View Full Version : The Windows 8 and other failed Microsoft products thread - Windows 8 "relaunches" Feb
February 29th, 2012, 08:43 AM
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February 29th, 2012, 10:22 AM
inb4 jcap is mad
February 29th, 2012, 10:54 AM
runnin it right now, pain in the ass not having the traditional start menu, finding stuff is confusing.
February 29th, 2012, 11:05 AM
Been using it for an hour or so now. Oh my god is this a piece of shit or what?
February 29th, 2012, 11:30 AM
yah i already booted back into windows.
only good for tablet pcs.
February 29th, 2012, 11:36 AM
It's ok but yeah I need a tablet to try this out on
February 29th, 2012, 11:43 AM
How different is it from the last one they released?
February 29th, 2012, 11:52 AM
Now that it's officially in beta, all complaints are valid and can't be excused any longer.
First off, I want to just say that they haven't fixed jack shit since the developer preview, and this operating system sucks even more now than it did then.
All they have continued to do is FUCK with the status quo and standard functions you would expect of an operating system
Don't like metro? FUCK YOU. You're stuck with it, you're forced to use it, you can't escape it.
The control panel is now officially split in half - half desktop, half metro. You cannot do 100% of anything in either. What the fuck is this load of shit?
All UI items are now hidden from view. You must move the mouse to a corner of your monitor and hold it there for a second, wait for the menu to pop up, and sometimes (like with task switching) you need to make a cryptic mouse gestures to be able to see all your running applications. The corner of your screen is actually a 5px square. What if you have multiple monitors and you don't actually have any corners of your screen to "nest" the mouse in? HAHA go fuck yourself single monitors are superior in Windows 8.
If you accidentally find yourself thrown into metro, the escape key is your friend. Otherwise, there's no area out unless you use the stupid corner bullshit.
The button to shut down your computer is located under a hidden "Settings" menu.
You still can't have metro applications in regular desktop windows.
You absolutely MUST have a Microsoft Account (a Windows Live ID) to be able to use any apps that require authentication. Yeah. Wow. You can't have a Live ID associated with a local actually need to switch your ENTIRE user profile to a Microsoft account. Don't like it? TOUGH SHIT!
Microsoft considers this to be innovative and "fast and fluid." I consider it to be a flop, a disconnection with its users, a disassociation of their existing brand, and a total clusterfuck of an operating system.
This operating system is hardly intuitive. Microsoft claims it's intuitive. It's the complete opposite. Microsoft tried to make it simple - and for using a single app it is - but at the same time it's way too complicated. If it takes a 10 minute video to explain how to perform basic functions such as task switching to your users who have been using Windows for 15 years, you lost sight of your ease of use objective way back! Swiping mouse gestures and hidden menus is not intuitive.
"Let's hide all the interface buttons everyone is familiar with so no one knows how2use computar or where they are so they are stuck in a single application indefinitely!!!!!"
Microsoft might as well just rebrand this OS too "Window" 8.
Steve Sinofsky needs to choke on a million dicks and get fucked. That asshole doesn't deserve his current position or to be next in line for CEO. He and Ballmer have utterly destroyed Windows and the company as a whole. I just hope the board members grow the balls to fire those two fucking cunts. If IE's history is anything to go by, maybe they'll finally do something when Windows has only 40% market share left.
t3h m00kz
February 29th, 2012, 12:27 PM
this will bomb.
"Apps" "Apps" "Gesture" "Cloud" "App" "Apps"
if they try to force this down everybody's throats like they did with vista, I'm switching to ubuntu 10.04 as my full time OS
February 29th, 2012, 12:30 PM
I'll just stick to W7 as my full time OS. Like millions of people decided to do with XP when everyone bitched about Vista.
February 29th, 2012, 12:39 PM
If we all work together (everyone, not just Modacity), maybe we can spread enough hate and bad news about Windows 8 to give it a terrible reputation before launch. Ballmer is rumored to retire after Windows 8's release. He thinks it's going to be successful so he'll leave on a high note, at which point Sinofsky will take over. Sinofsky is the bastard who destroyed Windows. Windows 8 basically NEEDS to be a collossal failure. If Windows 8 trips and falls flat on its face as it exits the gate, there may be enough pressure put on Microsoft by the press and its general customers to ditch the upper management and hire people who are actually competent.
You know you're missing your target when Mac users say:
"... and this is why I use a Mac. This new Windows looks awful from a user experience standpoint."
t3h m00kz
February 29th, 2012, 12:45 PM
Out of curiousity I went over to /g/ on 4chan to see what they all had to say.
They are not happy.
February 29th, 2012, 12:48 PM
Anyone have any gifs that mock the state of Windows 8 right now?
You know, like the ones about Ubisoft and DRM, etc.
February 29th, 2012, 01:15 PM
Ahahaha jcap, when I scrolled down and saw a long post <3
It's becoming a rule of thumb:- if the current version of windows is decent, you can expect the next one to suck ass.
Mr Buckshot
February 29th, 2012, 01:31 PM
yah i already booted back into windows.
only good for tablet pcs.
don't insult real tablet PCs like the lenovo thinkpads with their awesome pens - which work much better on normal desktop UIs anyway.
it's only good for those "oversized smartphone" type of tablets which I absolutely have no use for. Tablet =/= tablet PC, just as finger =/= stylus
If we all work together (everyone, not just Modacity), maybe we can spread enough hate and bad news about Windows 8 to give it a terrible reputation before launch. Ballmer is rumored to retire after Windows 8's release. He thinks it's going to be successful so he'll leave on a high note, at which point Sinofsky will take over. Sinofsky is the bastard who destroyed Windows. Windows 8 basically NEEDS to be a collossal failure. If Windows 8 trips and falls flat on its face as it exits the gate, there may be enough pressure put on Microsoft by the press and its general customers to ditch the upper management and hire people who are actually competent.
You know you're missing your target when Mac users say:
"... and this is why I use a Mac. This new Windows looks awful from a user experience standpoint."
Won't it be a massive success just based on the fact that anyone buying a prebuilt desktop or laptop will be forced to use it?
If IE's history is anything to go by, maybe they'll finally do something when Windows has only 40% market share left.
haha THIS. I heard IE9 is an improvement but the reputation is so bad that it's way too late to convince people to switch back. Even my grandma is aware enough to open IE just once to download a new browser and never touch it again.
t3h m00kz
February 29th, 2012, 01:48 PM
don't insult real tablet PCs like the lenovo thinkpads with their awesome pens - which work much better on normal desktop UIs anyway.
it's only good for those "oversized smartphone" type of tablets which I absolutely have no use for. Tablet =/= tablet PC, just as finger =/= stylus
yeah this. I've got an HP TX 2510us and it's stylus is fantastic.
I'd never use that shit with windows 8 though
February 29th, 2012, 03:34 PM
The problem is, too much focus has been put onto tablet computing, and they arent talking it like Windows 7: Tablet Version! No instead they want everyone to use it - its not going to happen.
He spent about 40 seconds mentioning 2 features of 'proper' windows that are of any interest - task manager and file copy. Okay I liked those bits but is that all Windows 8 has to offer? Is that the best new thing? Come on Microsoft.
Power users have been kicked in the balls regarding Windows 8, I dont even class it as a new version. To me Windows 8 is like Windows ME. It was Windows 95 after drinking a Redbull, a few new tweaks but not worthy of a new version.
February 29th, 2012, 05:01 PM
I thought the rule of thumb was that every second OS was shit?
2000 - Good.
ME - Shit.
XP - Good.
Vista- Shit.
7 - Good.
8 - Shit.
February 29th, 2012, 05:15 PM
Halo 4 PC
Windows 8 exclusive!
February 29th, 2012, 05:17 PM
I thought the rule of thumb was that every second OS was shit?
2000 - Good.
ME - Shit.
XP - Good.
Vista- Shit.
7 - Good.
8 - Shit.
^^ despite my frustration with windows 8, I always knew that was true. It's just that I thought they would have learned after the failure that was vista and the massive success that was 7.
Halo 3 PC
Windows 8 exclusive!
People would crack it to work with 7 like they did with Halo 2 and XP.
February 29th, 2012, 06:03 PM
He spent about 40 seconds mentioning 2 features of 'proper' windows that are of any interest - task manager and file copy. Okay I liked those bits but is that all Windows 8 has to offer? Is that the best new thing? Come on Microsoft.
Power users have been kicked in the balls regarding Windows 8, I dont even class it as a new version. To me Windows 8 is like Windows ME. It was Windows 95 after drinking a Redbull, a few new tweaks but not worthy of a new version.
They also lowered the startup memory usage from about 400 MB to 230 MB. Pretty huge cut. There's only about 30 processes when you start Windows now, which is impressive. But, I don't give a shit! My current computer which I built 4 years ago has 8 GB of RAM in it. My next one will have 32 GB of RAM in it. Who gives a flying shit about 200 MB of freed RAM? That would have been nice when Vista was released, but every computer ships with a minimum of 4 or 6 GB of RAM now, even the bottom of the line models.
Also, it's not just power users who were hurt. It's all users. I keep saying (and look in the other Windows 8 thread where we were talking about the logo) that Microsoft is making Windows more difficult to use for everyone. It's different. Users don't like different. If someone who has been using windows for 17 years sits down at a computer and doesn't know how to switch between open Windows, they aren't going to learn it. When I first tried the dev preview months ago, I got fed up within 30 seconds. Then I spent several more minutes looking for just how to perform a simple shutdown!
Unfortunately, I think the press is going to hype up the release of Windows 8. Either they are getting paid off, or they haven't used it and they are just restating all of Microsoft's own propaganda. Windows 8 will probably be a huge hit on launch, and within a week, consumers are going to be wondering what the fuck "broke" their new computer and it's going to become a flop overnight. I'd prefer to see it flop on launch, however.
February 29th, 2012, 06:28 PM
The reasons I'm skipping Windows 8 are the same reasons I can't stand using OSX:
Everything is so stupid-friendly that it's unintuitive to power users.
The interface is clunky and hard to get used to coming from [real] Windows.
Emphasis is obviously on form over function in the UI.
March 1st, 2012, 03:33 AM
The key is to get rid of metro on the desktop. It serves no purpose. It's confusing, it's counter-intuitive, it’s crippling, it's useless.
The modern control panel is a bitch to use. I actually do like the split view. It reminds me of the Android Honeycomb/ICS settings screen. The new control panel is a massive waste of space when full screen. The text is huge, there’s a ton of padding on everything, and you need to scroll if you want more than 4 options in the right pane of the control panel. However, my complaint about the new control panel isn’t just about the layout, but also about the division between desktop and metro, and the fact that it’s metro. The control panel should be one place, not two. I shouldn’t need two different UIs to configure something as simple as user accounts. And I ESPECIALLY shouldn’t be forced into metro if I’m in the desktop. It’s insane that making a minor change now throws you into a full screen control panel. Why can’t the control panel just be offered in a Window, all in one place with the same layout?
One of my biggest complaints about metro is the unfriendliness of it all. For example, hidden controls. Something that is not visible is not intuitive. Accessing menus shouldn’t take cryptic mouse gestures swapping in from the side, or dragging, or moving and holding the mouse to small and invisible hot spots. My biggest complaint is the constant shoving of itself in your face. Open an MP3? METRO! Open a picture? METRO! Control panel? METRO! Worst of all, they are difficult to get out of! If I get thrown into the picture viewer, I can’t just press a back button or escape to close it and return to where I was! I need to use the top left hot corner, which makes no sense whatsoever. Why does Windows INSIST on forcing me back into the metro environment when I’m using the desktop? The UI is just an inconsistent messy experience. PLEASE keep them separate!
