View Full Version : Quick Crit thread 2012
July 10th, 2012, 05:26 PM
Way too much specular going on with the plunger arm and blaster imo.
July 10th, 2012, 06:38 PM
That is all.
t3h m00kz
July 11th, 2012, 04:14 AM
whipped this somewhat-of-a-self-portrait sketch up in about 30 minutes or so, could have spent the time to polish it up a lot more but I'm ADD as fuck and that's my excuse as to why I don't put any effort into anything I create sooo yeah I'm glad we've reached an understanding.
July 11th, 2012, 11:08 PM
Reminds me of Skrillex.
t3h m00kz
July 12th, 2012, 01:22 AM
July 12th, 2012, 01:38 AM
why bro
t3h m00kz
July 12th, 2012, 01:40 AM
July 12th, 2012, 02:11 AM
t3h m00kz
July 12th, 2012, 02:28 AM
July 12th, 2012, 04:19 AM
don't make it worse :V
t3h m00kz
July 12th, 2012, 04:26 AM
July 17th, 2012, 02:07 AM
Something ive been working on, on and off for the past year.
t3h m00kz
July 22nd, 2012, 10:41 PM
this is about six months old but
Second attempt at sculpt+retopo. red edges are UV seams
July 22nd, 2012, 11:43 PM
... Is that supposed to be a jakal?
t3h m00kz
July 22nd, 2012, 11:52 PM
a personal, stylized take on one, but yes
Quills, teeth, claws are hidden
July 23rd, 2012, 01:38 AM
that's past 'personal stylised', that's an abomnation.
t3h m00kz
July 23rd, 2012, 03:38 AM
sorry bro
but hey.. thanks for the oh so helpful, educating, enlightening feedback, I really appreciate all of those anatomical flaws you pointed out, it and it's definitely going to help me improve my skills as an artist!! I'm so glad you're here to point me in the right direction
July 23rd, 2012, 04:23 AM
Here's one I saw someone working on on Polycount:
He said the armor was done but was still working on the skin. I think the thing that really bothers me is the tail. It really doesn't seem to fit. I'm not really big on the whole organic modeling thing, but yours also seems to be... tubby? While the Jackals are usually kinda long and thin.
You can also see how the head flows with the beak instead of having the beak lower and giving it more of a forehead. I can understand stylizing, but those things make it seem kinda just, not the same as a Jackal. If you hadn't said it was, I may have though it was just a dino thing. So I don't know. Also, from what I understand, the T-pose is a little dated, everyone seems to be doing that thing with the arms at a 45. Something to think about too.
Just some thoughts.
July 23rd, 2012, 04:58 AM
sorry bro
but hey.. thanks for the oh so helpful, educating, enlightening feedback, I really appreciate all of those anatomical flaws you pointed out, it and it's definitely going to help me improve my skills as an artist!! I'm so glad you're here to point me in the right direction
it could work as a fat baby-jackal!
t3h m00kz
July 23rd, 2012, 05:00 AM
pretty sick sculpt, the guy's got some skills for sure. got a link to that thread by any chance?
I'm not sure what the situation is with the t-pose myself, I've been using it as it's made dealing with hands and arms far more managable. I'd imagine moving the geometry around before unwrapping would yield better results for animation deformations, as it will cause less texture stretching. any idea what the benefits for it are?
Looking at it now, there's definitely some improvements to be made with the head, I'll rework the beak if I get back to working on it. The head on mine definitely looks a tad... spherical, and looking at it now, it's a bit of an eyesore.
I know the posture is a bit off as well, jackals tend to lean forward 95% of the time, and not stand entirely upright.
As for the chubiness and the tail, those are by design. Jackals have been walking chicken skeletons throughout the series, and I've knowingly gone off on a tangent - particularly for this character (the goal was shorter and chubbier than most jackals). Had I been modeling a generic jackal, it would have been far thinner, though the tail may have remained as an artistic liberty as the design for them has changed so massively from game to game that I'm not too concerened with keeping things "canon" and I like stubby little tails ok
If there's any feedback for anatomical issues or bad topology as well, I'm all ears. The goal was to have this thing rigged and animated, and if I ever get back to it I'd like to avoid any bad topo that would be problematic.
Thanks so far man.
