View Full Version : [UNREAL] New to Unreal Script! Please help!

August 23rd, 2012, 06:01 PM
Hey guys... I'm starting to play around with Unreal Script and I have a small error that's stopping me. I used pre made code from the Unreal site to make a top down view perspective, but I need to get whats there working before I go editing it.

Basically, I get warning messages saying:

Warning/Error Summary
D:\UDK\UDK-2010-09\Development\Src\UTGame\Classes\UDNGame.uc(5) : Warning, ClassProperty Engine.GameInfo:DefaultPawnClass: unresolved reference to 'class'UDNExamples.UDNPawn''
D:\UDK\UDK-2010-09\Development\Src\UTGame\Classes\UDNGame.uc(5) : Warning, Invalid property value in defaults: DefaultPawnClass=class'UDNExamples.UDNPawn'
D:\UDK\UDK-2010-09\Development\Src\UTGame\Classes\UDNGame.uc(6) : Warning, ClassProperty Engine.GameInfo:PlayerControllerClass: unresolved reference to 'class'UDNExamples.UDNPlayerController''
D:\UDK\UDK-2010-09\Development\Src\UTGame\Classes\UDNGame.uc(6) : Warning, Invalid property value in defaults: PlayerControllerClass=class'UDNExamples.UDNPlayerC ontroller'

I'm a bit new to the programming world... and Unreal Script. If someone can help me out and show me how to fix this I'd appreciate that.

August 23rd, 2012, 09:25 PM
NVM. I got it working by editing a bunch of names and looking further into the Syntax. However, does someone know how to make a top down view use controls that are NESW instead of WASD? So, like, its locked, you use the mouse to look around but still use A or D to move sideways?

August 24th, 2012, 12:44 AM
when it comes to unreal i can help you out on almost every front, EXCEPT code.


August 24th, 2012, 05:25 AM
Messing with Unreal? I thought you were going to use Cryengine. :realsmug:

UDK is much more simple in terms of getting something of high quality in-game it seems. I've been messing with the Material Editor. It's amazing how powerful it is.

Never tried the code yet. I think I'll start of with Kismet or w/e and then try out UnrealScript.

August 24th, 2012, 06:10 AM
I've messed with both and there both fairly easy to get things ingame and starting to work, Cryengine also seems to be a lot better for out door enviroments but thats not what I'm aiming for with this :)

August 24th, 2012, 06:48 AM
YOU'RE NEW? USE THIS. (http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/)
AND THIS. (http://udn.epicgames.com/Main/WebHome.html)

NVM. I got it working by editing a bunch of names and looking further into the Syntax. However, does someone know how to make a top down view use controls that are NESW instead of WASD? So, like, its locked, you use the mouse to look around but still use A or D to move sideways?

PlayerInput (or any game specific subclasses) handle key configurations and such. Its properties can be modifiable from its config file (Engine default is DefaultInput).

The above while pointing you in the right direction teaches little about understanding how it works. I recommend doing some reading through both PlayerInput and its host PlayerController.

But before you do that! Read through Object, Actor, GameInfo, Pawn, Weapon, and maybe some others that I can't think of off the top of my head but are pretty important to understanding the Unreal Engine.

If you want to make content for an engine you should understand how it works. Asking 'how do I logic???' is a poor way to learn how to do anything in any language.

Warning/Error Summary
D:\UDK\UDK-2010-09\Development\Src\UTGame\Classes\UDNGame.uc(5) : Warning, ClassProperty Engine.GameInfo:DefaultPawnClass: unresolved reference to 'class'UDNExamples.UDNPawn''
D:\UDK\UDK-2010-09\Development\Src\UTGame\Classes\UDNGame.uc(5) : Warning, Invalid property value in defaults: DefaultPawnClass=class'UDNExamples.UDNPawn'
D:\UDK\UDK-2010-09\Development\Src\UTGame\Classes\UDNGame.uc(6) : Warning, ClassProperty Engine.GameInfo:PlayerControllerClass: unresolved reference to 'class'UDNExamples.UDNPlayerController''
D:\UDK\UDK-2010-09\Development\Src\UTGame\Classes\UDNGame.uc(6) : Warning, Invalid property value in defaults: PlayerControllerClass=class'UDNExamples.UDNPlayerC ontroller'

Just curious but were you just copy/pasting code? Those kind of errors are almost a signature of such behavior.

August 24th, 2012, 08:48 AM
YOU'RE NEW? USE THIS. (http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/)
AND THIS. (http://udn.epicgames.com/Main/WebHome.html)

PlayerInput (or any game specific subclasses) handle key configurations and such. Its properties can be modifiable from its config file (Engine default is DefaultInput).

The above while pointing you in the right direction teaches little about understanding how it works. I recommend doing some reading through both PlayerInput and its host PlayerController.

But before you do that! Read through Object, Actor, GameInfo, Pawn, Weapon, and maybe some others that I can't think of off the top of my head but are pretty important to understanding the Unreal Engine.

If you want to make content for an engine you should understand how it works. Asking 'how do I logic???' is a poor way to learn how to do anything in any language.

Just curious but were you just copy/pasting code? Those kind of errors are almost a signature of such behavior.

I was copy pasting code from UDN, yes. After realizing how to relink the code to my actual files it worked (I just starting looking into this stuff yesterday :) ). I've been messing with the code though by reading other stuff UDN trying to get the camera locked and controls while still being able to move the player around.

I'm also not new to Unreal, I've had a fair share of experimentation and learning how to build levels, but I've never touched the code.

BTW, I went and looked through DefualtInput like you suggested, but I think I wasn't being exactly clear - by NESW I mean North, East, South, West. Your still using the WASD keys, but the camera is locked uptop and even when the player is rotating around, he will still move in the direction you press no matter where he is facing.

August 25th, 2012, 10:30 AM
very basic atm, but its getting there slowly


August 26th, 2012, 08:57 PM


Added some more code, added some new wip assets, got some of the bots not to act like tards, and also got them to kill you. Researched HUD development with flash, still gotta figure out how to pull a variable from one of my classes though and display it (for a Point System). that also leads me to the question... how should I go about doing something like that? Global variables, and then in each pawn controller class have an intger thats added to that global everytime one of them dies?