View Full Version : Texas Simulator
November 12th, 2012, 08:41 PM (
An online petition that calls for the state to Texas to withdraw from the U.S. and create its own government on Monday reached the required signature threshold to receive an official response from The White House.
November 12th, 2012, 09:05 PM
We're not the only state doing that. I am honestly for it, but I'm not gonna go much into this subject on this forum.
November 12th, 2012, 09:15 PM
White House: ....No....
November 12th, 2012, 09:17 PM
I say go for it, whilst you're at it have a few more states break away as well.
Watch washington become the central of it's own state.
November 12th, 2012, 09:22 PM
Do it.
November 12th, 2012, 09:23 PM
Unlikely if will happen anytime soon.
Texas could survive economicly, and militarly, but theres other things to account for.
November 12th, 2012, 09:38 PM
Maybe that will make Georgia's economy better? I'm wondering both cons and pros. I'm just really worried about unforeseen issues if this ever was able to happen.
November 12th, 2012, 09:42 PM
Not all states have the capacity to sustain themselves. The south will probably have to unite.
Look at some of the Democratic states going bankrupt under liberal governments.
November 12th, 2012, 09:44 PM
Not all states have the capacity to sustain themselves. The south will probably have to unite.
Look at some of the Democratic states going bankrupt under liberal governments.
Oh Christ. I like Georgia, but people are ridiculously old fashioned politically. They also love to exaggerate, WHICH I FUCKING HATE. Imagine that same concept but multiplied by 7-10. D:
November 12th, 2012, 09:51 PM
Not saying I like that idea, but some states just won't survive a succession.
November 12th, 2012, 09:54 PM
Not saying I like that idea, but some states just won't survive a succession.
I simply have to agree. That's what worries me. It really cannot be a rash move or a lot of people are going to suffer for it without them having any control.
Mr Buckshot
November 12th, 2012, 10:07 PM
We'll happily donate Quebec to join whatever new country the seceding states want to form :P
(within a few days they'll be begging to join the United States once more)
ps I like quebec
November 12th, 2012, 10:12 PM
We'll happily donate Quebec to join whatever new country the seceding states want to form :P
(within a few days they'll be begging to join the United States once more)
Awww poor Quebecians. :P
November 12th, 2012, 10:22 PM
Sheldon Cooper will be ashamed.
Rainbow Dash
November 12th, 2012, 10:37 PM
Don't let the door hit you on the way out :3
November 13th, 2012, 12:48 AM
We're not the only state doing that. I am honestly for it, but I'm not gonna go much into this subject on this forum.
no, no, please. tell us more
Unlikely if will happen anytime soon.
Texas could survive economicly, and militarly, but theres other things to account for.
yes, like the whole "socially backwards by nearly a century" thing, that could cause problems
November 13th, 2012, 01:03 AM
I'm gonna be honest here. You're one of the main reasons why I avoid threads like these. You think you know everything concerning our country when in fact you don't.
All you do is base your knowledge from the media or what he/she said.
socially backwards by nearly a century
Are you fucking serious? You gotta be really fucking stupid to think that.
November 13th, 2012, 01:05 AM
I'm gonna be honest here. You're one of the main reasons why I avoid threads like these. You think you know everything concerning our country when in fact you don't.
All you do is base your knowledge from the media or what he/she said.
Are you fucking serious? You gtta be really fucking stupid to think that.
It strikes me that this response precisely confirms his attitude.
November 13th, 2012, 01:17 AM
Texas is just jelly because Alaska is the biggest state...
November 13th, 2012, 04:33 AM
Okay they're backwards by only half a century. It's a rather childish thing to want to secede, especially since nothing is being done to them by the government, but given the nature of the people living there it's not entirely surprising. I'm under the impression that governments everywhere in the US suck, and I'll probably be leaving the country when I can.
November 13th, 2012, 05:17 AM
no, no, please. tell us more
yes, like the whole "socially backwards by nearly a century" thing, that could cause problems
Pretty sure you and I already had this discussion. But while we're at it let's discuss all the Kangaroos in your back yard.
November 13th, 2012, 06:47 AM
Oh look, there goes my dumbass country embarrassing itself...again.
Seriously, can we just work with Obama instead of wanting to see the whole country collapse? People need to grow the fuck up.
November 13th, 2012, 07:03 AM
Are you fucking serious? You gotta be really fucking stupid to think that.
hey remember the part where lynchings in texas were considered family days out well into the 1900s and 1910s, and more recently, the part where the state governor refused to pardon anybody on death row (btw anywhere that has capital punishment is automatically backwards at least half a century automatically, sorry) even after they were proven to be innocent?
tell me more about how i am a giant ignorant dumb foreigner who Just Doesn't Understand please this should be fun
November 13th, 2012, 10:43 AM
hey remember the part where lynchings in texas were considered family days out well into the 1900s and 1910s, and more recently, the part where the state governor refused to pardon anybody on death row (btw anywhere that has capital punishment is automatically backwards at least half a century automatically, sorry) even after they were proven to be innocent?
tell me more about how i am a giant ignorant dumb foreigner who Just Doesn't Understand please this should be fun
It's not that I think you're stupid Rossmum, it's just that you tend to generalize a lot. There are a lot of people who don't fit your descriptions of what you consider a bunch of fucktards yet are linked to said fucktards in some manner. For example, saying that the whole state is backwards a century is really insulting to the populations that are up to modern times. That's like that generalization you had with all conservatives being total backwards fuckwits when in fact half of conservatives are merely economic conservatives and are liberal with domestic policies. Point being Rossmum, as I'm seeing it, he's kind of pissed you keep generalizing his whole state as a bunch of backwards fuckwits when that is not the case.
Rainbow Dash
November 13th, 2012, 11:19 AM
I'm gonna be honest here. You're one of the main reasons why I avoid threads like these. You think you know everything concerning our country when in fact you don't.
Why, because he can destroy you in any logical argument and you have nothing that you can use to defend your viewpoints lol?
All you do is base your knowledge from the media or what he/she said.
Are you fucking serious? You gotta be really fucking stupid to think that.
Need I remind you that Rick Perry is your governor.
November 13th, 2012, 11:37 AM
It's not that I think your stupid Rossmum
it's you're. you're. as in you are.
it's just that you tend to generalize a lot. There are a lot of people who don't fit your descriptions of what you consider a bunch of fucktards yet are linked to said fucktards in some manner. For example, saying that the whole state is backwards a century is really insulting to the populations that are up to modern times.
well if the state is governed by a morally bankrupt murderer who appears to get off on his godlike ability to dictate who lives and who dies (by basically saying fuck it everybody dies) then i think that is a pretty good indication that the state is pretty fucking backwards and at least some majority of its population have no issues at all with that
That's like that generalization you had with all conservatives being total backwards fuckwits when in fact half of conservatives are merely economic conservatives and are liberal with domestic policies. Point being Rossmum, as I'm seeing it, he's kind of pissed you keep generalizing his whole state as a bunch of backwards fuckwits when that is not the case.
i don't recall saying 'literally every fucking texan is a backwards hick', and would appreciate it if you, him, or anyone else in here would point out where those words materialised in my post, since i can't seem to find them. i do recall saying the state is backwards, because that is empirically true and if you don't like that you should probably do something about it or move somewhere else or something i guess
i mean if i lived somewhere where the death penalty was not only legal but a genuine thing that got used all the time i would pretty much want to curl up and die of shame, or move somewhere else and try detach myself as far as possible from it or something
edit: here's a tip also: every time someone says "it's not that i think..." it is generally a safe assumption that they think exactly that and are just trying to put it in a way that won't offend as much, or if they genuinely don't mean that then their wording is just really weird and pointless
November 13th, 2012, 11:43 AM
it's you're. you're. as in you are.
well if the state is governed by a morally bankrupt murderer who appears to get off on his godlike ability to dictate who lives and who dies (by basically saying fuck it everybody dies) then i think that is a pretty good indication that the state is pretty fucking backwards and at least some majority of its population have no issues at all with that
i don't recall saying 'literally every fucking texan is a backwards hick', and would appreciate it if you, him, or anyone else in here would point out where those words materialised in my post, since i can't seem to find them. i do recall saying the state is backwards, because that is empirically true and if you don't like that you should probably do something about it or move somewhere else or something i guess
i mean if i lived somewhere where the death penalty was not only legal but a genuine thing that got used all the time i would pretty much want to curl up and die of shame, or move somewhere else and try detach myself as far as possible from it or something
Whoops, let that grammar slip. I knew it didn't look right. My bad.
I was simply saying Rossmum that your posts come off as generalizations a lot, even if they are not. No you did not say specifically every Texan is a backwards fuckwit, but when you say the state of Texas is, then you're insulting them. Now if you said the government of the Texan state or the Texas politicians or even as far as saying Texas has a lot of backwards hicks, then that's all dandy.
As far as implying that Texans were backward:
hey remember the part where lynchings in texas were considered family days out well into the 1900s and 1910s, and more recently, the part where the state governor refused to pardon anybody on death row (btw anywhere that has capital punishment is automatically backwards at least half a century automatically, sorry) even after they were proven to be innocent?
Does it say all Texans? No. However, it is WAY over the top for your argument, not to mention you come off so aggressively with this history. All you had to say was the latter portion and then state that you primarily mean the vocal majority alongside the political entities of Texas. Otherwise, you're argument looks insulting to the people who aren't backwards. They still love the state (not the politcal entity per say, but the land/culture within which they live) they are in and have harmless pride because it's their home.
For example, if you said the state of Georgia was a sack of shit with nothing but hicks and rednecks, then I'd be insulted because I'm neither and Georgia is a very pretty state. My pride in Georgia is its diverse geology, crazy weather patterns, and other non-political-sociological factors.
In other words, to me it looks like you are grouping everyone together, when you are not, with half your arguments. Call me a fuckwit for it, but I think I'd be okay with Rossmum posts if they were always more specific. It's just you post so aggressively and kind of angrily that it's difficult to tell if you're actually wanting to gut the hell out of the other person or just blatantly stating information. The implied meaning comes of wrong. Both really lack ediquette regardless.
November 13th, 2012, 11:57 AM
Generalizations are unavoidable and necessary for discussions. It's obvious that at a certain level of intellect a sentence like "People in the state of Texas are..." does not mean "everyone, no exception". Painting an image black and white is sometimes necessary to get the point across.
November 13th, 2012, 12:07 PM
Generalizations are unavoidable and necessary for discussions. It's obvious that at a certain level of intellect a sentence like "People in the state of Texas are..." does not mean "everyone, no exception". Painting an image black and white is sometimes necessary to get the point across.
I had a post written out for this, but this is not the place to discuss the matter of what posting etiquette is and what Rossmums posts are. This is about a group of Texans writing a petition to the White House for secession.The fact is, it's a form of protest from citizens. In no way is the state government actually thinking about it.
So whether or not you see me cowarding away from the argument, I don't want this thread to derail from this interesting subject of such a big protest. These petitions can be signed and sent to the White House with guidelines found here:
A better question for all of you fine folks: who actually read the article?
November 13th, 2012, 12:21 PM
All I see is a mess of quotation boxes.
Texas and the South suck and we don't want them.
Besides, Canada will probably take in the NW and NE and everyone else can have their crappy Jesus loving country.
November 13th, 2012, 12:41 PM
Didn't know there was a thread on this here. I was telling people that Obama needs to step up and act like a parent for a spoiled child on this one. Tell them that if their state capitals call for it, Obama would welcome them to leave. With the exception of three states, all of them absolutely rely on federal dollars to sustain themselves. Also, if they all succeeded from the states, America's obesity rate would drop by about 75%.
By the time they try to gather up local taxes to keep their schools, governments, and medical systems (hospitals) afloat they'd be begging to get back in after complaining about how they paid less taxes under the states.
State military bases would be interesting though. Especially in Kentucky.
November 13th, 2012, 12:44 PM
Didn't know there was a thread on this here. I was telling people that Obama needs to step up and act like a parent for a spoiled child on this one. Tell them that if their state capitals call for it, Obama would welcome them to leave. With the exception of three states, all of them absolutely rely on federal dollars to sustain themselves. Also, if they all succeeded from the states, America's obesity rate would drop by about 75%.
By the time they try to gather up local taxes to keep their schools, governments, and medical systems (hospitals) afloat they'd be begging to get back in after complaining about how they paid less taxes under the states.
State military bases would be interesting though. Especially in Kentucky.
If he did this, I'd have new-found respect for him. It really is silly on the extremes people seem to want to go for this sort of thing. Right after the election, people acted like it was the end of the world. The faithful were chanting that God is in control as if the Apocalypse is inbound since their candidate did not win. According to the polls, no one gives a shit about foreign policy, which is classic American isolationism for you, but the fact that we tie our hands into so much of the world with such little concern for foreign policy is horrible. Half of America (if not more) does not know what their government is doing in the world. None of them probably realize how corrupt their government is and how deviant the desires of their local representatives are in comaprison to their own (those desires being selfish and self-promoting). We need term limits on our representatives in Congress, yet people seem to be more worried about the Presidency of a man we've already had in office (so we basically know how he's going to be for another 4 years). Our bureaucracy is a fucking mess. None of our budgets are optimized, 3/5 of the important ones are underfunded, 2 of them are overfunded, and those who realize it aren't numerous enough to change it. The numerous portions are stuck in a fairyland of ignorance (all across the nation). To the point, people need to understand what really is fucked up in this nation.
