View Full Version : The Dark Knight Rises? Where are you Modacity?
July 26th, 2012, 02:22 AM
Lol? I thought this topic would be in the top of this forum this week. Did you guys watch it? Got any comments about the Aurora shooting?
Fucking loved it... Don't listen to the haters, critics, plot-hole nazis, nostalgiatards, anti-mainstream movie critics, etc. Watch the movie. Judge it for yourself. You know you'll watch it; it's the goddamn Batman. Just do it (I'll be surprised if you haven't attended the midnight premiere or the weekend following it).
Casting was perfect. Whatever perception you had about Tom Hardy or Anne Hatheway not being worthy actors for their roles, forget it. Everybody plays it flawlessly: Hardy, Hatheway, Caine, Oldman, JG Levitt, Cotillard, and especially Bale. Don't forget this movie is about Batman; everyone else is secondary. Bale owns his role here.
Starts a little slow, if you can call it that, and the movie is long... Like Lord of the Rings: ROTK long (2.44 hours), but it builds to a sensational climax. Conclusion is a satisfying end. I'm sad to see this trilogy end. Thanks for everything, Nolan.
And finally, condolences to the Aurora victims. I hope Holmes is brought to justice, and especially now, I hope the media stops fucking giving him the attention he so desperately wants. Burn in hell.
EDIT: Whoops, just found "The Batman Thread" in Community Discussion. But it's dead!
July 26th, 2012, 02:38 AM
Saw it during midnight release. Didn't sleep that night until 5 am. Saw it again this week at a more godly hour. Loved the movie. I am amazed that there's people who were unhappy with the casting to begin with. I thought everyone played their roles perfectly, even Hardy as Bane, whom I was unsure of at first. It's hard to believe that he's the same gentleman from Inception. The only real problem I have with the movie is that I couldn't really make out what Bane was saying after a certain point. Also, the most ridiculous wtf moment was during the truck chase scene towards the end. The original driver just randomly spasms and dies even though the windshield of the truck wasn't even broken at that point, meaning bullets/shrapnel couldn't possibly have hit him. It was like he just had an aneurysm explode right at that moment.
And concerning Holmes; sometimes I hate the fact that I live in western society, cuz I would very much like to see his head on a spike, mental illness or not.
July 26th, 2012, 04:10 AM
I heard the première was a real shot in the arm.
July 26th, 2012, 05:55 AM
And finally, condolences to the Aurora victims. I hope Holmes is brought to justice, and especially now, I hope the media stops fucking giving him the attention he so desperately wants. Burn in hell.
I applaud your intent here and your recognition of the real problem in every instance of these tragedies, but even bringing it up in that scant detail strikes me as somewhat countering your own point. I'm aware I did the same in the shooters' thread, and only thought about it afterwards... the less we even mention these things, really, the better. I think our feelings go without saying at any rate.
Meanwhile, I must say RedBaron's comment troubles me a lot. Really, that isn't the kind of thing you should want to see actually happen. Period.
July 26th, 2012, 07:40 AM
i'll wait for the bluray version..i will start out watching in english and after 10 mins i will have trouble deciphering what bale is saying and probably switch language xD
July 26th, 2012, 10:26 AM
I actually understood Bane 95% of the time... And that's from a guy who's hard of hearing!
July 26th, 2012, 11:17 AM
Meanwhile, I must say RedBaron's comment troubles me a lot. Really, that isn't the kind of thing you should want to see actually happen. Period.
Actually I realized that the comment sounded a bit too extreme... But what I should have said instead is that the American court system is complete bullshit. It'll take at least 2 years before he even gets to court and years after that before he actually gets convicted. And he'll probably get a lighter sentencing if he pleads insanity, which he probably will. If it were up to me, I would just lock him up in the darkest room and throw away the key right now.
