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March 30th, 2012, 05:28 AM
StarCraft tournament play is more about math than fun.
That's why I don't play it unless I'm playing against friends who are just as bad as me and still don't know what have the new units do.
March 30th, 2012, 05:38 AM
what the doolie are you talking about
March 30th, 2012, 07:42 AM
StarCraft tournament play is more about math playing in a manner which improve your likelyhood of winning than fun doing retarded shit (unless you're Boxer).
That's why I don't play it unless I'm playing against friends who are just as bad as me and still don't know what have the new units do Starcraft 2 with the intention of playing well.
That's great and all but really, is posting about topics you know nothing about something you do to get off over? I'm trying to work out why you go out of your way to look like a mentally deficient attention whore who is desperate to stir up shit at every opportunity. :allears:
March 31st, 2012, 04:49 AM
It's all memorizing build orders and managing resources, which is all just math if you want to do it properly.
Why would I play with the interntion if playing well when playing how I want is more fun? Building a million bunkers and siege tanks to protect my area of the map is a much cooler strat than whatever the fuck you want to do, sorry. That or mass cannons.
March 31st, 2012, 05:47 AM
I don't know anything about sc2 and I get a natural high from passing my uninformed opinions off as facts to make me feel really clever
April 1st, 2012, 07:46 AM
All you e-sports baddies have exactly the same attitude.
It's like you think your StarCraft II is some big thing.
It's not
April 1st, 2012, 06:53 PM
could you go away now.
these big events are rivalling cable company's in viewers.
so please, could you just fuck off with your uninformed retarded irrelevant misconceived perceptions.
(stop posting)
April 3rd, 2012, 03:14 AM
Rock concerts have those kind of crowds.
So do pretty much all sporting finals, and the Olympics, and a ton of other things.
StarCraft isn't special and never will be sorry.
April 3rd, 2012, 03:48 AM
"it's on par with national wide sports and the olympics in terms of spectatorship.....
April 3rd, 2012, 03:57 AM
Rock concerts have those kind of crowds.
So do pretty much all sporting finals, and the Olympics, and a ton of other things.
StarCraft isn't special and never will be sorry.
It's the same as any other sport or event, it's special to the people that watch and participate.
April 3rd, 2012, 04:06 AM
But it's a VIDEO GAME.
A mediocre one at that.
I'm a nerd and I'm glad to say that e-sports fans/watchers are a special kind of uber-nerd. Heck we had some dumb-twat bitch come and make a snarly review about Fragapalooza (a casual every-game LAN) and she wrote that it was basically shit on her blog. Why? Because someone told her that there was an "official StarCraft II tournament" (official just means there are event-sponsored prizes) and she expected that the whole event would revolve around one shitty game. That pretty much established my opinion on e-sports people.
Basically you are all in love with your game and it's totally cool to insult our games and hobbies because they aren't televised. Yet it's not OK for us to insult yours because its "mainstream cool".
Playing a video game is not a skill that should require or respect any kind of viewer praise. Watching someone play a game is boring, playing a game is fun.
April 3rd, 2012, 05:00 AM
Freelancer is upset he's not having fun. It's OK lancer go play some more Halo :downs:
April 3rd, 2012, 05:21 AM
StarCraft 2 is really fun.
Just not when you play any sort of matchmaking.
April 3rd, 2012, 05:30 AM
Playing a video game is not a skill that should require or respect any kind of viewer praise. Watching someone play a game is boring, playing a game is fun.
Wow, so all those makers of Let's Plays, Speedruns, Montages etc. must be really dumb for doing something nobody wants to watch!
Jesus Christ Freelancer. Just because you suck at games doesn't make your opinion fact.
April 3rd, 2012, 05:35 AM
I don't know what the fuck your point had to do with anything.
Those are tutorials or challenges if anything.
StarCraft 2 e-sports are people watching people who do nothing but play games all day compete. You have no hope of ever being as good as they are because you live in the real world and actually have to do your day-job and shit.
April 3rd, 2012, 06:09 AM
But it's a VIDEO GAME.
Great first paragraph, Captain Obvious.
A mediocre one at that.
So here's the first example of you confusing your opinion for a fact.
I'm a nerd and I'm glad to say that e-sports fans/watchers are a special kind of uber-nerd.
And here's number two!
Heck we had some dumb-twat bitch come and make a snarly review about Fragapalooza (a casual every-game LAN) and she wrote that it was basically shit on her blog. Why? Because someone told her that there was an "official StarCraft II tournament" (official just means there are event-sponsored prizes) and she expected that the whole event would revolve around one shitty game. That pretty much established my opinion on e-sports people.
Ok so now you're basing your entire perception of a community on a single encounter with an idiot. I want you to attempt to excavate your head from your posterior and consider if that's an intelligent thing to do. But more than that, think about what has been posted in this thread - Every time you post your biased and uninformed opinion, zilla has tried to show you that you're wrong. And every time, instead of address the points he raised, you just tried to pick a different fight. And now here you are, admitting that you don't know, nor want to know anything about what you're talking about. You're a fucking shining example of what it is to be a contributing member of the forum.
Basically you are all in love with your game and it's totally cool to insult our games and hobbies because they aren't televised. Yet it's not OK for us to insult yours because its "mainstream cool".
