View Full Version : G4 Top 100 - Cry Hard Modacity

June 16th, 2012, 01:21 PM

Celebrities and G4 are dumb asses. It's taking a lot of restraint also not to tell off half of the dumbasses from Facebook saying certain games should be higher. Thoughts?

June 16th, 2012, 01:52 PM
I swear if any COD besides 4 is on there, or if any COD past 3 appears on that list twice, I'm throwing my pc out the window.

E: Alright, at least they had the common sense not to do that. I appreciated their shout out to RE4, but seriously, 3 Zelda games in the top 20's?? Sure they were great, but A Link to the Past is more like a refined version of the very first game. Felt like they included a lot of those classics just for the sake of them being 'the firsts' and not necessarily because they were good games.

June 16th, 2012, 01:53 PM
Here's an example of how shitty it is:

Pokemon Red/Blue is 57 on the list. Fifty-fucking-seven. Besides Super Mario Land on the GB Pocket, this game literally made me into a gamer.

Oh and Angry Birds is ahead of Sonic/Smash Bros/Ultima Online (heard it was more definitive for the RPG than FF7). Rage will ensue. Go.

June 16th, 2012, 01:55 PM
Lol at #1. Obviously saw that coming.

June 16th, 2012, 02:02 PM
Modacity.....please slap some of the dumbfucks talking stupidly about Halo. Thanks.


Oh and spoiler, Halo 2 is not on the list. Also, everyone who made this list is fucking stupid.

June 16th, 2012, 02:11 PM
Agreed. By the way, the video for Halo 3 is even worse. And the one for Call of Duty 4.

June 16th, 2012, 02:13 PM
At least StarCraft is in the top 20. If they didn't have it, I was going to really wonder if they just threw games into a hat and threw them into a bucket of shit.

Also, there is so much hating on Halo games and I'm so close to giving a detailed explanation of why they deserve high spots in any Top list.

I also want people to explain to me why Half-Life is so adored. Someone told me you would have had to been during that time to know its influence, but I'd really like a better explanation in comparison to HaloCE, Doom, Marathon, Wolfenstein, etc. in the long run.

Mr Buckshot
June 16th, 2012, 02:17 PM
I hate it when people compile "top games lists" that have games from SEPARATE GENRES.

To me, it's just retarded to put Call of Duty and Starcraft into the same comparison list, because they're different games entirely.

I'd much rather see a "top X shooters" and "top X racers" and "top X strategy games" etc.

June 16th, 2012, 02:20 PM
I hate it when people compile "top games lists" that have games from SEPARATE GENRES.

To me, it's just retarded to put Call of Duty and Starcraft into the same comparison list, because they're different games entirely.

I'd much rather see a "top X shooters" and "top X racers" and "top X strategy games" etc.
Ultimately, I agree. However, I do not exactly believe that an ultimate Top 100 list is bad to put together if the Top 100 list is purely about the most influential games of all time.

June 16th, 2012, 02:22 PM
I also want people to explain to me why Half-Life is so adored. Someone told me you would have had to been during that time to know its influence, but I'd really like a better explanation in comparison to HaloCE, Doom, Marathon, Wolfenstein, etc. in the long run.

Have you actually played any of the Half Life games, ever? They are incredible.

June 16th, 2012, 02:22 PM
FFVII is 33



And Uncharted Drakes Fortune 2 is fucking 14


June 16th, 2012, 03:16 PM
Have you actually played any of the Half Life games, ever? They are incredible.
I bought and played Half-Life 2 on PC. Wasn't really impressed all that much.

Yeah that list was shit. And people who are arguing for it say it's a result of surveys, critics, staff, and celebrities. WHO THE FUCK DID THEY USE TO GET THIS LIST? Seriously G4. :smith:

June 16th, 2012, 03:18 PM
I bought and played Half-Life 2 on PC. Wasn't really impressed all that much.

Half Life 2 was good but the real action and good level design didnt kick up until further into the game - go play the first Half Life. The game starts out awesome and plays awesome the entire way through.

June 16th, 2012, 03:19 PM
Half Life 2 was good but the real action and good level design didnt kick up until further into the game - go play the first Half Life. The game starts out awesome and plays awesome the entire way through.
I've been told to do this and probably will the next time Steam sells it pretty cheap.

June 16th, 2012, 03:55 PM
Well last time I checked it and the Source port (which I find better) were only like $5:00 each... And to be COMPLETELY honest, I'm surprised Pokemon Red made it to the list, but I'm sure I'll get insults thrown at me for this :saddowns:

June 16th, 2012, 04:12 PM
I'm really not sure what you guys are complaining about. I didn't see anything outright offensive and there were a lot of really good games on that list. Placement is debatable and a matter of taste, but as a whole I thought they made pretty good choices.

June 16th, 2012, 04:35 PM
I was disappointed when I didn't see Gnop! on the list. That shit was like Pong on steroids!

Also: Halo: CE as #37. That's fair, but I was really hoping it would be in the top 20 for setting FPS games on the right track for the console.

June 16th, 2012, 04:52 PM
Is there a place I can see a complete list without having to click through 100 pages?

June 16th, 2012, 05:16 PM
Is there a place I can see a complete list without having to click through 100 pages?
Don't think so directly, tried Google?

@Pooky: For me it's not so much G4 making a pretty awful list, but rather the Facebook comments being ridiculously stupid half of the time.

@Nutty: SHUT YOUR DAMN WHORE MOUTH!1!1!11!!!!1!1!!!!@@!11@2@##4432@ D:

June 16th, 2012, 05:51 PM
no my favorite game driv3r is not high enough on the list, fuck them. this is a fucking joke.

people need to grow up out of kindergarten, and realize that true intellectual video gamers should not have to put up with these cod kiddies voting these casualized "mario" games thsi high on the list.

