View Full Version : [adult swim] and Valve Teaming Up

June 22nd, 2012, 04:27 PM
What foul sorcery is this?



June 22nd, 2012, 04:50 PM
TF2 animated series, please.

June 22nd, 2012, 05:07 PM
TF2 animated series, please.

Hoping for this, realistically expecting more shitty licensed hats.

June 22nd, 2012, 06:15 PM

June 22nd, 2012, 06:22 PM
Meet the Pyro.

June 23rd, 2012, 10:08 AM
Meet the Pyro.


June 23rd, 2012, 11:06 AM

June 23rd, 2012, 11:52 AM

June 23rd, 2012, 02:33 PM
A tf2 show would be cool. It might rescue AS from their pattern of shitty new shows.

June 24th, 2012, 04:44 PM
A tf2 show would be cool. It might rescue AS from their pattern of shitty new home-bred shows.

I'm looking at you, Aquateen and Squid Billies. Seriously, it takes a whole new level of stupid for someone to enjoy those shows.

June 24th, 2012, 04:58 PM
I'm looking at you, Aquateen and Squid Billies. Seriously, it takes a whole new level of stupid for someone to enjoy those shows.

but seriously, lol. the subject matter is ridiculously stupid sometimes, ill give you that, but the writing is fantastic. season 2 of aqua teen is some of the funniest shit ive ever seen. you need to give it some time, but god damn, rofl.

June 24th, 2012, 05:19 PM
I don't know, I guess I just can't understand that 'level' of humor. Like the straight up rediculous this-shit-makes-no-sense. I would say maybe it's the vulgar?? But I have tolerance for that, so I don't think it's that. For example, I find Metalocalypse and Venture Bros. to be hilarious, but I can't stand South Park and the shows I mentioned before.

June 25th, 2012, 06:12 PM
I can't enjoy them in the day time, but when it's late and I'm tired, I will find them quite enjoyable.

June 26th, 2012, 04:03 PM
I'm looking at you, Aquateen and Squid Billies. Seriously, it takes a whole new level of stupid for someone to enjoy those shows.

You and I. We have nothing in common.

I'm thinking of tim and eric, LOITER SQUAD, childrens hospital, this other stuff I give zero shits about.

ATHF is good like 90% of the time and squidbillies is poetry.

June 27th, 2012, 08:06 AM
Meet The Pyro is releasing today. Prepare your jimmies.

June 27th, 2012, 12:47 PM
Meet the Pyro


June 27th, 2012, 01:28 PM
Was not worth the wait. The "Pyro-Vision" was a funny gag for the first few seconds they showed it, but quickly loses its charm when it takes up the rest of the video.

Glad to see Source Filmmaker being released, though.

Rainbow Dash
June 27th, 2012, 01:30 PM

June 27th, 2012, 02:13 PM
I thought it was really great. I think the idea of pyro "thinking hes spreading joy" had been kicked around a lot by the internet, and so has the idea of the majority of the information being conveyed through interviews with other team members, but really I can't think of a better way they could have done it. Anything more showing would have shown too much. I'm glad that we still don't know pyro's gender/race/whatever

June 27th, 2012, 05:18 PM
It seems the first bit of the promo is a robot chicken hat. http://www.adultswim.com/promos/valve/index.html

Rainbow Dash
June 27th, 2012, 07:40 PM





June 27th, 2012, 09:40 PM
holy jesus

June 27th, 2012, 10:36 PM
By far worst update ever. Half arsed community weapons and gamemode.

June 27th, 2012, 10:55 PM
The wording on the update doesn't make it clear, but I really want to know if the Pyro-vision goggles are only useful for seeing the new items, or if there are maps being alternatively skinned for when the Pyro-goggles are being worn. If the latter, count this among the greatest updates ever.

June 27th, 2012, 11:02 PM
what a shitty video, meet the sandvich was better. TF2 jumped the shark years ago.

June 27th, 2012, 11:28 PM
The wording on the update doesn't make it clear, but I really want to know if the Pyro-vision goggles are only useful for seeing the new items, or if there are maps being alternatively skinned for when the Pyro-goggles are being worn. If the latter, count this among the greatest updates ever.

Yes, some maps are reskinned for full colorfulness of pyro land

June 28th, 2012, 12:03 AM
By far worst update ever. Half arsed community weapons and gamemode.
we're talking about a game that is still popular, still receiving updates, and still receiving new, gameplay changing content after at least 5 years, all for free. i dont understand the complaint.