November 13th, 2012, 12:59 PM
Rossmum, you're living in a country that founded for prisoners. That is the more backward than Texas.
What I will say, there is a great deal more than you think to keep an area independent. Simply saying oh I think Texas on its own will be self-sufficient, is really a guess. You will only know once the deal has been done, it all depends on bureaucracy with outer elements.
November 13th, 2012, 01:11 PM
Rossmum, you're living in a country that founded for prisoners. That is the more backward than Texas.
What I will say, there is a great deal more than you think to keep an area independent. Simply saying oh I think Texas on its own will be self-sufficient, is really a guess. You will only know once the deal has been done, it all depends on bureaucracy with outer elements.
This part is what bothers me when people sign these petitions out of protest. They have no idea how dangerous it can be, especially for the innocent and those who don't have a choice to go elsewhere. The state could implode and many devastated in the process, all out of some self-righteous fury and rashness. People want to stay in their comfort zones instead of attempt learning to adjust and it's just frustrating to see. They don't want to overcome their obstacles. They want their obstacles to just disappear.
November 13th, 2012, 01:19 PM
I agree. Lets say for example Texas becomes its own country, I'm not entirely sure what they are petitioning for, but lets say its now a country. Do they assume they will have international deal with the US to extradict prisoners? If a Texan goes into US commits a crime, and gets arrested. Do they get tried in the US, or do they go back to Texas? How about law agencies, will they work together? Will they join some sort of North American agreement to pass intelligence from all sides, which is what Interpol does/acts as for Europe.
What about telecommunications? Will they have deals with the US over costs? Or will calling from Texas to another US state use international cost rates? Do you pay taxes to Texas or US? You will lose certain elements from the US government but all your taxes will go directly to Texas, will the new Texas lose out on money overall in the deal?
There are thousands of things you need to consider.
November 13th, 2012, 01:41 PM
I was simply saying Rossmum that your posts come off as generalizations a lot, even if they are not. No you did not say specifically every Texan is a backwards fuckwit, but when you say the state of Texas is, then you're insulting them.
i really don't care if texans are insulted by me stating the obvious truth. they can move, they can try and change things themselves, or they can get offended because "those people are actually a minority" when that is clearly not true given the state of the... well, state.
Now if you said the government of the Texan state or the Texas politicians or even as far as saying Texas has a lot of backwards hicks, then that's all dandy.
but why be so specific when it is not accurate? the government of texas, a good deal of its politicans, and a good deal of its citizens (clearly a majority) are cool with the state being backwards. i am not going to tiptoe around the fucking issue just to avoid upsetting snowflakes who can't handle the real world and want to pretend the place they live in isn't horrifically fucked up.
As far as implying that Texans were backward:
Does it say all Texans? No. However, it is WAY over the top for your argument, not to mention you come off so aggressively with this history. All you had to say was the latter portion and then state that you primarily mean the vocal majority alongside the political entities of Texas. Otherwise, you're argument looks insulting to the people who aren't backwards. They still love the state (not the politcal entity per say, but the land/culture within which they live) they are in and have harmless pride because it's their home.
see above
For example, if you said the state of Georgia was a sack of shit with nothing but hicks and rednecks, then I'd be insulted because I'm neither and Georgia is a very pretty state. My pride in Georgia is its diverse geology, crazy weather patterns, and other non-political-sociological factors.
but that is not even vaguely comparable to what i said, is it?
In other words, to me it looks like you are grouping everyone together, when you are not, with half your arguments. Call me a fuckwit for it, but I think I'd be okay with Rossmum posts if they were always more specific. It's just you post so aggressively and kind of angrily that it's difficult to tell if you're actually wanting to gut the hell out of the other person or just blatantly stating information. The implied meaning comes of wrong. Both really lack ediquette regardless.
i am not going to distort the fucking truth by being specific where it is not appropriate. if rick perry was the only socially backwards person in texas, i would say rick fucking perry. as it happens, the entire state is, as a result of a significant portion of those who live within it either actively supporting, or being complicit with, the current regime. i am referring to the state as an entity and not to the people directly, otherwise i would have said 'texans are backwards'.
Rossmum, you're living in a country that founded for prisoners. That is the more backward than Texas.
i assume this is a flippant comment since it is demonstrably false, as backwards and shitty as this place is (i don't know if you've noticed but i severely dislike it and am desperately trying to claw together the funds to move)
November 13th, 2012, 02:06 PM
People want to stay in their comfort zones instead of attempt learning to adjust and it's just frustrating to see. They don't want to overcome their obstacles. They want their obstacles to just disappear.
This is ironic given our conversation on steam a week or so ago, you bitched so much about Obama and how he doesn't do things the way you would prefer them to be.
November 13th, 2012, 02:11 PM
So, the British didnt set up a penal colony? Strange, so your saying history is lying?
Texas becoming independent is an idiotic idea, one that the people voting yes havent fully grasped. They want NASA to remain functioning and running operations that drives a large part of Texas's economy? Texas doesnt have an army or navy or an air force, so you would create your own or ask to borrow America's?
To me it sounds like a bunch of republicans are getting pissy because they lost the election.
Currently 0.2% of the population of Texas has signed the petition, I mean cmon really? There is no way in hell this will go through.
November 13th, 2012, 02:39 PM
In other news: Roosterteeth studios moves to Oklahoma.
November 13th, 2012, 02:41 PM
So, the British didnt set up a penal colony? Strange, so your saying history is lying?
Texas becoming independent is an idiotic idea, one that the people voting yes havent fully grasped. They want NASA to remain functioning and running operations that drives a large part of Texas's economy? Texas doesnt have an army or navy or an air force, so you would create your own or ask to borrow America's?
To me it sounds like a bunch of republicans are getting pissy because they lost the election.
Currently 0.2% of the population of Texas has signed the petition, I mean cmon really? There is no way in hell this will go through.
NASA doesn't contribute much to our economy anymore. I know a handful of people that got lay off, because if the shuttle retirement
Texas has quite a few number of military basses
7 Air forces Basses
4 Army Basses
4 Navy Basses
Texas could automatically keep those Basses if it were to secede. Keeping those basses occupied wouldn't be much of a problem since Texas holds a large number of military recruits.
@rossmum How can you come to these conclusions when you don't even live in Texas or even in the United States. I'm sorry to tell you that what the media, and textbooks teach you is mostly misleading.
Texas contributes large amounts to the US economy whether you agree or not. It gives more than it gets in return.
The president will never allow a succession especially from Texas. There is really no point in seceding at this point.
November 13th, 2012, 02:49 PM
This is ironic given our conversation on steam a week or so ago, you bitched so much about Obama and how he doesn't do things the way you would prefer them to be.
Did you post this to call me out? Just because I would prefer he did other things doesn't mean I'm not going to attempt in learning to adjust if things deteriorate for certain programs in the state as a result of weakened funding. In this scenario, people are so recklessly riled-up they aren't even thinking of the latter. They're filing a petition for a ridiculous thought that would do more harm to them than good. They aren't even trying to adapt, merely trying to force their concerns so they don't have to. In other words, they aren't trying to evolve or strengthen, just remain what they have been. I at least want to try branching out even if obstacles from the current administration come my way.
Even more so, I can at least see the bigger issues facing the country and political-socio structures than a lost presidential election. They see cause for secession with the incumbent remaining in office, which is ridiculously drastic.
November 13th, 2012, 02:59 PM
I don't really understand what Rossmum labels as "backwards"
To those people, what he does and what he believes in is "backwards"
Please explain Ross, because I want to see your definition of this before making an actual argument about it.
November 13th, 2012, 03:10 PM
November 13th, 2012, 03:14 PM
Funny how that show used to be largely Texan with refrences and music.
November 13th, 2012, 03:14 PM
At least we won't have to change the national flag...
November 13th, 2012, 03:26 PM
At least we won't have to change the national flag...
We'll just add Iraq to our list of states.
November 13th, 2012, 04:17 PM
NASA doesn't contribute much to our economy anymore. I know a handful of people that got lay off, because if the shuttle retirement
Texas has quite a few number of military basses
7 Air forces Basses
4 Army Basses
4 Navy Basses
Texas could automatically keep those Basses if it were to secede. Keeping those basses occupied wouldn't be much of a problem since Texas holds a large number of military recruits.
@rossmum How can you come to these conclusions when you don't even live in Texas or even in the United States. I'm sorry to tell you that what the media, and textbooks teach you is mostly misleading.
Texas contributes large amounts to the US economy whether you agree or not. It gives more than it gets in return.
The president will never allow a succession especially from Texas. There is really no point in seceding at this point.
What you don't understand is the US Government owns those bases. Texas would have to pay them off for them. You also wouldn't get those recruits, because those recruits are under the US government too. I doubt they would forfeit their pensions and benefits to swap over to the new 'Texan Country'.
You cannot assume anything that is within the land area of Texas, will be the property of the new country Texas we are talking about. All the infrastructure will either have to be bought out, or loaned out from the US. Water, gas, electricity etc; extensive trade deals will have to be made to make the new country viable and sustainable.
November 13th, 2012, 05:14 PM
November 13th, 2012, 05:34 PM
Rossmum, you're living in a country that founded for prisoners. That is the more backward than Texas.
This is what some people actually believe.
November 13th, 2012, 05:49 PM
Last I checked, nearly half the state of Texas voted blue in the last election. And I guarente you there's a healthy portion of intelligent people who voted red as well(again, as I said in the last thread, people who are economically conservative).
I don't think that's all that backward.
Honestly Ross, your posts are melting together. You act like we're asking you to pussify yourself. Calm down, dude.
November 13th, 2012, 05:58 PM
This is what some people actually believe.
It's not entirely true, but it's not entirely untrue either.
November 13th, 2012, 06:36 PM
What you don't understand is the US Government owns those bases. Texas would have to pay them off for them. You also wouldn't get those recruits, because those recruits are under the US government too. I doubt they would forfeit their pensions and benefits to swap over to the new 'Texan Country'.
You cannot assume anything that is within the land area of Texas, will be the property of the new country Texas we are talking about. All the infrastructure will either have to be bought out, or loaned out from the US. Water, gas, electricity etc; extensive trade deals will have to be made to make the new country viable and sustainable.We're talking about a peaceful succession here, so a deal will certainly have to be made.
Texas has its own power, grid and enough water for its population.
The infrastructure for refineries is already here, and offshore drilling regulations would be gone.
November 13th, 2012, 06:45 PM
hey remember the part where lynchings in texas were considered family days out well into the 1900s and 1910s, and more recently, the part where the state governor refused to pardon anybody on death row (btw anywhere that has capital punishment is automatically backwards at least half a century automatically, sorry) even after they were proven to be innocent?
tell me more about how i am a giant ignorant dumb foreigner who Just Doesn't Understand please this should be fun
No but seriously you do ride a Kangaroo to work right? And use the word Crikey in normal conversation?
Stupid generalizations really show me how socially advanced you must be!
November 13th, 2012, 07:13 PM
What you don't understand is the US Government owns those bases. Texas would have to pay them off for them. You also wouldn't get those recruits, because those recruits are under the US government too. I doubt they would forfeit their pensions and benefits to swap over to the new 'Texan Country'.
You cannot assume anything that is within the land area of Texas, will be the property of the new country Texas we are talking about. All the infrastructure will either have to be bought out, or loaned out from the US. Water, gas, electricity etc; extensive trade deals will have to be made to make the new country viable and sustainable.
Roads, rail, ports, and airports as well. Interstates would have to be manipulated and even rerouted to provide method to stay within the States. It's also likely that the military will deploy around the inner border of Free-Texas since the US Border patrol would have no right to enforce the Texas-Mexico border.
It would also create hell for businesses heavily reliant on trade in and outside of Texas. Tariffs and all, you know. What of people with property in both Texas and the States? It's a logistical nightmare that won't be resolved for years.
November 13th, 2012, 07:50 PM
If Texas was to secede from the union it would probably throw things into motion that i think would, in the future, end up unifying the nation more. Just a thought.
November 13th, 2012, 07:52 PM
Precedent has already been set. States do not have the right to secede from the Union. I can't believe this shit I'm reading these days...
November 13th, 2012, 08:03 PM
So when is the whitehouse going to tell the residents of Texas to get over themselves.
November 13th, 2012, 08:12 PM
Precedent has already been set. States do not have the right to secede from the Union. I can't believe this shit I'm reading these days...
This. You may not leave the Union. Were the Union to dissolve, then it would be a free for all. But it hasn't so it stays.
Also why is it that Europe and Africa and Asia are split into like, a billion countries, and North America is three? I'd like to see this changed.
November 13th, 2012, 08:26 PM
This. You may not leave the Union. Were the Union to dissolve, then it would be a free for all. But it hasn't so it stays.
Also why is it that Europe and Africa and Asia are split into like, a billion countries, and North America is three? I'd like to see this changed.I think part of why there are so many states over there is because of a long history of wars. People want to be separate and follow their own rules, others desire land. It fragments the continents into different countries. How many wars were fought here? Very few, and if other nations owned land, we bought it because it would cost them more to fight for it.
Pray for a lot of territorial wars in North America if you have hopes to see a few nations fracture apart.
November 13th, 2012, 08:28 PM
Because those continents had been host to the majority of the Earth's population for a much longer time before North America was colonized. Ergo, much more time to fracture.
Edit: ^ Beat me to it.