I use the start button daily. I use it to get everywhere in my OS. It’s visibly there, it’s big (unlike a tiny 10px corner), and everything can be accessed from there. You may say, “The new start screen does the same thing!” Yeah, it helps you get to programs, but the distance I need to move my mouse increases by about 20x to get from the left corner, to the scroll bar, to the rightmost tile icon. That may sound like a minor issue, but it’s still a valid point. More importantly, however, the start menu is also the place that all applications install to. I have 147 items in my start menu right now. I don’t want 147 little squares filling up my start screen. That’s not even including help files, uninstallers, and alternate 64-bit versions of the same program. Another VERY major problem is the fact that you can’t quickly escape the start screen. If you click on the start menu in Windows 7, you can simply click elsewhere to close it. With Windows 8, you don’t even have a button to click to close the start menu, so you either have to use the hot corner (pain in the ass), click the desktop, or press escape or the win key (shouldn’t be necessary). It would be nice if clicking in blank background space closed the start screen if accessed from the taskbar. At the very least, the start button should be added back, even if the new start screen stays in.
The bastardized child of metro and the start menu.
Above all, the reason we need a button is because the corner sucks. As someone already mentioned (and as I’ve been saying since it was revealed the button was being removed), having multiple monitors makes corners useless. There are no edges you can snap a mouse to. It requires extreme precision to get into the corner. If you’re using multiple monitors, a VM, or remote desktop, using hot corners is a pain in the ass. I’m beginning to wonder if the implications of these terrible ideas are even thought out before they are implemented?
I'm not the only one who says this. I've asked friends, my parents, and coworkers, and the general consensus is that it's a disaster. Even judging from the upvotes/downvotes on posts, you can see that there is a lot of disagreement with the direction of Windows. Not everyone will like direction Windows is headed. However, when the opinions are torn and at least half of the user base is complaining, the problem isn’t the users, but it’s the developers. Change needs to happen. Apple has been improving their desktop experience every year for the past 10 years. The changes to Windows 8 are worst form they could come in. It should set off alarms when even Mac users are laughing at the Windows 8 “improvements.” As I said before, the changes so far are confusing, counter-intuitive, and crippling.
But hey, if Microsoft isn't going to fix all workflow issues that are the result of metro, at least I can give my thanks in advance for all the work I'll receive when I need to downgrade all computers to Windows 7!
Check out this video:
This is pretty incredible, in my opinion. This shows how the true unification of mobile and desktop should be done. It’s seamless change, it’s functional, it’s perfect. Keep in mind, this is free and open source software running on hacked hardware. On the other hand, Windows 8 is paid, closed source software shipping on specially manufactured hardware from vendors. The mobile Ubuntu desktop shown in this video is what I would have expected of a product like Windows 8. It’s superior in practically every way, and yet Windows 8 fails to parallel the experience. If Microsoft truly wanted to innovate with Windows, they should have isolated metro to phones and tablets (with desktop optional), which would immediately switch to the fully-featured familiar Windows desktop when docked. It would truly be revolutionary, miles ahead of anything Apple and Google offers. Given the history and current state of Windows, I don’t expect to see Microsoft beating anyone else to the table with this concept.
March 1st, 2012, 03:53 AM
Needless to say I won't be touching this OS. Not even with a long pointy stick.
March 1st, 2012, 10:35 AM
Dammit Timo, what movie/show is that from
March 1st, 2012, 10:41 AM
That's obviously from a porno.
March 1st, 2012, 01:03 PM
Dammit Timo, what movie/show is that from
White Chicks, Terry Crew was hilarious in the film.
Full scenes
March 1st, 2012, 02:47 PM
FYI, the word inside Microsoft is that they don't give a shit if half of their users don't like the Windows 8 experience. The metro integration is permanent, and absolutely will not be reverted under any circumstances. Any anti-metro feedback, including feedback on how to lessen the intrusion of metro into the normal desktop, is not even being considered.
The thing that really worries me most is that the writing is on the wall for the failure of Windows 8, and they are completely ignoring it.
March 1st, 2012, 03:17 PM
It's official. This thread is now about Terry Crews.
March 1st, 2012, 03:20 PM
Maybe they should wait, I don't know, more than two years before releasing another OS? Isn't Windows 7 good enough for them for at least 4 years?
t3h m00kz
March 1st, 2012, 08:17 PM
ubuntu for android is going to be absolutely fucking phenomenal. I can't wait... and it's going to be fucking free. I'm still not too happy with the new Unity desktop from the little I've used it, Gnome was superior in every way.
and, you know, after thinking about it for a bit, I've come to realize that windows 8 may work reasonably well with devices such as the ASUS EP121.
this thing.
Call it the whole "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" perspective, but tablet PCs are far more versatile than devices like the iPad and even android tablets, and that's coming from a droid user. Windows 8 may be just what Microsoft needs to drag the spotlight away from apple trying to monopolize the tablet market and give users a more flexible experience.
right now though, their UI is absolutely horrendous, and their obsession with spouting the word "app" everywhere is pretty disgusting.
March 1st, 2012, 10:02 PM
and their obsession with spouting the word "app" everywhere is pretty disgusting.
Problem is, they're trying to market to the masses, so catchphrases will get tossed more than a hot potato with aids
Now can we please get back on topic guys? Terry Crews, go
Rainbow Dash
March 1st, 2012, 11:22 PM
if they try to force this down everybody's throats like they did with vista,
what? why would you get mad if they repeated (they won't) vista and forced a damned good operating system down people's throats :]
Also fuck ubuntu, kubuntu is so much better than that piece of trash.
yeah this. I've got an HP TX 2510us and it's stylus is fantastic.
the pc is great aside from the part where it burns itself out within two years of regular use because the cpu runs at 100c :]
March 2nd, 2012, 09:42 AM
windows 8 will have a KILL switch allowing MS to remotely delete shit from your pc.
March 2nd, 2012, 09:50 AM
If this is the direction Windows intends to take going into the future, it may be time to invest myself in learning to use a Linux OS.
March 2nd, 2012, 10:00 AM
XP supremacy.
March 2nd, 2012, 10:32 AM
Is this a turning point for linux-based systems? What has hold me back so far is driver support, the new ubuntu unity bar, and lack of game support.
March 2nd, 2012, 10:47 AM
XP supremacy.
windows 7 supremacy!
March 2nd, 2012, 11:04 AM
windows 7 supremacy!
Rainbow Dash
March 2nd, 2012, 12:37 PM
Is this a turning point for linux-based systems? What has hold me back so far is driver support, the new ubuntu unity bar, and lack of game support.
Lightyears ahead of Ubuntu in ui.
March 2nd, 2012, 04:08 PM
Kubuntu is being discontinued as an official, Canonical-supported version of their OS. Which sucks. I like Kubuntu. :(
As far as Windows 8 is concerned:
They should have made Metro an optional shell instead of the classic explorer.exe (metro.exe?). For the traditional desktop, they could have given it a look that complements the Metro interface with its aesthetic, but maintains the same functionality we have all been familiar with for years. I would like Windows 8 on a tablet PC like the EP121 or the Series 7 Slate, but on anything else...I'll pass.
Also, if they are going to use a rapid-release schedule, then NEED to lower the price of their OS. The guy who just spend $200-$300 on a new OS is not going to be inclined to do so after only two or three years of use, especially when the operating paradigm is such a radical departure. Make it $50-$100 or, better yet, do what Apple does and make it a $30 upgrade.
March 2nd, 2012, 04:29 PM
Goodbye Start!
Mr Buckshot
March 2nd, 2012, 04:37 PM
Kubuntu is being discontinued as an official, Canonical-supported version of their OS. Which sucks. I like Kubuntu. :(
As far as Windows 8 is concerned:
They should have made Metro an optional shell instead of the classic explorer.exe (metro.exe?). For the traditional desktop, they could have given it a look that complements the Metro interface with its aesthetic, but maintains the same functionality we have all been familiar with for years. I would like Windows 8 on a tablet PC like the EP121 or the Series 7 Slate, but on anything else...I'll pass.
Also, if they are going to use a rapid-release schedule, then NEED to lower the price of their OS. The guy who just spend $200-$300 on a new OS is not going to be inclined to do so after only two or three years of use, especially when the operating paradigm is such a radical departure. Make it $50-$100 or, better yet, do what Apple does and make it a $30 upgrade.
contrary to popular belief, anyone at least semi-savvy about computers can get "free" windows and receive full updates etc without any sort of negative impact on their experiences. I've heard lower-end computer shops in South American and Asian markets will sell laptops without any OS installed at all (saving at least $200 over a stateside model in the process), and then sell a burned DVD of Windows 7 for less than $1. I myself used this method for a while until I realized my school gave out legit Professional windows 7 on MSDN, so I switched to that since my tuition fees technically paid for it. To this day I still haven't found any way in which the non-legit Windows could screw me over.
As for the Apple thing, the $30 upgrade thing works because Apple's a hardware company and makes most of its profit from the overpriced Mac hardware. MS is primarily software, the only cut they get from any new computer sold is the preinstalled OS, and thus it doesn't make sense for them to price it so low.
March 2nd, 2012, 05:05 PM
I have three copies of Windows 7 I got with my school email for $30 each while Microsoft had the student discount. I pretty much am expecting the same thing for Windows 8.
March 2nd, 2012, 08:11 PM
contrary to popular belief, anyone at least semi-savvy about computers can get "free" windows and receive full updates etc without any sort of negative impact on their experiences. I've heard lower-end computer shops in South American and Asian markets will sell laptops without any OS installed at all (saving at least $200 over a stateside model in the process), and then sell a burned DVD of Windows 7 for less than $1. I myself used this method for a while until I realized my school gave out legit Professional windows 7 on MSDN, so I switched to that since my tuition fees technically paid for it. To this day I still haven't found any way in which the non-legit Windows could screw me over.
As for the Apple thing, the $30 upgrade thing works because Apple's a hardware company and makes most of its profit from the overpriced Mac hardware. MS is primarily software, the only cut they get from any new computer sold is the preinstalled OS, and thus it doesn't make sense for them to price it so low.
But the majority of computer users aren't tech-savvy at all, so that is irrelevant. I mean, sure, I got my Windows 7 for free, but not everybody can do that or knows how to do that.
Microsoft also likely makes more than Apple does on the OS just through sheer volume of PC sales. To say they can't afford to lower the price on the boxed editions is completely ridiculous.
March 2nd, 2012, 08:52 PM
I have three copies of Windows 7 I got with my school email for $30 each while Microsoft had the student discount. I pretty much am expecting the same thing for Windows 8.
I hope you don't mean you're planning to upgrade downgrade.
