View Full Version : HPC The Ghost Froom
May 21st, 2012, 03:14 AM
About time.
After years of work this is one of my greatest projects come to fruition. I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I enjoyed making it.
For those of you who doubt the legitimacy of this trick, please watch the explanation videos:
Started January 2009
Last Ghost Froom completed: June 2010
Last Footage Recorded: 5/20/2012 (explanation videos)
Total time spent: Hundreds of hours
The creation of one of the coolest Halo stunts/tricks ever
Four Ghost Frooms
14:25 of epic montage
Five Explanation videos (Over an hour of explanation)
We had a lot of fun and learned a lot!
Total Number of Clips Recorded: Something in the thousands
~200gb at end of project
Time well spent.
May 21st, 2012, 03:24 AM
May 21st, 2012, 03:29 AM
Shit so do I...
May 21st, 2012, 03:55 AM
That was the trailer, dinguses.
This is the real deal. :)
Srsly though, all those idiots saying "not legit", here's proof of legitimacy.
May 21st, 2012, 05:18 AM
jesus christ i that was some fucking weird shit, it even became half a meme here.
i guess i owe it to myself to watch this shit now.
May 21st, 2012, 06:36 AM
The creation of one of the coolest Halo stunts/tricks ever
This is a pretty boring glitch sorry to say.
14:25 of epic montage
Even if the video was a minute long it probably wouldn't have been able to hold my attention.
I didn't care about the whole fake/legit argument that I vaguely remember everyone getting all hot and bothered about in the last thread. It was boring then and it still is now.
May 21st, 2012, 07:39 AM
Halo stunts, wow that brings back memories.
Tbh the best stunts are warthog jumps, considering they are actual stunts and not glitches.
That playlist is private by the way.
May 21st, 2012, 11:55 AM
jesus christ i that was some fucking weird shit, it even became half a meme here.
i guess i owe it to myself to watch this shit now.
This is a pretty boring glitch sorry to say.
Even if the video was a minute long it probably wouldn't have been able to hold my attention.
I didn't care about the whole fake/legit argument that I vaguely remember everyone getting all hot and bothered about in the last thread. It was boring then and it still is now.
In this post^ JackalStomper's word is law. Trick is bad kids, go home.
No wait, he's wrong.
You just have no experiences with tricking, and thus don't have any understanding of the finer pursuits in halo.
They were hot and bothered because they were arguing it was old/retarded, which it isn't. The same guys who landed T2T like this video and are impressed by it. If you even know what that is that should mean something to you.
Halo stunts, wow that brings back memories.
Tbh the best stunts are warthog jumps, considering they are actual stunts and not glitches.
That playlist is private by the way.
Fixed playlist.
Eh, the word stunt is a tricky thing. People call everything that's a difficult feat to reproduce in Halo a stunt these days.
Warthog jumps are cool and all, but that's campaign, yo. This is multiplayer. Different turf, different rules.
May 21st, 2012, 11:59 AM
I'd consider T2T a stunt. This... not so much.
May 21st, 2012, 12:58 PM
I'd consider T2T a stunt. This... not so much.
And what gives you the right to define stunts? You're pretty arrogant for someone who doesn't have any involvement with the stunting/tricking/glitching community.
May 21st, 2012, 01:06 PM
Retard the growth or development of.
Perform stunts, esp. aerobatics.
An action displaying spectacular skill and daring.
Forcing a ghost through the BSP isn't really that spectacular.
May 21st, 2012, 01:18 PM
Its funny how you have the exact attitude of a hipster.
Ok then. Tell me what the STUNT is.
Glitching the ghost into the invisible barrier? That's called a.. um.. a glitch I believe.
In case you haven't noticed, I am not defining what a stunt is. I'd say I'm actually being captain obvious about the definition. Glitch =/= stunt.
Is it a hard glitch to perform? Yes. That doesnt make it a stunt.
You just have no experiences with tricking, and thus don't have any understanding of the finer pursuits in halo. sounds more arrogant than anything I've said.
May 21st, 2012, 01:57 PM
Retard the growth or development of.
Perform stunts, esp. aerobatics.
An action displaying spectacular skill and daring.
Forcing a ghost through the BSP isn't really that spectacular.
The definition of stunt with regards to video games is a bit more specific and isn't exactly the same:
Also, forcing a Ghost through the BSP is spectacular when it's floating above the map due to a warp launch. You guys see things so generally, you need to look at the entirety of what's being done here. Forcing a Ghost through the BSP isn't that hard if you're just making like a Ghost in Pillar or something, but a Ghost Shroom is impressive, and a Shroom Lift is even more impressive and a Ghost Froom is even more impressive.
