View Full Version : Hawken Beta

February 6th, 2012, 07:27 PM
Makers of Hawken are taking on beta testers.


Register here (https://playhawken.com/?ref=qf37jk01)

February 6th, 2012, 07:38 PM
Funny you should mention this, I just signed up.

Digging the District 9 feel. I'm also totally going to whore the a Shotgun/Rocket Pack combo on the Light Mech with all points in Speed.

February 6th, 2012, 07:50 PM

February 6th, 2012, 11:22 PM
Throwing out my referral link here, I just need one more


If you haven't signed up yet, help folks out who post referral links! Then post your own, so you can get your screen name reserved.


February 6th, 2012, 11:33 PM
Already signed. Hopefully I'll see you all in there.


There's mine too btw.

February 6th, 2012, 11:43 PM
My ref. https://playhawken.com/?ref=8pnvbvxd

February 7th, 2012, 07:43 AM
Reffy reffy ref. https://playhawken.com/?ref=zno0x72s (https://playhawken.com/?ref=zno0x72s)

February 7th, 2012, 09:55 AM
So whats this game for? PC or console? Because they're obviously using controllers there...

February 7th, 2012, 11:47 AM
Oh, its that game with faked lighting? Still looks fun though :D


February 7th, 2012, 01:10 PM
pretty much any game uses faked lighting in some shape or form.

February 7th, 2012, 01:22 PM
pretty much any game uses faked lighting in some shape or form.That game uses baked lighting on everything. Its why it looks so good. Also highlights the fact they won't have any dynamic lighting effects, e.g. explosions.

February 7th, 2012, 01:53 PM
So whats this game for? PC or console? Because they're obviously using controllers there...

What makes you so sure?

February 7th, 2012, 02:08 PM
I wish my PC wasn't such a piece of shit or I'd totally go for this. Love the fact that they based the sound effects off of District 9's/

February 7th, 2012, 02:59 PM
Page won't even load :C

February 7th, 2012, 03:00 PM
Looks like the website is down.

February 7th, 2012, 05:20 PM
Worked for me.

February 8th, 2012, 06:56 AM
Worked for me, here's my referal code:

February 8th, 2012, 07:29 AM
I signed up for the beta without thinking. My computer can't handle this. It can't even handle TF2

February 8th, 2012, 09:20 AM
Lol. Okay so when I signed up I didn't get a confirmation e-mail. Was I supposed to? Also, I've put my referral link out to other places and had at least 3 people sign up using my code. Still no response. WTF? How am I supposed to reserve my callsign? :(

February 8th, 2012, 09:38 AM
question: am i supposed to get a confirmation email?

i signed up, and got 3 others to sign up as well cia the referral, but i never got an email that lets me reserve a callsign.

i'm thinking it broke.
i was able to sign up with the same email like 5 times.

February 8th, 2012, 10:57 AM
I signed up, didn't get a confirmation email until someone used my referal code. I now have three referal codes and reserved my name. Got a confirmation email about reserving my name as well.

Check your junk emails?

February 8th, 2012, 11:29 AM
What makes you so sure?Look at the parts where the player is looking around, the looking speed's obviously limited by some means, so it's either controllers, or the creators thought about it and were like "you can't turn around in 0.5 secs you're in a mech"

Anyway, I'm unsure whether to sign up or not. Maybe I should, to cook my video card so I have an excuse to get a new one.

February 8th, 2012, 11:59 AM
Look at the parts where the player is looking around, the looking speed's obviously limited by some means, so it's either controllers, or the creators thought about it and were like "you can't turn around in 0.5 secs you're in a mech"

Anyway, I'm unsure whether to sign up or not. Maybe I should, to cook my video card so I have an excuse to get a new one.
Either that or they use game controllers like some people.
Not every PC gamer uses keyboard and mouse.

February 8th, 2012, 12:14 PM
Gotta love instant disposable Gmail addresses :D


February 8th, 2012, 01:30 PM
Look at the parts where the player is looking around, the looking speed's obviously limited by some means, so it's either controllers, or the creators thought about it and were like "you can't turn around in 0.5 secs you're in a mech"

Anyway, I'm unsure whether to sign up or not. Maybe I should, to cook my video card so I have an excuse to get a new one.

The game is intended to be multi-platform. Right now, though, it's just on PC.

Also, the creators did take that into consideration. The torso of the mech is on a swivel to facilitate fast aiming, but you actually have to turn the mech to change direction. That is not instantaneous like it is in most infantry shooters.

February 8th, 2012, 03:49 PM
yeah it worked fine on my Gmail.

when i signed up my hotmail account, it didnt even count as a referral.

guess they really don't like hotmail adresses.

February 8th, 2012, 04:53 PM
Strange. I signed up again using my gmail account and it was sitting in the spam folder. Like Neuro said, it didn't even register my hotmail account. Oh well, I can't get people to sign up again so I just did the dirty deed that Limited did to get myself "promoted."

The only problem now is that I don't know what I want my callsign to be.

February 8th, 2012, 10:39 PM


February 9th, 2012, 02:57 AM
That's what I ended up using lol.

February 9th, 2012, 05:08 AM
Signed up, can't wait to play this. It looks friggin awesome.

dark navi
February 9th, 2012, 08:20 PM
Love using google apps for my domains. 1@yourdomain.com, 2@yourdomain.com, ect.

Anyways, if anyone still wants a couple referrals, post your link.

February 9th, 2012, 09:22 PM
Hope to see you guys there!

