View Full Version : Hey, isnt CMT supposed to stand for CUSTOM?
Bad Waffle
May 13th, 2007, 02:49 AM
Masters, why are you reverting back to the old ways that led to downfall? Most of the custom content that was in the original SPV1 is all gone--and all this new halo 3 junk is in its place. Last time i checked, thats the farthest thing from what the CUSTOM map team was all about, at least back in the times when i was there...Let's see, what custom weapons/vehicles/bipeds/textures have you made since i was gone?
New Content:
new (rushed) multipurpose for hunters, color change?
IP Ripped Content:
scooby's turret
scooby's SL
somebody's Spiker
Dano's h3-h2 environment textures
Dano's skins for Brute
Phopo's Brute
Dano's AR skin
Dano's/other guys new G.O.O. rifle
Dano's res'd up textures
Teh Lag's COMPLETE overhaul of the campaign
Teh Lag's anims
(etc., you get the point)
And when are you going to learn max? Shape up your "team", masters, and get some skill to lead with so they aren't slaves. Otherwise i'll offer better benefits and steal all of your workers :v
Captain Nero
May 13th, 2007, 03:16 AM
With the first attempt at single player, that's what I thought CMT was. They had custom stuff in there making the campaign have a new look and feel while still being Halo. Now it might as well be the H2n3nCET (Halo 2 and 3 in Custom Edition Team). Fake Goku toys coming from illegal sweatshops in China are still stolen IP from DBZ. I didn't realize there was next to no new content until I saw that lsit. Is there anything at all besides the new hunter colors and the stretched biped from the first attempt at SP at all or is it really 99% stolen IP content?
H2CE was great because there wasn't anything Halo 2 at the time. CMT is going up against the Halo 3 beta and Halo 2 itself now. I have no idea why content from those games are being featured in this next one.
May 13th, 2007, 03:33 AM
Y'know Waves got a big point. I have fun making this stuff so I don't care that much about ripped IP but, I would LOVE to do something original. But I still love this mod.
Well, we just simply wanted to increase our skills making cool stuff, it's as simple as that. Plus, we are such big fans of halo, we wanted the cool halo 3 shit NOW, plus the challenge of seeing if we coudl make the stuff and pull it off well, we had to try. It wasn't really planned, it was like, hey ima try make this cool halo 3 weapon, oh yay it looks awesome, lets put it in halo 1's single player, see what its like.
Oh and the MAIN reason for the halo 3 stuff, is just basically preparation for stuff for h2v. We all know halo 3 mods are gunna be done, so we may as well do them well, eh?
I for one know, that without this teams help, I still wouldn't know what a shader is (yes its all true) my skills wouldn't have flourished and I'd still be playing halo everyday with a bunch of clans, being nub.
*19th edit* Actualy , Wave O', I have to correct you about the environmentals, I haven't ripped the ideas from any halo 2 or 3 ones (except the floor tiles one, just cause I thought it was funky lookin), I took alot of time designing all the patterns and stuff myself, all from my head, just doodling random shapes and patterns, and sort of, making a story out of them as I go, kind of like hidden messages. Those custom textures, I have the most fun making, because I know it came from me, and not from somewhere else. Well, it is based on the style of the halo series, but you know what I mean. I'll be trying to sleep at night, and see this pattern unraveling itself in my head, watching lines form in my head, and i'll have to jot the pattern down on a pad before i forget it.
The one in my sig (is partial of the real texture) is a lion, inbetween the tides of red and blue, surrounded by the architectures of its habitat, it is the king of the jungle, it is in its place and it's symbolic of this red vs blue ideal, wether there is one great colour, one great entity, red or blue, forerunner or covenant. I try to include that narrative in my work, no one else will notice it, but I do, and i see it in bungies textures too.
May 13th, 2007, 05:57 AM
PLaying instead of content creating doesn't make you a nub.
May 13th, 2007, 07:03 AM
PLaying instead of content creating doesn't make you a nub.
nah, I meant a nub at content creating. I used to do crappy halomods sort of stuff XD
Also, I think we're called custom map team becasue we make custom content, as in, model unwrap texture and all that biz. But, who doesn't :/
Elite Killa
May 13th, 2007, 07:22 AM
And then there's the maps. I thought CMT was a Custom Map team. We see Dissolution as a Hang em High remake. Another Coagulation. A remade Fragment. A remade Grove. And a few months back, you guys made a poll about which stock map to remake for the mod. The only custom maps I remember hearing from you guys are Vestige and Icy Swamps.