Just saying, if the penalty for stealing is to have your hands chopped off, then there would be a HUGE drop in those crimes. It's not even uncommon for prisoners of Holmes's nature to undergo "accidents" in interrogation rooms due to police brutality in many Asian countries. And many of these countries aren't even considered 3rd world by today's standards. Over there, once the initial event is covered on TV, the news goes completely silent concerning the culprits. There's no coverage of the guy years after the fact when he's finally brought to court. The penalties are decisive and severe. I'm not necessarily saying that every criminal should be given extreme and unreasonable penalties, but the way the US system is right now is just laughable. I would not be surprised if this guy gets life in a mental institution with chance of parole/assimilation back into society, whereas I'm sure I'm not the only one out there who believes he deserves the death penalty.
July 26th, 2012, 11:57 AM
If you believe anyone should be put to death then you are a terrible person hope this helps
July 26th, 2012, 12:13 PM
RedBaron, you are an idiot. A harsher punishment would be in jail for life than death. Another thing is that if you've payed attention to the news about it, we will know in a few months probably what the court will convict him of, especially since it created the huge gun control debate for the presidential election.
July 26th, 2012, 12:16 PM
ps: it is hard to figure out why someone did something if they are dead, as opposed to alive and a literal captive audience for shrinks
July 26th, 2012, 12:22 PM
ps: killing someone because he killed other people is not really setting an example. you treat death the same way as him.
July 26th, 2012, 12:38 PM
ps: it is hard to figure out why someone did something if they are dead, as opposed to alive and a literal captive audience for shrinks
Rainbow Dash
July 26th, 2012, 01:46 PM
anyone who suggests punishing people harder will solve crime is a fucking retard
I would go into more detail but I've already had to explain it to handfuls of other people who have no idea what they're talking about, and it's really not that difficult to figure out.
Rainbow Dash
July 26th, 2012, 01:50 PM
specially since it created the huge gun control debate for the presidential election.
what debate?
almost everyone, including obama, going, "WELL THE CURRENT REGULATIONS/LAWS LOOK FINE TO ME!", and then p much everyone else echoing that?
on a kinda related note:
It's really fucking hilarious watching these gun nuts crawl out of the woodwork, and their only justification for their behavior is some document written 200+ years ago, when those people couldn't have possibly even imagined the kind of weapons we'd have today.
July 26th, 2012, 04:19 PM
especially since it created the huge gun control debate for the presidential election.
July 26th, 2012, 05:21 PM
ban all public ownership of guns. repeal the second amendment. deal w/ it.
July 26th, 2012, 05:28 PM
I wasnt saying it was a good or bad thing, I was just saying that the massacre DID make a debate about it and people seem to be fussy about it on the news.
July 26th, 2012, 06:22 PM
Each time there's some sort of shooting, Gun laws come up in the news.
Happened with Columbine, Happened with virginia Tech.
Mr Buckshot
July 26th, 2012, 06:42 PM
ignoring the morals of the death penalty, note that in many cases, legal appeals to drag out death row actually make it far more costly than life imprisonment.
Google the case of serial killer Charles Ng for a perfect example. There was an incredible amount of evidence against the guy including snuff videos, yet he managed to cost taxpayers $20 million, and he still isn't executed yet. True, it could potentially cost that much to incarcerate him till he dies of old age, but that cost would be spread out over those decades rather than like 5 years.
but as for the movie, it was awesome. I actually prefer the story in the Arkham games though. Plus, Kevin Conroy >>>> Christian Bale.
July 26th, 2012, 09:06 PM
what debate?
almost everyone, including obama, going, "WELL THE CURRENT REGULATIONS/LAWS LOOK FINE TO ME!", and then p much everyone else echoing that?
on a kinda related note:
It's really fucking hilarious watching these gun nuts crawl out of the woodwork, and their only justification for their behavior is some document written 200+ years ago, when those people couldn't have possibly even imagined the kind of weapons we'd have today.
confirmed 'gun nut' here, who isn't quite convinced on the whole 'legal right to carry' since it sounds like assholes could easily disguise murder as self-defence, but who has no issue at all with people owning any of the things that 'gun control nuts' piss their panties about. i could make some big argument here but i don't want to completely derail this thread. point of interest: there are many privately-owned machine guns, rocket launchers, grenade launchers and artillery pieces in the us. i have never once heard of any of them being used with harmful intent. they cost a lot to get and are tightly monitored, but they're legal and definitely out there, a lot of people don't realise that. they would probably shit themselves inside out if they did.
