View Full Version : Bullying
May 25th, 2012, 11:12 AM
Just wondering who's had it, what your experience was, and what you did if anything to stop it, why you got it ect.
May 25th, 2012, 11:25 AM
Me obviously. But it never had any real impact.
May 25th, 2012, 12:28 PM
I was bullied all throughout Middle School and portions of High School. I was a very passive kid in Middle School and I really had no desire to fight them, not to mention when I did I either held back tremendously or I held it in because causing fistfights at private school will get you expelled. Really it was mental abuse for two years, followed by my being an average punk kid of my time trying to fit into a social molding. Then I had some realization and revelations, so I decided in High School about Sophomore year that I would try being my own person. That was short lived. Bullying for me consisted of constant mental abuse and become belittled because people throughout my life have just had a grand time making fun of me (probably because I'm so goofy, clumsy, and I look younger than I am). And no, having an older brother doesn't help this at all. As a result, I have had a low self-confidence minus some impulsive moments. And by "Bullying" I'm talking about the purely mentally abusive bullshit that people in general do inconsiderately and out of self-interest. It's really a double-edged sword in my life: I can hardly stand people, have only a few good friends (which is by no means a bad thing), can't seem to find a girl I can stand that can stand me, but at the same time I get see just how shitty my society really is and how I'm really not crap. There you have it.
Oh and I have a tremendous distrust and initial disliking of other guys. Yay for mental scarring and abuse for 8 years.
May 25th, 2012, 12:58 PM
I had it for some time through school.
Stopped after I slammed a guy by his backpack into a solid concrete wall knocking them out and then dragging 3 teachers across the ground as they tried stopping me walking out of school.
Got to college and some guy was just being a complete idiot on a level I won't even go into, suffice to say I coerced to stop after pinning them to a wall and pressing harder on their chest each time they breathed out.
Very effective.
As for my reason of being bullied? in senior school I would randomly fall asleep due to a medical condition which was quickly leading to total organ failure[given few weeks when first taken into ICU].
You can imagine when I came back after nearly a year in hospital straight I was rather pissed off.
for the uninitiated, at the time I graduated school I was 16, I was 14 when taken into ICU and 15 when got back into school.
Quite a long time to learn patience.
May 25th, 2012, 01:18 PM
Had some problems with it when I was younger due to my weight
Then when I started wrestling/play football I realized it was a weapon, and never let people mess with me anymore. I hate seeing people bully people, especially when I see big kids get picked on by smaller ones all for the reason that they're timid or just plain don't like violence
I have a hard time identifying when its happening though since I was 13 when it stopped happening to me. Unless someone is being really direct about it, I have a hard time noticing the difference between teasing and bullying.
May 25th, 2012, 01:36 PM
May 25th, 2012, 01:53 PM
I was bullied for a portion of elementary school and at the beginning of high school by some bunch of idiots. I'm not going to go into details, but my way of coping with it was just to ignore them. However, once I saw that they didn't stop, I grabbed a guy by the colar, smashed him against a locker and less-than-nicely but calmly told him that it was time for him to stop. I guess that intimidated him since nobody ever bothered me after that.
May 25th, 2012, 01:57 PM
I was bullied in elemtary school but that was about it, eventually I just started ignoring them and talking to other kids and stuff. I havent had many other incidents of bullying since early elemantary that I can recall or if there was they were insignificant.
May 25th, 2012, 02:03 PM
Burger Kings?
May 25th, 2012, 02:20 PM
Burger Kings?
Those bastards are like mafia.
May 25th, 2012, 02:32 PM
Those bastards are like mafia.
Yeah they are
With their whoppers, and their chicken fries, and their rock em sock em robots
I need to go to BK now I'll be back
May 25th, 2012, 11:37 PM
I've been bullied throughout all my schooling by students and teachers alike, due to my size (tvtyrant and llama you know what I'm talking about).. while living in an abusive home.
It drove me a little insane, and needless to say that eventually manifested itself in a way that ensured no one would even look at me wrong. Made a teacher cry, got suspended for a week, but was totally worth it.
You know that saying "It's always the quiet ones?" Yeah.
t3h m00kz
May 26th, 2012, 01:26 AM
Just wondering who's had it, what your experience was, and what you did if anything to stop it, why you got it ect.
