View Full Version : iPhone 5
September 14th, 2012, 04:28 PM
iPhone 5 was announced a few days ago as most of you probably know. Seems like it's still in hot demand as the preorders are already out... Looks like pretty much the same thing as before, the IOS needs to be changed up or pretty soon it's gonna get even more stale than it already is... Looks the EXACT same from 2007. :\
Glad I got the Galaxy Nexus, definitely sticking by it for a long time.
Apple always knows how to market its stuff it seems, like their MacBooks though *waits for stones to be thrown*.
September 14th, 2012, 04:34 PM
September 14th, 2012, 05:54 PM
If there's anything they need to do, they need to make the OS more aesthetically pleasing. The homescreen right now is super boring, and transitions between things could be made a lot better (like when you turn it off, I love how Android does the old TV thing).
However, the iPhone still looks beautiful as always. Super well-made phone, can't wait to go check it out once it comes out just to see how it feels. Always unfortunate that it's all covered up by cases soon enough though.
September 14th, 2012, 06:43 PM
You all know I'm an apple fan, but this was probably the most disappointing year for the iPhone. Not only is iOS6 largely useless, (theres only 3 things I find useful, Siri on my iPad, fb intergration, and iCloud tabs). It's slimmer, which means its going to feel even weirder in the hand than the 4 was seeing as how shallow it is, and it has a longer screen, which enlarges the screen but takes away all the benefits of a larger screen.
Want to view your photos on it? enjoy black bars on the sides.
Want to browse with safari? lets zoom the pages out even further. Or you can turn it landscape, and have bigger text but be able to see less above and below the line your on.
Want a larger keyboard, nope lets keep it the same size.
Want to watch 720p video? Can't do that.
The new screen does nothing to improve the way to interact with the phone other than reduce the amount of scrolling you need to do.
It's nice LTE is included now, but that's nothing new. I don't see LTE being added as them being "late to the game" but rather them having power and size demands for it, not to mention full carrier support for LTE.
I'm curious to see how the camera performs compared to the 4S. I'm willing to bet there were some compromises in the camera in order to make it smaller.
All the iPhones before this have had at least one feature in it's hardware and software that set it apart from everyone else on the market (multitouch ui, 3g+appstore, retina display + camera, siri), but this is just feels like a "me too" device. There was so much Apple could have done with this update, but they seem to be falling into the same state MS did, having a sucessful product and being to afraid to "mess with success"
Lumia 920 for me this fall. Hopefully next year Apple will raise the bar once again.
September 14th, 2012, 07:36 PM
Hopefully next year Apple will raise the bar once again.
That's what I'm hoping. I like the iPhones I really do but just found this one to be so disappointing and felt like something I already have. Really hoping they try something new instead of staying with the same ol' routine.
September 14th, 2012, 07:55 PM
Oh look at all the features that Apple put in the iPhone that have been in Android phones for some time now.
September 14th, 2012, 08:00 PM
Granted Android has always had half baked versions of those ideas. Multitasking, C&P, Notifications, to name a few.
September 14th, 2012, 11:52 PM
Granted Android has always had half baked versions of those ideas. Multitasking, C&P, Notifications, to name a few.
Half baked you say?
Also, this.
September 15th, 2012, 09:38 AM
You have to realize this is all Apple could really do based on their current situation. They couldn't have made it longer in both length AND width because it would've screwed over the entire app ecosystem. Every single app would have looked like shit because the native resolution and PPI would have been horribly skewed from what it originally was. App developers would have been in hell having to fix it all.
Instead of pissing everyone off and destroying their entire app store, Apple was pretty much forced to just increase the screen's height and keep the 326 PPI the same so that app developers could simple add to their apps instead of having to go back and completely re-res everything.
