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September 22nd, 2012, 04:06 AM
who's in the beta and has half a fucking clue what they're doing?

anyone want to run around in the beta with me explaining some shit?
also, i wanted to remap my keys to be able to fly shit with a controller, but that was simply impossible, because THE SLIGHEST tough on the frame on the controller would give it some analog input, and it seemed to conguse the left stick and right stick constantly >_>

September 22nd, 2012, 04:52 AM
It's less complicated than it looks. I would walk you through it if I had a headset, but no dice. :c

First time in the game, you spawn at the team teleporter. Easy enough, yes?

Vehicle panels can be found near by (they have tanks on them), and you can purchase a vehicle for use. If you purchase a vehicle, you can not purchase that type again until the timer resets.

The vehicle types:
-Lightning is a light tank that's generally fucking awesome and you should drive it because it can take care of anything short of an MBT, and even then you still have a chance. It's fast, well-armed with an auto-cannon and it has decent armour.
-Vanquisher/Mag Rider/Ican'tremembertheotherone are MBTs. Each faction has its own unique version of this vehicle, but the idea is the same. The Mag Rider is for the Vanu and is the most mobile, the Vanquisher is for the Terrans (I think) and has staggered fire cannons allowing for quick follow-up shots, and the New Conglomerate version is just a solid traditional tank with a single cannon; I think it has more armour, actually...I like it the best.
-Sunderer is an APC. Has two turrets and can hold shitloads of people.
-ATV is an ATV
-Scythe is the fighter
-Galaxy is the troop carrier and mobile spawn
-Liberator is a gunship that rains hell down with its massive cannon...people don't use this one as often as they should.

Purchasing a vehicle requires resources (it varies by vehicle, they are the icons at the bottom of your Map screen and Vehicle menu), and these resources are acquired by taking and holding hexagons on the map. Each hexagon is essentially a Battlefield map with capture points inside of it, usually A through F. The bars to the left above your mini-map indicate who controls the majority of the points, which points are under attack, and who has the resistance buff. That buff is what prevents a lone enemy from just going in and totally capping an entire hexagon all by himself; they will cap incredibly slowly without aid.

Capping is not just standing in a particular zone, though. It can involve using a computer terminal as well. Those hacking objectives are always inside of a structure, while take/hold onjectives are usually outside around a giant terminal with the owning team's logo on it.

When your team owns a hexagon, you gain a spawn point at it. You can then respawn there or anywhere else you have a point. If you are in a squad, you can choose to drop in via drop-pod, which allows you to quickly get back into the action. You will have to wait for that ability to cool down before you can use it again. The idea is to encourage people to attack in waves working together rather than have one ace-squad steam-roll through the enemy.

That's the general core of the game. There is no way to "win," it's a perpetual battle. The best your side can do is push the other two back to their respective teleports and hold them there.

Now, infantry classes:

-Light Assault is for flanking manoeuvres and jumping past enemy defences to hit a hack point or similar using their jet-pack. They are OK in a straight fight, but their low ammunition reserves and paper-thin shields force you to fight smarter, not harder.

-Heavy Assault is the jack of all trades; it gets a light machine gun, medium shields with an overshield ability, and a rocket launcher. These are the front-line troops that draw fire and basically do all of the grunt work. It's the most common class you'll encounter.

-Infiltrator is the sniper, but can also cloak and get in close to hack points or sabotage defenses.

-Engineer fixes shit and supplies ammo. Otherwise, his stats are comparable to the Light Assault

-Medic has really weak shields and armour, but comparable weapons to the Light Assault. It revives and heals friendlies.

-MAX is an oddball. Its best use-case is sitting next to an objective and beating the living shit out of anybody who tries to cap it. It's also pretty good at anti-armour roles; it really depends how you configure it. I don't recommend charging a fortified position with this class, you become an easy target. To go on offence with it, I suggest drop-podding onto friendly troops already engaged so you can immediately bring your big guns to bear.

About configuring, in the respawn menu you can select and alter your classes. You can change their weapons, perks, and accessories (also buy "certificates" to add and enhance these). You also need to remember to purchase grenades for yourself because you don't just get new ones every time you die or restock, and Engineers can't replenish them as far as I can tell.

tl;dr: It's basically Battlefield 2 with some additional caveats.

September 22nd, 2012, 07:42 AM
the controls for the aircraft are WEIRD AS FUCKKK

September 22nd, 2012, 12:01 PM
I"m in the beta, but I can't run it very well. Most of the time its fine on low settings, but when I get into the action the particles eat my frame rate. Once I get my new PC in a week or so though, ima be all over that shit. My only gripe is that unless you're in a squad with several people that you're actually talking to, it can be hard to get into the action. Sometimes its nice to just log in and start raining destruction, not flying halfway across the map only to get shot down.

I agree about the aircraft controls, or maybe I just suck (definitely). I'd love support for an xbox360 controller for vehicles, it would be cool if I could have one sitting on my desk and grab it when ever I got into an aircraft. Especially for turrets, trying to turn one of those things around with a mouse practically gives me carpaltunnel syndrome.

September 22nd, 2012, 04:59 PM
Watch these videos, they're pretty informative and the guy's entertaining. I mainly watch his BF3 stuff but I watched these videos just because I was curious, maybe you'll learn from them:



September 22nd, 2012, 05:23 PM
i havent been this excited for a game in a long time. i dont have beta access though :c

September 22nd, 2012, 05:36 PM
The aircraft handling is very much a work in progress. I just don't bother, I like armoured warfare. :D

September 23rd, 2012, 12:33 AM
Haven't created my new character since the character wipe on Thursday. I'd do it now, but the servers are down...again...

September 30th, 2012, 12:01 PM
nc are still at least the population of both other factions combined, often more, every time i get on. fuck nc

September 30th, 2012, 12:30 PM
Really? Every time I play, NC are like the underpopulated third wheel that just likes to fuck with the primary VS-TR fight every now and then before getting steamrolled right back to their spawn...

September 30th, 2012, 11:44 PM
I play mainly on US East Coast 1 and Vanu and TR are usually less populated than NC. I've never played and seen the NC as the lowest so far.

I think we all need to standardize our server and start rolling together. Character wipes again this week so no real need to find a primary server until after it hits.

I name my character Amit9821 on all servers I play on. I'm going to try to grab Amit on all of them once the reset hits.

October 1st, 2012, 12:54 AM
US East works for me.

I prefer playing Terran, though I also have considerable experience as Vanu as much as I hate their guts.

I always name my character(s) Axial and/or Coaxial.

October 1st, 2012, 10:53 AM
I really don't care what new faction I am. I was going to try Terran after the next reset, but after seeing some of the cool shit Vanu has, I might check them out as well. BTW, Esamir continent is out this week :D

October 1st, 2012, 04:39 PM
I play on US west (Amalthea), every single day it's <20% Vanu, ~25% TR, >50% NC.

Friend and I were playing earlier, he was capping a point with a bunch of guys and a plane piloted by 'ObamaCareRules' slowly floats down and sprays them all with bullets through the window, then whispers him "hey there". He then began fucking with us, playing a terrifying game of hide and seek across an open plain we had to cross, then when a friendly finally appeared and shot him down we hunted him on foot. It was awful. He plays like we do, light assault, always moving and appearing where least expected.

He had us going for over an hour before he finally let us cap the shitty backwater we were facing off against him in, and went to go deal with an actual threat in the neighbouring major cap. What a guy.

October 1st, 2012, 11:37 PM
I play on US west (Amalthea), every single day it's <20% Vanu, ~25% TR, >50% NC.

Friend and I were playing earlier, he was capping a point with a bunch of guys and a plane piloted by 'ObamaCareRules' slowly floats down and sprays them all with bullets through the window, then whispers him "hey there". He then began fucking with us, playing a terrifying game of hide and seek across an open plain we had to cross, then when a friendly finally appeared and shot him down we hunted him on foot. It was awful. He plays like we do, light assault, always moving and appearing where least expected.

He had us going for over an hour before he finally let us cap the shitty backwater we were facing off against him in, and went to go deal with an actual threat in the neighbouring major cap. What a guy.

That's why the scale of this game is so awesome. You can have your hugeass battles if you want to, but there's still massive room for hide and seek.

October 2nd, 2012, 08:42 AM
An update on the update lol:

As you may have read in Matt's post last week, the next update will wipe all character information help us further our testing process. We hope you've enjoyed this week's quick cert gains.

The exciting part of this is the Esamir continent many of you have been waiting for will be available! Pack your thermals, because you'll need them!

Finally, in order to help balance our testing load, we are reducing the number of available servers. We'll provide more details as we get closer to the update.

Source (http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/upcoming-character-wipe-and-server-balance-10-01-2012.26503/#post-351744)

Looks like we'll be getting some help with deciding which server to use when setting up PlanetSide Modacity after Esamir launches.

October 4th, 2012, 12:29 AM
Well, fuckin' eh. Our choice just got a whole lot simpler: https://twitter.com/j_smedley/status/253619898809454592

(https://twitter.com/j_smedley/status/253619898809454592)Going from 9 servers to 2 servers with two continents each on them. 1 US server and 1 EU server. That means we're going with US. I suggest New Conglomerate as our faction.

October 4th, 2012, 12:33 AM
Noes, the only good thing about the New Conglomerate is their main battle-tank. :c

October 4th, 2012, 01:06 AM
Noes, the only good thing about the New Conglomerate is their main battle-tank. :c

But they have the coolest colours and best looking unique vehicles. :iia:

October 4th, 2012, 01:08 AM
i see a lot of people playing NC. i dont have a preference though, since i havent played the game yet.
if anyone has any extra beta keys from the planetside fairy, i wouldnt mind one, lol.

October 4th, 2012, 01:47 AM
But they have the coolest colours and best looking unique vehicles. :iia:

And the campiest theme music...

Naw, Terran Republic man...red/black/white is always more badass than blue and gold. Their guns are also way better...and better-looking.

October 4th, 2012, 02:10 AM
Anyone have an extra code? The one I got at PAX doesn't seem to be valid/working right now.

October 4th, 2012, 04:01 AM
The VP gave out this on reddit yesterday:


Needless to say, they are all gone.