February 10th, 2012, 12:36 AM
moar referralz plax


February 10th, 2012, 05:53 AM


March 1st, 2012, 11:10 AM
https://www.playhawken.com/?ref=aay5ug7c (https://www.playhawken.com/?ref=aay5ug7c)click this shitlords

March 4th, 2012, 01:58 AM

March 4th, 2012, 02:00 AM
Hard to see what the fuck is happening

Also, it reminds me of Gun Griffon Blaze.

June 5th, 2012, 09:58 AM

June 5th, 2012, 10:13 AM
how is that related to hawken?

June 5th, 2012, 10:37 AM
Fuck. I hate when previous links get stuck in the clipboard. Fixed.

August 16th, 2012, 12:56 PM
GamesCom footage:


August 16th, 2012, 02:22 PM
Shit, this game is going to be so awesome. I really like how the cockpit moves the mech.

August 28th, 2012, 01:41 AM

Holy fucking shit. Hawken is going to have Oculus Rift support right out of the box on the day it releases, December 12th 2012.

August 28th, 2012, 02:09 AM

August 28th, 2012, 02:19 PM
Yeah. Hopefully it'll be out in its consumer form by the end of next year. I would definitely save some money up to use that with Hawken, Arma 3, DayZ, and any other game that allows you to move your view independent of your body. I wouldn't want to use it for games like Battlefield 3, Halo, or Call of Duty where the crosshair is in the middle of where you are looking. You need twitch movement to be successful in those games and that would hurt your neck.

August 30th, 2012, 03:51 AM
I get to try out the Oculus Rift prototype at PAX in a media session.

I'll let you guys know how awesome or not it really is. I for one, am hoping that it is indeed awesome.

August 31st, 2012, 03:15 AM
I get to try out the Oculus Rift prototype at PAX in a media session.

I'll let you guys know how awesome or not it really is. I for one, am hoping that it is indeed awesome.

I read that people with corrective lenses will need an adapter of sorts to look through them properly. Do you think they'll have them at PAX? If so, please try them out and give an early indication of how the experience is.

August 31st, 2012, 09:15 AM
I tried out the Oculus Rift at Quakecon last month. It's kind of confusing at first being able to look around without moving the mouse, but you get used to it.

It's like controling two mice, except one of them is your head.

August 31st, 2012, 02:49 PM
I read that people with corrective lenses will need an adapter of sorts to look through them properly. Do you think they'll have them at PAX? If so, please try them out and give an early indication of how the experience is.

What about those of us who pretty much see everything with one eye because the other one is under-developed?

August 31st, 2012, 04:03 PM
What about those of us who pretty much see everything with one eye because the other one is under-developed?

That's something you'd have to ask the devs about.

September 1st, 2012, 12:12 AM
Llamajuice :(

September 3rd, 2012, 10:54 PM
Got to try it out at PAX. (http://www.tomshardware.com/news/Oculus-Rift-VR-Headset-doom,17320.html)

As MXC said, it's a little confusing at first since you're using two input methods (controller/mouse + head tracking on the Oculus Rift itself). It becomes fairly natural after a few minutes of playing around however.

As for corrective lenses, I had to wear mine but it all depends on how bad your eyes are. Even the prototype (which is just built on some snowboarding goggles) is very comfortable to wear with your glasses on.

As for Hawken, I got to try it out at PAX briefly between running around for appointments and it seemed very fun. I was only playing 1v1 at the time at one of the Nvidia booths so the combat was slower than you would expect. We were also both playing the objective, and due to the map design we rarely saw each other. Besides the lack of competition in the game I played, it felt very well put together and I look forward to playing in the beta.

September 3rd, 2012, 11:18 PM
Well that's good to hear.

September 16th, 2012, 09:45 PM
Check your e-mails, people. Callsign reservation has be followed up with a link to create your actual Hawken account now.

September 18th, 2012, 02:59 AM


September 26th, 2012, 12:34 AM
Check your e-mails, people. Alpha 2 invitations have gone out and I just received mine. Will be playing like mad. Jesus so many alpha/beta invites going out this month. I got into Planetside 2, MechWarrior: Online, Hawken, and War of Roses all within one week.

September 26th, 2012, 02:20 AM
None for me.


September 27th, 2012, 12:27 AM
OMFG I've been playing Hawken for hours and hours. Such an amazing game.

September 27th, 2012, 08:03 PM
woo Alpha invite!



September 27th, 2012, 09:12 PM
Hawken doesn't require a whole lot of knowledge to play. Just check the controls, find out where your HP, Fuel gauge, and heat gauges are and then start shooting at stuff. The sharpshooter mech is the best starting mech because it's half quipped with with you need to succeed. I racked up a nice killstreak in TDM last night. The key is to stay at range kill steal to the max with that mech. With the repeater you get on it you can take down enemies single handedly when you follow up your repeater shots with the sniper shot, but you're pretty much limited to assisting because you get raped in CQ.

The assault mech is a pretty powerful mech, but it starts with basically nothing. Don't even bother going into battle with the single weapon (rocket launcher) that you have because you will lose a lot. Spend the 1550 and buy the Submachine cannon alternate primary to soften up targets before hitting them with the TOW missile. Somehow the assault mech has less HP than the Sharpshooter mech, so you'll want to buy the +50 HP Defensive Internal upgrade or you'll find yourself repairing yourself after every minor encounter. I also got the 8% Faster Primary fire rate Offensive internal upgrade on both starting mechs because those right hand weapons take a damn long time to reload.

September 27th, 2012, 11:10 PM
Whooooo, got into the Alpha!

Downloading ASAP.

September 28th, 2012, 02:46 AM
Double post because this game is awesome.

September 28th, 2012, 03:44 AM
I'm in as well.

