View Full Version : Halo Flash work

February 28th, 2012, 11:43 AM
So... I made these animations back in Highschool when I had free time in my web design class, I would like to work with them more now, but unfortunately I don't have flash on this computer :\


(http://www.bobble.tucker933.com/halo 2.swf)http://www.bobble.tucker933.com/halo 2.swf (http://www.bobble.tucker933.com/halo 2.swf)

http:// (http://www.bobble.tucker933.com/halo 2.swf)www.bobble.tucker933.com/halo 3.swf (http://www.bobble.tucker933.com/halo 3.swf)

http:// (http://www.bobble.tucker933.com/halo 2.swf)www.bobble.tucker933.com/halo 4.swf (http://www.bobble.tucker933.com/halo 4.swf)

http://www.bobble.tucker933.com/halo 5.swf

http://www.bobble.tucker933.com/halo 6.swf

(ftp://bobblehob@bobble.tucker933.com/bobble.tucker933.com/halo.swf)http://www.bobble.tucker933.com/halo 7.swf
If anyone knows how, or if it is possible to embed these, that would be awesome.


February 28th, 2012, 02:24 PM
You drew them as well? Nice, you got any spare time for something???

To embed you use swf="URL HERE"]width="SIZE" height="SIZE" followed by a /swf] (add leading [ )

For example:
width="400" height="200"

February 28th, 2012, 06:46 PM
Thank you sir :D I do have some spare time, is there something I can help you with?