View Full Version : Problem with Photoshop CS3

June 20th, 2012, 10:00 PM
Hey guys, I'[m currently having an issue with one of my textures. I lost the PSD to a texture as a bunch of my files were accidentaly deleted, but I was able to recover the TIFF file for the texture. However, whenever opening the file, the Alpha channel is missing. This is basically a ground texture for Halo, and I need to change part of it to look better, but can only change it with the Alpha... Also, the diffuse (it only has one layer), is mostly transparent/white where the grass is, however in 3ds max it works fine.

Any help? This is very annoying and I'd like to polish this area. Thanks!

June 22nd, 2012, 11:06 AM
IIRC ,assuming you extracted your texture from the bitmap tag, the extractors for Halo 1 merge the transparency(Alpha) with the diffuse, in this case its reading the terrains alpha as an opac image. It still has the alpha in it, and it will when you compile. However I'm not entirely sure how to edit an alpha channel with this. You could just screen cap the diffuse and alpha from the image viewer in gurilla. Try saving in BMP or TGA.