June 28th, 2012, 12:24 AM
All that time they have spent making $$$ off of community items. I would of atleast expected something much more original rather than a map that gets boring after 10 minutes.

June 28th, 2012, 07:32 AM
...still receiving new, gameplay changing content after at least 5 years...

Go listen to the Developer Commentary for Team Fortress 2.

My biggest gripe with the updates that introduced a flood of content is that it contradicts Valve's vision of simplicity for the game. Let's not forget also how much superfluous cosmetic crap there is in the game now; the game's over 10GB big, I'll bet you not much of the newer community content is optimized, and the community obsesses over hats, dyes, and nametags.

If the game amuses you and makes you happy in pants to play it, don't let us stop you or drag you down. Those of us complaining just miss how TF2 was and don't like many of the recent choices Valve has made (and thusly, we [for the most part] don't play it).

Rainbow Dash
June 28th, 2012, 10:48 AM
we're talking about a game that is still popular, still receiving updates, and still receiving new, gameplay changing content after at least 5 years, all for free. i dont understand the complaint.

would you be ok with halo updates occuring for the last 10 years where they progressively turned the game into WoW?


updates being "free" or not does not in any fucking way excuse their quality being shit, I have no idea how so few people understand this.

Also as far as the game being popular goes, there is very little overlap between people who played it in 07, and who still play it even semi-regularly.

June 28th, 2012, 11:37 AM
Team Fortress 2 owns. It has always owned. Deal w/ it.

June 28th, 2012, 12:28 PM
Team Fortress 2 owns. It has always owned.


June 29th, 2012, 04:10 PM


June 29th, 2012, 05:55 PM
would you be ok with halo updates occuring for the last 10 years where they progressively turned the game into WoW?


updates being "free" or not does not in any fucking way excuse their quality being shit, I have no idea how so few people understand this.

Also as far as the game being popular goes, there is very little overlap between people who played it in 07, and who still play it even semi-regularly.
except the game isnt turning into WoW. if they continued to support halo 1 by adding new content and fixing issues (such as netcode), yeah, id be fine with it. if you dont like the new stuff, play vanilla servers.

thanks for talking down to me like im an idiot though, appreciate that. as for the update though? whats the issue with it other than the fact that its new content? i look at every other multiplayer shooter thats come out since 2007, then i look at tf2, and i see a game that has stayed afloat, and continues to generate income without fucking over its players (again, dont like the update? play vanilla). while call of duty releases multiple 15 dollar map packs per game and fails to fix virtually any problem with the game, valve looks to the community for new content for tf2 to provide for free.
all the extra cosmetic stuff? thats not necessary to play the game, and it doesnt interrupt core functionality of the game (except in rare item set circumstances. the only one that comes to mind is the "milkman" set for scout that gives him +25 health).

i didnt play the game on release, so im not coming in here with that "they ruined my game" mindset. im looking at this from the game design industry perspective. have you read any of the interviews with gabe newell about the economic reasons surrounding valve's decision to do what they did with tf2? because theyre pretty impressive, and would probably move the multiplayer game market away from the shithole its slowly turned into since cod4 in 2007.

E: basically, im not telling anybody to play it if they dont like it, but dont tell me its a bad game because of new, free content.

June 29th, 2012, 06:00 PM
See the funny thing is, all the people who don't like tf2 are people I wouldn't want to play with anyways. vOv

Rainbow Dash
June 29th, 2012, 08:26 PM
except the game isnt turning into WoW. if they continued to support halo 1 by adding new content and fixing issues (such as netcode), yeah, id be fine with it. if you dont like the new stuff, play vanilla servers.

sure if there were vanilla servers, and their plugins that ban items didn't get broken every single update

but sel they are making money and still have a playerbase therefore these changes are ok!

this is pretty much the argument you are making and I don't really think anyone needs me to actually explain why it holds no water whatsoever

See the funny thing is, all the people who don't like tf2 are people I wouldn't want to play with anyways. vOv


June 29th, 2012, 09:18 PM
well, if you paid attention to tf2 for long enough to see the updates that added the back burner and degreaser for pyro, then gameplay benefits clearly arnt something youre willing to talk about. and how exactly are you supposed to stop a plugin that bans specific items from breaking due to an update that adds new items? actually, i just played yesterday, and the game couldnt reach the item server, so everybody was forced to play vanilla everything. whats the issue with just blocking communication to that server?

as for the money thing, i said theyre making money WITHOUT fucking over the players. once again, look at call of duty, battlefield premium, and general ondisc DLC. that is turning the entire games industry into a cash grab with no regard for the negative impact it has on the games themselves. i dont even agree with you that the updates ruined tf2, but even if i did, its a hell of a lot better for a developer to add new stuff for free, realize its broken, then fix it, than it is for a developer to make you pay for something thats broken. in reality its not even an issue of "lesser of two evils" because if valve listens to the community (hence the community based updates).

