View Full Version : Mass Effect 3
April 15th, 2012, 12:01 PM
They haven't lied, it's had a phenomenal reaction from the fanbase unlike alot of other games.
April 15th, 2012, 01:50 PM
Now that you mention it, the only two games I can recall that have created any kind of storm similar to ME3's is Halo 3 and GTAIV.
April 15th, 2012, 03:52 PM
Now that you mention it, the only two games I can recall that have created any kind of storm similar to ME3's is Halo 2 and GTAIV.
"I'm going to finish this fight."
April 16th, 2012, 09:19 AM
I don't understad what you mean Dark, what about GTA 4 made people rage?
April 16th, 2012, 09:25 AM
I don't understad what you mean Dark, what about GTA 4 made people rage?
Hot coffee achievement.
April 16th, 2012, 01:15 PM
"I'm going to finish this fight."
It had players universally screaming at their TV and throwing their controllers across the room.
April 16th, 2012, 02:25 PM
Pffft controllers.
More like Hulk Smashing their keyboard after playing the pirated copy of the game on PC.
April 16th, 2012, 03:44 PM
Pffft controllers.
More like Hulk Smashing their keyboard after playing the pirated copy of the game on PC.
How could I forget the fiasco of H2V? That had Modacity universally smashing their keyboard for not containing a proper game editor.
April 16th, 2012, 05:41 PM
How could I forget the fiasco of H2V? That had Modacity universally smashing their keyboard for not containing a proper game.
April 16th, 2012, 07:44 PM
April 24th, 2012, 08:21 AM
Mass effect 3 is on sale for $30 at today. (
If you haven't gotten it already this is a pretty good chance to.
April 24th, 2012, 08:29 AM
Mass effect 3 is on sale for $30 at today. (
If you haven't gotten it already this is a pretty good chance to.
Guess who just got ME2 and ME3 for $28 [combined] :iamafag:
April 24th, 2012, 10:04 AM
I just applied for the Amazon rewards card, which gives you $30 off...meaning I just got ME3 for free. After the bullshit bugs and retarded loading times I had to put up with in ME2, free is about how much I was willing to pay for this fucking game.
April 24th, 2012, 04:16 PM
I used to have an issue with long loading times in ME2, until I upgraded my video drivers. After that it was so short half the time I couldn't even view the videos it played.
Then again if your playing on console well sucks to be you
April 24th, 2012, 05:55 PM
I used to have an issue with long loading times in ME2, then I took an upgrade to the video drive.
April 24th, 2012, 10:06 PM
i c w u d t.
also still havnt got around to getting this game, might think about it in a few years.
(i actually loved mass effect 2... except for the human reaper. seriously what.)
April 25th, 2012, 08:07 AM
I can only guess that someone in bioware is a big terminator fan. So many art references.
April 26th, 2012, 09:56 PM
Guess who just got ME2 and ME3 for $28 [combined] :iamafag:
I got 2 and 3 for around $8. Pretty ballin!
April 27th, 2012, 04:24 PM
I got 2 and 3 for around $8. Pretty ballin!
Nice, I got a new online pass from EA yesterday because the one i had wouldn't recognize.
Just saved the quarians and geth and found this.
April 27th, 2012, 06:40 PM
I got 2 for free during the Australian Black Friday sale. I believe it was a bug in the system.
April 30th, 2012, 07:00 AM
April 30th, 2012, 09:47 AM
That's so gay....Holla!
June 26th, 2012, 06:44 PM
So, anyone played the new ending yet? I got done a little bit replaying it and was very pleased with the new additions.
June 26th, 2012, 06:50 PM
holy shit i totally forgot this came out today.
ill see you guys in a couple of days ok thanks bye :v:
June 26th, 2012, 08:30 PM
While I'm sure the new endings aren't what everyone would have hoped for, I'm satisfied now that there's an option to shoot the god child in the face and reject his bullshit. I'm perfectly happy with the fact that everyone dies. I never wanted a happy ending, just one where it feels like you actually accomplished something. I'd rather see everyone fight to the bitter end and die as heroes. I think this gives me enough reason to actually go back and play ME3 all the way through.
June 26th, 2012, 08:56 PM
While I'm sure the new endings aren't what everyone would have hoped for, I'm satisfied now that there's an option to shoot the god child in the face and reject his bullshit. I'm perfectly happy with the fact that everyone dies. I never wanted a happy ending, just one where it feels like you actually accomplished something. I'd rather see everyone fight to the bitter end and die as heroes. I think this gives me enough reason to actually go back and play ME3 all the way through.
Indeed. I especially liked the addition with the Normandy coming in and saving your squad mates, because the original lacked at explaining just about anything along those lines. It was a very sad moment, especially with your LI not wanting you to leave and such. The subtle additions like the Normandy flying away and Joker not wanting to leave were also great, it really paid off for your crew. Overall I'm really pleased with what the extended cut offered, even though the information (and additional ending) should have all been in the original from the get go.
June 27th, 2012, 07:06 AM
I'm still wondering where the hell the extra 1.7GB went to.
