View Full Version : How did you find CE?

November 6th, 2012, 09:54 AM
Just something I was wondering about... how did everyone here come to find this little corner of the gaming world we call CE?

Personally, I was a big fan of Halo on the Xbox, and I bought the PC version as soon as I found it on sale. Then I checked HBO and heard that Gearbox was releasing a patch for HPC that would give modders full control to make anything from multiplayer maps to campaign missions to total conversion mods (if only, right?). So I checked back regularly until it was released on 5/5/04. I guess the rest is history.

How about all of you? Did you come over from HPC? Hear about it from a friend? Find it by pure chance?

November 6th, 2012, 10:00 AM
Was pure luck actually. Was googling something related to Halo and found Halomods before Halo CE was about to come out. After that, the rest is history. Probably could say I've done a lot of growing up with the game considering how long I played it haha.

November 6th, 2012, 10:05 AM
The little message at the bottom of the Halo PC server lobby, "Want custom maps? *something about custom edition*"

November 6th, 2012, 10:20 AM
Speaking of the message box, remember when Ghost or someone was able to change it for CE?

November 6th, 2012, 11:22 AM
It requires a change to everyones stings.dll client file, which just points to a text file containing the message. The default is:

All you need to do is make your own text file, upload it to a public web server, and redirect your clients strings to point to the new one.

t3h m00kz
November 6th, 2012, 02:08 PM
played a little halo on the xbox was like "oh that's kinda cool" then picked up the PC version and got fucking addicted to the multiplayer and launching hogs off of the top of death island.

I was like fucking 12.

November 6th, 2012, 03:58 PM
Was pure luck actually. Was googling something related to Halo and found Halomods before Halo CE was about to come out. After that, the rest is history. Probably could say I've done a lot of growing up with the game considering how long I played it haha.

Oh, Halomods. I remember when mods that did nothing but change models and fuck around with projectiles were the hot shit. Then Mono released his Library level and everyone shit their pants. I tried installing the mod, but fucked up my bitmaps.map so bad I had to reinstall the game.

Good times.

November 6th, 2012, 04:21 PM
was searching for a new modding sdk after stepping away from Quake 3. Then I found Kirk's tutorials and workflow appeared so smooth...until tool.exe

November 6th, 2012, 07:37 PM
Loved it on Xbox. Didn't have an Xbox for the longest time.

Got it one PC when it came out, my PC sucked so I learned how to build my own and built my first sysyem to play it on after finding out that my motherboard in my existing PC was so old it didn't have an AGP slot even. Was running a PCI video card lol.

Did some Log-Fort mods, wanted more, Camtrack Arena was the first map that really got my attention in CE. Looked like an awesomer version of Bloodgulch, so I grabbed that. Then I went on a binge of playing maps with flyable Pelicans.

November 6th, 2012, 07:49 PM
played halo once at my friends house and thought it was awesome, didn't have an xbox so got it for pc.. kicked ass for a while until i spilled milk on my disc and couldn't reinstall game so after searching around for a bit i found custom edition. swag.

edit. hat castel2castel or whatever so many lols

El Lobo
November 6th, 2012, 07:53 PM
lol @ milk on disk

I got recruited by Gearbox to play it, I'm a pro, so....

November 6th, 2012, 11:30 PM
I really liked halo on the xbox and then I saw videos of modded games of halo so I tried installing a modchip but I was like 12 and didn't know how to solder

So the solderless chip didn't work and I found out there was a PC version and I HMT'd the shit out of that until I found out about CE

And then I proceeded to never mod again because I didn't bother learning how to use 3ds max

November 7th, 2012, 12:07 AM
After seeing the b.net post showing off nightcamp_ce and a few other oldschool maps

e: This http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?cid=798

November 7th, 2012, 01:07 AM
Me and my dad beat halo 1 together when that came out. Same with Halo 2. I went to my neighboors house a couple days later to see he had halo 1 on PC, played it and got addicted to the multiplayer. I bought it on PC from gamestop one day, installed it, had a blast.