June 16th, 2012, 05:59 PM
no my favorite game driv3r is not high enough on the list, fuck them. this is a fucking joke.

people need to grow up out of kindergarten, and realize that true intellectual video gamers should not have to put up with these cod kiddies voting these casualized "mario" games thsi high on the list.
The worst part is I think you're actually serious...

June 16th, 2012, 06:43 PM
What the fuck is wrong with Mario? The list is descent, good titles and all, but placement may need to be modified a bit.

June 16th, 2012, 06:58 PM
So Call of Duty 4 is higher than Halo? And Mass Effect 2 is #87?

And more importantly, there are 56 games above Pokemon? What the fuck? I agree with DarkHalo on this one, that's just fucking retarded. Pokemon should be in the top ten list, no questions asked. Everybody knows about Pokemon, and every gamer and non-gamer has played those games. I have easily spent over 1000 hours playing Pokemon games, maybe even over 2000 hours, more than any other game out there.

June 16th, 2012, 07:35 PM
Were you born before 1998?

Then this list isn't for you

June 16th, 2012, 09:49 PM
Lol someone suggested this was for everyone not from the 90s.

ME2 doesn't really need to be there though IMO. It didn't really effect the industry THAT much and there are a lot of other games that easily did. It's a hosposh of 3rd-Person Cover Shooter with RPG elements and a dynamic storyline, but other than that it's just another good game out of many other good games. No my beef with this list that fucking Angry Birds and Words With Friends made the fucking list and Birds scored HIGHER than Pokemon RED. Load of Shit.

And CoD4 can be on the list, just not higher than Halo: Combat Evolved. The fact is, without the first Halo, CoD4 would probably not exist as we all know it. In fact, I don't think people realize how big of a fucking deal Halo: Combat Evolved is to gaming history: it not only set the model for acceptable Console FPS, but saved the Xbox from a doom-and-gloom lifespan. Think about what would have happened without the Xbox? Now think about what would have happened to the Console FPS crowd had Halo not existed? How different would the industry be? None of us would also be here in this discussion right now.

What's worse is that Halo 2 isn't on this list. Halo 3 and 2 should have switched. Halo 3 did a fuck-ton of things to the industry, how the world sees the industry from a media standpoint, and some personal things for me (and many other gamers I'm sure). Halo 2, however, proved Xbox LIVE as a playable concept. Without Halo 2, we probably wouldn't have a successful albeit functional XBL right now. Think about that.

June 16th, 2012, 10:26 PM
What's worse is that Halo 2 isn't on this list. Halo 3 and 2 should have switched. Halo 3 did a fuck-ton of things to the industry, how the world sees the industry from a media standpoint, and some personal things for me (and many other gamers I'm sure). Halo 2, however, proved Xbox LIVE as a playable concept. Without Halo 2, we probably wouldn't have a successful albeit functional XBL right now. Think about that.
I never thought of it that way. :aaaaa:

It's a good point though. While Halo 2 had a ton of issues that are still being shunned upon to this day, it did set the basics of what we now take for granted in online multiplayer. Online playlists, custom games, active rosters, clans (I think they've been around for longer, but Halo 2 made damn good use of them), and so on. But online console gaming was pretty new around then and hitting all the right notes the first time was pretty difficult.

Also, I didn't see Halo Wars in there. I wouldn't expect it to be high on the list, but to me it simplified the way I could control and manage my army. I've played Command and Conquer 3 before and that took a while longer to get down than Halo Wars.

June 16th, 2012, 10:31 PM
No my beef with this list that fucking Angry Birds and Words With Friends made the fucking list and Birds scored HIGHER than Pokemon RED. Load of Shit.
well if you use warlord's argument about how if ~everyone~ plays it and you can spend a lot of time in it, then angry birds should probably be #1!

pokemon is for casuals, get over it.

June 16th, 2012, 10:34 PM
well if you use warlord's argument about how if ~everyone~ plays it and you can spend a lot of time in it, then angry birds should probably be #1!

pokemon is for casuals, get over it.

June 16th, 2012, 10:40 PM
G4 is and always has been retarded and they are nothing more than industry shills so have fun caring about bullshit I guess

June 16th, 2012, 10:48 PM
well if you use warlord's argument about how if ~everyone~ plays it and you can spend a lot of time in it, then angry birds should probably be #1!

pokemon is for casuals, get over it.
Pokemon is literally an icon for video-gaming. It has been for nearly two decades in North America and longer in Japan. There is no reason it should be anything less than Top 10 on any respectable list proclaiming to show the Top 100 video games. So no. I won't get over it.

Rossmum needs more rep now. I do remember a time when it was good though, back when they could actually make fun of the shitty games out there and make me laugh. Fuck the police.

June 16th, 2012, 11:06 PM
G4 is and always has been retarded and they are nothing more than industry shills so have fun caring about bullshit I guess

Ya they didn't even put IL-2 Sturmovik on that list lol

June 16th, 2012, 11:11 PM
Yeah, I think the list is pretty accurate. Thanks for the link, friend :)

June 16th, 2012, 11:14 PM
Yeah, I think the list is pretty accurate. Thanks for the link, friend :)

June 16th, 2012, 11:14 PM
well, solja boy was on like, 2/3 of the videos, so that should give you some idea.
E: how exactly does street fighter 4 make the list, but street fighter 2 doesnt? there is no consistency here.

June 16th, 2012, 11:17 PM
well, solja boy was on like, 2/3 of the videos, so that should give you some idea.
Heard about that. It would make sense that a plagiarizing SOB would have pot-induced opinions on gaming. I think from what some people said elsewhere that he was like "DUUUUUDE THAT WUZ LIEK MAI FAVURIT GAEM!!11!!!!!1!!"