Remember your NDA's people!

September 28th, 2012, 07:58 AM
I'm in as well.

Remember your NDA's people!

My previous post is as close as I'm going to come to violating the NDA so no more like that for me.

September 30th, 2012, 09:22 PM
I wish I could upload how awesome my team defended the <conspiracy>. Everbody was dying and shooting like crazy.

September 30th, 2012, 10:05 PM
For anyone who didn't get in, use the code word AlphaDog

It only has 10k uses so hurry up.

September 30th, 2012, 10:35 PM
fun game is fun

September 30th, 2012, 10:38 PM
NDAs folks...

September 30th, 2012, 10:48 PM
Yeah I know about it. Wish it wasn't so locked down still~

September 30th, 2012, 11:47 PM
Was mostly aimed at cheezdue.

October 1st, 2012, 12:17 AM

October 1st, 2012, 04:52 PM
Whoops, I got exicted and all. Thanks for the edit. :)

October 1st, 2012, 04:54 PM
Why do teams get so fucking unbalanced? One major thing I hate about this.

October 1st, 2012, 11:18 PM
Skirting the edge there.

Also, quitters are going to quit. The same shit happens in Halo, Call of Duty, Battlefield, you name it. It also doesn't help when people lose connections, too...

October 3rd, 2012, 07:59 AM
Just checked my email and I had to re put in my info.

Back in mid September.


October 16th, 2012, 10:13 PM
Anyone who didn't get into Alpha 2, log into your account at playhawken.com and redeem this code (upper right corner): NYCCPILOT

It'll get you instant beta registration :D And do it quick because there's a limited number of uses on the code. If you already got into Alpha 2, then DO NOT devalue the use of this key as we already get invitations to all future beta events.

October 19th, 2012, 11:14 PM
If you still haven't secured Closed Beta access through:

1. Participating in Alpha 2.
2. Using the code I posted above.

Then, you have another chance to get in. nVidia is giving away keys (http://www.geforce.com/games-applications/pc-games/hawken/deals-promotions) through a random draw. There are 10k keys, so you have a pretty decent change of getting one.

October 20th, 2012, 03:53 PM
If you still haven't secured Closed Beta access through:

1. Participating in Alpha 2.
2. Using the code I posted above.

Then, you have another chance to get in. nVidia is giving away keys (http://www.geforce.com/games-applications/pc-games/hawken/deals-promotions) through a random draw. There are 10k keys, so you have a pretty decent change of getting one.

Damn, that code is used up :\ got any others?

October 20th, 2012, 04:12 PM
Did you do the nVidia thing? That's your only chance now.

October 22nd, 2012, 01:09 PM
PC Gamer is giving out 2000 beta keys. If you don't already have one, click here (https://www.futurecompetitions.com/hawkenbeta/) to register for one. Giveaway ends Wednesday, so that's when the keys will be sent out.

October 23rd, 2012, 11:28 AM
PC Gamer is giving out 2000 beta keys. If you don't already have one, click here (https://www.futurecompetitions.com/hawkenbeta/) to register for one. Giveaway ends Wednesday, so that's when the keys will be sent out.

Says the competition is now closed at the link... :( Damn you Hawken!!!

October 23rd, 2012, 12:49 PM
I signed up for one. If I win one, I'll send it to you.

October 23rd, 2012, 05:06 PM
I signed up for one. If I win one, I'll send it to you.


October 23rd, 2012, 06:14 PM
If I could transfer the invite I used to someone else I would, mech games at anything but hardsuit scale aren't very fun for me.

October 25th, 2012, 01:56 PM

Check your PM inbox. You have your code.

October 25th, 2012, 11:15 PM
Check your PM inbox. You have your code.

Sweet Jesus, thank you sir :)

October 28th, 2012, 09:50 PM
Oh sweet, I cant sign in (in-game) because the @ key shows the console instead of typing, the @ key. :O

December 13th, 2012, 11:17 PM
Open Beta launched yesterday. Go get it.

December 13th, 2012, 11:40 PM
Finals. So many games to gorge on once I'm through the hedgerow...

December 15th, 2012, 10:47 PM
Yeah. Too many excellent games to play, no time.

January 31st, 2013, 09:29 PM
Hawken using PhysX:


If more games did this, then I might be able to justify paying more to get an nVidia GPU.

January 31st, 2013, 09:40 PM
The first examples just look like they took some stock effect, recoloured it, then tried to cram it into inappropriate places. Recolour me unimpressed.

It wouldn't surprise me if you could enable these effects on AMD cards as you can with so many other PhysX enabled titles.

PhysX seemed so promising in the early 2000s but now it seems to be nothing more than a cheap marketing gimmick.

January 31st, 2013, 10:21 PM
The first examples just look like they took some stock effect, recoloured it, then tried to cram it into inappropriate places. Recolour me unimpressed.

It wouldn't surprise me if you could enable these effects on AMD cards as you can with so many other PhysX enabled titles.

PhysX seemed so promising in the early 2000s but now it seems to be nothing more than a cheap marketing gimmick.

Enable PhysX on AMD cards? That's cute. Sure you can... however it has a massive FPS hit on them. And how dare nVidia provide a free enhancement to your gaming experience. What a bunch of jackasses they are.

January 31st, 2013, 10:30 PM
Only reason I didn't go nVidia with my build is because they simply didn't have a new card out at the time. Don't show up, don't get bought. But PhysX is becoming a major draw these days; even if the implementation often does seem to be uninspired, it's still one more cool thing to watch on my screen.