September 15th, 2012, 11:17 AM
They have the most creative and some of the best engineers on the planet, I'm sure if they wanted to they could come up with some solution for developers. I think it's more of them feeling they don't need to since they rake in the majority of the profits in the phone industry, and have had the best selling phone for 5 years now. Had they increased the width, they could simply put black bars on the left and right when using legacy apps.
September 15th, 2012, 11:36 AM
This is basically the same thing that they do every year? I dont see whats so shocking
I have an iPhone 4S and I had a iPhone 3G before that and tbh besides the difference in the screen + look, the only other difference was that it was faster (by differences I mean ones that actually helped or was noticable)
I mean besides that its essentially the same phone every year and they just get to sell it for $400 - $600 claiming its something revolutionary each time
September 15th, 2012, 11:43 AM
They have the most creative and some of the best engineers on the planet, I'm sure if they wanted to they could come up with some solution for developers. I think it's more of them feeling they don't need to since they rake in the majority of the profits in the phone industry, and have had the best selling phone for 5 years now. Had they increased the width, they could simply put black bars on the left and right when using legacy apps.I agree that they have some of the best engineers and designers, though there's only so much even they can do in less than a year. I think we'll see something more unique in the iPhone 6, and the iPhone 5 screen increase is maybe a test run to see how people/app developers react to a new size.
I certainly know I can't wait for the iPhone 6 since my two year runs out around that time so I'll probably get it (I'm currently on the 4 right now, beautiful phone). Don't go calling me an Apple supremist though, because I do look at the Android options. It's 50/50 between who I'll be with next year, depending on what comes out.
September 15th, 2012, 11:57 AM
This is basically the same thing that they do every year? I dont see whats so shocking
I have an iPhone 4S and I had a iPhone 3G before that and tbh besides the difference in the screen + look, the only other difference was that it was faster (by differences I mean ones that actually helped or was noticable)
I mean besides that its essentially the same phone every year and they just get to sell it for $400 - $600 claiming its something revolutionary each time
The thing is, every year they do offer something revolutionary. The 3GS is an awesome phone, and they've done a great job supplying it with updates, unlike the garbage android users have to go through to get an update (Captivate owners, I'm looking at you). From a hardware perspective, the 4S is leaps and bounds beyond the 3GS, the engineering is quite incredible.
I agree that they have some of the best engineers and designers, though there's only so much even they can do in less than a year. I think we'll see something more unique in the iPhone 6, and the iPhone 5 screen increase is maybe a test run to see how people/app developers react to a new size.
I certainly know I can't wait for the iPhone 6 since my two year runs out around that time so I'll probably get it (I'm currently on the 4 right now, beautiful phone). Don't go calling me an Apple supremist though, because I do look at the Android options. It's 50/50 between who I'll be with next year, depending on what comes out.
This phone has been in the works since the 4 premiered, they don't just pump these things out within a year. I hope the 2014 iPhone has at least a 720p screen, but if they are going to make dev's support a new resolution, they should have done it now all at once and delivered a product where they aren't pussyfooting about pissing people off.
Personally, I'd never buy an Android phone again, I've been burned buying a flagship phone already, and I know far to many people who have issues doing everyday tasks with theirs. It's an OS designed for marketshare and mining data, not for a good user experience. Ironically, MS has the best products coming out, with quick and relaliable OS, with a beautiful and intelligent UI, a runs on a wide variety of hardware. And now they are better speced then the top of the line Android devices. It's a sad sad day for Samsung when my single core Lumia 900 can out perform a GSIII in day to day tasks.
September 15th, 2012, 01:45 PM
Sorry, I'm not very good with how phone development cycles work so I assumed it was being worked on after the 4s was complete.
And do you mean the next iPhone in 2013, or are you really looking ahead 2 years from now? (2014, you said)
Mr Buckshot
September 15th, 2012, 01:51 PM
the only thing i want from the iphone in all other phones is the physical toggle switch for vibrate/ring mode.
