View Full Version : Anaheim
July 30th, 2012, 07:23 AM
what the fuck is going on over there.
July 30th, 2012, 07:42 AM
What the actual fuck.
Is there any clear background here? I mean, I know it's America and they love to shoot protesters for literally no reason other than shits and giggles, but
July 30th, 2012, 07:56 AM
Police shot two unarmed people in the street, one of them execution style in the back of the head.
Police are now "suppressing" protesters on the street going for anyone they think might be a agitator men, women and children a like.
Even people in cars are not safe.
July 30th, 2012, 08:07 AM
This isn't really on-topic, but i hope to fucking god something like this actually happens.
July 30th, 2012, 08:11 AM
I think the timeline for my country's collapse has just been compressed.
July 30th, 2012, 10:39 AM
Did some reading on what sparked these protests and it's a bit of an over reaction. Also these aren't just protests they're more of riots, so this response seems usual for such behavior. And this is nothing compared to what happened in '92 with Rodney King in LA, so I wouldn't really blow this whole thing out of proportion.
Although I do find it interesting how very little news coverage this is getting, that's definitely something worth noting.
July 30th, 2012, 11:38 AM
Rainbow Dash
July 30th, 2012, 11:38 AM
July 30th, 2012, 02:42 PM
Did some reading on what sparked these protests and it's a bit of an over reaction. Also these aren't just protests they're more of riots, so this response seems usual for such behavior. And this is nothing compared to what happened in '92 with Rodney King in LA, so I wouldn't really blow this whole thing out of proportion.
Although I do find it interesting how very little news coverage this is getting, that's definitely something worth noting.
" But it was Saturday's shooting of an unarmed man named Manuel Diaz that ultimately brought people to the streets.
Diaz, 25, reportedly ran from police, possibly from plainclothes officers. He was unarmed and, according to a lawsuit filed by family members and by witnesses quoted in the media, a policeman shot him near his buttocks and then another officer shot him in the head." (
"Police reportedly left him on the ground dying without calling an ambulance. It's not hard to understand the outrage, and then it's even easier to see how angry people got after police responded as if they were occupying the Gaza Strip."
Don't go throwing that paint brush around too much there.
July 30th, 2012, 03:47 PM
The fuck? I haven't heard of any of this (probably because of the Olympics). However, it's California, so those cops are probably corrupt in the worst way (not just in ignorance).
July 30th, 2012, 04:19 PM
CA's a bit of a mess
July 30th, 2012, 04:45 PM
Where's kornman in all this I want to see him rant about police and authority and such
I'm finding it hard to find any unbiased reports of whats going on over there, so I can't say much. But maybe the severe response was encouraged by entities that doesn't want their influx of tourists effected by this? That would be pretty ironic.
In response, residents and members of outside organizations planned a protest Sunday, the latest in a series of demonstrations in Orange County's largest city.
The demonstration stretched long into the afternoon, with more than 200 protesters initially chanting in front of police headquarters and taking over a parking lot where they drew chalk outlines of bodies and wrote messages condemning the police.
The protest took a dramatic turn when the crowd began marching en masse on Harbor Boulevard, saying they were headed to Disneyland. But police in riot gear corraled them, and many returned to police headquarters.
Authorities made nine arrests in connection with the protests, according to Anaheim police. Eight of them—including three men from San Bernardino, Escondido and San Diego—were arrested when, police said, they failed to disperse or they blocked traffic after authorities told them to get out of the street. A woman was arrested on suspicion of assaulting an employee and customers at a nearby gas station.
Organizers hoped the demonstration would remain peaceful. Just days before, a mass protest forced police to use non-lethal rounds to disperse a crowd of about 1,000 who marched through the streets after a packed City Council meeting. Some protesters threw rocks, bricks and other objects at officers and started fires in trash bins. By Tuesday night's end, authorities said, 24 protesters had been arrested, 20 buildings damaged and seven people injured.