July 23rd, 2012, 05:25 PM
To be honest the guy didn't have a thread. Or if he did I couldn't find it. He just posted it in the "What are you working on" thread.
This is the guy:
Here was his post:
From what I understand the t-pose was replaced because generally a character didn't have their arms at a 90 degree angle. It made people who do sculpts be able to make the muscle structure a lot better (as our muscles look different at 90 degrees rather than 45) and like you said, to try to avoid texture stretching.
Again, I haven't ventured in to the sculpting stuff too much, so my knowledge is rather limited.
t3h m00kz
July 25th, 2012, 02:37 AM
Welll if you're looking to get started venturing into that kind of stuff Pixologic released a Zbrush-Lite style program a while back for free.
Alternatively, Blender has a sculpting feature, but it requires a bit more setup
July 25th, 2012, 04:12 AM
I've been playing with Mudbox for texturing. I haven't played with any sculpt stuff though. I got it for free with the whole student thing. My dad uses Blender's sculpt features for some stuff. It's certainly something I would like to look in to at some point.
July 25th, 2012, 06:19 AM
mudbox is awesome
August 5th, 2012, 04:05 AM
Meh. Having troubles skinning the Arch and its normal map. I'll figure it out later.
August 5th, 2012, 08:05 AM
August 5th, 2012, 04:39 PM
Cool tut. I'm trying to get use to zbrush. Especially for sculpting details onto the bricks.
August 9th, 2012, 06:29 PM
First time working on anything in a while. The firing animation has a special overlay, creating variance between otherwise generic looping firing animations. Ideally it will look like the user is attempting to control the continuous recoil. let me know what you think
t3h m00kz
August 11th, 2012, 03:45 PM
The actions seem a bit feeble. Get some more force behind it and it'll look sick.
Rainbow Dash
August 21st, 2012, 12:04 AM
August 21st, 2012, 02:59 AM
Oh look, Modacity colors! New mascot? :downs:
Rainbow Dash
August 21st, 2012, 05:12 PM
Rainbow Dash
August 28th, 2012, 09:23 PM
August 28th, 2012, 10:54 PM
I dig it.
Not enough stuff gets posted in here anymore.
August 29th, 2012, 01:31 AM
I wish the custom mapping scene in TF2 spread down here, very few servers in aus/nz run anything other that 2fert :(
August 30th, 2012, 03:02 PM
Hey that looks really nice sel.
Also I made a thing in sfm. It's fun to toy around with but I haven't had time to really dig into learning it
October 1st, 2012, 09:22 PM
Trying to breathe some life into this section.
October 1st, 2012, 11:30 PM
Nice big hard rock.
t3h m00kz
October 2nd, 2012, 07:03 AM
dude that
October 2nd, 2012, 01:32 PM
nice. can we see a wire frame?
October 2nd, 2012, 03:12 PM
You don't want to see the wireframe. Its ugly. I am ashamed of it. It does get the job done for under 7k triangles though.
t3h m00kz
October 2nd, 2012, 04:48 PM
you can't get crit if you don't post it.
then again, the quality of "crit" around here can vary..
October 2nd, 2012, 05:28 PM
i see you looked at the new Vertex pdf :P
all that green stuff is shitty mang, it looks awful
also, why is your ambient green?
getting rid of the green thigns would make the thing feel much more solid already.
October 2nd, 2012, 06:26 PM
Yep. I was looking through it and got inspired to do something. The green is because I plan on the rock being near a teal light source and I wanted to see how it looked. I was to lazy to bother changing the lighting when saving a screenshot.
I know the triangle count can be reduced greatly. I just wanted the general object done so I could start building the environment it is based in. I'll optimize once I know exactly where it will be and how big it will be.
October 2nd, 2012, 06:44 PM
insert comment about teal here
October 2nd, 2012, 06:51 PM
Whats with the hate on the teal... I like the teal.
October 2nd, 2012, 06:53 PM
I like the teal
October 2nd, 2012, 06:54 PM
Obligatory second post about teal in the last 60 seconds
October 3rd, 2012, 11:25 AM
October 3rd, 2012, 03:56 PM
man fuck your polycrunch horseshit.
make a proper lowpoly
October 3rd, 2012, 04:52 PM
man fuck your polycrunch horseshit.
make a proper lowpoly
But I'm so lazyyyyy... :(
October 3rd, 2012, 09:58 PM
Also normals aren't popping very well and definitely feel the spec/cos could use some work
October 3rd, 2012, 10:12 PM
It doesn't have a specular map and the normal isn't done yet.
