View Full Version : For anybody that is curious about this e sport, watch this game.
March 13th, 2012, 08:40 AM
this is an amazing game that took place the other night, it's free to watch because it was the first game in a set.
zerg vs protoss
Slayers_Yugioh vs Startale Squirtle
March 13th, 2012, 05:15 PM
(Jesus christ squirtle's forge positioning sets my protoss autism off ><)
For people who aren't big into SC, you should probably skip to halfway through. The early-midgame is just a bunch of metaplay an forced bad timings. If I didn't veto that map, I think I'll have to seriously consider a different 4th v Blords :p
March 21st, 2012, 09:47 PM
I can't wait till I buy this game. I can't wait to play as Protoss.
March 21st, 2012, 10:22 PM
I'd wait till HOTS to buy SC2 at this stage, unless you want to get ahead of the game on all the bronzies who'll come back and play for a few weeks.
March 21st, 2012, 10:25 PM
I'd wait till HOTS to buy SC2 at this stage, unless you want to get ahead of the game on all the bronzies who'll come back and play for a few weeks.
Yeah, thankfully it works out well that I don't have enough cash on me to buy it for now. But I played the Starter Kit and I hate playing as Terran; might as well carry around a cudgel and spam unit combos as much as possible. I'm definitely more geared towards Protoss.
March 22nd, 2012, 08:59 AM
What does "cudgel" and "spam unit combos" mean?
March 22nd, 2012, 10:19 AM
What does "cudgel" and "spam unit combos" mean?
Simply terms to explain how I think the Terrans play as. From what I've played and seen, Terran is the bluntest of the three, making it more of a cudgel. What I mean by "spam unit combos" is that it's less tactic and more brawn thus leading to a bunch of Warship, Marauder, Marine, Medic, and Thor combos. It just seems to me that Terran is unappealing based on Attack and Health rather than strategic advantage like Protoss or even Zerg. Please correct me if I'm mislead though, these are just the impressions I've gotten from playing as Terran, against Terran, and watching Terran fight.
March 22nd, 2012, 04:18 PM
Terran (arguably certain styles of zerg) is the most surgical race, and as such requires a huge amount of skill to execute properly. Terran has the highest skill:power scaling of any race. You've got to stutter step, split bio units in seconds v AoE, multitask drops, correctly position tanks, have map awareness (no overlords or observers and scans are for bads and mech players), macro while doing everything else (nonstop production, not cyclical like warpgate and larva) and other stuff too. Bio units die way faster than protoss gateway units and take much longer to produce than zerg units. Mech units require precise execution to be used to their (incredibly strong) effect.
Terran pro's are generaly doing the best since SC2 came out because all (mid teir) pros have around the same skill. At lower levels, terran is much harder because of the skill-reward curve.
If you want to wield an unstoppable hammer, you should be playing protoss.
PS. I played protoss exclusively from October 2010 and switched to terran this month because protoss is silly (FIX IT IN HOTS BLIZZARD)
March 22nd, 2012, 10:14 PM
yeah me and n00b are both playing terran.
winning with terran now is actually alot more taxing then the other races.
you can make your army 5x more powerful just with being able to controll it well, and the game has been balanced so that you HAVE to control it well.
so if you dont...........
April 5th, 2012, 10:56 AM
Hey look, censorship :gar:
April 5th, 2012, 01:47 PM
I have a srs question:
Is this game worth picking up for single-player (campaign and skirmish)? I've never played Starcraft even once in my life...
April 5th, 2012, 03:52 PM
I have a srs question:
Is this game worth picking up for single-player (campaign and skirmish)? I've never played Starcraft even once in my life...
Yes! But don't expect an easy campaign like Halo Wars; Once you reach the later Terran and Zerg levels, expect to be sitting for 45 minute levels. That's as far as I've gotten in the first StarCraft.
Speaking of which, I've finally got to mess with Zerg. I'm really intrigued with how its system works and I like the idea of the swarm, but it requires so much multitasking to be effective enough in quick bursts, not to mention it devours base economies and relies a lot on rushing. Of course, I'm not really good with Zerg yet (on level 5 now), but I'm hoping I'll be able to develop some more familiar strategies/tactics once the Ultralisk comes into play, kind of how the Battle Cruiser, Ghost (Nuke) and Siege Tank really helped me through the end of the Terran campaign.
April 5th, 2012, 05:32 PM
Hey look, censorship :gar:
ITT: Freelancer loses yet again.
April 5th, 2012, 06:19 PM
I knew I should have saved this thread, too bad not-freelancer deleted lancer getting destroyed :(
E: oh wait, it just got moved into the gread debate :lmao:
April 5th, 2012, 07:59 PM
Yes! But don't expect an easy campaign like Halo Wars; Once you reach the later Terran and Zerg levels, expect to be sitting for 45 minute levels. That's as far as I've gotten in the first StarCraft.
Speaking of which, I've finally got to mess with Zerg. I'm really intrigued with how its system works and I like the idea of the swarm, but it requires so much multitasking to be effective enough in quick bursts, not to mention it devours base economies and relies a lot on rushing. Of course, I'm not really good with Zerg yet (on level 5 now), but I'm hoping I'll be able to develop some more familiar strategies/tactics once the Ultralisk comes into play, kind of how the Battle Cruiser, Ghost (Nuke) and Siege Tank really helped me through the end of the Terran campaign.
are you talking about the Starcraft 1 campaign?
Zerg is the hardest race to learn because it has this thing thats referred to as the drone dance.
The larvae mechanic forces the player to choose between building an economy or building units, this is effectively called the drone dance.
to become the faster you get your economy to it's max potential, the stronger you are.
so the idea is to react to your opponents agression as late as possible with JUST enough to beat what he throws at you, then continue building drones. It's this walk that takes a fair bit of game understanding which you only get from alot of games.
If you wanna learn more about zerg i got to diamond on NA, when i was vs masters opponents,
add me
bodzilla 158
i'll answer anything you ask :D
April 5th, 2012, 10:55 PM
Yeah, I'm playing the first StarCraft and thanks for the offer. If I get a chance to play multiplayer, then I'll definitely take you up on it if you still play the first one. The only thing that makes sad about this single-player game, though, is that the computer has a complete advantage over you when it comes to counteracting against your units. It seems like every time I begin an assault the enemy has tougher guys than my fully upgraded ones and they keep pumping out like candy from a broken vending machine before I actually get anywhere. This annoyance wasn't really present in the Terran campaign (though Siege Tanks are annoying to deal with), but in the Zerg one it's almost unbearable at times considering how much time it takes to finish one level.
April 5th, 2012, 11:12 PM
just build a million hydralisks
do it.
9 hotkeys, maxed out, a move~
April 6th, 2012, 01:25 AM
E: oh wait, it just got moved into the gread debate :lmao:
Yeah I did that.
You guys kept shitting up the thread when I voiced my opinion.
Seriously, don't respond to that with any kind of snarky comment or I'll have to move MORE posts.
April 6th, 2012, 08:50 AM
just build a million hydralisks
do it.
9 hotkeys, maxed out, a move~
Heh I prefer to Zergling Rush everything even if it doesn't work. Just watching those little bastards eat everything alive in a wave of purple is astonishing.
EDIT: Whoa shit, the 5th Level is awesome. It's really an easy one, but the idea of using badass units like the Hunter Killers for a special ops missions is just fun. Kind of unfair for a lot of the bastards.
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