View Full Version : HCE [Release] Halo No Lead Fix (Server-side)

October 14th, 2012, 03:21 PM
Server-side No Lead Fix. For haloceded.exe v1.09 ONLY.

I can't believe it has been over a year since I posted the original idea thread (http://www.modacity.net/forums/showthread.php?23947-Anti-latency-(server-side-hit-detection-correction))!

I am sorry that I have not got around to trying this sooner but oh well... here it is!
Source is included. It was written as quickly as possible, so it is not well organised, but hopefully the community will benefit more if it is released.

Halo Lag Compensation Tool
By PaulusT

This tool prevents or reduces the "leading" that is required in Halo.
It is for Halo Custom Edition 1.09 dedicated server.
First posted to:

Place all files and folders in "release" into the directory of haloceded.exe.


Edit your init.txt file for the server (e.g. init_server.txt) to include these lines:

multiplayer_draw_teammates_names 1
mouse_acceleration 95
multiplayer_hit_sound_volume 1

Run your server. E.g. haloceded.exe -exec init_server.txt
Done. Players can now join your server.

When player A directly shoots player B, it will usually miss
because by the time the message has reached the server, player B has moved.
This tool will cause the hitbox of player B (and all players) to lag behind
so that player A's shot will hit without player A having to lead.
A similar technique is used in Source games, like Team Fortress 2,
Counter Strike, etc.

The hitbox of player B will lag by the following number of milliseconds:

Ping of player A * multiplayer_hit_sound_volume + mouse_acceleration

The technique is not perfect and the formula will almost certainly need to be tweaked.
The defaults I have provided above have worked OK in my limited testing:
i.e. Ping of player A + 95
Please check back at
for updates and the best values to use.

If multiplayer_draw_teammates_names is true, then the average of player A's ping
over the last 10 seconds (sampled once per second) is used,
instead of player A's current ping.

The maximum lag amount is about 2 seconds.

This is just a quick hack, but it should fairly be stable.
However, you will still need to lead players in vehicles in this release
(but this can be fixed quite easily I think).
Also, crouching, other animations, rotation
and probably some other things I am forgetting are not taken into account.
I am not sure about how to handle animations.

The source is included. The license is the GPLv3. It is a quick hack (sorry!).
Please feel free to incorporate into your own projects.
Please credit PaulusT. Perhaps include a link to:
If you use this, please post to the above thread to keep the community in the loop.

winmm.dll is just a dll loader. It loads all dlls in the "plugins" directory
into the Halo client and Halo dedicated server.
It seems to work OK in Windows 7 and I assume it will work fine for others too.
If not, you can use any other dll loader to load HaloLagCompensation.dll
into the dedicated server.
HaloLagCompensation.dll unloads if it thinks it is loaded into the Halo client,
so your Halo client should not be affected.

If things do go wrong, just delete winmm.dll from your Halo directory.


Edit: A few extra points that I forgot to explain!

Who can use this?
This is a server-side fix. So, this will have no effect if you load up your Halo client and connect to a random game. You must start haloceded.exe and then join that server, or join someone else's server that is definitely running the tool. Clients do not need the tool.


In order to get this tool released ASAP, I have used the following redundant server-side variables as parameters:

multiplayer_draw_teammates_names (is the "use average ping" parameter)
multiplayer_hit_sound_volume (is parameter M below)
mouse_acceleration (is parameter K below)

The M and K parameters are constants that can be adjusted. The hitbox of player B (in the README example) is lagged by:
ping of player A * M + K

Thus, you will need to try different values of M and K. I have given some defaults in the README above. You must set the server-side variables as explained in the README or the tool may not work. Please report the values you used.

Testing that the tool works
I failed to provide any feedback as to whether the tool is actually working! (It should just work, as long as you have the parameters set and are using the 1.09 custom edition dedicated server). However, for now, you can do the following:

Check that HaloLagCompensation.dll has loaded into haloceded.exe. You can use a tool like Process Explorer (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653.aspx). Open Process Explorer, click the haloceded.exe process to highlight it, view DLLs (Ctr+D) and then find HaloLagCompensation.dll in the lower pane.
At the server console, do:

multiplayer_hit_sound_volume 0
mouse_acceleration 2000

Now, you should be able to shoot at "where players were 2 seconds ago" and still get hits. I.e. reverse leading. E.g. Player B stands still. Then player B runs away. Then immediately, player A shoots at where player B was when they were standing still. Player B should still take damage.