"im mad that they changed my game" is essentially the argument you're making

although then again, im essentially discussing economics with you. of course this argument isnt going to go anywhere.

Rainbow Dash
June 29th, 2012, 10:47 PM
well, if you paid attention to tf2 for long enough to see the updates that added the back burner and degreaser for pyro, then gameplay benefits clearly arnt something youre willing to talk about.

Except I have talked multiple times, in great detail about a huge amount of specific items, and why they fucking blow or improve the gameplay. If you seriously believe that I think every single weapon added to the game ever is awful you're projecting way too hard.

and how exactly are you supposed to stop a plugin that bans specific items from breaking due to an update that adds new items? actually, i just played yesterday, and the game couldnt reach the item server, so everybody was forced to play vanilla everything. whats the issue with just blocking communication to that server?

There have been loads of occasions where an unrelated update has broken server plugins.

as for the money thing, i said theyre making money WITHOUT fucking over the players.

Oh ok, so addicting players to virtual items and using abusive game mechanics that are specifically designed to cause addiction is not fucking them over, alright, got it. (evidenced by the severely disproportionate amount of posts in the SPUF trading section, or just playing the game)

i dont even agree with you that the updates ruined tf2, but even if i did, its a hell of a lot better for a developer to add new stuff for free, realize its broken, then fix it, than it is for a developer to make you pay for something thats broken. in reality its not even an issue of "lesser of two evils" because if valve listens to the community (hence the community based updates).


there has been very little, if any effort put into the game to fix things. Remember the tf2 beta?

Not to mention the FACT that with the fucking huge amount of weapons in the game now it is literally impossible for any balance reminiscent of the near perfection of the game at launch to exist ever again. Just try and argue otherwise, please.

"im mad that they changed my game" is essentially the argument you're making


although then again, im essentially discussing economics with you. of course this argument isnt going to go anywhere.

well of course not, there's not much I can do to penetrate your logic and fact armor that you oh so valiantly wear.

June 29th, 2012, 11:05 PM
I still find the game as fun as ever, but I do wish they'd spend more time fixing bugs.

June 29th, 2012, 11:32 PM
Still havent been any really good updates for the medic yet... :|

June 29th, 2012, 11:41 PM
Except I have talked multiple times, in great detail about a huge amount of specific items, and why they fucking blow or improve the gameplay. If you seriously believe that I think every single weapon added to the game ever is awful you're projecting way too hard.

well for one, you havent posted in this thread about it (and im not about to search for whatever thread you did post in). two, i was talking about the game as a whole when you posted:

updates being "free" or not does not in any fucking way excuse their quality being shit, I have no idea how so few people understand this.
and i recall multiple instances of you and other posters here talking about how this game has "gone to shit". what am i supposed to think here?

Oh ok, so addicting players to virtual items and using abusive game mechanics that are specifically designed to cause addiction is not fucking them over, alright, got it. (evidenced by the severely disproportionate amount of posts in the SPUF trading section, or just playing the game)
in no way does this game require you to go after hats and other trinkets. you get random crate drops that you need to pay to open. thats about it. if you dont want to mess around with hats, then dont. it has zero impact on the gameplay (apart from the item sets, and like i said before, theres only one i can think of).

i actually agree with you here though. there seems to be a stupid amount of addiction to these virtual items, despite the fact that theyre purely cosmetic. at the same time, i feel like if youre actually getting to the point where youre addicted to a virtual hat collection, you have nobody to blame but yourself. thats like blowing all your money at a casino, minus the small chance of actually making some money. i still wouldnt call that fucking over the consumer though, because you dont need that stuff to enjoy the continual updates to the game. all the functional things, like weapons, can be acquired through crafting and drops.