Try the beg thread (http://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/uxnu4/beta_key_megathread_2_mooching_boogaloo/). And watch this video:


I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have gotten a beta key if the guy who gave me mine didn't recognize me from the RRF.

October 4th, 2012, 04:04 AM
That's not helpful then.

October 4th, 2012, 06:08 AM
I got mine via begging on Twitter. Considering it took some people several days, I did pretty well.

e/ Vanu have the best infantry weapons and their tanks rape stupid pubs who can't deal with circlestrafing. Their sniper rifles are pretty weak, NC has the best one, but that doesn't really matter as they're planning to round them out anyway.

Can't wait to fight in the snow. It might help with the near-suicidal depression that sets in with the hotter months. I hate this place.

October 4th, 2012, 11:44 AM
i made a post in the beg thread.

got a key because the dude had a neurological disorder.

October 4th, 2012, 12:45 PM
I'm gonna just send in a support ticket and let them know the key I have from PAX isn't working anymore... Who knows maybe someone will hear muh plea

October 4th, 2012, 02:36 PM
wow somebody took "thekillerdonut" as a player name. just tried to sign up and the name was taken. thats a first...

what a crock of dicks.

October 4th, 2012, 03:00 PM
I'm gonna just send in a support ticket and let them know the key I have from PAX isn't working anymore... Who knows maybe someone will hear muh plea

That's probably more likely to get you a key than anything else. Maybe those keys expired after a certain period of time? In any case, the'll probably give you one anyway since they seem to be throwing them out like nothing these days.

October 6th, 2012, 01:24 PM
Easmir + Huge patch is released (http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/update-notes-10-06-2012.27227/). Go and download that 5GB beast.

Beware if you play on the EU servers as a faction other than NC:


October 6th, 2012, 03:18 PM
further proof that nc is a terrible faction full of scum and villainy

October 6th, 2012, 04:54 PM
Ive got an extra code, anyone want it?

October 6th, 2012, 05:14 PM
I can has?

October 6th, 2012, 08:28 PM
I got mine code, Terran Republic here I come.:cop:

October 6th, 2012, 09:07 PM
Got my beta access too. Installing now.

October 6th, 2012, 09:13 PM
Installed, can't enter servers since they're full...

EDIT: Got in the NA server, extremely laggy. Terminals take up to a minute to respond and another minute to react to changes. Game is unplayable in this state.

October 6th, 2012, 10:17 PM
where are you guys getting these codes at?

October 6th, 2012, 10:25 PM
I got mine through non-standard channels, though I hear a bunch of buddy codes went out recently.

October 6th, 2012, 11:16 PM
where are you guys getting these codes at?

I got mine through non-standard channels, though I hear a bunch of buddy codes went out recently.

Random shit from tweeting them shitty art to begging for one in the beg thread on /r/planetside of Reddit. Everyone currently in beta got an extra key by way of e-mail with the release of the new patch this morning. So, yes, I have an extra key to give out to someone here. Whoever wants it may have it so long as they promise to actually be active in the game and play with us if it's possible.
While writing this I just realized that I've given out a fair bit of shit on this forum to people:mech2:.

further proof that nc is a terrible faction full of scum and villainy

The Terran oppressors are the ones who drove us to this!

Installed, can't enter servers since they're full...

EDIT: Got in the NA server, extremely laggy. Terminals take up to a minute to respond and another minute to react to changes. Game is unplayable in this state.

This is what happens when you take the playerbase spanning 9 servers and smush them into two: clusterfuck and anarchy.

October 7th, 2012, 01:05 AM
I signed up through nvidia

October 7th, 2012, 02:12 AM
id love it amit

October 7th, 2012, 03:07 AM
EDIT: Got in the NA server, extremely laggy. Terminals take up to a minute to respond and another minute to react to changes. Game is unplayable in this state.
possibly a problem on your end. was playing on same servers around same time, had some lag but nothing that severe.

there were like 2k people on the one server earlier, so it did cause some weird bugs like ghosts and shit, but it was surprisingly playable for that load and i don't doubt it'll only get better with subsequent tests.

The Terran oppressors are the ones who drove us to this!
then join a faction which actually takes skill to play, namely vanu

October 7th, 2012, 03:11 AM
then join a faction which actually takes skill to play, namely vanu

You're joking. Vanu doesn't take any more skill to play than NC. The guns on Vanu rifles are superior to that of the NC's carbines and MGs. The Scythe, I've never used so I can't comment on that.

October 7th, 2012, 03:40 AM
Vanu are more about mobility whereas NC have the broken ass super-MAX with its broken ass scatter cannon, the only 1SK sniper rifle in the game, and a tank which can temporarily become impervious to all damage and also has a fuckoff cannon on it. Vanu, meanwhile, have light and agile vehicles which die if something looks at them crossways, so they take some degree of skill and sound tactical thinking to use. Being able to climb steep hills and ignore otherwise treacherous terrain, as well as being able to strafe, change direction suddenly, and boost around, makes manoeuvre warfare an actual thing for the VS and it feels a lot more rewarding.

The fact Vanu infantry weapons are so good is completely negated when things get heated and the NC start bringing MAX suits, because the Vanu MAX is totally outclassed by them.

October 7th, 2012, 08:35 PM
Are you fucking kidding me, NC have the best MAX? We have the worst one of all! You guys get cool MGs and shit and we start off with a shotgun that can barely hit anything except in extreme close quarters. Also, it's hardly an advantage to have a high powered bolt action sniper rifle when the TR and VS have one that's slightly less powerful, but semi-auto. Take two shots instead of one and you don't even have to hit the head. If NC wants a 1 shot kill, they have to hit the head. It's not that difficulty standing stil;, but in battle when standing still means you're dead, it can be pretty hard to land those head shots.

October 7th, 2012, 09:20 PM
You have to be high. The Vanu MAX MGs are next to worthless at any kind of range (including close) while the scattercannon demolishes everything close-up and is still viable even at ranges where our MG is worthless.

NC is perpetually overpopulated anyway.

October 7th, 2012, 10:32 PM
rabble rabble rabble

October 10th, 2012, 11:39 PM
Who wants a free PS2 beta key????

Go here (http://www.planetside-universe.com/keyexchange.php), make an an account for the forums, make one post anywhere in the forums, wait 2 hours, then go back to the link I provided here and select Planetside 2 from the list of games. On the new page will be a place where you can request a key. I can't confirm that this has worked yet, since I still have about 2 hours to wait, but others on Reddit have confirmed it working. I gave away my extra friend key today and did not even realize that Donut asked for it. Hopefully he can get one this way. This may be an easy way to swell the ranks of the PSM.

October 10th, 2012, 11:47 PM
<3 you amit :iamafag:
will post back and confirm whether or not this works for me

October 11th, 2012, 12:02 AM
Sure. You might as well create an account and have the two hour wait complete so when the time comes and if it works, then you should apply for a key.

October 11th, 2012, 01:58 AM
confirmed it works. got my key and beta access :neckbeard:

thank you amit

October 11th, 2012, 03:48 AM
Holy fuck. I forgot to go back and get an extra key for one of you guys.

EDIT: Oh wow, that's fucking legit. SOE president is giving these keys to planetside-universe.com. They must be a big community.

Rainbow Dash
October 13th, 2012, 06:40 PM
Would be nice if this game wasn't totally fucked on AMD Phenom IIs.

October 13th, 2012, 09:13 PM
Would be nice if this game wasn't totally fucked on AMD Phenom IIs.

My X4 955 BE is crying quietly while the Corsair H60 sucks away its sweet tears. I heard it's not just the Phenom IIs, it's every processor that's not an Intel Core iX series.

Btw, guys, I have 2 beta keys sitting here collecting dust. If you want a key and didn't fucking do what I told you to on the previous page because you're a lazy bastard, send me a PM with your real specs and I'll send you the key in return.

October 14th, 2012, 12:05 AM
I heard it's not just the Phenom IIs, it's every processor that's not an Intel Core iX series.

I wouldn't know about that...


Downloading latest updates, I haven't checked this out in awhile.

October 14th, 2012, 12:10 AM
Intel fags.

October 14th, 2012, 12:16 AM

This is the first Intel machine I've had since 1995. AMD was simply a terrible option at the time I needed a new computer.

October 14th, 2012, 03:26 AM
Would be nice if this game wasn't totally fucked on AMD Phenom IIs.
it's a bit sluggish i guess but it runs playably for me???

x3 720

Rainbow Dash
October 14th, 2012, 05:10 PM
it's a bit sluggish i guess but it runs playably for me???

x3 720

I'm on all low with an x4 975 and and the performance is pathetic, 20-30 fps, lots of other people reporting the issue too, so I guess just gonna have to wait.

October 18th, 2012, 10:25 PM
People are being awesome with AA Liberators now (2nd video is bauss):



You need a good pilot to pull stuff like that off.

October 18th, 2012, 10:32 PM
Once the AU server comes online it might be finally time to brush the dust off of my Sidewinder 3D Pro B)

October 18th, 2012, 11:55 PM
i'll be staying in the us servers, gotta play w/ my bros

October 18th, 2012, 11:57 PM
i'll be staying in the us servers, gotta play w/ my bros

Which reminds me. I have one last unused beta key for whoever needs one still.

October 19th, 2012, 01:37 AM
i'll be staying in the us servers, gotta play w/ my bros

I'm barely back from uni before the servers shut down :(

October 19th, 2012, 01:37 AM
that just shows how completely retarded and insane the flight dynamics are in this game

also, are scythes made out of fuckign ice crystals or someting?

they die in like 5 hits from ANYTHING, while i have to unload three ENTIRE FUCKING MAGS from a scythe into a liberator to kill that shit

October 19th, 2012, 02:20 AM
Liberators got an HP boost in a recent patch. Before that, pretty much anything brought it down with just 1 mag.

October 19th, 2012, 02:29 AM
Yeah, they used to be fairly easy to kill.

October 19th, 2012, 05:16 AM
You need a good pilot to pull stuff like that off.
Shit really? I must be a natural because I was doing exactly that the first time I jumped into one and someone in a fighter started to pursue us. It just makes sense that you want to get your most powerful guns to bear.