March 2nd, 2012, 11:38 PM
I am. I'm looking forward to Windows 8. Probably not so much on my desktop. But I've rather enjoyed it on my laptop.
t3h m00kz
March 3rd, 2012, 12:18 AM
Problem is, they're trying to market to the masses, so catchphrases will get tossed more than a hot potato with aids
brb patenting "hot potato with aids"
Also fuck ubuntu, kubuntu is so much better than that piece of trash.
no experience with kubuntu so no opinion. ubuntu 10.04 works great for me though
Not happy with the new Unity shell. Gnome 2 was where it's at, I don't know why the fuck they tried to fix what wasn't broken. Gnome 3 is also incompatible with tons of the applets I used..
the pc is great aside from the part where it burns itself out within two years of regular use because the cpu runs at 100c :
Had mine for over two years, still works as fine as ever. overheats like a bitch, normally but nothing this couldn't handle:
March 3rd, 2012, 02:36 AM
I am. I'm looking forward to Windows 8. Probably not so much on my desktop. But I've rather enjoyed it on my laptop.
Is your laptop a tablet/touchscreen one? That would explain it.
If not, wtf is wrong with you??
Rainbow Dash
March 3rd, 2012, 10:38 AM
Had mine for over two years, still works as fine as ever. overheats like a bitch, normally but nothing this couldn't handle:
Kinda hard to hold it and draw with that lol. If you still have Vista or Seven on it, you could cap the cpu at 50% using windows power plans, and I found that kept it around 50c when mine still worked.
Also you should definitely check out Kubuntu, the ui is way better than Gnome 2, and lightyears ahead of that piece of shit unity.
March 3rd, 2012, 10:40 AM
No. It's an M11X r2 And Windows 8 is fast, and fun. And with a touchpad most of the touch controls work. It's not as awkward and pointless as actually using a mouse. That's just me though. I'll be getting Windows 8. Although. I was a big fan of Vista when it came out too and used it clear till Windows 7. I hated XP with a passion. So much so that I used Ubuntu for a long time.
March 4th, 2012, 03:34 AM
I had this idea a few days ago while using Windows 8. I hate the start screen. I hate how it's full screen and covers everything you're doing. I hate how you can't click anywhere to close the start menu. I hate how when you run a search, it breaks the search into 3 categories which must be manually clicked through.
Windows 8 has a fly-in metro panel that flies in from the right and covers a small portion of the screen. This panel appears when you want to view your network connections, or when you click the "settings" button in the charm bar. Here's a picture:
I've always been a fan of small fly-in menus. While talking about how much I hate Windows 8's UI problems in IRC, I suggested possibly bringing back the start menu as a fly-in panel. I got to work in Photoshop, and came up with this:
The idea is that it offers you the features of metro including live tiles and full Start customization, but without the intrusiveness. The start panel would be accessed from the start button or Windows key. The tiles would be the same exact tiles that are on your main start screen (, but instead of the columns being arranged side-by-side, they would be stacked on top of each other. Since the panel only takes up a small section of the screen, you can easily click away to close it, and it doesn't cover anything you may be working on. The tiles are also touchscreen friendly, just as much as a smart phone or the normal start screen. The only thing I haven't thought of is a quick way to get from the start menu to the full start screen.
One feature I LOVE about Windows 7 is the ability to launch programs just by typing their name into the search. Windows 8 improves this by making the search faster, however it also is a problem. The problem, as I mentioned, is that the search results are broken up into 3 categories now: apps, settings, and files. If you need to get to an applet in the control panel, such as UAC or Printers, it used to be as simple as typing "UAC" and pressing enter. In Windows 8, you need to click on "Settings" first, then you can click on the item you want. It's an extra step, but for giving directions or everyday tasks, it's a real pain.
Since I love the search and I use it most often, I don't want it filling up the screen either. Just like in the main start screen, typing will initiate a search. However, this search would be like the Windows 7 search. It would search apps first, then if no apps are found it searches settings, and finally it searches files. The exact number of search results would depend on the screen resolution and final UI tweaks, of course. However, in Windows 7, only 3 items from both programs and settings are displayed in the search, so I followed the same pattern here. Limiting the results to 3 items each is very reasonable, since the vast majority of the time you will want the top result. If no apps are found, it would default to the top item under settings, so there would be no need to click on any search categories. Simply typing "UAC" and pressing enter would work. Also, clicking "see all x results" would bring you to the full screen search results.
What do you guys think?
March 4th, 2012, 03:48 AM
My desktop from before my previous new computer fried. I would love if they did that. Make the bar on the side essentially an uber-version of Windows Phone that can control settings and launch programs and leave the bar on the bottom for window management.
Wait a minute...that's Unity isn't it...
March 4th, 2012, 04:27 AM
Windows 8 has the ugliest whore of a UI I have ever fucking seen.
March 4th, 2012, 11:32 AM
even windows vista is better than this shit
March 4th, 2012, 02:15 PM
All I can say is thank god I'm a Mac user. The fact I can say one of the killer features OSX has over W8 is that we have a dock with icons on it, and when you click those icons it brings you to whatever app you click on is just sad....
March 4th, 2012, 02:24 PM
March 4th, 2012, 02:24 PM
March 4th, 2012, 02:25 PM
March 4th, 2012, 02:30 PM
You guys never said what you thought about my UI changes...
I'm wondering if I should even bring more attention to it on like reddit or some windows circlejerk site.
I still need to know how you think the start menu and start screen should be brought up, though.
March 4th, 2012, 03:48 PM
I may be mistaken, but I heard that there is a program that will revert the windows 8 UI to a windows 7 look.
Fake edit: apparently if you Google how to disable the Metro UI, lots of different ways come up. Any one try doing so?
March 4th, 2012, 06:08 PM
My personal concern is that with the changes being bandied around that Microsoft are going to freeze users out of the ability to customise their experience with the exception of minor stuff and remove our ability to use the computer as we see fit.
I forsee a computer with fixed choices and apps that only Microsoft approves of and short of programming removes our ability to "fiddle with things".
I am not happy with the idea of a one size one interface one style fits all as That removes about 85% of what I now chose to use the computer for.
It is not unlike how cars are modified and improved or any other similar endeavor where an individual may attempt to change and acheive a new vision of an old idea.
After all that is in a sense where the computer came from...
New is great if it leaves our choices and options open ended. New is bad in my book if it cuts the populace off from that avenue of discovery and self expression.
The new underlying platform requires apps to be reconstructed or translated if you would...
I wonder if all the toys we play with now will be taken from us more in an effort to control the supply and demand than in the efforts of" Improvement for the sake of improvement"...
We live in an age of great possibilities in spite of the great problems that come "hand in baggage".
I would hate to see this age become the last age, where great ideas and exploration and assimilation of knowledge is freely allowed.
Just a thought.....
March 6th, 2012, 09:21 AM
I like Nickleback.
That's a joke. I'm not fond of their music, but I don't outright hate them.
March 7th, 2012, 06:29 AM
You guys never said what you thought about my UI changes...
I'm wondering if I should even bring more attention to it on like reddit or some windows circlejerk site.
I still need to know how you think the start menu and start screen should be brought up, though.
Nothing can save Metro integration for the desktop PC.
March 9th, 2012, 11:49 AM
Hey, looks what I found: The Metro hater's guide to customizing Windows 8 Consumer Preview ( by good old Ed Bott. I haven't read it yet so I don't know exactly how well this addresses our concerns, but I generally find his writing useful.
March 9th, 2012, 12:52 PM
This is all bullshit. Third party hacks should absolutely never be required to achieve basic functionality out of an operating system. In fact, essentially ANY customization that's required for basic function that isn't default, even if it's built-in, is inexcusable. If I wanted an operating system that required me to spend a day fiddling with and tweaking the UI, I'd use a minimal Linux distro. But I don't. And even if I get the environment set up the way I like it on my computer, my sisters', parents', workplace, friends', cousins', and test environment computers are not going to have the same customizations.
March 9th, 2012, 09:21 PM
3rd party tweaks? Fuck that. I thought it was all done in the OS.
March 10th, 2012, 12:05 AM
Oh, all of his suggestions are done within the OS. But it hardly makes it better. He's just talking about basic customization. It doesn't include getting an actual start button, and it doesn't fix the problem of every computer you sit down at being a clusterfuck.
March 10th, 2012, 04:59 PM
March 10th, 2012, 05:36 PM
Yeah, that's probably going to be the last ditch effort if you are ever forced to use W8 on a personal device. However, as I said before, any third party "solutions" are hardly an acceptable excuse for metro.
March 10th, 2012, 06:09 PM
Microsoft needs to add is a dialog to the installer, asking "Are you installing Windows 8 on a touch-enabled device?" and if the answer is checked-off as no, then it should give the user the traditional desktop, with optional Metro.
March 12th, 2012, 01:08 AM
If I was a the CEO of a company and I saw this, I would demand the resignation of all managers and executives and then put an indefinite hold on all future windows plans. The end of the video says it all.
Too bad Ballmer is asleep at the wheel.
March 12th, 2012, 01:39 AM
Wow. Thats just pathetic. At least people can look and figure out how a PC works right now. Thats just completely disgusting.
March 12th, 2012, 02:01 AM
it doesn't help that hes completely blind.
March 12th, 2012, 02:06 AM
it doesn't help that hes completely jewish.
March 12th, 2012, 02:31 AM
Now. I would like to say that I understand the purpose.
HOWEVER. I still find people today who can't even operate XP or people who are still on Windows 98 (True Story). So I don't really see how this applies. The only thing that bugged me was when he went "Oh this is like what I had". Which means he's totally used to Windows 7.
$10 says Windows brings back the start menu before official launch. Either that or they add the button back like there was in the developer preview.
March 12th, 2012, 03:34 AM
Seriously, OSX is more intuitive than the POS that is Windows 8. I'm a Windows power user and I know my way around OSX well enough, Windows 8 is seriously flawed when both the AVERAGE CONSUMER and previously EXPERIENCED POWER USER can't even figure out how to work the basic operating system.
March 12th, 2012, 01:55 PM
March 12th, 2012, 04:07 PM
Look up about 5 posts Amit lol.
March 12th, 2012, 04:14 PM
It deserves a repost, but not that fast Amit!
Stop it Amit!
Stop it!
March 12th, 2012, 07:59 PM
Holy shit. I don't even bother reading posts in this thread anymore. When I find something relevant I just drive by post. I didn't even look up lol.
March 12th, 2012, 08:05 PM
When I find something relevant I just drive by post.
>drive by post.
fucking using this expression from now on :lol:.
March 13th, 2012, 09:10 PM
Something doesn't look right though.
March 14th, 2012, 09:26 AM
Oversimplified colours and too much blue. God Windows 8 is ugly even when it's in Windows 7 UI mode.
March 14th, 2012, 02:45 PM
Wait, what? That's changeable in the "Personalize" menu, man. Assuming it's still there, that is.
March 14th, 2012, 03:06 PM
It is.
I'm not sure what Amit is on a rant about. It looks exactly like Windows 7.
dark navi
March 14th, 2012, 05:33 PM
Something doesn't look right though.
Where is the 'Show Desktop' button that I always use... :mech3:
March 14th, 2012, 05:46 PM
It's on your keyboard. Windows Key + D
Press it again to recall open windows. Magic.
dark navi
March 14th, 2012, 05:54 PM
It's on your keyboard. Windows Key + D
Press it again to recall open windows. Magic.
Why don't they just take the Windows button away then. :(
March 14th, 2012, 05:58 PM
If their true intention is to destroy ease of use with their operating system, that may be the next step.
March 14th, 2012, 06:47 PM
If their true intention is to destroy ease of use with their operating system, that may be the next step.
This made me lol. I <3 you Hooded Smack
March 14th, 2012, 11:28 PM
I'm not sure what Amit is on a rant about. It looks exactly like Windows 7.
Wait, it's the Windows 8 desktop background that is polluting the UI.