How dare you go putting words in our mouths. The only reason anybody is telling you to fuck off is because you're pushing your uniformed, uneducated, willfully ignorant opinions on us and doing everything you can to stir up shit. Nobody is going into any other section of the website posting anything remotely like "this sucks it isn't sc2". At all. Yet here you are, utterly on your own, posting how terrible everybody who cares about the game is and how we all go out of our way to cause trouble and dance around with an air of superiority. I can not possibly overstate your hypocrisy.
Playing a video game is not a skill that should require or respect any kind of viewer praise. Watching someone play a game is boring, playing a game is fun.
Why is anything worth praising.
Playing a game is fun. Winning is fun. Perhaps you should try combining both fun things into one activity!
StarCraft 2 e-sports are people watching people who do nothing but play games all day compete. You have no hope of ever being as good as they are because you live in the real world and actually have to do your day-job and shit.
So what you're saying is that you're against any professional competition, whether it be football, chess, racing, shooting, anything. Anything where anybody earns enough from their talent to do nothing but pursue it full time instantly loses any merit as a spectating activity.
You're a shitty passive-aggressive member, a pigheaded idiot, an abusive moderator and a bad troll. Resign from your moderation position. I could do a better job than you in my sleep.
This post would be better worded if I hadn't been doing uni shit all day so appolgies in advance if I wasn't as articulate as I wanted to be.
April 3rd, 2012, 07:30 AM
Resign from your moderation position.
Did you miss the part where I already did that? or are you just to dumb to realize that my name isn't green anymore?
Also, thanks for wasting all your time typing out that response. My job is done. :)
I really just come here to annoy you StarCraft players because you're all the same personality profile and really easy to provoke once your game of love is brought into any kind of question.
It's still a bad game, and pails in comparison to its predecessor when it comes to actual fun gameplay.
April 3rd, 2012, 09:31 AM
you DONT bring it into question.
your constructing straw-men arguments based on misinformation and your willful ignorance and when we refuted your baseless opinions you get the shits and assume the high ground and play the victim.
if you where a troll i'd applaud you, but over years of listening to your written diarrhea i know that your not.
April 3rd, 2012, 01:21 PM
Just think, if Starcraft had F-35's as a playable unit Freelancer would be all over it like a hooker on money.
E: on topic of easy to anger.
You can hardly talk, I've said it once I'll say it again, if you serve your country like you served this forum you'll be an excellent target practice buddy.
April 3rd, 2012, 04:36 PM
Did you miss the part where I already did that? or are you just to dumb to realize that my name isn't green anymore?
Wow you're right, clearly I'm mentally deficient for not checking the colour of your name. Next time I'll try to do that before I address the incessant diarrhea which you insist on putting in sections you claim to have no interest in.
Also, thanks for wasting all your time typing out that response. My job is done. :)
I really just come here to annoy you StarCraft players because you're all the same personality profile and really easy to provoke once your game of love is brought into any kind of question.
Are you actually going to address any counterpoints raised or are you just going to pull the lolitrollu-card?
It's still a bad game, and pails in comparison to its predecessor when it comes to actual fun gameplay.
Then stop posting here and go play Broodwar.
April 3rd, 2012, 05:09 PM
Great first paragraph, Captain Obvious.
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.
So here's the first example of you confusing your opinion for a fact.
What makes SC2 exceptional besides a vast majority of opinions? I'll tell you what; Absolutely nothing.
And here's number two!
Explain to me how watching a video game instead of playing it could appeal to anyone EXCEPT a personal maintaining the personality of a "hardcore nerd".
Ok so now you're basing your entire perception of a community on a single encounter with an idiot. I want you to attempt to excavate your head from your posterior and consider if that's an intelligent thing to do. But more than that, think about what has been posted in this thread - Every time you post your biased and uninformed opinion, zilla has tried to show you that you're wrong. And every time, instead of address the points he raised, you just tried to pick a different fight. And now here you are, admitting that you don't know, nor want to know anything about what you're talking about. You're a fucking shining example of what it is to be a contributing member of the forum.
Why yes I am, especially when all the "e-watchers" I encounter are exactly the same. Especially the ones that turn up at LAN-type events and then make bad-blog posts about them since they weren't reminiscent of the photos you posted last. Every time you and Zilla have tried to show me your extremely biased opinions about why SC2 is so great I have yet to see why. If I can't see why it's so great then there must obviously be more opinions than your own!
How dare you go putting words in our mouths. The only reason anybody is telling you to fuck off is because you're pushing your uniformed, uneducated, willfully ignorant opinions on us and doing everything you can to stir up shit. Nobody is going into any other section of the website posting anything remotely like "this sucks it isn't sc2". At all. Yet here you are, utterly on your own, posting how terrible everybody who cares about the game is and how we all go out of our way to cause trouble and dance around with an air of superiority. I can not possibly overstate your hypocrisy.
I "dare" to put words into the mouths of no one. That has been my experience with the majority of e-sports fans I've come across. Maybe you're less aggressive and hostile than most (not likely; you registered HERE in 2006) when it comes to your beloved game. Unfortunately this entire post of yours pretty much just solidifies my opinion on e-sporters.
Why is anything worth praising.
Playing a game is fun. Winning is fun. Perhaps you should try combining both fun things into one activity!
Things are worth praising when they require legitimate skill and technique to do well at. Video games require nothing but time and practice.
