View Full Version : World War Z (Film)

November 8th, 2012, 11:03 PM

So Brad Pitt's bullshit production company has managed to take a brilliant documentary style book with slow, mindless zombies and turn it into 28 days later on drugs.

Why are you letting this happen, Max Brooks? Did you sell out so soon? World War Z should be a TV series if anything. This is a generic Hollywood zombie flick with a reporter's family dashed into the mix. Where the hell is anything from the book? Where's the stuff about the divers clearing out the catacombs under Paris? Wheres the stuff about the astronauts stranded on the space station? Where's the stuff about the United States having to change the fundamental functioning of society and warfare to combat the undead? If any of that is in the film, the trailer does an extremely poor job of suggesting it.

November 8th, 2012, 11:16 PM
No. No more fucking Zombies...

November 8th, 2012, 11:28 PM

November 8th, 2012, 11:43 PM
No. No more fucking Zombies...


This is what I was afraid of. People look at the trailer and just KNOW it's another zombie film. Something which is not at all what World War Z should be. WWZ is about societal impacts on a global scale and providing a large scope of how the zombie outbreak affected not just one small area of the world, but every part of it. It criticizes modern day social norms and even offers some realistic, albeit impractical solutions (in the sense that nobody would consent to it unless faced with such a dire situation).

November 9th, 2012, 12:28 AM
I don't even care if it's about the political ramifications. I'm sick of seeing zombies, period. Zombies, combined with modern warfare, is the new World War II...

...and World War II was classier than either.

November 9th, 2012, 01:43 AM
I get that you are tired of zombies, but did you even read my posts? I didn't say the book explained political ramifications or modern warfare. I said it explained societal ramifications and a complete change up of what conventional warfare is. Yes, politics is a part of society, but that wasn't a focus of the book. Max Brooks zeroed in on social issues like the poor response of the US government and cooperation of people to achieve a goal, but also includes themes of survivalism and fear.

I highly encourage you guys to check out both the book and the abridged audiobook for the most authentic World War Z experience. It was meant to be created as an audiobook and the unabridged version will be available next year. The audiobook has some big names like Mark Hamill, Alan Alda, and Carl Reiner. Nathan Fillion is even going to be playing a part in it.

November 9th, 2012, 03:06 AM
Modern warfare had nothing to do with your post, I was merely likening two themes that seem to be pervading all forms of media. I am already familiar with the book and have no desire to see it turned into a game, movie, or TV series because, frankly, it's still boring. Yay, another "world is going to hell in a handbasket" scenario. Why can't we have nice things?

November 9th, 2012, 08:53 AM
I don't even care if it's about the political ramifications. I'm sick of seeing zombies, period. Zombies, combined with modern warfare, is the new World War II...

...and World War II was classier than either.
yeah totally over zombies

i mean really, why can't we have the collapse of society be brought about by social unrest, or the exhaustion of critical resources, or something else with some depth to it beyond "WELL THESE PEOPLE ARE DEAD BUT THEY AREN'T YOU SEE, FURTHERMORE,"

additionally, i never liked the way people agonise over details and that book was one of the reasons that kept coming up. bullshit about .22lr bouncing around inside skulls without exiting so it is better at mangling brains, which is the only way to kill zombies. yeah. okay. you can shoot at someone hopped up on angel dust with a .22 and see how well that works since it'd be similar to shooting a 'zombie' in terms of their response. survivalist mentality is, in general, fucking stupid. teaching people to be self-sufficient is fine but the moment you depart into the realm of shooting other human beings - be they ethnic minorities 'zombies' or otherwise - you are being stupid and weirdly sociopathic. if some huge disaster sweeps the earth you may as well just shoot yourself since your odds of survival are so slim, assuming the disaster itself doesn't get you. nerds fantasising over how sick they'd be at living through a Nuclear Zombie Epidemic Apocalypse would probably last a day at best.

November 9th, 2012, 09:08 AM
Alan Alda,
you got me with Hawkeye Alan Alda.

November 10th, 2012, 04:03 PM
The story is supposed to be about a single journalist interviewing people AFTER the war while humanity was putting itself back together, NOT a single guy with his family running around the globe fighting zombies.

Not to mention that the book repeatedly says again and again and again that they SHUFFLE. According to the book, the fastest zombie was 3 mph.

Yes, I am fed up with zombies, I am absolutely sick and tired of them, but son of a bitch, how the hell could you screw up this bad?

November 10th, 2012, 05:14 PM
I always heard the book was fantastic, this looks like utter crap.

November 12th, 2012, 01:46 AM
Not to mention that the book repeatedly says again and again and again that they SHUFFLE.


WTB zombie game with this kind of shuffling.

November 12th, 2012, 02:56 AM
While we're at it. Another Zombie movie


November 12th, 2012, 03:46 AM
Okay, that one looks legitimately good.

May 13th, 2013, 03:27 PM
World War Z Unabridged audio book is unleashed tomorrow. Hell yes!

May 14th, 2013, 10:20 AM
Final cast list for the extended audiobook:

Nicki Clyne as Sharon
Bruce Boxleitner as Gavin Blaire
Simon Pegg as Grover Carlson
Brian Tee as Hyungchoi and Michael Choi
Henry Rollins as T. Sean Collins
Frank Darabont as Roy Elliot
Common as Darnell Hackworth
Kal Penn as Sardar Khan
Alfred Molina as Terry Knox
David Ogden Stiers as Bohdan Taras Kondratiuk
Nathan Fillion as Stanley MacDonald
Denise Crosby as Mary Jo Miller
Ade M’Cormack as Jacob Nyathi
Paul Sorvino as Fernando Oliveira
Parminder Nagra as Barati Palshigar
Rene Auberjonois as Andre Renard
F. Murray Abraham as Father Sergei Ryzhkov
Martin Scorsese as Breckinridge “Breck” Scott
Masi Oka as Kondo Tatsumi
Ric Young as Admiral Xu Zhicai
Jeri Ryan as Maria Zhuganova

Big names, people, big names.

May 14th, 2013, 10:55 AM
Holy fuck Odo

May 14th, 2013, 01:39 PM
Okay, that one looks legitimately gay.It's a chickflick :|