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January 23rd, 2012, 11:45 PM
Some of you have been complaining that I was over-zealous in a thread when it came to handing out infractions which resulted in the TEMPORARY ban of a veteran user of this site. This action was taken due to the fact that the user explicitly broke the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). All action was condoned by the (active) site administration (jcap), and was only taken after discussion with the existing (active) staff. There will be no further discussion or justification about previous "incidents".

The AUP is here so that casual readers and lurkers don't need to wade through pages of shit-posting in order to find relevant information. If you insist on disregarding it then you will continue to receive infractions and may eventually be banned.

The continuous creation of new threads and derailing of other threads about this issue needs to stop, if it continues then I'm going to start handing out more bans.

I realize this is mostly limited to a limited group of individuals who've had it in for me for years now, without any real reason except because it seems to be a cool bandwagon to be on. For all of those legitimate users out there, please make sure you take a minute or two and re-read the AUP to make sure you don't make the same mistakes.

tl;dr - Stop making new threads/posts to complain about how horrible I am at moderating.

January 23rd, 2012, 11:52 PM
The color on your name changed :O

January 24th, 2012, 01:11 AM

January 24th, 2012, 01:22 AM
we as a site function best when left alone.

there is no direction for modacity to head in, we're a dieing site, deal with it and accept that the moderating that you do isn't needed, which is why almost none of the other staff go out of their way to do it.
by suppressing strong opinions, and quelling the dieing user base from posting anything even remotely offensive or opinionated your harming the only thing this site has going for it.

we're all friends here, lets talk to each other as friends and let the site handle itself.

January 24th, 2012, 01:22 AM
I don't have anything against cortexian, it's freelancer I take issue with.

January 24th, 2012, 01:24 AM
we as a site function best when left alone.

there is no direction for modacity to head in, we're a dieing site, deal with it and accept that the moderating that you do isn't needed, which is why almost none of the other staff go out of their way to do it.
by suppressing strong opinions, and quelling the dieing user base from posting anything even remotely offensive or opinionated your harming the only thing this site has going for it.

we're all friends here, lets talk to each other as friends and let the site handle itself.
None of the other staff are active, the ones that are active are no longer staff.

If you guys would prefer that we remove all rules (except for the obvious, no piracy/porn/NSFW/gross shit) then I'll take that up with jcap. Jcap will then take that up with TheGhost if/when he ever comes online to care about this site. Expect this to happen never.

January 24th, 2012, 01:37 AM
you do remember i was on the staff dont you?

i stepped down... and i was involved with planning for the next step.
and it's safe to say at this stage, there really is nothing that can be done to breathe life into this site, theres no major releases that the community in centreed around, all our escapes into other modding engines have been dead end because we dont have the user base to support branching out, and peoples interests whernt invested in the new engines anyway.......

Look it's just not useful or needed, it just harms the casual atmosphere which has made many of the people here friends for years and years.
we dont need the big red stick over our head to act civillised yet strongly opinionated.

we've been doing it for years remember...

look and i know you feel vindicated, but the truth is it's never been something personal, i have always called people out on wrong decisions, and i will always continue to do so. I think it's amicable the amount of time and effort you've put into the site, over the years, and as a long term user and a guy who tried to do the same with things like the original overclocking thread ect i understand where your coming from.

It's not about removing the existing rules, it's about just being more chilled, and understand that we're able to act civillised without having say, half of an inflammatory discussion suddenly disappearing.

just remember i cared enough to donate a significant amount to this website to keep it running, but it's time to acknowledge the site for what it is to us now.
it's changed over the years, and so have all of us.

January 24th, 2012, 01:45 AM
It has changed, and I was appointed to staff to keep up the serious side of it.

There's a reason I changed my primary usergroup, it's obvious that this site literally cannot be serious anymore. I'm not going to bother sifting through that shit, all it does is add unneeded stress into my life and get a bunch of people posting bullshit all over the forums in every forum they can think of that might be vaguely relevant (honestly I should ban you for that).

So I give up, I'll go donate my time to overclock.net or NCIX.

January 24th, 2012, 02:07 AM
I'm not going to bother sifting through that shit, all it does is add unneeded stress into my life and get a bunch of people posting bullshit all over the forums in every forum they can think of that might be vaguely relevant

And that is why I [usually] just stop posting in threads where people are popping blood vessels over something that isn't worth popping blood vessels over (Really, gun grips? Come on now, I've fired my fair share and do know what I'm talking about). If you (not you you, but general you) want to have a civilised chat or debate, hit me up on Steam or something that way you don't read meaning into a post that can't be clarified in real-time to prevent you from reading said meaning and then flying off the handle because of it.

As for moderating, I'm going to quote an old =EP= member, DTS 7.1, here:

Threads grow and evolve.

Unless it's a help thread or a discussion where it is absolutely critical to stay on-topic, there isn't much point to try and keep it on topic. Hell, usually, the tangent is at least related in a less-than-remote way.

January 24th, 2012, 02:33 AM
It has changed, and I was appointed to staff to keep up the serious side of it.

There's a reason I changed my primary usergroup, it's obvious that this site literally cannot be serious anymore. I'm not going to bother sifting through that shit, all it does is add unneeded stress into my life and get a bunch of people posting bullshit all over the forums in every forum they can think of that might be vaguely relevant (honestly I should ban you for that).

So I give up, I'll go donate my time to overclock.net or NCIX.
Nooooooo Lancer :( Don't leave us man :(

January 24th, 2012, 05:59 AM
I'm going to be honest with you.
I've not had it in for you over some shitty bandwagon or meme, I don't particularly like those kinds of things.
I've had it in for you because of your ignorant hypocritical condescending attitude.

keys: red is to denote important notes
Blue is to denote said condescending notes

As a site moderator it's my job to keep petty debates like that out of threads. Once I made my opinion clear you should have just dropped it, pretty simple.
Notice that first part, many times you flogged that duty and a few times even began picking fights with the users.
That is dereliction of duty if I ever saw it.