May 13th, 2007, 08:24 AM
Masters, why are you reverting back to the old ways that led to downfall? Most of the custom content that was in the original SPV1 is all gone--and all this new halo 3 junk is in its place. Last time i checked, thats the farthest thing from what the CUSTOM map team was all about, at least back in the times when i was there...Let's see, what custom weapons/vehicles/bipeds/textures have you made since i was gone?
New Content:
new (rushed) multipurpose for hunters, color change?
IP Ripped Content:
scooby's turret
scooby's SL
somebody's Spiker
Dano's h3-h2 environment textures
Dano's skins for Brute
Phopo's Brute
Dano's AR skin
Dano's/other guys new G.O.O. rifle
Dano's res'd up textures
Teh Lag's COMPLETE overhaul of the campaign
Teh Lag's anims
(etc., you get the point)
And when are you going to learn max? Shape up your "team", masters, and get some skill to lead with so they aren't slaves. Otherwise i'll offer better benefits and steal all of your workers :v
Na, I don't think so.
May 13th, 2007, 09:17 AM
I've always wanted CMT to have actual custom content, but due to time restrictions, it was the better choice (in my opinion) to make lots of quick remakes instead of make one new map. I tried to make a custom map afterwards but I didn't have the time. Other mappers on the team were in the process of making custom maps, but weren't able to finish their maps either. If Masters wants, he can probably list the custom maps that couldn't get finished.
I've also wanted custom weapons and vehicles in the mod, but I just don't have the skills for either.
Still, everything CMT puts into CE is a new, fun experience.
May 13th, 2007, 09:57 AM
nah, I meant a nub at content creating. I used to do crappy halomods sort of stuff XD
Also, I think we're called custom map team becasue we make custom content, as in, model unwrap texture and all that biz. But, who doesn't :/
Oh sorry, lol.
Bad Waffle
May 13th, 2007, 10:26 AM
Masters, listen to everybody around you. Don't turn away.
May 13th, 2007, 10:37 AM
The only custom maps I remember hearing from you guys are Vestige and Icy Swamps.
Vestige is a remake of one of Arteen's first maps, Atephobia.
Bad Waffle
May 13th, 2007, 10:47 AM
Hey, is somebody getting hot around the collar? i was just giving advice, and everybody seems to agree with me.
Edward Elrich
May 13th, 2007, 10:54 AM
You guys are forgetting Tensity. Also, wait until Evolution comes out. From what I understand it's completely custom (except for the game engine, of course)
May 13th, 2007, 11:01 AM
I don't know, I think many people like to play with halo 3 content. I personally like the MA5C much better than the SPV1 AR.
CMT could certainly start doing some of thier own stuff, but i think a lot of people like the Halo 3 content. Actual modders might not, but many end users really like to be able to say "hey i saw that in a leaked halo 3 vid, sweet!". That kind of advertising leads to good pick-up-and-play value.
May 13th, 2007, 11:03 AM
dont care about CMT, dont care about this thread, i only care about my postcount. kthnxbai
May 13th, 2007, 11:31 AM
Masterz was owned by Wave Of Lag
but really save the h3 shit for vista so far sp v1 looks much better with custom stuff.
and the brute and assualt carbine ... are ok i guess
May 13th, 2007, 11:45 AM
Calling CMT a custom mapping team is like calling rossmum a mexican :)
May 13th, 2007, 11:52 AM
Calling CMT a custom mapping team is like calling rossmum a mexican :)
i dont get it... :confused:
May 13th, 2007, 11:53 AM
i dont get it... :confused:
Rossmum is Australian. Hardly Mexican.
May 13th, 2007, 12:09 PM
Their stuff is CUSTOM as in not ripped but I do miss some of their fun custom stuff like there turrets and their guns lol.
(No idea about all this weird font )
May 13th, 2007, 12:16 PM
You guys are forgetting Tensity.