March 15th, 2012, 09:53 AM
hi thread
bye thread
March 15th, 2012, 12:03 PM
We can mark off Windows 8, then? Good riddance.
March 15th, 2012, 04:19 PM
Doubtful that Microsoft will change course. Why do that when they can make money by selling Windows 9 as the fix to Windows 8?
Sad, really, because 8 is my favourite number. :smith:
March 15th, 2012, 04:34 PM
I'm just waiting for Windows 10. Because we all know that OSX will still be OSX by then, but on "Zebra" or something. And then Apple will try to sue Windows. So my guess is Windows 10 will actually have a name.
March 15th, 2012, 04:57 PM
zOS, go!
March 15th, 2012, 07:18 PM
hi thread
bye thread
Gotta disagree with one of the comments:
In 17 years of using Windows I have never used the Windows key. Interestingly I’ve never seen any user of a computer use the Windows key. I don’t want to learn and remember key combinations to do things that I can currently do trivially using the start menu.
I use the Windows key multiple times a day, to lock my PC (key + L) and to show desktop (key +D) and also in W7 to move screens across windows, full screen them etc.
Glad MS are getting a ton of backlash.
March 15th, 2012, 08:20 PM
I'm just waiting for Windows 10. Because we all know that OSX will still be OSX by then, but on "Zebra" or something. And then Apple will try to sue Windows. So my guess is Windows 10 will actually have a name.
Oh, forgot to mention this earlier:
That's an even-numbered release. Going by Microsoft's track record and assuming Windows 9 will be a success, Windows 10 will suck.
March 15th, 2012, 10:34 PM
I secretly hope Microsoft will still plow ahead with raping Windows.
The more bad changes there are, the more likely any one person will hate the entire OS because it changed something they liked. At least then there won't be mixed feelings and "well, it's not so bad if I just disable it" opinions.
March 15th, 2012, 10:47 PM
Then devs can start programming their games with OpenGL, and we can all finally ditch Windows for everything! :D:D:D:D:D:D
March 15th, 2012, 11:00 PM
Now if only the linux distro's could all agree on a sound platform.
That or apple starts selling osx licenses.
March 16th, 2012, 12:05 AM
Was mostly sarcasm. It's not in the nature of the Linux community to settle on one platform.
March 16th, 2012, 03:49 AM
Gotta disagree with one of the comments:
Yeah, I saw the comment about not using the Windows key and was like "wat."
a success.
Lol, I can't believe you used that. Wait, yes I can.
Then devs can start programming their games with OpenGL, and we can all finally ditch Windows for everything! :D:D:D:D:D:D
No, no, no, no, no, no, n- oh, that was sarcasm? Okay, nvm.
March 20th, 2012, 10:52 PM
March 20th, 2012, 11:04 PM
I had to...
March 20th, 2012, 11:07 PM
Wow...I had to try that for myself to be sure but gotte damn that is some serious foul play.
March 21st, 2012, 01:16 AM
I just tried the same thing on Yahoo, and it's most similar to Google.
This is absolutely unbelievable. Talk about search manipulation...
Fuck Microsoft
March 21st, 2012, 01:18 AM
or maybe microsoft fanboys all use bing and they really are searching for that
March 21st, 2012, 04:23 PM
I just tried the same thing on Yahoo, and it's most similar to Google.
This is absolutely unbelievable. Talk about search manipulation...
Fuck Microsoft
Fuck google as well. Any manipulation of results like that is bad, and Google has a long long history of doing it.
March 28th, 2012, 10:19 AM
This is one bullshit article: Warming to Windows 8: Why Metro haters will learn to like it (
March 28th, 2012, 10:28 AM
That guy is old, he actually uses desktop icons and admitted to it. Basically he's an experienced IT guy that has now regressed to the point of wanting over-simplified everything to make his job easier.
That or he was paid-off to go nice on Metro.
March 30th, 2012, 05:28 PM
I don't like considering metro simple. IMO it's the total opposite. Its appearance is simple, but its not easy to use at all.
That guy is a fucking moron...especially since he considers metro on a SERVER to be an improvement. What a lunatic.
March 30th, 2012, 06:42 PM
Having metro on Windows server 8 is so fucking stupid.
May 15th, 2012, 07:10 PM
Microsoft posted this on their Windows 8 blog earlier today. They took it down shortly after. Not sure why.
This post goes into the details around the multi-monitor experience for Windows 8. From the very first public release and demonstrations of Windows 8 we have shown improvements over Windows 7 for multi-monitor scenarios and have shown how we support new Metro style apps within a multi-monitor environment. We have continued to develop and refine features for multiple monitors and have significantly enhanced the experience as we move to our next milestone, the Release Preview. This post provides a bit of a preview of work that was not yet complete at the Consumer Preview, and serves as a reminder that the Developer Preview and Consumer Preview were works in progress. Mark Yalovsky, a lead program manager on our User Experience team, authored this post.
Connecting multiple monitors to a PC is one of the easiest ways to enhance your Windows experience. Plug in a second monitor and you instantly double your working surface. I've had a multi-monitor setup for the past 10 years; once you start using multiple monitors, you’ll never want to go back to your old setup. A multi-monitor setup allows you to be more productive by having more windows across multiple screens. We’re very excited about the ease at which tablets in Windows 8 will be able to support large screen and high resolution monitors (often through HDMI connectors), as this opens up a broad range of exciting new scenarios.
When we embarked on planning Windows 8, enhancing multi-monitor functionality was an important area to improve. A multiple monitor setup is certainly more common today than they used to be, and many technical professionals (developers, graphics professionals, architects, etc.) have started using it. Today, support for multiple monitors is standard on virtually all PC hardware, and monitor prices are at an all-time low (as of writing this post, you can purchase a 21” LED display in the $140 USD range). As a result, we continue to see increased adoption of multi-monitor configurations, both by enthusiasts and technical professionals.
Data collected through the Windows Feedback Program ( indicates that approximately 14% of desktop PCs and approximately 5% of laptop PCs have run with multiple monitors.* It is important to note that this particular opt-in data set is enthusiast-leaning so represents the high end of usage (relative to previously shared measures that look at the entire universe of PCs), but we thought we would share this data set to reinforce another data source.
Number of
Desktop PC
Laptop PC
We recognize that a key value of using multiple monitors lies in the desire to increase multitasking. This is especially true of those of you who spend time arranging your desktop windows to maximize the available real estate across multiple displays. Speaking firsthand, most developers and testers at Microsoft have a multi-monitor setup in their offices, walking through the hallways one sees a wide range of monitor configurations from 2 to 4 or more monitors among the engineering team. This affords two important scenarios. First, developers can use a tool like Visual Studio on one screen and have the running/debugged program on another, or they can add an additional monitor and reserve it for side tasks such as email or web browsing.
With that in mind, we set out to achieve the following goals for those using multiple monitors with Windows 8:
Make the desktop a more personal experience. Perhaps the most personalized feature on the desktop is the ability to customize the desktop background. We set out to make this a great experience on multiple monitors too.
Improve the efficiency of accessing apps across monitors. In Windows 7, the top request from people using multiple monitors was to improve the taskbar efficiency.
Improve the efficiency of accessing system UI. In Windows 7, you could only access the Start menu on one monitor. With the introduction in Windows 8 of new UI that puts controls at the edges of the screen, we wanted to make sure that it’s still easy to access Start, the charms, the clock, and your recently used apps from every monitor.
Allow side-by-side Metro style and desktop apps. You can launch or move a Metro style app to any monitor, side-by-side with desktop apps on another screen. (
Examples of multi-monitor configurations in Microsoft offices
Multi-monitor desktop background personalization
Customizing the desktop background is a very popular feature in Windows 7. In fact, telemetry shows that more than 75% of users customized the desktop background. A limitation in Windows 7 is that in a multi-monitor configuration, you can only select a single background image that is duplicated across your monitors. Not only is this limited from a customization perspective (how many people really want to look at the same picture twice?), but it also looks bad if your monitors have significantly different resolution or are different orientations (portrait vs. landscape).
We know that some of you use some pretty advanced third-party tools for sophisticated background image management. In Windows 8, we made the background customization feature customizable on each monitor you use, and for mainstream customers, we’ve provided solutions to the common desktop personalization problems encountered with Windows 7:
Show a different desktop background on each monitor. When selecting a personalization theme, Windows 8 automatically puts a different desktop background on each monitor. You can even set a slide show to cycle through pictures across all monitors, or pick specific background pictures for each monitor. (
Different backgrounds on each monitor (
Option to pick different backgrounds on each monitor
Multi-monitor slide show. It is very typical for people to have a multi-monitor setup that consists of different sized and/or oriented monitors. And of course, not all photos look great in both portrait and landscape or on all screen sizes and resolutions. To address this, we’ve added logic to the slide show code that selects the best suited images for each monitor. (
Slideshow with image selection that matches monitor orientation
Span desktop background across all monitors. You can now span a single panoramic picture across multiple monitors. We are also including a new panoramic theme in the personalization options for Windows 8. (
Span an image across all monitors .png (
Option to span image across all monitors, including panoramic pictures
Multi-monitor taskbar
Of course the main reason most people use multi-monitor configurations is to be more productive. With the extra screen real estate you are able to see more windows up at the same time. The flip side to having more windows visible is that window management can become more challenging. In the desktop, the taskbar is the primary place for managing windows. As some of you pointed out to us in our Windows 7 blogs, lack of multi-monitor support for the taskbar is a gap. This can be summed up by one comment from the e7 blog (
@AlexJerebtsov (, “The lack of multi-monitor [Taskbar] support is just about a crime”.
What’s interesting about adding multi-monitor support to the taskbar is that even among a relatively small group of users, there are several opinions as to what the ”right” design should be. As you can imagine, this is quite common in designing a new version of Windows—there are many points of view on how even relatively small things should be implemented. These are some observations from a variety of hands-on research methods:
People tend to approach window management in either an organized or an ad-hoc fashion. People who manage windows in an ad-hoc fashion frequently move windows between monitors as their workflow requires, and do not keep track of what monitor a window is on. People that manage windows in a more organized fashion tend to designate specific monitors for specific apps and tasks (for example, email always on the left, the browser always on the right). There is not always a hard line between these two working styles and most people move windows in an ad-hoc fashion from time to time.
Improved efficiency was consistently cited as a goal for the taskbar. Nearly all users conveyed the desire for improved taskbar efficiency. When we observed people using multiple monitors in their work, we noticed that the simple act of switching windows would sometimes require them to turn their heads, swivel in their seats, and reposition their mouse cursor as they jumped from a secondary monitor to the main taskbar monitor and all the way back again. Of course we also heard this articulated in term of mouse-efficiency. That is, we want to reduce the distance that you need to move the mouse to find and switch to a window on the taskbar.
It is common for people to have a primary monitor. Many people have one monitor that they run most of their apps on, with a smaller secondary monitor that has a few windows open for peripheral tasks (for example, managing a playlist, sending IMs, playing a video). This is particularly true for users who have kept their old monitor on-hand after upgrading to a newer, bigger, higher-resolution monitor. Ad hoc users still move windows freely between monitors, but tend to prefer one over the other for the tasks that they are currently focusing on, partly because it is comfortable to set up a chair, keyboard, and mouse to face one monitor directly.