January 31st, 2013, 10:40 PM
Enable PhysX on AMD cards? That's cute. Sure you can... however it has a massive FPS hit on them. And how dare nVidia provide a free enhancement to your gaming experience. What a bunch of jackasses they are.

"Free", yes. PhysX is all well and good but the way it's pushed often isn't.


Oh, look at those awesome PhysX effects! It's a real shame that developers couldn't say, use free CPU cores to do something similar, or heck, fake the effects to an extent that hardly anybody would notice any difference.

If you can't see through the marketing gimmicks, allow me to introduce you to DirectX 10 or the much beloved Halo 2 Vista (http://halo.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=8400).


I'd rather see a decent, open standard adopted by both AMD and Nvidia than for either one of them to go off and develop their own proprietary extensions.

Business is business and I never said I had a problem with Nvidia for doing it. I merely stated that in my opinion, PhysX is more a marketing tool than a boon to games.

Sure you can... however it has a massive FPS hit on them.

Apparently works quite alright in some games like Borderlands 2. Besides, it's no secret that PhysX on the CPU is/was butchered, although it has seen improvements over time.

For the record, my card is an Nvidia but PhysX played no role in my decision.

January 31st, 2013, 11:31 PM
I don't understand. What is the DX10 example referring to?

January 31st, 2013, 11:34 PM
I don't understand. What is the DX10 example referring to?

It was part of the Windows Vista promotion campaign, pretty much. The parallels between that and the Batman video probably don't need any explaining.

February 1st, 2013, 07:42 AM
DX10 wasn't just a marketing gimmick, though. Sure they used it that way, but that wasn't actually the case.

August 31st, 2013, 02:12 PM
Admittedly I haven't played much Hawken since it went into open beta, but this upcoming update will really change things up and bring a bunch of new stuff to the table that I've been wanting for quite some time:


September 1st, 2013, 02:16 AM
I dont' see them ADDING much there, more like reshaping existing content into a new progession system with a few tweaks and additions.

September 1st, 2013, 09:06 AM
Oculus Rift support. I'm sold.

September 3rd, 2013, 11:05 AM
Full patch notes:

hank all of our pilots for providing feedback, actively communicating with your fellow pilots on the forums, and being patient with us as we completed this monumental piece of work.

From all of us here at Team HAWKEN, thank you, and we'll see you on the battlefield!

Special Notices
Due to the significant changes made to many existing systems, accounts have been migrated from the previous version of the game. We recommend you complete a match before examining the migration results. Please refer to our Account Migration FAQ (https://community.playhawken.com/topic/26204-account-migration-faq/) for more information.
The UI is still undergoing polish on functionality and art, so please be patient while we continue this process. Also, please be aware that there is no confirmation message when purchasing HC or XP Boosts, so clicking on the button will purchase immediately.
We are still working on streamlining notifications to help provide you with more meaningful information.
If players use the XP transfer feature to reach Mech Rank 5, they must first play a match in order to unlock the global item awarded at Rank 5.
Bi-monthly Test Drive Mechs will no longer be available due to changes in the way mechs are now unlocked.
We're pleased to announce that this update will include alpha level Oculus Rift support! This feature is very much still in development, and we're looking forward to hearing your feedback!

The way you can customize mechs has changed dramatically. Please be sure to read the patch note sections regarding Tuning Modifications, Items, and Internals for more information on how they interact with each mech. We believe HAWKEN is the most fun when pilots have a wide variety of mechs to choose from, so we have redesigned a number of features to get mechs into your hands faster!

NEW Pilot and Mech Progression

Pilot Level

Pilot Level is determined by the sum of XP across all mechs a player owns. The max Pilot Level a player can achieve is Pilot Level 30. A player with a new account will now start at Pilot Level 1, and as they gain XP their Pilot Level will increase automatically. As their Pilot level increases, they will unlock additional customization options including:

New Mechs
Unique Cosmetic Upgrades
Additional Internal Options
Additional Item Options
Additional Tuning Points

Mech Rank

Mech Levels have been replaced with the new Mech Rank system. All new mechs now start at Mech Rank 1, with a total of 5 Mech Ranks. When a mech reaches a certain threshold of XP, players have the option of upgrading that mech to the next Mech Rank. If you wish to advance your mech to the next Mech Rank, it requires either HC or MC to do so. The mech still gains XP even if it is not upgraded and can still use all the benefits gained through Pilot Level. Upgrading a mech is completely optional, but doing so will unlock access to a number of new options including:

New Mechs
Alternate Weapons
Ability Upgrades
Universal Items - These are items that are unlocked for use on ALL mechs you own.
Additional Tuning Options

NEW Progression Mech Unlocks

Players can now unlock new mechs by increasing their Pilot Level.
Players can now unlock new mechs by reaching max Mech Rank.

Developers Note: This new progression system allows pilots to have more freedom in deciding how to obtain new mechs. Beforehand, pilots had no other options other than to spend their hard earned HC or MC on a new mech up front. Now, new mechs can be unlocked simply by increasing your Pilot Level and upgrading other mechs to their max Mech Rank. Anything you earn with a mech is yours and completely customizable from the instant you pilot the mech. We hope you enjoy this new system as much as we enjoyed designing it.

NEW Tuning Modifications

Tuning Points

Pilots no longer earn Optimization points through leveling a mech. Instead, they now earn Tuning Points by increasing their Pilot Level.
Starting at Pilot Level 5, pilots will begin earning Tuning points. A total of 30 Tuning Points can be earned.
Pilots will use these points to customize the Tuning Systems of their mech. Each mech has 7 Tuning Systems points can be placed into.