ps: while the founding fathers may have had no idea guns would turn into what we have today, they also had no idea anything else would develop the way it did either. aside from that, their intent was to keep the citizens ready to throw off an oppressive government right? hard to fight a military and police force equipped with automatic weapons using muskets, and not even rifled muskets at that.
as a side note i am actually very supportive of much stricter control on who can actually get guns, being able to walk into a store and walk out with a gun same day as long as you haven't got any felonies on your record is absolutely ridiculous
July 26th, 2012, 09:22 PM
The right to bear arms was so the people could rally up and defend themselves from the government, on an equal footing.
if you think that you guys owning some pew pew guns scares them into acting properly in this day and age your actually retarded.
Other then that, the whole CRIMINALS BREAK THE LAW ANYWAY, is also absurd considering that the VAST amount of deaths each year are in passionate exchanges, or arguments. Something where having a gun ON HAND only amplifier's a bad situation.
i see nothing with owning guns for hunting, or sport, but semi fucking machine guns? what point does that serve AT ALL.
July 26th, 2012, 09:27 PM
they're a lot of fun, many of them have historical importance, what more reason do you need? those same 'hunting' and 'sporting' guns are used more often for murder than legally-owned machine guns ever will be, because get this: machine guns are expensive, hard to get, and heavily monitored in the states where they're even legal at all
i mean if you gave me an mg i'd have a ball of a time, i love automatic weapons and kind of miss quality time with machine guns now i'm a Piece Of Shit Civilian again
e/ 'semi machine guns'?
there's no such thing. something is a machine gun or it is not. you cannot be a 'semi machine gun'.
if you're talking semiautomatics? many of them, ar-15s in particular, are very popular target rifles. get this: a semiauto in the hands of a crazed gunman is less dangerous than a 1890s-tech bolt-action in the hands of a genuinely cold and calculating killer. look at the number of victims killed in this, 12 was it? 50-odd wounded. yes, that's very bad, but the guy supposedly had fucking hundred-round mags and three or four guns on him. the stockton shooting was a similar story, the vast majority of shots either missed or inflicted non-fatal wounds.
now take someone genuinely terrifying, like the washington sniper, and you have a lot less shots being fired, but a lot more dead victims. grab a hunting rifle or 1891/30, find a nice vantage point, concentrate on your shooting... and oh dear.
e/ if we're going to continue this path, it should be in a new thread. someone make it, but please keep the first post as just a neutral statement of what the thread is so it's fair to both sides
July 26th, 2012, 09:46 PM
Great fucking movie
What you people are doing is exactly what that fucking psycho piece of shit wanted
STOP. IT. The more you talk about it, the more he wins.
July 26th, 2012, 09:58 PM
yeah, i want to not talk about it, but on the other hand if gun owners just kept silent every time this happened while the things they enjoy cop the blame it'd end very badly for us
i don't even know, man
July 26th, 2012, 10:09 PM
yeah, i want to not talk about it, but on the other hand if gun owners just kept silent every time this happened while the things they enjoy cop the blame it'd end very badly for us
i don't even know, man
I agree man. Totally agree.
July 26th, 2012, 11:31 PM
i understand the historical importance of them, and they should be preserved in collections, but fucking hell some of the shit you can just buy in america is insane.
if your for the gun control laws as they currently are, then you should be for socialist reforms such as health care and education and stricter regulations for corporations.
at the moment to me america just looks like the wild west when it comes to guns.
Train people, educate people and get better health for physical as WELL as mental health and america's gun control laws might not look absolutely ridiculous.
July 26th, 2012, 11:55 PM
i understand the historical importance of them, and they should be preserved in collections, but fucking hell some of the shit you can just buy in america is insane.
if your for the gun control laws as they currently are, then you should be for socialist reforms such as health care and education and stricter regulations for corporations.
at the moment to me america just looks like the wild west when it comes to guns.
Train people, educate people and get better health for physical as WELL as mental health and america's gun control laws might not look absolutely ridiculous.
