View Full Version : The Best Games You've Seen

April 26th, 2012, 01:51 PM
Title explains it. Just share some of the greatest or interesting games you've seen from StarCraft II.

This is how Protoss should be played against Zerg. A great game all around. Skip to 3400 if you want to see the coolest battle:

This is a game where one's skill of micro (tactics) decides the game:

April 28th, 2012, 11:03 PM
An unsual, great game that shows a great mix between air superiority and ground micro. It also shows how you need to time your mining and expansions appropriately. The comments do contain spoilers for the winner.


May 6th, 2012, 04:09 PM
This game is probably the first I ever felt terrified watching a Zerg player.


May 6th, 2012, 08:48 PM
yeah Spanishiwa on hive tech is scary as fuck

May 6th, 2012, 10:00 PM
yeah Spanishiwa on hive tech is scary as fuck
Yeah, I had never seen a Zerg player bring out fully upgraded Ultras and Brood Lords. I had also never seen one bring out 70 Zerglings.

May 6th, 2012, 10:58 PM
Has the meta changed significantly since I stopped caring (2 months ago)?
70 lings (35 supply) doesn't sound uncommon and ultras are gimp without their upgrades.

May 6th, 2012, 11:11 PM
Has the meta changed significantly since I stopped caring (2 months ago)?
70 lings (35 supply) doesn't sound uncommon and ultras are gimp without their upgrades.
From what I've seen, for a while Terran usually dominated everything, though Protoss and Zerg fights are still very fun to watch and lately there have been more equalling of the scale since players are finding the kinks in Terran strategies. There is a lot more Brood Lord, Queen, Corruptor, Infestor, and Baneling action with Ultras now that I've seen (not too many with Mutas). Everything else is too weak against Terran for the Zerg to use and the Protoss could really go either way.

The latest from Husky shows what you can expect:


Regardless, watching a Terran get owned is still incredibly rewarding.

May 6th, 2012, 11:39 PM
Because terran is the hardest race and anybody who plays it deserves to lose?

May 7th, 2012, 10:00 AM
Because terran is the hardest race and anybody who plays it deserves to lose?
Ha no it's because I watched half a day's worth of SCII vids and Terran won 75% of them. So now I have a bias dislike for Terran. I also find the playing style to be boring for me. I enjoy Protoss and Zerg a lot more.

Another good game featuring Whitera. A very interesting end game IMO.

May 7th, 2012, 05:16 PM
I enjoy Protoss and Zerg a lot more.
Yeah, turtle on 2 base into deathball is great. You should try it some time and see how much fun it is :)

May 7th, 2012, 05:21 PM
Yeah, turtle on 2 base into deathball is great. You should try it some time and see how much fun it is :)
Lol. For me it's more of an aesthetic and personal choice rather than strategy or practicality. I just like Protoss and Zerg more than I enjoy Terran, mainly because Terran/Human stuff is just boring for me in StarCraft compared to Protoss/Zerg/Alien units.

Another Spanishiwa video. Destiny holds on FOREVER.

May 7th, 2012, 07:41 PM
So do you actually play the game?
(how can a race be more manly than a race of men and hot chicks)

May 7th, 2012, 08:31 PM
So do you actually play the game?
(how can a race be more manly than a race of men and hot chicks)
Almost done with Brood War. Will buy SCII when I have the cash. However, I have played the Starter Edition and the Terran race bored me both aesthetically and style wise, but mainly because I want to play as aliens rather than humans in an RTS(which is why I got Star Craft).

May 7th, 2012, 10:38 PM
Fair enough. Play zerg though, they're much better than scrubtoss.

May 8th, 2012, 01:00 AM
Fair enough. Play zerg though, they're much better than scrubtoss.
Lol, I just have to get used to supermultitasking and spellcasting. I also need to get used to the pace of SCII, as it's really faster compared to SCI. I tend to utilize Macro and base defense more than I do aggressive expansion and striking, but we'll see how it goes in SCII. I like Protoss primarily in the campaign though, so whether I use it in MP will easily still yet to be seen. Zerg will be interesting to mess with in SCII.

May 8th, 2012, 07:04 AM
BW is much faster than SC2, you need 300 APM to simply function in that game.
Multiple building selection, smart casting, improved AI, auto-mine, no unit restrictions on hot-keys, etc. It's much easier mechanically so the game relies on strategy and 100% precise execution to compensate and keep a skill curve. Weather it really compensates, I can't say as I never played BW properly.

May 8th, 2012, 07:23 AM
BW is much faster than SC2, you need 300 APM to simply function in that game.
Multiple building selection, smart casting, improved AI, auto-mine, no unit restrictions on hot-keys, etc. It's much easier mechanically so the game relies on strategy and 100% precise execution to compensate and keep a skill curve. Weather it really compensates, I can't say as I never played BW properly.
Is BW really faster? I play at the level before the greatest speed and it feels considerably slower than SCII. But yeah, judging from what I've been watching, I'll probably enjoy SCII a lot more than SCI and BW. I'm kind of annoyed that they limit the starter kit to just Terran race and bot matches on easy/veryeasy; if you look at it, it makes as much sense as it doesn't make much sense.

