View Full Version : HCE HMT:Reach

July 15th, 2012, 05:22 PM

We will be working to build Reach inspired Multiplayer and campaign maps.

-Team List And Roles-
Haloextreme117 (Overall project managment, basic scripting, basic modeling, tagset management)
RippenBlades (Map Modeling)
LMT Heretic (Map Modeling, scripting, tag tweaking, texturing)
G_Maverick (Single-player mapping)
Private Caboose (BSP modelling)
Skidrow925 (BSP modelling, Animations)

If you wish to join, contact me via PM or xfire (xfire is haloextreme117)

-Currently looking for-
UI.map designers
Shader designers

-Pic's- (http://xfire.com/communities/hmtreach/)


-Note to reader -
Pictures are a few days old. Weapons, bipeds, HUD, and some scenery have since been replaced.

What do you think?

July 17th, 2012, 04:27 PM
team leade'r posts pic's

July 17th, 2012, 05:06 PM
Not to sound like a nit picky jerk, but the BSP models look so plain... and the textures are hardly up to REACH par. If you want to recreate REACH multiplayer maps in Halo CE, then first get the BSP's to the exact layout (or the best of your ability), then work on the textures and make them look good :/

You will also need to figure out how to script in load outs for these maps as well as getting the permutations working as well.

If you meant just making the maps and not bringing the entire experience then just work on the textures.

July 17th, 2012, 11:05 PM
Bland environments are bland, add something to fix it. Too flat.

July 18th, 2012, 01:00 AM
If I were you, id make some pretty big non-tiled cliff textures. Cliffs that can maybe tile horizontaly and not verticaly if anything. Youre gonna want to make a heavy bump map, and a lot of detail maps to make them look good. Dont tell me "bumps dont work on shader environment right blah blah". Theres ways to make it work. Dynamic lights can be incorperated into a daytime map aswell if you and your team think enough, theres ways to pull it off. Not as good as reach obviously, but way better you'd think CE could ever look.

I would completly scrap that texture set youre using. It looks like crap tbh. The modeling isnt bad from what i can see. Some more work could be used in some spots.

Id go for OS if this is a direct Reach MP experience project. Make good use of all of the scenery, weapons, vehicles. Etc. They can look beautiful.

t3h m00kz
July 18th, 2012, 03:19 AM
I think the environments need some more scenery objects placed around the map. maybe model in some grass here and there

I'd also say change the light source to be more of an orange-ish hue, to keep it in parity with the skybox, which suggests a near-dusk scene

I'd say the foundation is solid.

I'm curious to know how you approached the vista. Vistas aren't something you see a lot of in many maps (either that or the entire map is taking place in what would be a vista).

And I'm not going to lie.... the animations in the xfire page aren't exactly pleasing to look at. I'd either suggest recruiting somebody else and leaving that individual on bsp modeling, or having your animator do a lot more studying.

July 25th, 2012, 11:01 AM
Sorry for my late replying, but being on several forms, and the project, keeps me busy :ohdear:.

I would completly scrap that texture set youre using. It looks like crap tbh. The modeling isnt bad from what i can see. Some more work could be used in some spots.

I totally agree. New textures will be worked on shortly.

Id go for OS if this is a direct Reach MP experience project. Make good use of all of the scenery, weapons, vehicles. Etc. They can look beautiful.
OS WILL be used, no doubt about it.

Animations are being worked on and improved, as is the BSP.
Armor abilities are being experimented with. If we can perfect them, they will be included. If not, they will not.
My team has a lot more coming your way, so keep an eye on this thread (And the halomods one, and the halomaps one).
If you have any (sensible) requests or comments, say them as quickly as you can, so I can get them looked into as early as possible.