October 19th, 2012, 08:55 AM
Shit really? I must be a natural because I was doing exactly that the first time I jumped into one and someone in a fighter started to pursue us. It just makes sense that you want to get your most powerful guns to bear.

First: Oh jesus, your Rep lol.

2nd, If you're familiar with flying in other games, you shouldn't have too much difficulty. Most of the people I've ran into in PS2 through squads don't really know how to fly beyond a Galaxy because its so slow lol. It's one of those games where you start flying and instantly know how to use the aircraft or you crash and burn and have to practice it more.

3rd, Amerish Reveal:


Can't wait to play on that beautiful map.

October 19th, 2012, 06:43 PM
Just got emailed an extra key if anyone is still after one.

October 20th, 2012, 04:55 PM
Uggh, getting tired of these every other day 2.5 gig update downloads xP Still enjoying the game however :)

October 20th, 2012, 05:11 PM
Uggh, getting tired of these every other day 2.5 gig update downloads xP Still enjoying the game however :)

Get used to it. The patches were larger a month ago.

Rainbow Dash
October 20th, 2012, 07:37 PM
They're announcing a release date, yet their game is still a colossal memory hog, and still doesn't work very well on non intel core iX processors, lol, great, I love this trend of developers releasing games that are effectively glorified betas.

October 20th, 2012, 10:17 PM
Planetside 2 isn't a glorified beta. It really is a beta, but with a release date that scares pretty much everyone.

Rainbow Dash
October 21st, 2012, 12:03 AM
Planetside 2 isn't a glorified beta. It really is a beta, but with a release date that scares pretty much everyone.

I was referring to the trend (and by trend I mean plague) of developers releasing games as release builds while they are still buggy and unstable as fuck. I find it pretty doubtful that they'll manage to clean up the multitude of issues the game has in a month to meet their release date.

October 21st, 2012, 02:21 AM
Uggh, getting tired of these every other day 2.5 gig update downloads xP Still enjoying the game however :)
I pity you people with your bandwidth caps and average download speeds.

Everyone lets move to Kansas City and get Google Fiber.

October 21st, 2012, 04:25 AM
I'm up for it if the Tornadoes and Republicans don't fuck us up.

October 21st, 2012, 08:04 AM
Fair enough, it's like a half-hour drive for me.

As your official Kansan/Missouri guide, I will fight off Tornadoes with my bull-whip. Replicans are another matter entirely. Just throw logic in their face and they'll hurt themselves in their confusion. It's really the only way to counter them.

October 21st, 2012, 12:32 PM
You guys are insufferable sometimes. xD

October 21st, 2012, 06:11 PM
no, you're just a cunt.

October 21st, 2012, 08:31 PM
no, you're just a cunt.

Aww, did I offend widdle neuwo? ;3

Also, anyone have a good guide or bit of information as far as the unlock system is concerned? I knew that you used to be able to pick up new weapons off of dead players, now its back to a point system, but there really isn't much explaination as to how you earn those credits or points.

October 21st, 2012, 11:14 PM
You earn certs for every 250 exp (4 x increase from before). Certs have replaced Auraxium as the main currency as a result of this change. You don't buy infantry weapons anymore. You can use certs to unlock them just like regular cert upgrades. Vehicle weapons are still purchased from the store section, but using certs now. Also, there is a passive gain of certs, but I don't remember what it is currently. Launches November 20th.

October 22nd, 2012, 01:55 AM
now they just need to get rid of those retarded boosters implants


October 22nd, 2012, 02:46 AM
You earn certs for every 250 exp (4 x increase from before). Certs have replaced Auraxium as the main currency. You don't buy infantry weapons anymore. You can use certs to unlock them just like regular cert upgrades.

Ah, thank you, it actually makes sense now xD

October 22nd, 2012, 01:33 PM
Aww, did I offend widdle neuwo? ;3

don't flatter yourself, maggot-ridden horsecunt.
you couldn't if you tried.

t3h m00kz
October 22nd, 2012, 01:56 PM

October 22nd, 2012, 01:59 PM
yeah really. what just happened? did i miss something?

t3h m00kz
October 22nd, 2012, 03:22 PM
Nothing but a whole bunch of mad

October 23rd, 2012, 12:17 PM
yeah really. what just happened? did i miss something?

Nuero got mad again :3

Rainbow Dash
October 27th, 2012, 02:39 PM

agree with almost everything in this

October 27th, 2012, 09:20 PM
"Oh my god..."


I watched that shit happen live in-game lol.

Also, if anyone has any extra beta keys, I'd be glad to take them. There are 5 guys in a group that I play DayZ with that are interested in the beta and are ready to play, so any extra keys would be highly appreciated.

October 27th, 2012, 09:39 PM
I dont mean to piss over Amits post, but I didnt even realise this was in beta and I'm dying to try it out. Looks awesome, how long you guys been playing beta so far, and how long of beta is left?

Rainbow Dash
October 28th, 2012, 01:25 AM
I dont mean to piss over Amits post, but I didnt even realise this was in beta and I'm dying to try it out. Looks awesome, how long you guys been playing beta so far, and how long of beta is left?

The game releases in under a month.

Been playing for a few weeks, but the game is still filled to the brim with massive issues. Performance and stability are really bad (played 2 hours today, crashed 4 times).

There's also some pretty serious balance issues, for instance, at the moment aircraft are borderline useless.

The game is def a lot of fun, but I can't imagine many people sticking around if the piss poor performance isn't fixed soon.

I can not figure out why they're so eager to call the game releasable, where they'll be getting rid of their one excuse for all the issues the game has, because there is no chance in hell they can fix all the problems the game has in under a month.

October 28th, 2012, 02:16 PM
I've never had the game crash, but performance is a huge problem, there's still lots of bugs (many being added in new patches, BF3 style), and the Galaxies are about the only useful aircraft there is.

October 28th, 2012, 02:43 PM
It wasn't acceptable for DICE to do it the way they did, either...

That said, I've had Planetside 2 crash on more than one occasion, and always under different circumstances.

October 28th, 2012, 05:12 PM
If I try to minimize it for any reason, it crashes for me :\

October 29th, 2012, 06:38 AM
planetside2 takes up to 5 minutes to load for me.

the performance is awful.
and honestly, the game is really boring.
i can't play more than 2 hours before entering the 'sigh, i guess ill just fuck around a bit, suiciding aircraft into vehicles or whatever' -mode

i haven't had it crash on me yet, but the frame-freezes are literally destroying the game for me.
at any point you get into a scenario where you need quick reactions (like chasing down an aircraft or something) the game just fucking FREEZES for a second, and i can't do a damn thing, and generally i end up driving my aircraft into a fucking mountainside.

October 29th, 2012, 07:29 AM
You haven't found a single hot-spot? Hot-spots are basically Battlefield 3 intensity zones, even more so if it is a three-way struggle for a capture point...

October 29th, 2012, 09:22 AM
it's not that i can't find combat, it's just that the combat is boring as fuck.

actually it's the fact the entire combat system is a COD-BF3 clone

3 hits of anything, you're fucking DEAD.
you get hit-direction-indicators, but they don't do you any good because if you get hit once, you're already halfway to being fucking DEAD again.

it feels like the entire game has hardcore-mode on, and i fucking hate it.

you've got shields apparently, really, what do they absorb, half a fucking bullet?
i don't think i've EVER had an instance where i was left with even the slightest bit of shield left.
i've never liked any game that had this stupid low health system.
also it's the future, everyone is wearing fucking armor with SHIELDS, it's not realistic, you don't need to make a realistic shooter out of this.

the shooters i loved more than anything were Halo, Global Agenda, and even Section 8.
the games were you needed some sustained aiming to take down a person, instead of just spraying in a general direction and 3 random hits will kill a person.

i've been pumping all my certs into shields and armor, but so far it make absolutely DICK difference.


this turned into a bit of a ragepost, but this issue has been by far easily the most annoying to me.
i just don't see the fun in this type of combat where you die in half a second without a chance to save your own ass.
i don't see any skill-factor in it, only a whoever-opens-fire-first-factor

October 29th, 2012, 11:43 AM
planetside2 takes up to 5 minutes to load for me.

the performance is awful.
and honestly, the game is really boring.
i can't play more than 2 hours before entering the 'sigh, i guess ill just fuck around a bit, suiciding aircraft into vehicles or whatever' -mode

i haven't had it crash on me yet, but the frame-freezes are literally destroying the game for me.
at any point you get into a scenario where you need quick reactions (like chasing down an aircraft or something) the game just fucking FREEZES for a second, and i can't do a damn thing, and generally i end up driving my aircraft into a fucking mountainside.

If it takes 5 minutes to start up, that's an issue with your machine or maybe it's just poor compatibility, but I've never heard anyone complain of loading issues lol. Freeze frames are an issue, but not for that many people (I'm using sub-par components across the board and having no issues). Try updating or rolling back GPU drivers? Also, don't play by yourself. This is a team-based game and if you don't find yourself a good squad, you're gonna have a less than satisfactory time.

this turned into a bit of a ragepost, but this issue has been by far easily the most annoying to me.
i just don't see the fun in this type of combat where you die in half a second without a chance to save your own ass.
i don't see any skill-factor in it, only a whoever-opens-fire-first-factor

I don't know when last you played, but it definitely takes at least half a magazine to take someone down who has full shields. Headshots take you down considerably faster, so maybe everyone's just hitting you in the head :P

October 29th, 2012, 11:57 AM
naw mang, i play with CONSIDERABLE lag from a shitty connection in italy, which is the africa of europe in terms of technolical spread, to a US server, and i still drop people more often than they drop me, ofcourse i empty out my entire fucking gun in their general direction, but if just aim and hold mouse1 will win you the game, that's fucking stupid.

October 29th, 2012, 04:01 PM
I can actually agree about the combat. They are obviously trying to emulate the Battlefield formula, but they've done it in an awkward fashion. The classes are confused, shields are a token gimmick, and the vehicles are clunky (except the Lightning...which is butt-fucking awesome).

The game as it is is a hybrid of Battlefield and Tribes and it doesn't take advantage of the strong suits of either.