Don't be dingus.
Its funny how you have the exact attitude of a hipster.
Ok then. Tell me what the STUNT is.
Glitching the ghost into the invisible barrier? That's called a.. um.. a glitch I believe.
In case you haven't noticed, I am not defining what a stunt is. I'd say I'm actually being captain obvious about the definition. Glitch =/= stunt.
Is it a hard glitch to perform? Yes. That doesnt make it a stunt.
Also, sounds more arrogant than anything I've said.
Why are you arguing about this? Seriously? If you played Halo PC you'd understand that the word "stunt" is what people use to refer to this sort of stuff. Stop being such a prick and just roll with it.
We define the word "stunt" differently in Halo. OK? Can you deal with that?
I'm not the one who made this word up. You're essentially trying to argue against hundreds of people who have been using this word this way for years. You do realize that that's a hopelessly futile and altogether retarded endeavor, right? Even dictionaries can't tell people how to use words, people come up with new words/definitions all the time! E.g. Ginormous.
I'm not the one telling the whole community of trickers/glitchers/stunters they're wrong here, you are. Hence- arrogance. I'm the one presenting a trick which is recognized by the stunting community as awesome. You and others are the ones saying "it's retarded, not even just in my eyes, it just is." If you don't like it, that's fine, but don't go about telling us what to like or not like. Stop being like this:
May 21st, 2012, 02:12 PM
this went down the drain fast :D
May 21st, 2012, 02:26 PM
I want to know what idiot designed the Halo Stunting wiki (
Who the fuck uses transparent text with an image background?
May 21st, 2012, 03:04 PM
Never told you what not to like. Never said I didnt like it.
All I said was that its just a glitch, not an actual stunt.
May 21st, 2012, 03:05 PM
May 21st, 2012, 03:09 PM
This is pretty much on par with someone whose amazed at watching a stone drop from the top of their stairs and spending 3 years recording exactly how they did it that one way where it bounced in one direction.
This is Not a stunt, this is a glitch, You cannot redefine a word merely because it suits your interests.
May 21st, 2012, 03:26 PM
It's a glitch, not a stunt. The only reason this was possible was becuase of a glitch, aka getting the ghost above the vehicle height limit on both of those maps, resulting in the engine telling the ghost it cant fucking move anywhere. Oh and shitty physics.
May 21st, 2012, 03:38 PM
I thought it was kind of neato...
May 21st, 2012, 03:45 PM
And what gives you the right to define stunts? You're pretty arrogant for someone who doesn't have any involvement with the stunting/tricking/glitching community.
wow man, im glad to see you really learned something last time we spoke about this attitude :ugh:
youre pretty arrogant for somebody who just makes the wild assumption (for the second time btw) that anybody here is even interested. i said it before, and ill say it again. your attitude is whats pissing people off. not your stunt/trick and not whether or not its "real" or "fake" or whatever (i dont even recall that being an argument, actually). its that you sit here and talk down to us from this throne like youre better than all of us because you can spend hundreds of hours of your life glitching a fucking ghost into a wall in a game most of us dont even play anymore.
and just to drive the point home, i wasnt going to say anything when i saw this thread. the only reason i posted at all if because you did exactly what you did in the last thread, after i calmly explained to you (via pm, if youve forgotten) why you got the reception you did last time.
E: i wont even begin on the "finer pursuits of halo" thing when youre talking to a forum full of halo pc modding veterans.
May 21st, 2012, 03:52 PM
<3 you donat
May 21st, 2012, 04:35 PM
Nifty and well edited. I personally wouldn't call it a stunt so much as an exploit or bug but still, good job.
May 21st, 2012, 04:40 PM
Thread is missing point.
@n00b1n8R: Thanks.
@TVTyrant: Thanks! :)
May 21st, 2012, 04:53 PM
Thread is missing point.
@n00b1n8R: Thanks.
@TVTyrant: Thanks! :)
Watched this plus your explanation parts - cool stuff!
But this topic and the one over at halomaps :ugh:
May 21st, 2012, 05:40 PM
Regardless of the lack of practicality from exploiting Halo's obsolete physics engine, it had some nice editing and was interesting.
May 21st, 2012, 06:59 PM
Oi fuck head, I've done that a hundred times and it takes me like 10 secs.... here is the tutorial:
What you need:
- A server with rec0 app enabled (or sapp for new faggs, rec0 will always be the easiest to use)
- Admin
- Type this shit
/t d ledge
I win.