If it does not work
Please report:

Version of haloceded.exe that was used. This MUST be the real v1.09.
Whether Process Explorer shows that HaloLagCompensation.dll was loaded in haloceded.exe.
The values of the parameters. I.e. go to the *server console* and type:


...and tell us what values were output to the console.


October 14th, 2012, 06:32 PM
Hawt. I thought it was a hoax because nothing came out of it, but this is pretty cool.

Just played a few games, didn't even notice it and did pretty good.

Wait, this works for clients, right, or was that just placebo?

October 14th, 2012, 06:42 PM
Ping of player A * multiplayer_hit_sound_volume + mouse_acceleration

Wait what?


Why are you looping through each player twice? You grab the playerPossses[j] and playerVels[j] and then you loop again and restore. Cant you do it all in the one loop? Why cant you just do this?

playerHistories[j].readDataIntoPlayer(ping * (*hitSound) + (*mouseAccel),otherPlayer);
otherPlayer->World = playerPosses[j];

Also, just fyi, putting methods into a header file is bad practice :)

October 14th, 2012, 08:46 PM
I tested this out with a couple of players and verified that it was indeed loaded but sadly it didn't seem to offer any improvement to the lead.

I had a similar idea a while back where the basic idea was to snapshot relevant game state every tick and essentially rewind to the relevant snapshot based on the assailant's ping during collision calculations. A crude implementation offered an improvement (not removal, that wasn't the goal and wouldn't be possible given the implementation) in lead and if those who tested it with higher pings are to be believed, it reduced lead down to the level you'd expect with a one/two (33/66) tick delay. The downsides were that you'd occasionally get reverse lead (á la CS), you'd seemingly die behind cover more frequently if shot by players with higher pings (nothing worse than playing against a player who has host) and it wasn't overly reliable.

Ping of player A * multiplayer_hit_sound_volume + mouse_acceleration

Wait what?

Limited has already asked the most obvious question, so out of curiosity, what relevance does the mouse acceleration have and wouldn't using it in any calculations be slightly troublesome given that it varies from player to player?

Anyway, nice to see somebody still working on this, even if it is a bit of a dead horse. ;)

October 15th, 2012, 03:08 AM
Would love to see any kind pf process when it comes to the terrible netcode Halo has.

It's really a shame that no one at Microsoft can just sign off on releasing part of the source so the community can fix this.

October 15th, 2012, 04:29 AM
Ah sorry I should have been clearer about a few things! I will edit my first post as well.

Wait, this works for clients, right, or was that just placebo?
Sorry I should have explained this. This is a server-side fix. So, this will have no effect if you load up your Halo client and connect to a random game. You must start haloceded.exe and then join that server. Clients do not need the tool.

Ping of player A * multiplayer_hit_sound_volume + mouse_acceleration

Wait what?

Sorry again!
The formula for lagging player B's hitbox should be:
ping of player A

That's it. However, we do not live in a perfect world! There appears to be some additional latency. So the formula is perhaps something like the following:
ping of player A * M + K
(where M and K are some constants).

In order to get this tool released ASAP, I have used the following redundant server-side variables as parameters:

multiplayer_draw_teammates_names (is the "use average ping" parameter)
multiplayer_hit_sound_volume (is parameter M above)
mouse_acceleration (is parameter K above)

These variables normally have no effect (for the dedicated server). These must be set up as described in the first post, otherwise the tool will not work as expected! You may need to tweak these values to get it right. I will edit the first post with more details.

Why are you looping through each player twice? You grab the playerPossses[j] and playerVels[j] and then you loop again and restore. Cant you do it all in the one loop? Why cant you just do this?

playerHistories[j].readDataIntoPlayer(ping * (*hitSound) + (*mouseAccel),otherPlayer);
otherPlayer->World = playerPosses[j];

Sorry I should have given a brief description of the code! It is not well organised. However, the reason there are two loops is because we are doing the following:
For each "object update" at every step (this is the dUpdateObject function):
Find out if this object is "owned" by a player i.e. if this is a bullet fired by a player (this is the first loop). If so...
Move all *other* players back in time (this is the first nested loop).
Update the object now, while all players have been moved (this is the call to oUpdateObject).
Move all *other* players forward in time, back to their actual positions (this is the second nested loop).
So, the implementation does not really lag the hitboxes behind. It actually moves players back while updating objects like bullets. It then moves them forward before any further processing, so the "moving" only affects collisions with e.g. bullets. Does that make more sense? As I said, I have hacked away ASAP to get this out and the code is not well-commented.

