View Full Version : XBOXHUEG modding tips?

July 3rd, 2012, 12:06 AM
I'm looking to put some emulators on the old xbox (just softmods) but when I started doing some research I found it surprisingly difficult to find the information I needed. A lot of the guides are from 2005 and there's more than a few 404/dead links popping up to what sound like (once) useful articles and resources.

Anybody have experience softmodding the monolith? The guides I've found are seriously complicated (presumably having been written by 16 year olds :p) but I gather I need to set the xbox such that I can use an FTP client on my PC to put the appropriate files on it? Best I can tell I don't need any modchips to do this (but correct me if you know better).

Wishing I did this 4 years ago :p

Pyong Kawaguchi
July 3rd, 2012, 01:11 AM
unfortunately you're gonna need xbins to get most of the files.

get a action replay or make a usb drive adapter for xbox.

July 3rd, 2012, 02:06 AM
My first xbox I hard modded, doubt you can even find chips for them now though.
The second I soft modded with XHDM.

The method I used required hot swapping, which is always rolling the dice, but I used it on a crappy secondary computer so I had no worries.
Don't remember the guide I used, but the one I found here covers it pretty well:

It's funny that halo 2 can probably be thanked for the rather idiot proof methods developed for soft modding the original xbox, the 'demand' sure was high enough.