Not to mention the FACT that with the fucking huge amount of weapons in the game now it is literally impossible for any balance reminiscent of the near perfection of the game at launch to exist ever again. Just try and argue otherwise, please.
do you have a specific example in mind? because most of the time, the negative effects for each weapon, particularly with the newer updates, make the weapon undesirable for most situations. it seems to me that theyre added to expand on a niche class role, or totally evolve the way the game is played. mini-sentries with engineer are a good example. it turns the engineer into more of an attack/defense hybrid by letting him push defenses forward a lot faster, instead of just setting up big, static sentry nests. demo knights could be their own 10th class.


so are you just arguing for the sake of arguing then? pardon me for not seeing your grand picture here, but youre gonna have to spell it out for me. the statement you responded to was about valves continued support of this game, and why its a good thing for the game industry. if this isnt arguing against the quality of the game, then i seriously just dont know what your angle is.

well of course not, there's not much I can do to penetrate your logic and fact armor that you oh so valiantly wear.
its like you cant even hold up a discussion without insulting somebody. excuse me for getting a little tired of your attitude. if you want to have a discussion and make a point, trying to piss the other person off is a little counter productive. im trying to have a mature, level headed discussion here, but youre making it very difficult with the sarcasm. at this point im beginning to wonder if you even see it, and if you dont, the tf2 discussion can wait.

E: i think we need some comic relief here. i really cant argue with the hat thing tbh, lol.

June 30th, 2012, 12:20 AM
Still havent been any really good updates for the medic yet... :|


June 30th, 2012, 01:01 AM
That patch was the only thing that made the quick fix worth using imo.

Also the one thing I really want to see messed with is melee hit detection. So many times I'll go in for a melee kill and an ally will be nearby, blocking my hits. It actually makes melee fighting as a pair against a single enemy less advantageous in many cases.

June 30th, 2012, 01:19 AM
guess what the game is hella fun and better than it has ever been


selentic's a dumb contrarian brony with an oversized ego, water is wet, sky is blue

June 30th, 2012, 01:25 AM
Does anyone know if this effect works across multiple medics? Would make for some epic times, dive bombing the other team with 4 or 5 ubersaws ;o

Rainbow Dash
June 30th, 2012, 11:28 AM
well for one, you havent posted in this thread about it (and im not about to search for whatever thread you did post in). two, i was talking about the game as a whole when you posted:

Not all of them have been on this forum, and at this point I don't care enough to dig the ones here up.

and i recall multiple instances of you and other posters here talking about how this game has "gone to shit". what am i supposed to think here?

I don't know? You're supposed to look at the evidence and the arguments and draw your own conclusion. Noob linked to a great post he made a while back in this thread, you should look at it, and if you can't refute any of the points he makes, and can't find anything that proves him wrong then you should probably be drawing a similar conclusion to his?

in no way does this game require you to go after hats and other trinkets. you get random crate drops that you need to pay to open. thats about it. if you dont want to mess around with hats, then dont. it has zero impact on the gameplay (apart from the item sets, and like i said before, theres only one i can think of).

You're kinda contradicting yourself here. "You don't have to go after hats", followed by, " well except the polypack sets".

do you have a specific example in mind? because most of the time, the negative effects for each weapon, particularly with the newer updates, make the weapon undesirable for most situations. it seems to me that theyre added to expand on a niche class role, or totally evolve the way the game is played. mini-sentries with engineer are a good example. it turns the engineer into more of an attack/defense hybrid by letting him push defenses forward a lot faster, instead of just setting up big, static sentry nests. demo knights could be their own 10th class.

I'm not sure if you're responding to something other than the quoted segment or proving my own argument for me? Most of the weapons you're considering "niche" are considered (and usually are) just outright awful, and underpowered is just as imbalanced as overpowered.



2.2 Weapons 2.2.1 Allowed Weapons: Standard weapons, Blutsauger, Kritzkrieg, Übersaw and Crusader’s Crossbow

All of the standard weapons are allowed to be used.
Allowed unlocks: Blutsauger, Kritzkrieg, Übersaw and Crusader’s Crossbow
All other non-stock weapons are banned.

And from ESEA


What does it say about the balance in the game when the biggest European league feels they have to outright ban everything aside from four weapons, and one of the big NA leagues, had to go and look at which weapons were just straight upgrades and ban those?

June 30th, 2012, 08:13 PM
Has anyone ever cared about what leagues think?