/j d 0 0 100
/st d froom
/j d 0 0 -1
*jump out*
/t d froom
I win.
:allears: Oh tell me I'm fabulous!
May 21st, 2012, 08:22 PM
you're fabulous!!!
i'm fabulousss!!!
*sorry Phineas and Pherb quote
May 22nd, 2012, 09:36 AM
Firstly you made a trailer for a "stunt" on a 9 year old game MONTHS before you were going to release it
Second, your actual video for this stupid glitch is fucking 15 minutes long. Who is going to watch a 15 minute long halo video that is just showing screenshots and idolizing how dumb you are.
I would expect this kind of self important bullshit from myself, its cute when I do it.. but this?
May 22nd, 2012, 10:30 AM
Stopped watching after about two minutes.
Couldn't take all the ego-stroking comments that kept showing up.
May 22nd, 2012, 10:58 AM
Firstly you made a trailer for a "stunt" on a 9 year old game MONTHS before you were going to release it
Second, your actual video for this stupid glitch is fucking 15 minutes long. Who is going to watch a 15 minute long halo video that is just showing screenshots and idolizing how dumb you are.
I would expect this kind of self important bullshit from myself, its cute when I do it.. but this?
more like over a year
May 22nd, 2012, 12:53 PM
Stopped watching after about two minutes.
Couldn't take all the ego-stroking comments that kept showing up.
It is a great achievement in Halo tricking, and I don't think I was too ego-centric about it.
I merely told a story in a way that made it interesting and epic, there's no need to get all offended about it. Also, I would think, given your contributions to the trailer thread, you should feel rather obligated to watch the whole video so as to see whether or not you were wrong.
Also, this achievement isn't mine alone, it's an achievement which was reached by the entire Halo Stunting Community. See credits: ~50 people listed in helping out. That's a lot.
EDIT: I just watched the first 3 minutes again, checking closely to see if I could find the "ego-stroking" comments you were mentioning. I didn't see any mention of myself followed by anything that could possibly be considered "ego-stroking". Maybe if you make the indirect connection: mator created trick -> mator says trick is revolutionary and epic -> mator is stroking his ego, but that's not something I explicitly said in the video, it's something that you derived from it. Thus I am not stroking my ego, I'm merely presenting things as I see them and YOU are making the connection that I am stroking my ego by doing so. I have never said "I am amazing", "I am godly", or anything else along those lines with a first person I.
@nuero: It was not over a year after the trailer, though it was longer than I would have liked.
@Blind: Ok.
May 22nd, 2012, 01:13 PM
The trick isn't really that impressive, as you said yourself, people have been doing it for years. Knocking models through the colision geometry of the map BSP's is nothing new. Neither is moving them around. All you guys did was push them up a wall in reality.
May 22nd, 2012, 01:25 PM
Mator your voice is soothing
May 22nd, 2012, 01:28 PM
The trick isn't really that impressive, as you said yourself, people have been doing it for years. Knocking models through the colision geometry of the map BSP's is nothing new. Neither is moving them around. All you guys did was push them up a wall in reality.
Push them up a wall, launch them up a barrier, get them to float in the sky, and then launch on top of them. Is that really so trivial and "old"? Not according to just about everyone who does tricking. Don't be such a sourpuss and enjoy the video. It was ridiculously hard to pull off and the entire Halo 1 Stunting community worked really hard on it. Are you really such an ass as to look at all that work and effort and call it nothing?
And it's not like it was all for nothing, the result is pretty sick man. Imagine your own personal sniping platform 150-or-so meters above the map, pretty friggin' epic.
Mator your voice is soothing
Thank you sir!
May 22nd, 2012, 01:35 PM
And it's not like it was all for nothing, the result is pretty sick man. Imagine your own personal sniping platform 150-or-so meters above the map, pretty friggin' epic.
May 22nd, 2012, 02:18 PM
Push them up a wall, launch them up a barrier, get them to float in the sky, and then launch on top of them. Is that really so trivial and "old"? Not according to just about everyone who does tricking. Don't be such a sourpuss and enjoy the video. It was ridiculously hard to pull off and the entire Halo 1 Stunting community worked really hard on it. Are you really such an ass as to look at all that work and effort and call it nothing?
And it's not like it was all for nothing, the result is pretty sick man. Imagine your own personal sniping platform 150-or-so meters above the map, pretty friggin' epic.