Taskbar real estate is generally not a problem. When we designed the taskbar we were fairly confident that most people would find the default setting sufficient even with customization easy to find. Hands-on research confirms the majority of users keep the default setting where windows are grouped by app on the taskbar. Telemetry that looked at hundreds of millions of sessions further confirmed that only 6% of users ungroup taskbar buttons. (
Multi-monitor taskbar options
Based on our field and lab observations we understood that people employ different window management techniques (always ad-hoc, always organized, mixed). For this reason, we chose to provide several multi-monitor taskbar options, so that advanced users with multiple monitors can still fine-tune their desktop experience. 83C.png (
Windows 8 taskbar properties
Show taskbar buttons on the taskbar where the window is open. This is the most obvious option that comes to mind when thinking of a multi-monitor taskbar. In this configuration, each monitor’s taskbar contains icons for only the windows that are on that monitor. The advantage of this option is that it is simple and predictable. This tested well with people who were very organized in their placement of windows, or who had dedicated monitors for specific tasks. On the other hand, ad-hoc users found this design to be inefficient, as they needed to remember what monitor a particular window was on. (
App buttons on the taskbar where the window is open
Show taskbar buttons on main taskbar and taskbar where window is open. In this configuration, the main monitor has a special taskbar that contains all the windows across all monitors. All the other monitors have unique taskbars, as with the first option described above. This option offers some of the cleanliness of the taskbar where the window is open model, but also offers a consistent and efficient way to get to any window via the master taskbar. People who think in terms of a primary monitor will probably prefer this option. (
App buttons on main taskbar and where window is open
Show taskbar buttons on all taskbars (default). In this configuration, all windows are available on all taskbars. This configuration is designed for maximum mouse efficiency because you can always activate any window from any monitor. Of all the options, this works the best for ad-hoc windows management, as there is no need to keep track of where windows are located. While some users indicated a preference for one of the other options, this was the only option that was efficient for the vast majority of users, which is why this is the default setting. (
App buttons on all taskbars (default option)
Some changes for the Release Preview
For those of you who have used the Consumer Preview on multiple monitors, you’ll notice that Start, the charms, and the clock are only shown on a single monitor. The feedback has been vocal and clear on this and of course, given the prevalence of multi-monitor setups even in our own hallways, we understood that this feature simply wasn’t complete. Looking forward, here’s a sneak peak at some of the improvements we’re making to multi-monitor usage for the Release Preview.
No broken corners and edges
On the Consumer Preview in a multi-monitor setup, it is difficult to find the Start screen and other UI that is invoked from the corners with a mouse, since those activation areas are only available on a single monitor. In the upcoming Release Preview, we are making all the corners and edges alive on all monitors. You can now bring up Start, the charms, and app switching from the corners of any monitor. Want Start on monitor 1? Just go to the bottom-left corner on that monitor. Want it on monitor 2? Go to the bottom-left corner on monitor 2. This not only improves discoverability, it also improves mouse efficiency and multitasking. To launch or move an app to a specific monitor, bring up Start on that monitor and launch the app, or switch to the app using the app switcher at the left edge.
You can launch Start on any monitor: ( (
You can switch back to recently used apps from any monitor: ( (
*** And you can bring up the charms on any monitor: ( (
Launch and move Metro style apps to any monitor
There are several ways that you can launch and move an app:
Start. You can bring up Start on any monitor by moving your mouse to the bottom-left corner, or via the Start charm that you can invoke from the top and bottom-right corners of any monitor. Pressing the Windows key launches Start on the last monitor where Start or a Metro style app appeared.
Switch back to an app from any monitor. You can switch back to an app on any monitor by moving your mouse to the top-left corner. Clicking the app thumbnail switches you back to the app on that monitor.
Keyboard shortcuts. We are introducing new keyboard shortcuts that build on the shortcuts from Windows 7. Win+Pg Up or Win+Pg Dn moves Metro style apps across monitors. Win+Arrow and Win+Shift+Arrow continue to work on desktop apps as they did in Windows 7, by snapping and moving desktop windows across monitors.
Drag and drop. Using the mouse, you can now drag and drop Metro Style apps across monitors. Drag and drop works for both full screen and snapped apps.
Improved mouse targeting on the shared edge
A multi-monitor setup brings the major benefit of more real estate, but it also lacks the Fitts' Law benefits ( of hard edges and corners across displays. While it’s extremely easy to trigger corner UI such as Start, charms, or recently used apps on a single monitor, it isn’t uncommon to overshoot the mouse when the corner appears on a shared edge on a multi-monitor configuration.
With multiple monitors in fact, targeting the shared edge can be downright difficult. Move a few pixels too far and your cursor is suddenly on the wrong monitor. This has been a common challenge in previous versions of Windows as well, like when you’re trying to hit the close button or scroll bars on a maximized window on a shared edge. Many work around this by remembering to move the mouse slowly as it approaches a shared edge or by avoiding window layouts that bump up against those edges. We commonly observe this behavior in our own usage and in field studies.
In the Release Preview, we’re introducing an improved model for shared edges that makes it easier to target UI along a shared edge.
Since corners are even more important for Windows 8, we’ve created real corners along the shared edges to mimic the Fitts’ Law advantages of a single monitor. The red corners in the diagram below demonstrate how these corners can help guide your mouse.
We’ve designed the corners to provide help when you need it and to get out of the way when you don’t. The protruding corner target is 6 pixels in height, which means that it is only noticeable when you’re trying to target the corner of the screen. Also, we’ve designed the corner to only work for the monitor your cursor is on. For example, leaving monitor 2 for monitor 1 in the diagram below, the bottom corner in monitor 1 will not interfere as you move your mouse across the shared edge. 4E82887.png
Shared corner does not block cross monitor navigation
The shared corner isn’t just an improvement for the new Windows 8 UI, but it also makes it easier to target controls on the desktop like Close and Show desktop. As a result, targeting shared corners is fast and fluid. First-hand experience is a must with this design, as you will notice this improvement right away when using the new Release Preview.
More to come
We have lots of ideas for how we could do even more with Metro style apps on multiple monitors. Our goal for Windows 8 is to deliver a great Metro style app experience alongside desktop apps, improving multitasking efficiency and making it easy to access the controls you need along the edges of every screen. We wanted to make sure your desktop experience was even more efficient, with new functionality such as the spanning taskbar, and we wanted you to also have access to Metro style apps while you’re also using the desktop. As we see new apps developed, and as we see how developers might want to take advantage of multi-monitor configurations in new ways with immersive and full screen apps, we will of course enhance this experience (and APIs) even further.
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We hope that you enjoy these new multi-monitor features. Thank you for all of your feedback – it has certainly helped us to improve Windows 8 as we moved from Developer Preview, to Consumer Preview, and soon, to the Release Preview.
May 15th, 2012, 08:11 PM
Is that supposed to make me want to use the OS? As if they couldn't patch half of that stuff into Windows 7.
May 15th, 2012, 09:42 PM
What really bothers me is how they continue to have this idea in their heads that desktop users want metro. All of their "solutions" to the problems they created ignore the main problem. I DON'T FUCKING WANT HOT CORNERS. Hot corners are ONLY for using Metro apps. Why the FUCK are they being integrated into the desktop?
I guess that's what you expect when your development team leads have shit for brains.
May 19th, 2012, 10:49 PM,2817,2404647,00.asp
May 19th, 2012, 11:03 PM
what's aero
May 19th, 2012, 11:04 PM
Should probably stock up on 10 or 12 years of Win7 keys now.
May 19th, 2012, 11:07 PM
If windows doesn't improve again in the next decade then fuck it I'm going back to linux.
May 19th, 2012, 11:29 PM
Good time to buy Apple stock~
May 19th, 2012, 11:37 PM
Good time to buy Apple stock~
I'd rather have them burn in Hell....oh wait they own that too don't they?
May 19th, 2012, 11:50 PM
If only there was better compatibility for games and general hardware drivers on linux distros. Then I would definitely switch.
May 20th, 2012, 06:04 PM
If windows doesn't improve again in the next decade then fuck it I'm going back to linux.
Remember when Vista was bad and people said they would switch to Linux but didn't? Will you actually go back?
Linux is still not ready for the desktop :ohdear:
May 20th, 2012, 08:39 PM
Well actually what happened is people bought Macs.
May 20th, 2012, 08:45 PM
Linux is still not ready for the desktop :ohdear:
Don't worry though, Win8 wont run the battery on your desktop down. It's very power efficient.
June 1st, 2012, 04:01 AM
Release preview is now out.
Microsoft says: "Fuck the start menu"
June 1st, 2012, 06:54 AM
Release preview is now out.
Microsoft says: "Fuck the start menu"
Deliberately removed support for third party modifications so that people are forced to use their terrible new idea?
Fuck them, my interest in windows 8 dropped from .1% to 0
Remember when Vista was bad and people said they would switch to Linux but didn't? Will you actually go back?
Linux is still not ready for the desktop :ohdear:
Seems to be working fine for me.
Come on microsoft even the gnome guys finally admitted the start menu is great why are you bailing on it now.
June 1st, 2012, 12:23 PM
I like Ubuntu 12.04. I put it on my mom's laptop because she was always being pestered to update this and that using Windows 7. I was afraid she might break something soon so I gave her a safe linux environment to check her email lol.
June 1st, 2012, 03:09 PM
I like Ubuntu 12.04. I put it on my mom's laptop because she was always being pestered to update this and that using Windows 7. I was afraid she might break something soon so I gave her a safe linux environment to check her email lol.
So Linux automatically installs all updates without user interaction...?
Windows can automatically download and install updates, could have just set up her settings correctly.
June 1st, 2012, 03:27 PM
All the decent Linux desktop distros emulate the Windows GUI almost exactly. Yet Microsoft wants to ditch it for Metro.
Someone at Microsoft should really be sounding alarm bells.
June 1st, 2012, 06:01 PM
So Linux automatically installs all updates without user interaction...?
Windows can automatically download and install updates, could have just set up her settings correctly.
Pff, I already know that. I'm talking about all the software for drivers and other shit I have to install. Ubuntu doesn't let apps pester you for updates like some programs do on Windows and OS X.
June 18th, 2012, 11:14 PM
Microsoft announces their vision of the ideal platform for windows 8
June 18th, 2012, 11:40 PM
June 18th, 2012, 11:41 PM
I actually suspect they are trying to kill off the PC as we know it.
UEFI was implemented on motherboards not only because it can do things that BIOS is currently unable to, but also because it can lock out operating systems. Apple has been using EFI for a long time now to do just that.
Now they make this Surface thing.
Before you know it, we'll have Windows boxes that meet a particular price/performance point. The Xbox will cease to exist, its function becoming superfluous with these fixed-hardware solutions.
What a nightmare.
June 18th, 2012, 11:48 PM
welp, I thought it was pretty damn cool.
June 18th, 2012, 11:59 PM
welp, I thought it was pretty damn cool.
You shall burn with the rest!
June 19th, 2012, 12:44 AM
I actually like their tablet, I just don't fancy the possibility of hardware being completely controlled by the manufacturers. I like building computers.
June 19th, 2012, 03:07 AM
welp, I thought it was pretty damn cool. (
Now give me some details like battery life, user prefs, dev restrictions, etc
June 19th, 2012, 03:41 AM
If it's going to be another US only thing like the Zune i'm going to be super mad (although i'll probably never end up getting one).
June 19th, 2012, 09:53 AM
Needs more giving a fuck.
t3h m00kz
June 19th, 2012, 10:22 AM
I heard they announced a W8 tablet yesterday?
too bad we already had this!!!!!