Tip for Texas: Get yourself a Gandhi and demand home-rule. That's the best-case scenario I can recall of a new nation being founded by asking for independence.
November 13th, 2012, 08:31 PM
Tip for Texas: Get yourself a Gandhi and demand home-rule. That's the best-case scenario I can recall of a new nation being founded by asking for independence.
This, just make sure the Gandhi isn't a judge. (
November 13th, 2012, 08:36 PM
Need to stop being a ninja. It distracts from the quality posters.
Yeah, but hooded is right. The longevity of these continents matters big time. And parts of it isn't just war; albeit, that is a big part. Socio-political issues also come into play, just like they are doing here and now.
November 13th, 2012, 08:42 PM
Texas could automatically keep those Basses if it were to secede. Keeping those basses occupied wouldn't be much of a problem since Texas holds a large number of military recruits.
No, it wouldn't. Those bases are FEDERAL property. Texas as a state does not own them nor has jurisdiction over them.
Those military recruits are also employees of the FEDERAL government. Texas as a state does not hold any power over their contract.
November 13th, 2012, 08:44 PM
This. You may not leave the Union. Were the Union to dissolve, then it would be a free for all. But it hasn't so it stays.
Also why is it that Europe and Africa and Asia are split into like, a billion countries, and North America is three? I'd like to see this changed.
Had the Europeans not expanded outward and colonised conquered the Americas, it's very likely that the continent would have ended up the same way. The Native Americans we not just tribes, they were nations. They just hadn't progressed (regressed?) in the same way that Europe had.
November 13th, 2012, 08:45 PM
It's conquered. Call it what it is. Glorious, bloody conquest.
November 13th, 2012, 08:46 PM
November 13th, 2012, 08:47 PM
I'm never happy
t3h m00kz
November 13th, 2012, 09:31 PM
Oh look, there goes my dumbass country embarrassing itself...again.
Seriously, can we just work with Obama instead of wanting to see the whole country collapse? People need to grow the fuck up.
from what I understand a collapse is inevitable. I can understand states wanting to get the fuck out before it happens.
Living in Washington State, having moved from Florida, I can tell you thinks are FAAAAR different here than the south
November 13th, 2012, 09:50 PM
So, the British didnt set up a penal colony? Strange, so your saying history is lying?
no but i'm saying that if you posted that as anything other than a joke you really haven't learned anything. hmmm yes, this country which was first established as a prison colony and was later settled in successively larger and larger waves by first british and then other european free men, and is more politically and ideologically similar to the united kingdom than it is almost anything else, is clearly more backwards than texas. i mean, proper healthcare and a decent welfare system? pah, what kind of shitty commie pinko prison colonies have those?
oh right, the uk has them too...
@rossmum How can you come to these conclusions when you don't even live in Texas or even in the United States. I'm sorry to tell you that what the media, and textbooks teach you is mostly misleading.
it's cute how you kids keep assuming any of this comes from 'the media' (hint: our media, and in fact most of the world's, is not like yours; they generally deal in facts and not fairy stories and any political bias is so minor it may as well not be there) or 'textbooks' (lol what the fuck textbooks would i be reading this from?), instead of things like 'family and friends who have lived, or are currently living in, the united states', 'personal experience from time spent in the united states', or 'actual facts about america from non-politically-biased sources'
or are you seriously trying to tell me that the lie-beral media just want me to believe that rick perry is the scum of the earth and that the majority of texans are either so happy with him or so utterly lacking in compassion and human decency that they allowed this shitlord to hold the position he did? because i'm pretty sure all those death row inmates he failed to pardon regardless of guilt or innocence aren't some invention of the fucking media you arrogant little shit
Texas contributes large amounts to the US economy whether you agree or not. It gives more than it gets in return.
i don't recall ever saying a damn word about the us economy, and i also don't see how you think this is even tangentially relevant since economic concerns have approximately 'fuck' and 'shit' to do with the social advancement of a community, state, country, or otherwise
I don't really understand what Rossmum labels as "backwards"
people who think survival of the fittest is a cool & acceptable idea in an era where we have the means to make sure everyone has at the very least the basic human requirements, people who think killing another human being is okay and that revenge is anything other than a shitty and despicable motive for anything, people who think they have the right to ban others from enjoying the same rights they do based on some stupid shitty interpretation of a 3,000 year old text which is only important or sacred to them, would you like me to continue
To those people, what he does and what he believes in is "backwards"
i don't know man, take a look at those assholes and then at early cavemen and then at me and decide which is more similar in behaviour
all i know is that civilised and well-adjusted humans do not under any circumstances condone the killing of other humans, let alone whoop and holler and invite the whole fucking family along for a picnic
No but seriously you do ride a Kangaroo to work right? And use the word Crikey in normal conversation?
Stupid generalizations really show me how socially advanced you must be!
this is an incredibly stupid argument that does not even begin to make sense. i honestly expected better from you.
the kangaroo and crikey thing is the result of a stereotype with zero actual evidence to back it up as being a thing.
'texas being backwards' is backed up by the fact your state was down with lynching black kids for crimes white kids committed well into the 20th century and also being okay with the man running it signing off the death warrants of scores of people, several of them innocent, just because he could and because somehow in your fucked up country people think revenge is cool and good and the aim of prison is to punish, not rehabilitate.
November 13th, 2012, 10:26 PM
'texas being backwards' is backed up by the fact your state was down with lynching black kids for crimes white kids committed well into the 20th century and also being okay with the man running it signing off the death warrants of scores of people, several of them innocent, just because he could and because somehow in your fucked up country people think revenge is cool and good and the aim of prison is to punish, not rehabilitate.
Right, so we're all fucked up because of a few standouts and some shit that happened over a century ago. I only replied to incredible stupidity with the same.
November 13th, 2012, 10:38 PM
Ross, your opinion of civilized is laughable coming from the group that slaughtered people all over the world for financial profit for 300 years. Also, your prison opinion is hilarious since you are in love with the Soviets.
As far as the KKK are concerned, that is the worst kind of bigotry that is often seen from people outside of this country. It's pathetic that you would make an argument based on what people did 100 years ago, since 100 years ago the Brits were busy raping every Indian woman in sight and burning/enslaving their men. Your double standard is really pretty disgusting.
That said, I am from the North so yeah, Texas is a crazy place. Not anywhere I would want to live for sure. Far too conservative and I can't stand the social stratum there. I'm a liberal at heart and can't stand the politics that seem to be common in that place. Anywhere where Rick Perry can win a major election is an atrocity.
November 13th, 2012, 10:42 PM
Left 4 Texas: Rise of the Boomers
November 13th, 2012, 10:47 PM
it's cute how you kids keep assuming any of this comes from 'the media' (hint: our media, and in fact most of the world's, is not like yours; they generally deal in facts and not fairy stories and any political bias is so minor it may as well not be there) or 'textbooks' (lol what the fuck textbooks would i be reading this from?), instead of things like 'family and friends who have lived, or are currently living in, the united states', 'personal experience from time spent in the united states', or 'actual facts about america from non-politically-biased sources'
or are you seriously trying to tell me that the lie-beral media just want me to believe that rick perry is the scum of the earth and that the majority of texans are either so happy with him or so utterly lacking in compassion and human decency that they allowed this shitlord to hold the position he did? because i'm pretty sure all those death row inmates he failed to pardon regardless of guilt or innocence aren't some invention of the fucking media you arrogant little shit
Yeah I remember some of these casses. Don't blame perry for it, blame the damn forensic testimony.
If you take somebodies life do you deserve yo to live? Absolutely not.
I understand innocent people get put into death roll, and I really feel sympathy for them, but then again life isn't fair is it?
i don't recall ever saying a damn word about the us economy, and i also don't see how you think this is even tangentially relevant since economic concerns have approximately 'fuck' and 'shit' to do with the social advancement of a community, state, country, or otherwiseWas this directed towards you? Don't think so. All I said was that the US would never allow an economy like Texas's just slip away.
November 13th, 2012, 10:51 PM
That said, I am from the North so yeah, Texas is a crazy place. Not anywhere I would want to live for sure. Far too conservative and I can't stand the social stratum there. I'm a liberal at heart and can't stand the politics that seem to be common in that place. Anywhere where Rick Perry can win a major election is an atrocity.
I work with blacks and Mexicans every day. I have openly gay friends. I'm a professed Athiest and nobody seems to mind. For the most part, the only intolerance here is facetious. I do live in a major city and it's true that the ignorance gets more intense as you get further into the country, but I think you could say that about anywhere. It's been my experience that most people who think they know what Texas is like know exactly shit.
November 13th, 2012, 11:10 PM
Right, so we're all fucked up because of a few standouts and some shit that happened over a century ago. I only replied to incredible stupidity with the same.
texas, the state, is backwards
the state
p.s. calling government-sanctioned murder and several incredibly violent and grotesque lynchings 'a few standouts' is both insulting and incredibly arrogant
Ross, your opinion of civilized is laughable coming from the group that slaughtered people all over the world for financial profit for 300 years.
what group would this be? i don't recall being born in 1700s britain, nor do i recall ever endorsing its actions, nor is that particularly different from what america has been doing for the last 100
Also, your prison opinion is hilarious since you are in love with the Soviets.
lol yes i am so very in love, let me tell you how i agree with all soviet policy 100%
...except the bit where if you had ever spoken to me about that specific issue you'd find out pretty fucking quickly that i think the rsfsr took several wrong turns very early on which it never recovered from, and at the end of the day the soviet union was special for being the first constitutionally socialist state, not because it was in any way an ideal socialist state
i swear for people who try and pull the "WHAT DO YOU KNOW YOU DON'T LIVE HERE" argument the people on this site love straight up assuming shit about me or putting words in my mouth without bothering to ask first
As far as the KKK are concerned, that is the worst kind of bigotry that is often seen from people outside of this country. It's pathetic that you would make an argument based on what people did 100 years ago, since 100 years ago the Brits were busy raping every Indian woman in sight and burning/enslaving their men. Your double standard is really pretty disgusting.
lol you think i was talking about the kkk? that was the doing of the good people of plano, texas, including most of the local government and police. the people who did the lynching were not wearing white bedsheets, they were ordinary townsfolk, just like the vast majority of lynchings in american history. by the way there were still lynchings happening in the 1960s in america, think about that for a second.
also where did i ever defend the crimes of the british? i am calling america backwards because it is, it is decades behind even them. the british abolished slavery in the 18th century, it took america over fifty years to do same and they had a civil war over it because the south didn't agree. the british generally quit lynching people around the early 20th century (and that tended to be white people who did really unpopular things like rape and murder, not black people who were guilty of nothing more than being easy scapegoats). ordinary, non-kkk americans were happily lynching people until the 1960s. britain put an end to the death penalty in either the 60s or 70s from what i recall, and it hadn't really been practiced much for several years before it was finally abolished. so far only a few american states have stopped using it, most of them still murder people in the name of "justice" (hahahaha) on a regular basis, including texas.
even a country with as horrible a track record as the uk is far ahead of the us, and has been consistently throughout history. i don't need to pretend the uk is perfect, i think the fact that the us is even worse speaks for itself.
p.s., just to pre-empt anyone actually moronic enough to claim it is cheaper than keeping someone in prison for their entire life, no it actually isn't, so even the most basic attempts to justify killing people for your own disgusting revenge falter in the face of actual, rational thought.
Yeah I remember some of these casses. Don't blame perry for it, blame the damn forensic testimony.
hmmm yes, don't blame the man who could have prevented people being killed, there is surely no blood on his hands
If you take somebodies life do you deserve yo to live? Absolutely not.
you are a repulsive slug and your attitude towards human life literally makes me want to vomit
I understand innocent people get put into death roll, and I really feel sympathy for them, but then again life isn't fair is it?
no seriously this right here? you are a truly awful person and in any real country saying something so stupid as that would mark you as a social pariah for life. i'd tell you to kill yourself but i do not share your absolutely fucking reproachable attitude towards other humans so i would never be able to live with myself if i did say it
I work with blacks and Mexicans every day. I have openly gay friends. I'm a professed Athiest and nobody seems to mind. For the most part, the only intolerance here is facetious. I do live in a major city and it's true that the ignorance gets more intense as you get further into the country, but I think you could say that about anywhere. It's been my experience that most people who think they know what Texas is like know exactly shit.
if this was as much the case as you make out, then the death penalty would no longer exist, texas would be a blue state or at the very least not a red one (the irony of the far right using red in the us kills me every time), and this entire discussion would not be taking place.
even assuming that you are correct in extrapolating from your anecdotal evidence that texans are not as bad as the state makes them seem as a whole, they are still pretty fucking bad for not standing up for their beliefs if they can honestly sit on their hands while the man who is governing their state and representing them at a federal level is killing people like it is going out of style. they could be the chillest, leftest leaning people in the world but as long as they just shrug their shoulders and pretend there is nothing they can do about it they are no better than the assholes who are causing it to be the way it is in the first place
November 13th, 2012, 11:19 PM
basically what i'm saying is if you think that killing another human in any circumstance whatsoever can be excused or justified you are an awful person with absolutely abhorrent views and you are an embodiment of the reason europeans, canadians, australians, and really basically the entire civilised world cannot take americans seriously
edit: also, to clarify, arbiter: please do not ever kill yourself, instead please try and experience the real world outside your terrifying weirdo little conservative bubble so maybe you, like me, can realise what a fucking retard you are and then adjust your opinions appropriately. look at me, i fell out of the upper middle class and used to think the poor were all shitty and lazy and now i love them because they are unironically far better people than most of my old middle-class aquaintenances were (and also most people on this forum too).