Also, just fyi, putting methods into a header file is bad practice :)
Hehe ah yes, I am guilty of doing that while prototyping! :) And as I have said, this is definitely one of those times! On the other hand, the classes (all two of them!) are templates, so I believe in this case it is quite common to leave the definitions in the header file (although perhaps not inline). The almighty C++ faq shows that this is not required though (http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq/templates-defn-vs-decl.html). Of course, whether these classes really need to be templates is also debatable!

I tested this out with a couple of players and verified that it was indeed loaded but sadly it didn't seem to offer any improvement to the lead.

Ah this is disappointing. You have made me realise that I should have had an indicator showing that the tool is actually activated and working! Perhaps with the above explanations, you can verify what values you are using for the parameters? This might have been the problem. I will also add some instructions to the first post about testing the tool.

Note that I have tested this on my system with haloceded.exe v1.09 and it was definitely working. However, we still need to figure out the best parameter values by testing with a range of different pings. Even then, the parameters may even need tweaking per client, but hopefully it will not come to that (this is not possible in this first release).

October 15th, 2012, 05:01 AM
That's pretty cool, looks good. Does the call to updatePhysics force the engine to recalculate the hitbox etc?

October 15th, 2012, 06:21 AM

J/K sounds really good. This would be helpful for new players who have no idea how to lead. Would probably make all our lives easier too. Will test when I get the chance.

October 15th, 2012, 08:25 AM
Also, I stuck this thread since any progress in this area is awesome.

October 15th, 2012, 02:38 PM
That's pretty cool, looks good. Does the call to updatePhysics force the engine to recalculate the hitbox etc?

Yes that is the idea. Trial and error was used, so I don't know exactly what the function does.

Also, I stuck this thread since any progress in this area is awesome.

I have a server running this called "LancersEdge.net NoLag (http://hce.halomaps.org/server/?IP=" if you guys want to try it and compare it to my other two servers.

Paulus, if you wish I can give you FTP and access to a web control panel that will let you have full control over the server. It will allow you to host a server on a fairly snappy internet connection and test revisions.

Amazing! That is very generous! Feel free to PM me the details.

I just played on the server. It was pretty good, but it looks like the parameters definitely need tweaking. What are they set to? (Assuming I get access, I will try tuning them. In fact, this is the probably the only thing I'd like to experiment with in the short-term.)

Thanks again.

October 15th, 2012, 04:55 PM
Just played a game on Cortexian's server. I got to 100 kills! It works like a charm. No leading as a result of netcode required. One still needs to factor in ping and lag though (like any PC game). However, I could play it relatively like any other Halo game at this point. Great job!

October 15th, 2012, 07:13 PM

I made the same "fix" months before, based on Btcc's idea. It was implemented into Sapp and seemed to work pretty fine, but after a while it was always crashing, so I abandomed it. Seeing this topic I decided to review my code, but its still unstable...
Btcc's suggestion was hooking into the collision check function, and it looks like this really gives 0 lead, although further improvements may be required like restoring the vehicles too or maybe the other player's weapon's geometry.

You can try it too: connect ""

Regards: sehé°°

t3h m00kz
October 15th, 2012, 07:43 PM
Someone host this shit. I'll play the fuck out of this.

Also, Paulus, I'd suggest uploading it to HaloMaps and making a post in the forums to get more publicity. This NEEDS to get passed around.

oh, lancer's hosting it. I'll scope it out when I get home tonight.

October 15th, 2012, 08:16 PM
Amazing! That is very generous! Feel free to PM me the details.

I just played on the server. It was pretty good, but it looks like the parameters definitely need tweaking. What are they set to? (Assuming I get access, I will try tuning them. In fact, this is the probably the only thing I'd like to experiment with in the short-term.)

Thanks again.
I sent you a PM with relevant details. Let me know if you have any trouble.

I'm just using the default parameters.