Notice the second part? in that case you were assuming all people who use software from languages other than their native that they must be pirating or buying from illegal key sites.
I pointed out this was not the case and even mentioned that lingual language of software does not decide whether it is fit for purpose on a system, something I've since proven many times over.
For someone who is supposedly a computer enthusiast, you don't seem to know an awful lot about the systems you build.:eng101:

Let's move onto the case with Minecraft.
You stated that Minecraft by itself is a genre,
A; that is simply bad logic, a genre is by definition, type, class, category.
B; Minecraft is a game based upon Infiniminer, A previous game which predates Minecraft by some portion of time which was developed by zachtronics Industries, Not Notch.

You also stated that apparently if a game looks like another existing game, smells like another existing games and plays like an existing game it must be a clone;

A; there are many, MANY games which use similar gameplay and themes, examples are Guitarhero and rockband for music, Call of duty and Battlefield are also on the same boat until you get to multiplayer but even then it only comes down to a select difference in weapons and whether the vehicles in use are continuously controlled by players or by the games system.

Let's talk about the hypocrisy I mentioned earlier shall we?

Let me make this very clear, I strongly believe as both a former moderator and former forum architect, founder and owner that unless you're willing to lead by example of yourself following the rules then you are not fit to lead others.
You have proven over a series of times you are willing to dish out punishments for infractions of the ToS but somehow believe you are above the rules you observe.
You have lashed out at users, insulted them, a couple of times threatened them and when your actions were mentioned to you, those members got an infraction for backseat driving meanwhile you would delete your posts to cover your tracks to go and get Scott free for another day.

I'm going to wind this down now seeing as I'm on borrowed time for my comment to be made.
I've made the points I wanted to, given examples to back them up and I hope if you ever consider moderating another website you'll learn what you did wrong here and improve your methods of staffing because quite franky, if you don't you'll have similar things happen else where.

January 24th, 2012, 06:55 AM
I'm going to be honest with you.
I've not had it in for you over some shitty bandwagon or meme, I don't particularly like those kinds of things.
I've had it in for you because of your ignorant hypocritical condescending attitude.

Yep, that's pretty much it.

January 24th, 2012, 07:21 AM
It has changed, and I was appointed to staff to keep up the serious side of it.

There's a reason I changed my primary usergroup, it's obvious that this site literally cannot be serious anymore. I'm not going to bother sifting through that shit, all it does is add unneeded stress into my life and get a bunch of people posting bullshit all over the forums in every forum they can think of that might be vaguely relevant (honestly I should ban you for that).

So I give up, I'll go donate my time to overclock.net or NCIX.
Best of luck in the future.

January 24th, 2012, 08:08 AM
I don't want Lancer to leave, he's like the new dole :(

January 24th, 2012, 09:06 AM
I don't know what this thread is about.

January 24th, 2012, 09:45 AM

Dude, just because a few dislike like you, doesn't mean you just pack and leave. Deal with it. You think this is the only place where people chose to not like others?

I've known you for awhile, and I honestly don't see the reason people have beef with you, but at the same time, I don't understand why you have to take the situation and turn it into a drama episode.

Let the haters hate, and life will continue on.

January 24th, 2012, 09:50 AM
So I give up, I'll go donate my time to overclock.net or NCIX.


if ya can't take the heat don't etc.

January 24th, 2012, 10:36 AM
cya in a couple weeks

January 24th, 2012, 12:10 PM
we as a site function best when left alone.

there is no direction for modacity to head in, we're a dieing site, deal with it and accept that the moderating that you do isn't needed, which is why almost none of the other staff go out of their way to do it.
by suppressing strong opinions, and quelling the dieing user base from posting anything even remotely offensive or opinionated your harming the only thing this site has going for it.

we're all friends here, lets talk to each other as friends and let the site handle itself.
No, when you idiots are left alone, your debate never ends until the thread is 100 pages long, locked, and half of the posters are permanently banned.

The only reason this drama happened is because your stupid opinions weren't deleted sooner.

(And what I mean by "stupid opinions" is not to infer that I disagree with your opinions...it's the whole "my opinion is right and therefore you are wrong" stupid shit.)

January 24th, 2012, 12:34 PM
all reddit posts should be deleted, opinions should not be your real opinion, and swearing should be banned. please.

January 24th, 2012, 01:08 PM
No, when you idiots are left alone, your debate never ends until the thread is 100 pages long, locked, and half of the posters are permanently banned.

The only reason this drama happened is because your stupid opinions weren't deleted sooner.

(And what I mean by "stupid opinions" is not to infer that I disagree with your opinions...it's the whole "my opinion is right and therefore you are wrong" stupid shit.)
Did you even read the minecraft thread before you truncated it?
Actually, read my reply to the situation, it's worth it.

January 24th, 2012, 01:18 PM
I skimmed the Minecraft thread, but I'm not going to take sides. Regardless, my point still stands that it's impossible for either side to settle their differences and walk away from an issue without continuously adding more gas to the fire.

I'll read your post...I thought it was just continuing the Minecraft fiasco so I ignored it.

January 24th, 2012, 01:27 PM
I feel out of the loop. What was the minecraft fiasco? I thought it was the AoS fiasco...

January 24th, 2012, 02:04 PM
I'll read your post...I thought it was just continuing the Minecraft fiasco so I ignored it.
I was pointing to the hypocrisy, for a long time Freelancer flogged his piracy activities and then berates other people who he suspected of pirating, this wasn't the case.

He also said that when he gives his opinions on subjects everyone should take it as fact and then just keep quiet, not contending the obvious that his opinion is that and others will have differences in that regard.

He also mentioned about his duty and yet flogged it at times convenient to himself.

January 24th, 2012, 02:08 PM
I'm going to be honest with you.
I've not had it in for you over some shitty bandwagon or meme, I don't particularly like those kinds of things.
I've had it in for you because of your ignorant hypocritical condescending attitude.

keys: red is to denote important notes
Blue is to denote said condescending notes

Notice that first part, many times you flogged that duty and a few times even began picking fights with the users.
That is dereliction of duty if I ever saw it.

