View Full Version : Company of Heroes 2

May 4th, 2012, 10:58 PM
OMG I almost jerked off to this news. The announcement has been leaked from some magazine scans, but an official announcement is set for May 7th.

http://cdn.medialib.computerandvideogames.com/screens/screenshot_282258_thumb_wide940.jpg (http://www.companyofheroes.com/)


Relic Entertainment's Company of Heroes was and still is one of the finest real-time strategy games ever created, and - thankfully - a sequel is in the works. Given THQ's recent troubles and cuts at Relic (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/342047/thq-announces-118-job-cuts-across-vigil-and-relic/) we were starting to think it would never happen.

PC Gamer (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/346488/company-of-heroes-2-details-new-engine-true-sight-and-snow/<a href=), which revealed the sequel yesterday (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/346452/company-of-heroes-2-revealed-in-pc-gamer/), has now posted up details on how Relic will be following up its lauded RTS.According to mag CoH2 will use a vastly improved version of the first game's Essence 3 engine and feature a revamped line of sight mechanic called True Sight.
Have a look at the full details below:

Company of Heroes 2 will take place on the Russian front, with players controlling the Soviets as they battle the invading Nazi forces.

Snow plays a major part on the battlefield, falling and melting dynamically, and slowing your soldiers and tanks based on its depth.

The game runs on the Essence 3 engine, the latest version of the graphics engine Relic have been updating and expanding upon for years.

The cover system has been revamped, to function more realistically and allow soldiers to vault over obstacles.

Line of sight plays a large tactical role, with the game's fog of war based on what your soldier's can actually see. Relic call this system "True Sight", and it causes areas of the map to be grayed out and enemies within turned invisible by buildings, items of cover, or dropped smoke grenades.

The Normandy landing that opened Company of Heroes (and Saving Private Ryan, one of its key inspirations), was the 23rd biggest battle of World War 2. "13 of the 15 bloddiest battles" happened on the Eastern front, points out Company of Heroes lead designer, Quinn Duffy. The game should represent those battles and their vicious scale, as much as it does minute infantry tactics.

Just like the original, the scenery is highly destructible, and you'll be given control of plenty of tanks and other explosive equipment. That includes barn-burning flamethrowers.

There will be multiplayer, but Relic aren't ready yet to talk about it.

The game is due out 2013.
Tip: If you haven't played the first Company of Heroes and live in the UK pick up the next issue of PC Gamer, which comes with a free copy of the game. Order it here (http://www.myfavouritemagazines.co.uk/gaming/pc-gamer-magazine-subscription/) and you'll get it delivered direct to you.

Ross, get ready for your balls to explode.

May 5th, 2012, 02:52 PM
Welp, I just came

Gotta go get a tissue~

May 5th, 2012, 05:27 PM
Bah, I want Dawn of War 3.

May 5th, 2012, 06:26 PM
Bah, I want Dawn of War 3.
Agreed, Dawn of War > Company of Heroes any day.

Still, I'll probably take a look at this anyway to see what it's all about.

May 5th, 2012, 10:24 PM
Bah, I want Dawn of War 3.

Agreed, Dawn of War > Company of Heroes any day.

Still, I'll probably take a look at this anyway to see what it's all about.

Hey! Screw you guys. I love off Dawn of War, but we've gotten nothing but Warhammer 40k from Relic since 2007. And I love all that shit dearly, too, but CoH is what makes Relic for me and we haven't had a proper game since 2006 that isn't from the Warhammer 40k universe. Who knows, Dawn of War 3 may come first since it was announced since last year. Might be better that it does so they work out the kinks with the new engine features. I'm quite interested in the True Sight system.

On a side note, I started doing some modelling of ODSTs and other UNSC troops to import into DoW 2: Retribution, but then school took over and what I had was shit anyways so I scrapped it. Maybe I'll start again or contract someone from here to help once DoW 3 is out.

May 5th, 2012, 11:54 PM
Hey! Screw you guys.

That is all.

May 6th, 2012, 12:10 AM
please dont screw anyone

May 10th, 2012, 08:46 PM

Official Website: http://www.companyofheroes.com/
Official Announcement: http://www.companyofheroes.com/news/company-heroes-2-announced
Game Details: http://www.companyofheroes.com/news/company-heroes-2-details


May 22nd, 2012, 03:57 PM
General facts:

- 110 people are working on COH2- The right use of the dynamic game environment is once again important, not just the amount of troops.
- The Campaign takes place from 22 June 1941 until 1945 in Berlin.
- Producer Greg Wilson says that Essence 3.0 is on equal footing with Call of Duty or Battlefield.
- HDR Light, SSAO, new water renderer.
- Better performance for all PC Systems than in Company of Heroes and add-ons.
- True sight examples: you can use smoke grenades to sneak through areas without uncovering your best troops, or blow a gap in a wall to see what is behind it.
- The weather is realistic. Snow gathers on static objects and gets blown away by explosions.
- Snow is not a texture but has depth: infantrymen move very slowly in deep snow (with nice animations). Movement on streets is faster, but the enemy knows that as well!
- Flamethrowers can destroy a house completely. It will slowly burn down until it can't be used anymore.
- Soldiers can now jump over their cover.
- The AI in the campaign is not scripted anymore, they use the same AI as in skirmish mode, which makes it much more dynamic and interesting.
- Retreat means death in the campaign (it is unknown whether this is scripted or not).
- The recoil that occurs when a T-34 shoots affects even the environment: the ground shakes, coffee is spilled over posh enemy uniforms!
- There is significant focus on coop, because a high amount of players preferred to play with other players against the AI.
- German troops stand out with their advanced technology compared with the Russians. Upgrades and tactical use of special abilities are more important for the Wehrmacht than for the Soviets.
- The Russians rely on mass and use brute force. They have many powerful tanks.
- The developers don't want to tell us yet if tanks can break through ice but they did share: "Dont underestimate General Snow and General Mud!"
- You are able to steal (decrewed) enemy vehicles.
- The game will have base buildings.

Screenshots: http://blisteredones.net/viewtopic.php?f=10&p=2851#p2851

First developer video interview:


May 22nd, 2012, 05:21 PM
Hey! Screw you guys. I love off Dawn of War, but we've gotten nothing but Warhammer 40k from Relic since 2007.
I'm sorry for derailing the thread again, but considering that there were virtually no decent 40k games before Relic started doing them I'm completely okay with this.

Thought for the day: Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

May 22nd, 2012, 05:32 PM
fuck this game is looking amazing

May 23rd, 2012, 01:21 AM
I'm sorry for derailing the thread again, but considering that there were virtually no decent 40k games before Relic started doing them I'm completely okay with this.

:shrug:Can't argue with that.

IGN got to test out a gameplay demo: http://ca.ign.com/articles/2012/05/22/company-of-heroes-2-small-changes-big-differences

June 28th, 2012, 10:27 PM


April 4th, 2013, 10:34 PM
I got my hands on a bunch (10+) Company of Heroes 2 Closed Beta keys.

Who wants one?

April 6th, 2013, 12:30 AM
Sent you a message on whorigin.

April 6th, 2013, 01:24 AM
Not sure if you noticed, but I haven't used origin in like 3 weeks. If you need to contact me, Steam and PM is the way to go.

Unfortunately, when I got not replies after 24 hours, I posted about it on the forum of a clan I support and they were all gone within an hour of posting :/

A lot of WWII buffs over there. Not surprising as they are a WoT and WarThunder-based clan. I'll see if I can find more. If I do, you're at the top of the list.

April 6th, 2013, 03:57 AM
:C okay