Edit: Moved to releases section with 1 week expiring redirect.

t3h m00kz
October 17th, 2012, 01:30 AM
Is NoLag the only server running this at the moment?

October 17th, 2012, 03:14 AM
sehe says there's a similar fix running on

October 17th, 2012, 03:25 AM
Tried it yesterday, it's definitely better then regular but it does need some polish.

t3h m00kz
October 17th, 2012, 03:36 AM
Sniping and shotguns feel absolutely fucking amazing, but I've seen funkiness with the pistol. Maybe not having to lead is just throwing me off though! I LOVE fucking hitting a hog with a rocket and ACTUALLY KILLING IT

I still need to mess around with stickies and see how they're affected. Nades being thrown have delay due to lag. similar to setting projectiles in weapons to client side (CMT's Shotgun, Hyrule Field charge shot bow)

Seriously though, I was afraid this project would have been one of those amazing things someone starts work on and then it gets scrapped. Props to you Paulus for getting it into a shippable state.

October 17th, 2012, 03:57 PM
omfg, I've been waiting for you to make this since you first brought up the idea. Hopefully we can spread the word and get ALL servers to run this fix (:

Rainbow Dash
October 17th, 2012, 04:40 PM
help I can't stop leading

October 17th, 2012, 06:40 PM
I LOVE fucking hitting a hog with a rocket and ACTUALLY KILLING IT
That might just be your ping to my servers being less than horrible. Paulus said the fix he released here doesn't work with vehicles yet.

This is just a quick hack, but it should fairly be stable.
However, you will still need to lead players in vehicles in this release
(but this can be fixed quite easily I think).
Also, crouching, other animations, rotation
and probably some other things I am forgetting are not taken into account.
I am not sure about how to handle animations.

October 17th, 2012, 07:14 PM
Can we please have some sort of team balance stuff? Just been playing in server for ages and freaking it was like 5 vs 10.

That said, accuracy has definitely been improved and although there is some like stuttering going on, majority of time its real good.

October 17th, 2012, 07:28 PM
Might reinstall CE and give this a try. Will be interesting to see how it'll handle ~300 ping

t3h m00kz
October 17th, 2012, 07:56 PM
Is there any chance to get something like this working for PC? I don't know how flexible the servers are in comparison to CE.

October 17th, 2012, 09:21 PM
Is there any chance to get something like this working for PC? I don't know how flexible the servers are in comparison to CE.

Wouldn't be a problem to port to PC; they're pretty much identical where it matters.

t3h m00kz
October 17th, 2012, 10:21 PM
I feel that'd be a very good idea once this project is completed. It would likely appeal to a very broad audience, as a majority of players are still, to my knowledge, on PC.

October 18th, 2012, 03:51 AM
Can we please have some sort of team balance stuff? Just been playing in server for ages and freaking it was like 5 vs 10.
I can either implement the Halo team balance, or leave it how it is because this code is incompatible with SAPP.

October 18th, 2012, 04:21 AM
As I said, I did this months before in SAPP, and now that I started to work on it again, it seems it's getting stable finally. Ask me on Xfire for the beta dll =)

October 18th, 2012, 04:26 AM
You said that your version is a little different, based on btcc22's code I thought? Is this not different?

October 18th, 2012, 05:20 AM
Well, it's different indeed, Btcc22's idea/theory but my code, and works pretty fine even with animations like jump, crouch, melee etc. :) Also gives a possibility for every player in the server to set their own lead or just turn on/off "no lead" mod. ^^

t3h m00kz
October 18th, 2012, 06:11 AM
that's kinda sexy. being able to toggle it off and on seems like a sweet idea.

t3h m00kz
October 19th, 2012, 01:02 AM
Unfortunately I haven't seen the NoLag Lancer's Edge server populated since it switched over to Wizard Shotguns. Too bad I missed coming back when the server reset.. I want to play with this some more.

October 19th, 2012, 05:56 AM
connect "" ;)

October 19th, 2012, 04:54 PM
Unfortunately I haven't seen the NoLag Lancer's Edge server populated since it switched over to Wizard Shotguns. Too bad I missed coming back when the server reset.. I want to play with this some more.
I see it populated every day...

t3h m00kz
October 19th, 2012, 07:28 PM
guess I'm just gay then.