Notice the second part? in that case you were assuming all people who use software from languages other than their native that they must be pirating or buying from illegal key sites.
I pointed out this was not the case and even mentioned that lingual language of software does not decide whether it is fit for purpose on a system, something I've since proven many times over.
For someone who is supposedly a computer enthusiast, you don't seem to know an awful lot about the systems you build.:eng101:

Let's move onto the case with Minecraft.
You stated that Minecraft by itself is a genre,
A; that is simply bad logic, a genre is by definition, type, class, category.
B; Minecraft is a game based upon Infiniminer, A previous game which predates Minecraft by some portion of time which was developed by zachtronics Industries, Not Notch.

You also stated that apparently if a game looks like another existing game, smells like another existing games and plays like an existing game it must be a clone;

A; there are many, MANY games which use similar gameplay and themes, examples are Guitarhero and rockband for music, Call of duty and Battlefield are also on the same boat until you get to multiplayer but even then it only comes down to a select difference in weapons and whether the vehicles in use are continuously controlled by players or by the games system.

Let's talk about the hypocrisy I mentioned earlier shall we?

Let me make this very clear, I strongly believe as both a former moderator and former forum architect, founder and owner that unless you're willing to lead by example of yourself following the rules then you are not fit to lead others.
You have proven over a series of times you are willing to dish out punishments for infractions of the ToS but somehow believe you are above the rules you observe.
You have lashed out at users, insulted them, a couple of times threatened them and when your actions were mentioned to you, those members got an infraction for backseat driving meanwhile you would delete your posts to cover your tracks to go and get Scott free for another day.

I'm going to wind this down now seeing as I'm on borrowed time for my comment to be made.
I've made the points I wanted to, given examples to back them up and I hope if you ever consider moderating another website you'll learn what you did wrong here and improve your methods of staffing because quite franky, if you don't you'll have similar things happen else where.
This is why I don't bother, there's so much assumed information and plain out incorrect information about what I said in that thread in this quote.

You guys would rather invent things that "I said" that fit my "stereotype" instead of taking 10 seconds to understand the meaning behind what I say. I usually don't go into every fine little fucking detail when I'm talking about something when it seems that the underlying meaning is EXTREMELY FUCKING OBVIOUS.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, if that's somehow my fault then I apologize that you guys can't seem to understand what I'm saying. No one else I know IRL or on other forums does, but who knows maybe I post differently here somehow. So I'm not going to bother explaining anything anymore when do do bother to post, if you don't get my meaning the first time and you want to take it as some kind of fail-statement/ignore the irony and/or sarcasm that's obviously in the post then fine.

I'm only going to be cleaning up the previously stated shit from now on (piracy/porn/etc). And only when I happen to see it, not gonna go out of my way to find it.

January 24th, 2012, 02:21 PM

I feel your pain there, bro. I type something, people read two words in the opening sentence, and then start a raging reply. Fucking. What.

January 24th, 2012, 03:06 PM

I got tired just reading the first two and a half pages.

January 24th, 2012, 03:40 PM
No, when you idiots are left alone, your debate never ends until the thread is 100 pages long, locked, and half of the posters are permanently banned
When was the last time we actually had a growing user base, enough to warrent a hard stance on posting behaviour, because the site had potential to grow and expand?

We dont need to intervene with threads that people are arguing in, we dont need to tone everything down because there is no goal, no end point for us to go in.

we're slowly dieing a littler bit everyday, acknowledge it for what it is, so just loosen up and have fun and let the site run it's course.

January 24th, 2012, 03:41 PM
I still have no idea what this thread is about. Was every post/thread in question deleted?

January 24th, 2012, 03:48 PM
most of them, yes.

January 24th, 2012, 03:57 PM
When was the last time we actually had a growing user base, enough to warrent a hard stance on posting behaviour, because the site had potential to grow and expand?

We dont need to intervene with threads that people are arguing in, we dont need to tone everything down because there is no goal, no end point for us to go in.

we're slowly dieing a littler bit everyday, acknowledge it for what it is, so just loosen up and have fun and let the site run it's course.
I'm not on any side here since I don't even really know what this is about, but in a general sense, pointing out the small size of the user base is a weak argument for less/no moderation, in my opinion. For one, is there any evidence that letting people tear into each other with no moderation is good for the user base? For all you know, such things could be detrimental to the user base. Sure, the people who behave in such a way enjoy the leeway. What about other people, though?

January 24th, 2012, 04:40 PM
who honestly takes modacity as a serious website anymore.

January 24th, 2012, 04:53 PM
who honestly takes modacity as a serious website anymore.
I did, and that's why I was promoted to moderator.

It's a losing battle though, when the site has more pro-anarchy members than people actually looking to do something productive/serious.

January 24th, 2012, 04:57 PM
i was in your same shoes 3 years ago, but the websites evolved and changed to what it is now.
we dont need to be content producing pioneers... theres just no demand for it.

i'd rather we just had a bit more fun.

Had a chat to KM about it
Zizenstein: how we going brotoss
Zizenstein: was just asking for your opinion on the whole freenlancer vs the mob thing
kornman00: meh, at least n00b got unbanned
Zizenstein: do you agree with me that the website at this stage is pretty much dead in the water, adn the best thing we can do is just sit back and have a bit of silly fun
Zizenstein: or do you still see it as a viable thing to be invested in.
kornman00: i think, as the site stands, it has no direction and thus no purpose/reason to have some hardcore rules other than ones that keep the site from getting raided
kornman00: unless they had plans to do something with the site, there's no reason to be hard asses with users
kornman00: if the site slips into trololoing, there's no going back, so if they were going to do something with the site they wouldn't want that
kornman00: but they're not, the site is just there
kornman00: it's one giant user lounge
Zizenstein: so you believe it's just the nostalgia
Zizenstein: ?
kornman00: well, yeah, i guess you could say, that and it's just an established community
kornman00: there's not going to be a mass migration or anything, so it's a hub for people who know each other
Zizenstein: my thoughts exactly
Zizenstein: mind if i post this
Zizenstein: or do you wanna stay outta it?
kornman00: i'm fine, go for it
Zizenstein: coolio, you just explained my position a littel more clearly then i did.
Zizenstein: thanks
Zizenstein: <3

January 24th, 2012, 05:21 PM
I did, and that's why I was promoted to moderator.