Rainbow Dash
October 29th, 2012, 08:05 PM
Might as well just get rid of medic honestly, it serves fuck all of a purpose when people die ridiculously fast.

Though on a game of this scale that makes perfect sense, like are you really going to have 20v20 battles where everyone is a pain in the dick to kill?

October 29th, 2012, 09:52 PM
The shields should behave like they do in Crysis 2 multiplayer. You can kill a guy in a second if you can keep your gun trained, but he can also take some hits. It comes down to how good you are with your weapons, also known as skill.

October 30th, 2012, 02:44 AM
also it would help if they make snipers less fucking gimmicky.

a headshot will kill, but a bodyshit will do fuck all.
that's fucking retarded.

Rainbow Dash
October 30th, 2012, 08:09 AM
also the whole not being able to hold the gun straight while zoomed is obnoxious as fuck.

November 5th, 2012, 08:50 AM
so they optimised the hell out of the game the last patch.
probably helped that Totalbiscuit made a big fucking fuss about it.
game runs a lot smoother now, plus they did a bunch of gameplay tweaks that are WAY for the better.

longer spawntime (most needed fix ever)
and the fact most aircraft aren't made out of fucking toiletpaper anymore helps too.

still though, the aircraft rocketpod that everyone and his mum seems to have unlocked now are WAAYYYY to overpowered, since they can take out a main battle tank in a single volley, including massive splash damage makes them a bit OP AS FUCK.

still though, the game is better for it since air needed a bit of a buff to begin with.
whatever, make more AA.

November 5th, 2012, 09:43 AM
As much as I'd love to believe that a commentator's rant would have driven them to optimize the game, it was most likely just a pile of fixes that got pushed to the distro branch that have been in the works for who knows how long.

I've had a key for a long time now, but still haven't managed to download this and play.

November 6th, 2012, 03:18 AM
insane-long patchtimes for a 30 mb patch every day don't help either.

November 11th, 2012, 11:01 PM
I've got 5 buddy keys if anyone still needs one...

November 12th, 2012, 10:06 AM
http://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1321ek/planetside_2_emails_containing_beta_keys_beta/ more keys being dished out in this thread too.

Rainbow Dash
November 14th, 2012, 01:14 PM
Really wish they would rework weapons lock so that if you're killing plenty of enemies it won't give you shit because most of your team is retarded and running in front of a moving tank, or sniping in the middle of the road you're driving on. I keep getting loads and loads of warnings and very rarely has it actually been something that was my fault.

November 17th, 2012, 05:27 PM
Epic PlanetSide 2 drop pod assault. The video has a fitting title:


Too bad nobody else got another view of the drop.

November 18th, 2012, 05:06 PM
good shit

November 20th, 2012, 02:04 AM
PS2 Launch is today in 11 hours. This shit is gonna be real.

November 20th, 2012, 02:31 AM
actually looking forward to this, dont know fucking anything about it though, played like 3-4 hours of the beta doing stealth caps.

November 20th, 2012, 10:01 AM
3 hours until the sex begins.

November 20th, 2012, 10:48 AM
You mean Assassin's Creed III right?!


November 21st, 2012, 12:48 AM
F. U.

downloaded, had a few hours of fun in the beta, cant wait to actually learn how to play this game.

November 21st, 2012, 02:18 AM
I uninstalled and reinstalled on Steam. Still haven't got around to playing this enough...

November 21st, 2012, 03:52 AM
I'm playing on the Mattherson [US East] server as Amit if anyone is interested in squadding up. I am in the Terran Republic against my will. I wished to be playing New Congomerate (face it, they just look better than the Vanu freaks and Terran oppressors), but I run an outfit at Vigor Gamers (http://vigorgamers.com) and there was a vote for TR :( Won't stop me from blowing the shit out of the alien bastards and rebel scum, though.

November 21st, 2012, 05:46 AM
I've been trying to play but the servers keep going down and I'm getting nowhere.

I'll be Vanu on Mattherson, though. I'm already Terran on Jaeger. Names are Axial and Coaxial, respectively.

November 21st, 2012, 10:40 PM
Wow PlanetSide 2 is pretty at night:


November 21st, 2012, 11:32 PM
This game is awesome and everybody needs to play it.

Rainbow Dash
November 22nd, 2012, 12:10 AM
Maybe when they fix up the performance issues.

November 22nd, 2012, 12:35 AM
Maybe when they fix up the performance issues.
Sounds like a personal problem.

See what I did there?

November 22nd, 2012, 01:10 AM
Maybe when they fix up the performance issues.

According to my conversation with Amit earlier today, they did. I never had problems before, but now I'm seeing unholy framerates (80+) rather than simply adequate (~40-60).

Rainbow Dash
November 22nd, 2012, 02:04 AM
Sounds like a personal problem.

See what I did there?

I meet the minimum gpu requirements, and my cpu is well above the minimum, I should not be getting barely playable fpses of 20-30, thank you very much!

November 22nd, 2012, 02:38 AM
Okay, what the fuck. I just tried to launch the game, and it tells me that it's not compatible with the version of Windows that I'm running. What the hell is going on here?

Edit: I'll tell you what's going on here. My shitty-ass Caviar Green drive is corrupting the files, that's what is going on here.

November 22nd, 2012, 02:53 AM
I meet the minimum gpu requirements, and my cpu is well above the minimum, I should not be getting barely playable fpses of 20-30, thank you very much!

What are your specs and settings? Game doesn't seem to like AMD CPUs, but I manage upwards of 40FPS on all low except textures and model detail (which are on high) on the HD5750 1GB. Let me tell you, they did a lot of work on performance. I've seen a 20 FPS average improvement over what was in beta a month ago. It's not a huge amount for people with old and mid-range components like me, but it's a start. Game still looks fantastic on low settings, just like BF3.

November 22nd, 2012, 04:31 AM
game feels like a constant 1 vs 50 at the moment, and everyone is fucking retarded.

this is why i hate free to play, NO level of entry.
every down-syndrome fuckwit can walz in and be a cunt.

to illustrate, a whole bunch times i've just decided to jump into a group of 10 people and i murdered every single one of them.
playing on a US server from Italy on a shitty connection, with massive lag.
THATS how bad everyone is at this game.

November 22nd, 2012, 05:36 AM
I get jumped and still come out on top.

That said, I think the number of "good" players is small in any game, so I prefer to say that those of us who seem to "get it" are really good and everybody else is just normal. This game was also just released, so the general public have now been made aware of it with the announcement and are flooding in. They'll get better.

November 22nd, 2012, 05:36 AM
so, go solo and capture uncontested points.

November 22nd, 2012, 05:38 AM

What are your specs and settings? Game doesn't seem to like AMD CPUs, but I manage upwards of 40FPS on all low except textures and model detail (which are on high) on the HD5750 1GB. Let me tell you, they did a lot of work on performance. I've seen a 20 FPS average improvement over what was in beta a month ago. It's not a huge amount for people with old and mid-range components like me, but it's a start. Game still looks fantastic on low settings, just like BF3.

I just realized that when I last played I was doing so maxed on a single HD7970 at 2560x1440. I've since corrected this error and enabled the other one, and should see amazing smoothness now.

Bottom line, I wouldn't have been able to do that during beta. Now I can.

November 22nd, 2012, 06:52 AM
just in time for me to recover from my FPS down time. also f2p is awesome. all my bad company 2 buddies can play with me too :iamafag:

also, if anybody is new to this and isnt really sure whats going on, this guy (http://www.youtube.com/user/rivaLxfactor) made a bunch of beginner tutorial videos for the game. its been a big help to me

November 22nd, 2012, 10:25 AM
Jump pads are a light assault's best friend. Just spent like 15 minutes bouncing in laps around Freyr Amp Station's watchtowers murdering oblivious NC retards before one finally got me, since I was down to knife and pistol by then.

Rainbow Dash
November 22nd, 2012, 12:14 PM
What are your specs and settings? Game doesn't seem to like AMD CPUs, but I manage upwards of 40FPS on all low except textures and model detail (which are on high) on the HD5750 1GB. Let me tell you, they did a lot of work on performance. I've seen a 20 FPS average improvement over what was in beta a month ago. It's not a huge amount for people with old and mid-range components like me, but it's a start. Game still looks fantastic on low settings, just like BF3.

ati hd 4850
amd phenom ii x4 975
16gb ram

I have tried almost every possible combination of settings, and the best part is that on low with effects on medium, the game says my gpu is limiting my fps, and won't give me more than 20-30, yet on medium-high I get around 30-60 and it says my cpu is the bottleneck.

The game is fucking insane.

November 22nd, 2012, 12:33 PM
Game runs better than ever for me now, I just cranked my settings up further today because it's so much smoother than beta. Weird.

Might be something like my old BF3 problem, where my hardware was fine but it ran shit anyway, even when all my other games didn't? I had to reinstall Windows to get around that one and still have no idea what the actual problem was, hopefully you haven't been cursed with same.

November 22nd, 2012, 02:27 PM
No, this game is a bit temperamental. I mean, it is way better than it used to be but apparently having two video cards doesn't do shit to help your performance. There are some areas where I'm getting 30-40 fps still, usually in the large bases. Micro-stuttering? Not sure. Dropping down to one card was pretty much identical.

Also, Ross, what faction/server are you?

Mine (faction/server/name):

Terran Republic/Jaeger/Coaxial

Haven't made a New Conglomerate character yet because New Conglomerate are scum. :v:

I love how when something bad happens as TR, the music is essentially a small clip from the Imperial March.

Rainbow Dash
November 22nd, 2012, 04:42 PM
oh also vanu, selentic, matherson.

November 22nd, 2012, 05:29 PM
I still don't understand what people see in the Terran Republic. Their armour is rounded and colour scheme is evil. New Conglomerate is bright and righteous and their armour looks like it actually covers what you hope it would that far into the future.

November 22nd, 2012, 06:30 PM
The evil colour scheme is a draw.

The weapons are perfect in behaviour.

The armour looks fine (Vanu look retarded in basically every facet).

New Conglomerate have shitty music, boxy guns, and that bright colour scheme is a turn off. Blue and Gold is Jersey colours, man...

