View Full Version : HRT - Halo Racing Tournament.

November 11th, 2012, 08:18 AM
Hi guys! *bows*

My name is NorT im a veteran of 11 years of halo i currently reside in TG - The Gathering and S.B.B StormUndBlackbird and i currently run my own Racing Tournament. . (It should be noted) this is just for fun. . .its not serious in anyway. . .Since we cant get 16 let alone 8 people to show up at a specified time due to jobs,education or frankly there lives. . .xD i decided to do a HRT in a different way basically, You turn up whenever free you do some practice laps then when ready you will be timed. Basically the faster the time the more points you score and fastest time wins. Your allowed 2 retakes if need be such as if you somehow kill yourself with the hog or just simply arent happy with the laptime itself. Have a retake and you do a restart. there are 32 Slots in the tournament on the website it says were full up but were not, I have about 6 people in the tournament im willing to kick out...due to not showing up...AT ALL....so i will simply replace them with whoever wants to be in xD

Awards - http://hrt1.webs.com/awards.htm /which you get if you meet the standards.

Teams - http://hrt1.webs.com/teams.htm / Teams are made of 2 people there are names at the bottom if you cant decide on a name for instance such as Qirex,Assegai and AG Systems or you can make your own up wether that be your clan name or just something stupid like the snails which is a current team we have.

The plan at the end is unclear. . .because i'd rather this was a vote between everyone not just upto me.
either A) - Split the league into groups of 4 and have races in which they take each other on in a 4 way race.
or B) - randomly select people and have 4 vs 4. . .2 drivers 2 gunners in 1 team and vice versa and have them fight each other upto 15 laps.
or even C) if it proves popular just restart it xD

anyway if your up for it. . . Add me to xfire - sccalaz
www.hrt1.webs.com (http://www.hrt1.webs.com)

P.S - this is tournament at the moment is purely time trial based, theres no killing involved you drive a solid clean fast lap some people make the mistake of thinking your supposed to kill me (the guy whos trying to time you) http://dftb.clanservers.com/forum/images/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
also note from the driver list on the website it doesnt matter where your from your allowed to take part . . .I currently have my own British Server to time folks and a U.S back up from a freind if desperate http://dftb.clanservers.com/forum/images/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif


Xfire - sccalaz