So what you're saying is that you're against any professional competition, whether it be football, chess, racing, shooting, anything. Anything where anybody earns enough from their talent to do nothing but pursue it full time instantly loses any merit as a spectating activity.
I never said anything like what you're implying in this. I'm saying that e-sports are dumb. That may be my opinion but watching someone play a video game (which is something meant to be played by all instead of watched) is really dumb. I literally know people associated with that girl I mentioned before who DON'T PLAY THE GAMES THEY WATCH (be it SC2, HoN, etc). They still class themselves as experts on the game because they have so much "first hand experience watching people play a video game". Most e-sports watchers I have ever talked to fall into this category, hell you're one of the few people I know that actually plays the game you watch at a higher than casual level (from what I can tell, then again you might be like all the rest talking shit and not delivering).
April 3rd, 2012, 06:26 PM
your still retarded because SC2 WASN'T built to be an ordinary game.
the entire game was built from the ground up to be an e-sport.
This means it is SUPPOSED to be as watchable as it is playable and that you DONT have to play the game or even own it to enjoy the spectator ship.
Same with DOTA 2 made by valve.
April 3rd, 2012, 06:51 PM
I don't know what the fuck your point had to do with anything.
Those are tutorials or challenges if anything.
No, they're videos made for the entertainment of others. I for one happen to enjoy watching them.
This guy's commentaries on games are hilarious and informative, and I've more than once watched him play an entire game through just for that. My point is you're passing off your opinion as fact, and your opinion seems to be solely based on the fact that you suck ass at video games.
April 4th, 2012, 12:04 AM
your still retarded because SC2 WASN'T built to be an ordinary game.
the entire game was built from the ground up to be an e-sport.
This means it is SUPPOSED to be as watchable as it is playable and that you DONT have to play the game or even own it to enjoy the spectator ship.
Same with DOTA 2 made by valve.
Oh I didn't know that, if I had I would never of bought it to begin with.
What a dumb way to design a game, especially when before SC2 their largest viewer-base was in Korea.
April 4th, 2012, 12:46 AM
It's stupid to cater to your biggest audience?
April 4th, 2012, 02:30 AM
Hi please read what I said.
Then comprehend it.
April 4th, 2012, 02:47 AM
What makes SC2 exceptional besides a vast majority of opinions? I'll tell you what; Absolutely nothing.
SC2 is exceptional because it's been played at a higher level than any game made in the last decade and managed to retain exceptional balance between three unique races at such a level for more than a year. On top of that, it's exploded the western esports scene, creating the biggest boom since Counter-Strike did a decade ago.
Explain to me how watching a video game instead of playing it could appeal to anyone EXCEPT a personal maintaining the personality of a "hardcore nerd".
I watch sc2 for a few reasons:
To improve my own game. Pro's are (with 1 exception) always better than me and if I play more like them, I play better.
To follow storylines. I want to see my team (MVP) and my favorite players (DRG, MKP, Boxer, Axslav) do well, but I get just as much excitement from watching them crash and burn (Incontrol).
To watch the fucking game. SC2 is an exciting game, it's been built from the ground up to be exciting for those who take the time to understand it. While casual viewers might (somehow) get excited watching the little guys shoot each other and blow up, I can see the mind games, perfect micro, innovative strategies, and progamer 6th-sense which all gives me serious chills.
I can watch soccer and just see two teams trying to stick balls in nets. But I know there's a deeper game there and I respect that. Just because you don't understand SC2 at all doesn't mean that it's as shallow as it looks to you.
Why yes I am, especially when all the "e-watchers" I encounter are exactly the same. Especially the ones that turn up at LAN-type events and then make bad-blog posts about them since they weren't reminiscent of the photos you posted last.
I obviously can't defend others and I'm not going to try but I suggest you re-evaluate whether basing your opinion of all people who enjoy esports on a couple of bad encounters is an intelligent thing to do. Perhaps it's just Canadian esports fans who are dumb.
Every time you and Zilla have tried to show me your extremely biased opinions about why SC2 is so great I have yet to see why. If I can't see why it's so great then there must obviously be more opinions than your own!
Well if you're going to disregard every objective point we raise while flinging subjective opinions and false statements in our faces while challenging us to refute them, I don't see how we could possibly ever convince you of anything :allears:
I "dare" to put words into the mouths of no one. That has been my experience with the majority of e-sports fans I've come across. Maybe you're less aggressive and hostile than most (not likely; you registered HERE in 2006) when it comes to your beloved game. Unfortunately this entire post of yours pretty much just solidifies my opinion on e-sporters.
Which I guess means you see us as a bunch of passionate people who want to share our pastime with others? (what)
Things are worth praising when they require legitimate skill and technique to do well at. Video games require nothing but time and practice.
I've shown this paragraph to a few people today and they all found it hilarious. There is no such thing as a skill or technique which does not require time and practice to improve.
