December 4th, 2012, 01:31 AM
Hi forum-goers.
As many of you play SC2 daily, I'm sure you've gone through quite a few losing streaks in your times playing. Lately, I've hit a pretty nasty 5-game-losing-streak and it's doing more to discourage me than teach me what I'm doing wrong. I feel like I'm not playing as well as I could and sluggish would probably be the best word to describe my playing now. As a result, I'd like to inquire support in ways to help move past these losing streaks, as psychology and health are major aspects of playing SC2 well no matter which league you're in. Here are a few simple tips I have from my late experience:
-Make sure to stretch and get away for a bit every two games. Doing so will calm you down and recharge you a bit for future matches.
-If matches are too strenuous, do something not as strenuous or vent if you need it. Catharsis (the psychological term for describing actions that allow one to properly ventilate) is important when doing any strenuous activity.
-Eat! Food fuels your brain and allows you to think straighter. This is a general life rule as it gives you valuable energy your brain needs energy to think to begin with.
-Hydrate! Water is important and is the healthiest option of drinkage when you're playing. It can help calm you down if you're beginning to get restless. Even more so, dehydration or lack of water can lead to exhaustion and make it difficult to think period.
-Sleep! Rest! Nothing beats if the past stuff can't help.
That's what I got right now. I hope this goes through and helps people who are not feeling well in SC2. As I said, please feel free to add more suggestions and I'll add them to the OP for people to see.
At the same time though, I feel it's important that people be there for each other when they're down or at least offer to help when someone is doing not so well. One can only take care of oneself before his or her own psych breaks down. I really would like to see something happen out of this thread because I feel people need more than just race "help me" threads to get through a game as demanding as SC2 can be. At the human aspect, people need support, so I would like it if this thread did that. I know this is kind of a corny thread, but I feel like it's important to remind people that they're human and that they can always do better. It'll be okay if you stick it through and care for yourself in the process!
"When I starting play I very disappointing and very sad after my lose. If you want to make one goal to win you must lose. You can't win all games. We are people, you make mistake. You're not computer. And if you understand your mistake when you lose you just can make analysis game and continue play try to fix it, and it's no problem. More GG, more skill." - WhiteRa
Hope this helps someone!
Try listening to people who try to help you improve instead of saying crap like "I play for fun" or thinking you know better to disregard the advice zilla and I give you. If you did you wouldn't be in the bottom 20% of all sc2 players.
As many of you play SC2 daily, I'm sure you've gone through quite a few losing streaks in your times playing. Lately, I've hit a pretty nasty 5-game-losing-streak and it's doing more to discourage me than teach me what I'm doing wrong. I feel like I'm not playing as well as I could and sluggish would probably be the best word to describe my playing now. As a result, I'd like to inquire support in ways to help move past these losing streaks, as psychology and health are major aspects of playing SC2 well no matter which league you're in. Here are a few simple tips I have from my late experience:
-Make sure to stretch and get away for a bit every two games. Doing so will calm you down and recharge you a bit for future matches.
-If matches are too strenuous, do something not as strenuous or vent if you need it. Catharsis (the psychological term for describing actions that allow one to properly ventilate) is important when doing any strenuous activity.
-Eat! Food fuels your brain and allows you to think straighter. This is a general life rule as it gives you valuable energy your brain needs energy to think to begin with.
-Hydrate! Water is important and is the healthiest option of drinkage when you're playing. It can help calm you down if you're beginning to get restless. Even more so, dehydration or lack of water can lead to exhaustion and make it difficult to think period.
-Sleep! Rest! Nothing beats if the past stuff can't help.
That's what I got right now. I hope this goes through and helps people who are not feeling well in SC2. As I said, please feel free to add more suggestions and I'll add them to the OP for people to see.
At the same time though, I feel it's important that people be there for each other when they're down or at least offer to help when someone is doing not so well. One can only take care of oneself before his or her own psych breaks down. I really would like to see something happen out of this thread because I feel people need more than just race "help me" threads to get through a game as demanding as SC2 can be. At the human aspect, people need support, so I would like it if this thread did that. I know this is kind of a corny thread, but I feel like it's important to remind people that they're human and that they can always do better. It'll be okay if you stick it through and care for yourself in the process!
"When I starting play I very disappointing and very sad after my lose. If you want to make one goal to win you must lose. You can't win all games. We are people, you make mistake. You're not computer. And if you understand your mistake when you lose you just can make analysis game and continue play try to fix it, and it's no problem. More GG, more skill." - WhiteRa
Hope this helps someone!
Try listening to people who try to help you improve instead of saying crap like "I play for fun" or thinking you know better to disregard the advice zilla and I give you. If you did you wouldn't be in the bottom 20% of all sc2 players.