View Full Version : Max Payne 3
April 26th, 2012, 06:23 PM
Pretty surprised no one has made a thread about this yet. So whos getting the game? And what format are you getting it on? I'm still undecided if I'll attempt the PC version, my pc isnt that great you see.
If you want more info, R* has released a ton of videos about different things of the game (cutscenes, guns, mp etc). I absolutely love the way the cutscenes go seemlessly into the gameplay with no cuts at all. Its silky smooth and sexy.
omg :O
April 27th, 2012, 09:58 AM
i'm a MAASSSIIIVEE max payne whore, and i'm going to BUY THE FUCK out of this game, and then PLAY THE FUCKKING BALLS OF IT!!
April 27th, 2012, 12:45 PM
Rockstar seems to piss gold, shit diamonds, sneeze silver, drool etc. these days, so the simple fact that this is a game that they are making is enough to seal my prepurchase.
But the fact that they're preserving and improving on the two most awesome things about MP (noir setting, kickass shooting) and are probably top-3-in-the-industry at elevating the worst (painful painful PAINFUL dialogue and writing) means that this could very well end up being the world's first perfect third-person shooter.
As soon as the next paycheck rolls in it'll be waiting in my Steam account for preloading, since apparently R* is actually putting effort into the PC port this time
E: also fun fact - MP2's SDK has the third-best particle engine I've used so far, below CE2/3 and UE3 and just above HCE
April 27th, 2012, 02:09 PM
Hmm, so I hear the retail version may still use Steamworks, in my eyes that saddens me as it may mean I cant play around with the game (memory hacking), in fear of getting VAC banned.
Still, think I'll get PC version.
April 27th, 2012, 05:50 PM
Will definitely get this on PC, but might wait for the first steam sale.
May 10th, 2012, 06:55 PM
oh god
May 10th, 2012, 07:39 PM
This game looks sick.
May 10th, 2012, 08:07 PM
Wow, this might actually have me interested in 3rd person shooters again xD
E: @Ifafudafi, how easy to use is the cryengine 3 particle effects system? Im planning on starting to work with it here soon.
El Lobo
May 10th, 2012, 09:05 PM
No doubt about it, definitely getting this game.
May 11th, 2012, 04:02 AM
if you can, get it for PC, and not for shitty fucking consoles.
imagine all the ENB sexiness that'll get pushed out of this game.
also, support PC-gaming over console faggotry.
May 11th, 2012, 02:09 PM
I'm so hype I'm actually renting this on Xshit360 (dry season for game releases now) so that I don't have to worry about spoilers and such and then I'll buy it on PC when the 29th rolls around; only for R*
@Bobble - you put the numbers in the fields and get a real-time preview of what they do; not much more to it. The niceness comes from the thousands of options you get (particles can cast and recieve shadows, have their own normal/spec maps, etc.)
May 11th, 2012, 10:32 PM
I'm so hype I'm actually renting this on Xshit360 (dry season for game releases now) so that I don't have to worry about spoilers and such and then I'll buy it on PC when the 29th rolls around; only for R*
@Bobble - you put the numbers in the fields and get a real-time preview of what they do; not much more to it. The niceness comes from the thousands of options you get (particles can cast and recieve shadows, have their own normal/spec maps, etc.)
That sounds absolutely heavenly compared to the CE particle systems, I am extremely excited to work with it :D
May 11th, 2012, 10:46 PM
I remember playing MP2 a lot when I was younger, ha so much fun! I'll probably rent this for the x360, since I need something to do but I probably will buy it for the PC since I have MP1 and 2 for the PC, only seems right ha.
May 16th, 2012, 03:41 PM
in case anybody was wondering, I just finished the campaign, and this game kicks ass
not going pay for XBL Gold to play the mulitplayer I'll be able to get for free when the PC version releases, though, but idgaf the single-player's so fucking fun
May 16th, 2012, 04:08 PM
Why does it have to be 90USD on steam :(. Definitely waiting till the July 4th sale.
May 16th, 2012, 04:09 PM
Wait who cares about multiplayer in a Max Payne game
May 16th, 2012, 04:16 PM
Have you seen the in-game footage for multiplayer? It looks pretty boss.
May 17th, 2012, 08:18 AM
Wait who cares about multiplayer in a Max Payne game
Give it a chance, you might like it.
May 18th, 2012, 01:18 AM
Wait who cares about multiplayer in a COD game
ftfu. Max Payne puts the MP in Multiplayer :-3
May 28th, 2012, 07:51 PM
Bump. There are some parts of the MP which annoy the fuck out of me. Like assholes who have a RPG loadout, with extra ammo, on Junk (4v4 TDM). And not being able to edit the loadouts in-game is pretty irritating, especially when you have some trololo'er who's running around with paranoia or the like. I don't want to have to dedicate a loadout just to ID Badges.
