View Full Version : Heart Rates and BMI

October 27th, 2012, 01:07 AM
Alright guys, I need a little bit of help for a homework assignment. It's simple, what's your resting heart rate and BMI (if you know your body fat %, that would be even better!).

For those who do not know how to calculate BMI: http://nhlbisupport.com/bmi/bminojs.htm

My BMI is 19.1 (body fat rounded up to 5%) and resting heart rate is about 45 or 55.

Rainbow Dash
October 27th, 2012, 01:20 AM
17.5 bmi

50 bpm

October 27th, 2012, 02:19 AM
BMI is 18.3 or somewhere around there, borderline underweight.

October 27th, 2012, 02:29 AM
BMI is 15.3 (yes I'm a fucking twig)

Heart rate 45-50 bpm

October 27th, 2012, 02:37 AM
BMI is 21.7

Heart rate: 53bpm

October 27th, 2012, 02:43 AM
BMI 14.0, Heartrate 49 ~ 55.

October 27th, 2012, 03:03 AM
BMI is 15.3 (yes I'm a fucking twig)

Heart rate 45-50 bpm

Eh, BMI doesn't always mean everything. What's your body fat (assuming you know it)? It says I'm "average" but I'm one of the smallest guys on the campus because of my running. I mean 5% body fat? I'm sure people would kill to be able to eat pancakes almost everyday and not gain a pound. Gonna love distance running.

October 27th, 2012, 03:14 AM
About 3.5% body fat last I checked with my doctor. Might be a little more now, but not much.
My metabolism will not allow me to gain a single pound, even on a 3000+ Calorie per day diet.

October 27th, 2012, 03:26 AM
45-55 bpm

October 27th, 2012, 03:34 AM
About 3.5% body fat last I checked with my doctor. Might be a little more now, but not much.
My metabolism will not allow me to gain a single pound, even on a 3000+ Calorie per day diet.

Jesus Christ man that's insane. It's insane that you don't have much more mass despite your caloric intake even for a fast metabolism. Hell, more power to ya. You get to eat whatever the hell you want. I'm pretty much the same way in the sense that I can eat whatever I want and not worry about extra fat.

I think I could have 7% body fat if I incorporated more cardio. But for now, I'm lifting heavier weights with less reps while eating 7 meals a day.

October 27th, 2012, 03:42 AM
BMI 20.4

Just ran 14km yesterday in 1h at a charity "marathon". No training and getting wasted every weekend xD Do you guys relaxed on purpose to measure the heart rate? Unusual low...tbh

October 27th, 2012, 04:21 AM
bmi is 18.9 and bpm is 68. also, in regards to the above, i noticed my heart was beating much faster when i started measuring my bpm, then i felt it slow waaaay down about 5 seconds in. upon checking it now, its back up a bit.

October 27th, 2012, 04:27 AM
Jesus Christ man that's insane. It's insane that you don't have much more mass despite your caloric intake even for a fast metabolism. Hell, more power to ya. You get to eat whatever the hell you want. I'm pretty much the same way in the sense that I can eat whatever I want and not worry about extra fat.

I think I could have 7% body fat if I incorporated more cardio. But for now, I'm lifting heavier weights with less reps while eating 7 meals a day.
Well I don't work out at all, given my line of work (working on industrial diesel engines, everything is fucking heavy).
I'm actually really strong for my size, though having no weight to counterbalance lifting something heavy kinda sucks. Though, I have no clue where all the calories go. My theory is that most of it just gets burned of as waste heat. My core temperature is lower than normal, but my skin temperature is higher than normal (meaning that I give off a lot of my core heat, so when it gets cold out, I get cold faster than everyone else). I also have hypothyroidism. Not Hyper, Hypo, which makes no fucking sense given my size. Also, I do not normally eat a lot. I usually have between 1500-2000 calories a day, but my doctors put me on the 3000+ diet for a few months to see what would happen. Nothing.

October 27th, 2012, 04:33 AM
BMI is 21.7

Heart rate: 53bpmAre you me?