October 20th, 2012, 12:56 AM
Well, it's different indeed, Btcc22's idea/theory but my code, and works pretty fine even with animations like jump, crouch, melee etc. :) Also gives a possibility for every player in the server to set their own lead or just turn on/off "no lead" mod. ^^I like paulus' better. Please stop trying to thread jack...

t3h m00kz
October 20th, 2012, 02:57 AM
Or they could collaborate and make a single thing.

I've only played on Paulus' so far, but enabling/disabling would be sick as fuck

October 20th, 2012, 05:50 AM
Sorry for the lack of replies! I am not very active at the moment as I have other work to do. I still read the thread though.

Thanks so much for support and feedback!

I would love to get more servers using this (or something *like* this), but I wanted to get this tested a bit more first (and maybe improve it).
I didn't realise Halo PC was more popular. I should make it work with all versions I guess. It is open source of course.
I don't know if this is incompatible with SAPP, but I guess if it is modified to work with all versions, it should work OK.
I want to improve it. It still does not work with vehicles. I created a "no vehicles, snipers only" gametype for the NoLag server, which may explain why the number of players has dropped.
I didn't actually realise grenades are not immediately thrown on the client (I usually play on low ping servers!). Can this be fixed? Would this have to be a client-side fix?
I tried out sehe's SAPP version and it works really well. Of course, I had much better ping so perhaps the general idea of this fix is infeasible if you have e.g. 200+ ping. Either way, even if you do have 200 ping, it is at least *better*. I don't care who implements this fix, as long it gets adoption. And the idea is not original e.g. Valve has used it for years. I *do* like the idea of it being open source though (at least the section that of code that implements the fix or all offsets and the general idea being described in detail), so it can be discussed and improved. On the other hand, there are not that many active developers so perhaps it doesn't really matter.
I love the idea of each client being able to adjust the latency compensation.
On the other hand, I wish I knew where the extra latency was coming from. Your "ping" does not seem to reflect the actual delay between a "shot" and the "beep" hit sound. So what is the extra delay? How is ping calculated? Is there a mistake in the implementation? Does it have something to do with "cl_remote_player_action_queue*"? (Changing theses values seems like it can add a huge delay, but only after a lot of actions)
Does the fix need to interpolate player positions between ticks?
As I have said, I am not extremely active :-( I really want to add support for vehicles next, as it seems like servers will not fill up as well unless they have vehicles.

t3h m00kz
October 20th, 2012, 08:52 PM
showcase vid, if you want to add something visual to the OP


so far the mod's amazing. This is a SIGNIFICANT fix. I can see this becoming popular if it's marketed well, as it should. this ought to even out the inconsistencies between people with varying connections and pings.

October 20th, 2012, 09:04 PM
This calls for a gamenight.

t3h m00kz
October 21st, 2012, 12:50 AM
pretty sick running riot I got in the nolag server with a 360 controller using "Player Magnetism 1." Feels just the fuck like it should.


and no I didn't actually get that kill at the end.

but I can always dream...

October 21st, 2012, 01:42 AM
pretty sick running riot I got in the nolag server with a 360 controller using "Player Magnetism 1." Feels just the fuck like it should.


and no I didn't actually get that kill at the end.

but I can always dream...
Excuse my CE ignorance, but how do I enable the magnetism if I play online with a controller?

t3h m00kz
October 21st, 2012, 02:17 AM
>enable console in shortcut
>enable devmode (if you have OS installed this will do it automatically)
>hit tilde (`)
>"Player_Magnetism 1"
>Use controller

October 21st, 2012, 11:50 AM
lol i still prefer m/k over controller

yes this does call for a game night

October 21st, 2012, 11:57 AM
It does play much better, up until it started a snipers match, which is now painful.
I like it.

October 21st, 2012, 02:46 PM
We have it running on one of our servers. Feel free to check it out. Seems to work with Phasor.

October 21st, 2012, 11:45 PM
>enable console in shortcut
>enable devmode (if you have OS installed this will do it automatically)
>hit tilde (`)
>"Player_Magnetism 1"
>Use controller
Does this make it exactly like it is on my xbox?

t3h m00kz
October 21st, 2012, 11:52 PM
just about. couple minor differences, I'd imagine. I think the right thumb stick needs input for the magnetism to work, but it's a barely noticeable issue.

look at the video. it works well.

e: lancer, would it be possible to get slayer pro on chillout going on the server or something to get more coverage on how it works with other weapons? Shotguns and Snipers can only go so far.