May 8th, 2012, 08:24 AM
Nobody plays BW on anything less than its fastest setting.
And tbh the starter kit is one of the few things Blizz did very well. Have they updated the map pool available though or are you still forced to play on shattered temple?

May 8th, 2012, 10:38 AM
Nobody plays BW on anything less than its fastest setting.
And tbh the starter kit is one of the few things Blizz did very well. Have they updated the map pool available though or are you still forced to play on shattered temple?
I think they have 2 or 3 more maps. And for business purposes, it's very well executed, I will agree on that. I'm just saying that they could have given two races instead of one so that the players really know what they're getting themselves into (in other words, so they don't feel they were jipped $60 because they can't play against Zerg or Protoss).

Or if you're like me and just want another race to play while you stuff money in the bank waiting for the chance to buy the game.

Another game of Whitera, pretty interesting, but read the comments especially.

Another good match with Whitera, this time versus NoxOut. Really enjoyed this one, though NoxOut could have won early if he would have initiated some Micro (you'll hear Husky talk about it) and he probably would have lasted longer if he would have invested in more units besides the basic Banshee, Marine, Medivac, and Maurader. Even if he would have done that though, Whitera had continuously disrupted and harassed his resource lines.

I've pretty much figured that in PvT, the key for Protoss players is to survive the early game and utilize Macro through the mid-game to dominate the late game. At least, that's the pattern that successful Protoss players like Whitera use.

I'm positive Spanishiwa is the best player I have ever seen. He terrifies me. He is the epidemy of the master of Zerg gameplay.

And sorry for you Terran fans out there if the vids I post hardly ever have Terran winning. Honestly, the ones I've posted here were never intended to always have Terran losing. That's just the outcome of a lot of them.

Terran should have won this one, but good God, Hero can micro like a boss:

And Terran IS OP in 4v4 when one side is completely Terran, but who gives a shit about 4v4 besides shits and giggles.

May 13th, 2012, 01:25 AM
Found an interesting TvT game that may have the best Terran player in SCI, Flash. I like TvT games mainly because they have to be the most creative of the bunch.


May 21st, 2012, 09:29 PM
The Zealot harassment in this game is fantastic:

The Zergling counterattacks in this game are fantastic:
I know I said Spanishiwa terrifies me with the Zerg, but this guy really shows just how horrifying Speedlings without that many upgrades can be against an unprepared Protoss. Ace definitely should have walled in more at the very least.

June 11th, 2012, 11:23 AM
STORM DROPS and more included:


June 11th, 2012, 05:20 PM
Though the game wasn't that great, if you watch the final match from MLG yesterday, in the final minute the protoss does this fucking beautiful micro with a moving warp prism dropping templars which immediately shred like 8 infestors with feedbacks :v:
Highlight of the series for me

June 11th, 2012, 05:31 PM
Though the game wasn't that great, if you watch the final match from MLG yesterday, in the final minute the protoss does this fucking beautiful micro with a moving warp prism dropping templars which immediately shred like 8 infestors with feedbacks :v:
Highlight of the series for me
The game I just posted was seriously amazing. HOLY SHIT. Talk about two players playing for the sake of fun.

June 11th, 2012, 05:48 PM
RTS neeeerrrddddsss! Lol

June 11th, 2012, 07:45 PM
RTS neeeerrrddddsss! Lol


June 21st, 2012, 12:30 PM

Phoenix fights. :D

June 21st, 2012, 06:53 PM
Stargate play is the future of PvP, I've been saying that since the last 4gate nerf (like 8 months ago?)

perfect scouting, excellent harass, not really weak to anything as long as you manage your energy effectively.

June 21st, 2012, 07:08 PM
it's also the superior late game army, once you get about 8 collossus and it becomes impossible to attack up ramps 1 more doesn't do anything.

June 21st, 2012, 07:35 PM
defending a ramp doesn't win you a game (assuming your opponent isn't retarded and tries to attack into it). Colo are still THE endgame army and more is always better. If you get the superior concave and can spread your colo further to reduce splash, you'll win.
Phoenix are a transitional step towards the midgame, where you use your perfect scouting and air superiority to hardcounter whatever your opponent is going for.

June 22nd, 2012, 09:38 PM

What a crazy match.

June 24th, 2012, 01:37 PM
Still not sure what to think about this game:


Other than that Brood Lords and Corruptors are SOOOOO powerful.

July 1st, 2012, 08:27 PM
I nearly spit my drink out when I saw what Whitera was doing.


July 6th, 2012, 11:45 AM
This had an awesome midgame.

I love PvZ, mainly because I've been watching more TvZ and TvT lately. If you're new or need refreshers, this is a great game to watch. I also think the Pylon placing is pretty interesting.

August 13th, 2012, 04:10 PM