View Full Version : Skyrim - Dawnguard for PC!

August 3rd, 2012, 01:21 AM
So Dawnguard is finally out for PC people and it was 50% off for the 2nd of August on Steam. Too bad now it's the 3rd and it's TWENTY FUCKING DOLLARS. I will never buy a DLC that costs that much. Seriously, Bethesda, that's a bit much for a DLC and you know it.

$15 maybe, just maybe, but even then most DLC has always been $10 no matter which way you slice it. Was it even this much on Xbox? C'mon now Bethesda marketing....

August 3rd, 2012, 10:40 AM
How many hours of play is it?

August 3rd, 2012, 11:56 AM
How many hours of play is it?
I'm positive it's the same as any other DLC, which is usually 3-5 hours.

August 3rd, 2012, 01:51 PM
People say it's about 15 hours. I'm not sure if that's going through both ways (Dawnguard and Vampire) or that's per side. Also it was never 50% off, that was just Skyrim. Dawnguard has, and so far has been, $20 from when it first came onto Steam.

I bought it, I like it so far. I had already gotten Skyrim itself for $40, so +$20 and now it's like I bought a full-fledged $60 game which holy shit I've gotten tons of hours from compared to other games. (115 so far)

Really, just think about it: Sure the DLC seems expensive at $20, but if you bought Skyrim+Dawnguard yesterday that would've been $50 for loads of content, even more than most games.

August 3rd, 2012, 03:11 PM
People say it's about 15 hours. I'm not sure if that's going through both ways (Dawnguard and Vampire) or that's per side. Also it was never 50% off, that was just Skyrim. Dawnguard has, and so far has been, $20 from when it first came onto Steam.

I bought it, I like it so far. I had already gotten Skyrim itself for $40, so +$20 and now it's like I bought a full-fledged $60 game which holy shit I've gotten tons of hours from compared to other games. (115 so far)

Really, just think about it: Sure the DLC seems expensive at $20, but if you bought Skyrim+Dawnguard yesterday that would've been $50 for loads of content, even more than most games.
Yesterday. I've had it since it came out and have played 196 hours. >_<

15 hours sounds like for both sides. I can't imagine one side taking THAT long.

August 3rd, 2012, 03:37 PM
It's all relative to the player playing it really. You could be one who just sprints through everything to get it over with and collect the spoils, or take your time and explore all the additions that Bethesda has added.

Personally I'm sorta in-between yet more towards the explorer. So far I like it. To me it isn't that much [money] though since I rarely buy games (like I said in the Steam sale thread, the next two games I'm probably buying are AC3 and Halo 4. After that, probably nothing else for a while. And even in the Steam sale, all I bought was Just Cause 2 for $3.74).

August 3rd, 2012, 09:55 PM
For 20 dollars your getting alot, in comparison to crap like Call of Duty or BF3 DLC where its 15 dollars for a few "new" maps and perhaps some guns and a gametype that will get stale in much less than 15 hours of gameplay, where you could pay 20, and get 15 hours that are worthwhile and fun and most likely exciting the whole way through. Sure, its a bit steep, but compared to most other crap on the market its a fairly good deal for what your getting.

August 4th, 2012, 07:08 AM
So yeah, I finished the Vampire line in maybe 7 hours or so but it was definitely worth it and fun. The story is really well fleshed out and I liked it even more than the main quest line in ways. Serana is pretty neat (the vampire daughter), and it encompasses lots of the Elder Scrolls lore into it.

Plus, now I have an excuse to go back into Skyrim and fool around even more with all the new stuff added.

August 4th, 2012, 07:47 AM
I've gotten tons of hours from compared to other games. (115 so far)

I've had it since it came out and have played 196 hours. >_< .
All of you are small time

Anyway, I don't know how to feel about this DLC. The price is obviously a major turnoff, as well as the fact that I'm slowly growing tired of the game (and I haven't even done the main quest yet because I/my brother keep(s) deleting profiles), but I think that this might be a good refresher to the game.

Can anyone give me an objective opinion about it?

August 4th, 2012, 10:04 AM
So you double the amount of ours I have.....ehhhhhhhhhhhh.

If I did get it, I'd definitely have fun with the Crossbow. Honestly, that's the coolest thing they've added to Skyrim yet.