When will people learn that these things never remain peaceful.
July 30th, 2012, 05:49 PM
notice the way anaheim police are ditching their usual uniforms for literal army combat gear, body armour and all. i have seen photos of soldiers from iraq and afghanistan wearing less fucking shit than they are.
shortage of their own equipment? nope, they're just power tripping and pretending they're actual soldiers, enjoy your police state
July 30th, 2012, 06:18 PM
Basically, from what I knew three days ago when the first reports about this started, some gangbangers got shot by some cops. So the neighborhood turned out against them and started pelting them with rocks and surrounded the cars. The cops broke up the crowd by shooting beanbag guns at them. Basically, the Mexicans have finally hit Palestinian status with their protests, the white population is afraid of both the police down there and the hispanics, and the blacks are screaming "I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO".
Honestly, if this went down in my area (it wouldn't because I live in the country), I would just start shooting cops. I have long thought that people's reactions in these protests haven't been extreme enough. Whatever though, I live in the countryside of Oregon. Seems unlikely from here.
July 30th, 2012, 06:19 PM
Also the foreigners freaking out about this make me laugh. I do think it's a big deal, but it will die down like it always does. Gotta love emotional reactions to things though. Every time authority oversteps it's place over the smallest of chickens Hitler is coming back lol.
July 30th, 2012, 07:56 PM
It's really not as big as everyone's making it out to be. Again a good example here is Rodney King riots. Basically the same situation but 1000x the damage
July 30th, 2012, 07:59 PM
one of the dudes shot was unarmed, so understandably people are mad
run from the police here and they chase you, run from the police in anaheim and they shoot you once in the ass and then fucking execute you with a shot to the head after you're down
July 30th, 2012, 08:00 PM
one of the dudes shot was unarmed, so understandably people are mad
run from the police here and they chase you, run from the police in anaheim and they shoot you once in the ass and then fucking execute you with a shot to the head after you're down
Can I please get some confirmation that that is what happened?
July 30th, 2012, 08:02 PM
fair point, but in what universe is it okay to even shoot at an unarmed man as he runs away, let alone twice
so really as far as i care, they may as well have put him up against a wall
July 30th, 2012, 08:18 PM
notice the way anaheim police are ditching their usual uniforms for literal army combat gear, body armour and all. i have seen photos of soldiers from iraq and afghanistan wearing less fucking shit than they are.
shortage of their own equipment? nope, they're just power tripping and pretending they're actual soldiers, enjoy your police state
Yeah what the fuck is up with police using military equipment? That shouldn't be allowed.
Can I please get some confirmation that that is what happened?
This. I feel like it's bullshit that he was executed in the streets like all these people are saying. Where is the real news source. If shit like that actually went down, wouldn't it be even bigger in the media despite the Olympics?
July 30th, 2012, 08:21 PM
no, because they'd be hoping to hide it behind the olympics until they figure out how to spin it
in any case, i still believe that shooting twice at an unarmed person as they run away from you is essentially an execution anyway
July 30th, 2012, 09:07 PM
Yeah what the fuck is up with police using military equipment? That shouldn't be allowed.
This. I feel like it's bullshit that he was executed in the streets like all these people are saying. Where is the real news source. If shit like that actually went down, wouldn't it be even bigger in the media despite the Olympics?
No, because the media pick and choose what they want to cover based on what benefits them the most. Money may not be the only thing they are worried about.
July 30th, 2012, 10:43 PM
No, because the media pick and choose what they want to cover based on what benefits them the most. Money may not be the only thing they are worried about.