On an aside, does anybody else notice the "You're not better than me, I only lost because I have a life" excuse get flung around a lot by people who suck at their game of choice but have no interest in putting in any effort to improve? It gets really frustrating :(
I never said anything like what you're implying in this. I'm saying that e-sports are dumb. That may be my opinion but watching someone play a video game (which is something meant to be played by all instead of watched) is really dumb. I literally know people associated with that girl I mentioned before who DON'T PLAY THE GAMES THEY WATCH (be it SC2, HoN, etc). They still class themselves as experts on the game because they have so much "first hand experience watching people play a video game". Most e-sports watchers I have ever talked to fall into this category
So basically:
I'm saying that physical sports are dumb. That may be my opinion but watching somebody play a sport (which is something meant to be played by all instead of watched) is really dumb. I literally know people who DON'T PLAY THE GAMES THEY WATCH (be it Soccer, Cricket, etc). They still class themselves as experts on the game because they have so much "first hand experience watching people play a sport". Most sports watchers I have ever talked to fall into this category.
Does that sound about right to you?
hell you're one of the few people I know that actually plays the game you watch at a higher than casual level (from what I can tell, then again you might be like all the rest talking shit and not delivering).
And you'd be right, but again - It's true of pretty much all sports.
For the record, I'm ranked better than ~70% of the people who still play SC2 regularly so I'm not awful by a global standard but by pro standards I'm a bad joke.
April 4th, 2012, 04:28 AM
There is no such thing as a skill or technique which does not require time and practice to improve.
You can't have a natural talent for video games, you can however have a natural talent for, say, mountain climbing.
That is a skill.
April 4th, 2012, 04:38 AM
You can't have a natural talent for video games, you can however have a natural talent for, say, mountain climbing.
That is a skill.
I'm pretty sure everybody here could think of at least one "that guy" they know who is pretty good at any game they pick up, wethere they have genre experience or not. Zilla's one I can think of who goes to this forum.
And what does natural talent have to do with any skill? If you look at any literature on gaining mastery of a skill, you'll know that natural talent has effectively nothing to do with it (other than that those with natural skill are less likely to be disuaded from practicing that skill more).
Can you actually refute anything I said?
April 4th, 2012, 05:09 AM
Tiger Woods. There's some natural skill involved there. Sure he practices to get better, but was ALWAYS really good at golf when he was very young.
I can't refute anything you said, but it's still my opinion that WATCHING VIDEO GAMES IS DUMB AND BORING. Actually, I could say this about pretty much everything. I would much rather do something than watch it be done.
April 4th, 2012, 06:12 AM
There's no such thing as "natural skill". You get better at something the more experience you have at it.
April 4th, 2012, 06:58 AM
hi guys just a quick question,
is it ok if i shit up this thread like lancers been doing in the SC2 thread?
ya know call this dumb and boring, and that people with real lifes use real guns in war.
oh and that even though alot of people like this, and have fun, it's just not exceptional and it's still people just pretending to shoot each other with make believe guns.
ect ect
April 4th, 2012, 07:36 AM
There's no such thing as "natural skill". You get better at something the more experience you have at it.
That's something even new born babies have skill at.
@Freelancer: Keep digging there, I think by the weeks out you'll have dug yourself a pretty handy grave!
April 4th, 2012, 09:35 AM
StarCraft tournament play is more about math than fun.
That's why I don't play it unless I'm playing against friends who are just as bad as me and still don't know what have the new units do.
Wrongo. I've been playing the first one since last week and math only comes into play if you can't create more than one or two bases and you're running out of minerals. There are a LOT of elements to this game, Freelancer, and this game so far feels like one that uses math the least. Unless of course you mean economics, but even then it relies heavily on strategy, timing, and tactics to be successful at all. You also need to be defensive and proactive with detectors, as any enemy that is cloaked can and will ruin the game for you if you do not have detectors that can make them vulnerable. A fine example where this is necessary is when your opponent is harassing you with Dark Templars and Corsairs/Phoenix, so while the Templars demolish everything the air units demolish the detectors.
April 4th, 2012, 01:54 PM
Nope, because this is something based in reality.
Completely different than bad e-sports sorry!
April 4th, 2012, 05:00 PM
it's still my opinion that WATCHING VIDEO GAMES IS DUMB AND BORING. Actually, I could say this about pretty much everything. I would much rather do something than watch it be done.
This is my philosophy on sports. Fuck 'em if I can't play 'em. StarCraft II is the sole exception, though. I never get tired of watching casts even though I've never played the game online (i dont' feel like getting stuffed up the ass by good players).
April 4th, 2012, 05:09 PM
And yet, people post trailers and montages to games all the time.
Freelancer, you yourself are guilty of this, if you think watching games is boring then fuck off with your videos in BF3.
April 4th, 2012, 06:09 PM
And yet, people post trailers and montages to games all the time.
Freelancer, you yourself are guilty of this, if you think watching games is boring then fuck off with your videos in BF3.
Except most of my videos are meant to be instructional. If they're a montage they're showing off skill/editing, when I watch montages and such I watch them to LEARN from them and get better. I'm usually not entertained by montages (I was once, when I was 12-16 or so).
Trailers are to show off a new product for advertising purposes, heck a lot of them aren't even video of GAMEPLAY. That makes them entertaining.
April 4th, 2012, 06:24 PM
You're entitled to your opinion, but it doesn't make it better than anyone elses. I loved watching Halo 2 videos of people just playing the campaign before I actually got to play the game. When I watch people play it, I feel inspired to try it more than I did originally. Hell, the SCII videos are the reason why I purchased Star Craft: Brood Wars to begin with. It's all a matter of take on this, Freelancer.