Found out about modding on the modded servers, then for some reason I wanted to get Halo 2 maps on the PC really bad. My endless searching for these mods resulted in me finding halomaps.org, when I think that halo 2 map remnants came out. Tried countless methods of playing it, failed. Then realized i needed Halo custom edition (lol). Downloaded, never got off the game for atleast 5 years straight. Didn't know how to map, so me and my friend §partan 8 (who is still a member here) ended up being two of the most respected halo PC moders.

-During this a few funny things happened. I actually met teekup on thepillarofautomnspace map, and we would see each other in games ever since. I learned about the HEK when KiLLa joined one of my servers. He pointed out the things i needed. I figured everything out somehow, I think Skyline helped me out with debugging at first. Then I just figured the rest out through trial and error. (including FP animations, where at the time there was no actual way to get a FP rig, so you had to make your own :|)

November 7th, 2012, 08:31 AM
I bought a copy of PC Gamer, which had a disc with the Halo PC Demo on. My friend slept over my house and we played it, I remember I couldnt sleep and I wanted to play it so desperately and his freaking bed was blocking my desk, so I couldnt. I actually fell in love with it because of the banshee fights in BG, which now I detest, but back then it was marvelous.

I remember buying Halo PC retail like it was yesterday. I walked into the store, not sure if they sold it so I asked the guy, wheres Halo? he pointed to the side of shop, the xbox games. I said to him, "no, Halo PC", he looked at me slightly weirdly and goes "oh, back of the store". So I walked to the back of the store, and spotted it right on the shelf.

I didn't know it then, but that would change my life.

Regarding Halo modding, and really modding in general. I was playing good old BG, I saw a bunch of flying warthogs, and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I mentioned it in the chat, asking wtf was going on is he cheating or something, and someone said he was using a mod. I asked what he meant, he said "oh, he modified the game." And since then it was like a can of worms opening up. A quick ask.co.uk pointed me to halo-mods.com, and thats where the fascination started.

November 7th, 2012, 09:03 AM

§partan 8
November 7th, 2012, 10:36 AM
Good old times. Killa_FTW pimphogs FTW haha. I found halo ce in halo pc muilt player people talked about it so I searched it and found halomaps.

November 7th, 2012, 07:57 PM
Halo demo used to be a thing at our school. Someone brought in mods, and I was like "hey cool, how do I do that?" No one else knew, so modhalo.net.

November 7th, 2012, 08:22 PM
i was really into game maker games at one point. i was trying to make an smg sprite for some stupid thing i was working on, and the picture google image search turned up was actually from h2ce's project page. from there i found out about halo custom edition on pc. i went out the next day and got it, then spent the next 3 months just goofing off on custom maps. i absolutely loved grunt attack, that blood gulch mod where blue grunts come from one base and red grunts come from the other, then mercilessly slaughter each other in the middle. i found another map with an ak47 in it. my modding career began when i decided i wanted to put that ak47 in grunt attack.

halo was funny at school though. i guess people had installed copies of it on some of the computers. i was like "lol, you guys ever heard of custom edition?" i had the whole room playing stuff like wartorn cove and cmt snow grove. i was the computer class hero for that, lol

November 8th, 2012, 02:59 AM
Spekaing of Halo at school, I asbused the shit out of the sysadmin privs I was given to help out the school sysadmin with stuff from time to time. For example, we were able to deploy installations of programs to every computer at the school remotely overnight. After they showed me how to do it (I had to install a new Adobe Master Collection suite) I then also went ahead and deploying Halo CE portable and ran a dedicated server on the file storage server the school had. Was almost always full from that point on. They never found out who did it either, lololol.

November 9th, 2012, 12:44 AM
I was looking for cheats for Halo 1's SP (MP? fuck that I still had dialup) but they all said I needed the "custom edition" which apparently I hadn't bought. Months later I found out what CE actually was and downloaded it and Hugeass (the most popular map ever at the time~) from the local library to play offline with my brother next to me lol

November 9th, 2012, 12:59 AM
I played Halo at my uncle's house a few times, and wanted it.

I used to lurk some warez forum (I was about 15-16 at the time I think?) and saw someone post "Halo Custom Edition" in the games section, so I download it and try it out and get disappointed when the CD key authentication kicks in and boots me if I try to play more than one game. Also no campaign. Boo.

So, I go to Gamestop, buy Halo, play it, eventually come across Halomods, the Bunghole, Gearbox... and the rest is history.