November 13th, 2012, 11:46 PM
I hear Austin is a nice place.
November 13th, 2012, 11:53 PM
If you take somebodies life do you deserve yo to live? Absolutely not.
And it's exactly that stance that make you lot look worse than the Chinese in terms of actually understanding human ethics.
Killing someone because they've already killed someone puts blood on your hands and gives them an easy way out.
you do not under any circumstance become a leader when you allow yourself to drop to the level of those you are trying to make an example out of, to do so shows your vanity and shows just how weak you truly are.
you want to punish someone and force them to show remorse? show them the emotional impact they've caused on those around them, not just the victims but the impact their loved ones and the shame they would now feel being associated with such a person as them.
Texas is so backward it still has a prohibition on gambling because the government doesn't even trust it's own populace to even be responsible with their own money, how the hell it expects to survive if it does break off from the union is beyond me, at least in economically worse places like north Korea they actually have some idea of what responsibility is unlike the population of Texas, the population that can't balance a bank account and can't balance it's own justice service and prefers to just execute instead of figuring out why such people exist and prevent such occurrences in the future.
November 13th, 2012, 11:58 PM
man i sure am glad such intelligent and thoughtful people as forums shitposter arbiter901 are here to ensure that no criminal is ever rehabilitated into society and able to see the error of their ways and perhaps dissuade others from taking that path, instead they are all just killed because that'll learn 'em, let god sort 'em out
November 14th, 2012, 12:10 AM
man i sure am glad such intelligent and thoughtful people as forums shitposter arbiter901 are here to ensure that no criminal is ever rehabilitated into society and able to see the error of their ways and perhaps dissuade others from taking that path, instead they are all just killed because that'll learn 'em, let god sort 'em outWho says this hasn't been tried/done before? It doesn't always work. What are we gonna do with the repeat offenders? We already have a overpopulated jail system as it is.
November 14th, 2012, 12:16 AM
just because it doesn't always work (which is, of course, true) that doesn't mean you can just saw aw shucks fuck it and kill the dude for what is essentially revenge
oh also the reason your jail system is overpopulated is, get this, because it is an industry and the companies that are contracted to run it rake money in hand over fist. therefore it is in the interest of those who run the prisons to make sure they are fully populated, so trying to avoid repeat offenders is actually a bad thing to them. american prisons are themselves criminal violations of international human rights law and are utterly despicable by any civilised standard, they have poor or no rehabilitation options, they are designed to either keep inmates in as long as possible or make them reoffend as soon as possible. add to this the fact that most of your country seems convinced prison is meant to be a harsh punishment and not a conscious effort to unfuck the person or at least figure out what went wrong with them and you have, surprise surprise, a prison system that is bursting at the seams both from overpopulation and fat fucking wads of cash.
but hey i guess it's easier to just murder people and pretend it's okay because they did it first (lol what kind of fucked up child logic is this shit) than to sort out the massive underlying problems that pervade not only the american prison system but american society in general, i mean shit who would've thought that a country with a huge income gap, terrible education system, and shitty quality of life for anyone below middle class would be full of crime? what a fucking shock, truly none could have forseen these dire circumstances
November 14th, 2012, 01:15 AM
Ross, saying that you never defended Britain doesn't refudiate my point. You live in a commonwealth country. I live in the US. It's about the same level of contact, especially since my ancestors fled to America in the 1920's from Ireland. Or my ancestors who came from Scotland at that same time. Or my Danish ancestors from the 1940's who were retreating from an advancing Nazi hoard. Or the Tuskarora who lived/live on their tiny reservation just south of Buffalo New York.
My point is that Britain was a socially backwards place for a long time, and in some ways is just as bad. At least America doesn't have cameras in its bathrooms. At the same time period when the people of Texas were lynching blacks, my ancestors were dying fighting the British for their freedom. But that's not backwards at all, is it? Stripping away the rights of people who are the same color as you?
My point wasn't about whether or not that happened. It did. My point was that 100 years ago was 100 years ago. The past is a different world. Your points about what is happening in modern times are a lot more poignant imo than what happened in the past. You should stick to that, because I believe it has a lot more staying power.
On the death penalty and prison: America's prison problems extend from it's terrible drug laws. I don't think any drug offense other than selling controlled substances (i.e. cocain, heroin, thinks that actually form a physical addiction and destroy your body) to minors should be a felony. As far as how our prisons work, it's all kinds of fucked up. Rehabilitation is fine and dandy, but I think there are some men you just can't reach. Those men should do hard labor until they die from it. We have lots of landfills in the U.S. with metal and plastic in them, and we need people to sort through them so can repair our country. Why not make those who have seemingly forfeited their rights to do it? As in, between times where you get an education and therapy, work so ball bustingly hard that you actually think about what you did. I don't see what's wrong with that.
As far as the death penalty, I don't know what to believe. There are some people who acts are so heinous that I have a hard time not labeling them as simply being sub-human. People like James Holmes and Ward Weaver. In a system where there is no death penalty, what do you do with them? Varg Vikernes spent 21 years in a Norwegian prison for double murder and burning churches, and he basically says he learned nothing from it other than that you can get away with whatever you want in Norway. It's hard not to react cruelly towards that kind of behavior.
November 14th, 2012, 01:26 AM
On the death penalty and prison: America's prison problems extend from it's terrible drug laws. I don't think any drug offense other than selling controlled substances (i.e. cocain, heroin, thinks that actually form a physical addiction and destroy your body) to minors should be a felony. As far as how our prisons work, it's all kinds of fucked up. Rehabilitation is fine and dandy, but I think there are some men you just can't reach. Those men should do hard labor until they die from it. We have lots of landfills in the U.S. with metal and plastic in them, and we need people to sort through them so can repair our country. Why not make those who have seemingly forfeited their rights to do it? As in, between times where you get an education and therapy, work so ball bustingly hard that you actually think about what you did. I don't see what's wrong with that.
As far as the death penalty, I don't know what to believe. There are some people who acts are so heinous that I have a hard time not labeling them as simply being sub-human. People like James Holmes and Ward Weaver. In a system where there is no death penalty, what do you do with them? Varg Vikernes spent 21 years in a Norwegian prison for double murder and burning churches, and he basically says he learned nothing from it other than that you can get away with whatever you want in Norway. It's hard not to react cruelly towards that kind of behavior.I couldn't agree more.
November 14th, 2012, 01:28 AM
american society in general, i mean shit who would've thought that a country with a huge income gap, terrible education system, and shitty quality of life for anyone below middle class would be full of crime? what a fucking shock, truly none could have forseen these dire circumstances
I wouldn't say that it applies to a majority of the country. It's more of people having a lack of help or lack of dedication when taking a direction in life. I have several friends that were under middle class status, but a few loans helped out; ultimately, leading towards a years worth of vocational training. With the training, they were able to make sufficient income to pay off their loans due to having a quality job.
Also, you don't have to be middle class to live a good quality of life. It's the fact that Americans can't seem to manage their money properly, such as the need for an xbox360, IPhone, uber computer, 60inch LED flat screen, etc. Having the ability to afford those shinny objects is not how a "Good Quality of life" should be achieved.
November 14th, 2012, 01:45 AM
Guys this is probably one of the silliest things i've seen you argue about.
November 14th, 2012, 02:05 AM
Guys this is probably one of the silliest things i've seen you argue about.
Politics in general is silly.
November 14th, 2012, 02:32 AM
DarkHalo, we need to argue about sillier things or we'll lose our titles...
November 14th, 2012, 02:35 AM
DarkHalo, we need to argue about sillier things or we'll lose our titles...
Texans stole the land from Mexicans long ago! Bad arguments gogogo!
November 14th, 2012, 02:47 AM
But...that's true and not silly at all...kind of like how the Europeans stole the land from the Native Americans, creating Mexicans and Texans in the first place.
November 14th, 2012, 03:34 AM
Ross, saying that you never defended Britain doesn't refudiate my point.
uh, yeah, it pretty much does.
You live in a commonwealth country. I live in the US. It's about the same level of contact, especially since my ancestors fled to America in the 1920's from Ireland. Or my ancestors who came from Scotland at that same time. Or my Danish ancestors from the 1940's who were retreating from an advancing Nazi hoard. Or the Tuskarora who lived/live on their tiny reservation just south of Buffalo New York.
i don't see what you're getting at. (the republic of) ireland is not part of the uk, northern ireland was plagued by problems like famine and warfare, and the nazis were pretty clearly an external force. most commonwealth nations (particularly the uk, canada, and australia) as well as several european nations have consistently been upwards of fifty years ahead of america when enacting serious social change for the better, like ending slavery or lynchings or the death penalty. america is backwards. there is no two ways around it, america lags behind the rest of the civilised world terribly in social issues and has done almost since its formation.
My point is that Britain was a socially backwards place for a long time, and in some ways is just as bad. At least America doesn't have cameras in its bathrooms. At the same time period when the people of Texas were lynching blacks, my ancestors were dying fighting the British for their freedom. But that's not backwards at all, is it? Stripping away the rights of people who are the same color as you?
britain was less backwards than the united states and still has been for the longest fucking time, i do not understand what part of this concept is so difficult to understand for you? in your country it was still legal to own another human being as property for more than fifty years after it was completely outlawed in most of europe and the british empire. in your country it took them until 19 fucking 60 to stop hanging people who were either black or who were white but supported the civil rights movement out of fucking trees, not the fucking kkk or some other group, but actual ordinary fucking townsfolk. in america it is still legal (and not even considered morally reprehensible) to kill people just because they committed a certain crime, which is objectively disgusting and viewed by the rest of the civilised world as a barbaric, almost caveman-like act (with good reason, being that it is exactly that).
you cannot argue with any fucking seriousness that america is not backwards. this isn't a game of "BUT BRITAIN DOES QUESTIONABLE STUFF TOO, OH LOOK AT THIS, CAMERAS IN BATHROOMS" (please point me to proof of this by the way), it is a game of "america still does things that the rest of the supposedly civilised world stopped doing on account of being shitty over half a century ago". i mean if you are really so blindly in love with your country that you think the fucking death penalty still being a thing can be downplayed, you have a disease called nationalism, not patriotism, and are a huge part of the problem yourself. if i lived somewhere where it was considered a good thing to kill people just because i don't like them and they did a bad thing i would never be able to live with myself.
My point wasn't about whether or not that happened. It did. My point was that 100 years ago was 100 years ago. The past is a different world. Your points about what is happening in modern times are a lot more poignant imo than what happened in the past. You should stick to that, because I believe it has a lot more staying power.
the reason i bring up the past is because it is clear from those instances that this is not a recent phenomenon, and america has been behind by about the same amount from the get-go and never caught up any.
On the death penalty and prison: America's prison problems extend from it's terrible drug laws. I don't think any drug offense other than selling controlled substances (i.e. cocain, heroin, thinks that actually form a physical addiction and destroy your body) to minors should be a felony. As far as how our prisons work, it's all kinds of fucked up.
yes, the war on drugs is colossal stupidity, i am glad we agree there
Rehabilitation is fine and dandy, but I think there are some men you just can't reach.
yes, there are a small number of them. very small. there is also the fact that rehabilitation is a constantly evolving and diversifying field, meaning that perhaps someone who couldn't be helped five or ten years ago can be now. it is not an exact science, but that doesn't make it any less critical to pursue.
Those men should do hard labor until they die from it. We have lots of landfills in the U.S. with metal and plastic in them, and we need people to sort through them so can repair our country. Why not make those who have seemingly forfeited their rights to do it? As in, between times where you get an education and therapy, work so ball bustingly hard that you actually think about what you did. I don't see what's wrong with that.
i am not sure hard labour is going to make their mental situation any better (probably worse), but hard labour is a bad thing because it basically amounts to slavery. it also takes away jobs that could be given to people who actually need them, because regardless of what people seem to think, there are people willing to do those jobs themselves.
As far as the death penalty, I don't know what to believe.
"it is inherently evil and wrong to consider taking another human's life, let alone doing it, and it does not solve a goddamn thing" is a good place to start
There are some people who acts are so heinous that I have a hard time not labeling them as simply being sub-human. People like James Holmes and Ward Weaver. In a system where there is no death penalty, what do you do with them? Varg Vikernes spent 21 years in a Norwegian prison for double murder and burning churches, and he basically says he learned nothing from it other than that you can get away with whatever you want in Norway. It's hard not to react cruelly towards that kind of behavior.
maybe for a nation that seems utterly unconcerned with human life in every arena that is hard, but there is absolutely nothing to gain from it and it is more expensive to kill them than to keep them locked up for life anyway so welp there's your obvious solution to the problem right there i guess! i mean if you unfuck the prison system you should have tons of space, right? just how common do you think those kinds of people are?
also, having a mental health system worth a damn and instilling a sense of responsibility into people rather than having them fucking ignore their neighbour turning increasingly into a fruitcake because it's "not their business" would probably help too i imagine
I wouldn't say that it applies to a majority of the country. It's more of people having a lack of help or lack of dedication when taking a direction in life. I have several friends that were under middle class status, but a few loans helped out; ultimately, leading towards a years worth of vocational training. With the training, they were able to make sufficient income to pay off their loans due to having a quality job.
right, but without a good education where are you supposed to get any sense of direction or motivation from? a shitty environment coupled with lack of education is what does the lower classes in, even here (although far less noticeably since the bare minimum level of education is far, far higher).
all the countries with the worst crime rates? poor education systems, cities with whole areas that are essentially slums, often really stupid and shitty laws and policing too. it's not much of a shock places like detroit or the shittier parts of la are a hotbed of crime, i can't imagine there being much else for anyone to do there.