And Tensity is a remake of another one of Arteen's original maps, Tension. :eyesroll:
May 13th, 2007, 01:14 PM
Hey, is somebody getting hot around the collar? i was just giving advice, and everybody seems to agree with me.
No, the air conditioning is quite nice here. You're not making any points, we don't care about all custom stuff. We do it when we feel when it's needed. We had tons of stuff in store for CMT SPv2, Brute sniper, new covie rifle, the mortar equipment, but us, unlike you, make progress, and can't fit anymore stuff in our mod.
I love you you act, as if I am a bad leader. If I remember at one point, you had most of CMT in your mod team, but then your attitude and ignorance drove them away from you. The only reason I and many other think Evo has a chance of being a mod, is because of Zeph. Otherwise, have fun with your model team.
Also, do you plan to respond to the other thread, where I pointed out you are flat out wrong and a liar?
May 13th, 2007, 01:16 PM
-£§- §age
May 13th, 2007, 01:44 PM
Who fucking cares?
CMT does/re-does/makes great maps...
Why so much fuss?
Why does everyone always take a swing at the top guy?
I don't really give a rat's ass if they're rippin stuff from every map in creation, as long as they give credit.
I like CMT, and their maps.
This is a pointless thread...
May 13th, 2007, 02:05 PM
I'm hungry, anyone want some popcorn? I think I'm going to make some and sit back with my auto refresh. :)
May 13th, 2007, 02:23 PM
I'm hungry, anyone want some popcorn? I think I'm going to make some and sit back with my auto refresh. :)
meh, this thread is overrated. Not even worth the popcorn, cause it's gotten so damn old.
i gotta agree with tweek on this one. post count +1!
May 13th, 2007, 02:26 PM
arteen is in CMT just so u know... and oh yeah...
May 13th, 2007, 02:28 PM
Locking this, as it's going no where. You want to continue this, take it to me over AIM WOL.
Bad Waffle
May 13th, 2007, 08:40 PM
No, the air conditioning is quite nice here. You're not making any points, we don't care about all custom stuff. We do it when we feel when it's needed. We had tons of stuff in store for CMT SPv2, Brute sniper, new covie rifle, the mortar equipment, but us, unlike you, make progress, and can't fit anymore stuff in our mod.
I love you you act, as if I am a bad leader. If I remember at one point, you had most of CMT in your mod team, but then your attitude and ignorance drove them away from you. The only reason I and many other think Evo has a chance of being a mod, is because of Zeph. Otherwise, have fun with your model team.
Also, do you plan to respond to the other thread, where I pointed out you are flat out wrong and a liar?
Prove it, liar. I know you too well, and if you had some idea for a "brute sniper rifle", "mortar equipment" or "new covie weapon". I mean, when you say "new covie weapon" thats really just saying "hey guys lets make a new covie weapon", and just planning on it but never having it happen. It's happened many times before. Oh, and if they DID exist--you would have made some shit thread with an obscure picture showing it. But...that hasnt happened. Unless you've changed everything about how you lead, and you figured out how to keep a secret. And don't make some stupid remark as to how "you can't fit anymore stuff in your mod". your "mod" consists heavily on bitmap changes, and bitmaps take up a crapload of room. If we compared the ratio of custom content that CMT has produced in 3 or so YEARS to the content we have produced in the short months we've been here, we would still dominate.
Oh, i "love you you" act too, masters. You ARE a shitty leader, because your definition is twisted. You think that you are a leader because you are "successful". Because you've put out maps that were heavily played. What happened to the teams that made those maps? they separated as soon as they were done, and the only people who stayed were there to try and fix what was broken or unfinished. Do you know why they separated, and split from you? because most of them cannot stand you--these are the ones who had experience before being picked up by you. The individual, standalone, and talented modders dispise you, because you treated them like the average lackey. You tossed them around. You took their content and shitted it all up. Remember how i re-organized the entire CMT tag collection? i took apart the shit work you had done to the tags folder, took 4 days of hard work and managed to complete all of these. Instead of benefiting from this, you instead tossed it all aside and stuck to your own tagset. With mine, everything would have been organized, easily modified, and easily removed from the normal tagset. Remember how me and zeph worked our asses off for that UI, the one with the manual? we could have done something, instead all our late night work went to shame. This happened to many other people too, as you work alone and just take everybody's content and then say "i give credit to blah blah blah" thinking that is enough. Do not think you are a leader, nobody truly follows you. Let me tell you about the people who you believe to be "followers" of your leadership.