Agreed. I wish our society wasn't full of greedy cunts and stupid inbred fucks.
July 27th, 2012, 01:01 AM
bodie, remember who you're talking to, haha. you know how i feel about all that stuff
Rainbow Dash
July 27th, 2012, 01:29 AM
confirmed 'gun nut' here
The day you justify something solely on a piece of paper written hundreds of years ago is the day that I lump you in with the people I was talking about
July 27th, 2012, 01:31 AM
anyone who justifies anything 'solely' on something needs their head looked at
Rainbow Dash
July 27th, 2012, 01:38 AM
shut up it's 1am lol
July 27th, 2012, 02:10 AM
People should be allowed to own guns. Just not psychopaths or sociopaths. Or people who don't have a license....can I just say anyone who is a dumbfuck isn't allowed to have a gun?
July 27th, 2012, 02:15 AM
you know how you stop dumbfucks and psychopaths?
education and healthcare.
July 27th, 2012, 02:17 AM
you know how you stop dumbfucks and psychopaths?
education and healthcare.
Even then, the excess dumbfuckery still needs to be taken into account, although you are correct.
July 27th, 2012, 02:20 AM
July 27th, 2012, 02:23 AM
bodie, remember who you're talking to, haha. you know how i feel about all that stuff
so would you agree with me, that given the overall current circumstances of guns in America, something is horribly wrong.
July 27th, 2012, 03:07 AM
I wasnt saying it was a good or bad thing, I was just saying that the massacre DID make a debate about it and people seem to be fussy about it on the news.
and I was making fun of what the debate boiled down to. laws do nothing more than inhibit law abiding citizens from doing things. criminals will still do whatever the fuck they want.
deal w/ it.
fuck you I'm a wizard
July 27th, 2012, 03:13 AM
People should be allowed to own guns. Just not psychopaths or sociopaths. Or people who don't have a license....can I just say anyone who is a dumbfuck isn't allowed to have a gun?
you know how you stop dumbfucks and psychopaths?
education and healthcare.
ding, ding
two correct answers
i might make another gun control thread in the great debate later if i am not feeling quite so lazy and apathetic
July 27th, 2012, 09:03 AM
and I was making fun of what the debate boiled down to. laws do nothing more than inhibit law abiding citizens from doing things. criminals will still do whatever the fuck they want.
fuck you I'm a wizard
please respond to my points instead of ignoring them thanks in advance
July 27th, 2012, 09:45 AM
Can we PLEASE get back to the Batman?
Rainbow Dash
July 27th, 2012, 09:57 AM
Can we PLEASE get back to the Batman?
no, shut the fuck up you willfully ignorant piece of shit.
July 27th, 2012, 11:29 AM
no, he's exactly right, this isn't the thread for deep political/social discussion, make another or something
(to clarify i am only posting here in the first place because of the derail, don't give much of a shit about the movie otherwise)
El Lobo
July 27th, 2012, 01:05 PM
no, shut the fuck up you willfully ignorant piece of shit.
God, you are such a douche.
Anyways, saw Batman last weekend, thought it was fantastic.
Rainbow Dash
July 27th, 2012, 03:13 PM
no, he's exactly right, this isn't the thread for deep political/social discussion, make another or something
(to clarify i am only posting here in the first place because of the derail, don't give much of a shit about the movie otherwise)
there is literally no reason to make a separate thread other than a bunch of people here want to post, "hey I loved it!", without discussing anything of value.
July 27th, 2012, 04:39 PM
what else are you going to expect when coming into a movie thread? People are going to review the movie itself. You dont see people having a political fuckfest over politics in the prometheus thread, or any other movie thread.
I enjoyed the movie, Tom Hardy was excellent for the Bane role. I always enjoy watching the bad guy more than the good guys simpily because of their role.
July 27th, 2012, 05:02 PM
I can't wait to see this. A lot of my friends say it blows Avengers out of the water.
Rainbow Dash
July 27th, 2012, 05:54 PM
what else are you going to expect when coming into a movie thread? People are going to review the movie itself.
you seem to think I have a problem with that
I don't.