April 4th, 2012, 06:57 PM
pretty sure it's all make believe scenario's that arn't anything at all like real world situations.
i can play hide and go seek with fake plastic guns too.
doesnt make it interesting or require talent to have
April 4th, 2012, 07:07 PM
bod, please, i understand what youre doing here, but dont you think it might be better to hold yourself to a higher standard than the person youre satirizing?
... is satirizing even a word? idk.
El Lobo
April 4th, 2012, 07:08 PM
I am fine with that Bod.
April 4th, 2012, 07:16 PM
bod, please, i understand what youre doing here, but dont you think it might be better to hold yourself to a higher standard than the person youre satirizing?
... is satirizing even a word? idk.
just trying to point out the hypocrisy of the retards actions ya know.
He's far too autistic to realize it though, so best i can hope for is to poke him in the eye with a stick
April 4th, 2012, 08:29 PM
Nah don't bother with it zilla. Fuck with dickmunch all you want but the other airsoft guys just want to talk about their toy guns in peace.
April 4th, 2012, 08:49 PM
You guys who play starcraft like to orchestrate tactics on a computer screen. We who play airsoft like to orchestrate tactics while physically preforming the actions. Both are hobbies. Neither group has the right to rail on each other. Hobbies is the key word. You can call my gear "toys". It's fine because it is one of my hobbies, and I do this for fun. Just like how you guys play starcraft for fun.
Personally, I loath starcraft 2 as a game. But I hold nothing against you guys for playing it. I even know a friend who was an aspiring MLG starcraft 2 player and I know how serious it gets for hardcores. Though again, this is only my opinion, I think MLG in general is a very poor choice of career seeing as most players have to retire in their early 20's due to eye health and the hours for training are as grueling as military shift cycles.
April 4th, 2012, 08:58 PM
not teasing you, we just want fail lancer to FUCK OFF AND DIE.
i mean not come post retarded biased diarrhea in the SC2 forum.
April 4th, 2012, 09:03 PM
Why is this turning into a discussion? It was a personal attack on Freelancer more than it was an attack on air-soft. We all like to play video games here, we all get mad at video games (if you say you don't, you're a terrible liar), and we all take things too seriously at some point or another.
April 4th, 2012, 11:55 PM
ITT: Freelancer shits all over things other people like, and then gets assmad when people disagree with him
How the hell are you a moderator?
April 4th, 2012, 11:56 PM
Why is this turning into a discussion? It was a personal attack on Freelancer more than it was an attack on air-soft. We all like to play video games here, we all get mad at video games (if you say you don't, you're a terrible liar), and we all take things too seriously at some point or another.
Its more about some people's attitudes about shitting all over threads for no reason.
April 5th, 2012, 03:06 AM
ITT: Freelancer shits all over things other people like, and then gets assmad when people disagree with him
How the hell are you a moderator?
he stepped down a while ago, after on going criticism of bullshit he was pulling.
hence why n00b or me hasn't been banned in a fit of egotistical retardation.
April 5th, 2012, 04:08 AM
he stepped down a while ago, after on going criticism of bullshit he was pulling.
Actually, 90% of the shit "I pulled" was on jcaps orders or to enforce the website AUP.
Then jcap changes his mind and decides we're not going to follow the AUP anymore. Actually, we can't follow the AUP anymore because pretentious fucks think they run this place. If we followed the AUP all the active members would rack up Infractions within a week and we would be forced to ban you all.
So yeah, please don't talk about current or former site staff or policy if you're not a staff member. Technically I'm still retaining all of my admin powers since this is an anarchy now. I'll do whatever the fuck I want. Deal w/it.
April 5th, 2012, 04:16 AM
Why is this turning into a discussion? It was a personal attack on Freelancer more than it was an attack on air-soft. We all like to play video games here, we all get mad at video games (if you say you don't, you're a terrible liar), and we all take things too seriously at some point or another.
It was this exactly, which is against the site rules, and would of earned them all Infractions.
However since I'm not technically a mod anymore I'll just let this site slide more into anarchy.
Thanks for proving my point though zilla/n00b. You guys just can't resist the urge to spread your Freelancer-hate from one starting point on the forums to the ENTIRE THING. It's not funny, it's actually rather childish. Thank you for participating in this experiment, I'm moving all of the posts into a single thread now and trashing it.
April 5th, 2012, 06:05 AM
I go to bed at 4AM, wake up 8 hours later and this is the shit storm that brews in the meantime?
What was I drinking last night?!
Lancer, you've literally been caught antagonizing the forum users in the past, several of us have given examples of when.
You go into threads, take a massive dump in some popular thread and then sit back whilst all the users in it sperg out and froth at the mouth.
This forum used to be a good place....
....But then it took a Freelancer to the knee.
April 5th, 2012, 09:01 AM
Freelancers guide to forum posting.
1. shitpost in topics you have no knowledge of, claim your uninformed ignorant opinion as fact.
2. Ignore crit citing examples, information, pictures, links and video's proving you've made a mistake.
3. repeat step 1 only on another aspect of the topic. Shift the goal posts of discussion.
4. Claim you trolled thread occupants, yet you then shift the topic of the thread yet again, ignoring all information provided to you to prove you've made another mistake.
5. Take offense to crit, cite forum rules of conduct, play the victim ignore any rules you've broken or bent in the process.
6. (a) when you where a mod: infract anyone who disagreed with you, or became frustrated from you inability to admit a fault
(b) Now not a mod : Play the victim to a wider audience, claim the site is ruined, the whole forum is wrong and your the only bastion of sanity.