No one with the appropriate number of chromosomes.

Rainbow Dash
July 1st, 2012, 05:51 PM

Well shit you're a prize thinker alright.

July 1st, 2012, 05:58 PM
This thread can be summed up with these

"Hey, adult swim and Valve are teaming up. cool!"

"I hate Team Fortress"

"Why? It's a fun game."

"No its not. I hate hats. Hats scare me."

"Um, okay"


If anyone disagrees with this I will misquote them.

July 1st, 2012, 06:56 PM
that is not the way anyone in this thread talked about TF2.

it was an incredibly clean cut, easy to play class roll defined, fun to play shooter.
which over time had the experience dulled by having useless shit dumped on top of it.

the single most important thing of an FPS shooter, is the silhouette that is created by the character, it makes it easy to identify what it is at the most fleeting glances.
these hats fucking ruined that by watering down one of the most distinct and well created art styles of any game that has been made.

and then theres the much bigger problem with the weapons.

July 1st, 2012, 07:49 PM
I don't know? You're supposed to look at the evidence and the arguments and draw your own conclusion. Noob linked to a great post he made a while back in this thread, you should look at it, and if you can't refute any of the points he makes, and can't find anything that proves him wrong then you should probably be drawing a similar conclusion to his?

because my argument is that the updates are not negatively affecting game play or the consumer. noob's argument can be broken down into 4 fundamental points
1. the aesthetic of the game was ruined
2. some of the weapons from the update suck and were broken on release
3. valve turned the game into a "commercial whore" with hat incentives to ordering other games on steam
4. people want to scrounge for items by idling and trading in servers instead of playing the game

so i will address each of these:
1. have you ever REALLY looked at a character and not known immediately what class he was? it has never happened to me, even when i first started seriously playing (after hats were added, btw). sounds to me like the aesthetic is just fine. in fact, icee made a good point to me one time about recognizing regulars on servers by the hats they wear. thats not a gameplay thing unless youve got, say, 2 heavies right next to each other, and you need to identify who's who at a glance. that actually sounds like a benefit to me. if you dont want to be identified as such, dont wear hats. i dont.

2. bugs and imbalances happen. for example, the lack of airblast capability on the backburner on release. valve added airblast, but it takes 25% of your ammo instead of the 10% of the vanilla flamethrower. the niche weapon im thinking of now is the widowmaker shotgun for engie (the one that uses metal and gives you metal on hit). i feel like thats a great weapon on a map where youre hanging out right near your sentry nest. if you run out of metal, youve got your pistol and your dispenser, and turret. if you hit the guy, you get additional metal to continue building. another example is the atomizer combined that new pistol for scout that has no fall damage. that is a ridiculously effective combination for quickly capturing the intelligence, especially if you combine the triple jump with the knockback from the FaN. the trade off is that youre less effective at fighting people off.

3. the tie-in items are all either cosmetic, or re-skins of weapons already available in game. for example, the lugermorph and iron curtain are reskins of the default scout pistol and minigun for heavy, respectively. valve is showing support for developers that use their steam service to distribute their game by adding an additional incentive for people who are on the fence to check the game out. what we get here is a publisher supporting a developer in a way that doesnt dictate how they develop their game. its economically beneficial to the developer and valve, without compromising the gameplay of tf2.

4. there are idling and trading servers out there now. theyve been there at least since the very first round of tf2 i played

You're kinda contradicting yourself here. "You don't have to go after hats", followed by, " well except the polypack sets".

thats i think 6 of the however many of hats? demo and heavy dont require a hat for their item set bonuses, and engie doesnt have a game play benefit to his. i mentioned the milkman hat for scout because thats the only one i can think of that would really impact gameplay in any way. on top of that, all of the item set hats can be crafted. its expensive item wise, but after ~150 hours of gameplay (none of which was idling, btw), i have more than enough duplicate items to produce the required materials (4 refined metal).
my point is that even if you really want that class bonus, you dont have to pay real-life money to get it, like you would for keys for chests.

I'm not sure if you're responding to something other than the quoted segment or proving my own argument for me? Most of the weapons you're considering "niche" are considered (and usually are) just outright awful, and underpowered is just as imbalanced as overpowered.

addressed in point 2 above.