October 4th, 2012, 01:17 AM
save yourself wasting the effort and make a proper lowpoly :)
Rainbow Dash
October 4th, 2012, 07:38 PM
October 4th, 2012, 10:23 PM
I decided to make a decent lp with somewhat clean topology. :)
October 5th, 2012, 03:23 AM
that's not what i ment with make your own lowpoly,
you can make the exact same thing with one third polycount.
unless you're planning to do a SHITTON of vertexpaint and vertex alpha blending, you're wasting an unholy amount of polies on that thing.
also i wouldn't consider that 'clean' topology.
quadrified, sure. clean? naw bro, it's more automatically generated stuff.
this issue is kind of exactly why people who are 'HURR ALL I DO IS ZBRUSH' piss me the hell off.
no ability to make a decent lowpoly.
i know this doesn't apply to you, so spend some time and make a PROPER lowpoly.
start with a plane or whatever, you know, actual polygon modelling stuff.
there's no way if i showed this to my AD he'd say 'good job paul'
he'd tell me to make a proper lowpoly.
i know this makes me sound like a harsh prick as usual, but the only excuse for this is being too lazy to make a proper lowpoly, or simply now knowing how to make a proper lowpoly.
since the 2nd doesn't apply to you, i'm going to have to conclude this is lazyness.
October 5th, 2012, 05:38 AM
Yeah. Neuro is right, you still could fix that up a lot. Look how flat the top of that rocky structure is and the amount of polys you put into it. Some of the angles do not have to look smooth with extra polygons.
I recommend using the retopology technique to build around your high poly.
October 5th, 2012, 05:23 PM
i made a shovel bitches, upvote the FUCK out of it.
it's currently in a state of being not very good, but i'm going to update it tomorrow.
October 5th, 2012, 05:38 PM
I hate making legit lowpolies. It makes me feel inferior and I never feel like it should be THAT lowpoly. I also make shit highpoly, so that's probably a better reason why....
October 5th, 2012, 05:46 PM
2300 Triangles. :saddowns:
October 5th, 2012, 05:59 PM
thats just less polies, not better polies.
October 5th, 2012, 06:29 PM
I don't know then.
October 5th, 2012, 06:36 PM
random example:
October 5th, 2012, 06:56 PM
If you want me to. I can build a low poly for you.
October 6th, 2012, 07:16 AM (
updated my shovel.
vote that shit up.
also making this:
October 6th, 2012, 12:50 PM
dat shovel. Since we're in the trend of trying to revive this thread I made a high poly! Haven't gotten to do any personal modeling in a while and felt like doing another gun
Need to relax a few edges still and start unwrapping.
October 6th, 2012, 03:28 PM
I remade Flippant from Marathon. This is actually more of a test on different synths rather than any original music.
Higher quality here (
October 6th, 2012, 08:49 PM
CMT Related stuff, see post here:
Tight edges derpity derpity derp. I know, I haven't really done it since that model which was a long time ago.
Edit: Also, what are you working in Neuro? Mudbox or zbrush?
October 7th, 2012, 06:16 AM
the bow was just fucking around in zbrush for an hour.
dynamesh ftw.
October 9th, 2012, 09:39 AM
Working on a few things, i suppose you could consider this a sign of things to come.
October 9th, 2012, 03:11 PM
not sure what to do/am gong to do with the arms at the top and the bottom at the moment.
October 9th, 2012, 03:36 PM
I know we're only seeing the diffuse (and maybe normals? Can't tell), but it looks really bad. :(
I don't play DOTA2 or use Zbrush (and my computer doesn't support 3D software anymore anyways), so don't take what I say for any sort of value. It looks like you still stuck to the high-poly pretty well at this point and, knowing you, the low-poly is better than anything I could do.
October 9th, 2012, 04:09 PM
Nah, looks fine. Looks like you're following Dota's art style pretty well if you ask me. I get this weird feeling though that the blacks aren't popping enough. They seem kind of dull? I dunno. Looking at some people's Dota stuff, they really make the blacks stand out more, but I'm not too sure.