They are the people that started off as newbies when they joined CMT, and that gave them a job to do. When they got talented enough, they felt obliged to stay because you "gave" them skill. Simple trick--but very villanous. Also, you are a bully. Not in the sense of "give me your lunch money", but that you are an incessant jerk who will stop at no ends to prove nay-sayers wrong. Who will WANT to disagree with you, when you will make a huge tantrum about it? You peer pressure people into doing things. therefore, a lot of people have grown "tolerances" of your actions. And as i said before, the people without this tolerance are the individual modders who have the drive to do their own thing. Look at how many people have started their own mod after leaving you. Zeph, he had project eulicid. 1337, he has Zteam. Snaf, he has modern combat. Me, i have Evolution. Do you wonder why this is happened? it is because the spark to start their mods either came from bitterness or spite. When i say these things, i mean that they started to prove you wrong--prove that they could be better leaders, and that they had ideas that needed to come out, or just the simple fact that they arent somebody to push around like a box. You scarred me with your dumbass ways, that is why i was motivated to create Evolution. I may not be as "experienced" as you are--but i am better. And i will learn from mistakes and rise. Sorry, jerk. You lose.
With this in mind, i go to this: If I remember at one point, you had most of CMT in your mod team, but then your attitude and ignorance drove them away from you.
First of all, when i left CMT, other followed. In that act, they decided that they needed something to do to pass the time. I offered work. And then, they created their own mods and projects--which they valued over mine, and i have no quarrel with that. I never was ignorant to any of them, i listened to them and i didn't make stupid deadlines for them to do something--unlike another person. Really, talk about my attitude? ask any person. I never have "attitude" to any of my teammates, because i realize i do not own them and therefore i cant be their boss. the only person taht has recieved "attitude" is you, masters. Don't try and peer pressure everybody into standing behind you like you always do. you just used everybody yet again, by saying "they" thought i had attitude when "you" were the only one getting it. Idiot.
The only reason I and many other think Evo has a chance of being a mod, is because of Zeph. Otherwise, have fun with your model team.
You did it yet again--you assumed everybody follows your judgement without questioning that they would have different opinions. Don't be a dictator, you idiot. You have to listen to be heard, and you are practically deaf. And no, Zeph will not be the only reason this mod is great. The mod is going to be great because of one thing--EVERY SINGLE MEMBER is going to make this mod a success. You have fallen in judgment yet again, by thinking that a single person could carry this mod on their shoulders. I think this is because you do this--you "lead" your team and you "make everything work and a success". And yet i say again although it is my mod, and i want the best for it--and i have put in countless hours already--i will not be the one to make this great. I trust my teammates to work with me, so we can all work on the same level and create our mod carefully.
Masters, let me teach you a lesson. my "model team" is creating these assets for testing. did you know that this is a halo 2 mod? we have no idea of the capabilities--so we are doing what we know will go on. Do you know what that is? Models. How the hell do you expect us to do anything other than model and skin, when we dont even have the engine to tag with? how the hell do you imagine us as a failure, when we have just begun? We are ahead of you. If you actually thought about it before ranting to me about my "model" team you would realize that a lot of planning has gone into our mod--by me specifically, and with zeph's help. And stop using zeph and insinuating that he is above me. That is cruel, and wrong to create gaps between friends. I have known zeph for im sure longer than you have--i helped him learn modelling when he started his hotel. We discussed tagging quite thoroughly, when i still had a large amount more experience than he. Zeph and I both worked almost equally on CMT although we had different jobs. you judge his skills on the fact that he doesn't hate you, you segregate the people who dislike you as "lesser" modders--because you pursue any downfalls that they have. Wake up idiot, everybody has quirks. Therefore, i find it disgusting that you judge people.
In ending, you are a controlling, lying, ineffective, uninspiring, pestering dictator of a leader. you LOSE. GOOD DAY SIR.
May 13th, 2007, 08:46 PM
woah.............................................. ................................................ who the fuck types that much
I can translate
May 13th, 2007, 08:51 PM
holy shit wol how long did it take you to make that post..or hax?