Android has its flaws and I won't deny them, but I like to plug in my phone like a USB drive and drag and drop any file I want (whether or not it's readable by the phone) onto the phone memory, without having to go through a bullshit piece of software that makes it a pain in the ass to transfer the files off the phone to another computer that doesn't belong to you.
that one flaw of iOS keeps me from buying any iPhone. I know what I'm talking about having owned two iPod touches.
As for the iphone 5, it does have nice aesthetics even if it doesn't look any different from the 4S (apart from size). It's just the software that keeps me away.
Sorry, I'm not very good with how phone development cycles work so I assumed it was being worked on after the 4s was complete.
And do you mean the next iPhone in 2013, or are you really looking ahead 2 years from now? (2014, you said)
I think he's expecting the 2013 iphone to be a "5S" or something, basically exact same exterior and screen with improved internals and maybe an improved camera. We had a 3GS and a 4S after all.
September 15th, 2012, 01:59 PM
Android has its flaws and I won't deny them, but I like to plug in my phone like a USB drive and drag and drop any file I want (whether or not it's readable by the phone) onto the phone memory, without having to go through a bullshit piece of software that makes it a pain in the ass to transfer the files off the phone to another computer that doesn't belong to you.
I take it then that the iPhone is unlike the iPad where you can just plug it into a computer, with iTunes not running, and it won't mount as a removable storage device (like how the old iPods worked as well)?
September 15th, 2012, 02:58 PM
It's a sad sad day for Samsung when my single core Lumia 900 can out perform a GSIII in day to day tasks.
I can say the same thing about my Motorola razr v3 and a Nokia Lumia 900.
September 15th, 2012, 03:46 PM
I think he's expecting the 2013 iphone to be a "5S" or something, basically exact same exterior and screen with improved internals and maybe an improved camera. We had a 3GS and a 4S after all.Yes, that would make can hope Apple does something different then.
September 15th, 2012, 04:03 PM
Sorry, I'm not very good with how phone development cycles work so I assumed it was being worked on after the 4s was complete.
And do you mean the next iPhone in 2013, or are you really looking ahead 2 years from now? (2014, you said)
iPhones release in a tick-tock cycle. The 2013 is very likely going to be an iPhone 5S, and 2014 will be the iPhone 6.
September 15th, 2012, 06:19 PM
iphones release in a tock-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick~ cycle. With the original iphone being the only tock.
September 16th, 2012, 05:08 AM
I'm getting off the iPhone bandwagon ASAP. I bought one because I needed a phone that just worked and did what I needed it to, however I have 3 friends who are equally as nerdy and tech-loving as I am who have phone contracts that end 1-2 years before mine. They've all switched to Android based phones (Google or Samsung) and from what I can tell, much better phone for what I want.
September 17th, 2012, 03:13 PM
Google doesn't make phones. They make the Android OS. Even the Nexus devices are sourced from one of the many OEMs.
iphones release in a tock-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick~ cycle. With the original iphone being the only tock.
iPhone > iPhone 3G > iPhone 3GS > iPhone 4 > iPhone 4S > iPhone 5
Tick > tock > tick > tock > tick > tock
The 3G and 4 were major departures from their immediate predecessors, as is 5.
That said, I don't like Apple's software ecosystem and their OS is getting stale. A simple stylistic change would be enough, but they are so dead-set in their bubbly, glossy look. The iPhone is going to ultimately dig its own grave.
September 17th, 2012, 05:00 PM
Just bought an iPhone 3gs off of ebay for 70 bucks to put on Straight talk. The current Straight talk android phone I have is okay, but it's barely passable for an android phone. And because I felt buying one.
September 17th, 2012, 05:36 PM
Google doesn't make phones. They make the Android OS. Even the Nexus devices are sourced from one of the many OEMs.
Duh, but for all intents and purposes the Nexus phones are Google phones.