August 4th, 2012, 10:17 AM
It's a really nice add on. I'm in love with Serana, but you can't marry her D:
She's a great companion to have though. Oh and there's more playtime to get from each story since there's also side objectives. Mostly just "hunt down, kill this person" kinda stuff but if you take Serana along it feels much better. Plus with the new weapon additions it adds much more fun. And I mean TONS of fun (blacking out the sun is pretty fun, I don't want to say much more other than that though unless you ask since it's minor spoilers).

August 4th, 2012, 10:21 AM
So, how long until Dawnguard is copied over to free mod packages?

August 4th, 2012, 11:20 AM
So, how long until Dawnguard is copied over to free mod packages?
Has this happened before? From my experience with Bethesda games and sites where you download mods for them, you can't create the mod in a free version. For example, for New Vegas you can't find the DLC as a free mod on Nexus. Unless by "free" you mean torrent....

So who else is buying this during Thanksgiving? I know I am....if they have it on sale at all. :(

Oh and how could this be Skyrim DLC without some Robbaz?

August 4th, 2012, 12:11 PM
Hey, me again. Okay so apparently there's a whole other quest they've added which involves you searching for (they're marked in a journal) and scavenging around 4 different dungeons to put together a key that gets you into another place. There's someone helping you along so it feels worthwhile and fun. I'm still going through it, but I just wanted to let you all know that I'm definitely getting lots of playtime with Dawnguard. I'm sure there's even more I still haven't found yet too.

Bethesda really has done a lot more than just add a nice new vampire/vampire-hunter quest though, they've added entirely new areas and other quests to go through. Seriously, it's starting to come out to be worth the $20 I paid for it.

November 13th, 2012, 11:07 AM


November 13th, 2012, 11:40 AM
Looking forward to that. It looks intense.

November 13th, 2012, 03:32 PM
Fuck I played this game too much.

November 13th, 2012, 03:52 PM
Fuck I played this game too much.
201 Hours! I haven't even done Dawnguard yet.

November 14th, 2012, 01:35 PM
201 Hours! I haven't even done Dawnguard yet.
I'm at like 160 or something. My XBox has been on the fritz so I never really get a chance to play it for long before my machine stops working.

November 14th, 2012, 02:44 PM
I'm at like 160 or something. My XBox has been on the fritz so I never really get a chance to play it for long before my machine stops working.
160 on Xbox? That's devotion dude. ^_^

November 14th, 2012, 03:42 PM
Until I see a mod or something that lets me ride flying dragons as mounts whenever I want just like the horses, I dont' care about this game anymore.

November 14th, 2012, 04:24 PM
210 something house on my xbox. Still love this game.

November 14th, 2012, 05:00 PM
Until I see a mod or something that lets me ride flying dragons as mounts whenever I want just like the horses, I dont' care about this game anymore.
I'm positive they have those on PC. They have them for this next DLC regardless.

November 14th, 2012, 05:41 PM
210 something house on my xbox. Still love this game.
One profile?

November 16th, 2012, 02:19 PM
One profile.

November 17th, 2012, 11:27 AM
Mine is over 3....but I only spent a limited time on one of them. So it's more like I've spent 90 hours on two of them and 21 on the other.

November 23rd, 2012, 01:06 PM
50% off on this right now. The next time it'll go this low will probably be during the xmas sale.

November 23rd, 2012, 02:08 PM
50% off on this right now. The next time it'll go this low will probably be during the xmas sale.
This. However, I'm thinking of waiting to see if the sale goes to 75% during Christmas (not to mention it's past time for me to deposit money at the bank). Also, if you haven't gotten Dawnguard and plan to wait like me, I suggest going to the Steam Workshop and play some quest mods. Sea of Ghosts and Moonpath to Elsewyr are two really good ones.

November 23rd, 2012, 04:18 PM
Shut up and buy it, you'll get so much mileage out of this game and will regret not having bought it already. Then again, I can understand if you wanna wait so then you'll have some moneys to buy the expensive (but good) DLCs.

November 23rd, 2012, 04:20 PM
Yeah, was gonna buy it but I have 8.73 in my checkings right now. Would go to the bank, but it's too late. Gonna have to wait another month. Not expecting it to go down to 75%, but who knows.