You dont see people having a political fuckfest over politics in the prometheus thread, or any other movie thread.
Well you see there's this itty bitty small difference where there was a mass shooting at this film's premiere~~~
July 27th, 2012, 06:30 PM
a bunch of people here want to post, "hey I loved it!", without discussing anything of value.
these kinds of threads piss me off
July 27th, 2012, 07:09 PM
no, shut the fuck up you willfully ignorant piece of shit.
I had a response that was a massive wall of text, but you're not worth my time. You have no ammo other than to swear and cuss and scream at the rest of us until we're sick of it. You're like a retarded child who needs to get his way, or else he'll make life miserable for the rest of us.
July 27th, 2012, 07:11 PM
You're all posting like fuckwads. The guys who want to rabbit the same 3 posts about summerblockbusterV12 and the ones who want to derail a thread to bitch about their politics (which are frankly quite frightening for most of you tards).
However, at least the parrots are OT.
And Tyrant is dead on the money. If the whole world is so awful Sel, please make it less painful for everybody and kill yourself.
July 27th, 2012, 07:13 PM
You're all posting like fuckwads. The guys who want to rabbit the same 3 posts about summerblockbusterV12 and the ones who want to derail a thread to bitch about their politics (which are frankly quite frightening for most of you tards).
However, at least the parrots are OT.
Rainbow Dash
July 27th, 2012, 08:10 PM
I had a response that was a massive wall of text, but you're not worth my time. You have no ammo other than to swear and cuss and scream at the rest of us until we're sick of it. You're like a retarded child who needs to get his way, or else he'll make life miserable for the rest of us.
Oh I'm so sorry that pointing out that MAYBE we shouldn't have to make another thread to discuss the batman shooting made you so miserable~
Seriously if it bothers you that other people are discussing something which is fully relevant to the topic of this movie then fucking deal with it. No one is forcing you to join that particular discussion and you are still more than free to keep YOUR POSTS relevant to what you wish to discuss.
July 27th, 2012, 08:16 PM
My problem is with you now Sel. I no longer give two shits about the subject at hand.
July 27th, 2012, 08:32 PM
Sel, this is quite clearly not the thread for political/social debate. A shooting taking place at the movie's premiere does not suddenly change that. He could have picked any other movie, it is not some deep-seated, dark secret of the Batman films. Make another thread and let's leave them to discuss what we might regard as meaningless bullshit in peace, alright?
July 27th, 2012, 08:39 PM
Sel, this is quite clearly not the thread for political/social debate. A shooting taking place at the movie's premiere does not suddenly change that. He could have picked any other movie, it is not some deep-seated, dark secret of the Batman films. Make another thread and let's leave them to discuss what we might regard as meaningless bullshit in peace, alright?
Rainbow Dash
July 27th, 2012, 09:02 PM
My problem is with you now Sel. I no longer give two shits about the subject at hand.
Good for you. If you hadn't proven yourself over and over again to be an intellectual failure then maybe I'd care ~
Sel, this is quite clearly not the thread for political/social debate.
Really? So a mass shooting occurs at the premiere of this film, and the thread about this film is not the place to discuss it?
Make another thread and let's leave them to discuss what we might regard as meaningless bullshit in peace, alright?
Except the vast majority of people here are discussing the shooting (get rid of all the content that mentions the shooting and you literally get rid of 90% of the thread) or both the movie and the shooting. The only exception to that is TVT who seems to think that by discussing the issues surrounding the shooting is a horrible thing because, apparently, that's what james holmes wanted (!!!111!
July 27th, 2012, 09:08 PM
Good for you. If you hadn't proven yourself over and over again to be an intellectual failure then maybe I'd care ~
Again, insults and bullying are all you have. Every time someone opposes you, you name call and bitch until they stop caring.
July 27th, 2012, 09:13 PM
apparently, that's what james holmes wanted (!!!111!
Apparently you have never studied psychology in any depth at all.
July 27th, 2012, 09:18 PM
Really? So a mass shooting occurs at the premiere of this film, and the thread about this film is not the place to discuss it?