What does it say about the balance in the game when the biggest European league feels they have to outright ban everything aside from four weapons, and one of the big NA leagues, had to go and look at which weapons were just straight upgrades and ban those?
i cant think of a single item thats a straight upgrade in this game. the closest i can think of is the cloak and dagger, but that has a much higher rate of cloak decay. on top of that, i feel like spies altogether would be a lot less effective when youre dealing in a league situation.

lets not forget that competitive leagues are the same thing that lead to an entire playlist in halo revolving around the br, sniper rifle, and rocket launcher.

E: to tie this up, my argument is that while people may disagree with the decisions made over the course of tf2's existence, none of them have broken the gameplay, and all of them have been geared toward creating a product that continues to generate revenue without automatically screwing the consumer.

Rainbow Dash
July 1st, 2012, 08:17 PM
i cant think of a single item thats a straight upgrade in this game. the closest i can think of is the cloak and dagger, but that has a much higher rate of cloak decay.


Do I actually need to say anything further here?

Almost everything on the ESEA list is a straight upgrade, and if you can not see that then there is really no point in me discussing this further with you since it's just painfully clear you have no idea what you're talking about.

4. there are idling and trading servers out there now. theyve been there at least since the very first round of tf2 i played

Also good job, so you've been playing since late 2010 at the earliest, and don't even KNOW what you're arguing against.

July 1st, 2012, 08:22 PM
well, if thats how youre going to respond, then i guess we're done here. at least you suppressed the attitude for one post.

Rainbow Dash
July 1st, 2012, 08:27 PM
no I've changed my mind, please go try to make a serious argument that none of the items on that list are straight upgrades, I could use a little more comedy

July 1st, 2012, 08:37 PM
Well shit you're a prize thinker alright.

I just don't read your posts because they suck. Sorry. You used to be a pretty ok guy, but somewhere along the lines you evolved into a guy who sucks.

See, you're totally allowed to not like tf2. That's cool, you've got your reasons and I've got mine for liking it. But you get all presumptuous and douchey any time anyone brings up the topic. Why don't you just save your butthurt, we all know what you think. In fact there's a pretty simple formula: Take the subject manner of any thread and spin it to be horrible. Now word it in a way that suggests supreme delusions of grandeur.

^ the above can be used to predict every post you've made in the past x number of time.

Oh, and also bronies?

In summary, eat a pile of dicks I guess

Rainbow Dash
July 1st, 2012, 09:54 PM
Since apparently you don't seem to get this, I don't give a fuck whether you like the game or not, the issue I have is that you (well donut in this case I guess) can't be honest with yourselves and everyone else and just pretend everything negative anyone else points out doesn't exist, (end of referring to donut because I'm way too tired to rewrite this sentence) or sit there belittling and dismissing their arguments. That's all your posts in this thread, and pretty much every single one that came before it, have been.

If there was any fucking semblance of acknowledgement of the points presented here I wouldn't be bothered nearly as much, like, is it really so difficult to go, "ya those are good points but I still like the game"? Instead of just pretending that every valid point is ridiculous, just whining, or non-existant?

July 1st, 2012, 10:12 PM
point out where i belittled your argument, because i can do that 3 or 4 times for the posts youve made in this thread alone. youre doing it right now, saying im sitting here like "oh man i know this game sucks but im defending it because i love it and im insecure about anything i like being bad", or something to that effect. how much more belittling does it get?

i acknowledged every point you made with what i believe is a reasonable counter argument, and for the most part, i really tried to keep a level head while doing so. with the exception of one post, youve been talking down to me since the start of this argument like im some kind of idiot for even daring to disagree with you. if you disagree with my argument, discuss the argument. but dont sit here and talk down to people from your "your logic and fact" horse that you "oh so valiantly" sit on. its like no thread you get involved with can end in any way other than two people attacking each other's characters. its ridiculous.

were discussing team fortress 2, one of the goofiest games i can think of. theres really no reason to try to make enemies here.

Rainbow Dash
July 1st, 2012, 10:54 PM
point out where i belittled your argument

I was referring specifically to icee, my bad, I should have actually made it clear when my statement stopped referring to you.

i acknowledged every point you made with what i believe is a reasonable counter argument

You believe it's a reasonable counter-argument because you're basing them on outright wrong information, and your very limited frame of reference.

You can not possibly make any argument that there are no weapons that are straight upgrades. Even if you're going, hey this has a downside there are weapons now that don't even have that. (hello spycicle)

You are also arguing that the game is better than what it was, when you don't even know what it was. By your own admission you started playing this post manconnomy, which was almost FOUR YEARS into the game.