It's a losing battle though, when the site has more pro-anarchy members than people actually looking to do something productive/serious.
I was doing something productive but various people decided to moan like cats in heat so I decided to ditch modacity as a platform for updates on my projects and go to the developer endorsed website for my updates.
It's not that people aren't being productive, it's that they're not productive here because the website doesn't give enough incentives when the official websites have more opportunities than fan ones like this.

January 24th, 2012, 05:30 PM
(And what I mean by "stupid opinions" is not to infer that I disagree with your opinions...it's the whole "my opinion is right and therefore you are wrong" stupid shit.)

I'm just going to point out that nobody was doing this in the Ace of Spades thread besides Freelancer. None of us said 'we are right therefore you are wrong'. We comprehensively proved him wrong, so he deleted the whole conversation and tried to pretend it never happened.

You guys would rather invent things that "I said" that fit my "stereotype" instead of taking 10 seconds to understand the meaning behind what I say. I usually don't go into every fine little fucking detail when I'm talking about something when it seems that the underlying meaning is EXTREMELY FUCKING OBVIOUS.

I feel your pain there, bro. I type something, people read two words in the opening sentence, and then start a raging reply. Fucking. What.

No fucking shit, now you guys know how I felt.

But really, I'm with Zilla on this one. I just don't see the overzealous moderating as helping anything. If there was some conscious attempt to restore order to the conversation then maybe. But silently deleting any posts that you don't like just provokes anger.

January 24th, 2012, 05:59 PM
So who got banned?

I rarely read threads on here any more, I pop on to make sure no one has died and take a look at a few threads but in reality I hit that Mark Forums Read button a lot.

I come back to the site because I don't follow any other forums/communities.

January 24th, 2012, 06:36 PM
The problem with this site is its userbase. It's really like Jcap says; too incendiary and over-staunch with opinions. I'm easily to blame as well, but at least I'm nicer about deferring other's opinions, unless I'm defending my argument from other posters who in turn post in an aggressive manner. I really like how Jcap put it though, that everyone keeps adding gas to a fire in an argument. Basically, someone starts the campfire, but no one puts it out, thus causing a massive forest fire. In addition, this site's userbase consistently utilizes the "I'm on the internet, so why the fuck should I care what people have to say? I'm anonymous." which is a shitty, shitty way to proceed in any argument. This site isn't going places because people don't care enough for it to because a.) anyone putting in cruddy quality at first is utterly berated and gangraped by a sadistic community, b.) this community is immature in how it presents its argument and is biased towards generally one-sided every thread (IE, anti-American or Liberal) regarding politics or debatable ideas, c.) this community is based off of traditional backwash instead of the change like it always proclaims.

Now, I would suggest methods of improving this, but then I'd probably be told to fuck myself or I'd be ignored or people would simply do what they do to Lancer and say it's just me posting. Either way, I'll take the same road the rest of this site takes and not suggest what you could do right to fix anything wrong because its current state simply is ugly. That's basically what this site is: an grudging, ugly man that refuses to take any advice because he's ugly.

And I don't mean everyone when I say this community. The people I'm talking about are the same people that are mentioned over and over again when this site reaches a shitfest. Sorry for lashing out at anyone, but I'm sick of some attitudes on this forum.

January 24th, 2012, 06:40 PM
This website hasn't claimed change for a long time.
It's filled with "has been's" who have done what they've set out to do and now just want to sit back and relax.
the website was originally for Halo 2 vista and we all know how that went down.

January 24th, 2012, 06:43 PM
This website hasn't claimed change for a long time.
It's filled with "has been's" who have done what they've set out to do and now just want to sit back and relax.
the website was originally for Halo 2 vista and we all know how that went down.
And that cannot be shifted to something new?

January 24th, 2012, 06:44 PM
I really don't think that moderation needs to be thrown out the window, but the level of ass-covering Lancer has done lately is something I take issue with. If he wants to stay admin, great but don't go deleting posts/wholefuckingthreads that dissagree with your opinions/methods.

January 24th, 2012, 06:56 PM
And that cannot be shifted to something new?
To what exactly?
Halo CE?
Halomods and Halomaps
UE3? hundreds of sites for that
CE2/CE3? there's maybe 3 people on this site familiar with it.

January 24th, 2012, 06:58 PM
I really don't think that moderation needs to be thrown out the window, but the level of ass-covering Lancer has done lately is something I take issue with. If he wants to stay admin, great but don't go deleting posts/wholefuckingthreads that dissagree with your opinions/methods.

It's called Damage Control, I mentioned it in a thread before it got deleted.

I really don't have anything against any mod so long as they don't get all pissed off or try to undermine their own bullshit and be a hypocrite. Be like snaf who doesn't post almost anymore.

January 24th, 2012, 07:28 PM
To what exactly?
Halo CE?
Halomods and Halomaps
UE3? hundreds of sites for that
CE2/CE3? there's maybe 3 people on this site familiar with it.
I thought this site was more of a continuation of Gearbox in terms of HCE. Either way, what makes me mad is how the Studio forum is almost dead half of the time. That forum, Tech Talk, and Random Funny Pictures is why I even visit this site to begin with.

January 24th, 2012, 07:30 PM
The problem with this site is its userbase. It's really like Jcap says; too incendiary and over-staunch with opinions. I'm easily to blame as well, but at least I'm nicer about deferring other's opinions, unless I'm defending my argument from other posters who in turn post in an aggressive manner. I really like how Jcap put it though, that everyone keeps adding gas to a fire in an argument. Basically, someone starts the campfire, but no one puts it out, thus causing a massive forest fire. In addition, this site's userbase consistently utilizes the "I'm on the internet, so why the fuck should I care what people have to say? I'm anonymous." which is a shitty, shitty way to proceed in any argument. This site isn't going places because people don't care enough for it to because a.) anyone putting in cruddy quality at first is utterly berated and gangraped by a sadistic community, b.) this community is immature in how it presents its argument and is biased towards generally one-sided every thread (IE, anti-American or Liberal) regarding politics or debatable ideas, c.) this community is based off of traditional backwash instead of the change like it always proclaims.