The conversation about the killing shouldn't be about the movie, which this thread is about, it should be about the killing, the suspect, gun control, etc. Like Ross said he could have picked any other movie that was coming out and still did the same exact thing at the same theater.
July 27th, 2012, 10:03 PM
Except the vast majority of people here are discussing the shooting (get rid of all the content that mentions the shooting and you literally get rid of 90% of the thread) or both the movie and the shooting. The only exception to that is TVT who seems to think that by discussing the issues surrounding the shooting is a horrible thing because, apparently, that's what james holmes wanted (!!!111!
Funnily enough, making a huge deal out of mass shootings tends to make the problem worse, not better!
July 27th, 2012, 10:23 PM
Funnily enough, making a huge deal out of mass shootings tends to make the problem worse, not better!
funny, that
July 27th, 2012, 10:24 PM
Funnily enough, making a huge deal out of mass shootings tends to make the problem worse, not better!
In addition, you can't stop anyone from getting the guns they want without an authoritarian type of state. Black Market, Internet, you name it. If someone wants a gun, they'll get it. If someone wants to kill someone, they'll do it. No where is actually safe unless it's locked down with detectors and with military personnel. That's the war of today. Now enough of this shit.
July 27th, 2012, 10:25 PM
I really appreciated the way they lined up the fights with the original Knightfall moments.
Mr Buckshot
July 27th, 2012, 11:53 PM
I found (spoiler) Marion Cotillard's character to be kind of disappointing (as a fan of the comics and original animated series).
July 27th, 2012, 11:53 PM
I found (spoiler) Marion Cotillard's character to be kind of disappointing (as a fan of the comics and original animated series).
Yeah, it felt really tacked on to me.
July 28th, 2012, 01:56 AM
I find a lot of the criticism against this movie laughable. This isn't a perfect movie, none of Nolan's films are, but it was by no means terrible. I guess IMDB is really just swarming with Avengers fanboys or trolls looking to disparage the movie (not that Avengers was a bad film in any way). So-called plot holes do not exist... Really. This isn't a standalone movie; you need to have watched the first two films (especially Begins) and PAID ATTENTION to understand Rises. I was able to follow through the entire movie coherently without nitpicking any instance of "wait wtf why is he/she there, why did this happen, why did he do that, etc." The rest of it can be ignored or looked over with a little suspension of disbelief (doesn't matter that Nolan tries to ground this movie in reality, it's a film about BATMAN).
- Batman vs. Bane (1st encounter)
- Batman vs. Bane (2nd encounter)
- Most of Bane's lines; pretty much on par with Ledger's Joker
- Batpod showing off its full range of movement, moving on its X-axis, Y-axis, and I'm pretty sure the Z-axis too
- Bruce Wayne learning the ropes again
- Dat ass on Selina Kyle
- You'll know what I'm talking about if you've seen it: "Permission to Die," both instances
- The ending (yeah I liked it fuck you)
- Batman's comeback line against Bane at City Hall: "No, I came to stop you." -_- Holy anticlimatic, Batman!
- Selina's friend: what happens to her? Also, did anyone think she was Ellen Page at first sight? Lol I thought Nolan was recycling his actors again
- Miranda Tate was underutilized, but this film did suffer from a bit of a bloated cast, so I guess somebody had to take the hit
Also, about the shooting, all I will say is that at the very least this has brought gun laws back into the spotlight. Unfortunately, this practically means another cock fight between the NRA, gun-toting-aholics who can't get enough of public distribution of AR-15s vs. the butthurt paranoids who think it's practical to eliminate gun ownership entirely. I can't even remember the last time the last important big-time bill that addressed gun ownership even made it through the first increment of Congressional lawmaking. I did a research paper on HR 45, the Blair Holt Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act, right before I graduated high school, and it was pretty much the last gun law proposal that was actually a "big deal," a threat to the NRA and a win for anti-gun fanatics. Oh wait, it died and was left in the dust like most the law proposals in our Congress. I don't usually make fun of our Congress because I like to think some of them actually do some work and really, it's an overused joke, but I know exactly what everyone means when they say we have the most useless Congress ever. Meanwhile, some lawyer is seeking the insanity plea for Holmes. How ironic that this shooting occurs during a movie about Batman, a vigilante who hates guns. FUCK!! This pisses me off.