July 2nd, 2012, 04:16 AM
if you didnt play TF2 when it was still receiving balance changes for the class weapons, you've never played a perfect class based multiplayer FPS.

it was fucking perfect.

July 2nd, 2012, 09:46 AM
It still had a little room for improvement. Pyro seemed to rock back and forth between ungodly overpowered and laughably useless with every patch and the Spy's backstab animation caused no end of frustrating deaths to everyone. TF2 came closer to perfection than any other team based FPS I've played though.

July 2nd, 2012, 10:12 AM
but considering those small things they where changing, the reason they where having such dramatic effects on balance IS because the game was getting very very close to perfection.

looking back on it with my experience in SC2 with the constant evolving meta game, which is basically an evolution of playstyles with dominant strategy's it's clear to see how close it was.

for instance in SC2, after 2 years of CONSTANT patching and adjustments to reign in imbalances, on the last patch they've done they changed the queens ground attack by 2 range.
and it BROKE the game. where something as little as that in the early days barely did anything at all, and it's because the game was getting figured out and approaching about as good as you can ever get it.

and player skill creates imbalances.
for instance your fucking sticky bombs.... omfg....

Mr Buckshot
July 3rd, 2012, 11:33 AM
"Preparing to launch Team Fortress 2..."

-goes to take a leak
-comes back
-still not launched
-picks up phone to answer some email
-game finally launches
-finds server

"Retrieving server info..."

-goes to washing machine to transfer laundry into dryer and start dryer
-comes back
-still not in server
-takes out trash
-comes back, finally in server, 50% chance that no one is playing the game right (i.e. turning payload into a Deathmatch and leaving the cart untouched)

*note: the above is MUCH worse, especially for launching the game, if Steam Cloud synchronization is enabled. Got to admit the game is still loads of fun in a server where people play properly, but it would be nice to be able to get into the game faster.

This is a fresh install on a new rig btw. Google shows too many people having similar issues with no solution at all.

July 3rd, 2012, 11:39 AM
Ive been having that issue since the Mann-Conomy Update. Surely valve can address the problem but haven't done so.

July 3rd, 2012, 11:56 AM
for instance your fucking sticky bombs.... omfg....

Are you referring to me specifically?

Mr Buckshot
July 3rd, 2012, 01:24 PM
Ive been having that issue since the Mann-Conomy Update. Surely valve can address the problem but haven't done so.

TF2 definitely has to be the only letdown I've experienced from Valve. Even BF3 performs better in terms of actually getting into a game. I've tried observing my task manager when launching the game from my Steam library, and it seems like the "hl2.exe" process starts up and hangs there for a full minute or more without displaying anything. Console games have shorter unskippable intro logos than this.

Also, if I try to join a game from my friends list, it tends to crash. And it feels like the game "crashes" while retrieving server info as I can't even open my Steam Overlay.

anyway, Tribes Ascend launched on Steam and is a pretty damn good F2P game that I'm spending my time on nowadays.

July 3rd, 2012, 08:14 PM
Are you referring to me specifically?
yes. if i'm remembering correctly you where a fucking GOD with sticky bombs.

escape was not an option.

July 3rd, 2012, 10:10 PM
yes. if i'm remembering correctly you where a fucking GOD with sticky bombs.

escape was not an option.

I'm surprised you remember. You know what's the scary part though, I wasn't even the best person with sticky bombs. One of the old TFC vets I played with (Budi) was so good with them he basically made every other class irrelevant.

July 4th, 2012, 08:06 AM
you where a pretty good heavy as well if i remember correctly :P

you where p fucking good as a demo though.
those nades will haunt my dreams till the end of time.

July 5th, 2012, 05:16 PM
I just got my invite for the Source Filmmaker. I gotta relearn all the things from the beta version.

EDIT: Here's my first attempt at a poster.
EDIT2: Here's something that is more relevant.

July 7th, 2012, 07:46 PM
wait so all this was for a shitty hat?


July 7th, 2012, 09:13 PM
wait so all this was for a shitty hat?


Hoping for this, realistically expecting more shitty licensed hats.

Fucking called it. :realsmug:

July 7th, 2012, 11:48 PM
I didn't even bother getting it.

July 10th, 2012, 08:11 PM
The Source Filmmaker is now open to all. Go get it!