Now, I would suggest methods of improving this, but then I'd probably be told to fuck myself or I'd be ignored or people would simply do what they do to Lancer and say it's just me posting. Either way, I'll take the same road the rest of this site takes and not suggest what you could do right to fix anything wrong because its current state simply is ugly. That's basically what this site is: an grudging, ugly man that refuses to take any advice because he's ugly.

And I don't mean everyone when I say this community. The people I'm talking about are the same people that are mentioned over and over again when this site reaches a shitfest. Sorry for lashing out at anyone, but I'm sick of some attitudes on this forum.
I pretty much agree with this. Let me reiterate though that I'm not speaking of any of the specific incidents being discussed in here, since I'm not familiar with them; I'm just speaking in generalities.

At least one of two things needs to happen in my opinion:

1) The infractions system should start being used more instead of just immediately deleting/locking stuff. I'm mostly talking about infractions for flaming and the like; some of the possible infractions listed are vague and unnecessary in my opinion, such as "irritating post", "winging it", "shitposting", "backseat moderation", etc. We don't need to be that strict. Just stick to flames.

2) Bring back reputation, with no option to disable it per account. Perhaps that would give people incentive to not be hateful assholes.

January 24th, 2012, 07:33 PM
The rep system was inherently flawed which is why it was removed in the first place.

January 24th, 2012, 07:39 PM
I'm not all too familiar with how it was on this site. How was it flawed?

January 24th, 2012, 08:11 PM
Rep just turned into a massive circle-jerk of guys boosting each other up. It was pretty neat but I can't see it being much use since this site only has a handful of members posting now.

Mods should be posting in threads and asking people to cool their jets before handing out infractions. Posts should rarely be deleted, and never without an explanation. There's no point making stuff disappear and having people wonder what just happened. You became a joke freelancer when you started an argument in that ace of spades thread about the game being a copy of minecraft. As a mod you should be trying to stop petty shit like that happening in the first place, not starting it. Everyone here is too much of a hard case to drop their opinions or agree to disagree, you included.

January 24th, 2012, 08:29 PM
I believe I had just gotten my bright green bar from n00b when the rep system went away.

I miss rep.

January 24th, 2012, 08:48 PM
There are ways to diminish the possibility of abuse of the system, I would think. Increase the reputation user spread setting. Limit the amount users can give daily. Make everyone's rep power the same, so there isn't a small group of people with max rep power circle-jerking each other or who can make or break someone's rep in a short period. Etc.

Obviously it wouldn't be perfect. What is? I don't really care if it's perfect or not. The only reason I mentioned it is because it seems like a way to incentivize people to act civilly. I think it would have that effect to some degree regardless of whether or not it is flawed.

January 24th, 2012, 09:35 PM
Obviously it wouldn't be perfect. What is? I don't really care if it's perfect or not. The only reason I mentioned it is because it seems like a way to incentivize people to act civilly. I think it would have that effect to some degree regardless of whether or not it is flawed.

That sounds like a good idea for a new forum...where nobody knows each other. But I have to say, I honestly laughed when I read the part quoted above.

Most people here have known each other for 2+ years (you included). Most of the people here have experienced the rep system. We can safely say it does jack and shit to help. In fact, Rep sometimes was the source of more issues since "This person -Repped me and now I have to retaliate because I really hate this person's guts." There is no incentive to act civil when using reputation. There is only incentive to abuse the system. Not to mention, rep has zero relevance to how you act.

This is Modacity. Do you really think that bringing back rep will make everything peaches and pears?

January 24th, 2012, 09:49 PM
Rep has zero effect on how people post? I find that very hard to believe.

"Man, I'd really love to tear this guy a new one" ---> "Oh wait, I'll probably get neg repped into oblivion if I do" ----> "Meh, guess I'll just not say anything / I guess I'll say it a little more politely than I initially wanted to"

That would never happen?

January 24th, 2012, 09:56 PM
^ ive witnessed that happen. its a doubled edged sword though. yeah, it might stop somebody from posting something inflamatory, but then you can get that rep bomb bullshit that somebody used to do. i dont remember who it was, but it was bullshit.

January 24th, 2012, 11:08 PM
Rep added nothing positive and only served as a circle jerking tool.

January 24th, 2012, 11:11 PM
^ ive witnessed that happen. its a doubled edged sword though. yeah, it might stop somebody from posting something inflamatory, but then you can get that rep bomb bullshit that somebody used to do. i dont remember who it was, but it was bullshit.
I used to spread rep around like a mofo to try to get plus repped.

Worked pretty well too. Zilla and the "cool kids" of 2008 provided me with plenty.

January 24th, 2012, 11:21 PM
bacon allways tried to start a rep circle with me, I ignored him and got over +100 for free~

January 24th, 2012, 11:52 PM
We could always do something like what Overclock.net does, only allow positive rep and make rep levels take fucking forever. Also increase the rep spread to like 15 users and such. That still wouldn't eliminate the ability to circle-jerk yourself upwards, but it would eliminate the rage associated with getting a -rep.

If rep was brought back though I'm p sure we would reset it.

And just to point out, n00b was only banned for two weeks and that was the original intent.

January 25th, 2012, 12:09 AM
If you wanted to re-implement it you should only let rep power = 1. Nobody should be "more important" in any way as a result of the rep system.