The Media would love to broadcast this bullshit. They thrive on making larger entities suffer for their own benefit because they know by making those larger entities look evil it gives people reason to watch the media in the first place. Oh, did I mention that the media makes a lot of entities look corrupt? All that's in this thread past the first few posts is He-Said-She-Said-OMGAMURICAWHATHAVEUDUN bullshit that goes on all of the time. Not even legitimate fucking sources. This nation is full of so many fuckwits on all sides that I can hardly stand it sometimes because half of the time people are following the coattails of some political party so Liberals are all like "GO DEMOCRATS! GIVE OUR SOULS TO THE GOV'T! GETTING RID OF GUNS WILL SAVE EVERYONE CAUSE OUR GOV'T WILL GIVE US EVERYTHING! OUR GOV'T WILL DO EVERYTHING FOR US!" and all of the Conservatives are like "GO REPUBLICUNS, SMOTHER THOSE SONSABITCHES SO WE CAN LIVE IN THE SAME TRADITIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE NEXT DECADE AND HAVE CHILDREN WHO ARE MORE SPITEFUL THAN WE ARE! DIE SOCIALIST FUCKERS! YEAH!" And in the mean time, all of you non-American assholes are trying to find any waking moment you can to criticize every bad aspect of this country even when you don't have all of the facts and constantly think America is the shithole. Goodness, I sucks when you're Majority a bunch of spoiled fucks from previous generations, your minorities are scared of tomorrow because of the majority, and us independent thinkers see the ways to fix this country, but everyone is riding the dumbass or elephant.
July 30th, 2012, 11:24 PM
I live less than 50 miles from there... and have heard NOTHING about it. What the actual fuck...
July 30th, 2012, 11:37 PM
The Media would love to broadcast this bullshit. They thrive on making larger entities suffer for their own benefit because they know by making those larger entities look evil it gives people reason to watch the media in the first place. Oh, did I mention that the media makes a lot of entities look corrupt? All that's in this thread past the first few posts is He-Said-She-Said-OMGAMURICAWHATHAVEUDUN bullshit that goes on all of the time. Not even legitimate fucking sources. This nation is full of so many fuckwits on all sides that I can hardly stand it sometimes because half of the time people are following the coattails of some political party so Liberals are all like "GO DEMOCRATS! GIVE OUR SOULS TO THE GOV'T! GETTING RID OF GUNS WILL SAVE EVERYONE CAUSE OUR GOV'T WILL GIVE US EVERYTHING! OUR GOV'T WILL DO EVERYTHING FOR US!" and all of the Conservatives are like "GO REPUBLICUNS, SMOTHER THOSE SONSABITCHES SO WE CAN LIVE IN THE SAME TRADITIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE NEXT DECADE AND HAVE CHILDREN WHO ARE MORE SPITEFUL THAN WE ARE! DIE SOCIALIST FUCKERS! YEAH!" And in the mean time, all of you non-American assholes are trying to find any waking moment you can to criticize every bad aspect of this country even when you don't have all of the facts and constantly think America is the shithole. Goodness, I sucks when you're Majority a bunch of spoiled fucks from previous generations, your minorities are scared of tomorrow because of the majority, and us independent thinkers see the ways to fix this country, but everyone is riding the dumbass or elephant.
This just in
sit down.
back to you at the desk marty
July 30th, 2012, 11:49 PM
This just in
sit down.
back to you at the desk marty
Marty makes good music. He's also working with Paul McCartney. Too geniuses at work.
July 31st, 2012, 01:22 AM
Where's kornman in all this I want to see him rant about police and authority and such
How was I your first jump to 'ranter' about police and authority?
Also, at first I thought they somehow mobilized the NG. Then I realized those were plain old cops dressing up in Army Combat Uniforms. While I know that the Federal military has been pawning off their equipment (eg, drones) to state/local police, I didn't realize it also included full fucking gear for individual cops (unless those are unofficial ACUs, in which case they don't have IFF tabs and can be bought online or at surplus stores). I mean, look at how much of that shit there is to go around! They're better stocked than some Army units I've seen FFS! Why the fuck are they in ACUs anyway? I've only seen state law enforcement (esp. SWAT) use Urban/Subdued ACUs ( (not to be confused with the NCU, which uses blues instead of black and dark grey).