Hope this helps.
it's not that the entire forums wrong freelancer.
it's you.
Anyone at all who comes into the starcraft section me and n00b will answer any questions we possibly have, we'll help anyone understand the game more, give tips link to cool stuff.
and if they asked for it teach them as much as we can whenever we can.
and we'd do it at the drop of a hat.
It's not that we're hostile to newbies, or walk around with an air of superiority, It's that people who claim to have an idea about what they're talking about when they're CLEARLY just pulling shit out their ass, are treated exactly as they should be.
April 5th, 2012, 11:11 AM
Actually, 90% of the shit "I pulled" was on jcaps orders or to enforce the website AUP.
Then jcap changes his mind and decides we're not going to follow the AUP anymore. Actually, we can't follow the AUP anymore because pretentious fucks think they run this place. If we followed the AUP all the active members would rack up Infractions within a week and we would be forced to ban you all.
So yeah, please don't talk about current or former site staff or policy if you're not a staff member. Technically I'm still retaining all of my admin powers since this is an anarchy now. I'll do whatever the fuck I want. Deal w/it.
Lancer, youre the pretentious fuck. Bod and N00b are barely even on here anymore. The most frequent members on this forum are probably myself and WarLord. What youre saying is that you don't want anyone who doesn't get a free ride due to moderatorship to have any fun on this site. You go into other people's threads, tell the people in there they are pieces of shit or their interests are terrible, and then expect everyone to be cool about it. No, it fucking pisses people off.
I'm sorry man. I mean, for the most part I agree with what you say and you have presented some valid points on a number of subjects, but the way you go about it is fucking bullshit. You charged into a thread Bod had started about a SC2 game (I dont even play SC, btw) made wild shitposts about how awful the game and the community surrounding it is, and then deleted posts you disagreed with or moved them to this thread. You act like youre trying to stop the "shitposts" but you are by far the worst perpetrator.
Now, in the post I have quoted, you say you will do "Whatever the fuck I want", immediately afterwards you claim in another post that you have the site's best interests in mind. WTF!? So by not following the AUP that you pretend to uphold, you are the only source of order on this site? Use logic man. If your goal is to stick to the AUP, then stick to the AUP. This is hypocrisy if I have ever read it.
Look, Lancer you know I am not just "One of the haters" or whatever. For the most part I have enjoyed your contributions to this forum. But this is simply out of hand. I may not be a 2006 member like most on here, but I have seen a great deal of this forums life go by. The way things are going, we are going to lose some of our longtime members permanently because of these kinds of actions. Can't we all just relax, and if we have such a huge problem with people personally, just let it go? For the sake of whats left of the community?
April 5th, 2012, 05:35 PM
good god shut up you insufferable children
this thread is such a trainwreck holy christ
April 5th, 2012, 06:27 PM
good god shut up you insufferable children
this thread is such a trainwreck holy christ
Look whose talking.
The one who had to make a fucking blog just to have enough space to put the brakes on your rage.
Your rage is like watching a 50 cart train trying to stop in 50 yards.
April 5th, 2012, 06:28 PM
good god shut up you insufferable children
this thread is such a trainwreck holy christ
I'm glad these posts got moved here. Not many people read the SC2 section and I think a lot of people missed out on this great bit of drama :)
April 5th, 2012, 07:29 PM
You guys just can't resist the urge to spread your Freelancer-hate from one starting point on the forums to the ENTIRE THING. It's not funny, it's actually rather childish. Thank you for participating in this experiment, I'm moving all of the posts into a single thread now and trashing it.
April 5th, 2012, 07:52 PM
All you e-sports baddies have exactly the same attitude.
It's like you think your StarCraft II is some big thing.
It's not
Ignoring all other posts in this thread if you say SC2 isn't big then what is big to you?
You now realize that is opinionated on both sides of the argument.
April 5th, 2012, 08:02 PM
243,112,609 − 1
There, prime example.
April 5th, 2012, 08:22 PM
Look whose talking.
The one who had to make a fucking blog just to have enough space to put the brakes on your rage.
Your rage is like watching a 50 cart train trying to stop in 50 yards.
difference being that i make at least some attempt to keep it tangentially related to the topic and i also generally contain it within wherever. i also seldom post here these days. this is fucking retarded though, on the part of all involved. stop making fucking drama out of shit, if you think someone's a shit mod then complain to the admins. don't plaster it all over.
kevin is perfectly entitled to his opinions on sc, as is bodie on airsoft and/or kevin's moderating. the thing is when you come into each other's threads and start shitting up the place with bad posts and dumb arguments. it's annoying, it makes you look bad, it makes the site look bad and it contributes greatly to the giant shitastrophe that is the average modacity member's posting.
there's nothing wrong with arguing about whether something is good or not, but personal attacks over petty shit like this? fuck off. it's ridiculous. you all need to stop.
personally? i don't enjoy starcraft at all, and i have very little time for e-sports since it breeds a lot of the pig-headed bullshit drama that tears gaming communities apart, but i respect that it is enjoyable for others and they are clearly very good at what they do. i see no reason they can't continue to enjoy doing that. the most you'll get out of me on the topic is "i don't enjoy it and i don't like the attitude it tends to propagate", because really it has dick all to do with me and so i don't try and involve myself.