Also, you don't have to be middle class to live a good quality of life. It's the fact that Americans can't seem to manage their money properly, such as the need for an xbox360, IPhone, uber computer, 60inch LED flat screen, etc. Having the ability to afford those shinny objects is not how a "Good Quality of life" should be achieved.
i agree, but often these people can't even afford what they need - and if they can, they are so fucking affected by advertising (explicitly directed at poor people on a pretty regular basis, because they are generally less educated and therefore less capable of seeing when they are being taken advantage of) that they blow the money on stupid shit they don't need. this is not so much their fault as the fault of a stupid, broken, shitty system where companies can fuck with peoples' heads until they bend to their will. the power of advertising to control people is fucking ridiculous and it ought to be banned, of course this will never happen as long as western nations are in bed with big business and filled with enough conservative morons to scream about GOT-DAMN COMMUNISTS every time the government attempts to make anything approaching progress.
November 14th, 2012, 04:29 AM
Ah. Well, I can agree with you that public school systems are much more shittier than private school systems. In a whole, you get what you paid for...To my opinion, people would save much more money and time by investing in vocational training. College/Degrees are more of an eye candy for saying "Yes, I am qualified for promotions". Having the qualified skills and a certificate to prove it is about as good as a college degree. I think society should focus on the following: High School > Vocational Training (Required as much as high school) > College (Optional for job promotions or other skill sets).
I did forget to point out that it was advertising that corrupts most Americans. No way would I point it out as their only fault.
November 14th, 2012, 05:29 AM
texas, the state, is backwards
the state
p.s. calling government-sanctioned murder and several incredibly violent and grotesque lynchings 'a few standouts' is both insulting and incredibly arrogant
Poor choice of words, perhaps. But calling us all backwards because of the actions of a few is also insulting and arrogant.
You can't make a distinction between Texas the state and its people. A state is made of people.
if this was as much the case as you make out, then the death penalty would no longer exist, texas would be a blue state or at the very least not a red one (the irony of the far right using red in the us kills me every time), and this entire discussion would not be taking place.
I don't believe in the death penalty, or political parties, or the political spectrum for that matter. All I'm saying is you've got some pretty fucked up ideas about Texans for someone who doesn't even live here.
even assuming that you are correct in extrapolating from your anecdotal evidence that texans are not as bad as the state makes them seem as a whole, they are still pretty fucking bad for not standing up for their beliefs if they can honestly sit on their hands while the man who is governing their state and representing them at a federal level is killing people like it is going out of style. they could be the chillest, leftest leaning people in the world but as long as they just shrug their shoulders and pretend there is nothing they can do about it they are no better than the assholes who are causing it to be the way it is in the first place
Yeah, because every population is super quick to rise up against its government any time something happens they don't like <_<
Let me know how that goes Australia.
November 14th, 2012, 06:07 AM
Poor choice of words, perhaps. But calling us all backwards because of the actions of a few is also insulting and arrogant.
if they were really a few, then surely the actions would not have happened in the first place?
[QUOTE=Pooky;637581]You can't make a distinction between Texas the state and its people. A state is made of people.
so you admit that you are grossly downplaying just how many horribly fucked people live in texas then, since clearly the majority of the population was cool with a shitstain like perry running the show and killing innocents (or just killing, period)?
I don't believe in the death penalty, or political parties, or the political spectrum for that matter. All I'm saying is you've got some pretty fucked up ideas about Texans for someone who doesn't even live here.
then how come every time an issue goes to vote in texas, the outcome basically backs up my 'pretty fucked up ideas', and not your insistence that texans are cool & dandy folks who enjoy a good time and are cool with everybody?
Yeah, because every population is super quick to rise up against its government any time something happens they don't like <_<
well strikes me they haven't even made an effort to get him gone through legal means let alone any other, more drastic means, so...
Let me know how that goes Australia.
this country may be fucked, but at least we are less fucked, so there's that
here is a fun and cool read, american pals ( take note of the 1930-35 period in particular! your nation is truly an inspiration to us all!
November 14th, 2012, 07:47 AM
texas, the state, is backwards
the state
Define state, and define backwards.
November 14th, 2012, 07:56 AM
it's rediculous how you're going around calling eachother backwards.
because your entire fucking country is fucking retarded.
backwards is a disgusting understatement and it offends me.
November 14th, 2012, 08:28 AM
Guys this is probably one of the silliest things i've seen you argue about.
really? you've seen them argue about video games but this is the silliest? this is actually a thing.
Define state
lol from england.
November 14th, 2012, 09:31 AM
Also, someone took the time to actually dig up numbers.
November 14th, 2012, 10:03 AM
Who says this hasn't been tried/done before? It doesn't always work. What are we gonna do with the repeat offenders? We already have a overpopulated jail system as it is.
Right because first attempts at fixing problems should always have a 100% success rate.
You don't just give up if you fail once, if your people had that ideology back in the 1800's you would still be a British colony.
It amazes me that the US feels it should be a world leader when it's own idea of moral justice are less civilized than other places such as Norway ( y%2F0%2C29307%2C1989083%2C00.html&ei=P8CjUMWqDdKT0QXO5oGACg&usg=AFQjCNGemSvNkSqnbRUbp5knuC0SlWyKsA).
An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind (
t3h m00kz
November 14th, 2012, 11:18 AM
this thread got angry
November 14th, 2012, 11:24 AM
Ah. Well, I can agree with you that public school systems are much more shittier than private school systems. In a whole, you get what you paid for...To my opinion, people would save much more money and time by investing in vocational training. College/Degrees are more of an eye candy for saying "Yes, I am qualified for promotions". Having the qualified skills and a certificate to prove it is about as good as a college degree. I think society should focus on the following: High School > Vocational Training (Required as much as high school) > College (Optional for job promotions or other skill sets).
I did forget to point out that it was advertising that corrupts most Americans. No way would I point it out as their only fault.
honestly, the whole notion of 'you get what you pay for' when it comes to education is FUCKING DISGUSTING and you should be fucking ashamed of yourself if you subscribe to that.
education for money is insanity from the get-go, and leads to NOTHING but restricting knowledge.
November 14th, 2012, 11:49 AM
Also, someone took the time to actually dig up numbers.
If only this article wasn't so biased. Sure some of the stuff mentioned is true, but do you actually think it's entirely up to the governor to decide whether to take funds or not? Theres a lot of money to be made without regulations from the federal government.
November 14th, 2012, 12:07 PM
also, having a mental health system worth a damn and instilling a sense of responsibility into people rather than having them fucking ignore their neighbour turning increasingly into a fruitcake because it's "not their business" would probably help too i imagine
This is the best point you have made in our little exchange. I agree whole heartedly.
On the Eugenics thing: You just mad because we beat you guys every year in the Olympics.
Anyways, I think we are done here (at least the two of us). Both of us are refusing to budge on our positions, and whilst I agree that we have always been behind on socio economic issues, I think that's like saying the Middle East is 400 years behind culturally. It is, and we all are going to have to accept that. I vote progressive and that's all I can do to help the issue.
Arbiter: Never ever say that we have the same beliefs again, because we don't. No, killing doesn't forfeit your own life. I had a friend who grew up is Akron Ohio who killed a man while he was trying to rape his mother. That's not forfeiting his life. You need to sit down and think out these thoughts before typing them out.
November 14th, 2012, 12:07 PM
this thread got angry
I know. I'm not even mad. I'm impressed.
November 14th, 2012, 12:08 PM
I know. I'm not even mad. I'm impressed.
pretty much this. So. Much. Rage.
November 14th, 2012, 12:10 PM
rossmum got angry
Fixed that for you.
@Warsaw: Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
November 14th, 2012, 12:22 PM
Some people just need to chill the fuck out. Seriously, what is the point of arguing over the internet?
November 14th, 2012, 12:31 PM
Arbiter: Never ever say that we have the same beliefs again, because we don't. No, killing doesn't forfeit your own life. I had a friend who grew up is Akron Ohio who killed a man while he was trying to rape his mother. That's not forfeiting his life. You need to sit down and think out these thoughts before typing them out.
Did I say we have the same beliefs? No I did not.
This is why crimes go to trail, to determine if such crime is justified. Lets say you killed a man because you just don't like him? Is that justifiable?
My mistake that I wasn't clear on what I agreed.
November 14th, 2012, 12:48 PM
Did I say we have the same beliefs? No I did not.
This is why crimes go to trail, to determine if such crime is justified. Lets say you killed a man because you just don't like him? Is that justifiable?
My mistake that I wasn't clear on what I agreed.
Trial is where you are tested, trails are what are left behind after things transfer from location A to location B.
November 14th, 2012, 12:51 PM
Thanks for the correction. Not really a fan of typing from cell phones.
November 14th, 2012, 12:53 PM
Thanks for the correction. Not really a fan of typing from cell phones.
Then stop, you can't blame auto correct for some of the shitty posting you've made.
November 14th, 2012, 01:00 PM
So when does my beliefs become shitty? I am demanding you to to believe the same? No I am not. Who is to say what is correct?
November 14th, 2012, 01:14 PM
So when does my beliefs become shitty? I am demanding you to to believe the same? No I am not. Who is to say what is correct?
You believe that those who kill should themselves be killed, by that logic alone the executioner who kills the convict should then be killed themselves for killing the convict.
you've also demonstrated no empathy towards those who have been found falsely guilty and executed and dismissed it as life isn't fair, that is how your belief is shitty and wrong.
An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind, executing people because they've committed crimes does not absolve those acts nor does it revoke the damage caused, all it does is gives those people a quick way out of taking responsibility for their actions whilst also inflicting the same damage the victim suffers onto those who are personally attached to those who are executed.
If one of your loved ones were to be falsely accused, tried and executed for a crime you would be screaming murder at the verdict and the sentence.
November 14th, 2012, 01:21 PM
You believe that those who kill should themselves be killed, by that logic alone the executioner who kills the convict should then be killed themselves for killing the convict.
you've also demonstrated no empathy towards those who have been found falsely guilty and executed and dismissed it as life isn't fair, that is how your belief is shitty and wrong.
An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind, executing people because they've committed crimes does not absolve those acts nor does it revoke the damage caused, all it does is gives those people a quick way out of taking responsibility for their actions whilst also inflicting the same damage the victim suffers onto those who are personally attached to those who are executed.
If one of your loved ones were to be falsely accused, tried and executed for a crime you would be screaming murder at the verdict and the sentence.
Never seen WarLord mad before
I miss you brutha
November 14th, 2012, 01:40 PM
I can take umbrage, I can take the cake, I can take the A-train. I can take two and call me in the morning, but I cannot take this sitting down.
November 14th, 2012, 01:47 PM
I can take umbrage, I can take the cake, I can take the A-train. I can take two and call me in the morning, but I cannot take this sitting down.
November 14th, 2012, 01:49 PM
You believe that those who kill should themselves be killed, by that logic alone the executioner who kills the convict should then be killed themselves for killing the convict.
you've also demonstrated no empathy towards those who have been found falsely guilty and executed and dismissed it as life isn't fair, that is how your belief is shitty and wrong.
An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind, executing people because they've committed crimes does not absolve those acts nor does it revoke the damage caused, all it does is gives those people a quick way out of taking responsibility for their actions whilst also inflicting the same damage the victim suffers onto those who are personally attached to those who are executed.
If one of your loved ones were to be falsely accused, tried and executed for a crime you would be screaming murder at the verdict and the sentence.
see folks this is what a good post looks like
apparently there is a counter-petition doing the rounds asking for all who sign the initial petition to have their citizenship revoked, lolllll
November 14th, 2012, 01:51 PM
see folks this is what a good post looks like
apparently there is a counter-petition doing the rounds asking for all who sign the initial petition to have their citizenship revoked, lolllll
I don't even think you can revoke American citizenship. Once you have it's there forever muahahaha
November 14th, 2012, 01:51 PM
You believe that those who kill should themselves be killed, by that logic alone the executioner who kills the convict should then be killed themselves for killing the convict.
you've also demonstrated no empathy towards those who have been found falsely guilty and executed and dismissed it as life isn't fair, that is how your belief is shitty and wrong.
An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind, executing people because they've committed crimes does not absolve those acts nor does it revoke the damage caused, all it does is gives those people a quick way out of taking responsibility for their actions whilst also inflicting the same damage the victim suffers onto those who are personally attached to those who are executed.
If one of your loved ones were to be falsely accused, tried and executed for a crime you would be screaming murder at the verdict and the sentence.
This is why crimes go to trial, to determine if such crime is justified. Lets say you killed a man because you just don't like him? Is that justifiable?
Blame the jury and forensics team for doing a shitty job, not the state governor.
November 14th, 2012, 01:53 PM
you're a fuckstain
the state governor authorised the execution, he is the only man who can actually pardon someone from an execution, he has done a whole lot of the former and never done the latter, not even to take someone out of death row who doesn't belong there
also, killing is never justified, it is only 'understandable' and execution is only understandable to repulsive swamp-people with lower intellect than a rotting log
November 14th, 2012, 01:54 PM
see folks this is what a good post looks like
apparently there is a counter-petition doing the rounds asking for all who sign the initial petition to have their citizenship revoked, lolllllEven if it were possible to revoke citizenship, I didn't sign it either way. Why? Because I know it won't go anywhere.