A combination of previous existing tricks does not a new trick make.
A personal sniping platform? Not a useful one, this isn't a trick that can be accomplished in a live server.
May 22nd, 2012, 05:22 PM
Mods are retarded. Anyone can make a sniping spot out of logs and mod a teleporter to it. It's not tricking, derpbag.
A combination of previous existing tricks does not a new trick make.
A personal sniping platform? Not a useful one, this isn't a trick that can be accomplished in a live server.
The Ghost Shroom Lift is not a previous existing trick, and everything that follows has not been done before either.
Furthermore, what you're referring to are techniques. Technique ≠ trick. Else T2T was old as well, for it only involved old launching techniques + two old hog balances.
Seriously, you have no idea what you're talking about, so just stop.
Tricks aren't about being useful. They're about being cool. If you knew jack shit about tricking you'd know this. Now go away.
May 22nd, 2012, 07:25 PM
So wait.
You come onto a modding website, filled full of people who either currently mod or used to mod call it retarded and yet ignore the obvious about how your trick is so old it might even have a gravestone dated from 04.
May 22nd, 2012, 07:36 PM
i think this thread needs a poll added to it. something along the lines of "who cares" and "who doesnt care" about this.
not even being sarcastic right now
May 22nd, 2012, 07:39 PM
May 22nd, 2012, 09:42 PM
Mator you are HELLA pretentious. Look at how you type hahahahaha you're not better than anyone here.
May 22nd, 2012, 10:07 PM
this whole thread can be summed up as this
May 23rd, 2012, 12:11 AM
So wait.
You come onto a modding website, filled full of people who either currently mod or used to mod call it retarded and yet ignore the obvious about how your trick is so old it might even have a gravestone dated from 04.
I'm pretty sure there's no rules here against posting non-mod-related material. This is, after all, just a "Halo PC & Custom Edition" subforum.
Thus it's not me who's in the wrong, it's you and your friends, who come here, to my TOPIC, and try to tell me that my trick is old when you have no real say in anything regarding the tricking community, because you don't trick (and don't know jack shit about it, quite obviously).
Few things:
1. What I do with my time is none of your concern. So no more of these "you wasted your time" posts, please.
2. I can post whatever I want here and have whatever opinions I want regarding modding. My only goal is to get this video out to the people who would be interested in seeing it, without exclusion due to there being *some* people who aren't interested. (Whether you acknowledge it or not, some people on this site have responded positively to this video)
3. I've already provided about 16 arguments as to why the trick is not old, and the entire tricking community agrees with me on this fact. That makes a couple hundred people who have experience in the field whose word counts, against the word of you a few others here who have no experience in the field whose word means nothing. Seems like they're right, and you're wrong.
4. If you have nothing nice to say say nothing at all. Seriously. You guys have already broken plenty of rules regarding etiquette and respect, and you're bordering on breaking site rules. Don't give me a reason to complain, I think we all want this thread dead and buried, so just leave it the fuck alone if you don't like it.
May 23rd, 2012, 12:20 AM
1. So you can post what you want but we can't?
2. Actually you can't post whatever you please here. Modacity isn't a democracy, your freedom of speech doesn't apply at all. Keep the pretentious up, do it. I'll just delete the whole thread. It's getting close to that point anyway.
3. You come to a site filled with LITERAL masters for the Halo PC/CE engine and tell us you know more about the game and what counts/doesn't count than we do. You then expect us to bow down before your tricking community members whom are obviously all sacred gods of tricking and who apparently have final say in the matter. Many of us have been playing, abusing, and tricking in the Halo engine since the day it was released ON XBOX. T2T is impressive because of the legacy and the set parameters for the stunt. Ghost Froom isn't impressive because there was no set challenge to accomplish like T2T, and by comparison it's relatively easy to setup. Seriously, if I cared enough to play CE anymore I could pull off any of the Froom's shown in the video. I'm sure that a lot of people on the forums here as well could make the exact same claim, based purely on experience and hours logged in the game. Heck, we've all probably executed the individual maneuvers required for different reasons while screwing around.
4. The existing staff on the site (I'm semi-retired but retain my powers for occasional shit-organizing) are pretty laid back and carefree. We'll let a thread degenerate all the way down to petty name calling before anything actually happens.
May 23rd, 2012, 12:22 AM
Wait. Mator, how old are you?
May 23rd, 2012, 01:49 AM
1. So you can post what you want but we can't?
No, you can, I'm just asking you to stop criticizing what I do with my time, for anyone who has done that, because it's not really any of your business what I do with my time.