Rainbow Dash
November 22nd, 2012, 06:54 PM
nc are basically libertarian scum fighting for corporate domination of humanity (you know, just like real libertarians) so fuck em!

November 22nd, 2012, 07:33 PM
nc are basically libertarian scum fighting for corporate domination of humanity (you know, just like real libertarians) so fuck em!
i thought that NC where basically rebels ala firefly.

November 22nd, 2012, 07:56 PM
I still don't understand what people see in the Terran Republic. Their armour is rounded and colour scheme is evil. New Conglomerate is bright and righteous and their armour looks like it actually covers what you hope it would that far into the future.
NC have the campiest theme music I have ever heard, look like an explosion in a paint factory, and their armour looks pretty ordinary. I'm not a huge fan of TR either but at least their uniforms are a little more subdued and their music isn't camp as all fuckoff.

The armour looks fine (Vanu look retarded in basically every facet).
Fuck you buddy, disco armour rules.

nc are basically libertarian scum fighting for corporate domination of humanity (you know, just like real libertarians) so fuck em!
This too. Fuck NC. NC is also heavily populated by Redditors and Games posters (fuck Games).

i thought that NC where basically rebels ala firefly.
No, they aren't. Even their blurb text alludes that there is more to them than simply wanting to rebel, suggesting they are strongly backed by a pretty economically powerful entity. Couple that with their outlook on life essentially being The Libertarian Dream and their really camp references to 'hostile takeovers' and other such corporate bullshit when they cap an area and it doesn't take much adding up. TR are space fascists, NC are space libertarians, and VS are space... sperglords, actually.

November 22nd, 2012, 09:29 PM
It's not the colours that make the VS look retarded, it's the shapes. The shapes are ugly, uninspired, unergonomic, and unalien (irony).

November 22nd, 2012, 09:37 PM
I'm not a fan of 90% of the design work in the game artwise, but there you go

November 22nd, 2012, 09:46 PM
Well, yeah, but the Vanu aesthetic is intolerable.

That said, I still play them. I don't play NC. :v:

November 22nd, 2012, 09:52 PM
i thought that NC where basically rebels ala firefly.

NC is the Independence
TR is the Alliance
VS is like sexy Reavers

NC have the campiest theme music I have ever heard, look like an explosion in a paint factory, and their armour looks pretty ordinary. I'm not a huge fan of TR either but at least their uniforms are a little more subdued and their music isn't camp as all fuckoff.

Meh, I don't care for their music. It's too trash rock for me. Their colour scheme is awesome though. Yellow on blue just screams freedom. Oh, and I have no idea what you mean by campy. Does it mean overdone or something? Tryhard?

It's not the colours that make the VS look retarded, it's the shapes. The shapes are ugly, uninspired, unergonomic, and unalien (irony).

Vanu helmets confuse me and their suits look like something out of Crysis.

New Conglomerate have shitty music, boxy guns, and that bright colour scheme is a turn off. Blue and Gold is Jersey colours, man...
The New Conglomerate looks good because of those things. It feels uniform because of the boxiness. Their armour is so good looking too. Look at the Heavy Assault on the left of this image (http://www.planetside-universe.com/media/album/rjyhahnf/20120608_4fd27538a05f3.jpg) and tell me he doesn't look badass. I dunno, I guess I'm just too hooked on the idea of being fully covered with armour after seeing Halo 3's ODSTs. Also, how is a bright and vibrant colour scheme a turn off?

November 22nd, 2012, 11:36 PM
btw i was in the galaxy drop that finished off amerish for the nc deal w/ it trhavers :realsmug:

November 23rd, 2012, 12:20 AM
On which server? Because us TR totally steamrolled Amerish on Jaeger starting around 15:00EST this afternoon.. NC had taken it over some time the previous night, and we liberated it. Fucked those pansies so hard.


We also had some of the most epic armoured warfare ever. There was something like thirty tanks duking it out.

Amit, a bright colour scheme? In a war zone? Also, I'm always partial to red-accented colour schemes on a dark base. Evil knows how to dress man.

November 23rd, 2012, 12:39 AM
btw i was in the galaxy drop that finished off amerish for the nc deal w/ it trhavers :realsmug:
where are the goons playing.

this is important.

November 23rd, 2012, 01:27 AM
where are the goons playing.

this is important.

all over the place

the most are in the nc on mattherson though

November 23rd, 2012, 01:41 AM
Meh, I don't care for their music. It's too trash rock for me. Their colour scheme is awesome though. Yellow on blue just screams freedom. Oh, and I have no idea what you mean by campy. Does it mean overdone or something? Tryhard?
Flamboyant. Not in a good way.

The New Conglomerate looks good because of those things. It feels uniform because of the boxiness. Their armour is so good looking too. Look at the Heavy Assault on the left of this image (http://www.planetside-universe.com/media/album/rjyhahnf/20120608_4fd27538a05f3.jpg) and tell me he doesn't look badass. I dunno, I guess I'm just too hooked on the idea of being fully covered with armour after seeing Halo 3's ODSTs. Also, how is a bright and vibrant colour scheme a turn off?
Blue and yellow is a gaudy matchup that should not be seen outside of sports jerseys and racing cars. WWI planes get a possible exception also, but that was for legitimate reasons. I'm rather nah to bright colours in a combat zone but even then, I am not a fan of bright colours unless they are shades of red. Anything else? Subdued is the best.

November 23rd, 2012, 02:05 AM
i dont know if im just completly retarded or what, but i regularly mix up vanu and NC guys, especially at night. when i glance around a corner in the heat of a fight, i find purple is a little too similar to blue for me, and i end up over looking them sometimes. i may have to play terran just so i know at a glance what not to shoot.

November 23rd, 2012, 04:11 AM
So us Vanu on Mattherson had the most epic defense of Watchtower in Indar. NC were pushing hard, then all of a sudden the TR showed up in force. It was balls to the wall. We kept it though, and then we went steamrolling through NC territory. Then we got to The Crow, held by the TR, and were stalled, then pushed back. The whole time everybody is trolling in the chat. It was glorious.

Seriously, I'm done with BF3. This game is just so much more chill (also better-made) and it's fucking awesome.

November 23rd, 2012, 06:01 AM

as euro, dont play on ameri-servers, or vice-versa

you're going to be dead before you see the other guy walk around the corner.


November 23rd, 2012, 06:12 AM
hey neuro, you want to try terrible? i dare you to play on an aussie server

November 23rd, 2012, 07:01 AM

as euro, dont play on ameri-servers, or vice-versa

you're going to be dead before you see the other guy walk around the corner.

suck it up pussy, i have played on the beta eu server and now play on the us servers, and while it was a bit iffy it was tolerable

also i was still owning publords so lol

November 23rd, 2012, 10:16 AM
Amit, a bright colour scheme? In a war zone? Also, I'm always partial to red-accented colour schemes on a dark base. Evil knows how to dress man.

Blue and yellow is a gaudy matchup that should not be seen outside of sports jerseys and racing cars. WWI planes get a possible exception also, but that was for legitimate reasons. I'm rather nah to bright colours in a combat zone but even then, I am not a fan of bright colours unless they are shades of red. Anything else? Subdued is the best.

In a real warzone those things apply, but in a colourful game like this I like the bright artistic take on the NC. From purely a visual point of view, it looks nice, but still makes no sense for going to battle in. It doesn't matter anyways. It's hard as hell to tell what faction is what farther than 500 meters away and even harder at night.


as euro, dont play on ameri-servers, or vice-versa

you're going to be dead before you see the other guy walk around the corner.


I have a friend out in the Faroe Islands and he connects and plays just fine on Mattherson US East.

Also, I found this on /r/PlanetSide yesterday:

Stupid Sexy Vanu

And this is why I love liberators: http://www.twitch.tv/buzzcutpsycho/c/1744988

November 23rd, 2012, 11:57 AM
to clarify, i was able to play on NA servers just fine in the beta, but now it's not doable anymore.

i can open fire at a guy at the same time he opens fire at me, and i'll ALWAYS be the dead guy, and the other guy will always have maybe his shields taken off.
this issue is comletely gone when i connect to EU servers.

selentic had the same thing when he connected to my EU server from canada, so it's not just me.

the game disguises the lag REALLY very well, it only became apparent to me after a whole bunch of times where i clearly had the drop on someone and he would simply kill me before i would kill him, and it wasn't a case of bad aiming, i did some testing.

it'll 100% appear everything plays just fine, until you get into a case of 2 people opening fire (from client perspective) at the exact same time, and coming out on bottom 100% of the time. trust me on this one, it took me a little to fogure out, but when i had the same situations on euro, the issue would be completely gone.

all that together is all the proof i need really.

November 23rd, 2012, 03:40 PM
There had to be so. much. rage. after that Liberator bombing run. Fucking beautiful.

Also, when EU people play on the US servers, they are so laggy that they are litterally not visible for more than a fraction of a second at a time as they seemingly jump from place to place. It sucks for both of us.

Is hit-detection client- or server-side in PS2?

November 24th, 2012, 03:10 PM
The Dalton on a Lib is the most wonderful thing. Two guys standing near each other? CHOOM. Not any more!

Also I swatted a Scythe out of the sky (was playing NC with some friends who insist I be a blue shitlord with them) with a complete luckshot. That felt good.

to clarify, i was able to play on NA servers just fine in the beta, but now it's not doable anymore.

i can open fire at a guy at the same time he opens fire at me, and i'll ALWAYS be the dead guy, and the other guy will always have maybe his shields taken off.
this issue is comletely gone when i connect to EU servers.

selentic had the same thing when he connected to my EU server from canada, so it's not just me.

the game disguises the lag REALLY very well, it only became apparent to me after a whole bunch of times where i clearly had the drop on someone and he would simply kill me before i would kill him, and it wasn't a case of bad aiming, i did some testing.

it'll 100% appear everything plays just fine, until you get into a case of 2 people opening fire (from client perspective) at the exact same time, and coming out on bottom 100% of the time. trust me on this one, it took me a little to fogure out, but when i had the same situations on euro, the issue would be completely gone.

all that together is all the proof i need really.
I generally either get the drop or just deal with it, but I'm not fussy - I've had to deal with hideous lag almost my entire gaming life, PS2's isn't bad by comparison.