Dark Halcyon:
October 9th, 2012, 04:28 PM
alsy, itll be 256 texture.
this is 512, and way larger than youll ever see, even my final render for display wont be that big.
im not happy with a bunch of parts, so this isnt done yet heh.
its diffuse and normal only atm.
October 9th, 2012, 07:45 PM
Dark Halcyon:
Really informative and helped me understand. Thanks.
October 10th, 2012, 03:42 PM
October 10th, 2012, 04:25 PM
That's better, but can still be better. :realsmug:
October 11th, 2012, 02:44 AM
that's better, but your lowpoly doesn't follow your highpoly vert well in many areas. i can tell from your projection, mostly on the left, in the middle-height.
also, cut your faces.
it's getting there!
t3h m00kz
October 21st, 2012, 08:49 AM
10-20 minute sketch, wanting an opinion on any anatomical errors
October 21st, 2012, 09:23 AM
The calves look like they should be just little bit longer. Either that or the thighs should be a tad thinner.
Other than that it looks really good and seems fairly accurate.
October 21st, 2012, 05:59 PM
the closeup looks NOTHING LIKE the foot on the guy.
is that even a foot?
October 21st, 2012, 11:17 PM
m00kz is turning the badass enemies of Halo into fairy tail creatures :smith:
Then again they are less of a disgrace then Halo 4's covenant assets.
October 21st, 2012, 11:34 PM
I don't see a problem.
t3h m00kz
October 21st, 2012, 11:49 PM
The calves look like they should be just little bit longer. Either that or the thighs should be a tad thinner.
Other than that it looks really good and seems fairly accurate.
yeah, legs are something I definitely need to work on, I've never been able to get a feel for them.
the closeup looks NOTHING LIKE the foot on the guy.
is that even a foot?
this is actually valid criticism and you should stick to doing this.
m00kz is turning the badass enemies of Halo into fairy tail creatures :smith:
Then again they are less of a disgrace then Halo 4's covenant assets.
Rainbow Dash
October 22nd, 2012, 12:49 AM
I don't see a problem.
I love you.
October 22nd, 2012, 02:05 AM
yeah, legs are something I definitely need to work on, I've never been able to get a feel for them.
this is actually valid criticism and you should stick to doing this.
wat iz dis creatur
t3h m00kz
October 22nd, 2012, 02:06 AM
October 22nd, 2012, 05:09 AM
t3h m00kz
October 22nd, 2012, 11:07 AM
Sexiness +1
October 22nd, 2012, 11:15 AM
Why does it have upside-down claws on its feet? What is happening?
t3h m00kz
October 22nd, 2012, 11:54 AM
Why does it have upside-down claws on its feet? What is happening?
it probably has clawtism
October 22nd, 2012, 12:09 PM
it probably has clawtism
must rep more ppl so i can rep you again
October 25th, 2012, 02:05 AM
Why does it have upside-down claws on its feet? What is happening?
It's part of Jackal culture. It's called getting buttfucked by 343i.
October 25th, 2012, 08:14 PM
Jackal, now played by Dennis Hopper
October 25th, 2012, 11:29 PM
Jackal, now played by Dennis Hopper
t3h m00kz
October 25th, 2012, 11:32 PM
Jackal, now played by Dennis Hopper
jesus christ how unsexy.
Rainbow Dash
November 24th, 2012, 02:39 PM
November 24th, 2012, 05:07 PM
Rainbow Dash
November 24th, 2012, 06:05 PM
no, it's ut3 dumbass
November 24th, 2012, 06:32 PM
no, it's ut3 dumbass
Sarcasm goes so far for you doesn't it? :allears:
I don't even play TF2.
November 24th, 2012, 07:20 PM
I hate stitching. (
Bungie! ( by TimN NZ (, on Flickr
Rainbow Dash
November 25th, 2012, 10:16 AM
Sarcasm goes so far for you doesn't it? :allears:
You post like a fucking idiot 99.9% of the time, how am I supposed to tell the difference??
November 25th, 2012, 11:01 AM
Those are some bright lights (which isn't a bad thing, I kinda like it). My only gripe is how you can clearly see the ball they originate from, is there any way to fix/hide that?