November 14th, 2012, 01:58 PM
Blame the jury and forensics team for doing a shitty job, not the state governor.
Is that the best you can do?
I'm flabbergasted.
Let's play it your way.
If you take somebodies life do you deserve yo to live? Absolutely not.
Strike 1
I understand innocent people get put into death roll, and I really feel sympathy for them, but then again life isn't fair is it?
Strike 2
Who says this hasn't been tried/done before? It doesn't always work. What are we gonna do with the repeat offenders? We already have a overpopulated jail system as it is.
Strike 3
You're outta here!
( only reason the south truly opposes most forms of birth control is they realize they're a dying breed and realize that actual rational thought and critical analysis is becoming the hip thing to have under your belt.
If there's thing that's going in your favour it's that you don't live in Kentucky where they have people trying to revoke evolution from science classes and replace it with creationism citing evolution as a theory with no proof but on the same coin wanting to replace evolution with the theology of christian creationism.
November 14th, 2012, 02:04 PM
lol the comments, here's a gem from 'ALLI' of texas:
Another liberal making excuses for people who commit horredous crimes because they were poor or the wrong color or... I'm so sick of these people. If you break the law, suffer the consequences and if it means you die, then sobeit.
yeah sounds like an awesome + cool state full of level-headed and compassionate people
November 14th, 2012, 02:16 PM
honestly, the whole notion of 'you get what you pay for' when it comes to education is FUCKING DISGUSTING and you should be fucking ashamed of yourself if you subscribe to that.
education for money is insanity from the get-go, and leads to NOTHING but restricting knowledge.
Oh, absolutely not neuro. I do not subscribe to such bullshit. I was talking in the perspective of America's educational system. I believe everyone should have equal education. For the most part, very good quality education. I agree with you 100% without a doubt, sorry if it seemed misleading. I was just stating the factual truth behind America's corporatism.
also, killing is never justified, it is only 'understandable' and execution is only understandable to repulsive swamp-people with lower intellect than a rotting log
Killing as a whole is bad. The only time it is acceptable is when you are putting someone out of their misery, such as suffering so much that they will eventually die anyways. But ending someones life because of revenge does not make you a better person. In fact, you just become a mirror image of the person you just killed.
November 14th, 2012, 02:21 PM
speaking of america, prison, and corporatism: what is your opinion, arbiter901, on involuntary human testing on prisoners as outlined in this article (
are those liberal lies too or what
(also the part where the us intentionally and secretly dropped poisonous chemicals on canadian cities as well as its own is absolutely fucking disgusting and further proof canada should pull out of norad and cozy up to someone america hates just to make them mad)
November 14th, 2012, 02:35 PM
Damn are we good at this whole evil empire thing
If only we'd just start saying we were one and then I'd be much more okay with it.
November 14th, 2012, 02:52 PM
The Death Penalty is a huge issue in the Mid/Southwest. A lot of wrongly accused and tried people wind up there, plus people don't realize how inaccurate DNA testing can be even if it can be very accurate at times. However, really the issue is that the detectives of the region are very one-sided: they try and investigate who they damn-well please and even if evidence does not surround said suspect the detectives shall follow their "gut." You only follow your gut when evidence is pointing it. Detectives and FBI both have this sort of stupidity to them now-a-days and in smaller-town-settings found in the Mid/Southwest it's even more prevalent. On top of that, the law enforcement becomes so pressured by media that they have to ACCUSE and ARREST someone, even if they're innocent or lack proper evidence. That's fucked up.
Damn are we good at this whole evil empire thing
If only we'd just start saying we were one and then I'd be much more okay with it.
November 14th, 2012, 02:52 PM
Damn are we good at this whole evil empire thing
If only we'd just start saying we were one and then I'd be much more okay with it.
I'm not buying it until disney actually builds a death star.
November 14th, 2012, 02:53 PM
Strike 1
We were talking about unjustifiable crimes here. Common sense. If you're too stupid to realize that by now then stfu
(Yes, crimes can be justified, or understandable and reasonable)
Strike 2
If the defense failed to proof innocence in time, and it all points to guilty then there is nothing that can be done.
Strike 3
Have you actually visited our penitentiaries, or talked to any of those convicts? Those individuals will never change. We live in a different society than all of you foreigners. Yeah our shitty drug laws contribute to most of that, but hey blame the federal government and corruption.
speaking of america, prison, and corporatism: what is your opinion, arbiter901, on involuntary human testing on prisoners as outlined in this article ( down I think its wrong, but honestly it had to be done. How else would have knowledge on cures for diseases or radiation sickness etc? We would probably be behind on research. Would you agree? Proabably not.
canada should pull out of norad and cozy up to someone america hates just to make them mad Beleive it or not the US would never allow such a thing. Look at these Latin american countries that tried going against us in the past.
November 14th, 2012, 03:10 PM
We were talking about unjustifiable crimes here. Common sense. If you're too stupid to realize that by now then stfu
(Yes, crimes can be justified, or understandable and reasonable)
You're calling me stupid when you haven't even mastered the basics of your own native language?
If the defense failed to proof innocence in time, and it all points to guilty then there is nothing that can be done.
There is something that can be done, if it's obvious an innocent has been falsely found guilty then either run a retrial or acquit them entirely.
Have you actually visited our penitentiaries, or talked to any of those convicts? Those individuals will never change. We live in a different society than all of you foreigners. Yeah our shitty drug laws contribute to most of that, but hey blame the federal government and corruption.
No, don't blame it on the government, blame yourselves for being complacent to the point such corruption can even exist, it is your duty as a citizen to hold your leadership to account.
Deep down I think its wrong, but honestly it had to be done. How else would have knowledge on cures for diseases or radiation sickness etc? We would probably be behind on research. Would you agree? Proabably not.
I don't even believe I'm reading this, you think unconsensual ( human experimentation was a good thing??!
Beleive it or not the US would never allow such a thing. Look at these Latin american countries that tried going against us in the past.
The US would have no say in the matter at all.
International law states a nation may determine it's own identity without external pressure.
Believe it or not, the USA is bound by international law.
November 14th, 2012, 03:28 PM
own native language
Where does it say English is my native language?
I'm born to Hungarian immigrants. So English is definitely not my first language.
November 14th, 2012, 03:28 PM
There's your problem.
November 14th, 2012, 03:32 PM
There's your problem.How is this even relevant to what we're discussing?
November 14th, 2012, 03:33 PM
How is this even relevant to what we're discussing?
You obviously don't know TVTyrant...
November 14th, 2012, 03:37 PM
You obviously don't know TVTyrant...This is the internet. There is no need to know some random fuck.
November 14th, 2012, 03:38 PM
Where does it say English is my native language?
I'm born to Hungarian immigrants. So English is definitely not my first language.
Oh I do apologise, your speedtest stated you were testing from Texas and given how much you seem to hate foreigners I had come to the possibility that you may be native to Texas but nope, you're a foreigner yourself.
All of a sudden your complaints about foreigners pointing things out about Texas seems...hypocritical.
This is the internet. There is no need to know some random fuck.
Someone's never heard of a one night stand....:v:
November 14th, 2012, 03:47 PM
This is the internet. There is no need to know some random fuck.
It's called reading posts. Even a user from 2009 should have figured out most of the forum members personality by now.
November 14th, 2012, 03:52 PM
Where does it say English is my native language?
I'm born to Hungarian immigrants. So English is definitely not my first language.No where does it say I was born in Hungary. so your post is invalid. Being born in Texas and raised around it's culture does not make me a foreigner.
November 14th, 2012, 04:53 PM
If you take somebodies life do you deserve yo to live? Absolutely not.
I understand innocent people get put into death roll, and I really feel sympathy for them, but then again life isn't fair is it?
Deep down I think its wrong, but honestly it had to be done. How else would have knowledge on cures for diseases or radiation sickness etc? We would probably be behind on research. Would you agree? Proabably not.
But he would
November 14th, 2012, 06:15 PM
so you admit that you are grossly downplaying just how many horribly fucked people live in texas then, since clearly the majority of the population was cool with a shitstain like perry running the show and killing innocents (or just killing, period)?
Hey ross, remember when you told me you'd heard what the Soviet Union was like from someone who actually lived there? Remember how you said it wasn't really the kind of place the western media portrayed it as? Now you're here, telling me what my state is like based on second hand information. Wonderful. There are fuckups everywhere, and they always get the most publicity. You said that yourself. That doesn't mean the majority of people living here are fag-hating negro-lynching rednecks.
Honestly, I think we had a bit of a miscommunication to start with. If you're trying to tell me that the Texas government is backwards, then by all means. I agree completely. That said, you've got your head so far up your ass right now I don't see the point in trying to have a real discussion. I seriously hope you're intentionally shitposting.
November 14th, 2012, 06:35 PM
This is the internet. There is no need to know some random fuck.
This is tvtyrant. everyone needs to know tvtyrant :haw:
November 14th, 2012, 07:11 PM
Hey scrubs. This just in:
The petitions for secession from the U.S. filed by Texas, Louisiana, and five other states have collected more than 25,000 signatures each, which the White House website says is enough for review and response.
November 14th, 2012, 07:16 PM
Rad. Guys, shut up, the show's starting.
November 14th, 2012, 07:19 PM
Most of those states share a border with one another. If they could get a few more states on-board, they could make a clean split off the south-east.
November 14th, 2012, 07:22 PM
Rad. Guys, shut up, the show's starting.
November 14th, 2012, 07:25 PM
Rad. Guys, shut up, the show's starting.
Also, there are now petitions up for secession in all 50 states.
November 14th, 2012, 07:28 PM
I signed the md one maybe we can be part of the confederacy finally
November 14th, 2012, 09:10 PM
No. We dont want fuckin yankees in our confederacy.
November 14th, 2012, 09:56 PM
Texas and the South suck and we don't want them.
November 14th, 2012, 10:30 PM
Damn are we good at this whole evil empire thing
If only we'd just start saying we were one and then I'd be much more okay with it.
yeah america is arguably the most evil country of recent history since all the other evil ones like nazi germany didn't last long or are gradually mellowing out a bit, the saddest thing is that it is only because americans seem too hung up on blind, idiotic nationalism to care
The Death Penalty is a huge issue in the Mid/Southwest. A lot of wrongly accused and tried people wind up there, plus people don't realize how inaccurate DNA testing can be even if it can be very accurate at times. However, really the issue is that the detectives of the region are very one-sided: they try and investigate who they damn-well please and even if evidence does not surround said suspect the detectives shall follow their "gut." You only follow your gut when evidence is pointing it. Detectives and FBI both have this sort of stupidity to them now-a-days and in smaller-town-settings found in the Mid/Southwest it's even more prevalent. On top of that, the law enforcement becomes so pressured by media that they have to ACCUSE and ARREST someone, even if they're innocent or lack proper evidence. That's fucked up.
a decent darkhalo post, well i'll be damned
worth note also: in the midwest and particularly south, and even to some vestigial extent in the northern states, detectives' guts have this weird condition where they always seem to latch on to ethnic minorities as the most likely suspect??? how odd
We were talking about unjustifiable crimes here. Common sense. If you're too stupid to realize that by now then stfu
we are indeed talking about the death penalty, i am glad we agree that is the current subject matter
If the defense failed to proof innocence in time, and it all points to guilty then there is nothing that can be done.
actually there is, it is called 'not signing off the death warrant' or better still, 'refusing to carry out the death penalty and permanently abolishing it by law'
oddly enough these are things rick perry seems physically incapable of, perhaps he is too busy bragging about all the people he has had put to death, i am glad it is possible for sociopathic murderers to become state governors in the united states. maybe you could try reanimating pol pot as a potential replacement for the next one who pops their clogs
Have you actually visited our penitentiaries, or talked to any of those convicts?
why do you ask? i'm fairly fucking sure you haven't
since you ask though i have met a few people who used to be in jail here on fairly serious charges and had managed to turn their lives around, since over here prison is about trying to fix broken people, not trying to get a better k:d ratio than the previous governor
Those individuals will never change.
objectively false, tell me more about your extensive knowledge of rehabilitation and psychology/psychiatry
We live in a different society than all of you foreigners.
yes, for one thing we do not allow our government to murder people and then cheer & whoop drunkenly about it and high five each other in the streets
Yeah our shitty drug laws contribute to most of that, but hey blame the federal government and corruption.
lol you want to blame everyone except the asshole signing the death warrants, you are a fucking horrible person, no joke
Deep down I think its wrong, but honestly it had to be done. How else would have knowledge on cures for diseases or radiation sickness etc? We would probably be behind on research. Would you agree? Proabably not.
funnily enough a huge amount of it was nothing to do with curing diseases and everything to do with assholes being curious about 'what happens if i directly inject the active chemical from agent fucking orange into a person's bloodstream', medical research seems to be doing just fucking dandy right now without torturing and killing thousands of prisoners and ethnic minorities or poors
Beleive it or not the US would never allow such a thing. Look at these Latin american countries that tried going against us in the past.
of course, america would kill more people because it is a disgusting power-mad cesspool. i forgot. it's already sprayed aerosol poisons above canadian cities without telling anyone, i'm sure they'd have no issue doing it again on a more serious scale this time.
the sooner the eu, canada, and all the other major powers team up and put your insane fucked up country in its place the better off the world will be
Hey ross, remember when you told me you'd heard what the Soviet Union was like from someone who actually lived there? Remember how you said it wasn't really the kind of place the western media portrayed it as? Now you're here, telling me what my state is like based on second hand information. Wonderful.
hmmm yes, secondhand from people who live there, i don't see your point?