April 5th, 2012, 08:32 PM
Which Kevin? Me or Lancer? :-3
April 5th, 2012, 08:47 PM
Which Kevin? Me or Lancer? :-3
April 5th, 2012, 09:09 PM
you think i actually care about airsoft ross?
all i'm doing is drawing attention to the terrible fucking idiot shit he's been pulling BY DOING IT MYSELF AS A PARODY.
If you think what i'm doing is fucking stupid and retarded.... then point fucking made.
April 6th, 2012, 01:21 AM
Hey now, I never went into the personal attacks. I never have really except that one time I got REAL mad at warlord because he badposted and what he wrote had two completely different meanings.
It's really not my fault that these guys result to personal attacks against me when I voice my (negative) opinion on something.
April 6th, 2012, 02:44 AM
it's you.
April 6th, 2012, 02:45 AM
more posts seem to have mysteriously vanished.
who on earth could possibly be responsible for that.
it's a fucking mystery.
April 6th, 2012, 08:24 AM
Hey now, I never went into the personal attacks. I never have really except that one time I got REAL mad at warlord because he badposted and what he wrote had two completely different meanings.
You realize the mere fact you took my post as a personal attack implies you yourself are looking for that exact thing right?
You didn't even think about it for a moment my comment might have two meanings and that says alot.
April 6th, 2012, 09:03 AM
Freelancer, SCII is the nationally accepted game of South Korea for goodness sake. It matters to a LOT of people. It's no different than any other game in these terms. And no, it's not all mathematics, it's about managing an economy while managing an army of 50+ units. Oh, and being able to move your fingers across the keyboard faster than your opponent too. I don't understand why you're so assmad over this. Why does it fuckign matter to you? Why should it? You're not Ghost, you're just a mod. The only power you have is censoring innapropriate conduct, which you have clearly displayed in both the StarCraftII forum and in this thread for posting a relatively blindsighted opinion.
April 7th, 2012, 04:56 PM
you think i actually care about airsoft ross?
all i'm doing is drawing attention to the terrible fucking idiot shit he's been pulling BY DOING IT MYSELF AS A PARODY.
If you think what i'm doing is fucking stupid and retarded.... then point fucking made.
and it's no less immature, and perpetuates the cycle of bullshit
you guys need to chill the fuck out, goddamn
April 7th, 2012, 05:38 PM
This thread:
April 7th, 2012, 07:03 PM
and it's no less immature, and perpetuates the cycle of bullshit
you guys need to chill the fuck out, goddamn
the thing is freelancer doesn't do it because he's immature or because it's spiteful.
he does it because he doesn't understand at all that it's a fucking stupid thing to do.
sometimes you HAVE to sink to another person's level to show them how ridiculous they're being when ALL OTHER options have been proven to not work.
April 7th, 2012, 08:33 PM
b-but you're shitting up ARE FORUMS...
April 7th, 2012, 11:24 PM
April 8th, 2012, 05:46 AM
Actually, like I said, I just went in there to post my opinion. I responded to what needed responding to, the rest was YOU GUYS getting all assmad. Not once have I got assmad over this. Never did I once refute anything you guys said either. The only reason SC2 is big right now is because it happens to be "that game" that everyone and their dog are playing, it's finally starting to tone down a bit. That said, when it first came out I had hipsters who didn't even know it was only for PC waiting in the midnight launch line with me. That's the kind of people SC2 attracted, and that's the reason I don't give a shit about it.
At this point I'm bordering on amusement at the fact that you guys are still making a big fucking deal over this.
And yes, I deleted some more offtopic posts in that thread. Because I told you not to respond to it (you could of done so here if you really wanted), and yet you decided it would be a cool idea to do exactly what I told you NOT TO DO.
April 8th, 2012, 04:18 PM
just make me a mod, i'll ban everyone. problem solved
April 8th, 2012, 06:05 PM
Freelancers guide to forum posting.
1. shitpost in topics you have no knowledge of, claim your uninformed ignorant opinion as fact.
2. Ignore crit citing examples, information, pictures, links and video's proving you've made a mistake.
3. repeat step 1 only on another aspect of the topic. Shift the goal posts of discussion.
4. Claim you trolled thread occupants, yet you then shift the topic of the thread yet again, ignoring all information provided to you to prove you've made another mistake.
5. Take offense to crit, cite forum rules of conduct, play the victim ignore any rules you've broken or bent in the process.
6. (a) when you where a mod: infract anyone who disagreed with you, or became frustrated from you inability to admit a fault
(b) Now not a mod : Play the victim to a wider audience, claim the site is ruined, the whole forum is wrong and your the only bastion of sanity.
Hope this helps.
it's not that the entire forums wrong freelancer.
it's you.
Anyone at all who comes into the starcraft section me and n00b will answer any questions we possibly have, we'll help anyone understand the game more, give tips link to cool stuff.
and if they asked for it teach them as much as we can whenever we can.
and we'd do it at the drop of a hat.
It's not that we're hostile to newbies, or walk around with an air of superiority, It's that people who claim to have an idea about what they're talking about when they're CLEARLY just pulling shit out their ass, are treated exactly as they should be.
April 8th, 2012, 06:22 PM
I'm also picking up StarCraft, so I kind of help pick up the traffic too. I could help answer questions and what not, especially about what to do if your PC won't run StarCraft and some last-ditch methods to at least letting you have 30 minutes of play time.