My situation is odd. I got e-harassed quite a bit for putting up an internet tough guy act, and after being humiliated in front of a shit ton of people, parents found out a whole bunch of shit about me I'd prefer they hadn't, so I pretty much moved completely across the united states and shut the fuck up and barred myself off from the rest of the world for literally years and just thought about things
today I'm far more content with my life and have no real problems socializing, have a pretty decent, well-paying job, and am not really in debt or anything. though I'd prefer to keep people at arm's length
May 26th, 2012, 01:32 AM
My entire flipping life, mainly because the people in this shoddy excuse for a country are intolerent, racist fucks with no grey matter to speak of.
It still happens today, but it mostly stopped after I hit back and broke 2 of the high school tough guy's ribs.
May 26th, 2012, 03:03 AM
Me obviously. But it never had any real impact.
I love you.
First three years of highschool got bullied for being "gay" cause I fell in love with some cunts girlfriend. Made a rumour im gay and sent him a lover letter told the whole school lawl tuff guy. Ended up being the most loved guy in the school with more friends than any cock sucker. Ha, bow at my feet bitches.
:) <3
May 26th, 2012, 03:13 AM
I've seen what i was looking for, the guys that stood up for themselves and annihilated their bullys are the guys who had it stopped.
I was pretty short and young in my school year, due to being pretty smart i started school much earlier then alot of people, so i got the usual shit that goes with that. Eventually i did what i've seen to be the only thing that ever worked and that is to fucking deck the cowards.
You know whats scarier then someone picking on you? Someone that no matter what you do to put them down, keeps relentlessly getting up and coming at you.
once they realized that after i'd snap i wouldn't stop until i'd done everything in my m power to hurt them they all back down pretty fucking quick.
Everything i've seen so far could be handled like this, apart from mookz, and you'd have to know his backstory to understand, somethign i'm not prepared to do.
i love me some mookz <33
May 26th, 2012, 03:23 AM
Unless you come across those ones who want you to get fired up and come at them and that only fuels them ever more D: hahaha
May 26th, 2012, 03:34 AM
I was bullied a little in early primary (mostly just namecalling and the occasional shove). I went to a pretty rough school for a while, but most of the bullies actually got along okay with me when their friends weren't around because I helped them with their work. I switched schools (end of my street vs. other side of town) eventually, and didn't have any problems there at all.
The moment I moved to Australia and went to school it was fucked. Actually, perhaps not right away; the first year or so wasn't bad. The second was tolerable. The third was fucking awful, this one kid made it his life goal to make me miserable and knew that (at the time) I had a deathly fear of germs, so he would spit into his hand then chase me around flailing his hands about. He would constantly give me shit and was just generally a little cunt. The school did absolutely nothing (with the exception of my class teacher and art teacher, who were both fairly cool dudes) and so I eventually went back to the school I was at before (you have to keep in mind I've done a lot of moving and even more school-hopping). Apparently my friends beat the everloving shit out of him after I left and made his life such a living hell he had to switch schools shortly afterwards and is now a born-again Christian (came across him on "people you might know" on FB).
Had a little trouble in years 5 and 6, actually mostly with my friends being pricks to impress their friends, but by the end of primary school everyone got along pretty well with me. Not so at high school, had tons of trouble in year 7 (physical to an extent, but mostly being excluded and just irritated). Bit more in year 8, a little in year 9. By year 10 I got along with everyone in my year, most of the people who had bullied me in years 7 and 8 were now friendly to me if not actual friends, and the remaining trouble I had was a gang of kids two years below me who would constantly antagonise anyone, but mostly me. My group was basically looking for an excuse to beat them down, so they generally only had a go at me when my friends were distracted or not around. I pretty much ignored them, the kid I figured for the leader of their group was such a pathetic sack that even I could intimidate him (I threw a few really half-assed punches at his shoulder once because he was being annoying and none of his mates were around, and he avoided me without them ever since). Our whole year got even with those shitheads just before we all graduated. They'd occasionally have a go over the net, but other than the occasional FB friend request I haven't heard from them since then. Shit, I'd probably be tempted to add them just to see what they're doing with themselves, but I have my contact details up on there and I can't be bothered to change my privacy settings.