There are fuckups everywhere, and they always get the most publicity. You said that yourself. That doesn't mean the majority of people living here are fag-hating negro-lynching rednecks.
what does suggest that is the state's politics, which either reflect the majority of the state, or reflect a vocal minority but the majority are so fucking disinterested they don't care about rectifying the situation. sorry, but all evidence points firmly in the direction you don't like.
Honestly, I think we had a bit of a miscommunication to start with. If you're trying to tell me that the Texas government is backwards, then by all means. I agree completely. That said, you've got your head so far up your ass right now I don't see the point in trying to have a real discussion. I seriously hope you're intentionally shitposting.
and who put the government in power, and allows it to stay in power?
certainly not all texans are awful, just apparently 51% or more are
November 15th, 2012, 12:38 AM
yeah america is arguably the most evil country of recent history since all the other evil ones like nazi germany didn't last long or are gradually mellowing out a bit, the saddest thing is that it is only because americans seem too hung up on blind, idiotic nationalism to care
I care. I just don't exactly see it as a bad thing. I reap the benefits, so why the fuck not? I still don't understand why we left Iraq. We never got our oil goddamit.
November 15th, 2012, 12:42 AM
you certaintly should see it as a bad thing, whether you profit or not
November 15th, 2012, 12:50 AM
you certaintly should see it as a bad thing, whether you profit or not
But that's the thing man; if you gained something from Imperialism, would you like it or hate it? I have said it before and will say it again: I despise what this country does because we try to hide behind stars and stripes when we do it. If we had a black flag with an AR-15 on it with a slogan like "For God and Country" while we were forced to convert to Mormonism or something I think I could accept it a little bit more, because then we'd be a real Empire worthy of the name.
Basically, I want the Union to split up so I don't have to be associated with the tards or I want to live in Rome full heartedly. Is that really too much to ask for?
November 15th, 2012, 01:09 AM
speaking of america, prison, and corporatism: what is your opinion, arbiter901, on involuntary human testing on prisoners as outlined in this article (
are those liberal lies too or what
(also the part where the us intentionally and secretly dropped poisonous chemicals on canadian cities as well as its own is absolutely fucking disgusting and further proof canada should pull out of norad and cozy up to someone america hates just to make them mad)
Hey remember when the japs did all these terrible horrific things to POW's so they could research chemical warfare, and then they got bombed?
Guess who cut a deal saving them prosecution and took all their findings......
November 15th, 2012, 01:47 AM
No where does it say I was born in Hungary. so your post is invalid. Being born in Texas and raised around it's culture does not make me a foreigner.
So I see those years in education being taught your national language came to nothing then.
Your families native language may be Hungarian but you were born and raised in America thus making English your native language as America is your native homeland.
November 15th, 2012, 04:13 AM
But that's the thing man; if you gained something from Imperialism, would you like it or hate it?
hate it, because i don't give a flying shit about myself
I have said it before and will say it again: I despise what this country does because we try to hide behind stars and stripes when we do it. If we had a black flag with an AR-15 on it with a slogan like "For God and Country" while we were forced to convert to Mormonism or something I think I could accept it a little bit more, because then we'd be a real Empire worthy of the name.
it'd be more acceptable to everyone in the sense that you'd no longer be trying to lie to them and swoon them into being your next victim friend, but the actual behaviour itself would obviously not be
So I see those years in education being taught your national language came to nothing then.
Your families native language may be Hungarian but you were born and raised in America thus making English your native language as America is your native homeland.
yeah seriously dude. were you homeschooled and/or a giant spergin shut-in? just by virtue of living in america from a young age you should have good english, let alone being born there
November 15th, 2012, 05:27 AM
the majority are so fucking disinterested they don't care about rectifying the situation. sorry, but all evidence points firmly in the direction you don't like.
Unfortunately that pretty generally is the case.
and who put the government in power, and allows it to stay in power?
certainly not all texans are awful, just apparently 51% or more are
Most people here don't see themselves as having any kind of power to change anything, so they just say fuck it and take the government BS as it comes. I don't think that makes them awful people, just disillusioned. Even most of the Bible thumpers you'll find here are generally well meaning.
November 15th, 2012, 06:32 AM
you gots youself a job to do then, sonny
November 15th, 2012, 10:23 AM
Unfortunately that pretty generally is the case.
Most people here don't see themselves as having any kind of power to change anything, so they just say fuck it and take the government BS as it comes. I don't think that makes them awful people, just disillusioned. Even most of the Bible thumpers you'll find here are generally well meaning.
You and I disagree on a number of things, but you're too damn right here. Thanks for this post. Honestly, this is basically the case with most Southern states.
November 15th, 2012, 12:52 PM
So I see those years in education being taught your national language came to nothing then.
Your families native language may be Hungarian but you were born and raised in America thus making English your native language as America is your native homeland.
Really? It clearly shows you understood what I was saying, and you slam me about this? Growing up in a expanding Spanish speaking region (south east Texas) basically made me take in another language. Is it necessary/mandatory? No, but its nice have if you hope to find a well paying job in the region. Are you capable of taking in 3 languages? Don't think so.
why do you ask? i'm fairly fucking sure you haven't
Do you know me? Because I'm pretty sure I don't fucking know you. I visited the Huntsville penitentiary, along with who were then my high school senior colleagues. Why were we only able to interview fucked up individuals? I ask myself the same question.
November 15th, 2012, 12:57 PM
Whichever language is spoken in Hungary isn't a real language anywhere but there
November 15th, 2012, 03:06 PM
Really? It clearly shows you understood what I was saying, and you slam me about this? Growing up in a expanding Spanish speaking region (south east Texas) basically made me take in another language. Is it necessary/mandatory? No, but its nice have if you hope to find a well paying job in the region. Are you capable of taking in 3 languages? Don't think so.
Am I capable? Yes, Do I wish to on a daily basis? No.
Machen Sie niemals Annahmen über Völker Bildungsniveau, werden Sie sich auf eine Überraschung, vor allem, wenn die Person, die Sie sind beleidigend hat jede Maßnahme, um ein genaues Bild von Ihrer Fähigkeit zu halten übernommen.
La plupart des écoles traditionnelles au Royaume-Uni ont un mandat pour l'enseignement des langues étrangères en place jusqu'Ã* ce les examens finaux juste avant de quitter l'école, ça a été un moment depuis que j'ai quitté l'école, mais la structure de base est toujours lÃ*.
November 15th, 2012, 03:23 PM
Never make assumptions
I should be telling you the same exact thing.
November 15th, 2012, 03:44 PM
I should be telling you the same exact thing.
I've watched your replies, I've not been making assumptions, I've been correlating what you've said to the most likely result.
There's a difference young padawan and you would do well to learn the difference.
You still haven't found any way to refute how bad your opinions are on the death sentence other than you think tough luck to those unlucky to get the wrong end of the lethal stick. (
November 15th, 2012, 04:07 PM
The thing that saddens me about America is that, until recently, there was only one language to learn. And most Americans barely did that. I really didn't have a problem learning Spanish as a kid, but now that I'm in college I'm kind of like fuck that.
November 15th, 2012, 04:56 PM
Whichever language is spoken in Hungary isn't a real language anywhere but there
Not to play devils advocate, The whole purpose of the written and spoken word, is to convey an idea.
As long as the idea is conveyed, the langauge used or the way it's presented is ultimately a moot point.
It's why we have different languages in the first place. Sow Grahma Nazis R SUPID.
November 15th, 2012, 05:10 PM
Not to play devils advocate, The whole purpose of the written and spoken word, is to convey an idea.
As long as the idea is conveyed, the langauge used or the way it's presented is ultimately a moot point.
It's why we have different languages in the first place. Sow Grahma Nazis R SUPID.
Stop countering by sarcasm with legitimate points Bod!
November 15th, 2012, 05:16 PM
Just saiyain'
November 15th, 2012, 06:15 PM
Really? It clearly shows you understood what I was saying, and you slam me about this? Growing up in a expanding Spanish speaking region (south east Texas) basically made me take in another language. Is it necessary/mandatory? No, but its nice have if you hope to find a well paying job in the region. Are you capable of taking in 3 languages? Don't think so.
lol you seriously think you have to be some kind of special fucking snowflake because you can speak three languages? good work. isn't spanish like one of the easiest languages on earth to learn, too? and if your parents speak hungarian at home then it's really not impressive at all that you can speak that
Do you know me? Because I'm pretty sure I don't fucking know you. I visited the Huntsville penitentiary, along with who were then my high school senior colleagues. Why were we only able to interview fucked up individuals? I ask myself the same question.
oh nice so they're actively trying to brainwash children into hating criminals and supporting the death penalty
November 15th, 2012, 06:42 PM
Why should my tax payer money go to feeding/rehabilitating violent murderers that show no remorse?
Fine, we disagree.
Lets move on to what this thread is about.
November 15th, 2012, 06:44 PM
lol you seriously think you have to be some kind of special fucking snowflake because you can speak three languages? good work. isn't spanish like one of the easiest languages on earth to learn, too? and if your parents speak hungarian at home then it's really not impressive at all that you can speak that
oh nice so they're actively trying to brainwash children into hating criminals and supporting the death penalty
Hating criminals based on vial action (rape/murder/etc) is not bad, but killing them because of hatred is stupid. What makes you any better than them?
If someone killed a person that was very close to me, then yeah, hating them and expressing emotion is not bad. Revenge will not do shit, it will not magically cancel out any of the emotional scarring that was done.
Hating is okay to my opinion because emotions make us human, its the actions of murder/revenge that are just animal properties that humanity should/should have evolved from.
Why should my tax payer money go to feeding/rehabilitating violent murderers that show no remorse?
Fine, we disagree.
Lets move on to what this thread is about.
Money should not be the determining factor when a human life (let it be bad or good) is at stake. Do you even pay taxes?
November 15th, 2012, 06:54 PM
Why should my tax payer money go to feeding/rehabilitating violent murderers that show no remorse?
Fine, we disagree.
Lets move on to what this thread is about.
you realise those same people also paid their taxes.
November 15th, 2012, 07:09 PM
Do you even pay taxes?Yes I do.
November 15th, 2012, 08:21 PM
Why should my tax payer money go to feeding/rehabilitating violent murderers that show no remorse?
are you literally fucking retarded or did you just not see the part about the death penalty actually costing more than keeping someone in prison for life (let alone rehabilitating them)
you realise those same people also paid their taxes.
no but you see that doesn't count because they are criminals, furthermore,
November 15th, 2012, 08:24 PM
are you literally fucking retarded or did you just not see the part about the death penalty actually costing more than keeping someone in prison for life (let alone rehabilitating them)
keep the death penalty, just add the option of a swift bullet to the head
Rainbow Dash
November 15th, 2012, 08:38 PM
what an incredible solution!
November 15th, 2012, 08:40 PM
keep the death penalty, just add the option of a swift bullet to the head
great solution!!!! thanks for This Good Post
November 15th, 2012, 09:57 PM
nigga, I want to go out with style.
If you are going to kill me. Kill me with a 50 cal.
November 16th, 2012, 12:58 AM
all fucking retardation aside, honestly, i think having your fucking head blown off by a would be a better way to go.
i don't see how 'wait while you slowly die' can be considered humane, quite the opposite actually.
also, arbiter, after reading the last 5 pages of the horseshit you spilled out of your extra-chromosome-face, i can honestly say you're the new DUMBEST IGNORANT FUCKING MORON of the month.
holy shit nigger, there's a whole new level of fucking retard up in your cuntscab head.
i'm impressed.
November 16th, 2012, 01:26 AM
i'm impressed.
Fucking impossible. Are you telling me the only way to impress you is to go full retard?
November 16th, 2012, 01:53 AM
I say we bring back exile.
November 16th, 2012, 02:12 AM
I say we bring back exile.
November 16th, 2012, 05:14 AM
great solution!!!! thanks for This Good Post
Thank You Man I Thought It Was aGood Post Too!!!11111e3r;wepgjo esr98s8juig
November 16th, 2012, 06:25 AM
Bind them and toss them in the river. If the river rejects them we know they are guilty and can burn them to death. If the river accepts them, they are innocent. Either way, all loose ends are tied up.
November 16th, 2012, 05:33 PM
Plenty of easy ways to make the death penalty more cost effective, bullets being the first.
November 16th, 2012, 05:34 PM
I heard rope wasn't that expensive either.
November 16th, 2012, 09:09 PM
Plenty of easy ways to make the death penalty more cost effective, bullets being the first.
i'm glad you came in here to grace us with your caveman mindset and horrifically bad posting
November 16th, 2012, 11:24 PM
i'm glad you came in here to grace us with your caveman mindset and horrifically bad posting
Rossmum, I'm positive that was blatant sarcasm.
November 17th, 2012, 04:01 AM
Rossmum, I'm positive that was blatant sarcasm.
Its all good bro, just leave him and his jimmies be.
November 17th, 2012, 10:26 AM
Rossmum, I'm positive that was blatant sarcasm.
with his post history it is rather hard to tell
November 18th, 2012, 03:06 PM
with his post history it is rather hard to tell
Your an idiot if you can't tell.