Rainbow Dash
November 25th, 2012, 12:15 PM
yeah, the light glows are seperate and I already got rid of them since they looked dumb
November 25th, 2012, 12:19 PM
You post like a fucking idiot 99.9% of the time, how am I supposed to tell the difference??
I was asking a question about an engine I don't use and if it was relevant to a game I don't play. All you had to say was yes or no. I replied facetiously because you were being a complete dickweed.
But to be on topic, it does look nice for said engine. You already took care of the lights being too much. I like the reflections a lot though.
November 25th, 2012, 12:22 PM
This post wasn't stupid. It was asking a question about an engine I don't use and if it was relevant to a game I don't play.
But to be on topic, it does look nice for said engine. You already took care of the lights being too much. I like the reflections a lot though.
Maybe you should try TF2 for once because then you would see that the true bauty of his map is not just the lights or reflections but that he successfully managed to perfectly recreate TF2's design concept. ^^
Rainbow Dash
November 25th, 2012, 12:42 PM
I was asking a question about an engine I don't use and if it was relevant to a game I don't play. All you had to say was yes or no. I replied facetiously because you were being a complete dickweed.
There is almost no possible way someone who has been on this site for the last 4 years can possibly have no idea what tf2 looks like, how else am I supposed to interpret a post like that as anything other than bad trolling?
November 25th, 2012, 01:10 PM
What's TF2?
That Teraform2 or something?
Rainbow Dash
November 25th, 2012, 01:46 PM
tree fondlers 2
November 25th, 2012, 01:49 PM
There is almost no possible way someone who has been on this site for the last 4 years can possibly have no idea what tf2 looks like, how else am I supposed to interpret a post like that as anything other than bad trolling?
You could have just said "yes"
The map does look really nice though, I think a video run through would be cool so we could get an idea of how the gameplay would go.
November 25th, 2012, 04:38 PM
A "yes" would have sufficed. It looks like a map, not sure if design or aesthetic direction was your priority but the lighting is incredibly flat. No contrast, interesting lit areas, etc.
November 25th, 2012, 05:23 PM
You post like a fucking idiot 99.9% of the time, how am I supposed to tell the difference??
Is that your excuse for everything now when you cant type a decent response like a decent human being?
Rainbow Dash
November 25th, 2012, 05:42 PM
A "yes" would have sufficed. It looks like a map, not sure if design or aesthetic direction was your priority but the lighting is incredibly flat. No contrast, interesting lit areas, etc.
At the moment it's most important that all the playable areas are well lit so that players can always maintain maximum awareness of their surroundings, and to highlight important areas (the health packs in the lobby, and the control point) with brighter lights. Later on it can be touched up in areas, but considering the engine is like 10 years old now, it probably isn't going to change much.
November 25th, 2012, 08:39 PM
It's certainly not a friendly engine. But a little more lighting contrast would be nice.
Rainbow Dash
November 26th, 2012, 12:52 AM
yeah it's still early beta at best, and I'm still learning how source handles it. I'll see what I can do~
December 13th, 2012, 07:20 PM
Made a Crowd-sourced Asset for Wasteland 2.
December 19th, 2012, 03:49 AM
Double posting here.
MK23 I started working on along time ago. I know its not exactly accurate in some places but I was to lazy to fix my mistakes from along time ago. Just want to finish it.
Need to tone down the grime on the grip but I think its getting there.
Low poly mesh is sitting at about 3600 triangles.
December 19th, 2012, 01:56 PM
Triple post.
December 19th, 2012, 07:27 PM
Looks really nice man
December 20th, 2012, 06:24 PM
Looks cool, I'd suggest to dial back the "streakiness" you have goin on, especially on the polymer parts, I think it looks a little odd given how prominent it is right now. Also, the wear you have on the edges of the slide I'd push the spec a bit more. Areas like that tend to be a shinier, more apparently metal when the wear sets in.
t3h m00kz
February 8th, 2013, 02:28 AM
quickly sketched out a vortigaunt
no homo bro
February 8th, 2013, 03:20 PM
That is very well done. I like the attention to detail around the metal ...whatever you did.... ugh
t3h m00kz
February 9th, 2013, 09:12 PM
another sketch.. may try to paint over it later
February 11th, 2013, 12:24 AM
It's 2013 stop posting here
your bad
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