September 17th, 2012, 06:13 PM
Except when you're talking about "Google or Samsung phones" you can't use that line of thinking. Google phones encompass both HTC and Samsung, for the moment, and you can also count Motorola devices as Google phones in light of the recent acquisition.
September 18th, 2012, 12:23 AM
i've got a lovely HTC, running windows.
i'm not a huge fan of windows phone, but it's stable as hell, i've only had it crash once or twice ever, my girlfriend has an android which i like more, personally, but it's more crash-prone.
i'm not even going near apple lol
i was hating apple before it was cool
September 18th, 2012, 03:58 AM
I've been hating Apple since 1996...
I like Windows Phone, and I have a Windows Phone device, but I find myself wanting the features of Android more and more as time goes by. Also, IE crashes for me all the time, always on image-heavy sites. I don't like how Microsoft has locked up their app market even more than Apple.
September 18th, 2012, 06:29 AM
September 18th, 2012, 11:53 PM
Except when you're talking about "Google or Samsung phones" you can't use that line of thinking. Google phones encompass both HTC and Samsung, for the moment, and you can also count Motorola devices as Google phones in light of the recent acquisition.
No, you can't.
I'm clearly talking about the phones Google had a hand in producing with the various OEMs... Like the Nexus.
September 19th, 2012, 12:24 AM
No, you can't.
Your language in that sentence ceases to be organized when you mix the terminology that way. Google didn't make a phone. Saying "Google and Samsung" is like saying "Windows-based phones (Microsoft and Nokia)," or as a break-down of your own sentence, "HTC, Samsung, and Samsung." You've effectively categorized a client as an OEM, and it reads like the lazy and haphazard comment it probably was.
That aside, the Nexus phones are still heavily branded by the OEM and advertised as such. Thus, they are not Google phones.
September 19th, 2012, 08:51 PM
You have to realize this is all Apple could really do based on their current situation. They couldn't have made it longer in both length AND width because it would've screwed over the entire app ecosystem. Every single app would have looked like shit because the native resolution and PPI would have been horribly skewed from what it originally was. App developers would have been in hell having to fix it all.
Instead of pissing everyone off and destroying their entire app store, Apple was pretty much forced to just increase the screen's height and keep the 326 PPI the same so that app developers could simple add to their apps instead of having to go back and completely re-res everything.
What are you talking about? They did this with the new retina displays, the app developers had to change their workflow.
I have a 3GS and its really starting to show its age. I love the look of the 4S's, the glass back, the metallic edging. People who say the 5 looks like the 4S are clearly blind.
I'm seriously considering getting an iPhone 5. If I was coming from a 4 or 4S, then I can see why people feel this is a lame update, and I agree that the change from 4S to 5 is minimal and really unnecessary.
The problem is they need to get rid of these S versions, they don't bring a lot to the table, if the 5 was released last year people would be going crazy.
Lastly it didnt help that all the leaked information was pretty much spot on, for tech-savvy people like us who saw the leaked info and everything, there were no surprises and no wow factors.
So yeah, do you guys think I should upgrade from 3GS (16gb) to 5 (32GB)? Non-contract, best price I've seen is direct from Apple and it would cost me £599 ($972). If I did get the new iPhone I would postpone this years skydive, which realistically speaking wouldnt happen anyway as the weather is getting crappier :(
September 19th, 2012, 09:01 PM
Galaxy Nexus = Google phone in my book.
Deal with it.
September 20th, 2012, 12:57 AM
Galaxy Nexus = Google phone in my book.
Deal with it.
Ignorance is bliss bro.
September 20th, 2012, 01:09 AM
972 bucks? for a phone? im not a smart phone user, but holy fuck.
September 20th, 2012, 02:49 AM
Wait, WAT?
September 20th, 2012, 03:21 AM
972 bucks? for a phone? im not a smart phone user, but holy this australian dollars or what because jesus christ
September 20th, 2012, 06:45 AM
Perhaps that's the price when buying outside a contract?
Wouldn't be that surprised.