November 18th, 2012, 03:44 PM
Your an idiot if you can't tell.
November 18th, 2012, 03:57 PM
I hate when that happens. Especially when you are calling the other person an idiot....So god damn embarrassing.
November 18th, 2012, 05:15 PM
Britain is for fags*
Texas is for men*
November 18th, 2012, 05:48 PM
Britain is for fags*
Texas is for men*
Yes, let's all insult each other because failed trying to insult others and got called out.:allears:
Texas may be for men, England is for Gentlemen.
November 18th, 2012, 06:12 PM
Yes, let's all insult each other because failed trying to insult others and got called out.:allears:
Texas may be for men, England is for Gentlemen.
Sadly in most parts of America, being a gentlemen won't get you women...Because they expect you to do it.
Now, if you act like an asshole, you get women.
It's upsetting to see some of these smart and beautiful women go after the biggest bag of dicks America has to offer.
November 18th, 2012, 06:39 PM
a bag of dicks is actually pretty pleasant
November 18th, 2012, 06:39 PM
Sadly in most parts of America, being a gentlemen won't get you women...Because they expect you to do it.
Now, if you act like an asshole, you get women.
It's upsetting to see some of these smart and beautiful women go after the biggest bag of dicks America has to offer.
Stop spreading lies.
November 18th, 2012, 07:04 PM
Stop spreading lies.
How can it be a lie when I didn't define a factual quantity? Just using college as my baseline. I should have stated "Most women from the ages 18-24."
Then again, who the fuck is looking for a serious relationship when your in that age category....
November 18th, 2012, 07:44 PM
am 23, have a house that i bought and have owned for the last 2 years, been with my gf for 4 years,
and i'm a nice guy.
November 18th, 2012, 07:57 PM
and i'm a nice guy.
no you're not.
November 18th, 2012, 07:57 PM
am 23, have a house that i bought and have owned for the last 2 years, been with my gf for 4 years,
and i'm a nice guy.
Good for you though.
Maybe it's just Alaska....Home of the ice hearted whores.
November 18th, 2012, 11:32 PM
my gf literally fell into my lap though.
i basically just sat around on my computer all day playing tf2 when one day she walked into my house, friends of a housemate.
November 18th, 2012, 11:38 PM
Your an idiot if you can't tell.
aside from your obvious grammatical error which a literal child could have called you out on, i'd like to remind you (and everyone else) of your long and proud history of having stupid and terrible opinions and just generally being an insufferable shitposter
Britain is for fags*
Texas is for men*
that's the spirit, show your intelligence
Sadly in most parts of America, being a gentlemen won't get you women...Because they expect you to do it.
Now, if you act like an asshole, you get women.
It's upsetting to see some of these smart and beautiful women go after the biggest bag of dicks America has to offer.
i really hope this isn't about to devolve into another one of those wonderful "I HOLD DOORS OPEN FOR THEM AND TELL THEM HOW PRETTY THEY ARE, WHY WON'T THESE VAPID CUNTS JUMP ON MY COCK" misogyny-fests that pop up every other day from the average anime/gaming forum
November 18th, 2012, 11:39 PM
i really hope this isn't about to devolve into another one of those wonderful "I HOLD DOORS OPEN FOR THEM AND TELL THEM HOW PRETTY THEY ARE, WHY WON'T THESE VAPID CUNTS JUMP ON MY COCK" misogyny-fests that pop up every other day from the average anime/gaming forum
just ignore it and it will go away
November 18th, 2012, 11:41 PM
on second thoughts, no, please tell me more. the only direction for this thread is downnnnnnnnn
November 18th, 2012, 11:42 PM
on second thoughts, no, please tell me more. the only direction for this thread is downnnnnnnnn
sometimes I like to masturbate in front of them and when they notice I say "I love you"
for some reason this has not yet worked
explayn plz
November 18th, 2012, 11:47 PM
Get a bigger dik
November 19th, 2012, 12:38 AM
I already lost faith when people actually took me serious...
sometimes I like to masturbate in front of them and when they notice I say "I love you"
for some reason this has not yet worked
explayn plz
This is me when I try to not fap....
November 19th, 2012, 12:46 AM
i'm not a nice guy, and all my girlfriends have been self-proclaimed ice-queens.
maybe it's just my *sharp wit* that breaks the ice.
or my radiant personality that melts the ice.
needless to say, i'm alone again.
November 19th, 2012, 02:19 AM
my gf literally fell into my lap though.
i basically just sat around on my computer all day playing tf2 when one day she walked into my house, friends of a housemate.
funny, something similar happened to me. my room mate last year introduced me to a friend of his because he thought her personality would drive me fucking nuts. we clicked immediately, and i love her to death.
E: i read a book that explained the reason women go for assholes. the gist of it was that women enjoy emotional stimulation, and assholes make them feel "alive", while nice guys are just boring. wish i could remember what that book was called...
are we actually going to get into a serious discussion about this stuff? because ill try to dig it up if we are
November 19th, 2012, 05:29 AM
you can be nice and not boring.
like me.
November 19th, 2012, 06:49 AM
Back on topic, all 50 states now have petitions.
Rainbow Dash
November 19th, 2012, 12:53 PM
neuro is exciting and i wold totes jump on his cock
November 19th, 2012, 01:23 PM
He already screwed the real Rainbow Dash.
November 19th, 2012, 04:39 PM
aside from your obvious grammatical error which a literal child could have called you out on, i'd like to remind you (and everyone else) of your long and proud history of having stupid and terrible opinions and just generally being an insufferable shitposter
Sorry about that, Ross, but I'm gonna go and tell the truth whenever I damn feel like it. For instance, your strange erotic obsession with planes. It's hideous, in fact its only redeeming quality is to divert attention from your stupidity.
November 19th, 2012, 04:59 PM
Sorry about that, Ross, but I'm gonna go and tell the truth whenever I damn feel like it. For instance, your strange erotic obsession with planes. It's hideous, in fact its only redeeming quality is to divert attention from your stupidity.
November 20th, 2012, 03:25 AM
Sorry about that, Ross, but I'm gonna go and tell the truth whenever I damn feel like it. For instance, your strange erotic obsession with planes. It's hideous, in fact its only redeeming quality is to divert attention from your stupidity.
you can -rep him there. youtube supports equality
November 20th, 2012, 06:22 AM
you can -rep him there. youtube supports equality
ah thx man
November 20th, 2012, 07:09 AM
you didnt seriously just go onto his video just to dislike it, did you? and youre trying to argue against being a shit poster? thats some elementary level nonsense right there, man. come on.
November 21st, 2012, 05:36 AM
i'm pretty sure he just did
Sorry about that, Ross, but I'm gonna go and tell the truth whenever I damn feel like it. For instance, your strange erotic obsession with planes. It's hideous, in fact its only redeeming quality is to divert attention from your stupidity.
lol are you literally ten years old?
serious question, you seem to have a comparable mental capacity. if md is one of the more educated states then hoo boy does that explain a lot
edit: okay i would like to remind everybody that the poster in question, higuy, is a mere 17 years old and presumably a spoiled little prick, he clearly has zero understanding of how the real world works because mommy and daddy still wipe his fat ass for him, and he also believes that homosexuality is unnatural and so gay marriage should not be allowed
ladies and gentlemen, higuy.
November 21st, 2012, 06:11 AM
great post would - rep again
November 21st, 2012, 06:29 AM
i'm pretty sure he just did
lol are you literally ten years old?
serious question, you seem to have a comparable mental capacity. if md is one of the more educated states then hoo boy does that explain a lot
edit: okay i would like to remind everybody that the poster in question, higuy, is a mere 17 years old and presumably a spoiled little prick, he clearly has zero understanding of how the real world works because mommy and daddy still wipe his fat ass for him, and he also believes that homosexuality is unnatural and so gay marriage should not be allowed
ladies and gentlemen, higuy.
Dear Plane Obsession Guy,
I'd like to inform you that you are an idiot. If you seriously take half of the things said on this forum as serious, and especially things coming out of my mouth on an online forum that I could sincerely care less about, then I'm going to definitely assume you have the capacity of a ten year old.
Lastly, you do not know me. For all I know your 'mommy and daddy' could be rich as the next guy and you could have you very own plane to jack off to. If that was the case it would help reinforce my last post.
Ladies and gentlemen, Plane Obsession Guy.
November 21st, 2012, 06:43 AM
quality post, would tell you to get over yourself and -rep you again!
November 21st, 2012, 07:58 AM
Wow this thread was derailed hard. Guys, stop having a bitch festival and get on the fucking topic.
November 21st, 2012, 10:57 AM
quality post, would tell you to get over yourself and -rep you again!
Thank You Man Would + Rep Again For Your Quality Post 9/10 Would Read Again
November 21st, 2012, 11:23 AM
They see him trolling, they can't tell....
November 21st, 2012, 01:51 PM
They see him trolling, they can't tell....
November 21st, 2012, 05:09 PM
Rossmum, I fear that you would lose to an army of five trolls...
November 21st, 2012, 07:01 PM
Rossmum, I fear that you would lose to an army of five trolls...
That's a bit gracious. He's lost to only 3 here.
Rainbow Dash
November 21st, 2012, 07:23 PM
You can call it trolling if you like, but the fact of the matter is that no matter what you try to pass it off as, it's still bad posting, and you bad posters should feel bad about being giant pieces of shit!
November 21st, 2012, 09:22 PM
Someone's been deleting posts again...
November 21st, 2012, 09:23 PM
I could sincerely care less about
If you can sincerely care less, it means you still care.
November 21st, 2012, 09:26 PM
If you can sincerely care less, it means you still care.
lol owned
November 21st, 2012, 09:28 PM
You can call it trolling if you like, but the fact of the matter is that no matter what you try to pass it off as, it's still bad posting, and you bad posters should feel bad about being giant pieces of shit!
Psshh. Remember the good all days on these forums when people would put effort into gaming artwork instead of walls of text.
Pepperidge farm remembers....
I mean how the fuck did this forum change from a artist showcase to a political fuck fest?
November 21st, 2012, 09:36 PM
They see him trolling, they can't tell....
since the overwhelming majority of posters on this site are so unbelieveably stupid they couldn't find their own asshole with both hands, it is very difficult to tell, especially when they have a reputation for posting really stupid arguments in support of horrible opinions
also, trolling is not a catchall backpedal for when someone calls you out on your terrible posting. legitimate trolling tends to actually be witty, something most people on this site understandably have difficulty with since they all come from the cesspit that is 4chan and unironically believe any shitpost can be called trolling and that automatically makes you safe from criticism. nope, sorry, that is called shitposting and it is not funny or cool.
If you can sincerely care less, it means you still care.
behold, an intelligent life form at last
November 21st, 2012, 09:49 PM
tl;dr somones mad wouldn't read - rep
So, who's the whore deleting my posts?
November 21st, 2012, 09:54 PM
i don't know, maybe it is the forum's immune system
November 21st, 2012, 09:57 PM
i don't know, maybe it is the forum's immune system
November 21st, 2012, 10:00 PM
Maybe it's someone in a virtual plane that swoops down into the page with a big type of net, a dude sits in the back and catches up glorious posts such as mine, devours them to become more knowledgeable, and then they both ride away into the sunset.
And no, your not driving the plane. Or handling the net. Sorry.
November 21st, 2012, 10:02 PM
why do you keep talking about planes, i don't get it, do you have some sort of weird obsession with them or something
November 21st, 2012, 10:04 PM
why do you keep talking about planes, i don't get it, do you have some sort of weird obsession with them or something
No, my obsession lies with chocolate, but we all know that your obsession is with planes. It's alright to express yourself, Ross.
November 21st, 2012, 10:08 PM
i dunno i don't really talk about planes much, i like them and think they're neat but i don't really centre my life around them or anything
November 21st, 2012, 10:26 PM
Ross's obsession is realism and details supporting all facets. Video games, politics, economics...
November 22nd, 2012, 01:28 AM
since the overwhelming majority of posters on this site are so unbelieveably stupid they couldn't find their own asshole with both hands, it is very difficult to tell, especially when they have a reputation for posting really stupid arguments in support of horrible opinions
also, trolling is not a catchall backpedal for when someone calls you out on your terrible posting. legitimate trolling tends to actually be witty, something most people on this site understandably have difficulty with since they all come from the cesspit that is 4chan and unironically believe any shitpost can be called trolling and that automatically makes you safe from criticism. nope, sorry, that is called shitposting and it is not funny or cool.
I thought trolling was a artful form of making an individual infuriated or to illicit a reaction based on easily inflammatory verbiage in which the intended target makes a big deal out of it which is actually nothing.
November 22nd, 2012, 02:05 AM
Here's the thing, it's not trolling since you actually believe the shit you post.
November 22nd, 2012, 02:07 AM
I thought trolling was a artful form of making an individual infuriated or to illicit a reaction based on easily inflammatory verbiage in which the intended target makes a big deal out of it which is actually nothing.
whoa there cowboy. This is the internet, there's no need for all those big words.
November 22nd, 2012, 02:18 AM
whoa there cowboy. This is the internet, there's no need for all those big words.
Of course, unlike real life, you actually have time to think about what you want to say.
mb urban dicktionary?
November 22nd, 2012, 02:20 AM
Quick, someone get me a thesaurus!
November 23rd, 2012, 10:20 AM
November 23rd, 2012, 10:32 AM
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