Fox Coverage (
Actually, fuck it, just google "anaheim" and click on news results, then refer to the first entry's "All 424 articles"
July 31st, 2012, 01:49 AM
Subdued UCP looks much cooler than regular UCP from ACU. They made a bad choice there at the very least.
July 31st, 2012, 02:15 AM
Maybe they thought it would pose a stronger deterrent against violence if they were decked out in army gear rather than the usual uniforms...
July 31st, 2012, 04:04 AM
Maybe they thought it would pose a stronger deterrent against violence if they were decked out in army gear rather than the usual uniforms...
yes, intimidation is an american cop's first port of call, as we have covered
July 31st, 2012, 05:18 AM
I swear if any shit like this goes down in my area, I will make sure it does not end well for the cops.
July 31st, 2012, 07:04 AM
I live less than 50 miles from there... and have heard NOTHING about it. What the actual fuck...
How do you feel about officers going door to door around where that guy was killed asking people if they would sell their cell phone footage to the PD?
It got more news coverage in Russia than in America.
July 31st, 2012, 08:32 AM
Hey, Hey you, want to bitch about everyone chiming in on the subject? go to another forum which is american only.
You honestly think that because the matter is in America that only americans have have a say on the subject?
July 31st, 2012, 10:36 AM
oh look, they're demonstrating,
shit goes down at 1:10
police shotgunning at kids, and a dog going for a baby-stroller
July 31st, 2012, 10:44 AM
The Media would love to broadcast this bullshit. They thrive on making larger entities suffer for their own benefit because they know by making those larger entities look evil it gives people reason to watch the media in the first place. Oh, did I mention that the media makes a lot of entities look corrupt? All that's in this thread past the first few posts is He-Said-She-Said-OMGAMURICAWHATHAVEUDUN bullshit that goes on all of the time. Not even legitimate fucking sources. This nation is full of so many fuckwits on all sides that I can hardly stand it sometimes because half of the time people are following the coattails of some political party so Liberals are all like "GO DEMOCRATS! GIVE OUR SOULS TO THE GOV'T! GETTING RID OF GUNS WILL SAVE EVERYONE CAUSE OUR GOV'T WILL GIVE US EVERYTHING! OUR GOV'T WILL DO EVERYTHING FOR US!" and all of the Conservatives are like "GO REPUBLICUNS, SMOTHER THOSE SONSABITCHES SO WE CAN LIVE IN THE SAME TRADITIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE NEXT DECADE AND HAVE CHILDREN WHO ARE MORE SPITEFUL THAN WE ARE! DIE SOCIALIST FUCKERS! YEAH!" And in the mean time, all of you non-American assholes are trying to find any waking moment you can to criticize every bad aspect of this country even when you don't have all of the facts and constantly think America is the shithole. Goodness, I sucks when you're Majority a bunch of spoiled fucks from previous generations, your minorities are scared of tomorrow because of the majority, and us independent thinkers see the ways to fix this country, but everyone is riding the dumbass or elephant.
lol americans
July 31st, 2012, 11:42 AM
Oh, I didn't read the :words: earlier. As for the media loving to broadcast about this bullshit, keep in mind that they were in the crowd that got shot at. They did their obligatory local news coverage on the outrage and quietly accepted tax dollars to keep it from escalating. Good decision considering what with all the shotguns and k9s looking 'em down.
July 31st, 2012, 01:10 PM
@Warlord: I never said that. Sorry if I suggested it. I'm just annoyed that non-Americans generalize this country as shit when stupid shit like this happens and is blown out of proportion half of the time. Not saying this one is, but the exaggerations have set me off.
Oh, I didn't read the :words: earlier. As for the media loving to broadcast about this bullshit, keep in mind that they were in the crowd that got shot at. They did their obligatory local news coverage on the outrage and quietly accepted tax dollars to keep it from escalating. Good decision considering what with all the shotguns and k9s looking 'em down.