Anyway, some guys recently finished a fan film: It's alright (but hey, only had a 2600$ budget); the actors could have done with some weapons training, or at least some familarization.
May 29th, 2012, 11:20 AM
How's the game overall? Worth getting?
May 29th, 2012, 12:05 PM
best game I've played so far this year
May 29th, 2012, 06:34 PM
Campaign is just as difficult as the previous games. Just has less bullshit checkpoints than the previous games. Fun overall. And it looks like one of the DLC for this summer is a co-op pack.
MP can get annoying when you're at lower levels and the rest are fucking 40 or 50+.
May 30th, 2012, 03:33 AM
it better still have quicksave in singleplayer on pc
May 30th, 2012, 05:02 AM
10$*says it doesn't. Different engine and all.
I hope GTA5 has some bullet time stuff/bursts.
* non-redeemable
Mr Buckshot
May 30th, 2012, 12:18 PM
Campaign is just as difficult as the previous games. Just has less bullshit checkpoints than the previous games. Fun overall. And it looks like one of the DLC for this summer is a co-op pack.
MP can get annoying when you're at lower levels and the rest are fucking 40 or 50+.
why would you complain about "bullshit checkpoints" in the previous games? They had quicksaves.
regarding difficulty, I think the first game was more challenging (in a good way) while the second dumbed things down more than I would have liked (auto recharging bullet time, ability to move at full speed in bullet time). The totally scripted AI also broke the immersion from time to time.
I'm pretty sure MP3 won't have quicksaving, but after all these years I've come to expect nothing but checkpoints in almost every game. Since the levels aren't huge, I don't really mind as long as the checkpoint system is as well-spaced-apart as say Halo or *cringe* COD.
Preordered and got free MP1 and MP2. Then a few days ago I got a free LA Noire :D
Now I'm impatiently waiting for my god damned PRELOAD. The game's going to take up 35 GB and I want to play it when it releases instead of waiting 20+ hours.
May 30th, 2012, 09:04 PM
why would you complain about "bullshit checkpoints" in the previous games? They had quicksaves.
Did you ever play the console versions?
Mr Buckshot
May 31st, 2012, 12:05 AM
Did you ever play the console versions?
Yeah, I had Max Payne 1 on Xbox 1. It had the ability to save anywhere.
Don't know about Max Payne 2 as I got it for PC.
June 1st, 2012, 04:35 AM
Order just arrived, whilst installing I took a look at the game manual, page 4 and already a typo! Very sloppy Rockstar :D
June 1st, 2012, 08:09 AM
armour can be spelled armor outside of your island :v:
June 1st, 2012, 08:13 AM
Very sloppy Rockstar :D
You should see/experience the console's MP system (I hope for your sake it's different on the PC). Now THAT'S some sloppy shit.
* The fucking thing will throw you in matches that are already underway, leaving you to put up with whatever was voted on before you got in. It's 2012, providing search options isn't that fucking hard of a thing to do. That Jersey shithole map is fucking lame in TDM and Payne Killer because they close off the sides (they use to have them open).
* The fucking thing will throw you in the same session lobby that you just left. IE, you finish a game that left a bad taste in your mouth, quit, then try to join another game in that same playlist and end get thrown in that same goddamn session. Fuck you.
* The fucking thing will, on top of the previous bullshit bullets, put people in your part on the opposing team. Yes. We started a party because we wanted to fight against each other, not with. You read our fucking minds Rockstar. If by reading our minds you are just reading what you want to read. Fuck you.
* The game rather frequently will experience sync issues or somehow encounter "incompatible game data". The latter of which is only "fixable" by restarting the console.
* The game has a tendency to sit at the fucking loading screen if people drop before the game starts. Leaving you to fucking wait while it tries to pull some sorry schmucks into the pre-voted for session.
I seriously hope they get some MP engineers with brains for GTA5. Their current system in RAGE is just fucking retarded.
June 1st, 2012, 08:35 AM
armour can be spelled armor outside of your island :v:
"You will be promoted to enter your product key." That should be prompted.
I was only jk Kornman, Im in Chapter 3 in the SP so far, and my word I am in love with this game. This is what shooting should be like in games, its outstanding. The bullettime stuff and body physics are mind blowing. :D
June 1st, 2012, 10:35 AM
armour can be spelled armor outside of your island :v:
Sure it can.
Whether it's correct or not is a different matter.
June 1st, 2012, 10:48 AM
This is what happens when your people live on islands separated from the rest of the world: they get full of themselves.
I'm sure the mass consumption of tea doesn't help either :nigel:
Mr Buckshot
June 1st, 2012, 01:06 PM
Sure it can.