Also Lancer: you owe me like 100 ladder points since when you banned me my W/L in sc2 tanked to like 0.2

January 25th, 2012, 12:56 AM
here's an idea

make shitty unfunny memes or shitty unfunny posts an officially infractable offence so people stop doing that stupid bullshit. do the same for low-content posting, i.e. going into a thread just to post 'lol' or emptyquote pointlessly or restate something that's already been said for no good reason. bring back rep because there was nothing fucking wrong with it, make crying about rep on the forums infractable. if someone is hurting your internet penis then either fucking deal with it or, if it's legitimate harassment, take it up with staff. rep was fun and also being able to -rep someone for a bad post was a good way to either break that habit or encourage them (if they were a shitty enough poster) to STOP POSTING. there is nothing wrong with this.

all i see in this forum outside of the handful of threads i still actually post in is just thread after thread of horrible fucking posts where everyone repeats memes that were tired five years ago. it's not even funny, it's just a sea of absolute turd. now imagine i am a total outsider and have no knowledge of where these memes even come from, all i see is a bunch of kids spewing bullshit that makes no sense and jerking each other off about it.

you're all fucking terrible at posting and you need to stop.


We could always do something like what Overclock.net does, only allow positive rep and make rep levels take fucking forever. Also increase the rep spread to like 15 users and such. That still wouldn't eliminate the ability to circle-jerk yourself upwards, but it would eliminate the rage associated with getting a -rep.
no. no. this is everything that is wrong with the world. we should not cater to the lowest common denominator by removing -rep just so some fucking baby on the internet doesn't slit his wrists because the little box under his name turned red. internet kids these days are already spoiled brats, the last thing we need is to encourage that by mollycoddling them. if you are a bad poster or generally unlikeable, you get -repped. if not, you get +repped. the system worked. even at the height of my rep-bombing i still couldn't drop someone from grey to red in one hit, it would take at least two of us strategic rep command sorts to do that and more often than not it wasn't organised. if someone was a horrible poster then it really should not have come as a surprise that they got bombed into oblivion.

rep circles definitely existed, but by and large they didn't even begin to compete with legit rep and were mostly a vessel for conspiracy jokes. the system was as good as you will get, there is no reason to dumb it down so crybabies don't get butthurt over it. it was clearly stated in the rules, i believe, that rep was not to be whined about on the forums, they still did it. clearly they cared more about meaningless coloured squares than their account here, and they deserved everything they got.

If you wanted to re-implement it you should only let rep power = 1. Nobody should be "more important" in any way as a result of the rep system.
if you perceive rep as any measure of importance, then you are creating your own problem. rep is nothing more than a measure of how well someone here is liked/trusted by the community, or how much of a suitable spokesperson the community as a whole sees them as. importance doesn't even begin to come into it, and it never did. it was a ludicrous argument invented by bad posters with inferiority complexes who felt the need to paint higher-rep members as their oppresors and bid everyone else to rise up against them. it's stupid.

January 25th, 2012, 01:24 AM
Rep has zero effect on how people post? I find that very hard to believe.

What I meant to say was: "Not to mention, rep has zero relevance to how you're supposed to act.

"Man, I'd really love to tear this guy a new one" ---> "Oh wait, I'll probably get neg repped into oblivion if I do" ----> "Meh, guess I'll just not say anything / I guess I'll say it a little more politely than I initially wanted to"

That would never happen?

Except this is what usually happened:

"Man, I'd really love to tear this guy a new one" ---> "Everyone will agree with me because it's obvious that I'm right" ----> "I'm getting neg repped? WHAT THE FUCK?!"

January 25th, 2012, 01:33 AM
there were a bunch of users who bucked up and stopped shitposting after a few strategic rep command sorties. several of them still post.

if someone's first reaction upon multiple well-established users bombing them with neg rep is to loudly cry about it and then childishly lash out, they are obviously a Bad Person and can fuck off. if they realise "hey i'm doing something wrong, i dunno what, but maybe i'll be a little more careful in the future", they are already on the path to becoming a valuable and respectable member.

January 25th, 2012, 01:35 AM
there were a bunch of users who bucked up and stopped shitposting after a few strategic rep command sorties. several of them still post.

Yup, this is true. Two or three regulars. But think about all the others who didn't get their shit together when that happened. They outweigh the ones we did get to. When a person gets slammed like that, their first reaction is probably: "fuck these people" and then they aren't as active for a while and most of the time didn't do much more than lurk.

January 25th, 2012, 01:44 AM
There was a strategic rep command? I wanted to get a sortie :(

January 25th, 2012, 01:46 AM
There was a strategic rep command? I wanted to get a sortie :(

Dude, you never want to see something like that. You just don't know, man.

January 25th, 2012, 01:47 AM
This community is dead to me if a decent gamenight isn't organized.

January 25th, 2012, 01:48 AM
We could always do something like what Overclock.net does, only allow positive rep and make rep levels take fucking forever. Also increase the rep spread to like 15 users and such. That still wouldn't eliminate the ability to circle-jerk yourself upwards, but it would eliminate the rage associated with getting a -rep.
I don't see much point in having only positive rep. The reason I suggested bringing it back is to make people think twice about making bad posts, from fear of being negative repped.

What about something like this (a thanks/like/dislike system):


January 25th, 2012, 02:05 AM
I don't see much point in having only positive rep. The reason I suggested bringing it back is to make people think twice about making bad posts, from fear of being negative repped.

What about something like this (a thanks/like/dislike system):


All of us already have it engrained in our heads by now that we'll get an infraction from Cortexian if we post stupid shit. To me, that's the most effective deterrent. :cop:

January 25th, 2012, 02:05 AM
Dude, you never want to see something like that. You just don't know, man.

Did it come with a cool private message about it?

January 25th, 2012, 02:07 AM
Did it come with a cool private message about it?

Hell, no. Well, sometimes you'd get some PMs by people and/or your opponent(s). A "Strategic Rep Command" sortie isn't some backalley brawl. They fucked you right in the streets where everyone could see.

January 25th, 2012, 02:13 AM
Hell, no. Well, sometimes you'd get some PMs by people and/or your opponent(s). A "Strategic Rep Command" sortie isn't some backalley brawl. They fucked you right in the streets where everyone could see.
Fuck I wish I'd joined in 06. My joining like coincided with the beginning of the end for this site.