I'm not saying that the police have justifiable reasons to arm themselves as if they're repelling a foreign invasion from another superpower. I'm just pissed that half of the time sources aren't legit or the media twists things to appear completely different than they are. That makes our country look even worse to other countries and thus threads like this get started. Hell, half of this stuff wasn't even heard of by people living nearby and I certainly haven't heard any of this until this thread came up. I saw two sources for this incident in this thread and most of the exaggerated shit like the man being killed off executioner style is what people talk about. You know, the usual bullshit people always talk about. The not-so-real truth because someone thought it would be better to exaggerate than tell the fucking truth. Fuck.
Sorry guys, if you couldn't tell, I hate exaggerations.
The best non-bias I can find. Most other sources are from Fox News Latino and other sources biased towards the crowd, not showing both sides. Like I said, I'm not justifying the cops at all and I know for a fact that attacking an unarmed man (let alone shoot him) is completely fucked up. We'll see what the legit story is though. Either way, as I said before, Anaheim police and California police in general are all trigger happy. It makes me sick that law enforcement still sucks throughout this country, especially when there are a lot of good cops and agents out there. This shit and the bullshit that comes with it ruin those enforcement agents' images and that's what really pisses me off here.
July 31st, 2012, 01:29 PM
Whoa, I didn't know the guy who plays Perd Hapley ( is an actual news reporter
July 31st, 2012, 06:03 PM
I love the Mexicans in that video
"I was with my son" as he's riding a fucking bicycle with a bunch of 17 year olds.
Still fucked though. I would have retaliated with violence if I had seen that happen. No excuse.
July 31st, 2012, 10:56 PM
i wasn't aware it was possible to 'blow things out of proportion' when those things are an unarmed man being shot and killed, an unarmed crowd including many women and children being fired into with rubber bullets, police dogs attacking mothers with their babies and police beating the shit out of protesters in back alleys before dragging them off to the cells, then trying to cover the whole thing up by bribing people to sell all their footage of it to them. you know why we all dive on the 'ugh, america' bandwagon when shit like this happens? because if it happened in just about any other western nation, there would be mass uproar, the police would be subject to a serious probe, and the government would most likely be bending over itself backwards to try and patch things up. in fact, if that happened here in australia, the entire state police force would be in deep shit, since state is the lowest level of police we have here. none of this county sheriff bullshit which just begs for corruption.
ps i love the comments on that article. "FUCK OCCUPY, BACK THE BADGE, THEY DESERVE TO BE ATTACKED IF THEY ARE NEAR THE SCENE OF THE SHOOTING WITH THEIR CHILD" those sure are some awesomely tolerant, educated, and kindly people right there
July 31st, 2012, 11:39 PM
This isn't the county sheriff for one thing
and for two, nobody would give two fucks if this happened in Australia because no one gives two fucks about Australia other than Australians and kangaroos.
Not saying this doesn't bug me. It is bugging the crap out of me.
July 31st, 2012, 11:51 PM
Also for three, and to be fair, it really doesn't make sense to go to an area where you know there is an extremely high likelihood of violence breaking out with your goddamn kids. If you have to pass through there to get to where you need to go, that's one thing. If you joined in with your baby, well, that's full-on retard.
Opening fire at point-blank with rubber bullets is also full-retard. From what I have read, the crowd actually hadn't done anything to provoke the use of force.