June 19th, 2012, 11:16 AM
Like I said, needs more giving a fuck.
June 20th, 2012, 05:44 PM
Much drama in the beginning about the secret press conference. The tablet didn't blew me away but the Zune did not either back then and now 6 years later it's still functioning every day.
I would never use a tablet anyway, I just don't have any need for one in every possible way.
June 20th, 2012, 06:34 PM
Except for that one day where every Zune everywhere crashed. Mine still works perfectly too, btw.
June 21st, 2012, 12:30 AM
I like Zune. It just has a crappy marketplace with a very limited selection and is a bit stale in the games department. Battery life is also very questionable for me at least.
Otherwise, I like it a lot. It's really cool to have a built in Radio that can pick up channels almost anywhere a car can too.
June 21st, 2012, 09:34 AM
FYI, the word inside Microsoft is that they don't give a shit if half of their users don't like the Windows 8 experience. The metro integration is permanent, and absolutely will not be reverted under any circumstances. Any anti-metro feedback, including feedback on how to lessen the intrusion of metro into the normal desktop, is not even being considered.
The thing that really worries me most is that the writing is on the wall for the failure of Windows 8, and they are completely ignoring it.
this is really telling.
everyone has been doing it. there has been a steady move towards this sort of deal for a long time. youtube's layout/functionality changes, forced upon users. facebook's forced changes. now this. i don't know what the fucking goal is (or if there is one), does this shit actually appeal to the drooling, retarded masses or something? i can't even begin to imagine how the fuck i would use windows 8 for more than ten seconds without killing myself. it is so counterintuitive, and so dumbed down, it hurts.
i mean there's dumbed down, and then there's "so dumb that your more intelligent users physically cannot use it". fuck the world. i'm sticking with windows 7 forever, looks like.
June 21st, 2012, 09:37 AM
ps tablets can get fucked and i neither want nor need one
June 21st, 2012, 12:07 PM
I don't even understand how people can say that Windows 8 is "dumbed down." In my opinion, it's more confusing than anything else. Although the UI is simple in design, it is not simple to use. Removing all well-known UI items, hiding menus, throwing users back and forth between two separate UIs, and crippling multitasking doesn't make a computer more friendly to "dumb" users. In fact, it just makes it more complicated and confusing. "Counterintuitive" is the correct term to describe the experience with Windows 8.
What really irks me is how Steve Sinofsky (the cuntbag in charge of the Windows 8 development; also the bastard who who presented the W8 tablet during the crash on stage) brags about the UI changes on the development blog. In his blogs, he frequently compares to the iPad's iOS UI. He likes to talk about how more of the screen is spent on metro tiles opposed to frequently used UI functions. What he is too fucking stupid to realize is that "in your face" UI items actually have a purpose. Users shouldn't have to hunt around for the correct menu, even if it is only one "swipe" gesture away. Are they honestly trying to argue against the most successful, and arguably the most user-friendly UI designs of the past 10 years?
Windows 8 is late to the show, and although they ARE innovating in some areas, it's not what users are going to want. Microsoft is following in HP/Palm's footsteps with the Pre and the Touchpad, and we all know how that panned out in the end.
Mr Buckshot
June 21st, 2012, 12:49 PM
people will hate it, but it'll still be a resounding success (financially) because the majority of people buy prebuilts anyway, especially laptops, and most aren't patient/savvy enough to install an older OS or Linux and then hunt for drivers. When the common layman's windows 7 laptop breaks down from natural wear and tear or something he'll just go to the store and grab the best windows 8 deal he sees whether he likes the new OS or not.
tablets are useless to me, with the sole exception of professional stylus-input tablet PCs. Which don't seem to benefit from Metro at all (a stylus and a finger are not the same thing).
finally so many articles keep claiming that "PC sales are down while tablet sales are up, therefore people are ditching PCs for tablets". Um, more like recent developments have allowed PCs to become more reliable than in the past and that coincidentally tablets just proved to be popular toys? Back in the XP days it wasn't really uncommon for non-savvy users to replace their laptop every 2 years because the battery life might drop to 5 minutes or because the 4200rpm hard drive broke down from overuse. Nowadays you can expect a laptop to still boot up in a reasonable time and retain acceptable battery life after using it for 3 years, which seems like the more likely cause of falling PC sales. People aren't ditching their PCs, they're just able to hang on to their old ones a little longer than before.
June 21st, 2012, 01:02 PM
I don't even understand how people can say that Windows 8 is "dumbed down."
Because Bob from marketing said so.
June 21st, 2012, 01:05 PM
Windows 8 will sell, but it will be far from a "resounding success".
Windows Vista sold, but it sold only 180 million copies within its 3 year lifespan.
That sounds like a lot, but when you compare it to the sales figures of Windows 7, which sold 500 million copies as of last fall, Vista's sales are
And honestly, there was nothing wrong with Vista as an OS (aside from high RAM requirements which could easily be fixed with 2 GB of RAM minimum). It just shows you how negative publicity can affect sales figures and distort the general opinion of it. Now combine bad press with a UI that most people are going to despise upon their first use....and you have the perfect storm.
Mr Buckshot
June 21st, 2012, 01:06 PM
do those figures include preinstalled Windows on prebuilt desktops and laptops?
June 21st, 2012, 01:21 PM
ps tablets can get fucked and i neither want nor need one
I said the same thing about the P-51 Mustang.
June 21st, 2012, 05:01 PM
Back to zune's and the "cool" radio feature, I had a $15 mp3 player (a la ipod style ripoff) that had more features, a radio, and basically everything except the camera, touchwheel (it had buttons like the zune but circular), and the requirement of having to install their music manager (although an optional one was provided). The battery used to run for 48-72 hours straight on music, and now it runs for around 24-30, which is still exceptional (my iPod nano runs for 24 max). The only reason I don't use it anymore is that it is all scratched up, and the headphone jack was bent so much I have to press on it to hear sounds as it's loose inside.
Mainstream generally isn't the best :hipsterface:
June 21st, 2012, 05:12 PM
I said the same thing about the P-51 Mustang.
Pssst, Ross isn't a Mustang person...
Also if you want a fantastic MUSIC player (.mp3 is for fagg0ts), you get Cowon. Support for just about any format you can think of.
June 21st, 2012, 09:02 PM
Pssst, Ross isn't a Mustang person...
Also if you want a fantastic MUSIC player (.mp3 is for fagg0ts), you get Cowon. Support for just about any format you can think of.
Cowon for players, Cresyn for headphones.
(bubble 'stangs are only good 'stangs)
June 21st, 2012, 11:09 PM
Because Bob from marketing said so.
June 22nd, 2012, 12:29 AM
I said the same thing about the P-51 Mustang.
b- for effort
June 22nd, 2012, 04:43 AM
Hey Microsoft.
June 23rd, 2012, 04:15 AM
Yes, Gay Ladies Having Fun
June 23rd, 2012, 09:15 AM
June 23rd, 2012, 12:16 PM
Yes, Gay Ladies Having Fun
I'll be in my bunk...
June 23rd, 2012, 06:25 PM
blame sweaty hands
June 24th, 2012, 01:50 PM
Funny thing is, that tech wise that thing is leaps and bounds ahead of the iPad xP Yet everyone is too busy sucking apples dick to notice xP
June 24th, 2012, 02:55 PM
Apple has a dick? I thought they did things wireless. :downsrim:
Meh. I wouldn't say the tech is leaps and bounds, but at least shit is different than Apple's recycled stuff. I don't think you can go green with this sort of thing....
June 24th, 2012, 04:11 PM
Id take any i5 model over the apple mobile dual core processors :P The surface has an actual laptop processor in it, compared to the mobile A5X that the iPad uses.
Also it can hold double the Hard drive space, as well as USB 3.0 ports and SD slots. I mean the Surface actually seems like a real computer where as the iPad is just a toy :P
June 24th, 2012, 05:39 PM
Apple just makes shiny shit, makes it seem like it's the best damn thing to buy in electronics (when it's not in comparison), and overprices it. I could buy a computer BETTER than an Apple Mac for half the price and with a manufacturer that won't tell you to buy a new computer after two years.
July 9th, 2012, 03:36 PM
Coming this Fall...
In a world without trees...
In a land without penguins...
Comes a house...with Windows!
Windows 8, coming at the end of Oct (
July 10th, 2012, 03:45 AM
cant wait to not use it
July 10th, 2012, 09:29 AM
Why should I give a fuck again?
July 10th, 2012, 02:01 PM
The horror!
July 13th, 2012, 10:37 AM
Microsoft is reportedly planning to kill its retail full edition of Windows 8, offering simplified upgrade and System Builder options for home users. The software maker has typically sold upgrade, full, and OEM System Builder copies of its Windows software at retailers.Windows Weekly co-hosts ( Paul Thurrott and Mary Jo Foley have both revealed that Microsoft is planning to remove the full edition option in favor of a System Builder option for home users building a PC.
In the past, home users wishing to install a full copy of Windows could either purchase a pricey boxed copy or a cheaper OEM edition. The OEM edition, that was technically for system builders, could be sold by retailers with a piece of hardware — but many have offered this as a standalone purchase. Full boxed copies come with 90 days of support via email and telephone after activation, whereas OEM copies lack the support option. Thurrott and Foley both speculate that the full edition will no longer be available in stores, replaced with an OEM System Builder option for those building a new PC. The change marks a shift in Microsoft's licensing plans for Windows 8 and simplifies the offering to consumers on the web and in retail stores.
A Microsoft spokesperson confirmed the existence of a System Builder version ( for consumers earlier this month, revealing that Mac users would have to use the edition to install Windows 8. Microsoft will release a Windows 8 Pro upgrade offer ( for existing Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 users — priced at just $39.99. If the rumors are true, expect to see just upgrade and System Builder options on the shelves in late October. Ultimately, the change is good for consumers providing Microsoft plans to offer its System Builder version at a similar price to its previous OEM copies of Windows 7.
July 13th, 2012, 12:56 PM
They're only doing this because after the backlash and outrage of the majority of their customer base from the Windows 8 preview, they know they won't sell shit with an OS priced at 300 goddamn dollars.
July 13th, 2012, 05:43 PM
Decided since they're taking away Aero -- I'd get used to it being gone.
But go to Windows Basic? No way o.o Go to the OTHER looks_and_feel that they're removing: Windows Classic : D
Surprisingly feels like a step up from Aero despite being obviously uglier.
July 14th, 2012, 06:05 AM
July 26th, 2012, 01:01 AM
Gabe Newell: “I think Windows 8 is a catastrophe for everyone in the PC space.†(
“Valve wouldn’t exist today without the PC,†he insisted, “or Epic, or Zynga, or Google. They all wouldn’t have existed without the openness of the platform. There’s a strong temptation to close the platform, because they look at what they can accomplish when they limit the competitors’ access to the platform, and they say, ‘That’s really exciting.’
“We are looking at the platform and saying, ‘We’ve been a free rider, and we’ve been able to benefit from everything that went into PCs and the Internet, and we have to continue to figure out how there will be open platforms.â€
Newell even went as far as to say that a change of operating systems may be necessary in the future to preserve the open platform, so get those boot CDs ready.