So yeah, I generally don't stay at odds with people for long. Most of my closest friends used to hate me, and vice versa. Dunno if that's unusual or what, but I won't complain.
e/ for context, since many of you newer guys probably don't know me beyond my shitposting, I am a really gangly, clumsy guy who has never really been in a proper fight, who absolutely hates violence, and generally tries to avoid conflict. If you put me in front of someone I will gladly rip apart online, I would probably just shoot them funny looks and try to keep my distance. As a result, I was a pretty easy target, but although it did get really, really bad at times it's done a lot to help me. I'm a lot more withdrawn now than I was before I moved to Australia, but nowhere near as badly as when I was getting the worst of the bullying. I'm not really afraid to speak my mind and I'm more inclined to stand my ground now.
May 26th, 2012, 07:19 AM
if anything, i'd almost be inclined to tank the people who bullied me, because i took all th eshit they were giving me, and made yself stronger with it, and i REALLY like the end-result that came out of it.
if i could re-do my school+nullied period, i wouldn't change a thing, knowing what i'd become.
Rainbow Dash
May 26th, 2012, 10:25 AM
Here in Canada we're all really friendly and no one really bullied anyone. Haha just kidding. (
No but really, I got pretty lucky I guess, the group of people in my grade from middle school was really nice and friendly for the most part, and those people ended up sticking around all throughout the rest of middle school, and high school.
May 26th, 2012, 11:12 AM
My Freshmen year of High School, this kid who was basically a bully (and a complete douche) tried to fight me over my not playing volleyball right in gym class. He kept shoving me and cursing me out, which I let him so the teacher would react and do something (not sure if she did just then), and I was laughing so damn hard on the inside because it was so fucking stupid of how and why he was trying to pick a fight. I don't know if he went off because of some other shit (the guy was a douche to begin with, so I doubt he "snapped") in his life, but honestly that's when bullying went from funny as hell to shitty. The following year, I really lost my stoicism (problems and events outside of school) and mental abuse really got to me after a year of me not giving a fuck. Now I don't give a fuck three years later after seeing how a lot of these high school shits realize they're going to the real world will they can be utterly fucked for not making peace with anybody. Of course, the ones who remain douchebags are called "Frats."
May 27th, 2012, 07:49 PM
I never got bullied, in fact if anything I could've probably been seen as a bully.
May 27th, 2012, 08:11 PM
i got bullied for liking girls in middle school...
then in highschool nobody fucked with me. i never knew why, until one day near the end of my senior year, this girl asked me if "the rumors were true" that i was in the mafia. apparently people thought i was in the mafia because im quiet and italian.
things have mellowed out now. i get the occasional retard criticizing me for playing HvZ at college now, but the soviet ushanka and big coat during the winter seems to do a good job of deterring any would-be harasser. i guess people are afraid of fur or something, idk.
May 27th, 2012, 08:33 PM
i guess people are afraid of fur or something, idk.
Aren't you scared of Mookz? Its only logical lmao
May 27th, 2012, 08:49 PM
Yeah no one really messes with you after you deck someone. Changing your attire so you look like you just stepped out of (into?) the Matrix doesn't hurt either. :P
May 28th, 2012, 03:49 AM
May 29th, 2012, 02:11 AM
I can make friends and fit into pretty much any social-group to the point of not being an "outsider". Was never really bullied, however I was that kid who was always looked upon like a loaner in Jr High and High School. Mostly because I'd rather keep to myself than seek out new friendships and/or engage in group-activities.
May 29th, 2012, 10:36 AM
i was involved in literally every social group, ethnic or otherwise, simply because i'm not a 1 dimensional person, i had problems earlier on, untill i made a few points.
hell the people i was fighting, 5 minutes later i was talking and laughing with them in detention.
May 30th, 2012, 06:33 AM
Everything was fine and dandy in primary school, the world was a fabulous and happy place. Then I hit the last year in primary school (aged 10), a guy in my class decided to pick on me, he wasnt big, wasnt even strong really - I'd say we were level on size and strength. He used to irritate me in the playground, push me around, wasnt that much but it was more like a hostile stalker.
