View Full Version : Steam Community Beta

August 16th, 2012, 09:25 PM
I got invited to participate in the New Steam Community Beta (http://steamcommunity.com/communitycontent).

I got an extra invite to gift to someone else. Anybody else interested in trying it out, but were not selected for testing? Also, I got a Portal 2 -75% coupon if anyone wants that. Everyone who owns Portal 2 got that coupon to give to someone who doesn't with the introduction of Co-Op into Portal 2's puzzle maker.

August 17th, 2012, 01:08 AM
How do you know if you've been selected? I'd like to try it out.

E: Also, I have a 75% off Portal 2 coupon as well, if anyone wants that.

E2: Also, Alan Wake is 75% off right now. Seriously go get it if you didn't grab it over the summer sale. It's an awesome port of a pretty good game. They deserve the sale alone for telling Microsoft to shove it and self-porting the game.

August 17th, 2012, 03:02 AM
I was invited while at Fragapalooza, even though I don't have the Steam Community Pillar badge... Just closed it since I don't want more social networking in my games.

August 17th, 2012, 10:09 AM
Now you can nickname your friends so you know who they are even if they change their profile name.

August 17th, 2012, 12:31 PM
Can I haz?

The invite to the group thing that is. Steam ID is BobtheGreatII

August 17th, 2012, 12:31 PM
How do you know if you've been selected? I'd like to try it out.

To get selected you have to be one of the first 50,000 people to earn the Pillar of Community badge from the Steam Summer sale. I think Korn was also one of those people, so beg him for one, too.

To check whether you were selected, go into the Community tab in Steam and check your inventory. There should be two Beta entries. Add one to your game library to activate it. The other you can send to someone who didn't get into the beta. Then go into settings and set the Beta Participation option to Steam Beta Update. Restart steam and it'll start to update. When you get in, there will be a new "Friends" tab between Library and Community. That replaces all the old friend functions that were built into the current Steam Community tab. I like how they have separated it now.

E2: Also, Alan Wake is 75% off right now. Seriously go get it if you didn't grab it over the summer sale. It's an awesome port of a pretty good game. They deserve the sale alone for telling Microsoft to shove it and self-porting the game.

I'd buy it if I had money in my account, but I haven't deposited any cash since the Steam Summer Sale raped my account.


Yeah, now I can keep tabs on Modacity people who change their names every hour without having to creep their profile.

I was invited while at Fragapalooza, even though I don't have the Steam Community Pillar badge... Just closed it since I don't want more social networking in my games.

It's just a rearrangement of stuff in Steam. That's not more social networking in games.

August 17th, 2012, 12:32 PM


no more >>====KNEE====>

or [mlg]xX_pr0-n0Sc0pZ_(420)d4nK_Xx

or [mlg]-=xXx_M04g4wr_sk33t_xXx=-{pr0 AC!D}.xvid_2004.mkv[RELOADED][sn1p3r](n0-sC0pE)420_D4NKEST-0F-DA_D4nk


August 17th, 2012, 01:58 PM
That's a good thing.

It's a username, not a goddamn 'status' or fucknut.

August 17th, 2012, 02:33 PM
Yeah, now there are actual status msg areas where we don't have to look ever. Abuse that all you want.

August 17th, 2012, 09:00 PM
Oh god, I just tried out the nickname system and it's not what we thought it was at all. Peoples' alias still shows up and it comes before the nickname so we end up with this:


So that means you'll still have to widen the friends list for people with fuck-long aliases.

August 17th, 2012, 09:10 PM
Then I'm removing fucktards who choose to abuse the naming system.