“We want to make it as easy as possible for the 2,500 games on Steam to run on Linux as well. It’s a hedging strategy,†he said. “I think Windows 8 is a catastrophe for everyone in the PC space. I think we’ll lose some of the top-tier PC/OEMs, who will exit the market. I think margins will be destroyed for a bunch of people.â€
“What we are interested in is bringing together a platform where people’s actions create value for other people when they play. That’s the reason we hired an economist.
July 26th, 2012, 04:10 AM
If Valve came out with the SteamBox, and released an open platform OS for my PC, I would be a happy man.
July 26th, 2012, 09:57 AM
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Microsoft. It seems their care about the PC went out the door with their PC game development.
July 31st, 2012, 01:23 PM
Serves them right. This past month has been the worst month in the markets in their history. And you guys though Vista was bad. :allears:
July 31st, 2012, 01:32 PM
Hey, I demand my quote not be cut off!
July 31st, 2012, 06:39 PM
In another fantastic display of Microsoft marketing prowess, they'll be announcing Windows Phone 8 shit right next to Apple's iPhone 5/iOS6 keynote!
I have a sure-fire plan that would work better than anything these geniuses could do:
Port Halo to WP8. Bundle with purchase of phone. Bam.
July 31st, 2012, 10:00 PM
Installing Linux on Windows 8 PCs: No easy answers (
July 31st, 2012, 10:48 PM
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Microsoft.
August 1st, 2012, 09:25 PM
Win8 went RTM today. lol.
August 3rd, 2012, 01:21 AM
No more Metro for Microsoft because of possible trademark dispute (
August 3rd, 2012, 12:45 PM
So W8 RTM has been leaked.
I installed it.
Nothing has been fixed.
(seriously, they didn't even bother with redesigning the aero icons despite removing the aero theme)
This OS is a fucking piece of shit.
August 3rd, 2012, 12:57 PM
seems like it's Windows 98 all over again. Guess we need to wait for Windows 98 Second Edition.
August 3rd, 2012, 01:20 PM
Here's a post from technet.
Some of you may be all like "big deal" about this list, as if no one ever used or heard of some of these features...but there's several in here which are extremely important to me. It's as if the Windows team believes that if 90% don't know or use it, then they don't need to include it.
I bolded a few of these dead features that aren't important at all.
● Start Menu has been removed. Here's how the Start Menu was superior to the Start Screen:
- No full-screen requirement, it doesn't disturb your workflow and gets out of the way quickly
- Had quick access to shutdown commands
- Special folders 1 click away and expandable
- Expandable Recent documents
- Start Menu jump lists for pinning documents associated with that program
- Frequently used programs list
- Neatly organized All Programs list by folders
- Does not cover the Taskbar and the notification area
- Search results are in a single unified list of Programs, Files and Settings for easy up/down keyboard navigation but still neatly categorized
- Context menu options of our choice not present in Start screen. Whatever limited context menu actions Start Screen has are at the bottom of the screen which means more movement between the tile and the bottom actions
- No context menu options available at all for settings and files on the Start screen
- Launch multiple apps quickly by holding down Shift (Classic Start Menu of 9x and Classic Shell has this feature)
- Less items fit on the screen at a time due to the large size which means more scrolling unnecessarily for keyboard and mouse users
- The hot corner has poor discoverability
● Built-in (Microsoft provided) DVD playback in Windows Media Player will not be available on the Windows 8 platform even with addition of the Media Center Pack
● Device Manager no longer shows Non-Plug and Play Drivers/hidden devices. The "Devmgr_Show_NonPresent_Devices=1' environment variable has no effect.
● Applications can no longer programmatically configure, change or query file associations or set themselves during installation as the default for a file type or protocol!
● Explorer metadata/property handler for media files is removed which means the Details pane won't show those nice properties
● Many commands are missing on the Ribbon which were there on Explorer command bar like Compatibility Files, View Remote Printers etc and others for special folders and namespace extensions. They just forgot to add these to these commands!
● Reduced productivity: The menu bar in Windows Explorer has been removed and replaced with the unproductive Ribbon interface. Keyboard usability of the Ribbon is poor because in a menu, the first letter of any menu command or Alt+keyboard combination key is easier to read sequentially as it is placed in a row either horizontally or vertically. Mouse usability of the Ribbon and discoverability of commands is also poor, because unlike in a menu, where you can switch from one menu to another without clicking again, the Ribbon tabs do not activate unless you click again. The File menu also showed context menu commands but the File button on the Ribbon does not show these. Commands in the menu can be static (always available) irrespective of the location you are at in Explorer or they can be contextual like the File menu. In contrast, commands on the Ribbon are all contextual meaning you have to navigate to a certain location to use that Ribbon command.
● The ability to boot directly to the desktop and not load the Metro components in memory is not there. Items in various startup locations (Registry, startup folder etc) are all loaded with a delay of few seconds with no way to load them instantly.
● The Lock screen is the place where you can now display custom background instead of the Logon screen, but unlike the Logon screen, there seems to be no way to programmatically change or cycle through a group of images for the Lock screen background. It must be set manually by the user from PC settings on the Start screen.
● The "Unblock" button previously available on the file properties dialog for unblocking downloaded files (removing the NTFS Alternate Data Stream from the downloaded file) has been removed.
● Running Internet Explorer purely in 64-bit mode is not possible unless Enhanced Protected Mode is enabled which disables all addons. Otherwise, 64-bit IE10 opens 32-bit tabs.
● Search option to use natural language search has been removed.
● Mouse control panel option to allow or disallow themes to change mouse pointers is removed from the GUI.
● File operations like Rename, Delete can no longer be undone for UAC-protected locations
● Security Essentials settings for configuring default actions or real-time protection have been removed. (Security Essentials is now built-in as Windows Defender)
● In a dual boot scenario, the ability to directly boot into another OS besides Windows 8 is slowed down because the new Windows 8 boot shell/loader reboots to load the other operating system
● Windows Update settings for showing notifications and allowing all users to install updates have been removed. Windows Update no longer notifies with a balloon notification that there are new updates available.
● Sound events for 'Exit Windows', 'Windows Logon' and 'Windows Logoff' are removed
● People Near Me P2P API is removed
● WinHelp has been completely discontinued. No download will be available.
● MSConfig's Startup tab has been killed and replaced by the Task Manager's Startup tab that doesn't have the 'Location' column which was useful for example to know if the process started from HKCU or HKLM.
● Previous Versions for Shadow Copies is removed. The half-baked replacement is the File History feature which is only for certain file types (documents, music, videos and pictures) in Libraries, desktop and browser favorites. Previous Versions worked for any generic file type in any folder. File History does not even support EFS-encrypted files! File History is supposed to replace both "Previous Versions for Shadow Copies" as well as "Windows Backup and Restore" and it doesn't do 100% of either of the features it "replaces".
● Advanced Appearance settings which let you adjust colors, sizes and fonts are removed
● Explorer copy engine issue: Folder conflict prompt when merging/overwriting folders is removed. Explorer silently merges subfolders in a copy operation, you cannot choose entire subfolders to skip or overwrite
● Explorer status bar removes the ability to show important details. It is now a private undocumented control (DirectUI) so it also doesn't allow Explorer addons like Classic Shell to show information like free disk space, total size of items without selection, computer zone, infotip information as it could on a standard status bar control.
● Explorer: Ability to enable both Details pane and Preview pane simultaneously in Explorer for display of file metadata as well as preview, or, Details pane to be always shown and only the Preview pane toggled is gone
● Flip 3D is gone
● Chkdsk when run at startup does not display any information about file system repairs besides % complete. The screen with scanning and correction details is gone when Chkdsk runs at startup and replaced by just a % complete.
● Pen and Touch Input Desktop features no longer included. Some buttons ('num', 'sym' and 'web) are removed from the Handwriting input panel and UI changes to it require more clicks for example to switch from handwriting to keyboard, or access the editing commands (join, split, delete). It is now touch-friendly but no longer stylus-friendly.
● Network Map feature and some network profile management UI from Network and Sharing Center is missing
● Memory addresses and other technical information has been removed from the Windows 8 bug check screen (BSOD)
● The new Task Manager is missing many features of the old one. (
● View Available Networks (VAN) UI has been crippled with access to the most important dialog: the Network's Status removed. The VAN UI now covers the notification area icons unnecessarily and the Metro look is out of place on the Aero desktop
● The AutoPlay dialog removes the option to always open a particular program based on the file type
● The Open With dialog breaks the NoInternetOpenWith and NoFileAssociate Group Policies and browsing for a program with the redesigned Open With dialog requires three clicks instead of just one.
● The Windows Error Reporting dialog for reporting/debugging crashes does not save the state of "View details"
● Wireless NICs no longer have in-box drivers for hosted/virtual Wi-Fi whose virtual adapter used to be automatically enabled on Windows 7
● Windows CardSpace is not installed even after installing .NET 3.0/3.5
● The keyboard shortcut for Windows Mobility Center has been removed. Previously, Win+X brought it up, now it brings up the power user context menu.
● Desktop games (no word on whether they will be included or dropped in favor of Metro-style games):
• Chess Titans
• FreeCell
• Hearts
• Solitaire
• Spider Solitaire
• Minesweeper
• Mahjong Titans
• Purble Place
● Windows DVD Maker is removed
● Windows Briefcase
● Windows Gadget Platform is intact but no gadgets to download as the online Gadget Gallery was killed for Windows Vista and Windows 7 users as well.
● Some remoting apps that use mirror drivers or some features of mirror drivers for remoting scenarios, accessibility, or desktop duplication may no longer be supported due to the changes required to be made to Desktop Window Manager.
● Some Audio Compression Manager (ACM) components are broken resulting in ACM-based apps being unable to do format conversion.
Deprecated but not yet removed:
● Windows Backup and Restore is deprecated. Although the feature is still intact, shell integration of Backup features is removed.
● The command line tools, DiskPart.exe, DiskRAID.exe, and the Disk Management GUI are being deprecated and replaced by the WMIv2-based Windows Storage Management API with the Storage PowerShell command line utility. Dynamic Disks are being deprecated as part of this transition. (GUI for Disk Management deprecated and replaced by command line? - way to go!)
● Subsystem for UNIX-based applications is deprecated
● Some Transactional NTFS (TxF) APIs like savepoints, secondary RM, miniversion and roll forward
August 3rd, 2012, 01:30 PM
hi there, jcap here. for the past several months i have said a lot in irc about how much i care about windows 8 but nobody else was caring so i post it here but also still in irc for som reason
August 3rd, 2012, 02:33 PM
some1 pls give a car
August 3rd, 2012, 03:12 PM
So I'm assuming W8 is getting worse?
August 3rd, 2012, 03:27 PM
● In a dual boot scenario, the ability to directly boot into another OS besides Windows 8 is slowed down because the new Windows 8 boot shell/loader reboots to load the other operating system.I fixed this in the release preview by setting the other OS as default and it takes me directly to the windows vista/7 bootloader.
August 3rd, 2012, 04:02 PM
● The Windows Error Reporting dialog for reporting/debugging crashes does not save the state of "View details"
WTF? Well in that case OpenSauce isn't supported on Win8.
August 3rd, 2012, 04:44 PM
The only reason this OS will succeed is because it will be on every single new computer and customer choice will be either restricted or eliminated.
Whooo, Applesoft.
August 3rd, 2012, 04:57 PM
Well, at least I know I'll never use this damn OS!
Maybe W9 will be better.
August 3rd, 2012, 06:09 PM
I fixed this in the release preview by setting the other OS as default and it takes me directly to the windows vista/7 bootloader.