January 25th, 2012, 02:29 AM
Well, I wasn't around at GBX so I don't know what acquaintances people at Modacity in 2006 had, but I'm sure we didn't really get into the heavy shit until like 2007+. I found H2V.net from a website (can't remember the name now) that had CMT info and map downloads. I was referred to that site from Halomods. I guess I just got lucky (heh) when I registered on H2V.

January 25th, 2012, 04:25 AM
i was back in gbx and was there when both websites where in their prime.
anybody remember whiplash as a mod?

el oh el.

the point is people that are worried about new people being butthurt for being told their wrong keep forgetting that we arnt getting new members.

January 25th, 2012, 05:26 AM
Personally I think the real value of the rep system was not in the little colored squares, but in the ability to leave a comment on someone's post without shitting up the thread in question. Just bring rep back but don't have the colored bars, that should pretty well eliminate any possibility of circle jerking. Instead you could just leave a count on the side of someone's post of how many times it's been +repped or -repped. Maybe even change the color of the post if it gets too far in one direction.

January 25th, 2012, 05:52 AM
Yup, this is true. Two or three regulars. But think about all the others who didn't get their shit together when that happened. They outweigh the ones we did get to. When a person gets slammed like that, their first reaction is probably: "fuck these people" and then they aren't as active for a while and most of the time didn't do much more than lurk.
then they are clearly emotionally insecure to such a point that they wouldn't last here anyway. nothing of value lost.

This community is dead to me if a decent gamenight isn't organized.

Personally I think the real value of the rep system was not in the little colored squares, but in the ability to leave a comment on someone's post without shitting up the thread in question. Just bring rep back but don't have the colored bars, that should pretty well eliminate any possibility of circle jerking. Instead you could just leave a count on the side of someone's post of how many times it's been +repped or -repped. Maybe even change the color of the post if it gets too far in one direction.
i used to use rep for this a lot, good point

January 25th, 2012, 06:28 AM
Or just have a comment button vOv

January 25th, 2012, 09:49 AM
dont bring back rep jcap

January 25th, 2012, 01:08 PM
This community is dead to me if a decent gamenight isn't organized.
Truth be told.

January 25th, 2012, 01:18 PM
Truth be told.
I feel like even with a gamenight, it's dead if there's no h3/hreach pc released that doesn't have a retarded anticheat that will stop us from modding.

January 25th, 2012, 01:44 PM
So, this thread has run its course, no? I think our discussion in this thread has basically steered itself into the "Kill Modacity" thread. Let's pick it up there, shall we?

January 25th, 2012, 03:07 PM
Heres the deal, the site won't die until the hosting gets shut off, that said, we aren't in a 'living state' either. This site is now a retirement home for members. It's a place to hang out and get jack shit done and to be honest - I'm perfectly happy with that. Everyonce in a while someone posts something awesome and it puts a smile on my face, but I don't come to the site any more expecting new, decent content lurking in every post - that just doesn't happen any more.

I've known people on this site for 8 years and many more who no longer are apart of the Halo community, if this site does shut down, we all won't just suddenly stop talking to each other.

Edit: Amits right, I'm even confused about which thread I posted in.

January 25th, 2012, 03:42 PM
In b4 l0ck! I just want to cast my half-cent into the mix.

No fucking shit, now you guys know how I felt.

Except there I read it and contemplated on it and decided that you were doing the inverse of what you thought you were doing. I didn't jump on you for no reason; if I were that type, then I'd be jumping on you more often because your posts do tend to be rather incendiary. You had a meaning set in your head and you thought you were projecting that in your post when in reality you were projecting a different meaning from what your post's wording implied. You never clarified that, either. Instead, you yelled back saying we are retarded for not understanding or reading your post. In practise, it was you not understanding the meaning behind your own words as they would sound to someone other than yourself. In a debate, it doesn't matter how your statement sounds to you, it matters how it sounds to the opposition. If I say something bad that genuinely was bad, I'll usually say "poor choice of words on my part," or something to that effect, and then go on to attempt to say what I really meant to say...unless certain people don't shut up long enough to actually read what I said in the first place (see also: Fukushima thread and Shooter's thread).

You also used swear words every three words. Sorry, but when anybody does that, I'm not going to take him seriously in the slightest. It only reads like you (general you, not you you) are typing on impulse and adding maybe half of a brain-cell's worth of thought to your up-and-coming post. And if I see it, I will treat it as such. I like intelligible posts that attempt to use proper grammar, punctuation, and civil language. Please, save the cursing for situations where it might be a.) funny or b.)warranted. And no, saying it's your posting style is not a valid excuse to use swear words with the same frequency as articles.

And that brings me to part of what this forum's issue is: nobody reads. That's it. See a post? See poster's name? See topic? Link the three, assume the post is shit, and start typing. We're all guilty of this. I try to read each post carefully (usually reading the ones I'm replying to two or three times before I reply), but I still slip up every now and then. Some of you don't even try. Some of you do worse, going so far as to blatantly act like an asshole in a not-funny way to see if you can start a real argument. Save that shit for YouTube, where it actually is funny.

Take Reach (or any Halo feature from any game), for example. The general trend has those who really dislike it always providing solid reasons for not liking it. Those that like it do not offer up a comparable argument to make the nay-sayers coffer up a point and end the debate civilly.

Another example is with the Fukushima thread. I said that there was nothing wrong with the power plant and nuclear power should not be considered unsafe just because it broke when got hit by several high-magnitude earthquakes AND a Tsunami. What did people read? They saw it was me posting, assumed I said the opposite, and called me an idiot. Thanks.

Our most recent demonstration of this effect lies the Shooters thread. All I said was that a traditional stock (WHICH INCLUDES SEMI STOCKS, by the way) are just as good as pistol grips when it comes to single-shot, aimed fire. What happened? People started injecting automatic fire into the argument, started making stupid claims that you can't effectively clear a room with said traditional stocks (tell that to WWII veterans), and that one-handed fire is incredibly useful (to use the same argument, try clearing a room with an M16 on automatic, one-handed). I'm a shooter, and those involved know this; I've used many guns in many configurations (except pistols, but I don't really comment on pistols, either) and I know how they behave. Me being dumb, though, I rolled with it for awhile before I remembered that this is Modacity, and everybody is going to pick and choose what they read and ignore the points that are against them in the hopes that the omission will, in turn, be ignored.