Tuning Systems

Tuning Systems affect specific statistics of the mech, and pilots can customize them using Tuning Points however they see fit. Tuning Systems are divided into two groups, Common Systems and Secondary Systems.
Common Systems are shared between all mechs.

Weapons Loader

Increases Weapon Rate of Fire by 1% per point.
Note: The Technician does not have this. Instead the Technician can modify the Reconstruction and Deconstruction rate of the Helix Repair Torch


Decreases Weapon Heat Generation by 1% per point.


Increases Mech Armor by +15 per point.

Secondary Systems are different from mech to mech. Each mech has 4 Secondary Systems.

Boost Thrusters

Increases Mech Boost Speed by +0.9 m/s per point.
Available on: Brawler, Vanguard (including Initiate Vanguard), Raider, Infiltrator, Scout


Increases Mech Fuel Regeneration by +0.6 liters/sec per point.
Available on: Rocketeer, Vanguard (including Initiate Vanguard), Bruiser, Raider, Berserker, Infiltrator, Scout


Increases Mech Run Speed by +0.6 m/s per point.
Increases Mech Walk Speed by +0.4 m/s per point.
Increases Mech Acceleration by +0.5 m/s per point.
Available on: Grenadier, Brawler, Assault, Sharpshooter, Raider, Technician, Reaper, Scout

Fuel Tank

Increases Mech Fuel Capacity by +4.5 liters per point.
Available on: Rocketeer, Vanguard (including Initiate Vanguard), Assault, Bruiser, Sharpshooter, Raider, Berserker, Reaper, Infiltrator

Air Dynamics

Increases Flight Speed by +1.4 m/s per point.
Increases Air Height Cap by +0.6 m per point.
Increases Air Acceleration by +0.15 m/s per point.
Available on: Rocketeer, Vanguard, Vanguard Cupcake, Assault, Bruiser, Berserker


Increases Radar Range by +12.6 meters per point.
Available on: Rocketeer, Grenadier, Sharpshooter, Technician, Reaper, Scout

Cooling Units

Decreases Overheat Recovery time by -0.78 seconds per point.
Available on: Grenadier, Brawler, Bruiser, Sharpshooter, Technician, Reaper


Decreases Dodge Cooldown time by -0.06 seconds per point.
Available on: Grenadier, Brawler, Assault, Technician, Berserker, Infiltrator

NEW Party System

Pilots can now create parties with their friends and join matches as a group! Parties can be created 2 ways.

Creating a Party

Right-click on a name in your Friends List and select "Invite to Party" to add friends to your party individually.
Alternatively, invite a group of friends by clicking the "Create Party" button at the bottom of the screen, selecting the friends you wish to invite, and then clicking "Invite Friends to Party".

Party Leadership

The person who creates the party will be designated the party leader.
The party leader alone has the ability to add and remove players from the party.
If the current party leader leaves the party, the next person in line will become the new party leader.

Joining and Leaving a Queue

Parties can only join matches using the "Quick Match" feature. The Server Browser is disabled for parties.
Once the party is ready, the party leader can enter the party in the matchmaking queue. Click "Play", choose the "Quick Match" option, and then select the desired game mode.
If a pilot joins or leaves a party after the party has queued for matchmaking, the queue is cancelled and the party leader must re-enter the queue.

Joining and Leaving a Match

Once a match is found, the entire party will join the server on the same team. A party will never be split up between two teams.
When a match ends and the server begins a new match, the party will remain on the same team.
Anyone that leaves a match leaves the party, even the party leader. In order for that player re-join the party, they will need to either re-create the party or get invited back.
If the entire party leaves a match, they must recreate the party.

NEW Game Mode: Offline Team Deathmatch

Practice your piloting skills against AI controlled mechs in this new game mode. There is no HC or XP awarded, but it's a great place to train before heading out onto the battlefield!

NEW XP Transfer System

The XP Transfer System will enable pilots to utilize "Overflow XP" to fuel progression on their other mechs.
Overflow XP is all the XP earned with a mech that has already reached max mech rank.
In order to transfer XP, Overflow XP must first be converted to Universal XP. This conversion requires Meteor Credits.
Once pilots have converted their Overflow XP into Universal XP, they can then apply the XP to any mech they choose.
Pilots dictate when and how much Universal XP will be transferred.

NEW Service Awards


NEW Map: Last Eco

A medium size map that supports all game modes: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Missile Assault, and Siege.
Preview the new Last Eco map! (https://community.playhawken.com/news/_/game-info/new-map-preview-last-eco-r233)


Many of the changes that we've made in this patch help put a greater emphasis on each mech subclass, giving each a stronger identity. We've also improved how a player can define the way they want to play. Here are some of the major ways we've accomplished that goal.

Every mech now starts with unique stats known as Tuning Systems. These stats can be modified using Tuning points, which are gained by increasing your Pilot Level.
Each mech has access to tuning systems shared between mechs (Common Systems) and ones unique to its class (Secondary Systems). This replaces the old Optimization system.
Every mech now has 6 Item Slots
Every mech now has 6 Internal Slots
As a result of these new systems, it was necessary to rebalance just about everything regarding the existing mech classes. We will provide more information on these changes going forward, but for now please enjoy HAWKEN with a fresh perspective. Some of the mechs you might be familiar with playing may now play slightly differently and will take some getting used to. Here is a summary of what you can expect from each mech class moving forward. Take special note of the Secondary Tuning Systems each mech has. These systems will be vital in determining what role the mech has been designed for, and how you can customize it to fit your unique piloting style!