October 21st, 2012, 11:58 PM
I'm surprised this whole thing hasn't gotten more attention since it seems to resolve the general public's biggest and longest standing complaint about Halo on PC in general.

t3h m00kz
October 22nd, 2012, 12:04 AM
I'm tempted to figure out how to set up a Banfree SnowGrove server with this enabled, but I'd have to scrounge up the hardware..

October 22nd, 2012, 12:12 AM
I'd use it in a heartbeat if it could allow SAPP to hook into it somehow :-/

t3h m00kz
October 22nd, 2012, 12:15 AM
quick someone who isn't me get on that.

seriosuly I don't know hsit about code

also you should bitchsmack goat <3

October 22nd, 2012, 03:05 AM
e: lancer, would it be possible to get slayer pro on chillout going on the server or something to get more coverage on how it works with other weapons? Shotguns and Snipers can only go so far.


Now love me you bitch.

Sean Aero
October 22nd, 2012, 12:28 PM
Figured I play a game on a no lead fix server... it was a bad idea.

t3h m00kz
October 22nd, 2012, 12:31 PM

Now love me you bitch.

I'll let you stick it in me when I get home from work.

Figured I play a game on a no lead fix server... it was a bad idea.

Wow, how humiliating~

Which server is that? Are other servers finally picking this up?

October 22nd, 2012, 04:52 PM
Probably the one sehe keeps linking the IP to. That's the only one that I know of besides mine that's running something like this.

t3h m00kz
October 22nd, 2012, 05:04 PM
I saw a CE server running "no lead" but it didn't seem to function the same. don't know if that one's his.

Sean Aero
October 22nd, 2012, 05:20 PM
Yeah sehe's thingy.

Server Name: [24/7] Snipers!
Server IP:
Version: 1.00CE

Will try out the one by PaulusT now.

EDIT: Just tried it on Lancer's server, and it's not bad. Pop-ed up scores 90 - 10 with 200 ping.
It did miss quite few times, especially while using the pistol. See attached clip.


I would love to see PaulusT code on low ping (EU server) and sehe's code on high ping (West Coast US).
Just to make a better judgement.

October 22nd, 2012, 06:14 PM
Great work but I think if both would post their methods they used, I am pretty sure there still would be a way to improve this even further.

October 22nd, 2012, 07:18 PM
Figured I play a game on a no lead fix server... it was a bad idea.

Your ping is 8, and everyone else is 200? lol wut

t3h m00kz
October 22nd, 2012, 09:53 PM
Yeah sehe's thingy.

Server Name: [24/7] Snipers!
Server IP:
Version: 1.00CE

Will try out the one by PaulusT now.

EDIT: Just tried it on Lancer's server, and it's not bad. Pop-ed up scores 90 - 10 with 200 ping.
It did miss quite few times, especially while using the pistol. See attached clip.


I would love to see PaulusT code on low ping (EU server) and sehe's code on high ping (West Coast US).
Just to make a better judgement.

those medals

i need them

October 23rd, 2012, 08:27 AM
Those medals are made by me ^^'

Anyways, didn't want to "thread-jacking", I just don't see why shud we do 2 threads for the same topic but w/e, I'll make my own if u wish so...

t3h m00kz
October 23rd, 2012, 11:34 AM
incompatible with "Open Sauce"


figured it might have been made using OS.

October 23rd, 2012, 12:55 PM
Try renaming the Optic .dll to something like d3d9_proxy.dll, I think I was able to use SMAA with OpenSauce that way. Not 100% sure though

t3h m00kz
October 23rd, 2012, 01:11 PM
I'll give that a shot when I'm not at work

October 23rd, 2012, 01:47 PM
I saw a CE server running "no lead" but it didn't seem to function the same. don't know if that one's his.

I would like to set this server up to function better but we have no idea how to. Is there someone willing to help? Server:

t3h m00kz
October 23rd, 2012, 07:03 PM
Try renaming the Optic .dll to something like d3d9_proxy.dll, I think I was able to use SMAA with OpenSauce that way. Not 100% sure though

didn't work

October 24th, 2012, 01:51 PM
I played a bit last night and was genuinely impressed.. though sometimes nothing hits at all so I try to lead and still nothing. God damn rubber bullets

October 28th, 2012, 12:57 AM
Hey Lancer can you upload and use some non-stock maps like Z-Sanctuary or CMT_Grove (mainly because people still largely play those two)?

t3h m00kz
October 28th, 2012, 02:39 AM
I'd love to try snow grove, but I'd prefer a 24/7 server. Slapping it in rotation would result in less people playing it.