Whether it's correct or not is a different matter.
Still waiting for my Steam copy to finish downloading on this shitty connection. it's a pity the retail version isn't steamworks, otherwise I would have bought that and installed off the discs.
June 1st, 2012, 06:09 PM
Damn R* and their exe protection!
June 2nd, 2012, 02:45 AM
Isn't the game just a Steam game? In that case they're probably rockin' Steam's anti-cheat/piracy software
June 2nd, 2012, 06:41 AM
Isn't the game just a Steam game? In that case they're probably rockin' Steam's anti-cheat/piracy softwareThe retail copy doesnt use Steamworks, so no its not Steam's anti cheat because thats fairly easy to bypass.
This uses a funky system
Mr Buckshot
June 2nd, 2012, 11:22 PM
The retail copy doesnt use Steamworks, so no its not Steam's anti cheat because thats fairly easy to bypass.
This uses a funky system
Gameshield right?
just beat the game, pretty awesome but I would have preferred if graphic novel cutscenes were used in this game. The gunplay is just... holy shit (referring to the entry/exit wound modeling). Loved it.
Also, kudos to Rockstar for making a respectable PC version for once (at least compared to GTAIV). No GFWL, and the RGSC implementation is not intrusive - I signed in on first launch and barely even noticed it afterwards. When I exited and re-launched, there was no stupid RGSC sign-in window either. Did not experience a single bug or crash during my 11 hour playthrough and the performance was quite scalable. Faith restored in Rockstar for PC gaming!
e: partially take back what i said because I tried to play the multiplayer and it has an MW2-style lobby system that doesn't work (stuck on loading screen without the option to cancel, had to alt-f4 after 10 minutes of doing nothing). But then again the main focus of the game was the SP.
June 12th, 2012, 02:47 AM
...the Becker fight on Hard is fucking nonsense. Fuck you Rockstar. Fuck you.
Mr Buckshot
June 12th, 2012, 12:51 PM
...the Becker fight on Hard is fucking nonsense. Fuck you Rockstar. Fuck you.
Oh yeah, that was hard for me too.
I'd suggest seriously compulsively glancing at the left side of your screen every 5 seconds to watch for Becker's launching grenades. Not noticing a launched grenade was the #1 cause of death for me on that section. But oh man, when I beat it, the next cutscene was gruesomely awesome.
becker gets his arm blown off and crawls helplessly on the ground and you get an achievement for letting him bleed to death rather than mercy killing him
June 12th, 2012, 01:38 PM
welp already found a bunch of hackers on multiplayer.
June 12th, 2012, 05:09 PM
Turns out his grenades are scripted. He'll either launch them when vehicles pull up, or if you try walking over to the mobile staircase. Or if you go "out of bounds" he'll auto-blow-you-the-fuck-up.
Anyway, beat the game on Hard last night. They should have MP rewards for beating the game on the harder difficulties, instead of just arcade :\
welp already found a bunch of hackers on multiplayer.
PC or console?
Mr Buckshot
June 13th, 2012, 10:53 AM
PC, if you read the steam forums half the threads in the MP3 section are full of multiplayer rage.
Not a surprise considering the game shipped without any dedicated server support or anti-cheat software.
Often it's hard to tell whether it's actually a bad connection or a cheater due to the horrible multiplayer performance.
I actually tried out the MW2 and MW3 free weekends and they were the golden standard compared to this...
June 13th, 2012, 04:12 PM
Anyone found to have used hacked saves, modded games, or other exploits to gain an unfair advantage in Max Payne 3 Multiplayer, or to circumvent the leaderboards will be quarantined from all other players into a "Cheaters Pool", where they'll only be able to compete in multiplayer matches with other confirmed miscreants.
June 14th, 2012, 02:25 AM
It's about time that idea was used in a AAA game.
Mr Buckshot
June 14th, 2012, 09:11 AM
don't we already have that in Source games, where VAC bans still allow you to play on unsecured servers that are likely full of cheaters too?
June 14th, 2012, 04:50 PM
IDK, I'm a console fag :downs:
Though, I wonder if they're just piggybacking off Steam power, meaning we won't see this on the sexbox or PoS3
Mr Buckshot
June 14th, 2012, 04:57 PM
IDK, I'm a console fag :downs:
Though, I wonder if they're just piggybacking off Steam power, meaning we won't see this on the sexbox or PoS3
aw c'mon, expected more from one of Halo PC's top modders :)
console cheaters get banned from the whole online service anyway right?
June 15th, 2012, 11:23 PM
aw c'mon, expected more from one of Halo PC's top modders :)
console cheaters get banned from the whole online service anyway right?