April 8th, 2012, 11:00 PM
And yes, I deleted some more offtopic posts in that thread. Because I told you not to respond to it (you could of done so here if you really wanted), and yet you decided it would be a cool idea to do exactly what I told you NOT TO DO.
That sounds a lot like the sort of thing a mod is supposed to do. :allears:
April 9th, 2012, 12:34 AM
That sounds a lot like the sort of thing a mod is supposed to do. :allears:
I stepped down so I don't HAVE to deal with your guys shit anymore. That doesn't mean I won't if it tickles my fancy.
April 9th, 2012, 01:47 AM
I stepped down so I don't HAVE to deal with your guys shit anymore. That doesn't mean I won't if it tickles my fancy.
Do the job or give the powers up. Having the powers to do whatever the fuck you want to cover your stupid ass while having none of the accountability is retarded, especially with someone like you.
April 9th, 2012, 04:09 AM
I stepped down so I don't HAVE to deal with your guys shit anymore. That doesn't mean I won't if it tickles my fancy.
If you stepped down then relinquish your powers to someone who would actually be responsible.
You can either be mod and actually uphold the rules for the first time since you became mod or step down entirely and become just another average joe.
April 9th, 2012, 06:12 AM
I stepped down so I don't HAVE to deal with your guys honest and concise criticism anymore. now i can just put my fingers in my ear, yell "NOT LISTENING LALALALALALA" and point to my name colour to prove it. That doesn't mean anythings changed at all, or that i'm not literally a piece of shit.
>be a mod, have control over the forums
>not a mod, dont have control over the forums.
pick 1
April 9th, 2012, 04:17 PM
Oh wow did everyone just get fed up with freelancer in unison? Again?
April 9th, 2012, 04:32 PM
That was a lot of hate in unison. lol
April 9th, 2012, 04:38 PM
The same argument could also be used for anything that someone enjoys. Not everyone (myself included) loves watching a bunch of overgrown monkeys throw a ball back and forth down a field, or playing baseball, or watching skiing. But everyone is so passionate about the things they love that even while not everyone likes it, they can. Quite frankly your argument about playing games is better than watching, in some cases this is true (for me playing physical sports is more fun). But I can honestly sit down and enjoy watching a good game of Starcraft almost as much as playing the game. Being able to watch strategies unfold in ways that you'd have never thought and executed with speed that you couldn't even imagine (I'm sorry but if playing at 200+ Actions per Minute isn't talent I don't know what is, meaningful actions that is though, I could do 200 too but I probably wouldn't be getting much done because I'd just be clicking everywhere.) And honestly we're no different than any other person who enjoys watching sports, hardcore gamers are not special in being passionate. I've seen a grown man cry because his football team lost (we all know one of those guys) but they aren't exactly the rule or the exception. I suppose if they had something like the Coliseum or (see movie Gamer) you'd probably be going apeshit to watch a sport too.
Oh and I don't know if I'm late with this ramble and this shit is already over, I kinda just read up to page 5 and decided to post.
April 9th, 2012, 06:37 PM
As a huge fan (and a longtime participant) of American Football, I agree with the above post.
April 10th, 2012, 03:59 AM
Yeah everyone got fed up with the rules and blamed it on me again for enforcing them.
To all you guys saying you'd be better mods than me, you're absolutely free to ask jcap to become mods. We sure do need some.
April 10th, 2012, 09:34 AM
if you do something stupid, expect to have it pointed out.
if your a shit mod EXPECT TO HAVE IT POINTED OUT.
April 10th, 2012, 12:49 PM
Oh okay.
You've pointed it out.
And again, and again, <infinity>
Are you done yet, are you satisfied? No. Point it out again please, I don't think you've made your point yet.
April 10th, 2012, 05:41 PM
One thing my dad taught me when I was a young'un is that if you keep getting into fights with a lot of different people, the only common denominator is you.
Food for thought?
April 11th, 2012, 12:16 AM
^ *drinks tea* Indeed.
April 15th, 2012, 06:11 PM
Not everyone (myself included) loves watching a bunch of overgrown monkeys throw a ball back and forth down a field
what the fuck is wrong with you
anyone who has mod powers either needs to moderate according to the rules or to give up said powers. also, deleting posts as a mod isn't cool unless they are goatse or something. lock thread, call in other mods/admins. make sure there is a general consensus reached before hitting the delete button.
April 15th, 2012, 07:21 PM
what the fuck is wrong with you
Most QBs are white.
April 15th, 2012, 08:31 PM
what the fuck is wrong with you
anyone who has mod powers either needs to moderate according to the rules or to give up said powers. also, deleting posts as a mod isn't cool unless they are goatse or something. lock thread, call in other mods/admins. make sure there is a general consensus reached before hitting the delete button.
Wow that poll goes to show how completely fucking stupid the majority of people who voted for it are.
We're commited on the F-35's now and we can't back out. We SHOULD be spending more on them anyway. The given reason for the sudden increase in price is valid, that the original price quoted was for the aircraft alone (which it was). You people are dumb if you thought aircraft cost = upkeep cost.
I deleted your post warlord because:
a) It wasn't amusing/funny/witty.
b) useless.
April 15th, 2012, 08:41 PM
I was going to do the same but :effort:
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