A Light Assassination Mech that excels in air combat. It uses quickness and air mobility to rain down fire from above.
Secondary Tuning Systems Available: Fuel Tank, Fuel Generator, Air Dynamics, Suspensions


A Light Assassination Mech built for surprise attacks. It can sneak into enemy lines, destroy its target and escape quickly.
Secondary Tuning Systems Available: Fuel Tank, Boost Thrusters, Fuel Generator, Suspensions


A Light Defensive Mech built for speed. Its bursts of speed allow it to cover ground quickly, but a small fuel tank means it cannon maintain those speeds for long.
Secondary Tuning Systems Available: Boost Thrusters, Fuel Generator, Hydraulics, Radar


A Light Ranged Mech used to harass enemies from afar. Its maneuverability helps keep enemies at a distance, but has limited options in close quarter engagements.
Secondary Tuning Systems Available: Fuel Tank, Hydraulics, Radar, Cooling Units


A Light Support Mech used to repair allies. Its quick movement lets it keep pace with allies, but becomes vulnerable to ambushes once that speed is exhausted.
Secondary Tuning Systems Available: Hydraulics, Radar, Cooling Units, Suspensions


Medium Offensive Mech used for front line combat. This mech has a well rounded mixture of speed, armor and firepower, but no specialized strengths.
Secondary Tuning Systems Available: Fuel Tank, Hydraulics, Air Dynamics, Suspensions


A Medium Defensive Mech used for suppression. Its high firepower is useful in suppressing enemies from a distance and keeping them at bay.
Secondary Tuning Systems Available: Fuel Tank, Fuel Generator, Air Dynamics, Cooling Units


A Medium Assassination Mech with great mobility and high burst damage. This mech can use its high speed to rush into combat or chase down any fleeing mechs.
Secondary Tuning Systems Available: Fuel Tank, Boost Thrusters, Fuel Generator, Hydraulics

CR-T Recruit

A Medium Offensive Mech given to rookies. Though grouped in the Offensive category, the CR-T is very well rounded and a great mech for beginner pilots.
Secondary Tuning Systems Available: Boost Thrusters, Fuel Generator, Radar, Cooling Units


A Medium Ranged Mech used to provide long range fire support. This mech is deadly from the distance but is prone to being flanked due to its lower mobility.
Secondary Tuning Systems Available: Fuel Tank, Hydraulics, Radar, Cooling Units


A Heavy Defensive Mech built to withstand damage. Its large amount of armor is useful in defending strategic positions, but it has very low mobility.
Secondary Tuning Systems Available: Boost Thrusters, Hydraulics, Cooling Units, Suspensions


A Heavy Defensive Mech that specializes in suppressing the enemy. It has low mobility but powerful weapons used for area denial.
Secondary Tuning Systems Available: Hydraulics, Radar, Cooling Units, Suspensions


A Heavy Defensive mech that specializes in long range suppression. Its air mobility and targeting systems allow it to rain rockets and missiles down from above.
Secondary Tuning Systems Available: Fuel Tanks, Fuel Generator, Air Dynamics, Radar

Vanguard/Vanguard Cupcake

A Heavy Offensive Mech with surprisingly high mobility. This allows it to apply a great deal of pressure in engagements.
Secondary Tuning Systems Available: Fuel Tanks, Boost Thrusters, Fuel Generator, Air Dynamics

NEW Mech: Vanguard

Now offering the Vanguard for sale in the Mech Shop! Not to be confused with the Vanguard Cupcake, the Vanguard shares the same stats but does not come with any of the Vanguard Cupcake bonuses. The Cupcake mech body parts, Vanguard Initiative skins, PY-R0 H0G drone and PY-R0 BURN thrusters are still exclusive to early supporters and will not be sold in the store. The Vanguard will also be unlocked automatically with a Max Rank CR-T.

NEW Chassis: Bunker (Type-C)
Summary: Close-Range High Defense
Ability: Vanguard Turret

Greatly reduces damage taken and increases damage dealt at the expense of mobility.

Primary Weapon: Sub Machine Cannon

A rapid fire automatic weapon, its low damage output is offset by its low heat generation

Alternative Primary Weapon: Mini Flak Cannon

The Mini Flak Cannon is similar to the Flak Cannon, but with lower damage output and a higher rate of fire.

Prestige Weapon: Point-D Vulcan

A high-speed weapon with a slight spin-up time, but an incredibly high rate of fire.

Secondary Weapon: Grenade Launcher

A slow but powerful weapon that fires grenades which detonate either on impact with a target, after a short duration, or manually by pressing the middle mouse button.

Starting Item: Detonator

A low-velocity projectile that fires in a straight line. It deals damage on impact, as well as splash damage to nearby targets.

Turret Mode Changes

We have made a number of changes to Turret Mode as we continue to improve its overall effectiveness.
General Turret Mode

Mechs can now utilize their forward boost in Turret Mode
Mechs can fire their weapons while boosting in Turret Mode

Rocketeer - Targeting Turret

Hellfire Missiles auto lock-on to enemies
Base movement speed increased from 200 to 275
Damage taken from the front reduced by 40%
Damage taken from the back increased by 50%

Grenadier – Artillery Turret

Base movement increased from 200 to 225
Damage taken from the front reduced by 15%
Damage taken from the back increased by 30%
Damage increased by 13%
Weapon explosive radius increased by 20%

Brawler – Fortified Turret

Base movement increased from 200 to 300
Damage taken from the front reduced by 10%
Damage taken from the back increased by 50%
Restores 18 Armor/Second

Vanguard – Vanguard Turret

Base movement increased from 200 to 475
Damage taken from the front reduced by 55%
Damage taken from the back increased by 50%


NEW Chassis Art

Light Mech Chassis Art

Piston Nemesis
Spree Star

Medium Mech Chassis Art

Brommens Shark
Muller Nemesis

Heavy Mech Chassis Art

Brass Keylime
Domoff Nemesis

NEW Light Mech Shoulder Panels

Shoulder Panels have replaced the strut arms that were previously available for Light Mechs. We added Shoulder Panels so players could have more options when outfitting their favorite Light Mechs. Each set of Shoulder Panels has been designed to match the styles of the following chassis.