Can you explain this further? What do you mean by default?
As I understand it, the Windows 8 boot menu is essentially an operating system itself. It has a boot screen and all, which takes a good chunk of time to load. God forbid you even have to enter safe mode repeatedly.
August 3rd, 2012, 06:54 PM
When you're at the at the Windows 8 bootloader select "Change defaults or choose other options".
(old screenshot I randomly googled)
Then click on "change default operating system"
Then end result should look like the classic 7 loader with Windows 8 under the 7 option.
It will probably not work as I had XP installed on this drive before and never wiped the old boot sector.
August 4th, 2012, 11:39 PM
Not 100% sure if this is true, but I'm fairly confident it is...
User on SA in yospos posted:
we got a laptop from intel with windows 8 this week. It has a trackpad and a touchscreen. When the new windows 8 new user interface experience is up the tracks doesn't work and you have to use the touchscreen
(Disclaimer: He also said a few posts later that he only had a minute with it and he will double check next week to be sure)
Though, if this really is true, then
:cwazy: (
August 4th, 2012, 11:57 PM
What a surprise. Win8 is worse than the worst we thought it could be.
August 6th, 2012, 11:18 PM
Rafael Rivera, coauthor of the forthcoming Windows 8 Secrets, said he has verified that users cannot boot straight to the Desktop in Windows 8. With Windows 8 test builds, users could create shortcut that switches to the Windows 8 Desktop. Those who didn't want to boot to the tiled Start screen could schedule this shortcut to be activated immediately after a user logged onto Windows 8.
Basically, there used to be a workaround through a shortcut which when run, would send you to the desktop (similar to the "show desktop" shortcut or the "lock workstation" shortcut). Users would add this shortcut to their scheduled tasks to run immediately after logging in, sending them straight to their desktop. Microsoft removed this, and it wasn't even "leftover" code like the start button "hacks" were.
August 7th, 2012, 12:14 AM
In separate news, rumours have begun circulating that Valve is working on Source 2, evidenced by files in the Source Film Maker. Who here thinks they'll be favouring OpenGL this time around so they can give Microsoft the finger?
August 7th, 2012, 12:43 AM
Not on Windows they won't. However, they've ramped up their OpenGL development in support of targeting Linux for Steam (with L4D2 being their first game on the platform)
August 7th, 2012, 12:51 AM
They also decided to do OpenGL on Windows for L4D2 to see what they could do with it, and it's running even better than both their DX9 implementation and their OpenGL implementation on Linux.
August 7th, 2012, 04:30 AM
Umm, source?
Also, DX11 is the new hotness.
August 7th, 2012, 06:20 AM
Basically, there used to be a workaround through a shortcut which when run, would send you to the desktop (similar to the "show desktop" shortcut or the "lock workstation" shortcut). Users would add this shortcut to their scheduled tasks to run immediately after logging in, sending them straight to their desktop. Microsoft removed this, and it wasn't even "leftover" code like the start button "hacks" were.
In other news Microsoft continues its role-play as a 15 year old belligerent teenager refusing to admit its idea is bad.
They also decided to do OpenGL on Windows for L4D2 to see what they could do with it, and it's running even better than both their DX9 implementation and their OpenGL implementation on Linux.:
OpenGL supremacy :realsmug:
One has to wonder about the superior performance on windows compared to linux, them being more familiar with the operating system as a whole or just poorly implemented graphics drivers for linux.
Maybe both.
Edit: Also Microsoft has mad the choice for me when it comes to operating systems, as Windows 7 blew itself up a few days ago. Been on Mint ever since. Thanks MS!
August 7th, 2012, 06:53 AM
Uhm afaik L4D2 runs faster on Linux than on Windows.
August 7th, 2012, 08:11 AM
August 7th, 2012, 08:17 AM
MS making development on windows unbearable so more devs will turn to the kinnectbox whateverthingy.
Given the direction valve has taken recently it doesn't seem to be working.
August 7th, 2012, 02:45 PM
Umm, source?
Also, DX11 is the new hotness.
Bam. (
OpenGL is even more hot than DX11 now, because of both mobile and now because of everybody fleeing the shit that is Windows 8. Microsoft thinks they can strong-arm the entire industry...I'm betting they are wrong.
August 7th, 2012, 03:13 PM
I wouldn't take much weight with that. Source on its own is incredibly lightweight. I'd pay more attention to it if Source actually used something more recent than SM 3.0.
August 7th, 2012, 03:25 PM
I'm not really looking at the performance numbers, more the fact that they are testing OpenGL on Windows at all. I would expect it to run better since they've had time to refine their product and now have access to a brand new version of OpenGL, as well as increased familiarity with Windows. The numbers are pretty moot.
August 7th, 2012, 05:07 PM
New versions of DX/OpenGL don't necessarily go back and improve old methods but simply add new ones. Rewriting a rendering solution for a 5 year old (six GPU generation) era title is a bit different than rewriting something that still hasn't been truly explored yet (DX11 things like tesselation and multithreading). With more teases of Valve's Source 2 engine poking around, I hope they're working on both APIs in parallel so we can compare much better.
But it is nice that some devs are taking another look at OpenGL. If Microsoft does try to mimic Apple and lock up Windows, then having engines handy with OpenGL support would be a lifesaver.
August 7th, 2012, 07:20 PM
I wouldn't take much weight with that. Source on its own is incredibly lightweight. I'd pay more attention to it if Source actually used something more recent than SM 3.0.
Also, there are two totally different compilers being used here (Visual C++, vs GCC or Clang. Hopefully Clang.). Meaning two different binaries. And they make no mention of whether those numbers are from release or debug builds. Or if whether ALL graphics features are implemented in both rendering engines (today, Source1 gfx aren't impressive to begin with).
And I'm pretty damn sure their shit is still running on DX9 (you can't just change your library references to 11 and compile, they're not the same). DX11 introduces a lot of performance-positive features, on top of GFX features.
August 7th, 2012, 10:38 PM
It's called Xbox Windows.
This is disgusting.
August 8th, 2012, 12:33 AM
So the thing hooked up to my TV is now a part of windows. Like this won't confuse anyone.
Edit: Is this a response to apple's game center? Because I've never met anyone who uses it, in fact the only thing I ever hear about it is how ugly it is.
August 8th, 2012, 12:57 AM
Windows? Xbox? Yikes, looks like we'll need some Windex to clear this up.
August 8th, 2012, 01:27 AM
inb4 not metro jokes.
August 8th, 2012, 01:58 AM
inb4 not metro jokes.
Too late
No more Metro for Microsoft because of possible trademark dispute (
August 8th, 2012, 03:20 AM
I've yet to talk to anyone in the development world (multiple game publishers and studios, software engineering firms, etc) that have supported Windows 8 at all. Everyone is saying that Windows 7 will be the next Windows XP that everyone holds on to for years.
Spread the word to all your less techy friends that Windows 8 is going to be shit, and that they shouldn't be fooled by the sales people at Best Buy.
August 8th, 2012, 04:38 AM
And I'm pretty damn sure their shit is still running on DX9 (you can't just change your library references to 11 and compile, they're not the same). DX11 introduces a lot of performance-positive features, on top of GFX features.
It pretty much is DX9 running as a subset of DX11.1. I've lost track of the designations after we moved into DX11, but is it called DX9.0el? When I was looking over the most recent whitesheets for Source I was kinda shocked that they used HLSL up to SM3.0 as a selling point, but then again that's kinda something important that you'd need to know when choosing an engine.
August 9th, 2012, 12:20 AM
Saw this, nothing really new, but for anyone who hasn't used it, it just shows how fucked regular customers will be when they try W8.
August 9th, 2012, 01:53 AM
Uhm afaik L4D2 runs faster on Linux than on Windows.
Runs faster but doesn't look as good from what I've seen. They probably still have lots of room to tweak what they've done though.
August 15th, 2012, 04:47 PM
Win8 is officially out today ( Oh, and it still blows. Just in case any of you wondered.
August 15th, 2012, 05:17 PM
Oh, and it still blows.:downs:
August 16th, 2012, 04:12 PM
August 16th, 2012, 05:11 PM
August 16th, 2012, 05:42 PM
FUCK Metro. Or rather, FUCK the thing formerly known as Metro.
August 18th, 2012, 05:51 AM
I don't know why everybody is focusing so much on the interface itself when it's the ideas and mechanics behind the interface that are the big deal.
Oh wait, i c wut u did thar Microsoft.
August 20th, 2012, 01:59 AM
August 20th, 2012, 02:43 AM
There's no such thing as a trusted windows computer.
August 22nd, 2012, 01:44 PM
Perfect article explaining why Win8 makes no sense:
August 22nd, 2012, 02:23 PM
Oh... I am going to have so much fun when my step-dad installs Windows 8 and realizes that he can't figure it out.
As for me, I figure I'll move on to Windows 7 finally. I now realize that 2003 ended nine years ago.
August 22nd, 2012, 04:36 PM mean to tell me you've been using XP on your main machine(s) up until now, still? Y U NO SWITCH TO W7 SOONER?
August 22nd, 2012, 04:52 PM
Because it still works?
Still waiting for windows 7 to fix itself because I'm way too lazy to be fucked about it.
August 22nd, 2012, 06:11 PM
XP is such a dump anymore. It's hardly supported. Windows 7 was the way to go. Haven't had issues in years. Don't know what you're going on about.
August 22nd, 2012, 06:17 PM
Perfect article explaining why Win8 makes no sense:
That was a terrible article.
Here's a better one. (
Rainbow Dash
August 22nd, 2012, 08:10 PM
Windows Vista still unchallenged as best Windows Operating system!
August 22nd, 2012, 09:26 PM
Windows 8 isn't good for anything. Didn't you read the part where you have to go through 3 menus just to shut down your damn computer?
August 22nd, 2012, 09:47 PM
Back when I was using the first version that was released, all I did to shut the computer down was ctrl+alt+delete and the shutdown was there. The fucking OS was still a piece of shit though. Windows 7 is going to be the new XP.
August 22nd, 2012, 10:57 PM
Windows 8 isn't good for anything. Didn't you read the part where you have to go through 3 menus just to shut down your damn computer?
Wait, who are you talking to?
August 23rd, 2012, 02:24 AM
Wait, who are you talking to?
August 23rd, 2012, 02:50 AM
I didn't disagree with the article. I just said it was terrible, because it was. It was badly written.
I have absolutely zero love for Microsoft or Windows 8.
August 23rd, 2012, 10:21 AM
Microsoft slits their own throat
Old logo:
New logo: 2D00_450x0.jpg
August 23rd, 2012, 10:25 AM
This is fucking retarded
August 23rd, 2012, 10:26 AM
I mean, seriously, just when when you thought the company already went full retard
August 23rd, 2012, 10:27 AM
Meanwhile, The Verge with their retarded cocksucking fucks think the logo is the best thing ever
This is supposed to be the Windows 8 logo. What the fuck is it doing as the company logo. What do four colorful squares say about Microsoft as a company? The company that makes squares?
Four colorful squares are for:
1. Windows
All of Microsoft needs to be gassed
Also The Verge
August 23rd, 2012, 10:32 AM
What it says is that Microsoft likes to fully associate itself with failed products.
(Both past and present)
Also that they lack any originality or innovation.
August 23rd, 2012, 02:42 PM
Um, no jcap, this is the Win8 logo:
Now stop posting
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