July 28th, 2012, 04:32 AM
The NRA actually supported the assault weapons ban and cater exclusively to hunters, which make up most of their member base. Every time a piece of legislation comes up regarding 'assault weapons' (what a load of shit that term is), the NRA has either put up a token, completely ineffectual effort at best, or has actually sponsored it on the understanding that it will keep Bubba's deer rahful safe from the same fate.
The NRA are horrible turncoat pieces of shit who support morally bankrupt political ideologies and see no issue with getting fucksticks like Ollie North to represent them. If you give a shit about guns, or indeed about common fucking decency, don't join the NRA.
July 28th, 2012, 06:56 AM
hurr criminals will get their weapons whether it's legal or not so why don't we just make it incredibly easy for them to get said weapons, whilst we're doing that anyone want a free ticket to a fission bomb for a rainy day?
July 28th, 2012, 10:30 AM
A terrible organization no one should ever join.
On topic:
Anne Hathaway was absolutely incredible as an actress in this movie. Never mind her body, her portrayal of Selina Kyle was spot on. Anyone who has ever touched a comic book knows how incredible she was in this movie.
July 30th, 2012, 05:09 AM
So, I finally saw the movie yesterday, and here is all I really have to say about it:
It was well made.
It tied the entire trilogy together rather well, even if it almost ignored Dark Knight.
It didn't really feel like Batman.
It didn't build up like the previous films.
It was actually rather anti-climactic.
I feel like the trilogy would have been better had they swapped Two and Three, saved the Joker for last. Would have made a much more desirable open end. The current ending leaves it open for more movies, even if Nolan isn't involved, but it also creates more shackles than an open end with the Joker would have. The Joker is supposed to be eternal, just like the Batman.
Also, what the hell was with everything happening in broad daylight? The film is yet still cleaner than Dark Knight was versus Batman Begins...that's not the direction one should be taking Batman. Batman is dark. Batman is dirty. Batman is gritty.
Side note, totally laughed out loud in the theatre when they used Lord of the Rings music for the Man of Steel trailer.
July 30th, 2012, 04:45 PM
So, I finally saw the movie yesterday, and here is all I really have to say about it:
It was well made.
It tied the entire trilogy together rather well, even if it almost ignored Dark Knight.
It didn't really feel like Batman.
It didn't build up like the previous films.
It was actually rather anti-climactic.
I feel like the trilogy would have been better had they swapped Two and Three, saved the Joker for last. Would have made a much more desirable open end. The current ending leaves it open for more movies, even if Nolan isn't involved, but it also creates more shackles than an open end with the Joker would have. The Joker is supposed to be eternal, just like the Batman.
Also, what the hell was with everything happening in broad daylight? The film is yet still cleaner than Dark Knight was versus Batman Begins...that's not the direction one should be taking Batman. Batman is dark. Batman is dirty. Batman is gritty.
Side note, totally laughed out loud in the theatre when they used Lord of the Rings music for the Man of Steel trailer.
I got these impressions by just watching trailers and snip-its, which is probably what's keeping me from going to the movies so soon to see it. I'll definitely reserve my judgement for when I see it though.
And I was wondering when the Superman remake would happen. Here's hoping it's good.
July 30th, 2012, 06:27 PM
I also got that impression from all of the trailers, but I wanted to believe otherwise.
Despite being almost three hours long, the movie felt...rushed.
July 30th, 2012, 07:12 PM
If you don;t think it feels like Batman, than go read some comic books bitches
July 30th, 2012, 07:17 PM
I have. It didn't feel like Batman. It wasn't the characters themselves, it was the way the movie was arranged.
July 30th, 2012, 07:19 PM
I have. It didn't feel like Batman. It wasn't the characters themselves, it was the way the movie was arranged.
So you've read Knightfall?
July 30th, 2012, 09:07 PM
It's the timing of the narrative in Dark Knight Rises combined with how the other films were portrayed that makes it not feel like Batman.