NEW Mech and Pilot Progression Customizations

These unique customizations are only available by increasing your Pilot Level and ranking up your mechs. Better get to work pilots!
Pilot Progression Thrusters

JT-T1 - Unlocked at Pilot Level 5
JT-T2 - Unlocked at Pilot Level 15
JT-T3 - Unlocked at Pilot Level 25

Pilot Progression Repair Drones

RD-T1 - Unlocked at Pilot Level 10
RD-T2 - Unlocked at Pilot Level 20
RD-T3 - Unlocked at Pilot Level 30

Pilot Progression Camouflages

T1 OR-FADE - Unlocked at Pilot Level 10
T2 SPOT-LIGHT - Unlocked at Pilot Level 20
T3 TECH-GRY - Unlocked at Pilot Level 30

Mech Progression Camouflages

M1 DESERT FLAK - Unlocked at Mech Rank 5

Mech Progression Skins

NEW Chassis: Bunker (Type-C)
NEW Repair Drone: RD-Z4P
NEW Thruster: THXDR
NEW Camouflages: Navy-Blk, Shatter-Gry, Blu-Ripple, Tide-Blu
NEW Holo-Emotes: LowRidin', OkieDokie, Grumpy Bearcito, Affirmative

Significant changes have been made to items in order to make them more interesting and to allow for increased flexibility. Each mech now has 6 Item Slots that items can be equipped into. The number of slots an item requires is determined by the strength of the item.

Each item is now available in 3 different versions, with each version carrying a different level of effectiveness.

Basic (MK-I) items require 2 item slots.
Moderate (MK-II) items require 3 item slots.
Advanced (MK-III) items require 4 item slots.
You unlock new items and more advanced versions as your Pilot Level increases.

Each mech can equip any combination of items as long as that item is not the same type. For example, a player can equip a Basic MG Turret and a Basic Rocket Turret, but cannot equip both a Basic Rocket Turret and an Advanced Rocket Turret.
Items Available

NEW Passive Item: Item Regenerator

The Item Regenerator is a passive item that decreases the cooldown of equipped items by 10%.
Since this item is passive it will not show up on your cockpit HUD.
The Item Regenerator uses one slot only, and there are no other versions of the item.

Blockade – Higher Rank Blockades have increased health, life span and width.


Health: 350
Duration: 9 Seconds


Health: 550
Duration: 12 Seconds
About 2x as wide as a Basic Blockade.


Health: 750
Duration: 15 Seconds
About 4x as wide as a Basic Blockade.

Detonator – Higher Rank Detonators have increased damage.


Damage: 70


Damage: 105


Damage: 140

EMP – Higher Rank EMPs have increased projectile speed and shut-down duration.


Projectile Speed: 60 Meters Per Second
Shut-Down Duration: 3.5 Seconds


Projectile Speed: 70 Meters Per Second
Shut-Down Duration: 4.25 Seconds


Projectile Speed: 80 Meters Per Second
Shut-Down Duration: 5 Seconds

H.E. Grenade – Higher Rank Grenades have increased damage.


Damage: 85


Damage: 130


Damage: 175

Hologram – Higher ranked Holograms have a shorter cooldown and allow for more active holograms.


Cooldown: 20 Seconds
Allows for one active Hologram at a time.


Cooldown: 15 Seconds
Allows for two active Holograms at a time.


Cooldown: 10 Seconds
Allows for three active Holograms at a time.

MG Turret – Higher rank MG Turrets have increased damage and detection range. MG Turrets scale in size to match their slot strengths.


Damage: 3 damage per bullet.
Detection Distance: 160 Meters


Damage: 4.5 damage per bullet
Detection Distance: 230 Meters


Damage: 6 damage per bullet
Detection Distance: 300 Meters

Rocket Turret – Higher rank Rocket Turrets have increased damage. Rocket Turrets scale in size to match their slot strengths.


Damage: 18 damage per rocket


Damage: 27 damage per rocket


Damage: 36 damage per rocket

Portable Radar – Higher rank Portable Radars have increased detection radius and life span.


Detection Radius: 92 Meter Radius
Life Span: 90 Seconds


Detection Radius: 115 Meter Radius
Life Span: 110 Seconds


Detection Radius: 126 Meter Radius
Life Span: 130 Seconds

Radar Scrambler – Higher rank Radar Scramblers have increased areas of effect and life span.


Area of Effect: 84 Meter Radius
Life Span: 90 Seconds


Area of Effect: 105 Meter Radius
Life Span: 110 Seconds


Area of Effect: 126 Meter Radius
Life Span: 130 Seconds

Repair Charge – Higher rank Repair Charges have increased armor regeneration.


Armor Amount Repaired: 115


Armor Amount Repaired: 170


Armor Amount Repaired: 225

Shield – Higher rank Shields have increased damage absorption, as well as duration.


Damage Absorbed: 300
Duration: 30 Seconds


Damage Absorbed: 375
Duration: 40 Seconds


Damage Absorbed: 450
Duration: 50 Seconds


Internals have been completely redesigned. Mechs now have access to 6 Internal Slots, with each Internal requiring a different number of slots depending on the utility of that internal. Due to these changes, the previous internals are no longer available.