Once day I was going about my jolly business of running around like a headless chicken like every 10 year old does. I stopped for a breather by 'The Wall' - which basically was the only section of the playground that was not fence and was a brick wall. Gary (the other guy) happened to be nearby, but at the time I didnt know of it. A girl ran into me (accidentally) and I fell into Gary, he instantly turned around and punched me in the left eye. I was temporarily blinded in my eye (3 days) and I went to the eye doctor who said I was lucky to not be permanently blinded, but I would have to wear glasses now.
So thats when I/my parents made a 'no holding back formal complaint', we had made complaints before but this was like total proof of it.
As a side note, turned out Gary was bullying me because he was having issues at home, think his dad was only partly in the picture.
So yeah secondary school I was picked on for having glasses, one dude pretty much had anger problems and I seemed to be 'the easy target' to attack. I decided to pull myself out of the school when one day he kept throwing chairs at me (the ones with fixed legs, throwing them leg first at me). You wouldnt believe the amount of policy BS and trouble you get into for just 'quitting school'.
I only had to wear glasses for 2 years, but by then the damage was done =\. Between then and now a lot has happened, good and bad.
If I could confront Gary now, what would I do? Well the adult solution would be to talk it over, but no - till the day I die I would like to kick the shit out of him (only once). Maybe that makes me as bad as him, and I dont like laying blame, but in reality his actions have had repercussions throughout the rest of my life.
tr;dr - bullying sucks, and sadly I think they will never be able to get rid of it at school. (Generally speaking) teachers don't know how to resolve the bullying issues, and as out generation are starting to become teachers, we still don't know how to stop it, we only know it as 'its bound to happen', sadly.
As for if I fighted back? I didnt really sadly, even at my age back then I didnt want to get into trouble fighting, so I figured if I just let it happen at least I won't get in trouble for fighting. I know that sounds weird and stupid, but in life I am always constantly thing of what the consequences could be. Its why if I get into a fight in the street, my mind will be thinking of "oh, what happens if I punch him hard, he falls down and hits his head on the ground and dies, I would be done for manslaughter".
May 30th, 2012, 01:11 PM
I hated glasses because I felt they made me far less attractive throughout middle school and high school. I also felt they made me an easy target for shitheads to pick on. If some guy would have made me wear glasses because of an injury he inflicted, I probably would have straight up maimed him. It is, however, glorious to see these assholes cringe in fear when they think they've broken your glasses though.
June 1st, 2012, 04:06 PM
Never had a bullying issue. However I can tell the story my Dad had as he used to be bullied for being skinny. The reason he was skinny was that he was ill, he was becoming a type 1 diabetic. He grew up in Scotland and every school he went to when he moved had the same amount of insulting and constant ganging up. It's not really ever bothered him as far as he tells me except for when his family moved to England and he came across the cocky guy in his year. The one that thinks he's king essentially... (I'm sure you've all had one in your years at school) He started a confrontation, pushing my Dad about for being Scottish and new. So of course by this point my Dad had enough of that and pushed him back, the bully then went to swing for my dad but he had already connected with the kid's nose, like a spontaneous reaction to seeing the bully start clenching his fist. Then of course scrambling on the floor as the nose break caused the kid to drop to the floor, my dad carried on pummeling the shit out of him - (a burst of built up anger after everything that happened before that).
Teachers broke it up and had to consider expelling him, which is funny as he'd only been there a day. But anyway as other kids came in to talk about what happened, turns out they were sympathetic to my Dad due to the way the kid had treated others (blinded another boy which was made out to be an "accident") & the way he'd been treated in the past. The bully got removed from the school, and wasn't seen around the area - apparently he got sent off to a boarding school or something to be straightened out.
June 6th, 2012, 10:22 AM
Fuck yeah! +rep roscos dad :)
June 21st, 2012, 01:23 PM
I get bullied in IRC :smith:
June 25th, 2012, 04:51 PM
El Lobo
June 25th, 2012, 07:54 PM
Got accused of being a bully once, definitely wasn't bullying the kid though.
June 26th, 2012, 07:47 AM
Yeah, the kid that bullied me the worst tried to turn it around on me. Somehow it almost worked. Fuck that school forever.
June 26th, 2012, 07:55 AM
Your planes are bad
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