September 20th, 2012, 08:07 AM
Consumers can purchase the 16GB version for $199 with a contract; the 32GB and 64GB models sell for $299 and $399, respectively. Those who choose to purchase an iPhone 5 without a contract will pay $649.00 (16GB model), $749 (32GB), or $849.00 (64GB). (
September 20th, 2012, 08:29 AM
What the fuck
A 64GB micro SD on amazon costs $56
How the fuck do you make people cash out a hundred bucks for an added 16GB
September 20th, 2012, 08:33 AM
Yeah, phone companies are willing to provide you with a subsidy for your cell phone if it means locking you into a contract for so long. It's part of the reason why text/data plans cost so much over voice even though it's all technically the same digital signal and why they often allow you a 'free' upgrade after two years. If America ever adopted a communications law similar to Britain's open ISP law, then you'd find several companies offering incredibly cheap monthly plans assuming you have your own compatible phone before starting the contract.
September 20th, 2012, 12:31 PM
Something needs to change here because these data plans are getting out of hand. Sick of these companies trying to get you off your unlimited plan so they can gladly jack off at the thought of screwing you with data overusage. The moment Verizon yanks me off the unlimited plan, T-Mobile here I come. Not worth the extra heartache to keep checking mobile usage.
September 20th, 2012, 01:19 PM
Yeah the $ price is in USD.
A contract phone would cost me more (in the long run), for a 24 month contract, All you can eat data, 500 any network mins and 5,000 textx would cost me £977, which is $1,582 USD.
I hope Google releases a map app that basically does what their old one does. The new Apple map is a complete fuck up.
September 20th, 2012, 06:46 PM
iPhone 5 sucks. I shouldn't have bankrupted myself to get one. Now I'm stuck with this piece of shit for another 3 years.
September 21st, 2012, 02:13 AM
Ignorance is bliss bro.
Not ignorance, just my opinion. It's really the only phone that Google consulted on. Everything else just uses Android, that's like saying every PC is made by Microsoft.
Sorry about your opinion about my opinion.
September 21st, 2012, 09:09 AM
It was pretty funny seeing news presenters calling the iPhone 5 the most anticipated phone ever. Thinner, taller, ermahgerd!
Yeah the $ price is in USD.
A contract phone would cost me more (in the long run), for a 24 month contract, All you can eat data, 500 any network mins and 5,000 textx would cost me £977, which is $1,582 USD.
I hope Google releases a map app that basically does what their old one does. The new Apple map is a complete fuck up.
An "unlocked" 4S still costs $1,200 here :\ Wish phones weren't so stupidly priced.
September 21st, 2012, 05:29 PM
Wow.... Lost a lot of braincells listening to the blonde girl, I mean wow. "Apple 5" says it all
September 21st, 2012, 05:43 PM
It was pretty funny seeing news presenters calling the iPhone 5 the most anticipated phone ever. Thinner, taller, ermahgerd!
An "unlocked" 4S still costs $1,200 here :\ Wish phones weren't so stupidly priced.
Supply and demand. These things don't take more than roughly $140 to build usually, yet the margins on them are between 300-500%. Most phones are cheap plastic shit...which is why I will never buy a Samsung device again.
September 21st, 2012, 05:59 PM
Relative to american pricing though, shit here is just too expensive.
September 22nd, 2012, 04:42 PM
The price is also because you know... its an apple product.
September 22nd, 2012, 11:45 PM
Relative to american pricing though, shit here is just too expensive.
I felt embarrassed just by watching that video.
Mr Buckshot
September 23rd, 2012, 12:36 AM
iPhone 5 sucks. I shouldn't have bankrupted myself to get one. Now I'm stuck with this piece of shit for another 3 years.
what provider are you on, I believe you can return the phone within a certain time frame provided you haven't used too many minutes, and thus get your money back and end the contract right away. For me it's 15 days and no more than 30 minutes of calling.