Surely the small amount of sound files and the extra in-game animation scripting didn't use up the whole file size?
June 27th, 2012, 07:13 AM
they probably had to redistribute entire content packages because ue3 blows chunks when it comes to updates.
June 27th, 2012, 11:45 AM
June 27th, 2012, 03:46 PM
That was retarded... lol
June 27th, 2012, 07:34 PM
That was retarded... lol
I thought this was apparent from the
I watched the new endings and I really liked the new Destroy ending. The synthesis ending still made me go WTF.
June 27th, 2012, 08:06 PM
I've only done the synthesis ending and the fourth option so far (not gonna say what it is, up to you guys to find it), still gotta do destroy and control.
I actually like the extended cut so far, things make sense now.
June 27th, 2012, 08:13 PM
Yea, all the extended cuts are awesome and make the game a million times better in terms of fixing all the plot holes that was ridden in the game (so far my favorite is Destroy, even though I originally chose Control). Also, the EC should simply be a patch for the game too instead of some separate thing you can download.
June 27th, 2012, 08:53 PM
watched them on youtube
I can't figure out what the fuck bioware is trying to do with the ending to ME3.
Before, I thought they were trying to hack something together that would "close" things while leaving them wide open (honestly everything past the last beacon was retarded and made no sense and even lacked the same sort of scale of the Prothean AI in ME and the factory in ME2).
Now, some of it looks like they actually had a vision to end ME3, but honestly had no idea how to do it. Extended Destroy fills in the gaps to what was missing with all the other endings so you actually know what you're looking at while leaving it open ended like before. Extended control does the same, but actually does a good job trying to vindicate itself as the right decision. Extended synthesis is the Twilight of ME3 (glow pattern shader on everything! Garrus's armor is more synthetic than he is. sparkle). The new option is actually the only Mass Effecty thing out of the bunch. I'm surprised that wasn't the basis for the ending to begin with (your actions matter and affect future events [lol future definitely]).
June 27th, 2012, 09:02 PM
Yea, all the extended cuts are awesome and make the game a million times better in terms of fixing all the plot holes that was ridden in the game (so far my favorite is Destroy, even though I originally chose Control). Also, the EC should simply be a patch for the game too instead of some separate thing you can download.
Except it's still full of holes not necessarily related to how the game ended.
June 27th, 2012, 09:23 PM
Except it's still full of holes not necessarily related to how the game ended.
Like? Not everything needs to be explained, but stuff like how your squad mates seemed to get out just in the nick of time, what your LI thought about you, and some of the events after the war helped clear up some information that was necessary as an ending to a trilogy.
June 27th, 2012, 09:44 PM
I mean the lore and the universe in general.
Like how they went into great codex detail about how space battles are supposed to play out and what did we get?
Like how socially, nobody is going to worry about going to war with their opposite number when both are getting sacked by the same external force.
Like if they thought Shepard was such a threat, why didn't they just blow her/him up again back during ME2? Why toy around?
If a Reaper can sustain impacts from the combined fire of three different fleets, how come a single orbital strike could take care of one during the Geth/Quarian mission? Don't tell me "glowy red weak spot."
If lasers ignore kinetic barriers, why don't they use them against the Reapers, who are just as vulnerable as anybody else once you get past said barriers?
There are tons more little failures like that, but I don't remember them all off the top of my head (and should I?).
The simple fact is that this is a game, made like a game, and thus puts the story on the back-burner. The problem is that they set themselves up for failure because they failed to adhere to their own lore post-ME1. They lore should service the gameplay, true, but to be hailed as much as they were, BioWare damn well better make the gameplay also service the story. I haven't played ME3 yet, but I've seen enough footage and read the wikis. I'd rate the franchise a solid 7.5. ME1 gets an 8, ME2 gets a 6.5, and ME3 would probably get an 8 as well. Ambitious, but does not live up to the hype. Unfortunately, it's still head and shoulders above the competition for story-focused, Sci-Fi RPGs. That alone isn't enough for me to praise it like all the professionals do.
tl;dr: it's good because the bar is low, not because it's legitimately good.
June 27th, 2012, 09:57 PM
Its only once you get into the fine print that things start going sour. A game is a game, however Mass Effects story and universe for the most part is generally good and fulfilling, much more then most other games, not just in sci-fi, at least imo. If anything is on the backburner, it would be gameplay. I found most of ME3's gameplay unsastifiying compared to ME2 and ME1, although the mechanics were more refined. ME3 was generally a good game though, but indeed, did not live up to the hype, and did not surpass the two games before it.
June 27th, 2012, 11:25 PM
I actually found ME1 to be extremely unchallenging, and with some stupid controls, but it was a more genuine experience than ME2. ME2 suffers from massive amounts of dumbing down and monetization, as well has a boring level design made infuriating by broken cover mechanics. Oh, and a rather aimless story.
Also, I am still floored that they couldn't find a better name for the big enemy. Reapers? Really? I can't help but laugh every time I hear them mention them in the games with such gravity.