Oh my god dude, your constant PC fanboyism is making bile rise in my throat. Can you make one post without hailing the greatness of everything PC and insulting the dirty console faggots?
June 16th, 2012, 12:32 AM
aw c'mon, expected more from one of Halo PC's top modders :)
console cheaters get banned from the whole online service anyway right?
Seeing as how I don't actually mod to cheat, nor mod any games on Steam, it wouldn't have been something immediately in my repertoire of hax0r1n'
There's game bans, console bans, account bans, and flat out IP bans (which is a tad bit different from that of an IP ban like those you see in game servers). Which one you get depends on what you do, where and how often you're doing it, and most importantly, if you're even caught.
In RDR, Rockstar didn't do anything to cheaters. You could mod your game to lvl50 and trolololo all day long. Such a good game. I can't wait for GTA5.
June 16th, 2012, 05:26 AM
Considering the huge amount of cheating that goes on unchecked on Xbox Live, what the fuck would you have to do to actually get an IP ban?
June 16th, 2012, 07:59 AM
It's actually not for cheaters per-say, and it's actually like a 'if a machine was used on this IP, kill it' ban (so the IP isn't perma bant). Like say, it's a very special ban.
Also, in a (FFA DM) game ealier, the game somehow glitched to where I spent NO rounds, ever (like inf. Weapon Dealer). Even when I switched loadouts. Not gonna lie, it was pretty awesome. Felt sorry for everyone else, but man was awesome.
Yesterday in a TDM game, three people quit at the same time, and somehow the game timer got to zero but didn't actually end the game. Eventually most people quit, and I did some 1v1 with some guy for ~7mins before I he quit and the game backed out due to too few players.
July 1st, 2012, 09:53 AM
does anyone still play this game online?
i'd like to find a decent crew to roll with, preferredly not one of the public ones.
right now, i just made one for myself.
July 1st, 2012, 01:10 PM
I do, on the 360 anyway. I made a crew for a clan that I play with in BF3/Halo, but no one in it has actually got MP3 or plays multi.
Since I'm the only one in our crew, 'our' k/d is over 1.7 :woop:
Mr Buckshot
July 3rd, 2012, 10:44 AM
I would if I could get into a stable game with no lag or cheaters (this honestly makes IWNet look like the golden standard)
Mr Buckshot
July 3rd, 2012, 01:42 PM
Double post, but big news:
$29.99 and it activates on Steam.
If you haven't played this game yet, I highly recommend buying it. It's a steal at $29.99. Awesome SP and great scalability across many PCs.
July 3rd, 2012, 05:02 PM
Bought it off Amazon yesterday. Can't believe it's still 90USD on steam :\
July 3rd, 2012, 06:24 PM
Unless there is some large backing to mod this game, I'm not going to get it on PC
July 3rd, 2012, 08:52 PM
It's very pretty on PC. I swear if GTA V looks even remotely close to this game, I will be very happy.
July 3rd, 2012, 11:32 PM
Try playing multi in MP, then GTA4's multi. The charater models are SOOO low quality lol
Mr Buckshot
July 4th, 2012, 08:30 AM
Crysis still has better environments, but Max Payne 3's character models are unparalleled IMO. Not to mention the game runs far better than Crysis and a lot of other shooters. It's almost enough to make you forget about the serious mess that was GTA4 on PC.
July 10th, 2012, 03:46 PM
Max Payne 3 developer Rockstar Vancouver closing its doors ( ts_doors.php)
Grand Theft Auto developer Rockstar Games announced some major changes to its Canadian game studios: Namely, that it's dissolved Rockstar Vancouver, the lead studio behind Max Payne 3, to refocus its efforts on another Canadian studio, Rockstar Toronto.
July 11th, 2012, 01:48 AM
Rockstar said it hopes to retain the 35 employees at the studio, and has offered the staff positions at Rockstar Toronto, which is relocating to a new, larger office in Oakville, Ontario. Rockstar said that it also plans to add 50 new positions to its Canadian team in the months ahead..
July 11th, 2012, 03:10 AM
Right, still news worthy
Does anyone know if you retain loadout weight after going Legend? I can't find a fucking answer anywhere. Fuck.
Mr Buckshot
July 11th, 2012, 08:22 PM
that's actually a pretty good decision if you compare the two provinces properly. I made a similar move myself :D The city is just... hard to live in nowadays. Hope those Rockstar employees enjoy their new lives in Ontario like I do.
Also, anyone figured out how to skip the loading screens yet? First devs make us use command line parameters or manually delete files, then they just force those stupid intro logos to be inaccessible and unskippable... c'mon even consoles can cache/install data onto the HDD nowadays, just let us skip them with a single button press like in the good old days.
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