$50 Galaxy Nexus on Fido for a two year $40/month (including call display and long distance and voicemail without extra charge) agreement for me :P Part of the reason I stay away from iPhones is that the minimum monthly plan you're forced to get is stupidly high as well. Plus, at least over here 4G LTE is really meaningless to me due to usage caps (500 MB is typical and that already costs around $60-ish on average, usually without including voicemail/call display) and the fact that it's a god damned PHONE - mobile pages load fine already on HSPA+ and it's hard to see any real benefits from LTE speeds.
September 24th, 2012, 10:57 AM
what provider are you on, I believe you can return the phone within a certain time frame provided you haven't used too many minutes, and thus get your money back and end the contract right away. For me it's 15 days and no more than 30 minutes of calling.
I'm just kidding. I would never buy a piece of shit iPhone with my own money.
September 24th, 2012, 06:27 PM
The higher-ups at Verizon really need to get their heads out of the sand and that goes to all other companies too. ATT may not always be the best company (and I in fact left them because of them fighting with me over my unlimited data), but at least they're allowing you to keep your plan, for now at least... I'm rooting for T-Mobile and Sprint to start to pick up business as something needs to get the mobile business to start being more competitive in the states. Money for a phone, especially for the iPhone, is expensive as it is.
Mr Buckshot
September 24th, 2012, 06:49 PM
I'm just kidding. I would never buy a piece of shit iPhone with my own money.
phew, you had me going there for a moment. That was pretty convincing considering the HUGE number of sheep I encounter on a daily basis... the number of iPhone 5's I've seen in the last few days is at least 3x the number of Samsung Galaxy S3's. There are even tons of people who will just pay the fee of several hundred dollars to "upgrade" to the new iPhone every single year. I personally know a guy who has got the 3GS, 4, 4S, and 5 all on launch day. And his 3GS contract would have only ended this summer.
September 25th, 2012, 01:02 AM
That shit took me over a weekend to figure out.
September 25th, 2012, 07:13 AM
That shit took me over a weekend to figure out.
Why did you update if you didn't want iOS 6?
September 25th, 2012, 01:41 PM
Because the person that I got it off of ebay screwed the phone over and I had to update it to refresh the baseband and other shit.
September 25th, 2012, 02:46 PM
iOS 6 is pointless. I'm actually still on 5.0.1 because 5.1 destroyed the lock screen (camera button is there all the time even though I don't want it and I want to slide all the way across. Just feels better to me and looks more uniform). iOS 6 has nothing good though: maps sucks, I don't need passbook or Do Not Disturb. Flyover won't work and neither will turn-based directions because I'm on the godly iPhone 4. I don't really need to waste the 604 MB or whatever BS it takes up.
On a related note, I held the iPhone 5 today and I actually have the same strange complaint as others: it's too light. I think the 4/4s was perfect. I still think the iPhone 5 is great, yes, but it just has no weight to it in comparison. I'm sure I could get used to it, and the rest of the phone is gorgeous (as Apple products tend to be), but it's certainly weird as something like that sounds. Still feels decently solid though.
September 25th, 2012, 05:40 PM
The only things I like in iOS6 are iCloud tabs (useless if you don't have a mac), Siri for iPad, and the FB integration is useful, but no where near as nice as it is on my Lumia.
September 25th, 2012, 06:00 PM
Oops. Completely forgot Facebook integration...I pretty much didn't care for that either because I rarely post on Facebook. Anything I need to do, I can easily go into the app and do myself. I don't need Facebook showing up everywhere.
And I don't own any Macs so iCloud tabs is also out. I guess the only real thing I would've liked/noticed in iOS 6 was the color redesign in Music, but even then that's minor.
September 28th, 2012, 04:34 AM
I updated to iOS 6 but only because it affected nothing I care about.
Makes sense right?
September 28th, 2012, 07:59 AM
If you have your own GPS, why not?
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