November 24th, 2012, 03:14 PM
you don't seem to understand how insanely shit my italian internet is :)

November 24th, 2012, 03:20 PM
you don't seem to understand how insanely shit my italian internet is :)

Oh wtf, I thought you were still in France. Your lag issues make more sense now.

November 24th, 2012, 03:48 PM
Oh wtf, I thought you were still in France. Your lag issues make more sense now.

no shit man, french internet is like super hispeed 13242345234GB/s compared to this horseshit i've got to deal with.

November 24th, 2012, 04:58 PM
complaining to an australian about internet.

wtf am i reading

November 25th, 2012, 09:20 AM
why dont you fags do a squad and we all go on epic raids together holding hands

November 25th, 2012, 11:14 AM
also just for the record, ross is really bad/mad at this game

Rainbow Dash
November 25th, 2012, 01:26 PM
if you're on matherson I'm down

also, good post about rocket pods from soe forums

Remove them entirely, and refund certs/SC.

If you want to attack the ground, use a A2G gun, or pull a lib.

ESF's should be used for air superiority and close air support. Not used as a faster, easier, more effective solo replacement for the lib.

ESF's should be clearing the skies of liberators, or escorting their own liberators. Libs can't dodge flak, outrun lockons, or juke fighters, their only option is to live through and get out of dodge. While a ESF with a decent pilot can fly around backwards raining death from the sky, all while breaking locks with terrain.

It isn't fun for the pilots, it isn't fun for the guys on the ground.

It isn't right

November 25th, 2012, 02:08 PM
I want to play this game but I'm not really sure which team to join

What are the pros and cons of each

November 25th, 2012, 02:12 PM
So is this game a public beta now? Its optimization is awful, lowering graphical settings doesn't help my FPS at all, even at lowest settings I average 15 FPS in a small biolab assault, and it crashes every 10 minutes or so

Rainbow Dash
November 25th, 2012, 02:43 PM
I want to play this game but I'm not really sure which team to join

What are the pros and cons of each

terran republic are fascists

nc are rabid ron paul groupies

vanu are carl sagan's brainchildren

this should make it clear which faction is the one to join.

So is this game a public beta now? Its optimization is awful, lowering graphical settings doesn't help my FPS at all, even at lowest settings I average 15 FPS in a small biolab assault, and it crashes every 10 minutes or so

Crashes seem to be pretty common with beta drivers for Nvidia and AMD right now, so if you're using those that might be the cause, but yeah, the optimization is fucking terrible. It was a really fucking stupid move to release the game this early, while most people can't even play it decently.

Get a few friends and fly around in a liberator 800 meters up, atleast then you might get a tolerable framerate.

November 25th, 2012, 04:21 PM
Thanks. What about gameplay-ways though, what's the difference between them in that regard, if there is one

Rainbow Dash
November 25th, 2012, 05:08 PM
Thanks. What about gameplay-ways though, what's the difference between them in that regard, if there is one

Each faction has their own battle tank, and fighter, and their weapons all slightly differently, for instance tr fire fast and have big magazines while doing less damage per shot, nc has slower but higher power weapons, and I think vanu's have less falloff but lose damage over range.

Each side has their own advantages but overall it's pretty minor and it just comes down to whatever faction's ideology you like the most.

November 25th, 2012, 07:02 PM
thanks sel. I think I'll probably play vanu when I fire this game up

if for no other reason than because their armor makes them look like space pimps.

November 25th, 2012, 07:13 PM
plus at least the vanu know what they're fighting for, and the other 2 factions are all just 'FUCK YEAH 'MERIKUHH YEAHHHH'

also they look different enough that you don't end up shooting teammates all the time.

November 25th, 2012, 07:40 PM
TR are trying to keep their "nation" in one piece.

NC are trying to secede from the TR for corporate reasons.

VS just want to "enlighten" everybody, which apparently involves dressing like a retard.

Each side has their own advantages but overall it's pretty minor and it just comes down to whatever faction's ideology you like the most.

Or which team's aesthetic you prefer. I think the Vanu look atrocious and the Terran Republic look the prettiest.

Aside, I'm Vanu on Mattherson. Name is "SG11681" for those who want to add me.

November 25th, 2012, 08:43 PM
why cant the rebels be firefly's :(

November 25th, 2012, 08:47 PM
after having tried this game, I think I need a better PC to play it. Which is a first for me, i've never had any trouble running anything.

The recommended settings make it look like it runs on playstation 1 and the ground keeps flickering

November 25th, 2012, 11:14 PM
why cant the rebels be firefly's :(

Play NC and don't look back. The purple freaks and oppressors in black & red will tell you otherwise, but do not fall for it!

NC are trying to secede from the TR for corporate reasons.

The NC started out as corporations, but with the fascist Terran regime trying to restrict the freedom of the people, they have decided to separate the only way the can: through armed separatism.

after having tried this game, I think I need a better PC to play it. Which is a first for me, i've never had any trouble running anything.

The recommended settings make it look like it runs on playstation 1 and the ground keeps flickering

Chances are it's not your system, but the game's pretty bad optimization. Well, we don't know yet how optimized the game can get since no game has ever done what PS2 does.

November 25th, 2012, 11:54 PM
let me tell you about my deep feelings about the lore of planetside:

November 26th, 2012, 12:28 AM
Play NC and don't look back. The purple freaks and oppressors in black & red will tell you otherwise, but do not fall for it!

The NC started out as corporations, but with the fascist Terran regime trying to restrict the freedom of the people, they have decided to separate the only way the can: through armed separatism.

Chances are it's not your system, but the game's pretty bad optimization. Well, we don't know yet how optimized the game can get since no game has ever done what PS2 does.
I'm not sure i wanna play as the "Tea party" in space.

November 26th, 2012, 12:47 AM
I'll be playing as TR.

Rainbow Dash
November 26th, 2012, 12:59 AM

I'm not sure i wanna play as the "Tea party" in space.

hahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahaahaahhahahaha h

I love you

November 26th, 2012, 03:55 AM
Play NC and don't look back. The purple freaks and oppressors in black & red will tell you otherwise, but do not fall for it!

No, don't listen to him. He's just jealous because NC can't seem to hold significant ground for more than an hour at a time.

The NC started out as corporations, but with the fascist Terran regime trying to restrict the freedom of the people, they have decided to separate the only way the can: through armed separatism.

tl;dr: they didn't want to give the gubment a cut of the profits. Talk about extreme tax evasion, sleazy bastards. :p

So, I've forced the game to run on Ultra graphics by modifying the UserOptions.ini file, and it actually looks notably better.

To use these, locate the UserOptions.ini file in your PlanetSide 2 folder. (If you downloaded it through Steam, for example, it will be found in C:/Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\PlanetSide 2). Open the file in Notepad, and replace the entire [Rendering] section with this.


Congratulations! You now have Ultra High graphics.

Obviously, adjust depending on the brand of video card you are using. That all said, SOE needs to implement Crossfire support for this game already. It runs well enough on one card, but I want uber smooth.

Rainbow Dash
November 26th, 2012, 11:01 AM
ok so sel's list of gameplay changes that need to happen to this game to make it better

remove esf rockets (http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/bought-rocketpods.49266/)
nerf zepher and dalton for liberator, and give liberators enough health so that it can actually it stay in combat long enough for the shredder to do things.
buff liberator tailgun so that it's actually able to kill things, instead of just being a worthless seat that is used as a last ditch effort to down an enemy esf
make it obvious that there's a hold breath key for snipers
make it obvious that you need to purchase more grenades with infantry resources
oh, also rework friendly fire system, or remove ff entirely, since me and literally everyone else I play with is tired of getting warnings because other teammates are colossal fucking morons


November 26th, 2012, 06:57 PM
So is this game a public beta now? Its optimization is awful, lowering graphical settings doesn't help my FPS at all, even at lowest settings I average 15 FPS in a small biolab assault, and it crashes every 10 minutes or so
It is released.

Your PC might not be up to it, what are your specs? My machine is pretty dated but I do have a fairly modern video card in there (a 560ti) which carries it for me. Large assaults can get laggy due to my CPU bottlenecking me, but usually it's not bad.

terran republic are fascists

nc are rabid ron paul groupies

vanu are carl sagan's brainchildren

this should make it clear which faction is the one to join.
Pretty much this

Play NC and don't look back. The purple freaks and oppressors in black & red will tell you otherwise, but do not fall for it!
You are getting way too into this, especially for such a terrible faction as full of terrible people as NC.

The NC started out as corporations, but with the fascist Terran regime trying to restrict the freedom of the people, they have decided to separate the only way the can: through armed separatism.
Read: libertarians being mind-controlled (haha not really, they're so stupid they'll willingly submit) by big business, just like real life!

I'm not sure i wanna play as the "Tea party" in space.
Goddamn son

November 26th, 2012, 09:02 PM


Yes thats Nc's warpgate, and yes all those troops on the ground, are at the exact edge of where you cant go.

any further and you die lmfao.

November 26th, 2012, 09:04 PM
That's status quo, dawg. Does Vanu ever not have majority control over Esamir?

November 26th, 2012, 09:23 PM
You are getting way too into this, especially for such a terrible faction as full of terrible people as NC.

This coming from the guy who made up his own story about the NC when there is no concrete info about their rebellion:

No, they aren't. Even their blurb text alludes that there is more to them than simply wanting to rebel, suggesting they are strongly backed by a pretty economically powerful entity. Couple that with their outlook on life essentially being The Libertarian Dream and their really camp references to 'hostile takeovers' and other such corporate bullshit when they cap an area and it doesn't take much adding up. TR are space fascists, NC are space libertarians, and VS are space... sperglords, actually.

I'll play by your logic, though. When your portal closes to Earth (your true allegiance) and the expeditionary force you were working with starts enacting draconian laws to limit your personal freedoms, why wouldn't you rebel? They started as corporate support for the Terran and then saw fit to withdraw, why does that make them "bad?"

So let's recap.

1. There's no other government than the Terran Republic.
2. NC was just a bunch of corporations, so they aren't government material.
3. Wormhole is closed, so you can't get back to Earth.