November 23rd, 2012, 04:41 PM
Now that I think about it more, it could actually go down to 75% for the Christmas sale. I mean, Dragonborn is coming out around then so it would make some sense for it to be 75%, that way people buy the game and get the DLC alongside it since they scored so well on the basic game.

...if how I'm saying this all makes any sense.

November 23rd, 2012, 05:34 PM
Shut up and buy it, you'll get so much mileage out of this game and will regret not having bought it already. Then again, I can understand if you wanna wait so then you'll have some moneys to buy the expensive (but good) DLCs.

I didn't have enough in my checking to do it, so I plan on waiting until Christmas. I still have to finish a good bit of quests on my character, not to mention I haven't even delved into Moonpath to Elsweyr. If you don't know what it is:


Get to know what it is! Sea of Ghosts is also pretty good and reminds me a lot of the good aspects of Oblivion.

November 23rd, 2012, 05:37 PM
...Oops wait, I thought you didn't have Skyrim yet. Wow. My bad. Not thinking right now.

I take it you're talking about Dawnguard then, which in that case you don't necessarily need to purchase. It's just an excuse to play Skyrim again really.

November 23rd, 2012, 06:22 PM
...Oops wait, I thought you didn't have Skyrim yet. Wow. My bad. Not thinking right now.

I take it you're talking about Dawnguard then, which in that case you don't necessarily need to purchase. It's just an excuse to play Skyrim again really.
Lol whoops, I thought you knew I played Skyrim. :P

I've put about 206 hours into the game and mods are just prolonging its awesomeness. There are a LOT more mods with the Dawnguard DLC, like assorted Crossbows, so I'm definitely getting it. It just costs a good bit for DLC, so I need to wait for the cost to be low. But I agree that anyone who hasn't gotten Skyrim needs to because it's simply one of this generation's games that should be played through at least once.

November 23rd, 2012, 08:17 PM
Looking back on it, I'm glad I waited as long as I did to get this game because it seems I skipped alot of the bugs and stupid bullshit. Also, I'm glad I waited till I had a respectable PC to play it on instead of getting the Xbox 360 version because with the godawful default FOV this game uses I would have had to return it.

November 24th, 2012, 11:10 AM

Mods really do bring out the potential in this game.

November 24th, 2012, 08:35 PM
The lighting in some of those shots is unbelievably bad, but the rest of it looks pretty nice. Also, the author said he gets ~5 fps when that grass is on screen :downs:

November 24th, 2012, 08:51 PM
The lighting in some of those shots is unbelievably bad, but the rest of it looks pretty nice. Also, the author said he gets ~5 fps when that grass is on screen :downs:
Lol. Run 100 Visual Mods and I'm sure most computers would DIE.

November 25th, 2012, 12:54 AM
The lighting in some of those shots is unbelievably bad, but the rest of it looks pretty nice. Also, the author said he gets ~5 fps when that grass is on screen :downs:
The lighting in the engine is weird to begin with. Some of the mods used to try and take better advantage of the lighting fail miserably with the way the engine checks to see if you're exposed to the sky. Walk under a tree and sometimes it can drastically change the shading on the entire world and not just the eye adaptation.

November 25th, 2012, 02:47 AM
What's up with the way the ENB mod just shits on interior lighting? I like what it does for outdoor lighting but I literally cannot play indoors without using a torch because it seems to kill all lighting. I tried fiddling with the settings but I could only make light sources bright as three thousand suns with a dropoff of a foot or so...

November 25th, 2012, 09:58 PM
Lol. Run 100 Visual Mods and I'm sure most computers would DIE.

Not really. That guy's blog says he's got a Core i5 2500k and GTX 670. Impressive, but far from shocking.

The lighting in the engine is weird to begin with. Some of the mods used to try and take better advantage of the lighting fail miserably with the way the engine checks to see if you're exposed to the sky. Walk under a tree and sometimes it can drastically change the shading on the entire world and not just the eye adaptation.

Yeah. I mean I've played plenty of Skyrim and I know what it looks like. Still, IMO overloading the screenshots with ridiculous unrealistic bloom and DoF just makes things look worse than before.

November 25th, 2012, 11:32 PM
Not really. That guy's blog says he's got a Core i5 2500k and GTX 670. Impressive, but far from shocking.

You get what I mean. >_<

Point being, it's a lot of visual mods and shit. It'll bring down your FPS even if your computer is tough shit.