Also why, in the last few days, has the forum been glitching out and randomly moving my type cursor to other parts of my text while I'm typing?
July 30th, 2012, 09:09 PM
It's the timing of the narrative in Dark Knight Rises combined with how the other films were portrayed that makes it not feel like Batman.
Also why, in the last few days, has the forum been glitching out and randomly moving my type cursor to other parts of my text while I'm typing?
I believe it's because of my recent posts against the government. My bad.
July 30th, 2012, 09:17 PM
By timing I mean the way it was paced inside the movie. They crammed too much into 2 hours and 45 minutes. His back healed enough to kick ass in 23 days? Please...
July 30th, 2012, 09:25 PM
wasn't it 90 days?
July 30th, 2012, 10:04 PM
It was 5 months between the bomb being stolen and the big show-down (which really wasn't all that big). For most of that time, he was lying on a bed in The Pit. It was at the T-minus 23 days marker that he got roped up and actually started mending for real, if I recall the film correctly. That's 23 days to get back into the same level of fitness as he was in The Dark Knight. I mean, I thought he'd start mending almost as soon as he got to The Pit. That I could have suspended my disbelief over.
July 31st, 2012, 12:39 AM
i hate it when movies about comic book hero's arn't realistic
July 31st, 2012, 12:40 AM
if you wanna talk about shit that breaks your immersion look at shit like cat women kicking the pedal on the window washer, for no other reason then, why not.
thats dumb
July 31st, 2012, 05:07 AM
It was 5 months between the bomb being stolen and the big show-down (which really wasn't all that big). For most of that time, he was lying on a bed in The Pit. It was at the T-minus 23 days marker that he got roped up and actually started mending for real, if I recall the film correctly. That's 23 days to get back into the same level of fitness as he was in The Dark Knight. I mean, I thought he'd start mending almost as soon as he got to The Pit. That I could have suspended my disbelief over.
Was it really 5 months? It felt like a few weeks at the most (must have been the editing).
Even at almost 3 hours long, I felt that movie took out a lot of content. Some parts of the film pacing was rushed. I think they could have spent more time with the build up of the dark knight rising out of the pit. There was no real struggle to overcome there.
The movie was still really good though; I'd recommend it.
July 31st, 2012, 06:10 AM
Overall a very good movie, bit I do agree that it felt rushed/cut for time. However, that does give me a bit of hope for an extended director's cut version...
July 31st, 2012, 09:44 AM
if you wanna talk about shit that breaks your immersion look at shit like cat women kicking the pedal on the window washer, for no other reason then, why not.
thats dumb
I kick the buttons on my dishwasher.
July 31st, 2012, 07:30 PM
if you wanna talk about shit that breaks your immersion look at shit like cat women kicking the pedal on the window washer, for no other reason then, why not.
thats dumb
You are missing the point. All they had to do was rearrange some numbers. All they had to do was make the movie itself feel like it actually took the amount of time they say it did. My gripe isn't really that they broke immersion, it's that the plot felt rushed within the movie, because it did.
August 2nd, 2012, 09:41 PM
Got done watching it, along with the 2 other batman movies (that i hadnt seen before).
my thoughts:
- it was a good movie, but not on par with the 2nd
- wasn't as dark, like others said
- tied in nicely with the 1st movie, 2nd movie not so much except for Harvey Dent
- anne hathaway did a nice job playing her role, although i still miss Rachel from batman 1 & 2 :smithicide: -> (i still feel like she wasn't given a proper ending, i mean wtf, shes like bruce's long time friend and after her death you hardly hear about her from him, except from harvey, but all he does is complain and then kick the bucket. i also couldnt even believe it when this happened in the movie, this was a giant fucking plot twist)
- anti climatic like others said, ALTHOUGH, it did rap the whole trilogy up nicely and didn't leave giant plot holes or anything.
- bane was a very cool character and i find him on par with the men in the 1st movie, as he should be
- i was really hoping at one point alfred would show up and beat bane with a baseball bat
those are my thoughts. overall a good movie, would recommend
August 2nd, 2012, 11:07 PM
I saw this. Anne Hathaway. Enough said.
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