2. Actually you can't post whatever you please here. Modacity isn't a democracy, your freedom of speech doesn't apply at all. Keep the pretentious up, do it. I'll just delete the whole thread. It's getting close to that point anyway.
I meant within reason, obviously. I didn't mean it exactly as it reads, I meant that I can post a trick if I want to. Obviously flaming/etc. will not be tolerated on a forum.
You should have a different admin do the deletion though, if there is another one active, IMO. I can't tell you/others how to run the site, but you have personal involvement with the topic and thus could be considered to have bias. IDK, just a thought.
3. You come to a site filled with LITERAL masters for the Halo PC/CE engine and tell us you know more about the game and what counts/doesn't count than we do. You then expect us to bow down before your tricking community members whom are obviously all sacred gods of tricking and who apparently have final say in the matter. Many of us have been playing, abusing, and tricking in the Halo engine since the day it was released ON XBOX. T2T is impressive because of the legacy and the set parameters for the stunt. Ghost Froom isn't impressive because there was no set challenge to accomplish like T2T, and by comparison it's relatively easy to setup. Seriously, if I cared enough to play CE anymore I could pull off any of the Froom's shown in the video. I'm sure that a lot of people on the forums here as well could make the exact same claim, based purely on experience and hours logged in the game. Heck, we've all probably executed the individual maneuvers required for different reasons while screwing around.
This isn't about the engine, it's about tricking. We're dealing with two very different types of knowledge here, one involves practical application to breaking the physics engine, while the other involves the conceptual tenets and creation of it. In this way the experience/background these people have isn't relevant.
Furthermore, I have no reason to believe that the people here are masters of the PC/CE engine save for their word and the few members whose work I recognize. Yes, these people have done some cool stuff (like making Halo work with opensauce, nice job on that), but I'm not going to bow down to them when they get in my grill about my trick which I know everything about. I've been tricking for a long time now, and I know a lot about Halo's physics engine as well as tricking history. I don't think it's anyone's place save for Halo PC tricking veterans to tell me I'm wrong about something which relates to tricking.
I expect you to allow the tricking community to define what a new trick is. Seriously, if you're not going to let the tricking community define such a thing, then you might as well just discount the existence of tricking altogether, for you're essentially overriding the thoughts of those who have experience in the field because you feel you're superior. That's like looking at a unanimously recognized theory like Special Relativity and saying you don't think it's right without any background in physics to the face of a nobel prize winner in physics and trying to argue you're right.
Absolutely none of you have any history in tricking that I'm aware of unless it was in the years of iBonk. I've been through HIH+otherforum archives many times, unless you've changed your alias I'd recognize you.
The challenge is not what made T2T awesome, it was how difficult it was. Now if you want to prove to me that the Ghost Froom is as you say "relatively easy to set up" and isn't nearly as difficult as T2T, I'd like to see you try it. Because I'm pretty sure the Ghost Froom is right up there with T2T in terms of difficulty of set up. I've done enough campaign launching and watched T2T enough to understand that the set up is essentially comprised of gathering nades (which isn't difficult, just a bit tedious), combined with a bunch of repeated pogos. I've done pogo launches before. They aren't that difficult. In this way I would say the Ghost Froom is definitely at the same level as T2T.
LOL. You could huh? You REALLY think that? Ok, humor me. Go try a shroom lift for 6 hours over the next few weeks. I can guarantee you you won't get more than 10 meters up the wall. How do I know this? Every single skilled Halo PC multiplayer stunter (the guys who are active in the tricking community now and who are good at this sort of stuff) who has tried this has had that result. I'm the only one who has shroom-lifted successfully, and for good reason, it's nearly fucking impossible to pull off. You practically have to be a Jedi - capable of seeing the future, to pull off a shroom-lift.
And no, you haven't pulled off any of this shit, and none of you can make that claim. You all think you're all high and mighty and amazing, but I'm willing to wager if any of you sit down to try this you won't get anywhere near success. Go ahead, try it, and make sure you log exactly how many hours you put in, what resources you refer to, and record every attempt. I want to know the details of your failure when you come back to me sobbing that you couldn't do it.
4. The existing staff on the site (I'm semi-retired but retain my powers for occasional shit-organizing) are pretty laid back and carefree. We'll let a thread degenerate all the way down to petty name calling before anything actually happens.