October 27th, 2012, 04:38 AM
Well I don't work out at all, given my line of work (working on industrial diesel engines, everything is fucking heavy).
I'm actually really strong for my size, though having no weight to counterbalance lifting something heavy kinda sucks. Though, I have no clue where all the calories go. My theory is that most of it just gets burned of as waste heat. My core temperature is lower than normal, but my skin temperature is higher than normal (meaning that I give off a lot of my core heat, so when it gets cold out, I get cold faster than everyone else). I also have hypothyroidism. Not Hyper, Hypo, which makes no fucking sense given my size. Also, I do not normally eat a lot. I usually have between 1500-2000 calories a day, but my doctors put me on the 3000+ diet for a few months to see what would happen. Nothing.

Interesting. Some peoples genetics are just very unique in different ways.

Are you me?


I'm 6'0 160ibs. If you have the same body type, then yes.

October 27th, 2012, 11:01 AM
BMI: 25.0 (5ft 7.5in / 1.7145m by 162lb / 73.482kg)
Heart Rate: ~55bmp (but bound to lower as the season carries on)

As a note, I'm a swimmer (specialty: breaststroker) so it's actually pretty average for me to be "overweight" since we're normally short and strong. At least, compared to the freakishly tall freestyle peeps. Also I have no idea what my body fat is, but it's probably decently low.

October 27th, 2012, 11:30 AM
Well I'm currently ill with a cold and chest infection, but I compared myself with results from February 2012 and its worse :O

BMI 18.8
9 stone 13 lbs (139lbs total)
17.2% fat
59.2% water
41.7% muscle.

Feb 2012
BMI 19.1
10 stone 3 lbs (143lbs total)
7.8% fat
65.4% water
48.5% muscle.

I'll post my current heartrate when I measure after I've gone to rest state after running around :D

Fyi, BMI scale is total BS, it says rugby players are obese.

October 27th, 2012, 12:28 PM
Fyi, BMI scale is total BS, it says black people are obese.

October 27th, 2012, 01:09 PM
Those wondering about their metabolism should probably take a look at their blood oxygen saturation, the higher the saturation the better your body works out.
Having said that, you would be amazed at how low a level you can survive although I wouldn't advise it.
Your blood saturation level is a lot more important than your BMI, BMI just assumes the extra weight is fat.

October 27th, 2012, 03:26 PM
19.4 and "i'm not sure", it varies from about 50-80 and everything in between even at rest. right now it's really low because i just woke up, i've checked it while resting before and it's been over 70.

my body is really odd

e/ also throw me in with the 'weird metabolism' crowd. no matter what i eat, or how much of it i eat, my weight never passes 65kg (i'm 6' tall almost exactly). the real kicker is that now i'm a civilian again, i do absolutely zero strenuous activity, so how i burn that much fucking energy is beyond me.

October 27th, 2012, 04:00 PM
Oshi, Rossmum has two rep bars. I'm so jealous...

October 27th, 2012, 04:08 PM
BMI: 25.0 (5ft 7.5in / 1.7145m by 162lb / 73.482kg)
Heart Rate: ~55bmp (but bound to lower as the season carries on)

As a note, I'm a swimmer (specialty: breaststroker) so it's actually pretty average for me to be "overweight" since we're normally short and strong. At least, compared to the freakishly tall freestyle peeps. Also I have no idea what my body fat is, but it's probably decently low.
Ha, no shit. I'm skinny as fuck, so I was better at freestyle and backstroke (when I didn't bash my head into the wall doing flipturns during the stroke). I'm 6 Ft, so it works for me. Too bad my fucking team was shitty in terms of support and knowing how to train with your team. A lot of assholes tbh.

October 27th, 2012, 05:48 PM
Lol, According to this I'm borderline obese. @27.8 BMI

October 27th, 2012, 06:24 PM
I have 24% body fat, but at 300 pounds that's not terrible. I was an athlete in high school and for a little while in college, so I have a pretty dense build from lifting weights and doing tons of cardio. I can still run a 9 minute mile, which is pretty damn good for a guy who weighs three bills.