What option do you have other than becoming a libertarian? (As if that's a bad thing)

You're just way too opinionated, Ross. You think about this too much.

November 26th, 2012, 09:42 PM
This coming from the guy who made up his own story about the NC when there is no concrete info about their rebellion
Yes, notice how I am inferring that from a bare minimum of information. Their vocalisations, their little blurb, and just the general 'feel' I get from them. I think it to be fairly accurate.

Besides which, I have fairly large reasons for disliking the NC besides any potential ideology the faction has: it is full of terrible Reddit filth, Games posters, 4channers, and all sorts of other baddies. They constantly piss and moan about how they have it so hard and Vanu (hahaha) and TR (fair deal, they are OP) are so much better than them and so playing NC takes true skill (HAHAHA). They zerg pretty badly, almost as badly as TR. Before TR got so badly broken, they actually zerged far worse than TR currently do.

I'll play by your logic, though. When your portal closes to Earth (your true allegiance) and the expeditionary force you were working with starts enacting draconian laws to limit your personal freedoms, why wouldn't you rebel? They started as corporate support for the Terran and then saw fit to withdraw, why does that make them "bad?"
See above. What little background has been given on them implies they are more libertarian in nature than true fed-up revolutionaries. Even if they actually aren't (and really backstory matters practically nothing in PS), the fact they seem a bit that way seems a natural draw to those kinds of people, as well as people who unironically think the really campy faux-metal music is COOL and the blue and yellow and eagle icon is HARDCORE.

So let's recap.

1. There's no other government than the Terran Republic.
2. NC was just a bunch of corporations, so they aren't government material.
3. Wormhole is closed, so you can't get back to Earth.

What option do you have other than becoming a libertarian? (As if that's a bad thing)
It is, it's a horrifically bad thing as anybody with any genuine understanding of how the real world works will well understand. It's no coincidence that libertarians tend to be at their loudest in one of the youngest, most completely oblivious countries on Earth.

Besides which, there's always another option. You could:

a) work from within the TR to unfuck the system
b) join the Vanu and be autistic about Space Aliens
c) start your own little uprising, except left (correct) wing instead of right wing.

You're just way too opinionated, Ross. You think about this too much.
Maybe, but it gives me more excuses to hate on the faction I know to be absolutely brimming with the kinds of people I legitimately dislike. v:)v

November 26th, 2012, 10:20 PM
TR actually aren't OP. Nobody is OP. It's all perspective. TR weapons spray like asshole, they just have huge magazine sizes. NC weapons are actually really accurate, but they don't carry as much ammunition. And really, all of this only applies to the sniper rifles and the LMGs since the assault rifles all behave nearly identically. Every faction zergs, by the way. Just because you aren't in partaking in said zerg doesn't mean your side isn't doing it.

Also, this thread is turning political. Stahp, pls.

November 26th, 2012, 11:01 PM
It is, it's a horrifically bad thing as anybody with any genuine understanding of how the real world works will well understand. It's no coincidence that libertarians tend to be at their loudest in one of the youngest, most completely oblivious countries on Earth.

Fair enough for the real world, but I'm speaking within the context of Auraxis' current situation.

Maybe, but it gives me more excuses to hate on the faction I know to be absolutely brimming with the kinds of people I legitimately dislike. v:)v

You're generalizing an entire faction because you want to hate on people. If you want to hate on Reddit and all the others, then you must hate on TR and Vanu, too.

November 26th, 2012, 11:26 PM

redditors are Vanu and the TR have the enclave bro

also, it's you

you are the games poster

November 26th, 2012, 11:33 PM
TR actually aren't OP. Nobody is OP. It's all perspective.
Hahahah fuck off the Prowler is broken as fuck.

November 27th, 2012, 12:01 AM
Are you kidding? The Vanquisher schools all of the other tanks in the game with its massive cannon of rape. And if you want broken, try the Magrider, seeing as it can go just about anywhere.

Seriously, no faction is overpowered. All tallied up, none has any distinct advantage over the other two.

In defence of NC players, NC has goons on Mattherson and they are always fun to play against. So are Enclave.

November 27th, 2012, 01:27 AM
Uhh that would be the Vanguard, also it may have one powerful gun but the fucking Prowler can do that stupid siege mode deal and then pummel anything that comes near it with two rounds for every one the enemy gets off, since it has a comparable reload as well as the whole 'two barrels' thing. Also the Magrider's mobility is completely offset by how squishy it is, along with how slow it is to traverse (since the whole tank needs to rotate to hit anything not directly in front of it).

The Prowler is broken, period.

November 27th, 2012, 01:47 AM
Vanguard. Vanquisuer. Goliath. Fuck it, I don't pay attention to the names. The Prowler has two weaker rounds with a stupid left offset. I've also never had a problem with killing them and nor have I found myself at their mercy. And if you really want to get anal about it, the mobility of the Magrider and the extra plating on the Vanguard compensate for the Prowler getting two shots.

Prowler is not broken. Period. Play more TR, get into a real armoured battle, and then tell me how OP the Prowler is versus everybody else.

November 27th, 2012, 01:56 AM
Nobody said Baneblade. It is a good day. I play TR exclusively and I have to say that the Prowler feels good, but not too good. The double round thing is really only good if your enemy is a retard or if you're shooting at infantry.

November 27th, 2012, 02:53 AM
Been playing on Helios as TR. Grabbed the Tank Buster, Zepher, and A30 Walker for the Liberator... It's pretty ridiculous. My Zepher gunner had a killstreak of 72 at one point.

People are being awesome with AA Liberators now (2nd video is bauss):



You need a good pilot to pull stuff like that off.
As per this comment, my gunner was two-shotting pursuing fighters with the Zepher while I was doing this as the pilot. Our first A30 Walker gunner was doing really well when we were doing this as well, the second actually wanted the Basilisk re-equipped cause he said he couldn't hit anything with the Walker...

November 27th, 2012, 04:24 AM
liberators are teh sex man

i had the pleasure of gunning a Dalton.

those tanks had nowhere to run.
holy fuck that thing tears shit up.

November 27th, 2012, 08:29 AM
Also, this thread is turning political. Stahp, pls.

November 27th, 2012, 08:31 AM
Been playing on Helios as TR. Grabbed the Tank Buster, Zepher, and A30 Walker for the Liberator... It's pretty ridiculous. My Zepher gunner had a killstreak of 72 at one point.

As per this comment, my gunner was two-shotting pursuing fighters with the Zepher while I was doing this as the pilot. Our first A30 Walker gunner was doing really well when we were doing this as well, the second actually wanted the Basilisk re-equipped cause he said he couldn't hit anything with the Walker...

Hey bro, seeing as you have some experience in these games, wanna set up a modacity platoon as you as leader with all the modacity plebs?

November 27th, 2012, 08:43 AM
What server?

November 27th, 2012, 08:46 AM
i dont care

Rainbow Dash
November 27th, 2012, 10:38 AM
Been playing on Helios as TR. Grabbed the Tank Buster, Zepher, and A30 Walker for the Liberator... It's pretty ridiculous. My Zepher gunner had a killstreak of 72 at one point.

Welcome to liberating.

The zepher and dalton mean you can just hover 800 meters up and be invincible to basically anything other than ESFs, meanwhile the shredder is a fucking joke because the liberator can't actually take fire anyway when it has to fly down to 200m to hit things with the shredder :S

November 27th, 2012, 10:54 AM
Nobody said Baneblade. It is a good day. I play TR exclusively and I have to say that the Prowler feels good, but not too good. The double round thing is really only good if your enemy is a retard or if you're shooting at infantry.
Guess what the majority of Vanu play as, including me 90% of the time?

Guess what has an easy time blowing the piss out of them as they try and cap an area where the best cover is buildings with windows and doors large enough for a small car to drive through?

Been playing on Helios as TR. Grabbed the Tank Buster, Zepher, and A30 Walker for the Liberator... It's pretty ridiculous. My Zepher gunner had a killstreak of 72 at one point.

As per this comment, my gunner was two-shotting pursuing fighters with the Zepher while I was doing this as the pilot. Our first A30 Walker gunner was doing really well when we were doing this as well, the second actually wanted the Basilisk re-equipped cause he said he couldn't hit anything with the Walker...
That thing is pretty ridiculous, but I think I prefer the Dalton. I swatted a Scythe out of the air with one lucky hit (playing NC because my friends are bitches) and was taking dudes out like nothing else.

As for you playing TR... why am I not surprised?

November 27th, 2012, 12:29 PM
Hey bro, seeing as you have some experience in these games, wanna set up a modacity platoon as you as leader with all the modacity plebs?
Well we have about 10 people playing PS2 consistently from the group of people I play Ghost Recon Online with. I was thinking of making a "5th SFG Ghosts" platoon on Helios where we've been playing. You guys would be free to join but it would be TR.

We've been using the TeamSpeak 3 server at gro-ts.com to coordinate.

What server?
See above.

Welcome to liberating.

The zepher and dalton mean you can just hover 800 meters up and be invincible to basically anything other than ESFs, meanwhile the shredder is a fucking joke because the liberator can't actually take fire anyway when it has to fly down to 200m to hit things with the shredder :S
Well if you want to be super effective with the Zepher you need to be a bit closer than 800 meters. It's best at taking out Infantry, but fairly good at taking out armor as well (except for Sunderers). Since Infantry don't render as far away as tanks you can fly higher with the Dalton and be a very annoying anti-armor death machine, while the Zepher requires you to be a bit more mobile to avoid ground-to-air fire.

That thing is pretty ridiculous, but I think I prefer the Dalton. I swatted a Scythe out of the air with one lucky hit (playing NC because my friends are bitches) and was taking dudes out like nothing else.

As for you playing TR... why am I not surprised?
Admittedly, we haven't used the Dalton as much yet. My friend is thinking of purchasing the upgrades to make a Tank Buster/Dalton/Bulldog Liberator as well, since we have about 6-10 people playing all the time now. Two pimped out Lib's being coordinated? RIP enemies.

We decided the red-man was cooler looking than most of the other things, with the exception of their stupid looking tank. We don't give a fuck about the lore.