May 13th, 2007, 08:52 PM
And I locked this topic, but I'll leave it open, so everyone can see how big a fool you are. Everyone have your fun.
May 13th, 2007, 08:54 PM
Bad Waffle
May 13th, 2007, 09:00 PM
And I locked this topic, but I'll leave it open, so everyone can see how big a fool you are. Everyone have your fun.
no, the reason you are leaving it open is because if you were to re-lock it, YOU WOULD TRULY SHOW WHAT FOOL YOU ARE
Hey everybody! gang up on me because we ALL KNOW you LOVE masters! Masters is too lazy to read what i say, so he's going to ignore it and think he's won! i am such a fool for posting that oh teh noes you're leaving the topic open what ever shall i do
oh by the way, is anybody truly HAPPY with the maps that CMT creates--with all the bugs that masters fails to correct? Oh look...nobody. I guess there's nobody there to attack me then, because as far as i can see nobody idolizes you other than the unexperienced.
May 13th, 2007, 09:01 PM
I do believe it isn't locked....
but, uh.... I'm a Wolmunist, cause I like what he puts out. Masters, I think you have been degrading over time as well. Don't get me wrong, but slowly you have started to run out of ideas. I don't like how you remake things either.
*sigh* Drama FTL
Reaper Man
May 13th, 2007, 09:03 PM
I agree with Wave of Lag. WoL makes many many valid points, but Masters, you can't see past your ego. Also locking topics when they start targeting you seems to show how much ego you have.
May 13th, 2007, 09:03 PM
Since when should I be idolized by anyone?
And I see one of the lapdogs is over hear already.
I am going to lock this topic, as being a mod it is my responsibility to keep the forums clean. You make more posts WOL, I'll just delete them. Open this topic again, I'll delete whatever posts are made.
Bad Waffle
May 13th, 2007, 09:12 PM
Anyways...this is my follow up to you masters. You will not ignore this. LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES. i am trying to help you.
Elite Killa
May 13th, 2007, 09:15 PM
Anyways...this is my follow up to you masters. You will not ignore this. LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES. i am trying to help you.
The man speaks the truth, Little Billy.
May 13th, 2007, 09:16 PM
Do not lock the topic.
Just have a nice clean argument, and to the victor go the spoils.
May 13th, 2007, 09:21 PM
Which is a box of used tampons.
Elite Killa
May 13th, 2007, 09:21 PM
oh by the way, is anybody truly HAPPY with the maps that CMT creates--with all the bugs that masters fails to correct? Oh look...nobody. I guess there's nobody there to attack me then, because as far as i can see nobody idolizes you other than the unexperienced.
Honestly, I'm not (especially with Coag). I mean, Icy Swamps is the only map I've seen that you guys released that is customly made (unless if it's a remake of one of those maps like Beryl or Quagmire). I hope to see a custom (DID YOU HEAR ME? CUSTOM!!!!) map in H2V that isn't a remake of any other map and has some originality in it. Then, I may have a little more respect for you guys.
May 13th, 2007, 09:24 PM
Honestly, I'm not (especially with Coag). I mean, Icy Swamps is the only map I've seen that you guys released that is customly made (unless if it's a remake of one of those maps like Beryl or Quagmire). I hope to see a custom (DID YOU HEAR ME? CUSTOM!!!!) map in H2V that isn't a remake of any other map and has some originality in it. Then, I may have a little more respect for you guys.
this guy speaks the truth even more
Bad Waffle
May 13th, 2007, 09:31 PM
May 13th, 2007, 09:33 PM
May 13th, 2007, 09:48 PM
May 13th, 2007, 09:48 PM
Sign me up.
May 13th, 2007, 09:54 PM
So much hate. :awesome:
May 13th, 2007, 09:56 PM
So much hate. :awesome:
Bad Waffle
May 13th, 2007, 10:01 PM
Trust me, this is EXACTLY how persia tried bossing around the wrong people :lol:
its not hate, its self preservation!
May 13th, 2007, 10:05 PM
I will follow the path.
May 13th, 2007, 10:06 PM
I'm with you, brother.
May 13th, 2007, 11:17 PM
Okay, thanks, that's quite enough of this thread.
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