I'm trying to lose weight right now, but the college life makes it harder than you would think. I can usually float between 280 and 320 at any time though depending on how active/inactive I'm being. I've gone from 280 to 320 in about three weeks before and then floated back down in the same amount of time.

October 27th, 2012, 06:39 PM
I have 24% body fat, but at 300 pounds that's not terrible. I was an athlete in high school and for a little while in college, so I have a pretty dense build from lifting weights and doing tons of cardio. I can still run a 9 minute mile, which is pretty damn good for a guy who weighs three bills.

I'm trying to lose weight right now, but the college life makes it harder than you would think. I can usually float between 280 and 320 at any time though depending on how active/inactive I'm being. I've gone from 280 to 320 in about three weeks before and then floated back down in the same amount of time.
Damn. I keep bouncing between 130 and 140. My muscles get dense (which is good), but my metabolism is too fast for any sort of fat to accumulate. I could be an athlete or runner (or swimmer again) if I ever wanted to. I just don't give enough fucks to actually do it, mainly because I'd rather be doing other things.

October 27th, 2012, 07:01 PM
Don't go back to swimming you'll neveeerr escaaaaaaaape...
help me

October 27th, 2012, 07:39 PM
Don't go back to swimming you'll neveeerr escaaaaaaaape...
help me
Do what I did: get a condition where your body rejects the water because it's too cold even at the standard temperature. Or start hating your teammates. Really good way to end swim team tbh. Makes you look like a better person too if they really are assholes.

Swimming is really good for your health though. I recommend at least making it a part of an exercise regiment if you make one, but competitive swimming can cause issues if your not careful or have bad support on your team.

October 27th, 2012, 09:00 PM
21.4 BMI (6' 4", 176lbs)
96bpm at rest

I don't know what these numbers mean, except that I measured my height and weight, and did a qick heart rate check on myself. I really don't give a fuck since I know I'm health for the most part.

edit: I haven't done anything remotely like excersise for like, two or three years lul.

October 27th, 2012, 10:56 PM
Do what I did: get a condition where your body rejects the water because it's too cold even at the standard temperature. Or start hating your teammates. Really good way to end swim team tbh. Makes you look like a better person too if they really are assholes.

Swimming is really good for your health though. I recommend at least making it a part of an exercise regiment if you make one, but competitive swimming can cause issues if your not careful or have bad support on your team.Nah my team is supportive, at least in high school so far. I'll have to be careful in college I suppose. I just like to joke around like most swimmers about how we hate our sport.

October 27th, 2012, 11:55 PM
Nah my team is supportive, at least in high school so far. I'll have to be careful in college I suppose. I just like to joke around like most swimmers about how we hate our sport.
Yeah, you're lucky. I had some friends, but I hated our group as a "team." Our coaches also didn't try taking care of those on the lower tier like myself because of some sort of disability, mine be raynaud's syndrome (basically I have nothing to keep me warm in the water, but I believe there is more psychology than physiology involved in my case). They also didn't tell us to sip warm water throughout practice, but just drink cold water (mistake), and we only stretched for like 15 minutes.

October 28th, 2012, 02:28 AM
BMI = 26.0 (182 cm, 86 kg, ~18% using some online fat calculator.)
HR was between 55 and 60 however my resting HR can vary from 50-80 depending on caffeine intake, stress, blah blah blah.

Normal HR should sit in between 60-100, though most people I know have resting HR seems to sit between 45-75.

October 29th, 2012, 02:31 PM
BMI: 21.3 (Height: 5'8" Weight: ~140lbs)
BPM: 63 (Average between three results at rest)

I'm pretty mid-range, but I'm hoping to kickstart my metabolism again. I like being trim. I don't want to grow up to be as fat as any other Kansan 30-year-old.

October 29th, 2012, 04:18 PM
Woah didn't expect this amount of replies. Thanks guys! Yea the BMI sucks but eh, what can you do.