June 27th, 2012, 11:45 PM
Just finished playing through the finale again, then watched the other endings on youtube. I chose the synthesis ending this time around, and I was actually pretty happy with it, far moreso than I expected to be. I think it actually works the best, slightly-silly-glowy-effect aside.
Overall, loved that they added in a short evacuation scene to explain how characters got back onto the Normandy. Similarly, we finally get an explanation for why they were in the relay, they were ordered to get the hell out of there. A tad farfetched, but I'm fine with it. And Joker no longer looks like he sucks at flying, he's pretty calmly navigating an escape route.
The additional explanations from the Starchild were also interesting, though I really wish they'd let you skip them after the first playthrough. And during the endings I liked the new sequence with the soldiers fighting the reaper forces, was nice to see more of the individual reactions to the choices.
Seeing the still images throughout the endings wasn't as cool as actual video, but it was fine, and especially since we now see images tailored to our choices. I even got Jack looking at a bunch of gravestones, which makes me feel bad that I might have sent her students to their doom. This part especially, finally getting some recognition for all the choices made in the trilogy, made me feel the best out of the DLC.
Synthesis: Shepard dies, everyone is happy, and most importantly, Joker and EDI are together. I really liked EDI's narration, and felt quite good overall by the end of it. None of the pieces seem out of place really, and it all fit together nicely.
Control: Kind of creepy with Shepard's narration and the ominous music. And if he's in all the Reapers, couldn't he pull a Harbinger and be like I AM SHEPARD, ASSUMING CONTROL, SUP GUYS. Sure he's not the same, but he could at least explain what happened so they're not all horribly depressed at the end.
Destroy: Still really depressing since EDI and the Geth die, but it worked alright, and having Hackett's narration was cool. However, the narration shows the far future, with the technology rebuilt, and then if you get enough galactic readiness points you see Shepard living in the debris. Uh, we just saw all that stuff and a memorial plaque, how can he still be breathing? That no longer fits in, I'd rather they have just let him die.
New ending: I shot the kid out of frustration and was surprised to see it actually did something now. Aaaand then everyone died. Fair enough, I suppose, but still rather "what the fuck, that's it?"
Overall I'm far happier with these endings than the original. The three from vanilla ME3 were all about screwing over the galaxy. With the additional explanations and the future bits the choices feel less like how-to-fuck-over everyone and more like variants on moving forward with the world. Overall, I'm much happier with them than I thought I would be.
June 28th, 2012, 09:08 AM
Anyone fancy providing links to the endings provided by the DLC? I traded this shitty game in already so I didn't have to (directly) pay for Halo4.
June 28th, 2012, 09:44 AM
They're all on youtube, just search "mass effect 3 extended cut ending", and all the variants should come up. You might have to scroll a little to find the new Refusal ending.
I really like the new endings also. They aren't amazing, but given that Bioware stated that they weren't going to actually change it completely, I think they did a pretty good job of fixing up the originals' epic fail. Also, the Refusal ending is much, much shorter than the others. To me, it just seems like a "game over, you chose wrong" sequence. It was a great addition though none the less.
And I love how the voice of the starchild instantly changed if you shot him. Knowing that you weren't speaking to a "Reaper Bieber" but an actual Reaper entity is so much better. It reinforces that the Reapers just chose to take on the image of a child because it is something that haunts Shepard and can appeal to his sense of reasoning. (the Reapers can probably read his mind through their indoctrination tech and know about the child)
June 28th, 2012, 09:29 PM
this video has annotations that link to the other 3 endings, and frankly, i wouldnt even bother playing the game or spending the time downloading the DLC to see them. mine didnt even install correctly, so i wasted a good 2 or 3 hours just playing to the end, just to find out that i had no new options.
so yeah, tl;dr: dont bother installing. just watch them on youtube.
June 28th, 2012, 09:43 PM
Unlike the originals, I'm glad I replayed it on my own save because I got to see the few things customized to my choices. Sure, they're still screens, but they were far more satisfying when I knew they were my still screens.
June 29th, 2012, 11:33 AM
I just watched all those, and I've got to say that I'm glad I initially took the Synthesis ending now. I'm glad with the way that works out for the best, to the point where EVERYONE is working together for a better future. And if the hypothesis/theory is correct that the Child was just the solution for this galaxy, and that there are more out there, then Synthesis paves a good road to starting to explore the rest of the Universe.
With the exception that (as previously mentioned) Shepard might be able to communicate with the remaining people if he takes the Control route. If they had explored that and downright showed him "assuming control" and talking with the remaining species, that would be the best ending by far.
I'm still not sure what the fuck they're doing with the "Shepard takes a breath" ending when you take the Destroy route. All I can come up with is that they're leaving a thread for a 4th game...
Mr Buckshot
June 29th, 2012, 02:33 PM
I still need to start on ME1 and ME2 which I bought on Steam for $5 apiece :/
(sinful I know, those games just happened to release during busy academic times and by the time I was able to put down the books and game, I had forgotten about Mass Effect and other games grabbed my attention...)
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