October 28th, 2012, 03:12 AM
Hey Lancer can you upload and use some non-stock maps like Z-Sanctuary or CMT_Grove (mainly because people still largely play those two)?
Maybe some of Arteen's maps too. Those are pretty good.

October 28th, 2012, 11:45 AM
I'd love to try snow grove, but I'd prefer a 24/7 server. Slapping it in rotation would result in less people playing it.
It would be most maps that people play most. It's Custom Edition, so the players are bound to have more than just stock. I would just like to see how this works with more custom content and what not.

Would this be a good reason to start making maps again for the game? Is this fix good enough to invest time in making MP stuff again?

October 28th, 2012, 06:09 PM
I'll put CMT Snow Grove on, it's fairly common.

October 28th, 2012, 07:41 PM
I'll put CMT Snow Grove on, it's fairly common.
Awesome. Thanks a bunch!

November 4th, 2012, 12:26 AM
Tried it out for a bit and it's pretty hit and miss. ~300 ping.

November 4th, 2012, 12:36 AM
Tried it out for a bit and it's pretty hit and miss. ~300 ping.

Which one?

November 4th, 2012, 01:53 AM
I think it may have been SAPP's version

November 5th, 2012, 07:40 PM
So why you post it here?
My mod changed much meanwhile, read my post in SAPP thread @ page 29. :)

November 10th, 2012, 08:54 AM
I can't re adjust to normal servers now.. seriously it's like playing a broken game! Fantastic fixes both of them... but on Sehe's, sniping is pretty damn awesome

November 10th, 2012, 02:41 PM
I can't re adjust to normal servers now.. seriously it's like playing a broken game! Fantastic fixes both of them... but on Sehe's, sniping is pretty damn awesome
Yeah dude, the game I played on Lancer's server when it came out I got to 100 kills. It was glorious. It's just too damn sad to play without it. :(

November 10th, 2012, 02:50 PM
Could you guys do me a favor? Try playing a few games on the NoLag server. Apparently my other ones are crashing all the time now and booting players after each map. I need to find out if it's SAPP or not, but I'm fairly sure it is.

t3h m00kz
November 11th, 2012, 08:47 AM
worked fine for me last time I tried it.

BR feels pretty good with nolag.

November 12th, 2012, 06:29 PM
Looks like it happened only with high pingers. It's fixed now in version 5.3. =)

December 13th, 2012, 01:38 AM
Still not fixed in SAPP for me, my servers are still kicking people out after every game ends.

January 6th, 2013, 11:23 PM
Since this is now integrated in SAPP and SAPP seems to be fairly stable, I'm going to unstick this thread. Hasn't been any updates really anyway... :\

April 16th, 2013, 11:25 AM
You know, I kinda like having to lead shots in this game. It made it easier for the skilled player to do better and win gunfights 90% of the time because he knew how to lead his shots, while the worse player sprayed everywhere and shot and missed. Widening the skill gap rewards the ones who learn to lead their shots.

April 23rd, 2013, 04:34 PM
You know, I kinda like having to lead shots in this game. It made it easier for the skilled player to do better and win gunfights 90% of the time because he knew how to lead his shots, while the worse player sprayed everywhere and shot and missed. Widening the skill gap rewards the ones who learn to lead their shots.

then turn your lead back on and play better then the guy you're shooting

t3h m00kz
June 2nd, 2013, 02:23 AM
Do the modacity servers have this enabled? I just reinstalled and it seems like I'm having to lead.

to be honest I don't know shit about the servers we run...

does that make me a baddie? :c

June 2nd, 2013, 05:34 AM
Do the modacity servers have this enabled?

Nope. Modacity's servers haven't been updated in a long time.

t3h m00kz
June 2nd, 2013, 07:25 PM

August 16th, 2013, 05:08 PM
Nope. Modacity's servers haven't been updated in a long time.

It would seem that JCap is the one running the servers... we haven't seen any admins on the site in ages, imo.