. At the time, Gamestop had a promotion where they offered $80 for console trade ins. I proceeded to con their jew asses into buying my faulty xbox, and used the $80 store credit towards a refurbished s-series. Its longer survivability plus the built in wireless adapter was worth the additional $100 out of my pocket, especially since I would be losing WAY more money if I did nothing. It's fucking bullshit how Microsoft still expects xbox owners to dish out $99 for RRoD repairs/replacements when people once spent $350 on their piece of shit (people like me).

Bottom line of my rant - if you must play the dreadful xbox on live, s-series >> shitty $50 adapter. See if you're fortunate enough to find deals around for trading in your old model console

...or just play on PC.

December 3rd, 2011, 02:30 AM
I've had some good experiences playing video games while in beds.

With my female gamer friends.

Oh, also my male gaming friends, but we don't talk about those.

December 3rd, 2011, 02:46 AM
Is there any reason you want XBL?

Unless you want to play Reach (ha), sell the shitbox and get a PS3...all the services Microsoft offers for free, integrated wireless, and support for your own large hard drive.

Microsoft is rumored to announce their next console within the coming months, so you may even want to sell it while it's still worth something.

December 3rd, 2011, 03:47 AM
The only reason I have live is because all my friends are on it. I've actually had much better experience on the PSN (despite the whole sony security fiasco.)

Demon Souls was a fucking amazing RPG, Brotherhood and subsequently Revelations is better on it, I can finally play all my PS2 gundam games I never got back then on it. (made sure to get a Gen 1 backwards compatible system, only 80 gigs but wtf ever.)

December 3rd, 2011, 04:11 AM
Can't you just upgrade the hard drive on a pS3? Unlike the 360?

Mr Buckshot
December 3rd, 2011, 08:55 AM
If you or a family member owns a laptop/netbook, see if you can use it as a wireless bridge.

I've done it before (no LIVE though, just to download a demo through a Silver account)


December 3rd, 2011, 12:32 PM
Can't you just upgrade the hard drive on a pS3? Unlike the 360?
Yeah, Sony doesn't FUCK their customers in their ASS by charging $99 for a 20 GB HDD. Just throw in your own SATA drive and format it through the XMB. No hacking required!

December 3rd, 2011, 01:34 PM
Xbox Live is better than PSN, in my opinion. I have both and PSN doesn't offer certain things that XBL does like party chat for instance. Although PSN is free (unless you want PS+) and you don't have to deal with gay MS points.

December 3rd, 2011, 02:00 PM
Yeah, Sony doesn't FUCK their customers in their ASS by charging $99 for a 20 GB HDD. Just throw in your own SATA drive and format it through the XMB. No hacking required!
LOL (http://www.gamestop.com/xbox-360/accessories/xbox-360-250gb-internal-hard-drive/83934)

December 3rd, 2011, 02:12 PM
LOL (http://www.gamestop.com/xbox-360/accessories/xbox-360-250gb-internal-hard-drive/83934)
It was $99 when it came out, and it remained that cost for about 2 years. For the same price at that time you could get a 500 GB HDD.

$99 for a 250 GB drive is still bullshit, even with the inflated prices from the flooding in Thailand. If there wasn't flooding, you would be able to pick up a 3 TB drive for that price.

FUCK Microsoft.

December 3rd, 2011, 02:19 PM
I'd rather hack it. My 20GB is full, and I need space. Waiting for flooding to fuck off.

December 3rd, 2011, 02:32 PM
A lot of the Western Digital Caviar Series (ONLY CERTAIN DRIVES) notebook drives can be hacked within minutes for use on a Slim XBOX. I've had my friends come to me asking what they needed. Usually I told them to get a Caviar Black drive for speed, but most went for the compatible 320GB Caviar Blue. Meh, can't blame em for going cheap. You can find tutorials all on the net. Super easy if you do it right. Just format it, hack it, then plug it into the X360.

December 3rd, 2011, 04:40 PM
The port inside is just a SATA port. My friend has installed both the old style hard drives and new, non Microsoft hard drives in the Slims. All you need is to do a little surgery. I believe you need to hack for the non Microsoft drives though.

December 4th, 2011, 12:59 AM
I "modded" the old model 20 gb hard drive left over form my trade-in to work with the slim. When I went to trade in the xbox at Gamestop, the guy insisted (basically wanted to tear it out of my hands) that I give up the HDD for a laughable $2. I told him that I would rather take my chances modding it for the slim. All that was required was a few special screw driver bits to get the damn casing open, and the actual hard drive slides right into the compartment. It's a little flimsy without a proper casing, but secure enough as long as the xbox remains stationary.