May 23rd, 2012, 02:05 AM
And no, you haven't pulled off any of this shit, and none of you can make that claim. You all think you're all high and mighty and amazing, but I'm willing to wager if any of you sit down to try this you won't get anywhere near success. Go ahead, try it, and make sure you log exactly how many hours you put in, what resources you refer to, and record every attempt. I want to know the details of your failure when you come back to me sobbing that you couldn't do it.
I've lifted a WARTHOG that wasn't even half-stuck in the BSP up a wall on the top of a Banshee like you lift the Ghost. Trust me, I know exactly how hard that shit is. For those of us who have played this game online for years, being a "Jedi" is second nature to playing. Everything lags and warps around, and those of us who've been playing for years can predict (for the most part) exactly where things are going to derp-off to.
Actually, now that I think back on tricking and such, I distinctly remember 3 or four people in Banshees lifting and "hovering" a Scorpion tank. However I'm pretty sure that involved a server-app or modded map since the Scorpion weighs so damn much. The point is that you think managing two vehicles is tough? Try 4+.
And no, I'm not going to try a Shroom because I literally don't have the time. With a job and school, my free time goes towards things I deem fun and/or interesting. Lifting a Ghost up a wall for 6 hours sounds like the opposite of both of those things. Boring and tedious.
May 23rd, 2012, 02:13 AM
Mator, you are one stupid motherfucker
I am accelerating the decline of this thread. DONT TRY TO STOP ME LANCER!!!
May 23rd, 2012, 02:34 AM
but you have personal involvement with the topic and thus could be considered to have bias. IDK, just a thought.I'm not even going to point out the ridiculous falsehood, irony, and hypocrisy of that statement. Owai-
The challenge is not what made T2T awesome, it was how difficult it was.
Well Mator, you seem to be under the delusion that the time invested in a trick is what makes it worth appreciation when, in fact, it is not. All you did was push a ghost up the invisible barrier. So what that its hard? T2T is actually impressive because of the challenge. It is interesting. It is fun to watch.
Tbh, the most interesting parts of your video were the explosions. But a ghost being pushed up an invisible wall just isn't interesting.
Awesome tricks are inherently hard, hard tricks are NOT inherently awesome.
Since your analogy about Nobel Prizes was abhorrently inaccurate, let me provide a more accurate one.
Imagine watching a game of baseball. T2T is like hitting an out of the park home run, aiming for, and hitting a target the size of a car. What you did is like getting the ball stuck in the netting/fencing around the batter's area. Tell me, which one is more interesting/awesome?
Mator, you are about as intelligent and mature as I was when I joined this site in 2009, when I had just turned 14, and I have aspergers.
May 23rd, 2012, 04:52 AM
You're all entitled to your opinions, I don't think I've ever actually explicitly denied that, however, I think you should acknowledge that a lot of people agree with me about this trick. People who have had more experience than you have in tricking, and whose word thus means more to those people who care about this sort of thing. Many people really like this trick and acknowledge it as being in the top 10 coolest in all the Halo games. If you can't acknowledge that other people feel this way then you're denying the reality of the situation.
Mator, you are about as intelligent and mature as I was when I joined this site in 2009, when I had just turned 14, and I have aspergers.
Thanks for the insult, I'm 19 and I'm pretty sure I'm just a bit overly defensive, not unintelligent or immature.
Also, I feel time invested does contribute to the awesomeness of a trick, though it is certainly not the only factor.
@Cortexian: Got proof? PM me.
@Tank: Modifications make me disinterested.
@Jedi: Yes, I've had that skill for a long time, but the Shroom lift is different. It's a whole new kind of recognition which you have build up through hours of failing. I'm very confident it would take anyone else who tried this almost just as long as it took me to learn how to do it. In this way I consider it difficult and awesome.
Stop arguing with me about it, please. I don't think it's going to get anyone anywhere. You're definitely not going to change my mind and as a moderator you're only going to make an asshat out of yourself in being so disrespectfully persistent. You have your, in my opinion, poorly-arrived-at-perspective, and I have my, in your opinion, hopelessly-biased perspective. Let's just leave it at that.
@Two vehicles/4+: If you're saying you/someone else has lifted multiple vehicles at once I'd like to tell you that you are most definitely lying and pulled that out of your ass. This makes you look a lot less respectable and makes me doubt the rest of what you've told me. Good day.
Edit: And please, don't post on this now closed thread. PM me if you have anything more to say. We don't need to go into a whole "final-word" showdown over this, and since it's my thread I'd like you to respect my wish to have the last word.
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