November 27th, 2012, 01:07 PM
We decided the red-man was cooler looking than most of the other things, with the exception of their stupid looking tank. We don't give a fuck about the lore.

This man understands.

November 27th, 2012, 03:52 PM
I saw an awesome troll post from some guy asking what faction has the coolest looking Liberator.


Anyway, "5th SFG The Ghosts" platoon has been created for TR on Helios. Tag is GHST for now, but we were thinking we might change it to 5SFG. In case you're uninformed, SFG = Special Forces Group.

Rainbow Dash
November 27th, 2012, 04:53 PM
The zepher is a pretty decent middle ground since you can quickly fly over and throw down some shots, still better than the shredder which you have to almost stop and hover to be able to do anything with.

November 27th, 2012, 05:06 PM
I saw an awesome troll post from some guy asking what faction has the coolest looking Liberator.


Anyway, "5th SFG The Ghosts" platoon has been created for TR on Helios. Tag is GHST for now, but we were thinking we might change it to 5SFG. In case you're uninformed, SFG = Special Forces Group.

Put Snow Aspen camo on all of them and they are all the best looking liberators.

And 5SFG looks better than GHST.

November 27th, 2012, 08:00 PM
I saw an awesome troll post from some guy asking what faction has the coolest looking Liberator.


Anyway, "5th SFG The Ghosts" platoon has been created for TR on Helios. Tag is GHST for now, but we were thinking we might change it to 5SFG. In case you're uninformed, SFG = Special Forces Group.
ID's so i can add you?

November 27th, 2012, 09:27 PM
3:1 K/D ration, light infantry only.


November 27th, 2012, 10:00 PM
Now I know why Vanu foot-zerg Crown all the time. It's because there is only one vehicle station capable of spawning tanks anywhere nearby. A lot of Sunderer spawns, though.

Also, nobody wants to assault from the air apparently. :v:

I like how the NC saw what was going down over there on Mattherson and basically said "fuck this shit, everybody pull out, there's an army marching from the west!"

Rainbow Dash
November 27th, 2012, 11:29 PM
Only idiots even bother with the crown, it is a worthless piece of territory. It is not worth having half your team attacking or defending it just to get 2 aerospace resources.

November 28th, 2012, 12:31 AM
We've all seen those epic drop pod assaults on facilities, but what I want to see is another large-scale drop pod assault, but with two factions doing it at the same time in the same area. That would make for an interesting sight...and hell for anyone hitting friendly aircraft flying around there.

November 28th, 2012, 12:40 AM
Only idiots even bother with the crown, it is a worthless piece of territory. It is not worth having half your team attacking or defending it just to get 2 aerospace resources.

But when you already own a majority share of territory it matters. It also matters when it's a place that the enemy can strike out at you from. The TR spawn is up in the top right corner, and they have held The Crown pretty much since the game launched, and it's way down between VS and NC spawns. Neither of us likes them essentially having a second impervious base from which they can steamroll through either of our territories.

Rainbow Dash
November 28th, 2012, 12:55 AM
You just shouldn't be able to spawn at bases that are cut off tbh, that would solve the issues with the super defensible buildings.

November 28th, 2012, 12:56 AM
Having the Crown and Crossroads gives you INSANE control of the entire center of the map. You can hit the Biolab to the East and the Amp Station to the West, from there you can hold the entire center line. That said, it requires a lot of coordinated defense or offense to take and hold the Crown and Crossroads.

November 28th, 2012, 01:09 AM
I know, ha ha. TR have been a third wheel in the ongoing VS-NC struggle for control of it. TR usually shows up and tries really hard, gets really close, and then gets slammed as 30% of all VS players on Indar drop-pod in on it and steam-roll their way to Crown, where the TR came from. It's kind of funny that TR has a main base so close to Crossroads but can never seem to hold it. The VS seem to usually hold Crossroads, but the NC have taken it more often than we'd like.

You just shouldn't be able to spawn at bases that are cut off tbh, that would solve the issues with the super defensible buildings.

Actually, a better solution would be to have more tank spawns near The Crown. Most of them are Sundie/Flash only. With more tanks, you can shove up the hill as a massive wall to cover your squishies, and then have them leap over while that frontal armour draws fire. As it is, Vanu and NC can't get enough tanks in there. Apart from that, a co-ordinated platoon using Galaxies and Liberators would easily be able to take Crown.

Rainbow Dash
November 28th, 2012, 01:12 AM
It doesn't help that there is literally one path that vehicles can take up to the actual crown anyway.

Either remove the ability to spawn at cut off territory, or make cut off territory have no influence on capturing surrounding territory, so that only absolute idiots will fight to keep the crown while they're pushed back to their warpgate.

also, lol


also, also, do not buy the liberator afterburner, it is total garbage (has like one second of fuel :S)

November 28th, 2012, 05:38 AM
You just shouldn't be able to spawn at bases that are cut off tbh, that would solve the issues with the super defensible buildings.

November 28th, 2012, 05:51 AM
would also make the meta-gaming a LOT more interesting.

though i'd say keep sunderers and squad beacons working, they work on a seperate frequency, and it'll allow one squad to hold on to a base a while, while the other squad works to reconnect it with the mainland.

Rainbow Dash
November 28th, 2012, 12:31 PM
Sure, you can't put sunderers smack dab in the middle of the main floor of those towers (well you can but it takes a lot of effort to exploit that...) so it's much easier to kill them off.

November 28th, 2012, 05:14 PM
Outfit is made on Helios, if you want to make a character and come play, Bodzilla has already. We're called "5th SFG The Ghosts" with the "5SFG" tag. I'm "Talexia" in-game, so you can friend me whenever.

November 29th, 2012, 12:55 AM
What faction? TR?

November 29th, 2012, 02:12 AM

November 29th, 2012, 02:50 PM
Hey, hey guys, post here:

November 29th, 2012, 06:12 PM
People keep begging for a carrier version of the Galaxy like the Republic LAAT/c Gunship:

http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb180/HanSime/Planetside Vehicle Concepts/PS2_Galaxy_Skyscrane.jpg

SOE responds with this beast:


Rainbow Dash
November 29th, 2012, 07:29 PM

try not to throw up

also no no no no no that's a fucking terrible idea, just let galaxies carry one or two vehicles.

Rainbow Dash
November 30th, 2012, 01:31 AM

November 30th, 2012, 11:35 AM


November 30th, 2012, 01:58 PM
That all sounds really neat, though the whole NPC armies thing... Not sure if want.

Anyway, TR has some fun this morning on Helios:

We started our day with NC and Vanu pushed up either edge of the map and we only really owned Crown in the middle.

November 30th, 2012, 08:00 PM
goddamnit what a night.

we defended amerish from being capped by the TR (current owners NC) but TR already had indar as well, and we had esamir, so we spent the whole fucking night messing with the TR, preventing them from capping the continent.

protip, we had 15% population, TR had 78% population, NC wasn't even trying.
shit was intense and we fought long and hard, but mission accomplished. Esamir is still under NC control, thanks to nobody but my outfit.

also i worked my way trough 5000 resourcepoints worth of vehiclemines

December 1st, 2012, 01:13 AM
TR only ever play on IDAR, they're babies

Rainbow Dash
December 1st, 2012, 01:22 AM
Me and my outfit attacked zurvan earlier today on matherson, the nc owned it, and the tr were attacking from the other side. We eventually broke into the base and then the nc turned the shields back on after we killed their SCU, and saved us from the tr who had just broken 20 tanks into the courtyard, was pretty amazing that we won that hahaha.

December 1st, 2012, 01:48 AM
That all sounds really neat, though the whole NPC armies thing... Not sure if want.

Anyway, TR has some fun this morning on Helios:

We started our day with NC and Vanu pushed up either edge of the map and we only really owned Crown in the middle.
this is literally how the map looks every time i get on, because tr is bullshit and literally everyone agrees except tr players

December 1st, 2012, 02:40 AM
TR only plays on Idar ross, look at the other continents.

December 1st, 2012, 05:00 AM
this is literally how the map looks every time i get on, because tr is bullshit and literally everyone agrees except tr players
Every single evening for the past week, that same server gets pushed back to about here:

Then we fight for the evening while it's fairly balanced. Vanu usually take Saurva Bio Lab for awhile, NC usually take Mao Tech Plant for awhile. Meanwhile TR constantly fights for The Crown and Allatum Bio Lab and Zurvan Amp Station. By morning TR usually takes quite a bit back, but at peak hours it's fairly balanced on Helios.

December 1st, 2012, 06:57 PM
this is literally how the map looks every time i get on, because tr is bullshit and literally everyone agrees except tr players

Literally everyone doesn't agree regardless of preferred faction. Only those who have not seriously tried playing all of them say one is more powerful than the other.

December 1st, 2012, 07:23 PM
i've played all three, tr's tanks are ridiculous, that is the thing i have the most problem with

Rainbow Dash
December 2nd, 2012, 01:29 AM
I played TR for about an hour or so as a light assault, and their guns did feel a touch more powerful, but maybe I was just playing against bad players. Either way wasn't long enough to make a real evaluation.

December 2nd, 2012, 01:34 AM
Up close TR are going to have an advantage due to ROF and magazine capacity. The damage per-shot is lower, though. The VS are the most balanced in that regard. the NC have slower-firing weapons that maintain accuracy and do more damage but have smaller magazines. TR are all about those close-range frag-fests.

Those are the primary differences.

December 2nd, 2012, 02:31 AM
TR only ever play on INDAR, they're babies

We pretty much capped out Esamir on Mattherson Friday evening.

December 2nd, 2012, 02:43 AM
That's a first. I take it Vanu got buttmad and reclaimed it by Saturday morning?

December 2nd, 2012, 02:56 AM
I really wish they'd add unique vehicles in all roles instead of just fighters and tanks. Wanna drive a levitating BMP.

December 2nd, 2012, 03:13 AM
I said the same thing when I first jumped into the game during Tech Test. It feals really lame for everybody to have mostly the same vehicles with all of the same attachments. A Lightning? Shooting chemical explosives? With Vanu? What the fuck, gooby.

December 2nd, 2012, 07:57 AM
I agree especially since unlocks you buy for, say a Liberator, don't carry over even though they're exactly the same...