August 1st, 2012, 12:57 AM
i wasn't aware it was possible to 'blow things out of proportion' when those things are an unarmed man being shot and killed, an unarmed crowd including many women and children being fired into with rubber bullets, police dogs attacking mothers with their babies and police beating the shit out of protesters in back alleys before dragging them off to the cells, then trying to cover the whole thing up by bribing people to sell all their footage of it to them. you know why we all dive on the 'ugh, america' bandwagon when shit like this happens? because if it happened in just about any other western nation, there would be mass uproar, the police would be subject to a serious probe, and the government would most likely be bending over itself backwards to try and patch things up. in fact, if that happened here in australia, the entire state police force would be in deep shit, since state is the lowest level of police we have here. none of this county sheriff bullshit which just begs for corruption.
ps i love the comments on that article. "FUCK OCCUPY, BACK THE BADGE, THEY DESERVE TO BE ATTACKED IF THEY ARE NEAR THE SCENE OF THE SHOOTING WITH THEIR CHILD" those sure are some awesomely tolerant, educated, and kindly people right there
Yup, basically sums up the ridiculousness of this situation. However, the man being murdered executioner style takes this article from serious to "HOLY FUCK THE ENTIRE USA IS FILLED WITH NOTHING BUT HICKS." It's a small detail that blows this entire situation out of proportion, even when the situation is very fucking grim. I'm still waiting for the smoke to clear and for more national coverage on this. I smell bile from both sides and frankly I don't want to get too pissy if this ended up actually being something different. We know half of our law enforcement is fucked up. We know our Bureaucracy is fucked up too. We also recognize our media is savage and craves blood. There is a lot of truth that's smothered by these three entities and frankly that's what my bitching is really about.
I always ignore the dumbass arguments on news articles. Most of them, no matter where you go, are fucking stupid. I was referring to the report itself and how it's not biased towards the people. It was simply presenting both sides.
August 1st, 2012, 02:40 AM
Anyone who thinks the US is filled with nothing but hicks is an idiot, but so is anyone who neglects to acknowledge its many and varied problems. Every country has them, but the US is a big fucking country in every manner of speaking and is the biggest player on the world stage (regardless of whether that is a good or bad thing - and I've made my position there clear many times, so I won't here). Regardless of where it happens, this would be a big deal. The fact that it is happening in the US, that it is being allowed to continue happening, and that it is being swept under the carpet makes it a fucking huge deal.
This isn't the county sheriff for one thing
No, but it is the Anaheim PD, which is its own little deal. Departmentalisation within the US police organisation is a huge problem that results in constant headaches over jurisdiction and enclaves of corruption specific to one area. The addition of federal agencies on top of that is just nightmarish.
Here there are two levels of organisation, three if you include Customs I suppose - federal police and state police are the only kinds of actual proper police forces here. State police are divided up into Local Area Command zones, but they are still a part of the same body and so corruption in one area is a concern of the entire state police force. Shit like this would absolutely never fly here.
e/ It's worth noting that I am not inherently anti-police and I'm not particularly worried about them here. American police do scare me, and I'd be very hesitant to trust them.
Rainbow Dash
August 1st, 2012, 11:02 AM
ron paul 2012 privatize the police and then that way rich ppl can buy them LIBERTY!!!
August 1st, 2012, 05:48 PM
ron paul 2012 privatize the police and then that way rich ppl can buy them LIBERTY!!!
a funny comment from Sel?
It's more likely then you'd think
August 1st, 2012, 09:03 PM
What was the name of that Canadian guy who used to post on this website and always defended cops even when they were totally wrong simply because he hated poor people?
August 1st, 2012, 09:43 PM
he was living in canada but had chinese parents, so he often looked to china as a the spitting image of what the police should be.
ya know beating people for confessions that kinda stuff.
August 1st, 2012, 11:29 PM
haha, that guy was a fuck. He still posts here occasionally too :3
August 2nd, 2012, 10:09 AM
lol Quite often.
August 2nd, 2012, 11:58 AM
Fuck The Poor I Worked Hard For This
*casts gold-leaf cigarette butt from balcony of ivory tower, scowls*
August 3rd, 2012, 12:52 AM
Not sure if the full picture was posted or referenced in here, so I thought I'd drop this in here
August 19th, 2012, 03:40 PM
August 19th, 2012, 04:16 PM
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