View Full Version : Halo O.D.S.T. New Custom Singleplayer series for Halo Custom Edition

Private Caboose
January 2nd, 2013, 09:32 AM
DISCLAIMER: This is not associated with 343i, Microsoft Games Studios, or Microsoft in any way, exception being the use of the Halo Custom Edition engine and assets. Not part of the Halo story.

Hello all, I'm Hiralis and I'm representing HPMT and I am showing off the O.D.S.T series. The video quality may not be amazing, but it's there.

Teaser 1 by M16 Assault (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OO473Njr9K8)

Fun with Grunts http://www.343industries.org/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyh71WJSLUc)

The ODST series follows ODST Hawthorne of the White Horse regiment. After a covenant attack on an orbital facility around Installation02, you and your squad drop onto the ring in an attempt to survive. Regroup with the rest of Alpha squad, find the director, and take the fight to the covenant and kick them off the Halo Ring with the help of The Perilous Expedition, a prototype, new Hiroshima Class Frigate.

This custom singleplayer series is a 4 levels series that introduces the Halo Custom Edition engine into a new world, very similar to Project Lurmoia (http://www.lumoriace.com/), but shows off the beauty and aesthetics in the Halo CE engine, without the implementation of Open Sauce, a GFX add on that increases Halo CE's graphics engine to one that looks like a current gen title. Each level is named respectively, 1 Orbital, 2 Drop, 3 Shock, and 4 Troopers.

Enough words, time for pics http://www.343industries.org/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png





Meet the squad








Enjoy looking, crit please http://www.343industries.org/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png

If anyone is willing to voice act, email me any, or all, of these lines at hiralis@live.com.au

I'm open to any approach on these lines:

Sarge: Alright Helljumpers, get set for hard drop. We hit the launch as soon as I'm in the pod, so you better be in before I am. The covenant are attacking the facility, they're neutralized our defenses meaning we have to take this to the ground. Hawthorne, take point. Smith, Waters, take the flanks, Schulz, take the rear, everyone else, with me. Malarkey, Matthews, get rid of those rifles and use a battle rifle. There's no use for those things on this station, too cramped. Boots on and jump into hell boys!

Helljumpers: Hoo-rah

~ ~ ~ ~

Smith: Lucky bastards, they get all the fun.

Malarkey: Hey, I'd rather be on a ground game than a space battle any time.

Smith: Good point.

~ ~ ~ ~

DIrector: Attention all hands, the covenant are attacking. All essential personel, head to evac shuttles. ODST squads November through Zulu, cover each evac shuttle bay from the Covenant.

~ ~ ~ ~

Scientist: It's nothing like I've ever seen! I'm amazed at this technology.

If you're willing to help out, email me and I'll see if there's anything for you to do http://www.343industries.org/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png


January 2nd, 2013, 04:31 PM
I'm not seeing anything impressive ATM. Right now the bsp's look poorly modeled, and to me it just looks like a bunch of empty areas with AI. I don't know how much more work you have. But to me it looks like everything could use a lot of work. Especially if you want it on-par with lumoria (which shouldn't be to difficult tbh).

I do like the hud, and I like the idea. I'd like to see more after some more work is done.

January 2nd, 2013, 06:20 PM
First Caboose, I want to tell you that every ounce of criticism given on this site needs to be taken with a grain of salt. Your work is still in Alpha and as fun or custom as it is, this stuff is still very far from done. I just wanted that out of the way. Please acknowledge.

Since this is so early in development, I will simply tell you what I don't like and what could be improved, even if you have such intentions to do in the future:
-In the teaser, the ground of the BSPs have ZERO rocks, boulders, and other geographical formations. The ground surface needs more variation in level and needs obstacles. Those trees are alright, but there needs to be much more.
-Don't give Grunts shields. It ruins their design concept and can easily make encounters redundant if more than Elites or Brutes have energy shields. Trust me, as someone who has worked on gameplay in this engine for as long as I've been in HCE (since 2007), you don't want to mess with fundamental aspects of Grunts. They are supposed to be vulnerable, numerous, and easy to kill with anything at any time.
-I don't like the HUD at all, but that's just personal taste. I will say that the yellow needs to be a lighter hue and more of a gradient.

Honestly that's all I can tell you right now given how early it is. I personally do not believe now is the time to post on this particular forum because all feedback will be very direct and hyper critical, if not mostly true. I'd lock this thread for now and at a later point come back with more polished, completed content. That's just me though.

Private Caboose
January 2nd, 2013, 06:54 PM
The specops grunts have fairly weak shields, being about 20 and their health 60 (standard specops health). I'm only applying them to the specops class, and I may be removing it eventually. It'll only take an extra 2 AR bullets to bring them down. As for the other crit, I can sort of understand what you mean. I've completely redone the scenery placement to allow for proper AI pathfinding, and I've modeled a few custom rocks for the level, that I'm not sure should get in. I've been told a lot that the ground needs more height variation, so I'll be scrapping the scenery (again) and restarting with another blank canvas (scenery wise). I'll also start a ground unwrap today so you know where to go when you exit the HEV pod.