Each internal is now available in 3 different versions, with each version carrying a different level of effectiveness.

Basic (MK-I) internals require 1 internal slot.
Moderate (MK-II) internals require 2 internal slots.
Advanced (MK-III) internals require 3 internal slots.
You unlock new internals and more advanced versions as your Pilot Level increases.

Each mech can equip any combination of internals as long as they are not of the same type. For example, a player can equip a Repair Kit and a Shock Coil, but cannot equip both a Repair Kit and an Advanced Repair Kit.

Internals Available

Shock Coil

Mech does not take any fall damage.

Air Compressor

Enables the use of dodge maneuver in the air.

Air 180

Enable the use of 180 spin maneuver in the air.


Getting a kill reduces all item and ability cooldowns by 6 seconds.
Getting an assist reduces all item and ability cooldowns by 3 seconds.

Evasive Device

Internal grants 15% movement speed when player drops below 50% armor.
Internal grants 25% movement speed when player drops below 25% armor.


Marks player that last killed user on user's HUD.
Getting 1 kill or 2 assists will deactivate the effect.

Composite Armor

On death, user receives a 15% damage reduction.
Getting 1 kill or 2 assists will deactivate the effect.

Basic Failsafe

Grants a 30% reduction to self-inflicted damage.
Does not apply to fall damage.


Grants a 60% reduction to self-inflicted damage.
Does not apply to fall damage.

Basic Deflectors

Grants a 10% damage reduction while boosting or dodging.


Grants a 20% damage reduction while boosting or dodging.

Basic Extractor

Increases EU/Repair Orb collection rate by 25%.


Increases EU/Repair Orb collection rate by 50%.

Basic Reconstructor

Mech regenerates 7 armor per second out of combat.

Advanced Reconstructor

Mech regenerates 25 armor per second out of combat.

Basic Power Surger

Grants a 12.5% increase in movement speed after a kill.
Effect lasts for 10 seconds

Power Surger

Grants a 25% increase in movement speed after a kill.
Effect lasts for 10 seconds

Basic Fuel Converter

Converts 1% of damage taken into fuel.

Fuel Converter

Converts 2% of damage taken into fuel.

Armor Fusor

Mech regenerates 15% of max armor after a kill.
Mech regenerates 7.5% of max armor after an assist.

Advanced Armor Fuser

Mech regenerates 25% of max armor after a kill.
Mech regenerates 15% of max armor after an assist.

Repair Kit

Grants 10% bonus armor from Repair Orbs.
Includes Repair Charges and orbs dropped by fallen mechs.

Advanced Repair Kit

Gain 40% bonus armor from Repair Orbs.
Includes Repair Charges and orbs dropped by fallen mechs.

Game Modes


Added functionality that requires both teams to have more than 30% of their members to ready up before a match will start. This should prevent one team from getting an early start against another team.
Added blue containment fields to the beginning of all Team-based modes. This enclosed area is where a team spawns at the beginning of a match. When both teams have enough players, a countdown timer starts. Any players who spawn before this countdown timer ends will spawn within their team’s containment field. When the timer reaches 0 the fields disappear and the match begins.
Removed Siege and Missile Assault tutorial panels. There is still a short description of how each game mode is played on the Quick Match panel.
Siege and Missile Assault reward less XP for kills and more XP for completing objectives.
Spawning Logic tweaked across all maps and game modes.

Team Deathmatch

Kill cap decreased from 50 to 40.
Match time decreased from 15m to 12m

Missile Assault

Base Armor decreased from 1750 to 1500.


Battleship armor increased from 10000 to 12000
Battleship armor increase per subsequent ship launch increased from 2500 to 3000
Battleship damage to base increased from 21 to 23
Battleship damage to ship increased from 40 to 50
Base damage to ship increased from 55 to 70

General Improvements


Matchmaking has been redesigned to accommodate parties. This will be an ongoing improvement, so feedback is appreciated.
Players are matched onto a server based on primarily (but not exclusively) Pilot Level.
New Player Experience

Several new features have been added to help welcome new pilots to the battlefield of HAWKEN!

Educational Cards – Introducing Laila! Your guide, your mentor, your friend. This replaces the Garage walkthrough.
VR Training – Redesigned Basic Training tutorial. Meet up with Laila to learn the basics of piloting a mech.
Laila Help Icon – Trouble remembering what each Garage Panel is for? Select a panel and click the Laila Icon in the top right corner of your screen for an explanation.
Tooltips – Added tooltip descriptions.
Progression Cards – As you progress through Hawken, these cards pop up to let you know what goodies you’ve unlocked.


We've made some major improvements to optimization in our efforts to make HAWKEN a more enjoyable experience for everyone. Frame rates, latency, and overall game stability have all been improved. If you were having trouble playing HAWKEN before, we encourage you to try again! You should have a much smoother experience now.

Redesigned User Interfaces

Main Menus

Social Menus

Create Party
Message Center

In-Game HUD

Pilot Visor HUD
Mech Cockpits
Heavy Turret Mode HUD
Zoom Mode HUD
Killer Cam
Map overlay removed while being reworked. Pressing ‘M’ or ‘V’ no longer displays the map

Post Match Panels

Victory/Defeat Screen
Increased the time between matches to accommodate new UI and add a little downtime.

Ongoing Improvements

Map Collision
Map Environments
Parties and Matchmaking logic
UI and Networking Notifications

September 3rd, 2013, 11:11 AM
Full Ascension patch notes. (https://community.playhawken.com/topic/26563-hawken-ascension-patch-notes/) There's a lot of shit in there.