Good job. Still, I love you guys, and I have fun posting here for the most part. If I didn't, I wouldn't keep coming back. I would post more in the Studio if I had things I thought were worth showing off (unlike Bapsi, I don't consider my doodly, 1-minute sketches worth showing off). I'm also not a digital artist, so I don't know that anybody here would care. Judging by the comment record for the crap I have posted, nobody really does, either. No suggestions on how to do better, no interest in what it really is, just the occasional "lol, cool" comment out of pity. So yeah. No point in posting.

January 25th, 2012, 05:58 PM
i, too, enjoy coming into a whole other thread and bringing up a done and dusted argument just to get the last word in!

not cool, dude. and you're still wrong, too. but come argue in the appropriate thread, not this one.

January 25th, 2012, 06:11 PM
Except there I read it and contemplated on it and decided that you were doing the inverse of what you thought you were doing. I didn't jump on you for no reason; if I were that type, then I'd be jumping on you more often because your posts do tend to be rather incendiary. You had a meaning set in your head and you thought you were projecting that in your post when in reality you were projecting a different meaning from what your post's wording implied. You never clarified that, either. Instead, you yelled back saying we are retarded for not understanding or reading your post. In practise, it was you not understanding the meaning behind your own words as they would sound to someone other than yourself. In a debate, it doesn't matter how your statement sounds to you, it matters how it sounds to the opposition. If I say something bad that genuinely was bad, I'll usually say "poor choice of words on my part," or something to that effect, and then go on to attempt to say what I really meant to say...unless certain people don't shut up long enough to actually read what I said in the first place (see also: Fukushima thread and Shooter's thread)..

I understand where you're coming from, but I still disagree. What I said and what I meant should have been perfectly clear to anyone with half a brain. The only argument you ever really had was that you claimed I was using a certain word incorrectly, which I wasn't. I'm pretty sure you knew what I meant the whole time too, you just intentionally decided to take what I said 10 miles out of context.

Which is of course, the exact same thing you're complaining about. When I realised what the misunderstanding was and tried to leave it at 'agree to disagree' you were determined to keep the shitfest going for absolutely no good reason. In the end, everyone came out looking like an asshole and nothing of value was accomplished. This is exactly the sort of thing that could have been solved through the rep system without dropping 4 pages of diarrhea on an innocent thread.

February 16th, 2012, 11:10 AM
Loved Freelancers closing comment.
I mean really, that was a classical and creative master piece!

Fuck you kid, you don't know anything about me. Feel free to take your opinions about me and shove them up your sister-mom's vagina. Only a retard-inbred hick could say some of the things you say on this website.


Truth is, I'm older than Freelancer [by several years, he's what 22?].
I'm not even going to bother trying to decipher the sister-mom part and the whole inbred hick part doesn't apply either, one side of my family is northern English the other is southern English and last I knew Hicks were either southern American or they were a nickname for love bites.
Hah so much logic and charisma used in his comments it's amazing.

Anyhow, I felt such a tone wouldn't be the best way to end such a reign so I personally chose the best send off I could find given his love for law enforcement.


And with that I tip my hat and fare you a fair well.

February 16th, 2012, 12:21 PM
You're a fucking cunt, regardless of your age. You specifically flame people and bait them into arguments with you (all your anti-gun shit, etc).

If you're really older than me (by several years) try proving it instead of acting like a 12 year old, because you LITERALLY seem like a 12 year old when you post on this website. I can probably stack that up to a lack of social exposure due to living in your basement and romancing your computer, however I don't know you so who knows for sure.

Fucking deal with it, and welcome to my ignore list.

February 16th, 2012, 12:24 PM
Mommy and daddy are fighting agian.
*covers mouth*
Sorry about the smart-ass remark.
I sure hope to avoid conflicts like this.

February 16th, 2012, 12:47 PM
You're a fucking cunt, regardless of your age. You specifically flame people and bait them into arguments with you (all your anti-gun shit, etc).

If you're really older than me (by several years) try proving it instead of acting like a 12 year old, because you LITERALLY seem like a 12 year old when you post on this website. I can probably stack that up to a lack of social exposure due to living in your basement and romancing your computer, however I don't know you so who knows for sure.

Fucking deal with it, and welcome to my ignore list.
All this coming from the guy who has accused people left right and center, insulted people for having views different to yours and generally sulked like a child whose been told No.
I tried reasoning with you, I did but No I MUST be on some shitty bandwagon.
You went directly into threads and called other people assholes and morons for doing activities which don't line up with your own personal life style.
I barely even bother posting about my "anti-gun shit", I keep out of the threads about guns entirely, You're likely thinking of Pat.

I'm loving the hypocrisy here Kev.

February 16th, 2012, 12:57 PM
Mommy and daddy are fighting agian.
*covers mouth*
Sorry about the smart-ass remark.
I sure hope to avoid conflicts like this.
A good way to avoid conflicts like this are to avoid making smart-ass remarks.

February 16th, 2012, 01:53 PM
I'm loving the hypocrisy here Kev.
Hey I didn't do anything. I'm not a part of this >:-(

February 16th, 2012, 05:26 PM
good bump. worthwhile to read and i really enjoyed it and reading all the words. thanks

February 16th, 2012, 07:58 PM
good bump. worthwhile to read and i really enjoyed it and reading all the words. thanks
good read, would -rep again thanks :D

February 16th, 2012, 08:43 PM
I can probably stack that up to a lack of social exposure due to living in your basement and romancing your computer, however I don't know you so who knows for sure.

Does somebody pay you by the number of baseless accusations you can make per post?

Fucking deal with it, and welcome to my ignore list.

February 16th, 2012, 08:48 PM
I came in here to ask who unlocked the thread until I realized that it simply died down before instead of being locked due to gale winds from a shitstorm. We're making progress, Modacity!!!

February 16th, 2012, 10:36 PM

for God's sake


February 17th, 2012, 12:47 PM